[ { "lang": "zh", "branch": "", "country": "us", "name": "駐美國台北經濟文化代表處", "path": "/us/", "items": [ { "title": "本處俞大使應邀接受台灣Yahoo TV「齊有此理」節目視訊專訪", "content": "



\n", "date": "2024-04-11 08:34:02", "url": "http://www.roc-taiwan.org/us/post/15371.html" }, { "title": "駐美國台北經濟文化代表處教育組徵聘全職或臨時僱用人員", "content": "



\n一、 起僱日期:面談
\n二、 待遇:面談
\n三、 工作期間:面談,周一至周五每日上午8時30分至下午5時30分之間。
\n四、 應備條件:
\n1. 大學畢業。
\n2. 中、英文流利。
\n3. 具美國國籍或美國合法居留權及工作權。
\n4. 有美國駕照,無重大肇事紀錄。
\n5. 具電腦文書處理能力 (中、英文輸入、Microsoft Office文書軟體)。
\n6. 身家清白,無犯罪紀錄。
\n7. 具服務熱忱,能配合本處公務需要加班。
\n五、 報名截止:2024年4月30日。
\n六、 報名方式:意者請將書面中、英文簡歷、護照、合法居留權及工作權資料郵寄或電郵寄送本處職缺單位,聯絡資料如下:
\n1. 郵寄:Education Division
\nTaipei Economic and Cultural Representative
\nOffice in the United States
\n4201 Wisconsin Avenue, NW
\nWashington, DC 20016
\n2. 電郵:suzentseng@mofa.gov.tw
\n3. 電話:曾秘書 (202) 895 1916

\n", "date": "2024-04-05 07:16:22", "url": "http://www.roc-taiwan.org/us/post/15347.html" }, { "title": "大手牽小手一起上班趣,TECRO員工一日體驗", "content": "

\n", "date": "2024-04-05 03:04:17", "url": "http://www.roc-taiwan.org/us/post/15330.html" }, { "title": "本處俞大使應邀接受「維吉尼亞州經濟評論」季刊專訪", "content": "

\n", "date": "2024-04-04 02:28:45", "url": "http://www.roc-taiwan.org/us/post/15320.html" }, { "title": "本處鄭榮俊公使參加魏德聖導演新作品《BIG》放映會", "content": "

\n", "date": "2024-03-26 02:19:22", "url": "http://www.roc-taiwan.org/us/post/15315.html" }, { "title": "俞大使夫婦在雙橡園歡迎台灣導演魏德聖 及僑界先進", "content": "



\n", "date": "2024-03-25 21:27:47", "url": "http://www.roc-taiwan.org/us/post/15301.html" }, { "title": "本處退伍軍人事務組赴德州悼念抗戰期間在美殉職空軍先烈", "content": "




\n", "date": "2024-03-15 22:54:21", "url": "http://www.roc-taiwan.org/us/post/15279.html" }, { "title": "逾40位美國會參、眾議員連袂出席,歡迎新任駐美代表俞大㵢到任暨紀念《台灣關係法》立法45週年酒會", "content": "

美國會參、眾兩院「台灣連線」及本處共同於本(3)月6日下午在美國國會山莊舉辦歡迎新任駐美代表俞大㵢到任暨紀念《台灣關係法》立法45週年酒會。共有42位聯邦參、眾議員出席,除兩院「台灣連線」共同主席外,還包括聯邦眾院榮譽議長裴洛西(Nancy Pelosi, D-CA)、參院「軍事」委員會共和黨首席議員Roger Wicker (R-MS)及「外交」委員會共和黨首席議員Jim Risch (R-ID)、眾院「外交」委員會主席Michael McCaul (R-TX)、民主黨黨團會議副主席劉雲平(Ted Lieu, D-CA)及共和黨黨團會議秘書長Lisa McClain (R-MI)等多位重量級國會議員。美國在台協會(AIT)主席羅森柏格(Laura Rosenberger)亦與會,氣氛至為熱絡。


眾院「國會台灣連線」共同主席Mario Diaz-Balart (R-FL)及Ami Bera (D-CA)首先代表歡迎俞大使夫婦,並強調《台灣關係法》與美國國會對台灣的跨黨派支持是台美堅實夥伴關係的基石。






參院共和黨領袖Mitch McConnell (R-KY)特別於活動同日在院會發表談話紀念《台灣關係法》立法45週年,強調45年來,台灣持續展現卓越韌性,包括強健民主、活躍公民社會及現代與創新的高科技經濟發展。美國今日對自身能力與國防產能的投資,將向印太盟友展現美國重視該區域及在該區域的戰略競爭。面對中國軍力現代化及軍事預算大幅增加,台灣清楚瞭解嚇阻與擊敗侵略的重要性。美國應透過加強軍事投資堅定支持友人與對抗對手。 過去45年來,台美雙方在《台灣關係法》的基礎上密切合作,發展出穩固與堅實的雙邊關係,未來將在既有的成果上,持續深化並拓展互惠雙贏的台美夥伴關係。


\"Amb. \"Speaker \"Sen. \"Sen. \"Rep. \"AIT \"group \"group



\n", "date": "2024-03-07 23:56:29", "url": "http://www.roc-taiwan.org/us/post/15260.html" }, { "title": "「華盛頓時報」刊出本處俞大使專文,指出中國片面宣佈改變M503航線偏置等作為危害台海航空安全", "content": "





\n", "date": "2024-03-01 22:43:24", "url": "http://www.roc-taiwan.org/us/post/15227.html" }, { "title": "台美完成簽署「國際發展合作瞭解備忘錄」", "content": "

駐美代表俞大㵢大使於美東時間本(2)月22日上午與美國在台協會(AIT)執行理事藍鶯(Ingrid Larson)共同簽署「台美國際發展合作備忘錄」,美國際開發金融公司(U.S. International Development Financial Corporation, DFC)及國務院相關官員亦曾到場見證。財團法人國際合作發展基金會(ICDF)及DFC將在合作備忘錄的架構下,就健康照護、婦女賦權、資通訊、農業、氣候、能源、中小企業及基礎建設等領域探索合作機會。






\"AIT_TECRO_DFC_Large_Group\" \"Larson_Yui_Signing\" \"photo_6251538424083365571_y\"

\n", "date": "2024-02-23 04:23:23", "url": "http://www.roc-taiwan.org/us/post/15199.html" }, { "title": "本處俞大使應邀接受美國晚間新聞節目「公共電視網新聞時段」(PBS NewsHour) 專訪", "content": "

\n", "date": "2024-02-22 23:32:00", "url": "http://www.roc-taiwan.org/us/post/15191.html" }, { "title": "本處俞大使及夫人歡迎「華府國際迎新會」參訪雙橡園!", "content": "
本處俞大使及夫人羅美珍女士於本(113)年2月21日在雙橡園主持歡迎「華府國際迎新會」(Welcome to Washington International Club)之台灣文化酒會,包含會長Lea Hesse、使館聯絡主任Sheila Switzer等該會會員及國際友人約60人蒞臨,現場互動熱絡、氣氛溫馨。

<iframe src=\"https://www.facebook.com/plugins/post.php?href=https%3A%2F%2Fwww.facebook.com%2FTECRO.USA%2Fposts%2Fpfbid02sB7CLM9GYEBoYFj9rCPDqd2e3M9UjDUU3jYf2RmGJxdUYWKo7cbhRrgyaRYxRxw6l&show_text=true&width=500\" width=\"500\" height=\"250\" style=\"border:none;overflow:hidden\" scrolling=\"no\" frameborder=\"0\" allowfullscreen=\"true\" allow=\"autoplay; clipboard-write; encrypted-media; picture-in-picture; web-share\"></iframe>

\n", "date": "2024-02-22 00:21:35", "url": "http://www.roc-taiwan.org/us/post/15213.html" }, { "title": "本處俞大使接受「全美公共廣播電台」(NPR)專訪", "content": "



\n", "date": "2024-02-16 22:14:14", "url": "http://www.roc-taiwan.org/us/post/15176.html" }, { "title": "駐美國代表處俞大使大㵢在雙橡園款宴「全美州務卿協會」(NASS)2024年冬季年會貴賓", "content": "






駐美國代表處俞大使大於本(2024)年29日在雙橡園宴請全美州務卿協會National Association of Secretaries of State, NASS)冬季年會成員,以深化交流,計有現任NASS會長Scott Schwab(堪薩斯州州務卿)等多位州務卿、副州長及年會貴賓逾百人與會,氣氛熱絡,賓主盡歡。




該會會長Scott Schwab感謝本處盛情款宴,並恭賀台灣上(1)13日順利舉行第16屆總統、副總統大選及第11屆立法委員選舉。












\n", "date": "2024-02-14 05:59:20", "url": "http://www.roc-taiwan.org/us/post/15140.html" }, { "title": "本(2024)年2月19日(星期一)為華盛頓總統誕辰紀念日,駐美國台北經濟文化代表處放假一天", "content": "




\n", "date": "2024-02-14 05:53:17", "url": "http://www.roc-taiwan.org/us/post/15138.html" }, { "title": "駐美代表處俞大使夫婦率同仁員眷參加華府華埠春節遊行", "content": "



\n", "date": "2024-02-14 00:27:56", "url": "http://www.roc-taiwan.org/us/post/15126.html" }, { "title": "本處退伍軍人事務組誠徵全職僱用人員一名", "content": "



Taipei Economic and Cultural Representative Office


in the United States


公 告



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      熟悉電腦中、英輸入及文書處理軟體 (WordExcelPower PointPDFODF)之應用操作能力。

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Veterans Affairs Division (Attn: Personnel)


Taipei Economic and Cultural Representative Office in the United States


4201 Wisconsin Avenue, NW Washington, DC 20016

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駐美國代表處 敬啟


20242月 12日

\n", "date": "2024-02-13 07:25:20", "url": "http://www.roc-taiwan.org/us/post/15122.html" }, { "title": "國家亞洲藝術博物館將於3月1日放映其百周年委託創作-蔡明亮導演行者新作《無所住》! 敬請共襄盛舉!", "content": "

國際名導蔡明亮最新行者系列作品-《無所住》為去(2023)年美國史密森尼國家亞洲藝術博物館百年慶典的委託作品,該片除將於本(2024)年柏林影展期間辦理世界首映,也將於3月1日晚間7時在該館梅爾廳(Meyer Auditorium)舉行美國首映,並由蔡明亮導演與演員李康生、亞儂弘尙希以線上方式參與映後座談,該場次入場券已開放預約。本片除由該館委託製作之外,也獲中華民國文化部贊助,並由臺灣公共電視合資製作。


《無所住》(英文名Abiding Nowhere)是蔡導演自2012年以來獨立製作的行者系列第十部作品。該片是蔡導演受到七世紀僧侶玄奘從中國步行到印度,成為著名文學作品《西遊記》的靈感啟發。行者系列的所有作品都是以李康生身著佛教僧袍的形象為特色,在片中緩慢移動,與世界各地的城市中的風景和人們互動。


史密森尼國家亞洲藝術博物館館長Chase F. Robinson表示,該片為蔡明亮導演系列影片第一部在美國製作的作品,「我想感謝蔡明亮在我們百年慶典期間策劃出如此創造性的作品,來呈現我們國家亞洲藝術博物館。並恭喜本片入選柏林國際電影節。」促成此案的該館電影部資深策展人Tom Vick更表示:「作為蔡明亮作品的長期粉絲,能夠委託他製作電影是一種榮幸。他以他的角度來描繪我們博物館和華盛頓特區的手法,也讓我以一種全新的視野來重新看待這些景物。」




更多本活動相關新聞請參考: https://www.si.edu/newsdesk/releases/national-museum-asian-art-announces-premiere-centennial-commissioned-film-abiding





\n", "date": "2024-02-09 05:53:44", "url": "http://www.roc-taiwan.org/us/post/15110.html" }, { "title": "大華府地區臺灣同學會聯合會(FTSADC)舉辦 「2024年春酒聯歡晚會」", "content": "









\"1\" \"3\" \"2\" \"4\" \"5\"

\n", "date": "2024-02-06 06:26:05", "url": "http://www.roc-taiwan.org/us/post/15091.html" }, { "title": "本處俞大使接受「美聯社」(the Associated Press)專訪", "content": "



\n", "date": "2024-01-26 06:31:44", "url": "http://www.roc-taiwan.org/us/post/15050.html" }, { "title": "公告:由於冬季風雪,本處本(2024)年1月19日(星期五)領務櫃台將於上午11時開放服務。", "content": "




\n", "date": "2024-01-19 22:58:14", "url": "http://www.roc-taiwan.org/us/post/15029.html" }, { "title": "本(2024)年1月15日(星期一)為美國「金恩博士誕辰紀念日」,駐美國台北經濟文化代表處該日休假,屆時領務櫃台亦暫停服務。", "content": "


\n", "date": "2024-01-11 06:14:28", "url": "http://www.roc-taiwan.org/us/post/14998.html" }, { "title": "2024年大華府地區元旦升旗活動圓滿舉行", "content": "

大華府地區黃埔同學會、榮光聯誼會以及華府台灣同鄉聯誼會等三社團於2024年1月1日在馬州洛克維爾市(Rockville)的Richard Montgomery高中戶外舉辦元旦升旗典禮。








\n", "date": "2024-01-05 01:31:58", "url": "http://www.roc-taiwan.org/us/post/14936.html" } ] }, { "lang": "zh", "branch": "", "country": "bn", "name": "駐汶萊台北經濟文化辦事處", "path": "/bn/", "items": [ { "title": "|中華民國第62屆十大傑出青年選拔活動正式開跑|", "content": "






\n", "date": "2024-04-22 11:06:29", "url": "http://www.roc-taiwan.org/bn/post/16538.html" }, { "title": "衛生福利部公設財團法人賑災基金會 公布 0403 花蓮震災捐款帳號", "content": "

衛生福利部公設財團法人賑災基金會 公布 0403 花蓮震災捐款帳號




113年4月3日花蓮發生芮氏規模7.2地震,感謝災後國際社會透過各種管道表達關懷,為結合政府及民間力量協助花蓮震災受災民眾,公設財團法人賑災基金會開立捐款專戶,接受外界捐款,募款期間至 5月3日止。














(二) NAME:「Taiwan Foundation for Disaster Relief」


(三) Account NO. : 「102-005-19895-7」




(五) ADDRESS:「No. 156, Changchun Rd., Zhongshan District, Taipei City 10459, Taiwan(R.O.C.)」。








一、 匯款










二、 線上捐款平台,平台皆免相關手續費






(二)Line Pay:進入Line App進入錢包主頁後,點選「體驗完整Line Pay服務」,選擇「愛心捐款」,即可點選「0403花蓮震災募款專案」,再點選「財團法人賑災基金會」進行捐款,用戶可選擇已綁定之銀行信用卡、簽帳金融卡進行捐款。











\n", "date": "2024-04-17 16:55:06", "url": "http://www.roc-taiwan.org/bn/post/16528.html" }, { "title": "|歡迎觀看外交部留台校友會(TAA)舉辦「TAA校園宣傳大使」任命活動直播及「TAA春季直播交流會」|", "content": "

為強化與各國留台校友之聯繫,外交部業於上(2023)年11月成立「留台校友會」(Taiwan Alumni Association, TAA)臉書粉絲專頁,特訂於本(2024)年4月26日下午3時舉辦上半年「臺灣獎學金計畫學業傑出表現獎」頒獎暨「TAA校園宣傳大使」任命活動,邀請前揭獎項共40名獲獎生擔任TAA校園宣傳大使,協助利用社群媒體宣傳該部TAA臉書,並積極參與該部TAA活動。


前揭活動後另將接續辦理「TAA春季直播交流會」,以「台獎生在台求學歷程」為題,邀請曾為獎學金受獎生之聖克里斯多福及尼維斯駐台大使范東亞(Donya Francis)及上述傑出表現獎獲獎生分享在台求學經驗,並與線上粉絲交流互動。


外交部田政務次長中光將蒞臨致詞及頒獎,活動全程將於TAA臉書粉專直播。檢附該部 TAA臉書粉專連結QR Code,敬請參考,並踴躍線上觀看直播、按讚或留言互動。



\n", "date": "2024-04-17 13:23:50", "url": "http://www.roc-taiwan.org/bn/post/16521.html" }, { "title": "113學年度(西元2024年)四年制產學合作學士海青班學校單獨招生報名至2024年5月10日止", "content": "






\n", "date": "2024-04-09 11:18:03", "url": "http://www.roc-taiwan.org/bn/post/16494.html" }, { "title": "「海外僑胞回國參加中華民國第16任總統、副總統就職慶典活動」開放報名中", "content": "








  1. 個別僑胞自即日起至5月10日止,採網路、傳真或通訊方式辦理。
  2. \n
  3. 僑胞辦理組團回國須於即日起至4月30日止,至該會網站「僑務委員會歡迎海外僑胞回國參加中華民國第16任總統、副總統就職慶典」活動專區辦理僑團線上報名(網址:https://president.ocac.gov.tw),敬請完成線上報名後,於5月3日前將團冊及團員名冊列印擲交駐汶萊代表處辦理。
  4. \n









更多詳情,請參考: https://president.ocac.gov.tw



\n", "date": "2024-04-04 13:53:44", "url": "http://www.roc-taiwan.org/bn/post/16468.html" }, { "title": "第8屆亞太區農業技術展覽暨會議", "content": "












\n", "date": "2024-04-02 13:27:43", "url": "http://www.roc-taiwan.org/bn/post/16450.html" }, { "title": "本處史大使應邀為汶萊科技大學師生就我國情及台灣高等教育演講事", "content": "



為增進本處與汶萊科技大學(Universiti Teknologi Brunei, UTB) 之交流,進而有利推動臺汶高等教育之合作,本處史大使應UTB傳播研究所之邀請,於本(3)月25日為該所碩士班課程學生演講,介紹有關我國情及本處於汶萊推動雙邊經貿、教育、文化、觀光旅遊以及公眾外交等領域合作之情形,並簡介我國高等教育現況、獎學金與實習等,歡迎該校學生赴臺灣進修,另就臺灣穆斯林友善環境加以說明,鼓勵其等赴台觀光。簡報後並進行問題詢答,深入交換意見。































\n", "date": "2024-03-27 15:02:27", "url": "http://www.roc-taiwan.org/bn/post/16429.html" }, { "title": "文化部翻譯出版獎勵計畫事", "content": "





(一)徵件時間:113年4月1日起至4月30日止(依臺灣時間 GMT+8為準)。


(二)獎勵對象:依外國法令合法登記或立案之出版事業(法 人)。


(三)被翻譯作品須為臺灣作家(具中華民國國籍)之正體中文 字原創出版作品。


(四)優先獎勵獲本部金鼎獎、金漫獎、臺灣文學金典獎等書 籍 ( 參 見 https://booksfromtaiwan.tw/ 、 https://gca.moc.gov.tw/home/en-us),另臺灣文史主題相 關書籍、系列或整套臺灣圖書亦納入優先獎勵範圍。


(五)獎勵項目之行銷推廣費不再僅限補助國際機票費,惟申 請此項者須提出具體推廣計畫,並於提交獲獎計畫成果 第 2 頁 共 2 頁 前執行完成;計畫內容含作家赴當地座談或新書發表等 活動者優先考量獎勵。


(六)每案獎勵額度上限為新臺幣60萬元(含所得稅及匯款手 續費)。


(七)採網路申請,請於申請期間至本部英文版獎補助資訊網 網頁(https://grants.moc.gov.tw/Web_ENG/)進入網路報名 系統,完成申請程序。










Application Guidelines

\n", "date": "2024-03-27 13:18:24", "url": "http://www.roc-taiwan.org/bn/post/16401.html" }, { "title": "駐汶萊代表處史大使亞平應邀出席台灣高等教育展", "content": "




































\n", "date": "2024-03-22 11:20:04", "url": "http://www.roc-taiwan.org/bn/post/16316.html" }, { "title": "協助企業延攬國際人才!", "content": "
Talent Taiwan透過諮詢服務中心及入口網站,以一站式的服務,協助企業辦理各項延攬國際人才之行政程序(如申辦工作許可、簽證等),以及解決國際人才來台與在台就業、住房、開戶、教育、稅務及勞健保等相關問題 。
Talent Taiwan的服務對象包含特定專業領域的就業金卡持卡人、其他各領域的一般外國專業人才以及他們的眷屬。歡迎有外國人才需求的企業,可以透過Talent Taiwan服務協助延攬人才。也歡迎大家把Talent Taiwan的服務分享給你想來台灣工作發展的外國朋友 !
Talent Taiwan國際人才服務及延攬中心
電話:+886 2 7733 7660
網站 https://talent.nat.gov.tw/en
\"\" \"\" \"\" \"\" \"\" \"\" \"\"
\n", "date": "2024-03-18 10:13:21", "url": "http://www.roc-taiwan.org/bn/post/16311.html" }, { "title": "台灣經濟女力 破繭而出 展翅紐約", "content": "

第68屆聯合國「婦女地位委員會」大會(The Commission on the Status of Women, CSW)將於今(2024)年3月11日至22日在紐約舉行,外交部將續與我國NGO合作,於該大會期間在紐約舉辦「台灣性別平等週」(Taiwan Gender Equality Week, TGEW)系列活動,為呼應本屆CSW大會主題,今年活動將以「促進婦女經濟權能」為主軸進行規劃,從文化角度展現台灣推動婦女賦權及性別平權過程中,女性突破傳統框架,帶領產業創新及經濟發展的努力與貢獻。


今年「台灣主場論壇暨台灣女力文化體驗」預定於美東時間3月13日晚間6時(台北時間3月14日上午6時)在我駐紐約辦事處舉辦,將以「Fostering Women and Girls’ Financial Resilience」作為論壇主題,邀請金融研訓院黃崇哲院長與全球性平夥伴分享我公私協力提升女性經濟力及金融決策參與權的成功案例,另國際女法律人聯盟(International Federation of Women in Legal Careers, FIFCJ)副主席史考特(Denise Scotto)及美國前國務院全球婦女議題無任所大使Kelley Currie將再度同台,共同見證台灣女力成長,該論壇將在外交部YouTube和FB直播。




今年「台灣性別平等週」特別以蝴蝶意象設計活動主視覺,展現女性破繭而出的創新與韌性,期望建立台灣女力的國際品牌。並首次嘗試製作4支直式短影音,分別以「T」aiwan for her、「G」ender equality、「E」quality Taiwan及「W」omen power為題,呈現台灣女性經濟力及推動性別平權的努力與成果。影片已上傳外交部相關社群媒體,歡迎各界上網觀看「T、G、E、W」系列短片,並按讚及分享,一同推播台灣經濟女力。


另外,今年我國NGO及地方政府將在CSW大會期間舉辦33場NGO CSW平行會議,盼與國際社會分享台灣各界運用教育、政策、社會關懷等各面向促進女性經濟賦權的經驗與成果。





\n", "date": "2024-03-08 09:41:31", "url": "http://www.roc-taiwan.org/bn/post/16397.html" }, { "title": "本處史大使應邀出席汶萊留台同學會2024年新春團拜活動", "content": "









此外,我外交部為了聯結在世界各地的留台校友,特別成立了「留台校友會Taiwan Alumni Association, TAA」臉書專頁,其中有許多與留台校友相關的訊息,希望汶萊留台學長學姊都能登入TAA臉書,與世界各地校友保持聯繫。













\n", "date": "2024-02-27 11:10:13", "url": "http://www.roc-taiwan.org/bn/post/16273.html" }, { "title": "國立臺灣師範大學語全球研究全英語學士學位學程2024秋季班第二次招生!", "content": "
Online Application:https://bds.oia.ntnu.edu.tw/bds/en/apply
\n", "date": "2024-02-21 11:42:22", "url": "http://www.roc-taiwan.org/bn/post/16265.html" }, { "title": "2024年第10屆世界十大傑出華商婦女「華冠獎」選拔活動開放中", "content": "










\n", "date": "2024-02-15 10:12:59", "url": "http://www.roc-taiwan.org/bn/post/16171.html" }, { "title": "「第六屆品牌金舶獎」選拔活動開放中", "content": "



(一) 報名日期:即日起至3月29日。


(二) 簡章與報名網址:https://www.roccocbac.com/s/dQIAAA





\n", "date": "2024-02-15 09:32:01", "url": "http://www.roc-taiwan.org/bn/post/16166.html" }, { "title": "2024年僑務委員會海外青年臺灣觀摩團開放報名", "content": "








\n", "date": "2024-01-26 15:51:09", "url": "http://www.roc-taiwan.org/bn/post/16123.html" }, { "title": "2024年中華民國臺灣教育部「臺灣獎學金」開放申請 (截止日期2024年3月31日)", "content": "









申請者須於3月31日前將申請獎學金所需文件親送或郵寄至本處(地址:No. 3, Lot 57775, Spg 120, Jalan Sungai Akar, Bandar Seri Begawan),逾期恕不受理。有關詳情請瀏覽教育部獎學金網站(https://taiwanscholarship.moe.gov.tw/web/pages.aspx)查閱,倘有疑問,亦可於上班日(週一至週五)致電本處洽詢(電話:2455482)。

\n", "date": "2024-01-25 07:12:27", "url": "http://www.roc-taiwan.org/bn/post/16083.html" }, { "title": "駐汶萊代表處史大使亞平應邀「2024臺中市優質椪柑暨農特產品推廣會」", "content": "















\"WhatsApp  \"WhatsApp





\n", "date": "2024-01-22 10:19:59", "url": "http://www.roc-taiwan.org/bn/post/15979.html" }, { "title": "【2024年僑務委員會海外青年語文研習班(實體班)開放報名中】", "content": "

























1、海外僑青年滿14足歲至未滿20歲居住海外之青年,年齡計算至報名參加該活動開班日(以護照所載出生年月日為憑),具僑居國護照或僑居身分加簽,目前居住於   海外,身心健康、學行良好,有高度學習華語文意願者,並能適應團體生活,且持有i僑卡者。












相關活動報名資訊可於該會網站www.ocac.gov.tw / 僑生服務青年研習 / 語文研習班瀏覽或下載運用。



\n", "date": "2024-01-15 09:22:40", "url": "http://www.roc-taiwan.org/bn/post/15552.html" }, { "title": "【2024年僑務委員會海外青年語文研習班(遠距視訊教學班)開放報名中】", "content": "

















(一)活動期間: 3月2日至4月21日(共計8週)。












相關活動報名資訊可於該會網站www.ocac.gov.tw / 僑生服務青年研習 / 語文研習班瀏覽或下載運用。



\n", "date": "2024-01-15 09:06:50", "url": "http://www.roc-taiwan.org/bn/post/15547.html" }, { "title": "今周刊:產學攜手合作僑生專班逆轉僑生人生 擴增新南向人才資源", "content": "


產學攜手合作僑生專班逆轉僑生人生 擴增新南向人才資源 「技高3年+技專4年」7年一貫專班,串聯企業端實習開創職涯致勝








\n", "date": "2024-01-12 16:34:48", "url": "http://www.roc-taiwan.org/bn/post/15538.html" }, { "title": "「2024年僑務委員會連鎖加盟創新服務與品牌經營管理研習班開放報名囉」開放報名中!", "content": "






\n", "date": "2024-01-04 11:40:31", "url": "http://www.roc-taiwan.org/bn/post/15491.html" } ] }, { "lang": "en", "branch": "", "country": "bn", "name": "Taipei Economic and Cultural Office in Brunei Darussalam", "path": "/bn_en/", "items": [ { "title": "The 8th Asia Agri-Tech Expo & Forum", "content": "





For more information:






English Brochure

\n", "date": "2024-04-02 16:42:32", "url": "http://www.roc-taiwan.org/bn_en/post/8900.html" }, { "title": "Grant for the Publication of Taiwanese Works in Translation (GPT) Application Guidelines", "content": "

Application Guidelines

\n", "date": "2024-03-27 13:19:44", "url": "http://www.roc-taiwan.org/bn_en/post/8868.html" }, { "title": "Talent Taiwan", "content": "
Whether you need assistance with visas, employment, housing, education, or just navigating life in Taiwan, Talent Taiwan’s bilingual helpdesk is there to guide you every step of the way.
Got questions, concerns, or suggestions? Reach out to them via email at help@talent.nat.gov.tw or give them a call during office hours at +886 2-7733-7660. They are here to make your transition to Taiwan as smooth as possible! \"📞\"\"✨\"
For more information: https://talent.nat.gov.tw/en
\"1\" \"7\" \"2\" \"6\" \"5\" \"4\" \"3\"
\n", "date": "2024-03-18 10:14:56", "url": "http://www.roc-taiwan.org/bn_en/post/8841.html" }, { "title": "National Chengchi University English-Taught Programs open admission.", "content": "

National Chengchi University English-Taught Programs open admission.


👉National Chengchi University website: https://oic.nccu.edu.tw/
\n👉More informations: 國立政治大學113學年外學學生申請入學簡章





\n", "date": "2024-02-21 13:13:30", "url": "http://www.roc-taiwan.org/bn_en/post/8776.html" }, { "title": "Work in Taiwan", "content": "
更多資訊請參考/ More information:
\"1\" \"2\" \"3\" \"4\" \"5\" \"6\" \"7\"
\n", "date": "2024-02-12 11:29:19", "url": "http://www.roc-taiwan.org/bn_en/post/8768.html" }, { "title": "2024 Taiwan Scholarship open for application (Deadline: March 31, 2024)", "content": "

In order to attract outstanding international students to undertake degree studies in Taiwan, the Ministry of Education (MOE) of the Republic of China (Taiwan) is offering the “Taiwan Scholarship” program. The scholarship applicant should be a Brunei citizen with at least an A-Level, accredited Diploma, IB Diploma Programme, or any other equivalent academic qualification, with an excellent academic record, and of good moral character.


The Taiwan MOE will provide the scholarship recipient up to NT$40,000 (approx. B$1,700) for tuition and miscellaneous expenses each semester. The recipient undertaking undergraduate studies will also be granted a monthly stipend of NT$15,000 (approx. B$640) while NT$20,000 (approx. B$850) for recipient undertaking postgraduate studies. The duration for Taiwan Scholarship will be: four years for undergraduate programs, two years for master’s degree programs, and four years for doctorate programs. The maximum period for any one student offered is five years. Applicants must apply directly to the university or college for admission before the university or college application deadline.


Eligible applicant should also submit his/her application form together with all required documents to the Taipei Economic & Cultural Office in Brunei Darussalam (Address: No.3, Lot 57775, Spg 120, Jalan Sungai Akar, Bandar Seri Begawan) by March 31, 2024. For detailed information, please visit MOE’s website https://taiwanscholarship.moe.gov.tw/web/pages.aspx.


Should you have any enquiries, please contact this Office at 2455482 during office hours Monday to Friday.

\n", "date": "2024-01-25 08:36:56", "url": "http://www.roc-taiwan.org/bn_en/post/8747.html" } ] }, { "lang": "zh", "branch": "", "country": "fj", "name": "駐斐濟臺北商務辦事處", "path": "/fj/", "items": [ { "title": "2024年「臺灣國際醫療衛生人員訓練中心(TIHTC)」計畫培訓課程開放報名", "content": "



我國衛生福利部為積極分享我國先進之醫療衛生專業知識、技術及經驗,將臺灣之醫衛強項行銷全球,提升我國國際能見度,自91年起委請臺北醫院辦理「臺灣國際醫療衛生人員訓練中心(TaiwanInternational Healthcare Training Center, TIHTC)」計畫,協助培訓國外之醫療衛生專業人員。迄今已培訓80個國家、逾2,100人次之國外醫療衛生人才,成效良好並獲參訓學員高度評價,並有效促進雙邊實質合作交流。






2024 Emergency Care and Burn Injuries Management Project Training


2024 TIHTC Healthcare Management and National Health Insurance Project


Training 2024 Training Schedule SCHEDULE





\n", "date": "2024-04-24 07:59:29", "url": "http://www.roc-taiwan.org/fj/post/3225.html" }, { "title": "日本經濟新聞(Nikkei Asia)報導我國於斐濟推動「水果外交」成效顯著", "content": "

日本經濟新聞(Nikkei Asia)日前赴斐濟採訪我駐斐濟代表處位於首都蘇瓦(Suva)的農技團新智慧農場,盛讚我多年「水果外交」耕耘有成,不僅獲斐濟農民巨大迴響,更有助台灣增進與太平洋島國之緊密關係。




長年受我國農技團輔導的斐濟農民Josh Tulele接受採訪時盛讚台灣精緻農業技術先進,他家中20多名親戚現均已投入火龍果和番石榴種植及銷售,對提升家計收入成果顯著,希望將這項種植技術推廣給更多當地農民,未來能夠將產品出口到其他國家。





\n", "date": "2024-02-21 07:22:21", "url": "http://www.roc-taiwan.org/fj/post/3202.html" } ] }, { "lang": "en", "branch": "", "country": "fj", "name": "Taipei Trade Office in Fiji", "path": "/fj_en/", "items": [ { "title": "TAIWAN INTERNATIONAL HEALTHCARE TRAINING CENTER:2024 Training Open for Registration", "content": "

TIHTC was  established in  2002 by  the Ministry of Health and Welfare (MOHW) in Taiwan, and executed by Taipei Hospital, MOHW ever since. With the belief that “give a man a fish and you feed him for a day; teach a man to fish and you feed him for a lifetime”, TIHTC integrates the top medical teams and resources in Taiwan and provides continuing professional development training for healthcare professionals around the world.


Renowned for its expertise in crafting training initiatives tailored to meet the needs of their trainees' career development, TIHTC ensures a targeted and insightful learning experience.


With the goal of contributing to the international community, the Center now can provide training to more than 100 international medical, healthcare, and administration personnel per year.




Strive to fulfill the ideologies of “the right to health must be enjoyed without discrimination on the grounds of race, age, ethnicity or any other factor” as declared by the World Health Organization, as well as play a contributing role in the international community


Promote the visibility of Taiwan through continuous effort in the healthcare training of professionals, international emergency aid, and medical assistance


More Information please downloads here:


2024 Training Schedule SCHEDULE


2024 Emergency Care and Burn Injuries Management Project Training


2024 TIHTC Healthcare Management and National Health Insurance Project Training





\n", "date": "2024-04-24 07:54:54", "url": "http://www.roc-taiwan.org/fj_en/post/1979.html" }, { "title": "Taiwan Spreads Love Again: Sharing Dragon Fruits with Nausori Special School", "content": "
Our love knows no bounds! Once again, Technical Mission of the Republic of China(Taiwan)in Fiji has shared sweetness by sending fresh dragon fruits to Nausori Special School. This gesture isn't just about caring for the children; it's our way of showing that we're here for the Fijian community!
Through this act of sharing, we aim to bring a little sweetness and warmth to the lives of these children, allowing them to feel the support and love from Taiwan. We promise to continue spreading hope and warmth in Fiji! A big thank you for all your support and love.
\n", "date": "2024-02-21 07:16:02", "url": "http://www.roc-taiwan.org/fj_en/post/1958.html" }, { "title": "Nikkei Asia reported on Taiwan's successful implementation of 'fruit diplomacy' in Fiji. ", "content": "
During a recent visit to Fiji, Nikkei Asia highlighted the Technical Mission of the Republic of China(Taiwan)in Fiji's Nausori farm in Suva. The longstanding efforts of Taiwan's 'fruit diplomacy' have not only significantly benefited Fijian farmers but also strengthened Taiwan's close relationship with Pacific island countries
\n", "date": "2024-02-14 07:17:22", "url": "http://www.roc-taiwan.org/fj_en/post/1963.html" }, { "title": "Open for Application: Research Grant Program to Assist Foreign Scholars in Chinese Studies", "content": "

The Center for Chinese Studies (CCS) was established in 1981 under the guidance of the Ministry of Education as the Resource and Information Center for Chinese Studies. The name was changed in 1987 to its current appellation. The purpose for its establishment was to promote research in Chinese studies, both in Taiwan (the Republic of China) and overseas, and to facilitate communication among scholars and institutions worldwide.


The Center for Chinese Studies (CCS) has the following provisions for its research grant program. This program is aim at foreign professors, associate professors, assistant professors (including post-doctoral researchers) and doctoral candidates in departments related to Chinese studies at foreign universities, as well as researchers at related foreign academic institutes. The research should be undertaken in Taiwan, and be focused mainly on Taiwan or Chinese studies.


CCS provides assistance with research expenses, research materials, liaison with universities and research institutions, and use of CCS facilities, etc. Research tenure is one month to one year. Applications should be submitted to the CCS by March 29; notification of CCS’s decision will be given by the end of August of the same year after a careful review.
\nApplications should include the following documents:
\n(1) Application form
\n(2) Curriculum Vitae (including a list of publications)
\n(3) Research plan
\n(4) Letter(s) of recommendation

On-line Application Form

More Details: https://ccs.ncl.edu.tw/ccs2/ENGLISH/regulation.aspx





\n", "date": "2024-02-01 08:04:17", "url": "http://www.roc-taiwan.org/fj_en/post/1936.html" } ] }, { "lang": "zh", "branch": "", "country": "au", "name": "駐澳大利亞台北經濟文化辦事處", "path": "/au/", "items": [ { "title": "徐大使佑典歡迎監察院國家人權委員會訪澳", "content": "

徐大使佑典4月14日接見監察院國家人權委員會蔡副主任委員崇義率團訪問澳洲,與澳洲共同交流在促進性平、LGBTQI+ 、原住民族 、障礙族群 、兒少權益等方面的經驗與成就。人權得來不易,只有人權被重視時,和平才會存在。台灣將繼續與澳洲及理念相近夥伴共創更包容及平等的未來。





\n", "date": "2024-04-18 07:03:26", "url": "http://www.roc-taiwan.org/au/post/35358.html" }, { "title": "蔡英文總統接見澳洲跨黨派國會議員訪團", "content": "

\"8066f723-f89f-42a8-9e57-bca8c1d6f557\" \"72ca0fa2-262d-4ffc-b3ed-7421a34455e1\" \"56849929-db87-40a3-abfb-281a2df39945\" \"f9d299ca-7e12-4bac-9f09-48f2d83b31a5\"




總統致詞時首先歡迎澳洲聯邦眾議院諾伊曼(Shayne Neumann)和華勒斯(Andrew Wallace)眾議員,率領澳洲跨黨派國會議員訪問臺灣。這是在全球疫情趨緩後,連續3年有澳洲國會議員訪團來臺,充分展現臺澳雙邊的深厚情誼。






















諾伊曼眾議員提到,澳洲人民相當尊重原住民,也為擁有世上存續最久的文化、及原住民對國家與歷史的貢獻感到自豪。2008年,澳洲時任總理陸克文(Kevin Rudd)代表政府向澳洲原住民道歉,那是他議員生涯中最動容的一刻。蔡總統在上任第一年也做了類似的舉動,他要向蔡總統致敬,相信臺灣社會將長久地感激並銘記這件事。即使像澳洲及臺灣這樣開放、包容與和平的社會也可能在歷史中犯錯,但我們能從中學習並努力做得更好。


















訪賓一行尚包括眾議員希爾(Julian Hill)、貝爾(Angie Bell)、參議員夏馬(Dave Sharma),由外交部長吳釗燮及澳洲辦事處副代表司徒安(Daniel Stuart)陪同,前來總統府晉見總統,總統府秘書長林佳龍也在座。





\n", "date": "2024-04-10 16:48:41", "url": "http://www.roc-taiwan.org/au/post/35312.html" }, { "title": "歡迎澳洲跨黨派國會議員訪問團訪台", "content": "

澳洲國會「外交國防暨貿易聯席委員會」主席諾伊曼(Shayne Neumann)眾議員及「情報暨安全聯席委員會」副主席華勒斯(Andrew Wallace)眾議員率領跨黨派國會議員共5人於今(113)年4月8日至12日訪台,晉見蔡英文總統,並分別接受立法院長韓國瑜與外交部長吳釗燮款宴,以及拜會相關政府部會。


訪團成員另包括公共審計與監督聯席委員會主席希爾(Julian Hill)眾議員、影子青年部長暨影子早期幼兒教育部長貝爾(Angie Bell)眾議員,以及夏馬(Dave Sharma)參議員等。團員分屬執政工黨及在野聯盟,充分展現澳洲國會朝野對我國的高度支持。







\n", "date": "2024-04-10 16:44:42", "url": "http://www.roc-taiwan.org/au/post/35308.html" }, { "title": "駐澳大利亞代表處 ‘Study in Taiwan E-newsletter’ 4月號,歡迎點閱!", "content": "



為吸引澳洲學生前往臺灣留學及研習華語文,駐澳大利亞教育組發行「Study in Taiwan」英文版雙月刊。


本期「Study in Taiwan」4月英文教育新聞內容包含大節:


歡迎點閱「Study in Taiwan」雙月刊4月號: 2024 TECO Enews_April



\n", "date": "2024-04-04 07:28:10", "url": "http://www.roc-taiwan.org/au/post/35282.html" }, { "title": "台澳簽署「運輸安全合作與資訊交流瞭解備忘錄」", "content": "

駐澳大利亞代表處徐佑典大使與澳洲駐台代表馮國斌(Robert Fergusson)於本(113)年4月2日共同簽署台澳「運輸安全合作與資訊交流瞭解備忘錄」(MOU),簽署儀式在澳洲坎培拉外貿部舉行,我「國家運輸安全調查委員會」主任委員林信得及「澳洲運輸安全局」(ATSB)營運長Colin McNamara分別以視訊及實體參與方式見證。




















我國駐澳洲大使徐佑典(左)與澳洲駐台代表馮國斌(Robert Fergusson)(右)簽署台澳「運輸安全合作與資訊交流瞭解備忘錄」(MOU)。




徐大使(前左)與馮國斌代表(前右)與「澳洲運輸安全局」(ATSB)營運長Colin McNamara及國際事務經理Krystal Scott合影。





\n", "date": "2024-04-03 06:42:23", "url": "http://www.roc-taiwan.org/au/post/35253.html" }, { "title": "2024年亞太教育者年會(APAIE)於澳洲伯斯開幕 29所臺灣高教機構赴澳參展", "content": "



一年一度的國際教育盛事 - 亞太教育者年會(APAIE) 於3月4日假澳洲伯斯開幕,活動為期五天至8日結束,本次年會我國由財團法人高等教育國際合作基金會帶領以「Study in Taiwan」為攤位主題聯合參展,計有28所大專院校及1研究機構70位代表成員赴澳參展,以國家館的概念整體行銷臺灣高教形象,介紹臺灣高等教育現況、特色及競爭優勢領域,促進臺澳高教交流。




亞太教育者年會近年與會規模逾50國2,500多人; 本處駐澳大利亞徐佑典大使、教育組賴組長、科技組林組長與高教基金會吳正己董事長及各大學代表等合影。















\n", "date": "2024-03-06 08:25:53", "url": "http://www.roc-taiwan.org/au/post/35219.html" }, { "title": "2024年坎培拉多元文化節:臺灣主題攤位特寫", "content": "

\"多元文化節FB\"2024年澳洲首都特區政府於2月16日至18日在坎培拉市中心辦理「全國多元文化節(National Multicultural Festival)」,促進各族群交流融合。為期3日之節慶活動,展現170種不同文化、270個展示攤位及24個文化表演,現場熱鬧非凡。








(圖1) 2月18日(週日)坎培拉時報(The Canberra Times)以特寫登出穿戴臺灣原住民紙雕頭飾的民眾照片!


(圖2) 陳公使慧蓁(左一)偕駐處同仁一同參與坎培拉多元文化節


(圖3-4) 坎培拉臺灣同鄉會義工們邀請民眾參與簡易臺灣常識問答


(圖5-6) 教育組賴組長宣傳留遊學臺灣文教資訊; 駐處同仁一同熱情參與宣傳觀光資訊











\n", "date": "2024-02-19 13:01:43", "url": "http://www.roc-taiwan.org/au/post/35149.html" }, { "title": "坎培拉一年一度全國多元文化節即將於本週末熱鬧登場!", "content": "





坎培拉一年一度全國多元文化節(National Multicultural Festival)即將於本週末熱鬧登場!!!




2月17日(週六)上午10:00起駐澳大利亞代表處偕同坎培拉臺灣同鄉會設置臺灣主題攤位,邀請民眾體驗臺灣文化特色: 參與簡易臺灣常識問答、發送文化禮物,現場還有臺灣藝陣三太子邀你尬舞、合影同樂!




攤位位置在坎培拉市中心C區Petrie Plaza - C11& C12旋轉木馬附近









\n", "date": "2024-02-12 13:58:21", "url": "http://www.roc-taiwan.org/au/post/35101.html" }, { "title": "駐澳大利亞徐佑典大使接受ABC News專訪,盼深化與澳洲在太平洋交流", "content": "

徐大使佑典2月2日接受澳洲廣播公司(ABC News)專訪,表達台灣盼深化與澳洲在太平洋的交流,報導於2月5日刊出。







\n", "date": "2024-02-06 15:54:08", "url": "http://www.roc-taiwan.org/au/post/35020.html" }, { "title": "駐澳大利亞代表處 ‘Study in Taiwan E-newsletter’ 2月號,歡迎點閱!", "content": "



為吸引澳洲學生前往臺灣留學及研習華語文,駐澳大利亞教育組發行「Study in Taiwan」英文版雙月刊。


本期「Study in Taiwan」2月英文教育新聞內容包含5大節:




歡迎點閱「Study in Taiwan」雙月刊2月號 2024-Feb-TECO Enews-

\n", "date": "2024-02-02 13:16:45", "url": "http://www.roc-taiwan.org/au/post/35000.html" }, { "title": "駐澳大利亞徐佑典大使接受「SBS中文網」專訪,表達台灣有意加入CPTPP", "content": "



駐澳代表徐佑典: 台灣加入「全面與進步跨太平洋夥伴關係協定」有優勢











\n", "date": "2024-01-31 16:03:51", "url": "http://www.roc-taiwan.org/au/post/34980.html" }, { "title": "駐澳大利亞徐佑典大使接受ABC News專訪,分享台灣大選走向", "content": "

徐大使2024年1月11日接受澳媒ABC News電話訪問,內容已於同日刊出,「台灣三強總統大選選情升溫」(Taiwan’s three-way presidential race heats up)。


澳洲廣播公司(Australian Broadcasting Corporation, ABC)是澳洲公共廣播機構,成立於1932年,提供廣泛的新聞、資訊、教育和文化節目,及公正、客觀和全面的媒體服務,反映澳洲社會的多樣性和價值觀。



\n", "date": "2024-01-31 15:52:12", "url": "http://www.roc-taiwan.org/au/post/34974.html" }, { "title": "駐澳大利亞徐佑典大使接受「日經亞洲評論」專訪,表達台灣深化參與AUKUS意願", "content": "

日經亞洲評論(Nikkei Asia)2024年1月12日刊出本處徐大使專訪「台灣擔憂選舉受到干擾,並對深化與AUKUS關係『持開放態度』」(Taiwan ‘open’ to deeper AUKUS ties amid election meddling fears),台灣表示願意在AUKUS安全協定的框架下與美國、英國和澳洲進一步合作,強調在印太地區加強非軍事合作的重要性。







\n", "date": "2024-01-31 15:45:53", "url": "http://www.roc-taiwan.org/au/post/34969.html" }, { "title": "駐澳大利亞徐佑典大使接受SBS News專訪,分析兩岸和平仍為選民所向", "content": "





【台灣選舉專訪系列】藍綠兩營居澳選民傾巢返台投票 海峽和平仍是關鍵議題





\n", "date": "2024-01-31 15:19:57", "url": "http://www.roc-taiwan.org/au/post/34950.html" }, { "title": "駐澳大利亞徐佑典大使接受「SBS中文網」專訪,暢談台灣大選觀察", "content": "






報導指出,根據澳洲最新數據顯示,長居在澳洲的台灣人口大概有五萬人,本屆登記返台投票的海外合資格選民約有 4,120 人,但這數字並不包括本身已經有戶籍並且合資格投票的海外選民。


\n", "date": "2024-01-31 15:13:52", "url": "http://www.roc-taiwan.org/au/post/34943.html" }, { "title": "駐澳大利亞徐佑典大使投書「澳洲人報」,呼籲澳洲支持台灣民主及致力維護台海和平", "content": "

「澳洲人報」(The Australian)於本(1)月15日(週一)刊出本處徐大使投書,題為「民主台灣與澳洲共享眾多價值」(Democratic Taiwan shares many values with Australia)。










在經貿方面,台灣是澳洲第5大貿易夥伴,雙邊貿易額達326億澳元。台澳均為印太地區的民主國家,印太區域佔全球人口40億、創造近60%全球GDP,但依據「洛伊研究所」(Lowy Institute)報告,僅54%人口生活在民主體制之下。台澳不僅只是夥伴關係,而是此重要區域的相同社群成員,更是國際社會的領袖與民主典範。







\n", "date": "2024-01-31 14:51:48", "url": "http://www.roc-taiwan.org/au/post/34935.html" }, { "title": "駐澳大利亞徐佑典大使接受「澳洲金融評論報」專訪,提醒中國恐干預本年1月我國大選", "content": "

駐澳大利亞徐佑典大使接受「澳洲金融評論報」(Australian Financial Review, AFR)記者Gus McCubbing專訪,訪談內容已於1月3日刊出。










專訪連結:Taiwan warns of ‘disturbing’ election interference by China (afr.com)\"1\"

\n", "date": "2024-01-04 06:54:43", "url": "http://www.roc-taiwan.org/au/post/34798.html" } ] }, { "lang": "en", "branch": "", "country": "au", "name": "Taipei Economic and Cultural Office in Australia", "path": "/au_en/", "items": [ { "title": "Ambassador Hsu welcomes National Human Rights Commission of Taiwan to visit Australia", "content": "

Ambassador Hsu is thrilled to welcome National Human Rights Commission of Taiwan to Australia! NHRCT shared its insights and achievements with Australian counterparts in promoting gender equality, LGBTQI+ rights, indigenous peoples' rights, rights of persons with disabilities, and children's and youth's rights. Human rights are fundamental to peace. Taiwan looks forward to collaborating with Australia and like-minded partners for a more inclusive and equal future.




\"\" \"\"

\n", "date": "2024-04-18 07:07:56", "url": "http://www.roc-taiwan.org/au_en/post/15011.html" }, { "title": "President Tsai Ing-wen meets cross-party parliamentary delegation from Australia", "content": "

On the morning of April 8, President Tsai Ing-wen met with a cross-party parliamentary delegation from Australia. In remarks, President Tsai pointed out that Taiwan and Australia are staunch defenders of the values of freedom and democracy, and that our bilateral exchanges and cooperation continue to grow closer. The president expressed gratitude to Australia for continually reaffirming the importance of peace and stability across the Taiwan Strait at bilateral and multilateral forums in recent years. She expressed hope that Australia will support negotiations regarding the signing of an economic cooperation agreement with Taiwan to deepen bilateral economic and trade ties, and that Australia will back Taiwan's bid to join the Comprehensive and Progressive Agreement for Trans-Pacific Partnership (CPTPP) so that together we can advance regional prosperity and development.


A translation of President Tsai's remarks follows:


I would like to welcome the cross-party delegation of Australian parliamentarians led by Members of Parliament Shayne Neumann and Andrew Wallace. This marks the third year in a row that an Australian parliamentarian delegation has visited Taiwan since the COVID-19 pandemic subsided, demonstrating our strong and friendly bilateral relations.


Taiwan and Australia are staunch defenders of the values of freedom and democracy. Our bilateral exchanges and cooperation continue to grow closer, thanks in no small part to the cross-party efforts of the Australian Parliament. After Taiwan's presidential election in January, Mr. Wallace and many other members of the Australian Parliament from multiple parties expressed their support and recognition of Taiwan's democracy through various means.


Last month, under the Global Cooperation and Training Framework, Taiwan and Australia, together with the United States, the United Kingdom, and Japan, held an international workshop on combating transnational fraud. Taiwan and Australia are focused on global issues and jointly respond to common challenges. In recent years, Australia has actively expanded international cooperation through AUKUS and the QUAD. Australia has also continually reaffirmed the importance of peace and stability across the Taiwan Strait at bilateral and multilateral forums. For this, I wish to express my sincere gratitude.


Faced with expanding authoritarianism, democracies today must stand together and bolster cooperation. We hope that Australia will support negotiations regarding the signing of an economic cooperation agreement with Taiwan to deepen bilateral economic and trade ties. We also hope that Australia will back Taiwan's bid to join the CPTPP so that together we can advance regional prosperity and development.


I extend my appreciation to you all for visiting Taiwan. I hope that you will continue to speak up for Taiwan in the Australian Parliament so that we can continue enhancing our bilateral ties and achieve even greater success. I wish you all a pleasant and productive stay.


Member of Parliament Neumann, co-leader of the delegation, then delivered remarks, saying that this is a very experienced delegation led by his friend Andrew Wallace, one of labor and coalition members working together and who are interested in Taiwan. He begun by expressing condolences for the tragic loss of life, injury, and damage caused by the earthquake in eastern Taiwan on the third of April on behalf of the Australian people and the Australian Parliament.


Member of Parliament Neumann said that President Tsai has served the Taiwanese people for eight years with distinction, compassion, and commitment and has been a friend of Australia. As Australian parliamentarians, he said, they have a deep interest in understanding the region and reflecting the interests of the Australian people on their travels. He added that these meetings and the meetings they will have in the next few days are important for understanding the circumstances they face and equipping themselves to meet those challenges.


Member of Parliament Neumann said that they are pleased to be here to learn about our culture and our history, emphasizing its importance. He said that they have people here from Sydney, Melbourne, and southeast Queensland. He noted that in Australia, a very multicultural country, there are many Taiwanese, and that up to about 200,000 of our countrymen and women have studied there.


Noting that we face a military buildup in this region without the transparency and reassurance that one has come to expect from great powers, Member of Parliament Neumann said that Australia is working with its allies and friends to preserve the regional balance here and preserve the status quo for Taiwan. He emphasized that they are against any unilateral actions, and that maintaining the status quo is comprehensively superior to the alternative.


Member of Parliament Neumann said that they are amongst friends and that they know that maintaining the status quo will be challenging, but they wish to reassure us that we are amongst friends. Peace and prosperity, he underlined, are at the center of Australia's ambition for the region. Pointing out that we are both leading Indo-Pacific democracies with a shared objective of an open and stable region, he said that we are working towards that goal through a number of different international fora.


Recognizing that we have deep connections through our economies, people, and culture, Member of Parliament Neumann gave the example of southeast Queensland, where there are many people from Taiwan, particularly in the Brisbane metropolitan area, and into his own electorate. He noted that Australia is the second largest economy in Taiwan's New Southbound Policy and that our integration continues in energy, agriculture, and information and communications technology.


Member of Parliament Neumann said that Australians often make an acknowledgement of country to recognize Indigenous custodians of the land in which they meet and pay respects to their elders. He remarked that Australians are very proud of having the oldest continuous culture in the world and of the contribution that First Nations people have made to their country and history. He recounted that just a few months after he was first elected in 2007, the then Prime Minister Kevin Rudd made a profound national apology, one of the most poignant moments that he has experienced as a parliamentarian. Noting that President Tsai, in her first year in office, did something very similar here in Taiwan, the parliamentarian said that he wants to honor and respect the president for that and realize that the politicians, and our community, area, and society will really appreciate that long-term. Even open, inclusive, and peaceful societies like their own and ours, he said, can make mistakes in their history, and we can learn and strive to do better.


Member of Parliament Neumann stated that Australia and Taiwan are stronger together. He said that they are honored to be here, and that Australia is proud to be Taiwan's partner and friend. He then thanked President Tsai on behalf of the delegation for the meetings they are going to have.


Member of Parliament Wallace, co-leader of the delegation, then delivered remarks, saying that often in Australia when they go on a delegation, they face some resistance from their constituents and that he is sure it is the same in Taiwan. But, he said, not one person objected when he said that he was coming to Taiwan on a delegation. Of course, we are guests of Taiwan, he added, but it shows the warmth of our relationship between our two countries and that everyday Australians see our relationship as very important.


Member of Parliament Wallace said that Australians were genuinely distressed at the news of the earthquake last week. He said that they are saddened and that they bring collectively the thoughts and prayers and the best wishes of the Australian people to our government and the people of Taiwan. He recognized that this is a very distressing time and obviously a very busy time, and that in itself demonstrates how important this relationship is, that the president is giving her time up at such a difficult period.


Noting that our people share a rich history of cooperation, mutual respect, and shared values, Member of Parliament Wallace said that today he will emphasize three critical aspects of our relationship: security, trade, and our people-to-people relationship.


The parliamentarian said that in an ever-changing geopolitical landscape, security cooperation is paramount. He said that Taiwan and Australia both recognize the importance of maintaining peace and stability in the Indo-Pacific region, and that our strategic partnership contributes significantly to regional security. Noting that Taiwan and Australia both have a vested interest in a rules-based, open, and inclusive Indo-Pacific, he said that we stand united against any threats to regional stability.


In defense cooperation, the parliamentarian said, our defense forces engage in joint exercises and intelligence-sharing and capacity-building programs. In fact, he mentioned, Australia along with the US, Japan, and the Philippines are conducting naval exercises as we speak in the South China Sea.


Remarking that as technology evolves, so do our security risks, the parliamentarian said that Taiwan and Australia collaborate on cybersecurity initiatives safeguarding our critical infrastructure and our important digital networks. In terms of trade, he said that Taiwan is Australia's seventh-largest trading partner, with two-way trade in 2022-2023 equating to AU$41.5 billion. He added that Australia remains a reliable supplier of energy and resources to Taiwan. Then, the parliamentarian said that our people-to-people links are also incredibly important through cultural ties.


Member of Parliament Wallace said that the Taiwan-Australia relationship transcends mere diplomatic channels; it embodies shared values, resilience, and a commitment to a prosperous and secure future. As we navigate the complexities of our region, he said, let us continue to build bridges, foster understanding, and champion cooperation. In closing, the parliamentarian expressed his hope that our enduring relationship may flourish for many generations to come.


The delegation also included Members of Parliament Julian Hill and Angie Bell and Senator Dave Sharma and was accompanied to the Presidential Office by Australian Office in Taipei Deputy Representative Daniel Stuart.




\"8066f723-f89f-42a8-9e57-bca8c1d6f557\" \"72ca0fa2-262d-4ffc-b3ed-7421a34455e1\" \"56849929-db87-40a3-abfb-281a2df39945\" \"f9d299ca-7e12-4bac-9f09-48f2d83b31a5\"

\n", "date": "2024-04-10 16:51:23", "url": "http://www.roc-taiwan.org/au_en/post/14987.html" }, { "title": "Foreign Minister Wu hosts welcome dinner for cross-party delegation of Australian parliamentarians", "content": "

Minister of Foreign Affairs Jaushieh Joseph Wu hosted a dinner on April 8 to welcome a cross-party delegation of five parliamentarians from Australia. The group was led by Shayne Neumann MP, Chair of the Joint Standing Committee on Foreign Affairs, Defence and Trade; and Andrew Wallace MP, Deputy Chair of the Parliamentary Joint Committee on Intelligence and Security.


Welcoming the guests with Taiwan Beer, Minister Wu noted in his remarks that Australia was an important partner that actively spoke up for Taiwan at major international events. He said economic, trade, and investment relations were increasingly close, and a growing number of Taiwanese youths were choosing to study and work in Australia. Minister Wu commended Australia for being an active member of the Indo-Pacific that strived to maintain the rules-based international order and defend the universal values of democracy, freedom, and openness.


Chair Neumann said Taiwan and Australia were democratic partners in the Indo-Pacific that shared close economic and trade ties and strong cultural and people-to-people connections. Deputy Chair Wallace underlined that although Australia and Taiwan had both been subjected to economic coercion, Australia would continue to stand together with other international partners in support of Taiwan.


In recent years, Taiwan and Australia have steadily deepened cooperation in spheres including economics, trade, investment, clean energy, education, culture, biotechnology, scientific research, and indigenous affairs. The strength of the friendship between the countries is further demonstrated by the visit of the Australian parliamentary delegation. Looking ahead, the two sides will continue to advance friendly cooperation based on reciprocity and mutual benefit.




\"9891e0ed-46f1-494e-abed-669625e8bf01\" \"8dc26f6c-6d9a-45fa-b617-951b916ee197\" \"98025659-3e3f-4dad-8c03-addb28f00678\"

\n", "date": "2024-04-10 16:50:15", "url": "http://www.roc-taiwan.org/au_en/post/14980.html" }, { "title": "Welcome to the Study in Taiwan E-Newsletter, April Edition of 2024", "content": "



The Taipei Economic and Cultural Office (TECO) in Australia has released the latest issue of the \"Study in Taiwan\" newsletter. This edition is packed with valuable information, including details about delegates from Taiwan's diplomatic and academic representatives gathering in Perth for the 2024 Asia Pacific Association for International Education (APAIE).


The April newsletter also highlights the following articles:


Don't miss out on the opportunity to learn more about studying in Taiwan and the exciting opportunities available to you. Download the full version of the 2024 April edition of Study-in-Taiwan E-newsletter and read it all at the following link: 2024-April-TECO-Enews


\n", "date": "2024-04-04 07:03:53", "url": "http://www.roc-taiwan.org/au_en/post/14940.html" }, { "title": "Taiwan and Australia signed the \"Memorandum of Understanding on Cooperation in Transport Safety and Information Exchange\"", "content": "

To strengthen the cooperation in transportation safety investigations between Taiwan and Australia, on 2 April, 2024, represented by Taiwan Economic and Cultural Office (TECO) in Australia, Douglas Yu-tien Hsu, under the virtual witness of Shinn-der Lin, the Chairperson of the Taiwan Transportation Safety Board (TTSB), and Robert Fergusson, the representative of the Australian Office (AO) in Taiwan, signed the Taiwan-Australia \"Memorandum of Understanding on Cooperation in Transport Safety and Information Exchange.\" This agreement expands the scope of cooperation in transportation occurrence investigation between Taiwan and Australia, marking a new chapter in the transportation safety cooperation between the two countries.


The signing ceremony of the memorandum was conducted both in person and via video conference. In addition to Chairperson Lin and Mr. Pei-Da Lin, Managing Director of the TTSB participating via video conference, the other parties jointly participated/witnessed the signing of the memorandum in Canberra, Australia. 


The cooperation in transportation safety between Taiwan and Australia has a long history. As early as May 25, 1998, when the predecessor of the TTSB, the Aviation Safety Council (ASC) was established, it set up a channel of communication with the predecessor of the Australian Transport Safety Bureau (ATSB), the Bureau of Air Safety Investigation (BASi), and for the first time, representatives of TECO in Australia and AO in Taiwan signed a Memorandum of Understanding on the Taiwan-Australia Aviation Safety Cooperation. On August 1, 2019, with the establishment of the TTSB, its mission expanded from aviation occurrence investigation to include investigation of maritime, rail, and highway accidents. Consequently, the understanding memorandum with the ATSB was renewed to expand the scope of cooperation to include major maritime and rail transport accident investigation under their joint jurisdiction, establishing a more comprehensive exchange mechanism for transportation safety cooperation between Taiwan and Australia. 


In his notes, TTSB Chairperson Lin stated that although Taiwan is unable to participate in the International Civil Aviation Organization (ICAO) and the International Maritime Organization (IMO) as a formal member or observer, it conducts occurrence investigations in accordance with international standards, aligning with the global community. Through the signing of this MOU, it is hoped that future close cooperation and exchange on various transportation safety topics with the ATSB will continue.








\n", "date": "2024-04-02 16:34:29", "url": "http://www.roc-taiwan.org/au_en/post/14926.html" }, { "title": "APAIE 2024: Taiwan opens its doors to Australian students", "content": "


Taiwan's delegates from the diplomatic and academic sectors participate in the Asia Pacific Association for International Education (APAIE) 2024 in Perth from March 4th to 8th. It's aim is to strengthen academic connections between Australian and Taiwanese higher education institutions.
Approximately 70 representatives from 29 higher education institutions in Taiwan are expected at APAIE 2024. Dr. Cheng-Chih Wu, Chairperson of the Foundation for International Cooperation in Higher Education of Taiwan (FICHET), led the Taiwan delegation. They will present Study in Taiwan, showcasing the country's research expertise in semiconductors, AI, circular economy, biotechnology, and medicine.
Taiwan is uniquely placed in the region as a centre for excellence in advanced STEM research and industries, particularly in the crucial semi-conductor industry.
Full details of APAIE are found at apaieconference.net
\n", "date": "2024-03-05 13:08:15", "url": "http://www.roc-taiwan.org/au_en/post/14887.html" }, { "title": "Come and join us at the National Multicultural Festival in Canberra on 17 February, 2024!", "content": "





Come and join us at the National Multicultural Festival (NMF) in Canberra on 17 February, 2024 for an exciting day filled with activities!




Experience fun riddles, winning cultural souvenirs, take selfies with Taiwan’s 'Tecono Princess', delve into diverse cultures, discover tourism insights, and so much more!




Visit our Taiwan Stall, jointly hosted by TECO in Australia and the Taiwanese Association of Canberra, Australia. Find us at Petrie Plaza, Stall No. C11 & C12, near the Merry-go-round in Canberra CBD.




For more details, take a look at the festival map, which is currently accessible on the NMF's website. Get the map https://bit.ly/3uwpnSn

\n", "date": "2024-02-13 06:28:22", "url": "http://www.roc-taiwan.org/au_en/post/14839.html" }, { "title": "Taiwan’s chief Representative to Australia Mr. Douglas Hsu’s interview with ABC News", "content": "







Representative Douglas Hsu received an interview \"Despite Beijing's attempts to 'lure' more support in the Pacific, Taiwan's top diplomat in Australia backs ties with Tuvalu\" from Stephen Dziedzic from ABC News on 2 Feburary. Representative Hsu touched upon Taiwan's steady relation with Tuvalu and Australia.


Related Link: https://www.abc.net.au/news/2024-02-05/taiwan-tuvalu-beijing-china-pacific-diplomatic-switch-ties-/103421410



\n", "date": "2024-02-06 15:56:58", "url": "http://www.roc-taiwan.org/au_en/post/14786.html" }, { "title": "Welcome to the Study in Taiwan E-Newsletter, February Edition of 2024", "content": "



Taipei Economic and Cultural Office (TECO) in Australia has released the latest issue of the \"Study in Taiwan\" newsletter. This edition includes a wealth of information, such as the availability of Taiwan scholarships online applications starting from 1 February, 2024.


If you're interested in studying Mandarin in a group, take a look at the experiences shared by two groups of Australian and New Zealand students who studied in Tainan and Taipei. The February edition of the newsletter also features the following articles:


Don't miss out on the opportunity to learn more about studying in Taiwan and the exciting opportunities available to you. Download the full version of the 2024 February edition of Study-in-Taiwan E-newsletter and read it all at the following link: 2024-Feb-TECO Enews

\n", "date": "2024-02-02 12:30:55", "url": "http://www.roc-taiwan.org/au_en/post/14747.html" }, { "title": "Taiwan’s chief Representative to Australia Mr. Douglas Hsu’s interview with ABC News", "content": "

Representative Douglas Hsu received an interview \"VIDEO: Taiwan's three-way presidential race heats up\" from ABC News on 11 January. Representative Hsu touched upon Taiwan's intense three-way presidential election.


Related Link: https://www.abc.net.au/news/2024-01-11/taiwans-three-way-race-for-presidency-heats-up/103308792



\n", "date": "2024-02-01 16:24:34", "url": "http://www.roc-taiwan.org/au_en/post/14730.html" }, { "title": "Taiwan’s chief Representative to Australia Mr. Douglas Hsu’s interview with Nikkei Asia", "content": "

Representative Douglas Hsu received an interview \"Taiwan ‘open’ to deeper AUKUS ties amid election meddling fears\" by Sophie MAK and Rurika IMAHASHI from Nikkei Asia on 12 January. Representative Hsu touched upon Taiwan's bid to join AUKUS and highlighted growing China interference in cyberspace.


Related Link: https://asia.nikkei.com/Politics/Defense/Taiwan-open-to-deeper-AUKUS-ties-amid-election-meddling-fears.



\n", "date": "2024-02-01 16:21:29", "url": "http://www.roc-taiwan.org/au_en/post/14726.html" }, { "title": "Taiwan’s chief Representative to Australia Mr. Douglas Hsu’s interview with SBS News", "content": "

Representative Douglas Hsu received an interview \"With an eye on Taiwan’s future, these Australian voters have flown back to have their ‘voices heard’\" by Nina Loh and Tania Lee from SBS News on 11 January. Representative Hsu touched upon oversea Taiwanese voters' longings for voting in Taiwan's January election.
\nRelated Link: https://www.sbs.com.au/language/chinese/en/article/au-taiwanese-voters/fosv49do7





\n", "date": "2024-02-01 16:16:24", "url": "http://www.roc-taiwan.org/au_en/post/14716.html" }, { "title": "Taiwan’s Chief Representative to Australia Douglas Hsu \"Democratics Taiwan shares many values with Australia\"", "content": "
Democratics Taiwan shares many values with Australia
The Australian: https://www.theaustralian.com.au/commentary/democratics-taiwan-shares-many-values-with-australia/news-story/cc068ad687339c4e62d8a584030b08ce



Tracking the Taiwanese presidential election probably is the last thing on the mind of most Australians right now: an ambitious summer reading list, finding a parking spot at a crowded beach, or remembering your password to logon if you’re unlucky enough to be back at work might sit a bit higher on your priority list.


So as Taiwan’s chief representative here in Australia, it’s part of my role to help keep you up to date.


In a competitive three-way election, Dr Lai Ching-te (William Lai) from the ruling Democratic Progressive Party, who just won the election last Saturday, will form a new government in coming months and is expected to continue the policies of incumbent Tsai Ing-wen’s administration.


The people of Taiwan have held democratic elections since the 1990s. Although we are not quite as practised as Australia, ours have almost always taken place, and done so in the face of military coercion and interference by China.


In the past this has taken the form of military exercises, rhetorical threat, economic coercion and other tactics such as disinformation and the spread of conspiracies.


So, it’s not surprising the Chinese ambassador to Australia stated in his opinion article published online by this newspaper on Saturday, and timed just before Taiwan’s election, that if Australia has any “miscalculations” in Canberra’s ties with the new Taiwanese government, this will see the Australian people “pushed over the edge of an abyss”.


He also stated, “Taiwan belongs to China” and this is “an inalienable part of the Chinese territory since ancient times”.


In fact, democratic Taiwan is widely commended by the international community and has never been part of the People’s Republic of China since its establishment in 1949.


Taiwan maintains 112 representative missions in more than 70 countries, enjoys substantive ties with nations around the world, and plays an indispensable role in global supply chains and resisting authoritarian expansionism.


Our government has always honoured the political mandate bestowed by the Taiwanese people through democratic elections, and respected the rule of law and human rights.


We are determined to staunchly defend Taiwan’s security and national sovereignty, as well as freedom and democratic ways of life.


It is also our unwavering commitment to work with like-minded partners to maintain peace and stability across the Taiwan Strait and the Indo-Pacific region. As events transpire as a result of Taiwan’s election, I urge Australians to open their eyes to the many ­values and ways of life we share, which can bring us closer together despite the geographical distance between Taiwan and Australia.


Taiwan is a vibrant democracy supported by the rule of law.


We pride ourselves on an entrepreneurial culture that encourages people to have a go.


And we are a country willing to punch above its weight internationally by playing our part on the world stage.


Australia is close in trade and economic terms, too: Taiwan is Australia’s fifth-largest trading partner, with two-way trade worth $32.6bn.


Taiwan and Australia are both democracies in the Indo-­Pacific region: an increasingly rare thing.


Our region is home to about four billion of the world’s population and generates almost 60 per cent of global GDP, but it is a region that is not dominated by democracies.


According to the Lowy Institute report, only 54 per cent of the regional population live under democracy.


So, Australia and Taiwan are more than just partners, we are members of the same community of nations in this vital global region.


We are leaders in the international community, and role models for those striving to have their governments listen to their voices.


We ask all Australians for their support and for their voices as we work together to preserve the status quo of peace and stability across the 180km of water that separates China and Taiwan.


As I watch my homeland peacefully transition to a new government, I hope Australia will join with our other international friends and partners and applaud another democracy in action and support us as we engage on the world stage.



\n", "date": "2024-01-31 14:58:20", "url": "http://www.roc-taiwan.org/au_en/post/14697.html" }, { "title": "Taiwan’s chief Representative to Australia Mr. Douglas Hsu’s interview with AFR", "content": "


Representative Douglas Hsu received an interview \"Taiwan warns of ‘disturbing’ election interference by China\" by Gus McCubbing from Australian Financial Review on 2 January. Representative Hsu touched upon the tactics China might apply to sabotage Taiwan's January election.


Related Link: https://www.afr.com/world/asia/taiwan-warns-of-disturbing-election-interference-by-china-20240102-p5eunf

\n", "date": "2024-01-04 07:12:42", "url": "http://www.roc-taiwan.org/au_en/post/14639.html" } ] }, { "lang": "zh", "branch": "bne", "country": "au", "name": "駐布里斯本台北經濟文化辦事處", "path": "/aubne/", "items": [ { "title": "范處長走訪北領地達爾文僑胞", "content": "
Director-General Fan visited Darwin, Northern Territory and met local Taiwanese community in April.
In Darwin, many young Taiwanese people have come to far away from home and establish their roots in NT.
They showcased the spirit of Taiwanese hard working people and pursuing their dreams. Keep up the good work! Go Taiwan~Go Aussie~Oi Oi Oi!
\n", "date": "2024-04-17 07:57:26", "url": "http://www.roc-taiwan.org/aubne/post/18349.html" }, { "title": "「Zy the Way中庸」爵士樂團與在地僑青3月24日在布里斯本演出大成功!", "content": "
\"🎶\" 優秀的布里斯本僑青Matt Hsu及來自台灣的爵士樂團「 Zy The Way 中庸 」音樂會,優雅的曲風配上「詩經」,讓台下聽眾們享受了一場與眾不同的爵士樂體驗! 當晚精彩演出,也受到滿場澳洲聽眾的肯定,真是台灣\"🇹🇼\"之光\"🙏\"\"👍\"
\"🎉\"What an incredible night of jazz in Brisbane with \"Zy the Way中庸\" and local Brisbane Taiwanese Matt Hsu \"🌟\" \"🎵\"
Director General Fan had the honor of attending a full house performance at BEMAC on 24/3. We couldn't be prouder of these talented artists from Taiwan. The fusion of elegant jazz with the ancient poetry from the \"Book of Songs\" provided a truly unique and mesmerizing experience! \"✨\" \"🎷\"
\n", "date": "2024-04-04 13:54:35", "url": "http://www.roc-taiwan.org/aubne/post/18314.html" }, { "title": "范處長偕歐陽主任3月8日應邀出席世界華人工商婦女企管協會主辦的國際婦女節#Inspirelnclusion多元文化交流活動", "content": "
當天出席貴賓包括主辦單位世華澳洲分會會長鄭麗環、僑務委員羅富齡、陳秋燕、僑務諮詢委員徐瑞雲、昆士蘭國際傑人會會長施國銘、昆士蘭台灣同鄉會會長陳順來、澳洲中華太極八卦協會會長吳秋錦、澳洲臺灣之友秘書長Laurence Quinlivan,以及世華澳洲分會多位前會長、當地澳洲各界人士與臺灣鄉親共約百人出席活動。
活動當天主辦單位特別邀請4位傑出女性人士進行分享,分別為僑務委員陳秋燕、羅富齡,以及Ree Ali與Marica Ristic,她們一一上臺分享自身在澳洲發展的心路歷程,獲得在場人士熱烈好評,主辦單位也特別致贈鮮花及感謝狀予4位分享者。此外當天活動除提供精緻美食外,另穿插多項表演節目,包括菲律賓舞蹈、會長施國銘團隊口琴演出、臺灣原住民族群介紹等,最後在場人士在鄭麗環及族長施雄偉的帶領下共同體驗原住民舞蹈後圓滿結束,氣氛熱絡溫馨。
\"430992327_808089118015558_5765093880853348330_n\" \"431635567_808089064682230_458858927304310542_n\" \"431663545_808089054682231_8176523665184533997_n\" \"432753085_808089021348901_4695442573456841490_n\" \"430896492_808088918015578_5523349061229941612_n\" \"431648604_808088954682241_3719743599898684903_n\" \"431684435_808088951348908_4869330808428532356_n\"
Director-Genearl Fan attended the Global Federation of Chinese Business Women Australia's International Women's Day event on 8 March 2023 at Gold Coast Cultural Centre.
It was so special to celebrate with the amazing Taiwanese women who are outstanding leaders in the Taiwanese community in Queensland and successful business women in their industries.
\n", "date": "2024-03-11 09:05:16", "url": "http://www.roc-taiwan.org/aubne/post/18272.html" }, { "title": "2月17日本處出席黃金海岸慈濟靜思堂出席新春祈福會", "content": "
駐布里斯本辦事處范厚祿處長夫人及林副組長鴻堯赴黃金海岸參加慈濟靜思堂新春祈福會,與慈濟黃金海岸分會會員們共同祝福龍年社會安祥與和平。 辦事處也感謝慈濟在昆士蘭州投入醫療、教育、環保、急難救助等社會關懷的付出及貢獻。
TECO has attended Tzu Chi Gold Coast Lunar New Year Blessing Ceremony
TECO has attended Tzu Chi Gold Coast Lunar New Year Blessing Ceremony and prayed jointly with Tzu Chi Foundation at Gold Coast for social harmony and peace in the year of dragon. The office also thanks Tzu Chi for its social care and contributions in health care, education, environmental protection, emergency relief and other areas in Queensland.
\n", "date": "2024-02-19 08:29:18", "url": "http://www.roc-taiwan.org/aubne/post/18213.html" }, { "title": "駐布里斯本辦事處全體同仁在南半球的澳洲向鄉親們拜年!", "content": "
\n", "date": "2024-02-09 07:44:18", "url": "http://www.roc-taiwan.org/aubne/post/18208.html" }, { "title": "駐布里斯本辦事處全體同仁在此搶頭香向鄉親拜早年", "content": "









影片連結: https://www.youtube.com/watch?si=kt_K5sRLxrZldoRT&fbclid=IwAR1VasZYwi9DhhzVZUHKgu0ge9Wgca6pe5g7xJXf8s2CmDtfnOkcjOSkw_k&v=E3gwKAT61Fc&feature=youtu.be

\n", "date": "2024-02-08 12:45:21", "url": "http://www.roc-taiwan.org/aubne/post/18204.html" }, { "title": "駐澳徐大使佑典、范處長厚祿與州議員Jon Klaus 及AIP 主任暨律師Dan Ryan座談中華民國完成總統/副總統及立院選舉結果及展望", "content": "

駐澳徐大使佑典、范處長厚祿與州議員Jon Klaus 及AIP 主任暨律師Dan Ryan座談中華民國完成總統/副總統及立院選舉結果及展望








Mr Jon Krause MP and Mr Day Ryan, Lawyer and Director of Australia Institute for Progress had a discussion with Representative Hsu and Director-General Fan about the Republic of China(Taiwan)2024 election result and the next chapter in Taiwan’s democracy.


The successful completion of another free and fair election demonstrates Taiwan’s status as a mature and vibrant democracy. The people of Taiwan have chosen the way of democracy, and we are resolved to never let anyone alter this path.


Taiwan will continue to collaborate with the Australia and the international community to pursue peace and stability in the Taiwan Strait. It is in the best interests of all countries and a shared responsibility between both sides of the Taiwan Strait.


Taiwan is keen on participating in the international community , we especially need more explicit support from Australia 🇦🇺 regarding CPTPP participation.

\n", "date": "2024-01-22 09:35:09", "url": "http://www.roc-taiwan.org/aubne/post/18149.html" } ] }, { "lang": "en", "branch": "bne", "country": "au", "name": "Taipei Economic and Cultural Office, Brisbane, Australia", "path": "/aubne_en/", "items": [ { "title": "Director-General Fan visited Darwin, Northern Territory and met local Taiwanese community in April.", "content": "
Director-General Fan visited Darwin, Northern Territory and met local Taiwanese community in April.
In Darwin, many young Taiwanese people have come to far away from home and establish their roots in NT.
They showcased the spirit of Taiwanese hard working people and pursuing their dreams. Keep up the good work! Go Taiwan~Go Aussie~Oi Oi Oi!
\n", "date": "2024-04-17 07:57:52", "url": "http://www.roc-taiwan.org/aubne_en/post/8548.html" }, { "title": "What an incredible night of jazz in Brisbane with \"Zy the Way中庸\" and local Brisbane Taiwanese Matt Hsu  ", "content": "
 \"🎉\"What an incredible night of jazz in Brisbane with \"Zy the Way中庸\" and local Brisbane Taiwanese Matt Hsu \"🌟\" \"🎵\"
Director General Fan had the honor of attending a full house performance at BEMAC on 24/3. We couldn't be prouder of these talented artists from Taiwan. The fusion of elegant jazz with the ancient poetry from the \"Book of Songs\" provided a truly unique and mesmerizing experience! \"✨\" \"🎷\"
\n", "date": "2024-04-04 13:55:04", "url": "http://www.roc-taiwan.org/aubne_en/post/8524.html" }, { "title": "TECO has attended Tzu Chi Gold Coast Lunar New Year Blessing Ceremony", "content": "
TECO has attended Tzu Chi Gold Coast Lunar New Year Blessing Ceremony and prayed jointly with Tzu Chi Foundation at Gold Coast for social harmony and peace in the year of dragon. The office also thanks Tzu Chi for its social care and contributions in health care, education, environmental protection, emergency relief and other areas in Queensland.
\n", "date": "2024-02-19 08:29:57", "url": "http://www.roc-taiwan.org/aubne_en/post/8479.html" }, { "title": "Mr Jon Krause MP and Mr Day Ryan, Lawyer and Director of Australia Institute for Progress had a discussion with Representative Hsu and Director-General Fan about the Republic of China(Taiwan)2024 election result and the next chapter in Taiwan’s democracy", "content": "





Mr Jon Krause MP and Mr Day Ryan, Lawyer and Director of Australia Institute for Progress had a discussion with Representative Hsu and Director-General Fan about the Republic of China(Taiwan)2024 election result and the next chapter in Taiwan’s democracy.


The successful completion of another free and fair election demonstrates Taiwan’s status as a mature and vibrant democracy. The people of Taiwan have chosen the way of democracy, and we are resolved to never let anyone alter this path.


Taiwan will continue to collaborate with the Australia and the international community to pursue peace and stability in the Taiwan Strait. It is in the best interests of all countries and a shared responsibility between both sides of the Taiwan Strait.


Taiwan is keen on participating in the international community , we especially need more explicit support from Australia 🇦🇺 regarding CPTPP participation.

\n", "date": "2024-01-22 09:35:41", "url": "http://www.roc-taiwan.org/aubne_en/post/8441.html" } ] }, { "lang": "zh", "branch": "mel", "country": "au", "name": "駐墨爾本台北經濟文化辦事處", "path": "/aumel/", "items": [ { "title": "本處李秘書長治出席善明同修會蓮生活佛盧勝彥書畫展開幕儀式", "content": "
我們很高興於4/20(週六)上午應邀出席善明同修會蓮生活佛盧勝彥書畫展開幕儀式,本處李長治秘書與維州影子多元文化事務廳長劉福忠議員及前萬年興市長楊千慧女士共同致詞,預祝展覽順利成功。\r\n\"9654\" \r\n\"9653\"\r\n\"9652\r\n\"9651\"\r\n\"9650\"
\n", "date": "2024-04-23 08:58:23", "url": "http://www.roc-taiwan.org/aumel/post/9536.html" }, { "title": "呂處長出席2024澳洲國際汽車售後服務零配件展", "content": "






\n", "date": "2024-04-17 08:16:16", "url": "http://www.roc-taiwan.org/aumel/post/9511.html" }, { "title": "墨爾本台灣商會拜會本處呂處長", "content": "
墨爾本台灣商會沈楓凱、名譽會長廖初曜、張戴麒及徐正豪 3月27日上午率該會副會長及重要幹部拜會本處,處長呂明澤偕僑務秘書楊容清會見,並聽取商會會務發展及相關規劃簡介。會後張戴麒及沈楓凱分別致贈本處2023台灣嘉年華會紀念T恤及伴手禮。呂明澤祝福商會會務蓬勃發展,蒸蒸日上!\"S__13508672\" \r\n\r\n\"S__13508673\"
\n", "date": "2024-04-03 11:26:31", "url": "http://www.roc-taiwan.org/aumel/post/9499.html" }, { "title": "呂處長與墨爾本僑團參加Run for the kids慢跑活動,呼籲支持台灣加入WHO", "content": "


\n", "date": "2024-03-18 14:59:35", "url": "http://www.roc-taiwan.org/aumel/post/9486.html" }, { "title": "呂處長全家參加墨爾本慈濟分會新春祈福會", "content": "












\n", "date": "2024-02-21 11:08:49", "url": "http://www.roc-taiwan.org/aumel/post/9442.html" }, { "title": "呂處長赴欽廉同鄉會護國觀音廟及維省潮州會館關聖帝君廟新春團拜", "content": "












\n", "date": "2024-02-12 06:57:41", "url": "http://www.roc-taiwan.org/aumel/post/9400.html" }, { "title": "呂處長赴Victorian Artist Society參觀旅澳畫家林昕Bloom Like Flowers畫展", "content": "








\n", "date": "2024-01-12 14:23:46", "url": "http://www.roc-taiwan.org/aumel/post/9327.html" }, { "title": "呂處長赴墨爾本Hume Tennis and Community Centre為輪椅網球國手黃楚茵打氣加油", "content": "




\n", "date": "2024-01-11 14:41:37", "url": "http://www.roc-taiwan.org/aumel/post/9317.html" }, { "title": "呂處長赴墨爾本Southern Golf Club 為「2024澳洲業餘名人賽」中華隊選手加油!", "content": "






\n", "date": "2024-01-08 14:18:13", "url": "http://www.roc-taiwan.org/aumel/post/9310.html" } ] }, { "lang": "en", "branch": "mel", "country": "au", "name": "Taipei Economic and Cultural Office, Melbourne, Australia", "path": "/aumel_en/", "items": [ { "title": "Senior Policy Officer Michael Lee attends the opening ceremony of the Living Buddha Lian-Sheng's books and arts paintings exhibition", "content": "
We had the pleasure of attending the opening ceremony of the Living Buddha Lian-Sheng's books and arts paintings exhibition, hosted by TBS Shanming Buddhist Meditation Association on Saturday, April 20th. The event featured esteemed guests, including Mr. Michael Lee, Senior Policy Officer at TECO, Victorian Shadow Minister for Multicultural Affairs and Member of Parliament Trung Luu, and former Mayor of Manningham City, Ms. Jennifer Yang, who delivered congratulatory speeches, extending their warmest wishes for a highly successful and memorable exhibition.\r\n\"\"\r\n\"\"\r\n\"\"\r\n\"\"\r\n\"\"
\n", "date": "2024-04-23 09:00:29", "url": "http://www.roc-taiwan.org/aumel_en/post/3491.html" }, { "title": "DG Lu attends the 2024 Australian Auto Aftermarket Expo", "content": "








\n", "date": "2024-04-17 08:18:48", "url": "http://www.roc-taiwan.org/aumel_en/post/3481.html" }, { "title": "DG Lu participates in the Run for the Kids charity run alongside the Taiwanese community in Melbourne, advocating for Taiwan's inclusion in the WHO.", "content": "


\n", "date": "2024-03-18 15:02:43", "url": "http://www.roc-taiwan.org/aumel_en/post/3463.html" }, { "title": "DG Lu attends the Lunar New Year Blessing organized by Tzu Chi Melbourne", "content": "










\n", "date": "2024-02-21 11:07:59", "url": "http://www.roc-taiwan.org/aumel_en/post/3445.html" }, { "title": "DG Lu visits Chin Lien Chinese Association of Victoria and Teo Chew Chinese Association of Victoria for lunar new year celebration", "content": "












\n", "date": "2024-02-12 07:06:44", "url": "http://www.roc-taiwan.org/aumel_en/post/3432.html" }, { "title": "Director Lu Visits Victorian Artist Society to atttend the Exhibition 'Bloom Like Flowers' by Renowned Australian artist Lin Hsin", "content": "








\n", "date": "2024-01-12 14:31:06", "url": "http://www.roc-taiwan.org/aumel_en/post/3400.html" }, { "title": "DG Lu cheers for the wheelchair tennis national player Huang Chu-yin at Hume Tennis and Community Centre in Melbourne", "content": "


\n", "date": "2024-01-11 14:42:26", "url": "http://www.roc-taiwan.org/aumel_en/post/3392.html" }, { "title": "DG Lu cheered for the Taiwan team players for “The Australian Master of the Amateurs International Championship” at Southern Golf Club, Melbourne.", "content": "

\"DG \"\" \"\"

\n", "date": "2024-01-08 14:23:23", "url": "http://www.roc-taiwan.org/aumel_en/post/3383.html" } ] }, { "lang": "zh", "branch": "syd", "country": "au", "name": "駐雪梨台北經濟文化辦事處", "path": "/ausyd/", "items": [ { "title": "吳處長會晤萊德市(Ryde)新任市長Trenton Brown", "content": "

吳正偉處長今早接待來訪的萊德市(Ryde)市長Trenton Brown,並繼國立清華大學與澳洲麥考瑞大學展開雙聯博士學位合作後,續就未來可行的實質互惠合作交換意見,期盼共同深化台-新州/台-澳各層面的夥伴關係。





\n", "date": "2024-04-22 13:44:14", "url": "http://www.roc-taiwan.org/ausyd/post/12344.html" }, { "title": "吳正偉處長陪同駐澳大利亞徐佑典大使首度拜會雪梨智庫洛伊研究院 (Lowy Institute)", "content": "

駐澳徐佑典大使首度拜會雪梨智庫 #洛伊研究院 (Lowy Institute)執行長Dr. Michael Fullilove,並就國際情勢、地緣政治發展態勢及未來雙方合作交換意見。



\n", "date": "2024-04-19 12:37:23", "url": "http://www.roc-taiwan.org/ausyd/post/12329.html" }, { "title": "吳處長陪同國家人權委員會訪澳代表團赴雪梨邦代Westfield購物中心事件現場獻花悼念", "content": "



中華民國國家人權委員會蔡崇義副主任委員率鴻義章委員、王榮璋委員、王幼玲委員、葉大華委員在駐雪梨事處吳正偉處長陪同下,於2024年4月18日社區追思日(Community Reflection Day)前往雪梨邦代Westfield購物中心事件現場,代表我國政府及台灣人民獻花致意,悼念上週六不幸遇害的6名無辜受害者。













\n", "date": "2024-04-19 10:44:10", "url": "http://www.roc-taiwan.org/ausyd/post/12314.html" }, { "title": "吳處長拜會澳洲聯邦技職署(Jobs and Skills Australia Commissioner)候任署長-西雪梨大學Barney Glover 校長", "content": "

西雪梨大學Barney Glover 校長即將接任「澳洲聯邦技職署」 (Jobs and Skills Australia Commissioner)署長,吳正偉處長特別前往拜會,除了當面致賀及感謝他對台灣的長期支持外,也討論日後台澳在高科技產業職能訓練合作的可行性。



\n", "date": "2024-04-10 12:15:29", "url": "http://www.roc-taiwan.org/ausyd/post/12302.html" }, { "title": "吳處長出席全僑慶祝中華民國第16任總統及副總統就職慶祝活動籌備會", "content": "














\n", "date": "2024-04-02 07:26:46", "url": "http://www.roc-taiwan.org/ausyd/post/12283.html" }, { "title": "吳處長應邀出席113年雪梨地區雙十國慶籌備會首次會議", "content": "








\n", "date": "2024-03-26 16:05:00", "url": "http://www.roc-taiwan.org/ausyd/post/12227.html" }, { "title": "吳正偉處長會晤台灣澳紐商會(ANZCham)陳明信理事長及泓德能源團隊", "content": "

吳正偉處長會晤台灣澳紐商會(ANZCham)陳明信理事長及上市公司 泓德能源 (HDRE)謝源ㄧ董事長帶領的核心團隊來處拜訪,駐澳大利亞代表處經濟組郭妙英組長、雪梨華僑文教中心施博祥主任及雪梨台貿中心蔡英庠主任也一起與會腦力激盪,為泓德團隊進軍澳洲市場提供第一手建議及在地資源。











\n", "date": "2024-03-26 15:58:48", "url": "http://www.roc-taiwan.org/ausyd/post/12219.html" }, { "title": "吳正偉處長再度會晤澳洲智庫「獨立研究中心」(CIS)執行長 Tom Switzer", "content": "

吳正偉處長偕同仁再度會晤澳洲智庫「獨立研究中心」(The Centre for Independent Studies, CIS)執行長 Tom Switzer,就近期台澳中關係、地緣政治情勢及未來合作計畫等交換意見。





\n", "date": "2024-03-26 15:47:05", "url": "http://www.roc-taiwan.org/ausyd/post/12206.html" }, { "title": "吳正偉處長拜會澳洲第29任總理Malcolm Turnbull", "content": "

吳正偉處長拜會澳洲第29任總理滕博爾(Malcolm Turnbull),轉致我高層的新年祝福及問候,說明總統大選結果,並就國際地緣政治情勢、反制外國勢力干涉等議題交換意見。









\n", "date": "2024-03-13 14:21:15", "url": "http://www.roc-taiwan.org/ausyd/post/12190.html" }, { "title": "吳正偉處長接待台北市體育局蔡培林副局長乙行來澳宣傳雙北世界壯年運動會", "content": "






\n", "date": "2024-03-13 11:00:03", "url": "http://www.roc-taiwan.org/ausyd/post/12176.html" }, { "title": "客家電視台向盛言台長率領優質採訪團隊拜會採訪本處吳正偉處長", "content": "










\n", "date": "2024-03-06 12:10:55", "url": "http://www.roc-taiwan.org/ausyd/post/12169.html" }, { "title": "澳洲雪梨客家聯誼會天穿日親子同樂 新團隊接棒傳承客家文化", "content": "

在農曆春節的尾聲,澳洲雪梨客家聯誼會3月3日下午在Cabarita Park Conservatory歡喜舉辦第4屆理監事交接典禮及「天穿日」慶祝活動,駐雪梨台北經濟文化辦事處吳正偉處長偕雪梨文教中心主任施博祥、辦事處組長李弘文應邀出席,全球臺灣客家聯合總會總會長葉義深、僑務諮詢委員林瑞銘及雪梨政大校友會會長張明仁等貴賓也與會共襄盛舉。


在吳處長監交及所有嘉賓共同見證下,第4屆會長葉禮筑自第3屆會長謝明君手中接過象徵責任的印信。卸下重擔的謝前會長細數2年任內先後舉辦天穿日慶典、母親節慈善健走、桐花祭端午遊雪梨大橋和中秋節團圓奉茶工坊等一系列親子同樂、紮根新世代的客家文化體驗活動;而在會務推動上,也導入Google Drive 資訊分享優化團隊工作,成立臉書專頁建立宣傳管道,並採用收費會員制,以利社團永續發展。謝前會長表示,新任葉禮筑會長是葉氏集團董事,擔任客家會理事期間熱心會務,未來定能以企業家精神帶領團隊邁向創新。



































\n", "date": "2024-03-05 12:20:20", "url": "http://www.roc-taiwan.org/ausyd/post/12159.html" }, { "title": "吳處長應邀出席慈濟澳洲分會2024「新春祝福」祈福會", "content": "

吳正偉處長偕李弘文組長、僑教中心施博祥主任應邀出席慈濟澳洲分會「新春祝福」,與澳洲慈濟大家庭及新南威爾斯州下議員Jordon Lane、萊德市市長Sarkis Yedelian及市議員一同觀賞「慈濟大藏經」,見證全球慈濟人2023年的大愛足跡,以及澳洲慈濟人深耕在地的成果。















\n", "date": "2024-02-26 13:42:22", "url": "http://www.roc-taiwan.org/ausyd/post/12109.html" }, { "title": "吳處長應邀出席中國國民黨駐澳洲總支部新春聯歡暨慶生會", "content": "




















\n", "date": "2024-02-26 13:37:43", "url": "http://www.roc-taiwan.org/ausyd/post/12099.html" }, { "title": "吳處長夫婦出席澳大利亞留台校友會元宵節聯歡暨雪梨全僑春節聯歡會慶功晚宴", "content": "














\n", "date": "2024-02-26 13:32:32", "url": "http://www.roc-taiwan.org/ausyd/post/12090.html" }, { "title": "吳正偉處長應邀出席萊德市新春慶典開幕典禮", "content": "

吳正偉處長應邀出席萊德市政府在Eastwood舉行的農曆新年慶祝活動開幕典禮,與萊德市市長Sarkis Yedelian、來自聯邦議會、新州議會、萊德市議會政要進行點睛儀式,也和現場數千民眾一同觀賞盛大舞龍演出及高樁舞獅,在喧天鑼鼓聲中為精彩演出用力鼓掌。




萊德市13萬人口來自110個不同民族背景、使用72種不同語言,各項精采活動充分彰顯在地多元文化活力,更再次證明澳洲是全球多元文化的成功典範。 \"image_123650291_10\"

\n", "date": "2024-02-19 16:20:20", "url": "http://www.roc-taiwan.org/ausyd/post/12081.html" }, { "title": "吳正偉處長偕經文處全體員眷出席雪梨僑界慶祝2024春節聯歡晚會", "content": "

由澳洲留台校友會及澳洲台灣商會合辦的甲辰龍年春節聯歡晚會,於2月10日(大年初一)晚間在雪梨市區西南郊Bankstown的Liberty Palace大酒樓盛大舉行,大雪梨地區僑團及僑胞等300餘人共襄盛舉,互道新年如意,晚會場面熱鬧滾滾。
\n此外新南威爾斯州政要諸如上議院副議長Rod Roberts、新州自由黨領袖代表暨多元文化事務影子廳長Mark Coure、上議院工黨副黨鞭Cameron Murphy、都市計畫影子廳長Scott Farlow、青年司法事務影子廳長Aileen MacDonald、新州上議員Mark Latham、Jacqui Munro、下議員Matt Cross、Geoff Provest及Ku-ring-gai市議員Barbara Ward等也蒞臨與宴同賀龍年春節,象徵新州政界跨黨派對台澳友誼及雪梨台僑社群的重視。











\n", "date": "2024-02-13 07:34:19", "url": "http://www.roc-taiwan.org/ausyd/post/12034.html" }, { "title": "吳正偉處長出席僑務顧問董大山2024年個展「Blessings」開幕式", "content": "

吳正偉處長應邀出席中華民國僑務顧問董大山在Willoughby市府MOSAIC 多元文化中心舉辦的2024年個展「Blessings」開幕式,與現場近百位董顧問親友、教友及學生共聚一堂,享受藝術與友誼的美好盛宴。



























\n", "date": "2024-02-06 15:14:11", "url": "http://www.roc-taiwan.org/ausyd/post/12019.html" }, { "title": "台灣第20屆外交小尖兵代表團訪問澳洲雪梨", "content": "





代表團首先抵達辦事處,透過吳處長的業務簡報,瞭解我國駐外機構的運作模式及工作概況,隨後轉赴雪梨市中心聖瑪麗主教座堂(St. Mary’s Cathedral)前,接受澳洲「特別廣播服務公司」(SBS中文)特派員專訪,分享他們對澳洲的第一印象,以及未來出國求學深造的憧憬。




當晚,辦事處安排小尖兵們會晤雪梨僑務委員葉義深及澳洲台灣商會副會長葉禮丞父子,一同欣賞聞名全球的雪梨港夜景。葉委員也勉勵小尖兵們,除了培養優異的語文能力外,更要保有一顆好奇心,開拓國際視野,才能搭起台灣走向全世界的友誼之橋。曾經在台灣求學及工作長達8年的澳洲雪梨台灣校友會(TAASA)副會長Alex Matos也應邀出席與代表團互動,分享澳洲求學環境、各校系特色、在地風土民情,以及台澳教育制度的差異。




新州上議院議員Chris Rath隨後親自主持與「外交小尖兵代表團」的交流對談。Chris說明澳洲聯邦與州議會制度差異、黨團運作特色,以及住房、氣候變遷等近期熱門議題,並親切回答小尖兵提問有關從政的過程,以及作為反對黨黨鞭的職責等。


代表團下午拜會國際組織「亞太防制洗錢組織」 (APG),秘書長Gordon Hook博士親自接見,並說明APG的功能與運作、台灣參與APG情形及在國際洗錢防制方面的貢獻。對於能參訪一般人罕能進入的國際組織,小尖兵們不僅倍感榮幸,更覺視野大開。


拜會的最後一站,小尖兵代表團來到奧地利駐雪梨總領事館,奧國總領事Ulrikes Straka偕全體館員熱情接待。Straka說明該總領事館的職掌外,並分享過去派駐各國的文化衝擊與有趣經驗;小尖兵們也紛紛就奧地利的發展現況、文化、民情以及台奧教育制度等進行熱烈的提問與交流。


「讀萬卷書,行萬里路」,拜會之餘,小尖兵們把握時間前往QS全球排名第19的澳洲頂尖學府雪梨大學參加導覽,親炙名校丰采,也不忘在神似「霍格華茲魔法學校」的「The Quadrangle」教學大樓前合影。代表團也抽空來到雪梨的標誌性建築、名列世界文化遺產的雪梨歌劇院前打卡拍照,遠眺雪梨港灣大橋及晴空下的雪梨港美景。



























\n", "date": "2024-02-01 13:28:40", "url": "http://www.roc-taiwan.org/ausyd/post/11953.html" }, { "title": "國際佛光會雪梨協會拜會吳正偉處長", "content": "

國際佛光會雪梨協會胡命安會長與喬琪、Monica兩位督導拜會駐雪梨台北經濟文化辦事處吳正偉處長,代表佛光山紐澳總住持滿可法師致贈桌曆、臘八粥,以及星雲法師「雲水自在 祥和歡喜」一筆字春聯,寓意「處處自在安樂,時時歡喜吉祥」。吳處長也回贈南投日月潭茶葉、記事案曆及月曆。









\n", "date": "2024-01-16 15:51:43", "url": "http://www.roc-taiwan.org/ausyd/post/11910.html" }, { "title": "輔仁大學新任校長藍易振榮獲僑委會玉山僑務專業獎章・吳正偉處長代表徐委員長致贈賀函", "content": "














\n", "date": "2024-01-10 11:35:45", "url": "http://www.roc-taiwan.org/ausyd/post/11898.html" }, { "title": "吳正偉處長出席雪梨僑界慶祝中華民國113年元旦升旗典禮", "content": "





升旗典禮後,大會主席謝美鳳、本處吳正偉處長伉儷、僑教中心施博祥主任及黨代表林垂佐分別為祥獅點睛,象徵新年的好兆頭。醒獅接著為到場嘉賓舞出「祥獅獻瑞」,將新年的好采頭分送現場的大小朋友,同時響起歡天喜地的鑼鼓聲。雪梨市警局也配合雪梨僑界升旗典禮,循例在Ultimo Road入口處進行小型交管,確保觀禮嘉賓的安全與便利。






台灣半導體產業鏈發展完整,目前台灣生產的先進製程晶片佔全球市占率95%,成為進一步投入科技創新研發的堅實基礎。另一方面,台灣在瑞士洛桑管理學院(IMD)公布的「2023年世界競爭力年報」(IMD World Competitiveness Yearbook )中榮獲全球第6名,為10年來最佳排名,廣獲國際肯定。































\n", "date": "2024-01-02 08:58:06", "url": "http://www.roc-taiwan.org/ausyd/post/11844.html" } ] }, { "lang": "en", "branch": "syd", "country": "au", "name": "Taipei Economic and Cultural Office, Sydney, Australia", "path": "/ausyd_en/", "items": [ { "title": "Director General David Cheng-Wei Wu Meet with Clr Trenton Brown, the Mayor of the City of Ryde", "content": "

Director General David Cheng-Wei Wu was delighted to meet with Clr Trenton Brown, the Mayor of the City of Ryde. Following the successful cooperation plan signed between Taiwan’s National Tsing Hua University (NTHU) and Australia’s Macquarie University in March, DG Wu and Clr Brown discussed more substantial and mutually beneficial collaborations for the future.


We look forward to working together with the City of Ryde to further strengthen the partnership between Taiwan and New South Wales/Australia.





\n", "date": "2024-04-22 13:47:21", "url": "http://www.roc-taiwan.org/ausyd_en/post/13847.html" }, { "title": "Representative Douglas Hsu Met with Dr. Michael Fullilove, Executive Director of the Lowy Institute", "content": "

Representative Douglas Yu-Tien Hsu met with Dr. Michael Fullilove, Executive Director of the Lowy Institute today. They exchanged the views of the newly developments of international relations, regional geopolitics, and future collaboration.


Taiwan and Australia are not only like-minded countries, but also highly respect the independence of academic research and institutes. We look forward to working closely with Lowy for supporting the regional stability and prosperity.

\n", "date": "2024-04-19 14:01:14", "url": "http://www.roc-taiwan.org/ausyd_en/post/13832.html" }, { "title": "Taiwan National Human Rights Commission Delegation paid the tribute to Bondi Junction tragedy", "content": "

Taiwan National Human Rights Commission Delegation paid the tribute to Bondi Junction tragedy


The Vice Chairperson of the Commission, Mr Tsai Chung-Yi along with Commissioners Mr Uapay Radiw Kanasaw, Mr Wang Jung-Chang, Mr Wang Yu-Ling and Ms Yeh Ta-Hua, accompanied by Director General David Cheng-Wei Wu visited Bondi Junction Westfield Shopping Centre during Community Reflection Day on April 18 2024.


On behalf of the people and government of Taiwan, they paid the tribute and sent condolences to the victims and their families. Taiwan and 🇦🇺Australia are like-minded partners, both highly value the human rights. The Bondi tragedy highlights the importance of care for mental health needs, law enforcement at public areas, establishment of social security net, community resilience and recovery, precaution and prevention of critical safety incidents, etc. Those issues are all connected to human rights and public education. At this heartbreaking and challenging moment, Taiwan looks forward to working with Australia continuously and supporting each other to build an even safer, warmer and more peaceful home and society for our peoples.











\n", "date": "2024-04-19 10:49:36", "url": "http://www.roc-taiwan.org/ausyd_en/post/13822.html" }, { "title": "Director General David Cheng-Wei Wu met with Prof. Barney Glover, VC of Western Sydney University, and the newly appointed Commissioner of Jobs and Skills Australia", "content": "

Director General David Cheng-Wei Wu congratulated Professor Barney Glover, Western Sydney University VC, in person before Professor Glover assumed his new position as Jobs and Skills Australia Commissioner. They discussed potential collaboration on Advanced Skills training between Taiwan and Australia.


The 7.2 magnitude earthquake that struck Taiwan that morning (3rd of April) has drawn significant attention from Australians. Professor Glover, who has visited Taiwan 19 times, still vividly remembers his trips to Hualien and Taitung. He expressed his sympathy to DG Wu for those affected by the earthquake and conveyed his best wishes to the people of Taiwan.

\n", "date": "2024-04-10 12:14:04", "url": "http://www.roc-taiwan.org/ausyd_en/post/13808.html" }, { "title": "Director General David Cheng-Wei Wu Attends the Preparation Meeting for the Celebration of the 16th President's Inauguration", "content": "

Leaders of Taiwanese community organizations in Sydney enthusiastically responded to the call of Paul Lin and Michael Yeh, Council Members of OCAC, for the preparation of the Gala Dinner in celebration of the 16th President&Vice President’s Inauguration. This not only demonstrates their staunch support for the government but also highlights the unity within the Taiwanese community


In his remarks, Director General David Cheng-Wei Wu highly praised the passion of the Taiwanese community, and emphasized the successful and peaceful Presidential election worth our pride. Through the celebration, we anticipate further understanding of Taiwan’s mature democracy by the Australian mainstream, and the deepening of Taiwan-Australia relations.









\n", "date": "2024-04-02 07:25:37", "url": "http://www.roc-taiwan.org/ausyd_en/post/13796.html" }, { "title": "Director General David Cheng-Wei Wu Joined the First Preparatory Meeting of the Double Tenth Celebration Committee", "content": "

Director General David Cheng-Wei Wu was delighted to join the first preparatory meeting of the Double Tenth Celebration Committee nd presented Certificates of Appreciation to outgoing Chairperson Johnson Hsiung and his team for their incredible dedication.


DG Wu also congratulated Sophia Huang as the new Chairperson and anticipated her leadership would bring the Taiwanese community together for a memorable celebration.





\n", "date": "2024-03-26 16:08:18", "url": "http://www.roc-taiwan.org/ausyd_en/post/13766.html" }, { "title": "Director General David Cheng-Wei Wu Meets with Dr. Jeffrey Chen, Chairman of ANZCham, and the HD Renewable Energy (HDRE) Team", "content": "

Director General David Cheng-Wei Wu warmly welcomed Dr. Jeffrey Chen, Chairman of ANZCham, and the HD Renewable Energy (HDRE) Team, led by its Chairman, Edward Hsieh. Representatives from the Economic Division of TECO Australia, the Culture Centre of TECO Sydney, and the Taiwan Trade Centre in Sydney were all present, providing valuable insights and advice.


A big shoutout to Jeffrey for his exceptional leadership at ANZCham, and we anticipate HDRE’s investment in Australia to be a remarkable success. TECO in Sydney has been, and always will be, a staunch supporter of Taiwan’s overseas entrepreneurial pioneers.









\n", "date": "2024-03-26 15:58:00", "url": "http://www.roc-taiwan.org/ausyd_en/post/13756.html" }, { "title": "Director General David Cheng-Wei Wu Meets with CIS's Executive Director Tom Switzer", "content": "

Director General David Cheng-Wei Wu was delighted to catch up with CIS's Executive Director Tom Switzer and discuss Taiwan's recent developmentiis in Taiwan-Australia-China relations, regional geopolitical issues, and potential opportunities for collaboration. We look forward to working closely with CIS and further enhancing the partnership between Taiwan and Australia.





\n", "date": "2024-03-26 15:50:01", "url": "http://www.roc-taiwan.org/ausyd_en/post/13746.html" }, { "title": "Director General David Cheng-Wei Wu meets with the 29th Australian PM Malcolm Turnbull", "content": "

Director General David Cheng-Wei Wu had the honor of meeting with Hon. Malcolm Turnbull AC, the 29th Prime Minister of Australia and conveyed the New Year greetings on behalf of the people and government of R.O.C.(Taiwan). They exchanged views on geopolitics, countering foreign interference, and other concerned issues. During the meeting, PM Turnbull graciously served tea and shared many first-hand observations of world politics, showcasing the approachable nature of great Australian leadership.







\n", "date": "2024-03-13 14:32:02", "url": "http://www.roc-taiwan.org/ausyd_en/post/13736.html" }, { "title": "Director General David Cheng-Wei Wu welcomed Mr. Pei-Lin Tsai, Deputy Commissioner of Department of Sports, Taipei City", "content": "

Director General David Cheng-Wei Wu was pleased to receive Mr. Pei-Lin Tsai, Deputy Commissioner of Department of Sports, Taipei City Government and his delegation.


The World Masters Games takes place every four years. Sydney, Melbourne and Brisbane were host cities respectively. Taiwan’s Taipei & New Taipei City will co-host World Masters Games 2025 during 17-30 May, and Perth will be the host in 2029.


Come to join the Games and explore Taiwan’s 🇹🇼 unique charm:https://wmg2025.tw



\n", "date": "2024-03-13 11:04:05", "url": "http://www.roc-taiwan.org/ausyd_en/post/13725.html" }, { "title": "Director General David Cheng-Wei Wu Interviewed by Hakka TV", "content": "

Director General David Cheng-Wei Wu was delighted to receive the delegation led by the head of Hakka TV, Mr. Paul Shang, during their visit to Australia and Sydney.


DG Wu not only updated the recent development of Hakka communities in NSW, but also discuss TW-AUS relations and potential fields for bilateral cooperation in the interview. We will continue to work with our communities and AUS governments to safeguard the multiculturalism.









\n", "date": "2024-03-06 12:18:52", "url": "http://www.roc-taiwan.org/ausyd_en/post/13711.html" }, { "title": "Director General David Cheng-Wei Wu Attended the Inauguration of the 4th President of the Sydney Hakka Association Australia", "content": "

Director General David Cheng-Wei Wu and his family were honored to be invited to the inauguration of the 4th President and her team of the Sydney Hakka Association Australia (SHAA) to witness the smooth handover of the presidency from Kathy Sieh to Karena Yeh.


DG Wu expressed his gratitude for SHAA’s long-term support, especially at the 2023 Taste of Taiwan event, and acknowledged Kathy for her invaluable contributions to SHAA. He anticipated that Karena would further enhance the revitalization of Hakka language and culture on the solid foundation established by the preceding SHAA teams.


On behalf of the Hakka Affairs Council, DG Wu presented Certificates of Appointment to Kathy Sieh and Michael Yeh, the inaugural President of the Global Taiwan Hakka Organization, as Advisory Consultants.


As it was also the Sky Broken Day (aka. National Hakka Day) celebration, with traditional handmade Hakka food and a puppet theater performing the interesting legend of Sky Broken Day, all members and guests, young and old, enjoyed a delightful Sunday afternoon.























\n", "date": "2024-03-05 12:19:40", "url": "http://www.roc-taiwan.org/ausyd_en/post/13699.html" }, { "title": "Director General David Cheng-Wei Wu Attends Tzu Chi Australia’s Lunar New Year Blessing Ceremony 2024", "content": "

Director General David Cheng-Wei Wu was delighted to attend the Lunar New Year Blessing Ceremony 2024 hosted by Tzu Chi Australia. Alongside guests including Mayor Sarkis Yedelian OAM, Jordon Lane MP, and Clr. Justin Li. DG Wu witnessed the footprints of Tzu Chi volunteers’ great love around the world and across Australia in 2023.


In his remarks, DG Wu recalled the hundreds of tons of donations from Taiwan to victims of the Ukrainian-Russian war and the mega-earthquake in Turkey, which flooded in and filled up several government storages within just a few days. Without the professional logistic assistance of Tzu Chi volunteers, the aid resources would never have reached the people in need timely.


DG Wu also expressed his appreciation for Tzu Chi Australia’s long-term support in providing emergency assistance to Taiwanese communities and overseas Taiwanese in Australia. At the beginning of the (Lunar) New Year, DG Wu extended his heartfelt wishes to all the guests for a prosperous and successful Year of the Dragon.











\n", "date": "2024-02-27 07:41:37", "url": "http://www.roc-taiwan.org/ausyd_en/post/13667.html" }, { "title": "Director General David Cheng-Wei Wu Attend Lantern Festival Celebration Hosted by the Association of Overseas Taiwan Alumni in Australia", "content": "

The Lantern Festival marks the final day of the traditional Lunar New Year celebrations. Director General David Cheng-Wei Wu and Mrs. Wu were delighted to attend the Lantern Festival celebration, joining esteemed teams from the Association of Overseas Taiwan Alumni in Australia and the Taiwan Chamber of Commerce in Australia.


DG Wu highly praised the Alumni Association led by President Paul Huang as a closely bonded family. He acknowledged the Lunar New Year dinner of the Taiwanese communities as a great success and wished all the guests a prosperous and peaceful Year of the Dragon.









\n", "date": "2024-02-27 07:41:23", "url": "http://www.roc-taiwan.org/ausyd_en/post/13663.html" }, { "title": "Director General David Cheng-Wei Wu Attend KMT Australia Branch's 2024 Lunar New Year and Birthday Celebration", "content": "

DG Wu extended his heartfelt wishes for good health and happiness to Taiwanese communities, hoping they would have a prosperous year of the Dragon.


In his remarks, DG Wu highlighted Taiwan’s crucial role in the global supply chain, noting that TSMC’s revenue in 2023 reached $693 billion, surpassing that of Intel and Samsung.


Meanwhile, January's Presidential election was internationally praised for showcasing Taiwan’s mature democratic system and its people’s determination in safeguarding liberal democracy. The new Governmentcoming in May promises to keep cross-strait peace and team up with Australiaand other democracies for a free, open, and prosperous region. Most importantly, DG Wu emphasized that full support from Taiwanese communities has always been and always will be essential.













\n", "date": "2024-02-27 07:41:16", "url": "http://www.roc-taiwan.org/ausyd_en/post/13659.html" }, { "title": "Director General David Cheng-Wei Wu Attended Lunar New Year Festival Hosted by City of Ryde", "content": "

Director General David Cheng-Wei Wu was honoured to attend the successful Lunar New Year Festival hosted by City of Ryde. He joined the Official Ceremony and applauded the dragon dance and high pole lion dance alongside Sarkis Yedelian - Mayor OAM and VIPs from Federal Parliament, NSW Parliament and Ryde City Council.


The Taiwanese community was delighted to be part of the celebration. Both the eye-catching San Tai-Zi (“The Third Prince”) performance by FASCA and the Taiwanese folk songs by Formosa Choir and the DCS International of NSW, Australia, brought Taiwan’s traditional cultural elements to the audience.


Ryde City is home to 130,000 people from 110 different ethnic backgrounds, speaking 72 different languages. Today’s Festival not only showcases Ryde City’s vibrant multiculturalism but also underscores Australia’s success in embracing multiculturalism.























\n", "date": "2024-02-21 08:04:00", "url": "http://www.roc-taiwan.org/ausyd_en/post/13636.html" }, { "title": "Director General David Cheng-Wei Wu Attended the Lunar New Year Gala Dinner", "content": "

Director General David Cheng-Wei Wu was pleased to be invited to the New Year Gala dinner organised by members of the Association of Overseas Alumni in Australia and Taiwanese Chamber of Commerce in Australia (TCCA)


In the remarks D.G. Wu said, the Taiwanese people have conveyed powerful messages in the recent Presidential election. Through their ballots, they have chosen freedom over authoritarianism and democracy over dictatorship. Taiwan’s new administration is committed to maintaining the peaceful status quo of the Taiwan Strait and opposing any unilateral changes.


Australia and Taiwan uphold shared ideals of freedom, democracy and the rule of law. We must continue to expand opportunities for cooperation and fostering the exchange of ideas, talent, technologies and social initiatives. That is what will ensure the peace and prosperity in our region for the years to come.


Leaders in NSW Parliament such as Rod Roberts MLC, Mark Coure MP, Cameron Murphy MLC, Scott Farlow MLC, Aileen MacDonald MLC, Mark Latham MP, Jacqui Munro MLC, Matt Cross MP and Cl. Barbara Ward also joined the gala dinner to celebrate the Lunar New Year.


Through remarks delivered, they commended Taiwan’s democratic achievements, and sent best wishes for a stronger and more robust Taiwan-Australia relationship in all aspects.









\n", "date": "2024-02-13 07:40:43", "url": "http://www.roc-taiwan.org/ausyd_en/post/13602.html" }, { "title": "Director General David Cheng-Wei Wu Attends the Grand Opening of Alan Tung, OCAC Advisor’s Solo Art Exhibition \"Blessings\"", "content": "

Director General David Cheng-Wei Wu was delighted to be invited to attend the grand opening of Alan Tung, OCAC Advisor’s art exhibition \"Blessings.\"


DG Wu acknowledged Mr. Tung’s continuous dedication to art creation and his enthusiastic involvement in Taiwanese community affairs. It is also noteworthy that he has been teaching painting at the MOSAIC Multicultural Centre for 10 years. As the Lunar New Year approaches, DG Wu wishes all guests a prosperous and successful Year of the Dragon.























\n", "date": "2024-02-06 15:14:54", "url": "http://www.roc-taiwan.org/ausyd_en/post/13589.html" }, { "title": "Director General David Cheng-Wei Wu Presented OCAC Minister’s Congratulatory Letter to Prof. Yi-Chen Lan, Winner of the Mt. Jade Professional Medal Award", "content": "

Congratulations to Prof. Yi-Chen Lan, new President of Fu Jen Catholic University in Taiwan and the winner of OCAC Mt. Jade Professional Medal Award. The prize is in honor of his dedication to promoting TW-AU academic ties and contributing public diplomacy.


On behalf of OCAC, Director General David Cheng-Wei Wu presented congratulatory letter from Minister Chia-Ching Hsu to Prof. Lan, and shared stories of Prof’s 30-year academic journey from the start to the peak with the TECO Sydney team.











\n", "date": "2024-01-16 15:52:06", "url": "http://www.roc-taiwan.org/ausyd_en/post/13510.html" }, { "title": "Director General David Cheng-Wei Wu Welcomed the Visit of Buddha's Light International Association (BLIA) Sydney Chapter", "content": "

Director General David Cheng-Wei Wu warmly welcomed the visit of Buddha's Light International Association (BLIA) Sydney Chapter President Hu Ming An and his team, Monica Hsu and Chiao Chi. On behalf of Venerable Manko, President Hu presented Nan Tien Temple’s 2024 calendar, Laba congee (or Eight Treasure Congee), and a spring couplet written by Venerable Master Hsing Yun, which reads, “May You Be Free as Cloud and Water, Auspicious and Joyful..”


DG Wu praised Fo Guang Shan Nan Tien Temple for its dedicated efforts in charity and the promotion of TW-AU exchange in education and religion. DG Wu and the visitors exchanged sincere blessings, extending their wishes for good fortune in the Year of the Dragon.







\n", "date": "2024-01-16 15:51:31", "url": "http://www.roc-taiwan.org/ausyd_en/post/13517.html" }, { "title": "Director General David Cheng-Wei Wu Attended 2024 Flag Raising Ceremony", "content": "

Director General David Cheng-Wei Wu Attended 2024 Flag Raising Ceremony, and wished the Taiwanese communities in Sydney a peaceful and prosperous new year.









\n", "date": "2024-01-03 05:44:32", "url": "http://www.roc-taiwan.org/ausyd_en/post/13487.html" } ] }, { "lang": "zh", "branch": "", "country": "in", "name": "駐印度台北經濟文化中心", "path": "/in/", "items": [ { "title": "葛大使葆萱出席「印度台商總會」成立酒會", "content": "








\n", "date": "2024-04-24 21:15:59", "url": "http://www.roc-taiwan.org/in/post/11520.html" }, { "title": "外交部長吳釗燮接受印度「寰宇一家」電視視訊專訪,說明維持台海和平穩定已為國際共識,台印度關係將持續穩健發展", "content": "
外交部長吳釗燮於本(4)月12日接受印度「寰宇一家」(WION)電視新聞台外交國防主播Sidhant Sibal視訊專訪,內容包括台灣與印度關係、台海與印太安全等議題,專訪已於同日晚間該電視頻道播出並上掛網站,訪談內容也獲印度大報「每日新聞與分析」(DNA India)全文刊登,廣受關注及好評。

吳部長首先感謝印度總理莫迪(Narendra Modi)對花蓮地震的關心,尤其印度近期將舉行大選,莫迪總理選務繁忙中仍在社群媒體表示慰問及支持,令台灣人民相當感動,蔡總統、賴副總統暨總統當選人與外交部均予以復謝。吳部長表示,台印度關係越來越熱絡,印度政府數度重申對台海和平穩定的重視,今年2月雙方簽署勞工合作備忘錄,以及我國新開設的駐孟買辦事處預計今年下半年正式運作,深信雙方合作將進一步深化。


吳部長並指出,台印度交流面向多元,文化活動如印度排燈節(Diwali)、荷麗節(Holi)及印度電影在台都受到歡迎,他個人也是印度迷。在經貿方面,兩國雙邊貿易額已突破80億美元,雙方勞務合作更是互惠互利,近來在半導體的發展也深受矚目。台灣生產全球90%高階晶片,而國際仍有更大需求量,台灣企業在尋求合作夥伴時,自然想到同為民主國家且擁有大量優秀勞動力的印度,作為取代中國的優先選項。台灣力積電(PSMC)將與印商塔塔電子(Tata Electronics)合作興建印度首座12吋晶圓廠,即為顯著例證,開創兩國半導體產業合作的里程碑。


有關台海安全及印太情勢,吳部長表示,中國長期對台進行灰色地帶混合作戰,我國除持續提升自我防衛能力,也與理念相近國家合作,共同維護台海及印太區域和平與穩定。由於中國已突破第一島鏈將觸角伸入太平洋,並在印度洋以「珍珠鏈」(string of pearls)戰略擴張影響力,獨裁國家靠攏合流,因此民主國家必須團結遏止威權擴張。印度是「四方安全對話」(QUAD)重要成員,此外,美、日、韓、菲等國正加強合作,美、加及英國與歐洲國家也在台海、南海行使自由航行權,充分顯示對此區域情勢的重視,「台海和平穩定關乎全球安全繁榮」已成為國際共識。













\n", "date": "2024-04-15 23:35:26", "url": "http://www.roc-taiwan.org/in/post/11470.html" }, { "title": "葛大使葆萱出席勝利體育新德里門市開幕", "content": "






\n", "date": "2024-04-15 23:21:18", "url": "http://www.roc-taiwan.org/in/post/11447.html" }, { "title": "本處教育組與中央州IIT Indore及DAVV大學簽署合作備忘錄, 設立第33所「台灣教育中心」", "content": "

本處葛大使葆萱4月3日赴印度中央州(Madhya Pradesh)最大城市Indore訪問,見證教育組陳組長立穎與印度理工學院Indore分校(IIT Indore)校長Suhas Joshi及Devi Ahilya Vishwavidyalaya(DAVV)公立大學校長Renu Jain共同簽署合作備忘錄,設立「台灣教育中心」(Taiwan Education Centre,TEC),未來將共同聘請華語教師,並增進兩校與台灣教育文化交流。此係中央州第1所,全印度第33所TEC。


駐孟買辦事處張總領事均宇及IIT Indore國際關係院長Avinash Sonawane等兩校教職員亦在場見證。


葛大使致詞時表示,全球產業鏈重組趨勢銳不可擋,台商企業具備頂尖技術,刻尋找新落腳地。倘印度學子把握黃金契機,透過「台灣教育中心」課程努力學習華語,並熟悉台灣文化,假以時日將成為雙邊產業溝通基石,增加商貿合作。IIT Indore設有半導體課程,在校生結合華語專長,期待可以接軌台灣資通訊產業來印投資所需人才。兩校校長均曾赴台參訪,對台灣師生熱情接待、城市交通便利印象深刻,極度期待儘快展開培育中央州華語青年。


此行葛大使並與中央州工業廳Indore地區辦公室主任Sapna Anurag Jain及業者座談,並由經濟組陳組長郁淇說明台印度經貿動態,鼓勵現場食品加工及醫藥業者赴台參展,一舉鏈結相關人脈,並探詢潛在合作商機。



\n", "date": "2024-04-10 01:36:17", "url": "http://www.roc-taiwan.org/in/post/11437.html" }, { "title": "駐印度代表處舉行113年蘭伽公墓春祭", "content": "


\n", "date": "2024-04-09 19:52:18", "url": "http://www.roc-taiwan.org/in/post/11361.html" }, { "title": "本處教育組與克拉拉州Ragagiri大學簽署合作備忘錄,設立第32所「台灣教育中心」", "content": "

\"IMG_9359\"\"IMG_9468\"\"IMG_9263\"本處教育組陳組長立穎於3月15日與印度南部克拉拉州天主教Rajagiri Business School院長Saju M. D.及Rajagiri College of Social Science院長Arun Elias共同簽署合作備忘錄,設立台灣教育中心,未來將公告甄選華語教師任教,並增進該校與台灣教育文化交流。


本處葛大使葆萱、印度前駐荷蘭大使錢偉倫(Venu Rajamony)、駐清奈辦事處陳總領事俊郎、當地教區Benny Nalkara神父及教職員共同見證。




除台灣教育中心外,葛大使並與印度工業總會克拉拉分會(Confederation of Indian Industry Kerala)業者座談,並由經濟組陳組長郁淇簡報台印度經貿關係,現場電動車、醫療器材、阿育吠陀、教育產業、海鮮、食品加工業者紛紛提出與台灣合作期望。

\n", "date": "2024-03-22 21:05:20", "url": "http://www.roc-taiwan.org/in/post/11338.html" }, { "title": "外交部長吳釗燮接受印度News X專訪,說明民主國家應緊密合作以抵禦威權主義擴張,期盼台印關係邁向多元合作", "content": "

外交部長吳釗燮接受印度News X專訪,說明民主國家應緊密合作以抵禦威權主義擴張,期盼台印關係邁向多元合作

  • 發布時間:2024-03-01
  • \n
  • 資料來源:國際傳播司
  • \n



外交部長吳釗燮於本(2)月29日接受印度電視新聞頻道「News X」首席主播Rishabh Gulati視訊專訪,深入說明印太情勢及台印關係,強調我國將致力拓展台印雙邊合作。專訪已於同日晚間黃金時段播出,深受各界關注。




回應俄烏戰爭及以巴衝突對台海及印太和平穩定的影響,吳部長指出,當前全球局勢凸顯民主與威權體制間的對立,中國不斷透過軍事壓力、經濟脅迫、混合戰及灰色地帶戰略威脅台灣,也在東海、南海威脅日本及菲律賓;此外,中國企圖突破第一島鏈,向太平洋地區擴張勢力,與索羅門群島簽署安全協議即是顯例;另也在印度洋沿岸以「珍珠鏈」(string of pearls)戰略擴張影響力。吳部長強調,獨裁國家有彼此靠攏合流的趨勢,因此民主國家沒有退路,唯有持續加強合作,共同遏止威權國家聯手擴張。






「News X」為2022年印度年度最佳英語新聞頻道,隸屬印度ITV媒體集團,ITV旗下共有9大新聞頻道及5家報社,每月平均閱覽率達2.4億人,News X新聞網站每月點擊率即達4,000萬人次,甚具輿論影響力。(E)

\n", "date": "2024-03-01 18:07:27", "url": "http://www.roc-taiwan.org/in/post/11290.html" }, { "title": "本處陳公使牧民接待O. P. Jindal Global大學師生鼓勵赴台交流", "content": "

本處陳公使牧民本年2月28日在本處會議室接待Jindal大學國際事務學院東北亞中心教授Manoj Panigrahi、Sriparna Pathak、該校台灣教育中心教師張竹芸、劉容秀及該中心學習華語之印度學士碩士生共27人。




該校P教授感謝陳公使撥冗與學生互動,並說明自身留台經歷勉勵學生。最後贈送該中心出版之台灣專刊,出席學生神情認真,並品嘗珍珠奶茶及牛軋糖等點心,全場氣氛溫馨愉快。\"IMG_8297\" \"IMG_8298\" \"IMG_8298\" \"IMG_8299\"



\n", "date": "2024-02-29 16:31:19", "url": "http://www.roc-taiwan.org/in/post/11269.html" }, { "title": "駐印度代表處為自由車亞錦賽選手加油", "content": "

台灣自由車選手近日在印度新德里參加亞洲自由車場地錦標賽(Asian Track Cycling Championships),屢傳捷報,駐印度代表處同仁也多日到現場為選手加油,補給所需物品。
\n本次第43屆「亞洲自由車場地錦標賽」暨第30屆「亞洲青年自由車場地錦標賽」及第12屆「亞洲帕拉自由車場地錦標賽」(the 43rd Senior, 30th Junior Asian Track & 12th Para Track Cycling Championships)於本(113)年 2月21至26日在新德里登場,由印度自由車協會承辦。
\n駐印度代表處陳牧民公使及教育組陳立穎組長到場加油,對於半數選手到印度後水土不服拉肚子狀況下仍能展現實力為國爭光,表示關心與敬佩。適逢主辦單位印度自由車協會秘書長馬尼德·帕爾·辛格(Maninder Pal Singh)生日,陳立穎組長除祝福他生日快樂,也誠摯歡迎他率領印度代表隊選手於3月10日到台灣參加2024「國際自由車環台公路大賽」。



\n", "date": "2024-02-26 21:16:25", "url": "http://www.roc-taiwan.org/in/post/11244.html" }, { "title": "台灣偶戲表演團體「偶人工作桌」參加印度ISHARA國際偶戲藝術節 促進台印度文化交流", "content": "



中央社報導  https://www.cna.com.tw/news/aopl/202402210179.aspx

\n", "date": "2024-02-21 22:20:06", "url": "http://www.roc-taiwan.org/in/post/11228.html" }, { "title": "葛大使葆萱出席政治家報古董車展 促進台印度連結 推廣台灣觀光", "content": "


\n", "date": "2024-02-12 17:03:58", "url": "http://www.roc-taiwan.org/in/post/11032.html" }, { "title": "葛大使葆萱出席台灣觀光推廣活動 鼓勵印度遊客赴台旅遊", "content": "




\n", "date": "2024-02-06 19:53:24", "url": "http://www.roc-taiwan.org/in/post/10967.html" }, { "title": "葛大使葆萱接受印度新聞雜誌專訪 我國總統大選展現台灣民主韌性 和平穩定是印太區域最大共識", "content": "



擁有480萬名讀者的印度「星期」(The Week)新聞雜誌近期專訪葛葆萱,電子版於6日刊出,實體雜誌則將於14日在書報攤上架。






葛葆萱並說,2023年七大工業國集團(G7)領袖峰會、美日峰會及美日韓峰會等雙邊及多邊會議發布聯合公報,都強調維護台海和平穩定重要性;美國總統拜登(Joe Biden)去年11月於「亞太經濟合作」會議(APEC)場外與中國國家主席習近平會談時更重申,反對任何單方面改變現狀,台海和平穩定符合國際社會最大利益。




有關選後台灣與印度的雙邊關係,葛葆萱認為,台、印度多年來培養出自然而可靠的夥伴關係,雙邊合作在教育、貿易及科技領域都取得重大進展,台灣去年7月宣布將在孟買設立辦事處,同年11月印度外交部長蘇杰生(S. Jaishankar)正面評價台與印度兩國關係,相信雙方民主價值、經貿合作及戰略互補,能在不斷變化的全球格局中互惠共榮,對世界做出更大貢獻。






\"20240108_132738\" \"20240108_132923\" \"20240108_133043\"

\n", "date": "2024-01-10 16:59:35", "url": "http://www.roc-taiwan.org/in/post/10832.html" } ] }, { "lang": "en", "branch": "", "country": "in", "name": "Taipei Economic and Cultural Center in India", "path": "/in_en/", "items": [ { "title": "Ambassador Ger attends the inauguration of TCCIN", "content": "

TECC extended congratulations to the Taiwan Chamber of Commerce in India (TCCIN) for its successful inauguration. We hope that the TCCIN will play a key role in sharing experience and providing support to new comers so that more and more Taiwanese companies take root and thrive in India.\"\"

\n", "date": "2024-04-24 21:19:17", "url": "http://www.roc-taiwan.org/in_en/post/6936.html" }, { "title": "Amb-Baushuan-Ger-attends-the-opening-of-VICTOR-Sport's-inaugural-showroom-in-New-Delhi.", "content": "

TECC extended congratulations to VICTOR Sport on the opening of its inaugural showroom in New Delhi. We eagerly anticipate further initiatives aimed at strengthening economic ties, promoting cultural exchanges and facilitating more trade and investment cooperation between Taiwan and India.





\n", "date": "2024-04-16 12:11:06", "url": "http://www.roc-taiwan.org/in_en/post/6902.html" }, { "title": "Foreign-Minister-Jaushieh-Joseph-Wu-gives-interview-to-WION-of-India", "content": "

Taiwan FM Joseph Wu speaks to WION on India-Taiwan ties, semiconductor, Indo-Pacific, and more









\n", "date": "2024-04-16 12:04:36", "url": "http://www.roc-taiwan.org/in_en/post/6888.html" }, { "title": "Foreign Minister Jaushieh Joseph Wu gives interview to NewsX of India", "content": "

Foreign Minister Wu gives interview to NewsX of India

Publication Date: March 01, 2024
Foreign Minister Jaushieh Joseph Wu (right) gives an interview to Rishabh Gulati of India’s NewsX Feb. 29 from Taipei City. (MOFA)

Foreign Minister Jaushieh Joseph Wu said Feb. 29 that democracies around the world need to work together to prevent authoritarian expansion and that Taiwan looks forward to deepening cooperation with India across the board. 


The minister made the remarks during an online interview with Rishabh Gulati for a segment aired later the same day on NewsX, a leading English news channel based in India.


According to Wu, current global circumstances underscore the heightened tension between members of the free world and authoritarian regimes. In addition to the ongoing Russia-Ukraine war, China continues to threaten Taiwan with military pressure, economic coercion and gray-zone tactics while expanding its influence in the South and East China Seas, he said.


Beijing is also attempting to break through the first island chain, a string of islands spanning from Indonesia to Japan, by extending its reach into the Pacific and Indian Oceans, the minister said, citing the security agreement it signed with the Solomon Islands in April 2022 and its String of Pearls strategy to surround India. There is no escape for free nations unless they unite to counter such efforts, Wu added.


The minister said the international community is aware more than ever of the possible impact of a confrontation in the Taiwan Strait, adding that support for cross-strait peace and stability recently expressed by the Group of Seven countries, EU and India, as well as by leaders of the U.S., Japan and South Korea following trilateral summit meetings, is sincerely appreciated by the government and people of Taiwan.


Wu took the opportunity to welcome the memorandum of understanding concluded Feb. 16 to facilitate the employment of Indian workers in Taiwan, and said he looks forward to expanding bilateral exchanges in agriculture, culture, education and trade on the strength of the South Asian country’s large commercial market and the two sides’ complementary advantages in the semiconductor sector. It is hoped that a bilateral free trade agreement will soon be concluded to further strengthen partnership, he added. (SFC-E)


Write to Taiwan Today at ttonoline@mofa.gov.tw





\n", "date": "2024-03-01 18:27:45", "url": "http://www.roc-taiwan.org/in_en/post/6779.html" }, { "title": "TECC in India Salutes for Taiwan’s athletes of 2024 Asian Track Cycling Championships", "content": "

Taiwanese track cycling players have been participating in the 2024 Asian Track Cycling Championships in New Delhi, India, and reported good results. Officials from the Taiwanese representative office in India, Taipei Economic and Cultural Center in India, were onsite to cheer for the athletes and provide necessary daily support for team players.
\nThe 43rd Asian Track Cycling Championships, the 30th Asian Junior Track Cycling Championships and the 12th Asian Para Track Cycling Championships are qualifying events for the 2024 Paris Olympics, and started from Feb 21st to 26th at Indira Gandhi Sports Complex in New Delhi, hosted by Cycling Federation of India.
\nA total of 40 athletes including top-notch cyclists from Taiwan, led by coach Yang Tung Chien came to vie for medals in track cycling events. This delegation is also the largest lineup ever. The event witnessed exceptional displays of skill and determination from the athletes.
\nThe junior men’s team (Zhang Enteng, Li Jingfeng, Qin Lien, Wu Yanjun, Xie Boxun) won the gold medal on the opening day at the pursuit race. The junior women's team (Liu Huili, Li Guanzhen, Liu Shangying) on sprint race and the junior men's team (Wu Yanjun, Qiu Xinwei, Guo Shikai) on sprint race both won bronze medals. Huang Wenxin demonstrated her strength and won two gold medals in the women's scratch race and elimination race, Huang Tinying grabbed third place in elite women’s elimination race, while Chiu Xinwei won the bronze medal in the junior men's keirin competition. Kang Shifeng broke through previous limits and secured fourth place in the elite men’s sprint race. Liu Shangying won a silver medal in junior women’s scratch race.
\nThe outstanding rider Li Jingfeng successfully grabbed extra points in the Omnium race competition of the junior men's by strategically lapping the circle, then became the first rider in the sprint more than one lap ahead and won his second gold medal of this event. In addition, Zhang Enteng got two silver medals in scratch race and individual pursuit race.
\nDeputy Representative Prof. Chen Mumin of TECC in India and Chen Liying, Director of Education Division, were present to cheer for the delegation members. They also expressed their concern that half of the riders had diarrhea after arriving in India. On Feb 23, the host organization, the Cycling Federation of India held a celebration for Secretary General Maninder Pal Singh’s birthday. In addition to wishing him a happy birthday, Chen Liying also sincerely welcomes him to lead the Indian team to participate in the 2024 Tour de Taiwan on March 10.
\nAfter the COVID-19 pandemic, India has become an important country in hosting various international sports events. Deputy Representative Prof. Chen Mumin said that more and more Taiwanese teams are coming to participate in sports games in various parts of India. TECC in New Delhi, as well as the Mumbai office and Chennai office are always ready to assist and provide necessary assistance to players.



\n", "date": "2024-02-26 21:18:46", "url": "http://www.roc-taiwan.org/in_en/post/6748.html" }, { "title": "Taiwan's Puppet on the Workbench attends the 20th Ishara International Puppet Theatre Festival in New Delhi", "content": "


\n", "date": "2024-02-21 22:24:44", "url": "http://www.roc-taiwan.org/in_en/post/6727.html" }, { "title": "Amb. Baushuan Ger Attends the 57th Statesman's Vintage and Classical Car Rally", "content": "


\n", "date": "2024-02-12 17:15:10", "url": "http://www.roc-taiwan.org/in_en/post/6600.html" }, { "title": "Amb. Baushuan Ger Attends 2024 Taiwan Tourism Destination Seminar and Networking in New Delhi", "content": "


\n", "date": "2024-02-06 21:54:21", "url": "http://www.roc-taiwan.org/in_en/post/6558.html" } ] }, { "lang": "zh", "branch": "maa", "country": "in", "name": "駐清奈臺北經濟文化辦事處", "path": "/inmaa/", "items": [ { "title": "拓展華語教育,南印度再增臺灣教育中心", "content": "

駐清奈臺北經濟文化辦事處處長陳俊郎陪同駐印度代表處代表葛葆萱於3月15日前往喀拉拉(Kerala)州出席並見證簽署教育合作備忘錄活動,由代表處教育組組長陳立穎代表與天主教「聖母聖衣會」(ARMELITES,又稱加爾默羅修會)所屬的拉加基里社會科學學院(Rajagiri College of Social Sciences)及拉加基里商學院(Rajagiri Business School)簽署同意設立臺灣教育中心並派遣臺灣教師前往任教;未來全印度的臺灣教育中心將因此增至32所。









\n", "date": "2024-03-26 12:22:44", "url": "http://www.roc-taiwan.org/inmaa/post/12013.html" }, { "title": "中華民國第五十五屆世界兒童畫展徵件", "content": "

\"EDI-113.1.26收-推廣第15屆世界兒童晝展附3-113.1.24\" EDI-113.1.26收-推廣第15屆世界兒童晝展附2-113.1.24EDI-113.1.26收-推廣第15屆世界兒童晝展附2-113.1.24

\n", "date": "2024-02-16 13:51:25", "url": "http://www.roc-taiwan.org/inmaa/post/11979.html" }, { "title": "駐清奈辦事處陳俊郎處長參加「2024全球投資者大會」", "content": "

駐清奈臺北經濟文化辦事處陳俊郎處長於本(1)月上旬參加泰米爾那都(Tamil Nadu, TN)州政府舉辦的「2024全球投資者大會」(Global Investors Meet 2024, GIM),除臺灣貿易中心駐清奈辦事處、清奈臺商會及在印度的臺灣廠商多位幹部與會外,來自臺灣的電子廠商臺達電及廣碩鞋業等公司也實際設立展示攤位,與此間印商等各界積極互動。









\n", "date": "2024-01-16 16:13:06", "url": "http://www.roc-taiwan.org/inmaa/post/11932.html" } ] }, { "lang": "en", "branch": "maa", "country": "in", "name": "Taipei Economic and Cultural Center in Chennai", "path": "/inmaa_en/", "items": [ { "title": "TECC officials met with members of Confederation of Indian Industry Kerala.", "content": "

On March 15, TECC officials met with members of Confederation of Indian Industry Kerala and discussed business opportunities on EV, medical devices, Ayuveda, education, seafood, food processing etc. Look forward to more engagements as such between Taiwan and Kerala.





\n", "date": "2024-03-26 12:34:01", "url": "http://www.roc-taiwan.org/inmaa_en/post/7901.html" }, { "title": "The 32nd Taiwan Education Center in Rajagiri, Kerala.", "content": "

TECC officials from Delhi & Chennai are happy to connect with Rajagiri Business School and Rajagiri College of Social Science, Kerala. With the 32nd Taiwan Education Center in Rajagiri, talent in Rajagiri will gain access to learn Mandarin and explore career opportunities with Taiwan.



\n", "date": "2024-03-26 12:30:53", "url": "http://www.roc-taiwan.org/inmaa_en/post/7898.html" }, { "title": "Call for entries for the 55th World School Children's Art Exhibition", "content": "


\n", "date": "2024-02-16 13:59:09", "url": "http://www.roc-taiwan.org/inmaa_en/post/7844.html" }, { "title": "Richard Chen attended the \" Global Investors Meet 2024\"", "content": "

Richard Chen, the Director General of Taipei Economic and Cultural Center in Chennai, attended the \" Global Investors Meet 2024\"(GIM), which is organized by the Tamil Nadu state government in early January. In addition to the Taiwan Trade Center Office in Chennai, the Taiwan Chamber of Commerce in Chennai and many friends from Taiwanese manufacturers in India, Delta Electronics and Shoetown International Corporation also attended the meeting.


After the GIM opening event, DG Chen visited the booths of the aforementioned Taiwanese manufacturers together with personnel from the TTC and the Taiwan Chamber of Commerce.




\"Delta\" \"ribbon

\n", "date": "2024-01-16 15:32:05", "url": "http://www.roc-taiwan.org/inmaa_en/post/7807.html" } ] }, { "lang": "zh", "branch": "", "country": "il", "name": "駐台拉維夫台北經濟文化辦事處", "path": "/il/", "items": [ { "title": "中央社報導: 以色列國會議員關懷台灣強震災情 國安智庫並籲學習", "content": "



以色列國會友台小組主席國會議員杜伯斯基(Boaz Toporovsky)在獲知台灣強震消息後,第一時間即在社群媒體平台發文,對台灣傷亡民眾表達哀悼及慰問之意,堅信台灣搜救隊的勇氣和受災家戶的堅毅,能夠成為世人希望的燈塔。




以色列重要國安智庫國家安全研究所(INSS 或 The Institute for National Security Studies)資深研究員及前以國軍方准將海曼(Ariel Heimann)撰文分析及呼籲,台灣此次強震災情相較輕微,主因之一是台灣過去50年來曾經歷過7次震度7級以上強震,早已做好了充足準備,呼籲以色列也應學習台灣,為隨時可能發生的強震因應準備。


海曼指出,以色列所處地區過去也曾發生過7級以上地震,今後還會再次發生。 多年來專家們一直在重申同樣的訊息:「在以色列破壞性強震不是會不會發生的問題,而是何時的問題。」







\n", "date": "2024-04-11 21:05:35", "url": "http://www.roc-taiwan.org/il/post/5241.html" }, { "title": "中央社報導: 台以市政府聯盟簽備忘錄 推動城市交流及韌性治理", "content": "

駐以色列代表李雅萍14日與「以色列全國市政府聯盟」主席畢巴斯(Haim Bibas)簽署合作備忘錄,推動台灣與以色列城市交流及打造城市韌性合作計畫,提升台以城市夥伴關係及分享市政建設經驗。




「以色列全國市政府聯盟」(Federation of Local Authorities in Israel)成立於1938年,是以色列全國257個城市首長聯合組織,各城市首長及市府團隊透過該平台相互協調及聯合行動,提升城市治理效能及分享市政建設經驗,也積極推動國際城市間的交流合作。














駐以色列代表李雅萍(中)與以色列全國市政府聯盟主席畢巴斯(Haim Bibas)(左3)簽署城市韌性合作備忘錄,多位市長、市政府官員及市議員出席見證台以合作。


報導連結: https://www.cna.com.tw/news/aopl/202403150041.aspx

\n", "date": "2024-03-15 21:47:47", "url": "http://www.roc-taiwan.org/il/post/5227.html" }, { "title": "中央社報導: 駐以代表投書:中國擅改M503航線危害台海航空安全", "content": "



李雅萍以「航行自由」(Freedom of Navigation)為題發表的投書,先是引述「耶路撒冷郵報」(The Jerusalem Post)刊於2月的「中國軍艦在紅海執行任務引發各界關切」相關報導,指出台灣欣見美國領銜理念相近國家巡航紅海,協助防衛葉門叛軍「青年運動」(Houthi)攻擊,維護國際貿易航道穩定及國際秩序。










報導連結: https://www.cna.com.tw/news/aipl/202403120018.aspx

\n", "date": "2024-03-12 21:28:55", "url": "http://www.roc-taiwan.org/il/post/5224.html" }, { "title": "台以攜手推動婦權及性平倡議", "content": "





台灣推動性別平等及女性參政的成就屢獲國際肯定,包括以色列在內的人權及婦權公民團體也大力倡導學習台灣的成功經驗。「佐拉特平等及人權中心」(Zulat for Equality and Human Rights)創辦人暨主席賈倫(Zahava Galon)表示,台灣女性發展的國際評比位居世界前茅,相關政策及實務面推動成果有目共睹,「佐拉特中心」專家將發布研究報告,以台灣婦女參政及性別主流化政策的推展成果為研究案例,提供以國借鏡,未來將舉辦台灣立法委員與以色列國會議員交流會議及台以專家論壇,分享台灣立法經驗及推動民主人權進程。


此外,有鑑於婦女在面對暴力威脅的脆弱性,「佐拉特中心」規劃舉辦能力建構工作坊,邀請去年遭巴勒斯坦伊斯蘭主義組織「哈瑪斯 」(Hamas) 恐攻受創的農村婦女代表參與,增進農村婦女社群參與公共事務決策機會。


「佐拉特平等及人權中心」是以色列著名的非營利組織與研究機構,致力於提升民主自由價值觀和加強以色列社會各部門之間的人權、公民權利、平等和夥伴關係。創辦人賈倫是以色列歷史悠久的左翼政黨「梅瑞茲黨」(Meretz Party)榮譽領袖,曾擔任16年國會議員,是以國推動民主自由、人權、婦女及性別平等的指標性人物,曾多次獲頒總統獎章表揚相關貢獻,賈倫在2020年卸任議員後成立該中心,持續為婦女及人權議題發聲。




\"1023x768_wmkn_0_C20240306000043\"駐以色列代表處代表李雅萍(左)與以色列人權組織「佐拉特平等及人權中心」(Zulat for Equality and Human Rights)創辦人暨主席賈倫(Zahava Galon)(左2)在國際婦女節前夕宣布推動台以婦女賦權及性別平等合作倡議。


中央社報導連結: https://www.cna.com.tw/news/aipl/202403060126.aspx

\n", "date": "2024-03-11 20:34:28", "url": "http://www.roc-taiwan.org/il/post/5219.html" }, { "title": "中央社報導:駐以色列代表專文:台灣大選對民主鞏固很重要", "content": "

駐以色列代表李雅萍接受以色列最大英文報「耶路撒冷郵報」(The Jerusalem Post)邀稿,以「民主試驗場」為題撰文,闡述台灣大選對鞏固民主很重要,於選前一日刊出。


李雅萍在「民主試驗場」(A Test Ground for Democracy)文中指出,台灣的選民將於13日投票選出總統及立法委員,為世界40多國、逾40%全球人口揭開今年一系列各國大選的序幕。作為年輕有活力的民主國家,台灣自1996年首度總統直選以來,已歷經7次大選及3次和平的政權轉移,選舉人1900萬雖然不算多,但以地緣政治及民主進程的角度來看,這次選舉重要性堪稱亞洲之最。












李雅萍最後表示,自1996年首度總統直選以來,民主價值已深深烙印在台灣人民血液中,國際機構更將台灣評比為亞洲高度自由的完全民主國家(full democracy)。台灣民眾珍視得來不易的民主自由,也有智慧投下手中神聖的一票,民主的燈塔將持續發光發熱。






駐以色列代表李雅萍接受以色列最大英文報「耶路撒冷郵報」(The Jerusalem Post) 邀稿,以「民主試驗場」為題撰文,於12日刊出,闡述台灣大選對鞏固民主很重要。




報導連結: https://www.cna.com.tw/news/aipl/202401120211.aspx

\n", "date": "2024-01-19 16:42:22", "url": "http://www.roc-taiwan.org/il/post/5152.html" }, { "title": "中央社報導:駐以色列代表處海法花展推客家文化 撫慰心靈祈願和平", "content": "







文化講座主講人卡尼(Noa Karn)現擔任代表處文化助理工作,協助推廣台灣觀光、藝術及文化交流。她在簡報時提及她是在COVID-19(2019冠狀病毒疾病)疫情期間赴台學習華語,對台灣疫情管控得宜印象深刻,認為值得其他國家效法。






講座後進行手繪工作坊活動,紙傘彩繪的指導老師歐哈納(Avigail Ohana)擁有希伯來大學美術及東亞研究雙學位,熟諳西洋油畫、水彩畫技法。她於今年3月至6月赴台進修華語期間,學習書法、國畫等傳統藝術,回到以色列後,在當地學校兼任美術老師,同時擔任志工推廣繁體字書法。




目前以色列與哈馬斯戰火未歇, 活動參與者中有部分是受到戰爭影響被迫撤離家園的民眾, 他們以肅穆感恩的心情在紙傘上寫下「和平」,祈願世界和平早日到來。

















\n", "date": "2024-01-04 15:43:40", "url": "http://www.roc-taiwan.org/il/post/5128.html" } ] }, { "lang": "en", "branch": "", "country": "il", "name": "Taipei Economic and Cultural Office in Tel Aviv", "path": "/il_en/", "items": [ { "title": "2024 Taiwan Startup Terrace Soft Landing Program opening for application now!", "content": "
Dear Israeli startups, 
Are you eyeing on the APAC market? Do you want to gain firsthand experience about domestic industrial ecosystems?
Then you should not miss this opportunity to soft-land in Taiwan, the destination which fully reflects diversified cultures of East Asia!
In this program we are going to offer chosen foreign startups the round-trip ticket and 3-week accommodation in Taiwan for free, and a series of activities including training courses, demo pitch, expo visiting and networking and matchmaking events.
Now the application is open and you can find detailed information from the registration page: https://seminars.tca.org.tw/D10o04140.aspx
Startup Terrace Soft Landing Program Sales
\n", "date": "2024-02-29 20:23:10", "url": "http://www.roc-taiwan.org/il_en/post/4316.html" } ] }, { "lang": "zh", "branch": "", "country": "ca", "name": "駐加拿大台北經濟文化代表處", "path": "/ca/", "items": [ { "title": "台灣與加拿大簽科技合作協議,將深化雙邊合作", "content": "
此次臺加科學技術及創新合作協議是在加拿大首都渥太華,由我國駐加拿大代表處大使曾厚仁與加拿大駐台北貿易辦事處代表倪傑民(Jim Nickel)代表雙方完成簽署,國科會陳副主委和加國全球事務部( GAC)助理副部長Sara Wilshaw 共同出席,未來雙方將在此協議基礎上,共同推動臺加雙邊重點科研領域、前瞻技術及人才培育等合作。
協議簽署完成後,國科會與加拿大聯邦科研主管機關創新科學暨經濟發展部( ISED)及主要科研機構舉行雙邊科技諮議會議,陳副主委並與ISED助理副部長Nipun Vats進行開場致詞,雙方於會中就人工智慧、半導體、生物技術等前瞻科技議題交換意見,並針對未來雙邊合作及人才培育計畫進行討論。陳副主委表示,因應全球科技及政經情勢之變化,國科會於今年會同相關部會,正式啟動「晶片驅動臺灣產業創新方案」(Taiwan CbI),以臺灣半導體之晶片製造與封測優勢為基礎,結合生成式AI等關鍵技術發展創新應用,有助臺灣及其他國家未來在各項產業之發展及應用,亦歡迎加國的晶片與生成式AI廠商來臺投資。
加方亦表示雙方在相關前瞻科技領域的合作交流,將有助於兩國面對未來科技、產業、生活等各層面的新興挑戰。 此次會議與會人員亦包含加拿大國家研究院( NRC)院長Mitch Davies、加拿大先進研究所(CIFAR)主席兼執行長Stephen Toope,以及加拿大自然科學暨工程研究委員會(NSERC)、加拿大國家衛生研究院(CIHR)、加國人才培育平臺Mitacs等科研單位高層。
陳副主委此行亦前往拜會加拿大國家研究院,由去年來臺參加慶祝活動的副院長Lakshmi Krishnan接見,雙方盼在生醫及數位科技等領域,進一步強化雙邊科研合作。
\n", "date": "2024-04-23 01:42:54", "url": "http://www.roc-taiwan.org/ca/post/31355.html" }, { "title": "本處與美國駐加拿大大使館及渥太華大學「資訊完整實驗室」合作,在加拿大辦理「全球合作暨訓練架構」研討會", "content": "

駐加拿大代表處於本(4)月12日與美國駐加拿大大使館及渥太華大學「資訊完整實驗室」(IIL)合作,首度在加拿大辦理「全球合作暨訓練架構」(GCTF)研討會,該活動以「建構民主韌性反制假訊息—台灣選舉及展望」(Building Democratic Resiliency Against Disinformation: Elections in Taiwan and Beyond)為題,分享台灣成熟活躍的公民團體自發性成立事實查核中心、分析假訊息態樣與手法,以及公私協力反制來自極權國家的認知作戰,捍衛台灣民主價值與制度,並展現台灣願與理念相近國家公私部門繼續合作的期待,盼共同強化全球民主社會韌性,有效對抗境外勢力藉散播假訊息介入民主選舉。


活動當日由渥太華大學校長Jacques Frémont、我國駐加代表處曾大使厚仁、美國駐加大使David Cohen及澳洲駐加高專Scott Ryan代表GCTF正式夥伴開場致詞,為渥京首場GCTF研討會,並由台、美、澳三方駐外代表同台揭幕。




美國駐加大使David Cohen肯定台灣在抵禦假訊息之傑出成就,正如同國務卿布林肯所言,台灣已成為一個「對民主的有力肯定」(powerful affirmation of democracy)。C大使另重申美國致力於維繫兩岸和平與穩定,堅持以和平方式解決歧異,並將確保台灣免受脅迫及壓力。C大使另強調台美兩國夥伴關係奠基於民主價值,將在經濟、文化及民間交流等領域持續深化。


澳洲駐加高專Scott Ryan呼美國大使所言,指出假訊息對大眾輿論、態度及價值均甚具影響力,隨著科技進步帶來資訊爆炸,未來AI驅動之假訊息對社會造成衝擊將超越吾人想像,呼籲民主國家應更加重視反制假訊息議題並建立國際合作。


除上述台、美、澳三國駐加大使連袂出席外,加拿大樞密院助理秘書長Allen Sutherland亦受邀擔任研討會閉幕致詞嘉賓,接續由美國務院全球交往中心(GEC)中國事務處長Daniel Kliman發表午餐專題演講,促成台、美、澳、加四國官員同台登場,展現民主國家將團結戮力反制威權國家認知作戰之堅定決心。


此外,研討會兩場座談中,另邀請到美國務院民主人權暨勞工局Lynn Sicade處長(視訊參與)、台灣調查局研究委員劉文斌、台灣民主實驗室組長楊順清、台灣資訊環境研究中心共同主持人游知澔、台灣事實查核中心執行長邱家宜、Cofacts真的假的共同創辦人李比鄰等台、美官員及民間專家,與加國智庫學界代表一同討論台灣在第一線反制中國介選經驗,包括透過透明及全民參與之全社會動員模式(whole-of-society approach),並分析民主國家所遭遇的新興假訊息態樣及戰術。





\n", "date": "2024-04-15 21:47:26", "url": "http://www.roc-taiwan.org/ca/post/31346.html" }, { "title": "曾厚仁大使就花蓮強震接受加拿大廣播公司的 Abby Kuhathasan訪問", "content": "









「加拿大廣播公司」(CBC) 新聞台於4月3日中午於播出台灣地震影片及記者現地報導後,邀請我國駐加拿大曾厚仁大使給予回應。




曾大使並特別感謝加國總理小杜魯道及外長Mélanie Joly於第一時間對台灣地震災情公開表達誠摯慰問,並允提供必要協助。





\n", "date": "2024-04-08 23:02:10", "url": "http://www.roc-taiwan.org/ca/post/31307.html" }, { "title": "加國議員在國會山莊為訪加之外交部謝武樵政務次長舉辦歡迎酒會", "content": "

加台國會議員友好協會會長Judy Sgro眾議員於本(3)月19日在國會Valour大樓舉行酒會,歡迎外交部謝政務次長率團訪加,推動雙邊交流與合作,並籲加國政府延續兩國近期簽署「投資促進及保障協議」(FIPA)的動能,續以「跨太平洋夥伴全面進步協定」(CPTPP)輪值主席國身分,協助台灣加入該貿易協定。


當日酒會出席情況踴躍,近20位聯邦參眾議員親自到場向謝次長致意,並表達堅定支持民主台灣之立場,包括加國移民、難民暨公民部長國會事務代理人蔣振宇(Paul Chiang)、國防委員會主席John McKay、加中關係特別委員會主席Ken Hardie、外交暨國際發展委員會副主席兼保守黨影子外交部長莊文浩(Michael Chong)、外委會及加中關係委員會副主席Stephane Bergeron、司法暨人權委員會主席Lena Diab、國防委員會副主席兼魁團黨副議場領袖Christine Normandin、國貿委員會副主席Simon-Pierre Savard-Tremblay(BQ-QC)等,另有多個議員辦公室代表與會,現場逾50位賓客。
















\"GJD-sgtbUAAZkt0\" \"GJDtkyWbYAA6ZYb\" \"GJDtkyWacAAU91_\"

\n", "date": "2024-03-21 22:52:59", "url": "http://www.roc-taiwan.org/ca/post/31259.html" }, { "title": "外交部政務次長謝武樵在「加拿大-台灣經濟安全論壇」上發表演講,強調台加緊密合作之重要性", "content": "

我國外交部政務次長謝武樵於3月18日參與加拿大智庫和平與外交研究所(IPD)主辦的「加拿大-台灣經濟安全論壇」(Canada-Taiwan Forum on Economic Security),在開幕演講時強調,在全球供應鏈受到嚴峻挑戰之下,擁有相同價值的台加兩國,更需進一步鞏固經貿關係。






會中立陶宛大使Darius Skusevičius、Hugh Stephens和Trevor Kennedy也發言揭示了民主盟友如何共同打擊經濟脅迫和非法貿易行為,唯有如此可以有效阻止將貿易變成武器化。我們也對Deanna Horton、Tim Sargent、Jeff Nankivell 和 Dan Ciuriak 發聲支持台灣加入CPTPP表達感謝。





\n", "date": "2024-03-19 23:14:57", "url": "http://www.roc-taiwan.org/ca/post/31237.html" }, { "title": "台灣資訊專家游知澔在加拿大「渥太華安全及國防會議」分享如何對抗假消息", "content": "







一年一度的「渥太華安全及國防會議」(Ottawa Conference on Security & Defence)是加拿大規模最大、歷史最悠久的國安會議,今年舉辦第92屆。


加拿大國防部長布萊爾(Bill Blair)發表開場演說,加國全球事務部、國防部、財政部及國家研究院官員、軍方將領、外交團使節、智庫學者專家及媒體記者等約400人與會,場面盛大。


台灣資訊環境研究中心共同主持人游知澔、烏克蘭裔加拿大人聯會執行長馬卡須申(Ihor Michalchyshyn)及假訊息觀察網站DisinfoWatch.org創辦人科爾加(Marcus Kolga)分享「外國干預及民主進程的威脅」。與會者對台灣以小搏大、有效反擊假訊息的能力都表示佩服。





















\n", "date": "2024-03-14 01:45:13", "url": "http://www.roc-taiwan.org/ca/post/31210.html" }, { "title": "曾厚仁大使投書「政治電子報」(iPolitics),強調加台雙方同樣面臨中國干預、假訊息及恐嚇行徑", "content": "
















\n", "date": "2024-02-15 23:28:25", "url": "http://www.roc-taiwan.org/ca/post/31094.html" }, { "title": "曾厚仁大使接受「國會山莊時報」專訪,以台灣選舉遭中國試圖干預的經驗向加拿大示警", "content": "



曾厚仁7日於駐加拿大代表處接受國會山莊時報(The Hill Times)記者莫斯(Neil Moss)專訪,訪談全文14日在該報「外交圈」(Diplomatic Circles )紙本全版刊出,並同步刊於官網。訪談內容觸及多個面向,尤其側重加拿大選舉可能遭遇的中國干預問題。



















\n", "date": "2024-02-15 23:09:22", "url": "http://www.roc-taiwan.org/ca/post/31088.html" }, { "title": "曾厚仁大使受邀向聯邦眾議員說明台灣大選情況及結果、選後區域情勢及今年重要推案訴求,並籲請加拿大及國際社會密切關注中國片面變更M503航線事件", "content": "



曾厚仁大使應邀向10位加拿大聯邦眾議員當面說明台灣大選情況及結果、選後區域情勢及代表處今年重要推案訴求。這項國會簡報活動是由史葛洛(Judy Sgro)主持,她也是眾院國貿委員會主席。


















出席這場簡報的加拿大眾議員包括:國防委員會主席馬凱(John McKay)、司法暨人權委員會主席迪亞布(Lena Metlege Diab)、外交委員會副主席貝哲洪(Stephane Bergeron)、國防委員會副主席諾曼汀(Christine Normandin)、北方暨原住民事務委員會副主席兼魁人政團(Bloc Québécois)副黨鞭吉爾(Marlene Gill)、加中關係特別委員會成員葉嘉麗(Jean Yip)、交通運輸委員會成員亞可諾(Angelo Iacono)及衛生委員會成員吉欽(Robert Kitchen)等。


此外,保守黨副黨魁蘭茲曼(Melissa Lantsman)等多個議員辦公室及自由黨研究局(Liberal Research Bureau)都派代表參加,共計30餘人與會。





\n", "date": "2024-02-09 05:51:52", "url": "http://www.roc-taiwan.org/ca/post/31056.html" }, { "title": "大使曾厚仁接受加廣(RCI)中文台專訪", "content": "

我國駐加拿大曾厚仁大使於元月31日接受「加拿大國際廣播電台」(Radio Canada International, RCI)中文台專訪,訪談內容於2月1日晚間在該媒體官網刊出,涵蓋台灣大選展現高度民主素養、新政府將延續蔡總統現行穩健之外交與兩岸政策、中共對台政經與軍事打壓與認知作戰、政府推動貿易投資多元化以降低對中國依賴成果、深化台加經貿合作及尋求參與CPTPP多邊貿易機制等,議題多元豐富。



\n", "date": "2024-02-05 23:29:59", "url": "http://www.roc-taiwan.org/ca/post/31029.html" }, { "title": "大使曾厚仁接受CBC訪問:台灣選舉體現成熟民主", "content": "



曾厚仁今天接受加拿大廣播公司新聞節目「今夜加拿大」(Canada Tonight)專訪,主持人葛拉珊(Sarah Galashan)就台灣總統當選人未來面臨的挑戰、因應中國對台灣的安全威脅,以及國際民主盟友如何支持台灣等層面提問。
















這裡看採訪 https://www.cbc.ca/player/play/2299802179657









\n", "date": "2024-01-16 22:38:16", "url": "http://www.roc-taiwan.org/ca/post/30879.html" }, { "title": "台灣與加拿大簽署「投資促進及保障協議(FIPA)」", "content": "








\n", "date": "2024-01-04 03:41:29", "url": "http://www.roc-taiwan.org/ca/post/30762.html" } ] }, { "lang": "en", "branch": "", "country": "ca", "name": "Taipei Economic and Cultural Office in Canada", "path": "/ca_en/", "items": [ { "title": "Taiwan and Canada have signed a technology cooperation agreement to deepen bilateral collaboration", "content": "

Taiwan and Canada concluded the Science, Technology, Innovation Arrangement April 15 in Ottawa, highlighting commitment by the two sides to expanding cooperation and exchange in advanced research and personnel. According to the National Science and Technology Council, the pact was signed by Taipei Economic and Cultural Office in Canada Representative Harry Ho-jen Tseng and Canadian Office in Taipei Executive Director Jim Nickel. Those in attendance to witness the signing included NSTC Deputy Minister Chen Yi-chuang and Assistant Deputy Minister of Global Affairs Canada Sara Wilshaw. Following the signing, Chen and her counterpart from the Innovation, Science and Economic Development Canada, Nipun Vats, convened the inaugural bilateral science and technology consultations in the capital city. Both sides discussed developments in key sectors such as artificial intelligence, semiconductors and biotechnology. Chen said the government kicked off the Taiwan Chip-based Industrial Innovation Program earlier this year in response to changes in the global political, economic and technological landscape. Leveraging the country’s advantages in chip manufacturing and generative AI applications, this project is aimed at helping Taiwan and its partners address challenges and fast track development of their own industries, she said, adding that Canada is sincerely welcome to invest in Taiwan. According to the NSTC, Canada is the fourth country to conclude a ministerial S&T cooperation agreement with Taiwan in the past three years, following the U.S., Germany and France.





\n", "date": "2024-04-23 01:49:34", "url": "http://www.roc-taiwan.org/ca_en/post/17650.html" }, { "title": "TECO in Canada collaborated with the US Embassy in Canada and the Information Integrity Lab at the University of Ottawa to hold a seminar on the “Global Cooperation and Training Framework\" in Canada.", "content": "

On April 12th, the Taipei Economic and Cultural Office (TECO) in Canada, in collaboration with the US Embassy in Canada and the Information Integrity Lab (IIL) at the University of Ottawa, hosted the first-ever seminar on the Global Cooperation and Training Framework (GCTF) in Canada. The event, titled \"Building Democratic Resiliency Against Disinformation: Elections in Taiwan and Beyond,\" shared insights into Taiwan's mature and active civil society, including the establishment of voluntary fact-checking centers, analysis of patterns and techniques of misinformation, and public-private cooperation to counter cognitive warfare from authoritarian regimes. The seminar aimed to defend Taiwan's democratic values and institutions and demonstrate Taiwan's desire to continue collaborating with like-minded nations in both the public and private sectors. It is hoped that such collaboration will strengthen global democratic resilience and effectively combat the spread of misinformation by foreign actors interfering in democratic elections.







\n", "date": "2024-04-15 21:53:20", "url": "http://www.roc-taiwan.org/ca_en/post/17639.html" }, { "title": "Ambassador Tseng Ho-jen interviewed by Abby Kuhathasan of CBC regarding the strong earthquake in Hualien", "content": "

Following the broadcast of footage of the earthquake in Taiwan and on-site reports by journalists on April 3, the Canadian Broadcasting Corporation (CBC) invited Ambassador Tseng Ho-jen, our country's ambassador to Canada, to respond. Ambassador Tseng explained that after the earthquake occurred in the early morning in Taiwan, more than 200 aftershocks have occurred successively, some with a magnitude exceeding 6, and frequent aftershocks are expected in the coming days. Ambassador Tseng also mentioned that the earthquake caused collapses and falling rocks in many places in Hualien, leading to many people still being trapped in disaster areas. Our government is exerting full efforts in search and rescue operations. He also explained that both the government and private sector are fully engaged in disaster relief work, and at this stage, it has not been decided whether to seek international assistance, including from Canada. He mentioned that one male and one female Canadian tourists were stranded in the mountains after the earthquake, but fortunately, both have been rescued and are safe. Ambassador Tseng also expressed special thanks to Prime Minister Trudeau and Foreign Minister Mélanie Joly of Canada for expressing sincere condolences on the Taiwan earthquake disaster situation at the earliest opportunity and offering necessary assistance.





\n", "date": "2024-04-08 23:05:43", "url": "http://www.roc-taiwan.org/ca_en/post/17604.html" }, { "title": "Canadian legislators hosted a welcome reception for Deputy Minister of Foreign Affairs Kelly Hsieh at Parliament Hill", "content": "

On March 19th, the President of the Canada-Taiwan Parliamentary Friendship Association, Member of Parliament Judy Sgro, hosted a reception at the Valour building on Parliament Hill. The reception welcomed Deputy Minister of Foreign Affairs Kelly Hsieh and her delegation's visit to Canada, aiming to enhance bilateral exchanges and cooperation. During the event, there was an urge for the Canadian government to sustain the momentum from the recent signing of the Foreign Investment Promotion and Protection Agreement (FIPA) between the two countries. Additionally, there was a call for Canada to continue its role as the rotating chair of the Comprehensive and Progressive Agreement for Trans-Pacific Partnership (CPTPP) and assist Taiwan in joining the trade pact.


The reception saw enthusiastic attendance, with nearly 20 federal senators and members of parliament personally greeting Deputy Minister Hsieh. They expressed steadfast support for democratic Taiwan, including Paul Chiang, Acting Parliamentary Secretary to the Minister of Immigration, Refugees and Citizenship, John McKay, Chair of the Defence Committee, Ken Hardie, Chair of the Canada-China Relations Special Committee, Michael Chong, Vice-Chair of the Foreign Affairs and International Development Committee and Shadow Foreign Minister for the Conservative Party, Stephane Bergeron, Vice-Chair of the Foreign Affairs and Canada-China Relations Committees, Lena Diab, Chair of the Justice and Human Rights Committee, Christine Normandin, Vice-Chair of the Defence Committee and Deputy Opposition House Leader for the Bloc Québécois, Simon-Pierre Savard-Tremblay, Vice-Chair of the Trade Committee (BQ-QC), among others. Representatives from multiple parliamentary offices were also in attendance, totaling over 50 guests.


\"Canadian \"\" \"\"

\n", "date": "2024-03-21 22:57:12", "url": "http://www.roc-taiwan.org/ca_en/post/17571.html" }, { "title": "Taiwan’s Deputy Foreign Minister Kelly Hsieh at the Forum on Economic Security underscored Taiwan's unwavering commitment to joining the CPTPP", "content": "

On March 18th, the presence of Taiwan’s Deputy Foreign Minister Kelly Hsieh at the Canada-Taiwan Forum on Economic Security, hosted by Institute for Peace & Diplomacy (IPD), underscored Taiwan's unwavering commitment to joining the CPTPP and bolstering resilience against foreign economic coercion in global supply chains.









\n", "date": "2024-03-19 23:21:33", "url": "http://www.roc-taiwan.org/ca_en/post/17545.html" }, { "title": "Taiwanese information expert Yau Chih-hao shared strategies for combating misinformation at the \"Ottawa Conference on Security & Defence\" in Canada", "content": "

The Ottawa Conference on Security & Defence, focusing on countering authoritarian regimes such as China and Russia, opened today. Yau Chih-hao discussed Taiwan's strategies to counter Chinese interference, sharing the \"222 Principle\" and the role of civil society organizations.


The annual Ottawa Conference on Security & Defence is Canada's largest and longest-running national security conference, now in its 92nd edition. The opening speech was delivered by Canadian Minister of Defence Bill Blair. Approximately 400 attendees, including officials from the Canadian Global Affairs Department, Defence Department, Finance Department, and National Research Institute, military leaders, diplomatic corps delegates, think tank scholars, experts, and media journalists, were present, making the event significant.


Co-hosted by Yau Chih-hao from the Taiwan Center for Information Environment Research, Ihor Michalchyshyn, Executive Director of the Ukrainian Canadian Congress, and Marcus Kolga, founder of the misinformation observation website DisinfoWatch.org, they shared insights on \"Foreign Interference and Threats to Democratic Processes.\" Attendees admired Taiwan's ability to punch above its weight and effectively counter misinformation.


Yau Chih-hao highlighted China's long-term and hybrid threats to Taiwan, aiming to coerce Taiwan into submission, erode its identity, and turn it into a puppet similar to Hong Kong. He mentioned that China's fabricated misinformation distorts the world view, not only undermining Taiwan's sovereignty but also portraying ideologically similar countries like Canada as weak and hypocritical friends, while exaggerating the strength of the Chinese Communist Party and deliberately concealing threats towards Taiwan.


He discussed how China's intervention spans across political, commercial, cultural, and religious domains, while the Taiwanese government, civil society organizations, and media institutions leverage their respective strengths to maintain democratic resilience.


Yau Chih-hao presented practical strategies, such as the \"222 Principle\" to counter fake news, which emphasizes titles within 20 words, content within 200 words, and inclusion of 2 images, along with immediate responses within 1 hour of an event to halt the spread of fake news.


He emphasized the effectiveness of using humor and creativity to combat misinformation. He cited an example during the COVID-19 pandemic when rumors led to panic buying of toilet paper in Taiwan. Premier Su Tseng-chang responded by posting a card with a silhouette that read \"We only have one butt,\" indicating that people only need a limited amount of toilet paper. This example elicited laughter from the audience and left a lasting impression.


When asked about balancing combating misinformation with freedom of speech, Yau Chih-hao explained that his organization collects extensive data and evidence, conducts meticulous analysis, and ultimately publishes detailed methodologies for public scrutiny to establish greater credibility.


He underscored the importance of education in raising awareness of misinformation across all age groups, while attendees admired the proactive involvement of Taiwanese civil society groups in combating misinformation.


After the conference, when asked why he, originally a digital art expert, became a pioneer in combating misinformation, Yau Chih-hao shrugged and said, \"Because I love Taiwan and am concerned about the threat from China to this land.\"





\n", "date": "2024-03-14 01:53:10", "url": "http://www.roc-taiwan.org/ca_en/post/17532.html" }, { "title": "Ambassador Harry Tseng contributed an article to \"iPolitics,\" emphasizing that both Canada and Taiwan are facing Chinese interference, disinformation, and intimidation tactics.", "content": "

The Canadian political e-journal, \"iPolitics,\" published an article by Ambassador Harry Tseng titled \"China's Increasing Encroachment on Taiwan is Not Only Taiwan's Issue,\" discussing topics such as Taiwan's elections and Canada's initiation of an investigation into Chinese intervention in elections.


Ambassador Tseng pointed out that Canada, like Taiwan, understands the necessity of promptly addressing Chinese interference in democratic processes. If China's unjust encroachment on Taiwan is not stopped, the repercussions will extend far beyond the Taiwan Strait. Therefore, the international community, including Canada, must continue to stand with Taiwan to counter this hostility.


Since the Taiwanese elections in January, China has been exerting various political and military pressures on Taiwan. Initially, China claimed that the election results \"do not represent mainstream public opinion,\" and subsequently induced Nauru to sever diplomatic ties with Taiwan, pressured the Asian Volleyball Confederation to revoke Taiwan's hosting rights for the U20 Men's Volleyball Championship, and even threatened to cancel certain tariff reduction items under the Economic Cooperation Framework Agreement (ECFA) between the two sides of the Taiwan Strait.


Furthermore, on January 30th, China unilaterally announced the cancellation of the M503 offset westward by 6 nautical miles, disregarding the results of the 2015 cross-strait agreement and violating Section 4.2.6 of the International Civil Aviation Organization (ICAO) Flight Service Planning Manual, thus highlighting China's irresponsible authoritarian nature.


Ambassador Tseng noted that Canada is not unfamiliar with Chinese interference, disinformation, and intimidation tactics. At the end of January, Canada officially launched a foreign interference hearing to investigate China's infiltration into the Canadian federal elections in 2019 and 2021. This demonstrates that both Canada and Taiwan have a deep understanding of China's insidious interference and must give a stern warning as soon as possible.


Ambassador Tseng emphasized that Canada's acknowledgment of foreign interference highlights the Canadian people's appreciation for robust democratic procedures. Similarly, the Taiwanese people demonstrate their fearless pursuit of democracy through fair elections. China's resorting to various punitive measures solely because the results of the Taiwanese elections contradict its interests should serve as a stark warning for Canada.


Read the article: https://www.ipolitics.ca/opinions/chinas-increasing-aggression-against-taiwan-is-not-just-taiwans-problem



\n", "date": "2024-02-15 23:31:17", "url": "http://www.roc-taiwan.org/ca_en/post/17391.html" }, { "title": "Ambassador Harry Tseng accepted an interview with \"The Hill Times,\" warning Canada based on Taiwan's experience of Chinese attempts to interfere in elections.", "content": "

Ambassador Harry Tseng accepted an interview with Neil Moss, a reporter from \"The Hill Times,\" on the 7th. The full interview was published in the \"Diplomatic Circles\" section of the newspaper on the 14th and simultaneously featured on the official website. The interview covered various aspects, with particular emphasis on the potential for Chinese interference in Canadian elections.


During the interview, Ambassador Tseng pointed out that Canada is scheduled to hold federal elections in October 2025, and it cannot be ruled out that Canada may face interference from Beijing. China may follow previous patterns and target the Canadian Chinese community to interfere in the Canadian elections.


Read the article: https://www.hilltimes.com/story/2024/02/14/i-think-they-can-do-it-again-taiwanese-rep-cautions-against-persistent-china-interference/411472/





\n", "date": "2024-02-15 23:17:29", "url": "http://www.roc-taiwan.org/ca_en/post/17386.html" }, { "title": "Ambassador Harry Tseng was interviewed by RCI", "content": "

On January 31, Ambassador Harry Tseng was interviewed by the Chinese-language station of Radio Canada International (RCI). The interview content was published on the media's official website on the evening of February 1, covering diverse topics such as Taiwan's elections showcasing a high level of democratic literacy, the new government continuing President Tsai's current prudent diplomatic and cross-strait policies, China's political, economic, and military pressure on Taiwan and cognitive warfare, the government's efforts to diversify trade and investment to reduce reliance on China, deepening economic and trade cooperation between Taiwan and Canada, and seeking participation in the multilateral trade mechanism CPTPP (Comprehensive and Progressive Agreement for Trans-Pacific Partnership).

\n", "date": "2024-02-05 23:31:10", "url": "http://www.roc-taiwan.org/ca_en/post/17315.html" }, { "title": "Ambassador Harry Tseng in CBC interview: Taiwan elections embody mature democracy", "content": "

On the 15th, the Canadian Broadcasting Corporation (CBC) invited Ambassador Harry Tseng, the representative to Canada, to share insights on the post-election situation in Taiwan. Tseng pointed out that Taiwan once again demonstrated to the world a healthy and mature democratic society. Regarding China taking away Taiwan's diplomatic ally Nauru, he considered it as retaliation against democratic values, emphasizing the need for the international community to remain vigilant.


In an interview with CBC's news program \"Canada Tonight\" hosted by Sarah Galashan, Tseng discussed various aspects, including the challenges facing the newly elected president of Taiwan, responses to China's security threats, and how international democratic allies can support Taiwan.


Tseng first highlighted the mature democratic literacy of the Taiwanese people. Candidates and supporters from different political parties gathered on the night before the election, displaying enthusiasm. However, after the election, they returned to calm and respect, with daily life resuming as usual, showcasing Taiwan as an exemplary democracy.


After the successful conclusion of the Taiwan elections, leaders from many countries congratulated Taiwan. However, Nauru abruptly announced a diplomatic shift towards China, and Tseng referred to this as China's retaliatory measure, urging continuous vigilance.


Galashan inquired about how President-elect Lai Ching-te would lead Taiwan to withstand Chinese threats and intimidation. Tseng mentioned that Lai Ching-te, winning the presidential election with about 40% of the vote, expressed a non-provocative stance towards China in a post-election international press conference, extending an olive branch and seeking dialogue on the premise of equal dignity.


Tseng called on China to interpret the Taiwan elections from a macro perspective. He noted that the election results showed partial victories for the three major parties, with the Democratic Progressive Party winning the presidential election, the Kuomintang having the most seats in parliament, and the People First Party holding 8 crucial legislative seats. China should see the election results as still having pro-China forces, and Beijing can strive to win the favor of the Taiwanese people. Excessive pressure on Taiwan could lead to further distancing.


Galashan concluded by asking how democratic allies could support Taiwan. Tseng expressed hope that international allies could understand the significance of the Taiwan elections for the democratic camp. Especially when Taiwan faces China's attempts to interfere and influence public opinion, holding open and fair elections showcases how to resist malicious foreign intervention, deserving recognition from like-minded countries.


CBC News is Canada's largest English-language professional news channel, and the \"Canada Tonight\" program airs on weekdays from 7 to 9 PM, focusing on international and domestic political and economic events during the prime news hours.


Tseng mentioned to the Central News Agency that Canada is about to launch a foreign interference election investigation hearing later in January. Despite China's interference attempts, Taiwan successfully concluded its elections, and Tseng is willing to provide the experience as a reference, hoping it can be helpful for Canada.


Watch the interview here.







\n", "date": "2024-01-16 22:46:38", "url": "http://www.roc-taiwan.org/ca_en/post/17124.html" }, { "title": "Taiwan and Canada signed the Foreign Investment Promotion and Protection Agreement (FIPA)", "content": "

After over two years of negotiations, the Foreign Investment Promotion and Protection Agreement (FIPA) between Taiwan and Canada was officially signed on December 22. The agreement was completed in October after negotiations between Taiwan's Ambassador to Canada, Dr. Harry Tseng , and the representative of the Canadian Trade Office in Taipei, Jim Nickel.


Ambassador Tseng remarked that the Taiwan-Canada investment agreement is particularly significant as it is Canada's first investment agreement signed externally after revising its investment agreement template in 2021. The agreement is expected to strengthen supply chain connections and resilience, highlighting Taiwan's importance in the global supply chain.





\n", "date": "2024-01-04 03:45:30", "url": "http://www.roc-taiwan.org/ca_en/post/17000.html" } ] }, { "lang": "fr", "branch": "", "country": "ca", "name": "Le Bureau Economique et Culturel de Taipei au Canada", "path": "/ca_fr/", "items": [ { "title": "Taïwan et le Canada ont signé un accord de coopération technologique pour approfondir la collaboration bilatérale", "content": "

Taïwan et le Canada ont conclu l'Arrangement sur la Science, la Technologie et l'Innovation le 15 avril à Ottawa, soulignant l'engagement des deux parties à étendre la coopération et les échanges dans la recherche avancée et le personnel.


Selon le Conseil national de la science et de la technologie, le pacte a été signé par le représentant du Bureau économique et culturel de Taipei au Canada, Harry Ho-jen Tseng, et le directeur exécutif du Bureau canadien à Taipei, Jim Nickel. Les témoins de la signature incluaient le vice-ministre du Conseil national de la science et de la technologie, Chen Yi-chuang, et la sous-ministre adjointe des Affaires mondiales Canada, Sara Wilshaw.


Suite à la signature, Chen et son homologue du ministère de l'Innovation, des Sciences et du Développement économique Canada, Nipun Vats, ont convoqué les premières consultations bilatérales en science et technologie dans la capitale. Les deux parties ont discuté des développements dans des secteurs clés tels que l'intelligence artificielle, les semi-conducteurs et la biotechnologie.


Chen a déclaré que le gouvernement a lancé le Programme d'innovation industrielle basée sur les puces de Taiwan plus tôt cette année en réponse aux changements dans le paysage politique, économique et technologique mondial. Tirant parti des avantages du pays dans la fabrication de puces et les applications d'intelligence artificielle générative, ce projet vise à aider Taiwan et ses partenaires à relever les défis et à accélérer le développement de leurs propres industries, a-t-elle déclaré, ajoutant que le Canada est sincèrement invité à investir à Taïwan.


Selon le Conseil national de la science et de la technologie, le Canada est le quatrième pays à conclure un accord de coopération en matière de science et de technologie ministérielle avec Taïwan au cours des trois dernières années, après les États-Unis, l'Allemagne et la France.







\n", "date": "2024-04-23 01:48:36", "url": "http://www.roc-taiwan.org/ca_fr/post/4026.html" }, { "title": "Le TECO au Canada a collaboré avec l'ambassade des États-Unis au Canada et le laboratoire d'intégrité de l'information de l'Université d'Ottawa pour organiser un séminaire sur le \"Cadre de coopération et de formation mondial\" au Canada", "content": "

Le 12 avril, le Bureau économique et culturel de Taipei (TECO) au Canada, en collaboration avec l'ambassade des États-Unis au Canada et le laboratoire d'intégrité de l'information (IIL) de l'Université d'Ottawa, a organisé le premier séminaire sur le Cadre de coopération et de formation mondial (GCTF) au Canada. L'événement, intitulé \"Renforcer la résilience démocratique contre la désinformation : les élections à Taïwan et au-delà\", a partagé des perspectives sur la société civile mature et active de Taïwan, notamment la création de centres de vérification des faits volontaires, l'analyse des modèles et des techniques de désinformation, et la coopération public-privé pour contrer la guerre cognitive menée par les régimes autoritaires. Le séminaire visait à défendre les valeurs et les institutions démocratiques de Taïwan et à démontrer la volonté de Taïwan de continuer à collaborer avec des nations partageant les mêmes idées, tant dans les secteurs public que privé. Il est espéré qu'une telle collaboration renforcera la résilience démocratique mondiale et permettra de combattre efficacement la propagation de la désinformation par des acteurs étrangers intervenant dans les élections démocratiques.


\"Le  \"\"

\n", "date": "2024-04-15 21:55:28", "url": "http://www.roc-taiwan.org/ca_fr/post/4016.html" }, { "title": "Ambassadeur Tseng Ho-jen interviewé par Abby Kuhathasan de la Société Radio-Canada (SRC) concernant le puissant séisme à Hualien", "content": "

Suite à la diffusion d'images du séisme à Taïwan et des reportages sur place par des journalistes le 3 avril, la Société Radio-Canada (SRC) a invité l'ambassadeur Tseng Ho-jen, ambassadeur de notre pays au Canada, à répondre. L'ambassadeur Tseng a expliqué qu'après le séisme survenu tôt le matin à Taïwan, plus de 200 répliques se sont produites successivement, certaines avec une magnitude dépassant 6, et des répliques fréquentes sont attendues dans les jours à venir. L'ambassadeur Tseng a également mentionné que le séisme a provoqué des effondrements et des chutes de rochers dans de nombreux endroits à Hualien, entraînant de nombreuses personnes toujours piégées dans des zones sinistrées. Notre gouvernement déploie tous ses efforts dans les opérations de recherche et de sauvetage. Il a également expliqué que le gouvernement et le secteur privé sont pleinement engagés dans les travaux de secours aux sinistrés, et à ce stade, il n'a pas été décidé de demander une assistance internationale, y compris du Canada. Il a mentionné qu'un touriste canadien et une touriste canadienne étaient bloqués dans les montagnes après le séisme, mais heureusement, tous deux ont été secourus et sont en sécurité. L'ambassadeur Tseng a également exprimé ses remerciements spéciaux au Premier ministre Trudeau et à la ministre des Affaires étrangères Mélanie Joly du Canada pour avoir exprimé leurs sincères condoléances sur la situation de catastrophe du séisme à Taïwan dès que possible et offrir une assistance nécessaire.





\n", "date": "2024-04-08 23:07:24", "url": "http://www.roc-taiwan.org/ca_fr/post/3993.html" }, { "title": "Les législateurs canadiens ont organisé une réception de bienvenue au Parlement Hill pour Kelly Hsieh, vice-ministre des Affaires étrangères de notre pays", "content": "

Le 19 mars, Judy Sgro, présidente de l'Association d'amitié parlementaire Canada-Taïwan, a organisé une réception au bâtiment Valour sur la colline du Parlement. La réception a accueilli la visite du vice-ministre des Affaires étrangères Kelly Hsieh et de sa délégation au Canada, dans le but de renforcer les échanges et la coopération bilatéraux. Au cours de l'événement, il a été demandé au gouvernement canadien de maintenir l'élan issu de la récente signature de l'Accord de promotion et de protection des investissements étrangers (FIPA) entre les deux pays. De plus, il a été demandé au Canada de continuer son rôle de président tournant de l'Accord de partenariat transpacifique global et progressiste (CPTPP) et d'aider Taïwan à rejoindre le pacte commercial.


La réception a été marquée par une participation enthousiaste, avec près de 20 sénateurs et députés fédéraux accueillant personnellement la vice-ministre Hsieh. Ils ont exprimé un soutien indéfectible à la démocratie taïwanaise, notamment Paul Chiang, secrétaire parlementaire intérimaire du ministre de l'Immigration, des Réfugiés et de la Citoyenneté, John McKay, président du Comité de la défense, Ken Hardie, président du Comité spécial des relations Canada-Chine, Michael Chong, vice-président du Comité des affaires étrangères et du développement international et ministre des Affaires étrangères par intérim de l'opposition conservatrice, Stephane Bergeron, vice-président des Comités des affaires étrangères et des relations Canada-Chine, Lena Diab, présidente du Comité de la justice et des droits de la personne, Christine Normandin, vice-présidente du Comité de la défense et chef adjointe de l'opposition parlementaire pour le Bloc Québécois, Simon-Pierre Savard-Tremblay, vice-président du Comité du commerce (BQ-QC), entre autres. Des représentants de plusieurs bureaux parlementaires étaient également présents, totalisant plus de 50 invités.


\"\" \"\" \"\"

\n", "date": "2024-03-21 22:58:32", "url": "http://www.roc-taiwan.org/ca_fr/post/3977.html" }, { "title": "Le vice-ministre des Affaires étrangères de Taiwan, Kelly Hsieh, lors du Forum sur la Sécurité économique, a souligné l'engagement indéfectible de Taiwan à rejoindre le CPTPP", "content": "

Le 18 mars, la présence du vice-ministre des Affaires étrangères de Taiwan, Kelly Hsieh, au Forum sur la Sécurité économique Canada-Taiwan, organisé par l'Institut pour la Paix et la Diplomatie (IPD), a souligné l'engagement indéfectible de Taiwan à rejoindre le CPTPP et à renforcer la résilience contre la coercition économique étrangère dans les chaînes d'approvisionnement mondiales.



\n", "date": "2024-03-19 23:24:47", "url": "http://www.roc-taiwan.org/ca_fr/post/3966.html" }, { "title": "L'expert en informatique de Taïwan, Yau Chih-hao, a partagé lors de la conférence sur la sécurité et la défense à Ottawa au Canada comment lutter contre les fausses informations.", "content": "

La conférence sur la sécurité et la défense à Ottawa au Canada a ouvert ses portes aujourd'hui, avec pour thème la lutte contre les régimes autoritaires de la Chine et de la Russie. Lors de cet événement, l'expert en informatique de Taïwan, Yau Chih-hao, a abordé la question de la manière dont Taïwan peut contrer l'ingérence chinoise, en partageant les principes du \"222\" et le rôle des organisations civiques.


La conférence annuelle sur la sécurité et la défense à Ottawa est la plus grande et la plus ancienne du genre au Canada, en organisant cette année sa 92ème édition. Le ministre canadien de la Défense, Bill Blair, a prononcé le discours d'ouverture, et environ 400 participants, dont des responsables du ministère canadien des Affaires mondiales, de la Défense, des Finances, de l'Institut national de la recherche, des hauts gradés militaires, des délégués diplomatiques, des experts universitaires, ainsi que des journalistes, étaient présents, créant une atmosphère grandiose.


Yau Chih-hao, co-président du Centre de recherche sur l'environnement informatique de Taïwan, Ihor Michalchyshyn, directeur exécutif de l'Association des Canadiens d'origine ukrainienne, et Marcus Kolga, fondateur du site web d'observation des fausses informations DisinfoWatch.org, ont partagé leurs connaissances sur \"les menaces à l'égard de l'ingérence étrangère et du processus démocratique\". Les participants ont exprimé leur admiration pour la capacité de Taïwan à lutter efficacement contre les fausses informations malgré sa taille modeste.


Yau Chih-hao a souligné que la menace chinoise pour Taïwan présente deux caractéristiques principales : à long terme et hybride. Son objectif est de contraindre Taïwan à se soumettre et à éliminer son identité propre, afin de la rendre aussi malléable que Hong Kong. Les fausses informations fabriquées par la Chine présentent une vision du monde déformée, dénigrant non seulement la souveraineté de Taïwan, mais également dégradant des pays comme le Canada, partageant des idéaux similaires, en les présentant comme des amis faibles et hypocrites, tout en exagérant régulièrement la puissance du Parti communiste chinois et en dissimulant délibérément ses actions menaçantes envers Taïwan.


Il a mentionné que l'ingérence chinoise s'étend à différents domaines tels que la politique, les affaires, la culture, et la religion. Le gouvernement taïwanais, les organisations civiques et les médias jouent chacun un rôle spécifique dans la défense de la démocratie.


Il a proposé plusieurs méthodes pratiques, notamment le \"principe 222\" pour contrer les fausses nouvelles, qui stipule que les titres doivent comporter moins de 20 mots, les articles moins de 200 mots, et être accompagnés de 2 images. Il a également souligné l'importance de réagir immédiatement dans l'heure qui suit l'événement pour stopper la propagation des fausses nouvelles.


Yau Chih-hao a souligné l'efficacité des approches créatives et humoristiques dans la lutte contre les fausses informations. Il a cité l'exemple du premier ministre taïwanais, Su Tseng-chang, qui a réagi à une rumeur pendant la pandémie de COVID-19 en affichant une carte de dos sur laquelle était écrit \"Nous n'avons qu'un seul c*l\" pour rappeler aux gens qu'ils n'avaient besoin que d'un peu de papier toilette. Cette anecdote a provoqué des rires parmi les auditeurs et laissé une impression durable.


Certains participants ont posé la question de savoir comment concilier la lutte contre les fausses informations avec la liberté d'expression. Yau Chih-hao a expliqué que son organisation collectait de nombreuses données et preuves lorsqu'elle détectait et dénonçait les fausses informations, puis les analysait minutieusement avant de divulguer publiquement ses méthodes détaillées, soumises ensuite à l'examen et aux critiques du public, afin de renforcer sa crédibilité.


Yau Chih-hao a souligné l'importance de l'éducation pour sensibiliser les personnes de tous âges aux méthodes et aux impacts des fausses informations. Les participants ont exprimé leur admiration pour l'implication proactive des organisations civiques taïwanaises dans la lutte contre les fausses informations.


Après la conférence, quelqu'un a demandé à Yau Chih-hao pourquoi, en tant qu'expert en art numérique, il s'était engagé dans la lutte contre les fausses informations. Il a simplement répondu, en haussant les épaules : \"Parce que j'aime Taïwan et que je suis préoccupé par la menace chinoise sur cette terre.\"











\n", "date": "2024-03-14 01:50:11", "url": "http://www.roc-taiwan.org/ca_fr/post/3958.html" }, { "title": "L'ambassadeur Harry Tseng a contribué à un article pour \"iPolitics\", mettant l'accent sur le fait que le Canada et Taiwan font tous deux face à l'ingérence chinoise, à la désinformation et aux tactiques d'intimidation.", "content": "

Le journal politique électronique canadien, \"iPolitics\", a publié un article de l'ambassadeur Harry Tseng intitulé \"L'Accroissement de l'Empiètement de la Chine sur Taiwan n'est Pas Seulement un Problème pour Taiwan\", abordant des sujets tels que les élections à Taiwan et le lancement par le Canada d'une enquête sur l'intervention chinoise dans les élections.


L'ambassadeur Tseng a souligné que le Canada, tout comme Taiwan, comprend la nécessité de s'attaquer rapidement à l'ingérence chinoise dans les processus démocratiques. Si l'empiètement injuste de la Chine sur Taiwan n'est pas arrêté, les répercussions dépasseront largement le détroit de Taiwan. Par conséquent, la communauté internationale, y compris le Canada, doit continuer à soutenir Taiwan pour contrer cette hostilité.


Depuis les élections taiwanaises de janvier, la Chine exerce diverses pressions politiques et militaires sur Taiwan. Initialement, la Chine a affirmé que les résultats des élections \"ne représentent pas l'opinion publique majoritaire\", puis elle a incité Nauru à rompre ses liens diplomatiques avec Taiwan, exercé des pressions sur la Confédération asiatique de volleyball pour révoquer le droit de Taiwan d'accueillir le Championnat de volleyball masculin U20, et a même menacé d'annuler certains articles de réduction tarifaire en vertu de l'Accord-cadre de coopération économique (ECFA) entre les deux côtés du détroit de Taiwan.


De plus, le 30 janvier, la Chine a annoncé unilatéralement l'annulation du décalage de la route aérienne M503 vers l'ouest de 6 milles nautiques, en ignorant les résultats de l'accord inter-détroit de 2015 et en violant l'article 4.2.6 du Manuel de planification des services de vol de l'Organisation de l'aviation civile internationale (ICAO) , mettant ainsi en évidence la nature autoritaire irresponsable de la Chine.


L'ambassadeur Tseng a souligné que le Canada n'est pas étranger à l'ingérence chinoise, à la désinformation et aux tactiques d'intimidation. Fin janvier, le Canada a officiellement lancé une audience sur l'ingérence étrangère pour enquêter sur l'infiltration chinoise dans les élections fédérales canadiennes de 2019 et 2021. Cela démontre que le Canada et Taiwan ont une compréhension profonde de l'ingérence insidieuse de la Chine et doivent donner un avertissement sévère dès que possible.


L'ambassadeur Tseng a souligné que la reconnaissance par le Canada de l'ingérence étrangère met en lumière l'appréciation des Canadiens pour des procédures démocratiques solides. De même, le peuple taiwanais démontre sa poursuite sans peur de la démocratie à travers des élections équitables. Le fait que la Chine recoure à diverses mesures punitives uniquement parce que les résultats des élections taiwanaises contredisent ses intérêts devrait servir d'avertissement sévère pour le Canada.


Lire l'article: https://www.ipolitics.ca/opinions/chinas-increasing-aggression-against-taiwan-is-not-just-taiwans-problem



\n", "date": "2024-02-15 23:33:26", "url": "http://www.roc-taiwan.org/ca_fr/post/3936.html" }, { "title": "L'ambassadeur Harry Tseng a accepté une interview avec \"The Hill Times\", mettant en garde le Canada sur la base de l'expérience de Taiwan face aux tentatives chinoises d'interférer dans les élections", "content": "

L'ambassadeur Harry Tseng a accepté une interview avec Neil Moss, un journaliste de \"The Hill Times\", le 7. L'interview complète a été publiée dans la rubrique \"Cercles diplomatiques\" du journal le 14 et simultanément mise en avant sur le site officiel. L'interview a couvert divers aspects, mettant particulièrement l'accent sur le potentiel d'ingérence chinoise dans les élections canadiennes.


Pendant l'interview, l'ambassadeur Tseng a souligné que le Canada devrait tenir des élections fédérales en octobre 2025 et qu'il ne peut être exclu que le Canada soit confronté à une ingérence de Beijing. La Chine pourrait suivre les schémas précédents et cibler la communauté chinoise canadienne pour interférer dans les élections canadiennes.


Lire l'article: https://www.hilltimes.com/story/2024/02/14/i-think-they-can-do-it-again-taiwanese-rep-cautions-against-persistent-china-interference/411472/\"\"



\n", "date": "2024-02-15 23:18:52", "url": "http://www.roc-taiwan.org/ca_fr/post/3931.html" }, { "title": "L'ambassadeur Harry Tseng a été interviewé par Radio Canada International (RCI)", "content": "

Le 31 janvier, l'ambassadeur Harry Tseng a été interviewé par la station chinoise de Radio Canada International (RCI). Le contenu de l'interview a été publié sur le site officiel des médias le soir du 1er février, couvrant des sujets divers tels que les élections à Taïwan mettant en avant un niveau élevé de culture démocratique, le nouveau gouvernement poursuivant les politiques diplomatiques prudentes actuelles du président Tsai en matière de relations avec le continent, la pression politique, économique et militaire de la Chine sur Taïwan ainsi que la guerre cognitive, les efforts du gouvernement pour diversifier le commerce et les investissements afin de réduire la dépendance à l'égard de la Chine, le renforcement de la coopération économique et commerciale entre Taïwan et le Canada, et la recherche de la participation au mécanisme de commerce multilatéral CPTPP (Accord de partenariat transpacifique global et progressiste).

\n", "date": "2024-02-05 23:32:48", "url": "http://www.roc-taiwan.org/ca_fr/post/3911.html" }, { "title": "L’ambassadeur Harry Tseng dans une entrevue à CBC : les élections à Taiwan incarnent une démocratie mature", "content": "

La Société Radio-Canada (SRC) a invité l'ambassadeur Harry Tseng, représentant à Canada, le 15, à partager ses perspectives sur la situation après les élections à Taïwan. Tseng a souligné que Taïwan a une fois de plus montré au monde une société démocratique mature et saine. Quant à la Chine qui a retiré sa reconnaissance diplomatique envers Nauru, Tseng considère cela comme une riposte aux valeurs démocratiques, soulignant la nécessité pour la communauté internationale de rester vigilante.


Harry Tseng a été interviewé aujourd'hui par le programme d'information de la SRC, \"Canada Tonight\", animé par Sarah Galashan. Elle a posé des questions sur les défis futurs du président élu de Taïwan, la réponse aux menaces de sécurité de la Chine envers Taïwan, et comment les alliés démocratiques internationaux peuvent soutenir Taïwan.


Tseng a d'abord souligné la maturité de la culture démocratique du peuple taïwanais. Les partisans des différents partis politiques se sont rassemblés en masse la veille des élections, affichant un enthousiasme. Cependant, après les élections, le calme et le respect sont revenus, avec la vie quotidienne reprenant son cours normal, illustrant ainsi Taïwan en tant que modèle démocratique.


Après le déroulement réussi des élections à Taïwan, de nombreux dirigeants mondiaux ont félicité Taïwan. Cependant, Nauru a annoncé abruptement un changement diplomatique en faveur de la Chine, que Tseng a qualifié de moyen de représailles de la part de la Chine, soulignant la nécessité de rester vigilant.


Galashan s'est intéressée à la manière dont le président élu Lai Ching-te dirigera Taïwan pour résister aux menaces et aux intimidations de la Chine. Tseng a déclaré que Lai Ching-te, remportant l'élection présidentielle avec environ 40 % des voix, a affirmé lors d'une conférence de presse internationale après les élections qu'il ne provoquerait pas la Chine, tendant la main à la Chine et cherchant le dialogue sur la base de la dignité égale.


Tseng a appelé la Chine à interpréter les élections à Taiwan d’un point de vue macro. Il a noté que les résultats des élections ont montré des victoires partielles pour les trois principaux partis, le Parti démocrate progressiste remportant l'élection présidentielle, le Kuomintang détenant le plus de sièges au Parlement et le Parti du peuple d'abord détenant 8 sièges législatifs cruciaux. La Chine devrait considérer les résultats des élections comme la présence toujours de forces pro-chinoises, et Pékin peut s’efforcer de gagner les faveurs du peuple taïwanais. Une pression excessive sur Taiwan pourrait conduire à une plus grande distance.


Galashan a conclu en demandant comment les alliés démocratiques pouvaient soutenir Taïwan. Tseng a exprimé l'espoir que les alliés internationaux puissent comprendre la signification des élections à Taïwan pour le camp démocratique. Surtout lorsque Taïwan fait face aux tentatives de la Chine d'interférer et d'influencer l'opinion publique, la tenue d'élections ouvertes et équitables montre comment résister à l'intervention étrangère malveillante, méritant la reconnaissance des pays partageant des idées similaires.


CBC News est la plus grande chaîne d'information professionnelle en anglais du Canada, et le programme \"Canada Tonight\" est diffusé en semaine de 19 h à 21 h, se concentrant sur les événements politiques et économiques nationaux et internationaux de la journée, constituant un programme d'information de première qualité pour les foyers canadiens.


Tseng a déclaré à l'agence de presse centrale que le Canada s'apprête à lancer plus tard en janvier une enquête sur l'ingérence étrangère dans les élections. Malgré les tentatives d'ingérence de la Chine, Taïwan a réussi à conclure ses élections, et Tseng est prêt à partager cette expérience comme référence, espérant que cela sera utile au Canada.


Regardez l'interview ici.







\n", "date": "2024-01-16 22:49:34", "url": "http://www.roc-taiwan.org/ca_fr/post/3874.html" }, { "title": "Taiwan et le Canada ont signé l'« Accord sur la promotion et la protection des investissements (FIPA) »", "content": "

Après plus de deux ans de négociations, l'Accord de promotion et de protection des investissements étrangers (FIPA) entre Taïwan et le Canada a été officiellement signé le 22 décembre. L'accord a été finalisé en octobre à la suite des négociations entre l'ambassadeur de Taïwan au Canada, le Dr Harry Tseng, et le représentant du Bureau du commerce canadien à Taipei, Jim Nickel.


L'ambassadeur Tseng a souligné que l'accord d'investissement Taïwan-Canada revêt une importance particulière, car il s'agit du premier accord d'investissement que le Canada signe à l'étranger après avoir révisé son modèle d'accord d'investissement en 2021. L'accord devrait renforcer les liens et la résilience des chaînes d'approvisionnement, mettant en évidence l'importance de Taïwan dans la chaîne d'approvisionnement mondiale.





\n", "date": "2024-01-04 03:48:15", "url": "http://www.roc-taiwan.org/ca_fr/post/3868.html" } ] }, { "lang": "zh", "branch": "yyz", "country": "ca", "name": "駐多倫多台北經濟文化辦事處", "path": "/cayyz/", "items": [ { "title": "國華與台南市政府於4月15至22日合作舉辦台南美食節活動", "content": "
\n", "date": "2024-04-17 00:30:03", "url": "http://www.roc-taiwan.org/cayyz/post/12905.html" }, { "title": "本處4月14日應邀參加約克郡警局舉辦的「消除種族歧視國際日」活動", "content": "
\n", "date": "2024-04-16 23:48:10", "url": "http://www.roc-taiwan.org/cayyz/post/12892.html" }, { "title": "陳錦玲處長歡迎多倫多客家同鄉會徐紫彤會長乙行蒞訪本處", "content": "
\n", "date": "2024-04-16 23:42:24", "url": "http://www.roc-taiwan.org/cayyz/post/12887.html" }, { "title": "陳處長與多倫多僑界慎終追遠 緬懷先僑貢獻", "content": "
\n", "date": "2024-04-08 11:20:56", "url": "http://www.roc-taiwan.org/cayyz/post/12880.html" }, { "title": "台灣導演魏德聖電影《BIG》在北美巡演 陳處長邀請僑界、影界及媒體和魏德聖面對面交流", "content": "
\n", "date": "2024-04-05 14:40:58", "url": "http://www.roc-taiwan.org/cayyz/post/12866.html" }, { "title": "本處恭賀多倫多台商會慶祝成立31週年", "content": "
\n", "date": "2024-04-02 11:10:03", "url": "http://www.roc-taiwan.org/cayyz/post/12846.html" }, { "title": "陳處長出席第五屆林哲夫人權獎頒獎典禮", "content": "
加拿大臺灣人權協會23日舉行第五屆林哲夫人權獎頒獎典禮,由港加聯會長馮玉蘭(Gloria Fung)獲獎,並由林哲夫教授遺孀郭哲子女士頒贈。
\n", "date": "2024-03-25 14:51:56", "url": "http://www.roc-taiwan.org/cayyz/post/12825.html" }, { "title": "馬偕180歲冥誕 陳處長應邀出席紀念茶會", "content": "
誠摯感謝安大略省議員哈德曼(Ernie Hardeman) 於3月21日馬偕180歲冥誕在省議會發表紀念聲明,並舉辦馬偕紀念茶會, 陳錦玲處長與台灣僑界代表應邀與會旁聽,獲得全場各黨派議員起立鼓掌歡迎。
\n", "date": "2024-03-25 14:43:38", "url": "http://www.roc-taiwan.org/cayyz/post/12819.html" }, { "title": "陳處長出席多倫多佛光山佛學講座-萬里僧蹤", "content": "
\n", "date": "2024-03-18 14:50:29", "url": "http://www.roc-taiwan.org/cayyz/post/12796.html" }, { "title": "環境歷史學作家李潔珂在僑教中心與大家相見歡", "content": "
3月14日環境歷史學作家李潔珂在僑教中心與大家相見歡。 當日走進文化中心圖書館,彷彿進到書中植物世界,聽著作家介紹她創作的理念、朗讀著書中的內容,描述著台灣植物、島嶼風光及母親與女兒的情感與對話,卻讓人開始思考歸屬、身分認同以及植物與人類世界的關聯,當種子離開原來自己生長環境,在別處生根,會發生什麼事情。
\n", "date": "2024-03-18 14:39:33", "url": "http://www.roc-taiwan.org/cayyz/post/12789.html" }, { "title": "陳處長出席友邦聖露西亞獨立45週年慶祝晚會", "content": "
本處陳錦玲處長3月9日應駐多倫多總領事Henry Mangal 邀請出席在Luxe Convention Centre慶祝晚會 ,並當面致贈Philip Joseph Pierre總理噶瑪蘭威士忌,總理果然是曾訪問過台灣的,立馬用中文說出流利的「乾杯」。
\n", "date": "2024-03-11 16:29:15", "url": "http://www.roc-taiwan.org/cayyz/post/12785.html" }, { "title": "本處設攤展示赴台度假打工資訊", "content": "
為鼓勵更多年齡介於18至35歲的加拿大青年前往台灣度假打工,本處應加拿大移民部轄下International Experience Canada計畫邀請,於3月3日(週日)下午在多倫多會議中心(Metro Toronto Conventional Centre)設攤,展出有關前往台灣度假打工、旅遊、就學及就業等資訊,同時解答參觀民眾及家長的詢問。
\n", "date": "2024-03-06 11:57:09", "url": "http://www.roc-taiwan.org/cayyz/post/12779.html" }, { "title": "多倫多「台灣之夜」歡慶農曆新年及慶祝台加友好關係", "content": "
一年一度的台灣文化饗宴「台灣之夜」在辦事處文化中心隆重登場,今年現場安排精彩的TECO鼓隊、佛光山舞獅團、書法揮毫、禾登樂團表演, 現場品嚐多家台灣的美食,包括度小月、鼎泰豐、李泉居、台味軒、味香村、Maeli、Mandarin,還有佛光山跟慈濟的素食饗宴,以及長榮航空也共襄盛舉。本處還準備了驚喜小禮物,有鳳梨酥、台灣茶、台灣餅乾跟蜜餞,祝福各位來賓新的一年好運旺旺來。
\n", "date": "2024-03-03 16:30:02", "url": "http://www.roc-taiwan.org/cayyz/post/12769.html" }, { "title": "陳處長出席多倫多台灣人社團聯誼會2月24日舉行「228和平紀念會」", "content": "






\n", "date": "2024-02-27 13:58:54", "url": "http://www.roc-taiwan.org/cayyz/post/12754.html" }, { "title": "陳錦玲處長2月24日出席多倫多台灣同鄉會年會", "content": "






\n", "date": "2024-02-27 13:56:09", "url": "http://www.roc-taiwan.org/cayyz/post/12749.html" }, { "title": "本處出席2月24日在Willowdale(Yonge-North York)舉行的多倫多春節元宵慶會", "content": "
多倫多春節元宵慶會2月24日在Willowdale(Yonge-North York)熱鬧舉行,吸引近萬人潮!
這場活動由多倫多市議員陳伶俐(Lily Cheng for Willowdale)與台灣僑社-多倫多台灣商會青年創業協會(YTMAT)及華商經貿多倫多分會共同主辦,本處文化中心參與贊助。
多倫多市長鄒至蕙 (Mayor Olivia Chow)放紅包,向小朋友講述龍的故事,為活動帶來高潮,安大略省議員Aris Babikian、多倫多市議員Josh Matlow也到場向大家賀年。
本處陳錦玲處長致詞表示很高興看到台灣豐富的新年文化、藝術、美食同日在多倫多市現身展示,希望未來繼續與多市合作,辦理更多台灣文化推廣活動,彰顯呼應多倫多多元且包容的文化特色;市議員Josh Matlow表示這是他所看過北約克最盛大熱鬧的農曆新年活動。
本次燈節活動盛大溫馨,傍晚時分戶外燈飾繽紛閃爍,Mel Lastman 廣場舞台上亦有舞龍舞獅的表演,雖然天氣寒冷,但民眾依然熱情不減,人潮絡繹不絕。
\n", "date": "2024-02-26 15:44:49", "url": "http://www.roc-taiwan.org/cayyz/post/12739.html" }, { "title": "本處出席安省中華總會館慶祝113年甲辰年迎龍年新春聯歡", "content": "
安省省議員Aris Babikian及多位僑領近百人與會同慶,現場熱鬧滾滾、財神爺跟三太子也一起來助陣,表演節目精彩豐富,好吃好看又好玩。
\n", "date": "2024-02-26 15:38:20", "url": "http://www.roc-taiwan.org/cayyz/post/12737.html" }, { "title": "陳處長出席倫敦台灣同鄉會舉辦的Lunar New Year Potluck活動", "content": "

本處陳錦玲處長及同仁週日驅車前往倫敦,參加當地台灣同鄉會舉辦的Lunar New Year Potluck活動,倫敦市長Josh Morgan、倫敦警局London Police Service - Canada Inspector Sean Travis首次應邀出席,與台灣的鄉親、大小朋友一起同賀新年。


Josh Morgan市長致詞歡迎陳處長首次到訪;陳處長推崇市長的市政成就,讓倫敦市成為追求優質工作、教育、生活的理想城市,也期待合作推動台加雙邊市政交流合作。







\n", "date": "2024-02-20 11:26:27", "url": "http://www.roc-taiwan.org/cayyz/post/12730.html" }, { "title": "2024 LunarFest展出台灣編織藝術文化", "content": "
本處陳錦玲處長應邀參加由加拿大亞裔活動協會及多倫多台灣同鄉會在萬錦市Varley Art Gallery合辦的LunarFest開幕儀式,萬錦市議員Isa lee, Amanda Yeung Collucci, Ritch Lau, Andew Keyes 也應邀出席。
\n", "date": "2024-02-20 11:20:40", "url": "http://www.roc-taiwan.org/cayyz/post/12722.html" }, { "title": "陳處長出席僑教中心與多倫多華民書畫藝術聯合總會共同舉辦龍年新春揮毫活動", "content": "
\n", "date": "2024-02-20 11:07:48", "url": "http://www.roc-taiwan.org/cayyz/post/12709.html" }, { "title": "本處拜會Ernie Hardeman省議員分享多倫多台僑社區慶祝農曆新年的熱鬧氣氛", "content": "
陳處長在大年初三前往安大略省議會拜會Ernie Hardeman省議員,分享多倫多台僑社區慶祝農曆新年的熱鬧氣氛,也討論今年度的馬偕紀念活動,以及明年慶祝淡水與牛津締結姊妹市25周年的規劃。
\n", "date": "2024-02-15 16:55:32", "url": "http://www.roc-taiwan.org/cayyz/post/12704.html" }, { "title": "大年初二陳錦玲處長攜團隊拜會多倫多傳統僑社,感謝支持台加關係", "content": "
陳處長一行在抵達安省越棉寮華人協會時巧遇該選區省議員Chris Glover,雙方互致問候,並一同向越棉寮鄉親祝賀新年。
\n", "date": "2024-02-13 14:12:57", "url": "http://www.roc-taiwan.org/cayyz/post/12686.html" }, { "title": "陳處長出席多倫多佛光山2月9日除夕夜舉辦迎龍年敲鐘祈福活動", "content": "
陳處長錦玲恭賀信眾朋友新年快樂,祝願台加關係更上層樓,並與加國多元包容及身障人士部長Kamal Khera、小型企業部長Rechie Valdez、參議員胡子修(Victor Oh)、安省議員Nina Tangri及密西沙加代理市長Joe Horneck一同上香、敲鐘祈求世界和平。
\n", "date": "2024-02-12 16:00:01", "url": "http://www.roc-taiwan.org/cayyz/post/12664.html" }, { "title": "「北國真相電子報」刊登陳錦玲處長專文「台灣成功的選舉代表對抗假訊息與威權脅迫的勝利」", "content": "
「北國真相電子報」(TrueNorth)於2月3日在其網站及X平台上刊登本處陳錦玲處長專文--「台灣成功的選舉代表對抗假訊息與威權脅迫的勝利」(Taiwan’s Successful Elections: Triumph over Disinformation and Authoritarian Threats)。重點如下:
Taiwan’s Successful Elections: Triumph over Disinformation and Authoritarian Threats
\n", "date": "2024-02-07 15:56:53", "url": "http://www.roc-taiwan.org/cayyz/post/12651.html" }, { "title": "本處與多大舉辦「亞洲的民主未來:台灣2024年選舉及其對亞洲的影響」研討會", "content": "
2月2日 本處與多倫多孟克全球事務暨公共政策學院亞洲硏究所共同舉辦的「亞洲的民主未來:台灣2024年選舉及其對亞洲的影響」研討會座無虛席,謝謝大家對台灣以及亞洲地區民主自由議題的關注。
研討會由多大亞洲研究所Rachel Silvey所長主持,駐加拿大台北經濟文化代表處曾厚仁大使應邀致詞。主講人多倫多大學副校長、專研亞洲國家民主轉型的Joseph Wong教授分享本次赴台觀選的觀察與分析,另有多大學者Yoonkyung Lee 、Bharat Punjabi 及 Irene Poetranto擔任與談人,分別自東亞、南亞及東南亞政治研究探討及比較亞洲國家民主進程發展,以及外國勢力介選等議題;互動提問階段則由研究中國的專家Diana Fu副教授主持。
\n", "date": "2024-02-05 12:05:56", "url": "http://www.roc-taiwan.org/cayyz/post/12627.html" }, { "title": "本處出席多倫多龍岡親義公所新任主席就職晚宴,百餘佳賓同賀", "content": "
多倫多龍岡親義公所新任主席張雅才就職餐會於 1月28日晚假翠濠庭舉行,本處陳錦玲處長、洪松暉副處長、僑教中心藍柏青主任及徐沛宸副主任應邀出席致賀。
\n", "date": "2024-01-30 16:58:28", "url": "http://www.roc-taiwan.org/cayyz/post/12612.html" }, { "title": "陳處長出席慈濟加東分會 Tzu Chi Eastern Canada舉辦「2023歲末祝福」活動", "content": "
慈濟加東分會 Tzu Chi Eastern Canada舉辦「2023歲末祝福」,本處陳錦玲處長、僑教中心藍柏青主任及同仁,應加東分會鄭楊河執行長邀請出席,感受證嚴上人與每一位慈濟志工的感恩及祝福。
大家更一起回顧 2023 年慈濟在全球與加東的歷歷足跡,與加拿大佛教會會長達義法師一齊點燈,祈求天下無災難,社會祥和,世界和平。還拿到鄭執行長所發送由上人版稅贈予的福慧紅包。
\n", "date": "2024-01-29 15:48:15", "url": "http://www.roc-taiwan.org/cayyz/post/12582.html" }, { "title": "本處出席慈濟北多倫多分會舉辦歲末祝福感恩會,並為世界及眾人祈福", "content": "
加國多位政要、NGO友人均出席,包括萬錦市市長Frank Scarpitti、列治文山市市長David West、國會議員Mahjid Jowhari、安省省議員Daisy Wai、Billy Pang;多位市議員及約克郡教育委員Michael Chen等,均對慈濟過去一年在社區的貢獻表達感謝,包括與食物銀行、醫院及庇護中心合作賑濟需要的人,還有陪伴長者摺紙活動等善舉。慈濟總是用行動傳達愛與關懷。
\n", "date": "2024-01-22 11:52:41", "url": "http://www.roc-taiwan.org/cayyz/post/12568.html" }, { "title": "總統大選後本處陳錦玲處長接受OMNI TV 專訪", "content": "



選後本處陳錦玲處長接受OMNI TV 專訪,這邊和大家分享這則新聞報導的重點如下:


1). 推進加入#CPTPP ,強化台加經貿關係是未來工作重點;受訪的加國政學界人士樂觀看待台灣入會進程。

2). 呼籲北京尊重加國對外關係決策、勿介入他國內政及選舉。
3). 呼籲北京放棄對抗、與台灣重啟對話,共同維護區域和平穩定。
\n", "date": "2024-01-18 15:12:17", "url": "http://www.roc-taiwan.org/cayyz/post/12555.html" }, { "title": "本處出席多倫多龍岡親義公所新任主席張雅才就職及新卸任主席暨職員交接典禮", "content": "
\n", "date": "2024-01-10 14:38:07", "url": "http://www.roc-taiwan.org/cayyz/post/12543.html" }, { "title": "陳處長參加多倫多僑界舉行的中華民國113年元旦升旗典禮", "content": "
















\n", "date": "2024-01-04 05:22:32", "url": "http://www.roc-taiwan.org/cayyz/post/12495.html" } ] }, { "lang": "en", "branch": "yyz", "country": "ca", "name": "Taipei Economic and Cultural Office, Toronto", "path": "/cayyz_en/", "items": [ { "title": "Kuo Hua is collaborating with the Tainan City Government to host the Tainan Food Festival from April 15th to 22nd", "content": "
Congratulations to Kuo Hua Tradind Co. on their 30th anniversary, and celebrating the 400th anniversary of the founding of Tainan!
We thank CEO Lisa Chou for continuously promoting Taiwanese cuisine over the past 30 years, introducing numerous high-quality Taiwanese fruits, snacks, and beverages, benefiting Taiwanese expatriates in Canada and promoting bilateral trade between Taiwan and Canada.
This year marks the 400th anniversary of the founding of Tainan City. Kuo Hua is collaborating with the Tainan City Government to host the Tainan Food Festival from April 15th to 22nd. They will be bringing fresh Tainan guavas, pineapples, dragon fruits, and various delicious snacks to Toronto. Don't miss out on this culinary delight!
\n", "date": "2024-04-17 00:31:18", "url": "http://www.roc-taiwan.org/cayyz_en/post/10380.html" }, { "title": "Toronto TECO attends the \"International Day for the Elimination of Racial Discrimination\" event hosted by the York Regional Police on April 14", "content": "
The \"TECO Drum Team\" had the honor of performing at the \"International Day for the Elimination of Racial Discrimination\" event hosted by the York Regional Police on April 14.
In the Taiwan booths, attendees played with marble tables, interactive quizzes, and folded paper lanterns. They were happy to get traditional Taiwanese lollipops, drinks, and other gifts.
The main stage featured spectular performances representing diverse ethnic cultures, such as singing and dancing, in addition to the over 70 cultural booths at the site. About a thousand people attended this great event.
\n", "date": "2024-04-16 23:50:18", "url": "http://www.roc-taiwan.org/cayyz_en/post/10370.html" }, { "title": "Director General Chen, along with members of the Taiwanese community in Toronto, pays respects and commemorates the past contributions of Taiwanese immigrants", "content": "

On April 5, the traditional grave sweeping day, Director General Jin-Ling Chen paid tribute to the ancestors for their endeavors in paving the way for the descendants. She also mentioned the earthquake in Taiwan on April 3 and prayed for a swift rescue effort and speedy recovery for Taiwan.



\n", "date": "2024-04-08 11:23:24", "url": "http://www.roc-taiwan.org/cayyz_en/post/10356.html" }, { "title": "DG Chen hosts a reception for local film enthusiasts in Toronto to meet and interact with Taiwanese director Wei Te-Sheng for the new film《BIG》", "content": "
Renowned Taiwanese director Wei Te-sheng's film BIG is on a North American tour, and Director-夫General Chen specially invites local Taiwan film enthusiasts, the Toronto Taiwanese Film Festival, Pride Asian Film Festival , Canadian film distributor CHIME, New Century, and other film industry and media representatives to exchange face-to-face with Director Wei Te-sheng.
Director-Genetal Chen stated that the Taipei Economic and Cultural Office in Toronto has always been actively promoting exchanges and cooperation between Taiwan and Canada in various fields, supporting collaboration between the Taiwanese community and Canadian government and cultural units in hosting events. Currently, the most representative event is the annual TaiwanFest held in August at Harbourfront Centre. Looking forward, Director-General Chen hopes that the Toronto Taiwanese Film Festival and more Taiwanese activities can also become annual cultural celebrations of Taiwan in Canada.
\n", "date": "2024-04-05 14:44:47", "url": "http://www.roc-taiwan.org/cayyz_en/post/10346.html" }, { "title": "Congratulations to the Taiwan Entrepreneurs Society Taipei/Toronto on celebrating its 31st anniversary", "content": "
Congratulations to the Taiwan Entrepreneurs Society Taipei/Toronto on celebrating its 31st anniversary!
Over the past 31 years, the TESTT has spared no effort in bridging Taiwan and Canada, promoting bilateral economic and trade cooperation and cultural exchanges, and has made many contributions to community welfare.
With the deepening of Taiwan-Canada relations in recent years and the signing of bilateral Investment Promotion and Protection Arrangement, we wish the TESTT every success in taking advantage of the situation. It is also hoped that the TESTT will actively advocate for support from various sectors in Canada for Taiwan's accession to the CPTPP, in order to facilitate bilateral cooperation in jointly exploring the Indo-Pacific market.
\n", "date": "2024-04-02 11:11:49", "url": "http://www.roc-taiwan.org/cayyz_en/post/10335.html" }, { "title": "DG Chen attends the Albert J. F. Lin Human Rights Award ceremony held by Taiwanese Human Rights Association of Canada (THRAC)", "content": "
Taiwanese Human Rights Association of Canada (THRAC) held the Albert J. F. Lin Human Rights Award ceremony. The award went to Ms. Gloria Fung, President of Canada-Hong Kong Link to recognize her long-time effort in promoting democracy and human rights.
Director General Jin-Ling Chen extended her congratulations to Ms. Fung and gratitude to Dr. Albert Lin for his works in facilitating Taiwan’s democratization through non-violence measures. Taiwan will continue to work with like-minded countries to safeguard the universal values of democracy and freedom.
President of THRAC, Rev Michael Stainton said that this year’s award marks two meanings. First, it honors Gloria for her long-time effort to bring attention to the situation in Hong Kong. Secondly, as Hong Kong’s new security law came into force today, it shows support to Hong Kong and solidarity between Taiwan and HK.
\n", "date": "2024-03-25 14:54:33", "url": "http://www.roc-taiwan.org/cayyz_en/post/10312.html" }, { "title": "DG Chen attends the reception on the 180th anniversary of George Leslie Mackay's birth on March 21", "content": "
Sincere thanks to MPP Ernie Hardeman for making a commemorative statement and hosting a reception on the 180th anniversary of George Leslie Mackay's birth on March 21. Director-General Chen and representatives from the Taiwanese community were invited to attend and were warmly welcomed by MPPs of all parties.
MPP Hardeman expressed the importance of supporting Taiwan and emphasized that deepening economic and trade cooperation is the best way forward. He highlighted the Investment Promotion and Protection Arragement signed last year will facilitate bilateral industrial cooperation. Both Canada and Taiwan are committed to upholding the rules-based international order and supporting peace and stability in the Taiwan Strait.
D-G Chen emphasized Taiwan's commitment to be a force for good in the world by assisting other countries, including ongoing support for Ukraine, and providing assistance to Turkey after the earthquake. She called for like-minded countries to unite in supporting Taiwan, resisting economic coercion from authoritarian regimes and ensuring that the international order remains intact. She expressed hope that during Canada's chairmanship of the CPTPP this year, there will be concrete progress on Taiwan's accession to the agreement, and encouraged the Ontario government to establish a trade office in Taiwan to further deepen economic and trade exchanges and cooperation between the two sides.
\n", "date": "2024-03-25 14:46:58", "url": "http://www.roc-taiwan.org/cayyz_en/post/10306.html" }, { "title": "DG Chen attends the Buddhist Lecture at Fo Guang Shan Temple of Toronto", "content": "

Ven. Jue Cheng, attending the UN's 68th Commission on the Status of Women in NY, now brings her teachings to Toronto, following Master Hsing Yun's vision of spreading Buddhism worldwide. On March 16th, the Toronto Fo Guang Shan Temple was packed with eager attendees, soaking in the wisdom of Ven. Jue Cheng. From humorous anecdotes to inspiring tales of global charity work, she captivated the audience with stories of hope and compassion. Director -General Jin-ling chen, who met Ven. Jue Cheng over a decade ago in Malaysia, feels blessed to reconnect and hear her teachings once again.







\n", "date": "2024-03-18 14:51:25", "url": "http://www.roc-taiwan.org/cayyz_en/post/10275.html" }, { "title": "Join us at the TECO’s Cultural Center's Bookworm Club! A Garden Called Home & Dispersals", "content": "
On March 14th, environmental historian Jessica J. Lee meet with everyone at the TECO’s Cultural Center. Step into the library of the Cultural Center, it feels like stepping into a world of plants and listening to the author introduce her creative ideas, reading aloud the contents of the book, describing the landscapes of Taiwan 🇹🇼 and the emotions and dialogues between mother and daughter. It makes people start to ponder belonging, identity, and the relationship between plants and the human world. What happens when seeds leave their original environment and take root elsewhere?
During the discussion, Joe Song mentioned that Jessica J. Lee's prose-style narration and introduction of plants differ from encyclopedias or field guides, connecting emotions and touching people's hearts.
Director Paul Lan also shared good news that the Bookworm Club will hold its second and third events at the center. Book-loving friends, don't miss out!
\n", "date": "2024-03-18 14:40:03", "url": "http://www.roc-taiwan.org/cayyz_en/post/10271.html" }, { "title": "DG Chen attends the celebration of the 45th Independence Anniversary of Saint Lucia", "content": "
Congratulations! Celebrating the 45th Independence Anniversary of Saint Lucia , one of Taiwan's diplomatic allies.
Director Jin-ling Chen attended the celebration on March 9th, presenting Taiwanese Kavalan whisky to Prime Minister Philip Joseph Pierre of Saint Lucia . The Prime Minister, who had previously visited Taiwan, cheerfully toasted in Mandarin .
The event featured lively Caribbean jazz performances with local percussion instruments and traditional dance displays.
Saint Lucia and Taiwan continue to stand together in safeguarding democratic values and freedom.
\n", "date": "2024-03-11 16:31:14", "url": "http://www.roc-taiwan.org/cayyz_en/post/10265.html" }, { "title": "TECO Toronto set up booth to display info on Working Holiday and answer inquires", "content": "
To encourage more Canadian youths between the ages of 18 and 35 to go to Taiwan on Working Holiday Program, TECO in Toronto--invited by the International Experience Canada under the Immigration and Citizenship Canada-- set up a booth at the Metro Toronto Conventional Centre on the afternoon of March 3 (Sunday) to display Working Holiday, travel, study and work in Taiwan related information and answer inquires. For more information, please visit:
\n", "date": "2024-03-06 11:59:12", "url": "http://www.roc-taiwan.org/cayyz_en/post/10262.html" }, { "title": "Taiwan Night 2024 celebrating Lunar New Year and the friendship between Taiwan and Canada", "content": "
The annual cultural feast \"Taiwan Night\" kicked off at the TECO’s Cultural Center with spectacular performances by the TECO Drum Team, Buddha Light Lion Dance Troupe, calligraphy demonstrations, and performances by the He Deng Band. Guests savored a variety of Taiwanese delicacies, including specialties from Du Hsiao Yueh,Ding Tai Fung, Lee Chen, Wei’s Taiwanese Food, Asian legend , Maeli, Mandarin, as well as vegetarian feasts from Fo Guang Shan Temple of Toronto and Tzu Chi. EVA Air also joined the festivities. Surprise gifts including pineapple cakes, Taiwanese tea, cookies, and dried fruits were prepared, wishing all guests good luck and prosperity in the new year.
Director General Jin-Ling Chen expressed in her speech that Taiwan and Canada share many commonalities, such as the commitment to democracy and freedom, the value of multiculturalism and equality, the respect and preservation of Indigenous cultures, and the dedication to a cleaner and greener future. These shared values and development priorities strengthen the connection and cooperation between the two countries. Last year, an investment promotion and protection agreement was signed, and a consulate-level office was established in Montreal, Canada, Taiwan à Montréal . Director Paul Lan of 僑委會多倫多僑教中心 OCAC in Toronto and Council Member, Overseas Community Affairs Council also extended New Year greetings and wishes for good fortune to all guests for the Year of the Dragon.
The atmosphere was lively and vibrant, with Canadian dignitaries joining in the festivities. Let's take a look at the event \"🎡\" photos together and feel the warmth of Taiwan's hospitality.
\n", "date": "2024-03-03 16:32:01", "url": "http://www.roc-taiwan.org/cayyz_en/post/10256.html" }, { "title": "Toronto TECO attends the Lantern Festival at the North York Center", "content": "
Sponsored by Cultural Center of TECO, Toronto City Councilor Lily Cheng, YTMAT and Toronto Chinese Traders Association co-hosted the Lantern Festival at the North York Center. This event was filled with Taiwanese cuisine, including Taiwanese rice ball, bubble milk tea, and pineapple cake. Besides the food, there were also kids crafts activities, tea ceremony demonstration and traditional music and dances brought by various troupes.
Mayor of Toronto Olivia Chow also came to greet people and gave red envelops to wish everyone happy luner new year. Other VIP guests incudes MPP Aris Babikian and City Councilor Josh Matlow.
Director General Jin-Ling Chen said that TECO is proud to sponsor the event, which showcases the richness of Taiwanese tradition, food and culture. “We will continue to work with the City of Toronto to celebrate diversity and inclusiveness by promoting more Taiwanese culture in the city.”
\n", "date": "2024-02-26 15:49:33", "url": "http://www.roc-taiwan.org/cayyz_en/post/10239.html" }, { "title": "Toronto TECO attends the celebration of the 113th Lunar New Year hosted by Chinese Community Centre of Ontario", "content": "

Our Deputy Director General, Hong Song-Hui, and colleagues attended the celebration of the 113th Lunar New Year hosted by Chinese Community Centre of Ontario 安省中華總會館at our cultural center in Scarborough.


Deputy Director General Nicolas Hong conveyed New Year greetings on behalf of Director General Chen Jin-Ling, and joyfully shared with Director Paul Lan and everyone present. Taiwan and Canada recently signed an investment promotion and protection agreement, and Taiwan also established an office in Montreal (Taiwan à Montréal).


We hope to work together with our Taiwanese community friends and strive for closer and more frequent cooperation between Taiwan and Canada in various fields. Ontario MPP Aris Babikian and many community leaders joined nearly a hundred people in the celebration. The atmosphere was lively, with the God of Wealth and the Third Prince also making appearances. The performances were exciting and diverse, making the event delicious, enjoyable, and entertaining.

\n", "date": "2024-02-26 15:47:48", "url": "http://www.roc-taiwan.org/cayyz_en/post/10235.html" }, { "title": "DG Chen attends the Lunar New Year Potluck event organized by the Taiwanese Canadian Association of London Ontario", "content": "
Director-General Jin-Ling Chen and colleagues drove to London on Sunday to participate in the Lunar New Year Potluck event, organized by the Taiwanese Canadian Association of London Ontario. For the first time, London Mayor Josh Morgan and London Police Inspector Sean Travis were invited to celebrate the Lunar New Year with Taiwanese community.
Mayor Josh Morgan welcomed DG Chen on her first visit; DG Chen praised the mayor's achievements in municipal governance, highlighting London as an ideal city for quality work, education, and life. She also looks forward to promoting bilateral municipal exchange and cooperation.
The event was full of highlights, including tasting the delicacies meticulously prepared by attendees, fun games, and a lucky draw, all contributing to the lively and warm atmosphere of New Year gatherings!
\n", "date": "2024-02-20 11:29:28", "url": "http://www.roc-taiwan.org/cayyz_en/post/10229.html" }, { "title": "2024 LunarFest showcases Taiwanese weaving art and culture", "content": "
Director-General Jin-ling Chen was invited to attend the opening ceremony of LunarFest, co-organized by the Asian-Canadian Special Events Association and the Taiwanese Canadian Association of Toronto, held at the Varley Art Gallery in Markham. Markham City Councillors Isa Lee, Amanda Yeung Collucci, Ritch Lau, and Andrew Keyes were also invited to attend.
D-G Chen expressed gratitude to the organizers for bringing traditional Taiwanese culture and modern handicrafts to Markham. It was a joyous occasion where people from diverse backgrounds came together to celebrate the Lunar New Year and to honor the rich tapestry of Canada's multiculturalism.
This year's LunarFest showcased the distinctive weaving artistry of Taiwan, utilizing various materials including rush, banana fibers, and bamboo. From exquisite clothing to chic handbags, decorative items, and functional containers, the exhibition captivated visitors with its blend of tradition and innovation, leaving them in awe of the boundless creativity on display.
\n", "date": "2024-02-20 11:21:07", "url": "http://www.roc-taiwan.org/cayyz_en/post/10221.html" }, { "title": "DG Chen attends the Dragon Year's Lunar New Year Calligraphy Event", "content": "
The Dragon Year's Lunar New Year Calligraphy Event co-hosted by the Culture Ventre of the Taipei Economic and Cultural Office in Toronto and The Art United Association of Calligraphy and Painting on February 17th afternoon!
Director-General Jin-ling Chen and Cultural Center Director Paul Lan express that Taiwan-Canada relations have been flourishing with joint efforts from all sectors. Cooperation across various fields is becoming increasingly close.
This year's arts and cultural exchanges hold even more promise. They hope that our cultural center will not only be Taiwan's overseas educational center but also the cultural hub of Greater Toronto.
The event will be packed with excitement, featuring calligraphy by Mr. D.C.Phan, piano performances by Dr. Chi-ming Shui, vocal singing by Ms. Ingrid Wei, hand-painted fans, and calligraphy. There will also be fun activities like marble games, puppet shows, and lucky draws on-site.
There are many more exciting activities lined up for this year! We look forward to seeing all our dear friends join us for the next event!
\n", "date": "2024-02-20 11:11:50", "url": "http://www.roc-taiwan.org/cayyz_en/post/10209.html" }, { "title": "Toronto TECO visits MPP Ernie Hardeman at Queen's Park while the Taiwanese community in Toronto is celebrating the Lunar New Year", "content": "
It is a great honor to visit MPP Ernie Hardeman at Queen's Park while the Taiwanese community in Toronto is celebrating the Lunar New Year. We discussed holding an event this year to commemorate Dr. George Leslie Mackay, as well as plans for celebrating the 25th anniversary of the sister city relationship between Oxford and Tamsui next year.
Oxford County is Dr. Mackay's hometown in Canada. MPP Hardeman has represented Oxford County in the Ontario Parliament since 1995, and he is now the longest-serving member in Oxford's history. He has made numerous contributions to the county and to the Canada-Taiwan friendship.
\n", "date": "2024-02-15 16:59:09", "url": "http://www.roc-taiwan.org/cayyz_en/post/10201.html" }, { "title": "DG Chen visits Toronto’s China Town during the Lunar New Year", "content": "
Director General Jin-Ling Chen and her team visited Toronto’s China Town during the Lunar New Year, expressing gratitude for support in Taiwan-Canada relations. They extended New Year's greetings to four major overseas Chinese communities, emphasizing significant milestones in bilateral relations.
Director General Chen highlighted achievements like signing the Investment Promotion and Protection Agreement and establishing a representative office in Montreal. The overseas Chinese organizations warmly welcomed Director General Chen, who reciprocated with Taiwanese gift baskets, red envelopes, and Spring Couplets.
We were honored and delighted to meet with MPP Chris Glover, who used Mandarin to extend his new year greeting during a visit to the Vietnamese Cambodian Laotian Community Service Association.
\n", "date": "2024-02-13 14:17:26", "url": "http://www.roc-taiwan.org/cayyz_en/post/10189.html" }, { "title": "DG Chen attends Fo Guang Shan Temple of Toronto's celebration event on the Lunar New Year Eve", "content": "
o Guang Shan Temple of Toronto held the celebration event on the Lunar New Year eve. Thousands of believers with their family and friends came to join the event.
Director General Jin-Ling Chen extended her blessing and best wishes for all and wished that the relation between Taiwan and Canada continued to grow closer. Together with Ms. Kamal Khera, Minister of Diversity, Inclusion and Persons with Disabilities, Ms. Rechie Valdez, Senator Victor Oh, and Mr. Joe Horneck, Acting Mayor of Mississagu and MPP Nina Tangri, DG Chen placed the lighted incense stick into the holder and knocked the bell to pray for world peace.
In DG Chen’s remark, she especially recognized Fu Guang Shan Temple for its continuous contribution to Canadian community since its established 27 years
\n", "date": "2024-02-12 16:02:12", "url": "http://www.roc-taiwan.org/cayyz_en/post/10178.html" }, { "title": "True North : Taiwan’s Successful Elections: Triumph over Disinformation and Authoritarian Threats", "content": "








\n", "date": "2024-02-07 15:59:08", "url": "http://www.roc-taiwan.org/cayyz_en/post/10166.html" }, { "title": "The Future of Democracy in Asia : Taiwan's 2024 Election and Their Implications Across Asia at the University of Toronto", "content": "

On Feb 2, our joint seminar with the Munk School of Global Affairs and Public Policy /Asian Institute, University of Toronto at the University of Toronto on 'The Future of Democracy in Asia : Taiwan's 2024 Election and Their Implications Across Asia ‘was a full house!


Couldn't be more grateful for the interest in 🇹🇼Taiwan and democracy in Asia.


Special thanks to Rachel Silvey, Director of the U of T Asia Institute, and Taiwan in Canada Ambassador Tseng, who delivered the opening speech. Prof. Joseph Wong shared insightful observations from his recent Taiwan election visit, with scholars Yoonkyung Lee, Bharat Punjabi, and Irene Poetranto discussing democratic processes in East Asia, South Asia, and Southeast Asia.


The Q&A session was expertly moderated by Prof. Diana Fu, an expert in Chinese studies. The entire event was also livestreamed!





\n", "date": "2024-02-05 13:27:00", "url": "http://www.roc-taiwan.org/cayyz_en/post/10136.html" }, { "title": "DG Chen attends the inauguration dinner for the newly appointed Chairman of the Loong Kong Tien Yee Association", "content": "
Director General Jin-Ling Chen and her staff, alongside leaders of the Taiwanese community, attended the inauguration dinner for the newly appointed Chairman of the Loong Kong Tien Yee Association on January 28.
Director General Chen, representing the Overseas Community Affairs Council, R.O.C (Taiwan) presented congratulatory and appreciation certificates to the incoming and outgoing Chairmen, acknowledging their steadfast support for the Republic of China, contributions to the Toronto community, and efforts in promoting Taiwan-Canada relations.
\n", "date": "2024-01-30 16:59:15", "url": "http://www.roc-taiwan.org/cayyz_en/post/10128.html" }, { "title": "DG Chen attends \"2023 Year-End Blessings\" hosted by Tzu Chi Foundation Canada Eastern Regional Office", "content": "
Tzu Chi Foundation Canada Eastern Regional Office hosted \"2023 Year-End Blessings,\" attended by Director-General Chen Jin-ling,TECO, Toronto,Director Paul Lan, OCAC Toronto,and colleagues. Grateful to experience Dharma Master Cheng Yen's gratitude and blessings alongside dedicated Tzu Chi volunteers.
Director-General Chen commends Tzu Chi's global compassion, aiding 133 countries, embodying Taiwan's benevolence. Appreciation to Tzu Chi members in Eastern Canada for their altruistic efforts.
Together, we reflect on Tzu Chi's 2023 global and Eastern Canada milestones. With Venerable Dayi Shi ,President of The Buddhist Association of Canada,we lit candles, praying for a disaster-free world, societal harmony, and global peace. Thanks to CEO Zheng for the blessings from Dharma Master Cheng Yen, symbolized by the auspicious red envelope.
\n", "date": "2024-01-29 15:52:54", "url": "http://www.roc-taiwan.org/cayyz_en/post/10114.html" }, { "title": "DG Chen attends the year-end thanksgiving event of Tzu Chi Foundation of North Toronto Branch", "content": "
Tzu Chi Foundation of North Toronto Branch held year-end thanksgiving event, praying for the world and everyone.
Director-General Jin-Ling Chen extended her gratitude and recognition to Tzu-Chi, pointing that Taiwan-based “Tzu-Chi” has been a leading force in caring for people in need, not only in Canada, but also in Taiwan and the globe. Tzu- Chi stands as a symbol of Taiwan’s commitment to promoting goodwill.
Mayor of Markham Frank Scarpitti, Mayor of Richmond Hill David West, MP Mahjid Jowhari, MPP Daisy Wai, MPP Billy Pang, many city councilors, York Region District School Board Trustee Michael Chen, and the leaders of local NGOs also joined the event. They all expressed their appreciation to Tzu-Chi for its humanitarian efforts in the local communities.
\n", "date": "2024-01-22 11:56:07", "url": "http://www.roc-taiwan.org/cayyz_en/post/10108.html" }, { "title": "Director General Jin Ling Chen was interviewed by OMNI TV after Taiwan’s elections", "content": "
Director General Jin Ling Chen was interviewed by OMNI TV after Taiwan’s elections. Here is the highlights of the interview:
Advancing Taiwan's entry into CPTPP is a key focus for future Taiwan-Canada relations. The interviewees from Canadian political and academic circles are optimistic about Taiwan's accession process.
Urging Beijing authority to respect Canada's foreign policy decisions, refrain from interfering in other countries' internal affairs and elections.
Encouraging Beijing authority to abandon confrontation with Taiwan and engage in dialogue for regional peace and stability.
\n", "date": "2024-01-18 15:14:24", "url": "http://www.roc-taiwan.org/cayyz_en/post/10096.html" }, { "title": "Toronto TECO attends the new president inauguration of Lung Kong Tin Yee Association of Toronto", "content": "
Congratulations to the Lung Kong Tin Yee Association of Toronto on the installation of its new president!
Director-General Jin-Ling Chen extended her gratitude to Lung Kong for its contribution to Toronto community and efforts in facilitating Taiwan-Canada relations.
\n", "date": "2024-01-10 14:40:23", "url": "http://www.roc-taiwan.org/cayyz_en/post/10089.html" }, { "title": "Director General Chen attends the New Year Day flag-raising ceremony in Toronto", "content": "

On the morning of January 1st, in front of the Ontario Chinese Association building, the Taiwanese community in Toronto held a ceremony to raise the national flag of the Republic of China for the New Year celebration. The Chinese Community Center of Ontario organized the ceremony. Director Chen and her husband, along with all colleagues and leaders of the Taiwanese community in Toronto, representatives of local Taiwanese associations, and members of their families, totalling more than 100 people, participated.


Director General Chen delivered a speech expressing gratitude to the local Taiwanese community for supporting Taiwan. She also acknowledged their efforts in promoting Taiwan-Canada cooperation and exchange in various fields over the past year, allowing more people to hear about and see Taiwan. She stressed that Taiwan's achievements in freedom and democracy are widely recognized, and it will continue to maintain regional peace and security with like-minded countries, strengthen the resilience of industrial supply chains, and ensure global economic prosperity and development.


Director General Chen pointed out that overseas compatriots are the cornerstone of Taiwan's unity and one of the country's most needed sources of strength. She also wished for harmony and prosperity for the Taiwanese community in the Greater Toronto Area, encouraging them to continue maintaining mutual support and cooperation, passing down traditions from generation to generation, and promoting friendly relations between Taiwan and Canada.











\n", "date": "2024-01-04 05:30:22", "url": "http://www.roc-taiwan.org/cayyz_en/post/10076.html" } ] }, { "lang": "zh", "branch": "yvr", "country": "ca", "name": "駐溫哥華台北經濟文化辦事處", "path": "/cayvr/", "items": [ { "title": "「建立橋樑:探索台加雙邊貿易商機」座談會", "content": "「建立橋樑:探索台加雙邊貿易商機」座談會", "date": "2024-04-10 06:18:42", "url": "http://www.roc-taiwan.org/cayvr/post/28073.html" }, { "title": "劉立欣處長參與亞伯達大學台灣研究計畫與中國研究中心合辦「台灣選後座談會」,說明台灣如何抵禦中國介選", "content": "

本(3)月21日下午亞伯達大學台灣研究計畫與中國研究中心合辦「台灣選後座談會」(2024 Taiwan Election Post-Election Symposium),本次座談會採實體及線上方式舉行,由中國研究中心主任歐陽飛(L. Philippe Rheault)主持,與談人包括台灣研究計畫主持人葉敘理(Ashley Esarey)、駐溫哥華台北經濟文化辦事處處長劉立欣、台大政治系副教授郭銘傑、助理教授張貴閔及中研院政治研究所助研究員林宣佑,亞大師生近40人與會。















\n", "date": "2024-03-26 00:47:10", "url": "http://www.roc-taiwan.org/cayvr/post/28039.html" }, { "title": "劉立欣處長應邀赴加拿大國際事務協會溫哥華島分會發表演講", "content": "

駐溫哥華台北經濟文化辦事處處長劉立欣應加拿大國際事務協會溫哥華島分會(Canadian International Council-Vancouver Island Branch)邀請,於本(3)月20日中午向該會60餘位會員以「2024年台灣總統選舉及其對印太地區地緣政治之影響」(The 2024 Taiwan Presidential election and its geopolitical implication on the Indo-Pacific region)為題發表演講,說明本年元月台灣總統及立法委員選舉結果、選前中國各項介選手法、選後台灣可能面臨之各種政軍經威脅及我因應之道以及台加如何在非政治領域深化雙邊夥伴關係。








劉處長另表示,面對中國對台灣之軍事威脅及其在南海之侵略野心,美國華府學界有認為需對中國「再保證」(reassure)之看法,劉處長表示,美國自1990年代與中國交往(engagement)即盼中國未來往民主化方向發展,惟事實證明中國愈趨極權且成為一方軍事霸權,對世界民主秩序構成威脅;因此美國及西方民主國家實應採取可信賴之嚇阻(deterrence)策略,以雙邊及多邊形式警告中國勿採挑釁行為,近日澳中外長雙邊會談,澳洲外長黃英賢(Penny Wong)向王毅呼籲台海和平穩定之重要性即為顯例。針對聽眾詢問本年底美國總統大選結果對兩岸局勢之影響,劉處長表示,台灣在美國國會享有不分黨派之強力支持,我因此順利獲得美國政府各項對台軍售,加強台灣自我防衛能力有助遏制中國侵台企圖並緩和台海緊張情勢。台灣並非要與中國軍備競賽,而是要制止中國軍事進攻犯台的野心。






\"TECO20240322-1\"劉立欣處長與加拿大新民主黨聯邦眾議員Gord Johns(左1)及加拿大國際事務協會溫哥華島分會會長Terry Kelly(右1)合影


\"TECO20240322-2\"劉立欣處長與卑詩大學暨溫哥華島大學政治系教授Mark Williams(中)及加拿大國際事務協會溫哥華島分會會長Terry Kelly(左1)合影



\n", "date": "2024-03-23 00:57:45", "url": "http://www.roc-taiwan.org/cayvr/post/28026.html" }, { "title": "2024年「台灣性別平等週–台灣主場論壇」3月13日下午3時(溫哥華時間)直播", "content": "
2024年「台灣性別平等週–台灣主場論壇」預定於3月13日下午3時(溫哥華時間)在駐紐約辦事處舉辦,將以「Fostering Women and Girls’ Financial Resilience」作為論壇主題,邀請金融研訓院黃崇哲院長與全球性平夥伴分享我公私協力提升女性經濟力及金融決策參與權的成功案例,另國際女法律人聯盟(International Federation of Women in Legal Careers, FIFCJ)副主席史考特(Denise Scotto)及美國前國務院全球婦女議題無任所大使Kelley Currie將再度同台,共同見證台灣女力成長,該論壇將在外交部YouTube和FB直播。
\n", "date": "2024-03-13 08:28:58", "url": "http://www.roc-taiwan.org/cayvr/post/28018.html" }, { "title": "劉立欣處長以「2024年台灣總統選舉結果及其對印太地區地緣政治之影響」為題於卡普蘭諾大學發表演講", "content": "

駐溫哥華台北經濟文化辦事處劉處長立欣本(2)月14日上午應卡普蘭諾大學(Capilano University)商業與專業研究學院邀請,以「2024年台灣總統選舉結果及其對印太地區地緣政治之影響」(The Outcome of Taiwan’s 2024 Presidential Election and Its Geo-Political Implication to the Indo-Pacific Region)為題向該學院學生發表演講,說明本年台灣總統及立法委員選舉結果、中國介選手法、選後台灣面臨中國政經威脅之因應及近年台加夥伴關係之深化。該校校長Paul Dangerfield商學院院長Laura Kinderman及教授Luis Fernando Villalba均到場聆聽。


















劉立欣處長與卡普蘭諾大學校長Paul Dangerfield(1)、商業與專業研究學院院長Laura Kinderman(2)及Luis Fernando Villalba教授(1)合影





\n", "date": "2024-02-16 09:07:09", "url": "http://www.roc-taiwan.org/cayvr/post/27905.html" }, { "title": "駐溫哥華辦事處處長劉立欣投書加媒:台灣需要加拿大等理念相近國家呼籲中國就片面宣布取消M503航線偏置及啟用W122及W123航線與台灣進行協商", "content": "

針對中國民航局未遵守「國際民航組織」(ICAO)相關規定先與台灣協商,逕自於今(2024)年1月31日片面宣布取消兩岸在2015年就M503、W122及W123三條航線達成的協議,嚴重損害區域飛航安全及和平穩定,「愛德蒙頓太陽報」(The Edmonton Sun)、「沙士卡通鳳凰星報」(Saskatoon StarPhoenix)及「雷琴納領導人郵報」(Regina Leader-Post)於2月13日刊登駐溫哥華辦事處處長劉立欣投書,敦促加拿大及其他理念相近國家呼籲中國與台灣進行協商,並透過建立互信機制管控航空風險。








「愛德蒙頓太陽報」(The Edmonton Sun)




「沙士卡通鳳凰星報」(Saskatoon StarPhoenix)




「雷琴納領導人郵報」(Regina Leader-Post)



\n", "date": "2024-02-13 09:24:54", "url": "http://www.roc-taiwan.org/cayvr/post/27858.html" }, { "title": "七部亞洲電影年節上映 溫哥華國際影展中心向「自由」賀歲", "content": "



在亞洲,闔家觀影已成為現代農曆新年假期的新習俗之一。今年,溫哥華國際影展中心把這個傳統帶進了加拿大,新年特別放映企劃將於 2 月 16 日至 18 日舉辦,和社區一同迎新春。本次放映與溫哥華非營利組織同是加拿大人協會(The Society of We Are Canadians Too)、加拿大亞裔活動協會(Asian-Canadian Special Events Association)共同合作,播映作品囊括越南、馬來西亞、新加坡、韓國和台灣的製作,觀眾得以藉由影像進一步認識到亞洲各國的社會樣貌。




人生而自由,不過無形的束縛總是幽微地限制了人們的行為和想法。1998 年的《魔法阿媽》透過小男孩的目光描繪人鬼關係與祖孫情感,是眾多台灣人經典的兒時記憶,不過當年卻在國內影展中受到多位評審質疑這是一部「怪力亂神」之作。2021年《魔法阿媽》重新修復上映,反而讓眾多影迷驚嘆:長大以後再次重溫竟能獲得新的體悟。


《車頂上的玄天上帝》同樣結合台灣民間信仰,以家中供奉的神明講述孫女眼中的阿公與自己,也展現當代女性依舊在追求事業與害怕孤獨之間搖擺猶疑。導演黃文英過去是亞洲知名導演侯孝賢的美術設計,這是她執導的第一部劇情長片,以自己的生命史作為故事原型,她將於 2 月 18 日參與映後座談與觀眾交流。




去年讓演員吳慷仁在金馬獎奪得影帝的馬來西亞電影《富都青年》,拍出國內長期未解的身分議題與移工處境,在亞洲獲得廣大迴響。該片 2 月 16 日於加拿大首映,導演王禮霖則在 2 月 17 日與卑詩大學研究東亞電影的教授 Helena Wu 進行映後座談。同樣關注身分議題的香港電影《白日青春》也出自馬來西亞導演。透過一個從廣東偷渡的老難民、一個隨家人逃出巴基斯坦的小難民,導演劉國瑞將新移民眼中的香港社會搬上大螢幕。


七部電影有詼諧、溫馨小品,也有歷史、社會的直擊,但都是能為人心帶來力量的作品。電影播映資訊請上活動網站 LNYSplash.ca




展覽,工作坊、音樂會:        LunarFestVancouver.ca


燈籠裝置藝術:                      TheLanternCity.ca


電影、其他裝置:                   LNYSplash.ca

\n", "date": "2024-02-07 08:50:31", "url": "http://www.roc-taiwan.org/cayvr/post/27839.html" }, { "title": "龍年新氣象,Born to be free⾃由⾶翔 - 2024 LunarFest Vancouver", "content": "



由加拿⼤亞裔活動協會發起,並由The Society of We Are Canadians Too共同合作,⼀個屬於溫哥華⾃⼰的農曆新年慶祝模式⾃2019年開始連結了不同的社區,透過LunarFest, The Lantern CityLNY Splash三個活動開展許多新的合作夥伴關係,從⼀個周末單點的慶祝活動轉換成多點及將近三個星期的藝術節型態,試圖讓農曆新年超越單純傳統的慶祝模式。


2024年,亞裔活動協會奠基在過去幾年的基礎上,除了Granville IslandJack Poole PlazaVancouver Art Gallery溫哥華美術館廣場Orpheum 奧芬劇院的活動外,今年還加入了VIFF Centre溫哥華國際影展中⼼播映七部來⾃亞洲的電影參與慶祝活動,讓更多⼈可以透過電影故事認識亞洲文化。此外,位於市中⼼的Pendulum Gallery也加入了燈籠的裝置⾏列,將以個展展⽰來⾃台灣的溫哥華撕畫(Chigiri-e)藝術家Leanne Lai 的作品,並讓觀眾能透過燈籠裝置從不同⽅式感受她的作品。另外兩個社區,溫哥華⻄區商會WestEnd BIA及南固蘭湖街商會South Granville BIA也會以「The Gift of Life 年年有餘」及「Peace & Prosperity for Life 四季平安」的裝置藝術帶動社區⼀起慶祝。









\n", "date": "2024-02-01 07:12:18", "url": "http://www.roc-taiwan.org/cayvr/post/27791.html" }, { "title": "2024年臺灣獎學金2月1日至3月31日開放申請", "content": "2024年臺灣獎學金2月1日至3月31日開放申請", "date": "2024-01-26 07:49:11", "url": "http://www.roc-taiwan.org/cayvr/post/27761.html" }, { "title": "2024年華語文獎學金2月1日至3月31日開放申請", "content": "2024年華語文獎學金2月1日至3月31日開放申請", "date": "2024-01-26 07:48:27", "url": "http://www.roc-taiwan.org/cayvr/post/27759.html" }, { "title": "我國順利完成第八次總統大選,再次奠立台灣民主發展進程劃時代的里程碑", "content": "我國順利完成第八次總統大選,再次奠立台灣民主發展進程劃時代的里程碑", "date": "2024-01-16 03:33:47", "url": "http://www.roc-taiwan.org/cayvr/post/27461.html" }, { "title": "潮台灣:2024台北101跨年煙火 (臉書連結)", "content": "潮台灣:2024台北101跨年煙火 (臉書連結)", "date": "2024-01-05 08:06:27", "url": "http://www.roc-taiwan.org/cayvr/post/27364.html" }, { "title": "潮台灣:2024台北101跨年煙火", "content": "潮台灣:2024台北101跨年煙火", "date": "2024-01-03 01:59:48", "url": "http://www.roc-taiwan.org/cayvr/post/27337.html" } ] }, { "lang": "en", "branch": "yvr", "country": "ca", "name": "Taipei Economic and Cultural Office, Vancouver", "path": "/cayvr_en/", "items": [ { "title": "Bridging Economies: Exploring Canadian - Taiwanese Trade Ventures", "content": "Bridging Economies: Exploring Canadian - Taiwanese Trade Ventures", "date": "2024-04-10 12:33:55", "url": "http://www.roc-taiwan.org/cayvr_en/post/9637.html" }, { "title": "TECO Director General Angel Liu attends 2024 Taiwan Election Post-Election Hybrid Symposium on March 21, 2024 and shares Taiwan’s success in countering the PRC’s disinformation campaign", "content": "TECO Director General Angel Liu attends 2024 Taiwan Election Post-Election Hybrid Symposium on March 21, 2024 and shares Taiwan’s success in countering the PRC’s disinformation campaign", "date": "2024-03-26 00:59:57", "url": "http://www.roc-taiwan.org/cayvr_en/post/9609.html" }, { "title": "TECO Vancouver Director General Angel Liu speaks at CIC Vancouver Island Branch on March 20, 2024", "content": "

Director General Liu was invited by the Canadian International Council, Vancouver Island on March 20, 2024 in Nanaimo to share insights on this year's presidential and legislative elections in Taiwan, the Indo-Pacific relations, and the deepening Taiwan-Canada partnership. Director General Liu's speech sparked a lively discussion among attendees, with many participants asking questions and engaging in enthusiastic dialogue.




MP Gord Johns, Director General Angel Liu and CIC-Vancouver Island President Terry Kelly at CIC Vancouver Island Branch on March 20, 2024




CIC-Vancouver Island President Terry Kelly, Director General Angel Liu and Vancouver Island University and University of British Columbia Professor Mark Williams at CIC Vancouver Island Branch on March 20, 2024




TECO Vancouver Director General Angel Liu speaks at CIC Vancouver Island Branch on March 20, 2024

\n", "date": "2024-03-23 01:50:02", "url": "http://www.roc-taiwan.org/cayvr_en/post/9590.html" }, { "title": "2024 Taiwan Gender Equality Week - Taiwan Main Stage to be livestreamed at 3pm, March 13, 2024 (Vancouver Time)", "content": "
The Taiwan Main Stage will be held at the Taipei Economic and Cultural Office in New York at 3:00 PM on March 13th, 2024 (Vancouver Time). This year’s Taiwan Main Stage forum will focus on promoting the financial resilience of women and girls. President of the Taiwan Academy of Banking and Finance Hank C. C. Huang will share success stories regarding public-private collaboration aimed at enhancing women’s economic power and participation in financial decision-making. Vice President of the International Federation of Women in Legal Careers Denise Scotto and former US Ambassador-at-Large for Global Women’s Issues Kelley Currie will also take part in the forum.
This event will be livestreamed on the Taiwanese Ministry of Foreign Affairs' YouTube Channel and Facebook Page as part of the 2024 Taiwan Gender Equality Week.
To access the upcoming livestream, please refer to the link here:
\n", "date": "2024-03-13 08:37:30", "url": "http://www.roc-taiwan.org/cayvr_en/post/9580.html" }, { "title": "TECO Vancouver Director General Angel Liu shares her insights on the geopolitical implications of Taiwan’s 2024 presidential election with students at Capilano University’s Business School on February 14, 2024", "content": "
TECO Vancouver Director General Angel Liu was invited by Professor Luis Fernando Villalba to connect with students at Capilano University’s Business School and share her insights on the geopolitical implications of Taiwan’s 2024 presidential election for the Indo-Pacific region.
Students were impressed with how policymakers were able to work hand in hand with civil society in Taiwan to effectively push back against influence campaigns emanating from the other side of the Strait.
Taiwan’s experiences as a resilient democracy and economic powerhouse could serve as a basis for more friend-shoring and more substantive exchanges among Taiwan, Canada, and likeminded partners.
\n", "date": "2024-02-17 01:23:37", "url": "http://www.roc-taiwan.org/cayvr_en/post/9525.html" }, { "title": "Regina Leader-Post: Letters: Chinese flights into Taiwanese airspace create uncertainty", "content": "Regina Leader-Post: Letters: Chinese flights into Taiwanese airspace create uncertainty", "date": "2024-02-14 08:00:03", "url": "http://www.roc-taiwan.org/cayvr_en/post/9502.html" }, { "title": "The Edmonton Sun: NEGOTIATE FOR SECURITY", "content": "The Edmonton Sun: NEGOTIATE FOR SECURITY", "date": "2024-02-14 01:50:48", "url": "http://www.roc-taiwan.org/cayvr_en/post/9499.html" }, { "title": "Saskatoon StarPhoenix: Move by China out of bounds", "content": "Saskatoon StarPhoenix: Move by China out of bounds", "date": "2024-02-14 01:49:39", "url": "http://www.roc-taiwan.org/cayvr_en/post/9497.html" }, { "title": "Seven Asian Films Take the Stage to Celebrate the Lunar New Year at VIFF", "content": "



In Asia, watching films with the family has become one of the modern traditions of the Lunar New Year holiday. This year, the Vancouver International Film Festival and LNY Splash are bringing this tradition to Canada. A special film program, Lunar New Year at VIFF, will take place at VIFF Centre from February 16 to 18. This event is in partnership with The Society of We Are Canadians Too and the Asian-Canadian Special Events Association. The screenings include works from Vietnam, Malaysia, Singapore, South Korea, and Taiwan. The audience is invited to explore the cultural and social nuances of various Asian cultures through these stories.


Charlie Wu, the general manager of The Society of We Are Canadians Too, stated, “Although the project was inspired by the Asian Lunar New Year holiday, we selected films with interesting perspectives on topical issues so that diverse communities can have a deeper understanding of each other’s backgrounds.” Under the theme of “freedom”, these seven films explore constraints of gender, migration, and the impacts of cultural and social systems on individuals. Simultaneously, the core of these films is about the bonds between family and community, from conflicts to reconciliation.


The 1998 classic Grandma and Her Ghosts depicts the symbiotic relationship between humans and ghosts. It also shares the relationship between grandparents and grandchildren, all told through the eyes of a young boy. Despite many film festival critics, the film is a childhood memory for an entire generation of Taiwanese people. Lunar New Year at VIFF will screen the 2021 remake, allowing grownups and children to find new revelations.


Be With Me combines Taiwanese folk beliefs and local religions to tell an intergenerational family story from the perspective of the granddaughter. The film contemplates how contemporary women may still hesitate between pursuing a successful career and fearing loneliness. Director Wern-ying Hwarng has worked alongside famous Asian director Hsiao-hsien Hou for many years as an art director. This is her debut feature film, based on her own life story. She will participate in a post-screening discussion with the audience on February 18.


Five of the seven films feature women as the protagonists. They are Taoists, filmmakers, political prisoners, shop owners, and middle-aged aunties who love Korean dramas. They are also grandmothers, mothers, daughters, and granddaughters. Ajoomma, co-produced by Singapore and South Korea, and the Vietnamese comedy The House of No Man, reflects society's expectations for mothers and how women shift against them. Taiwan's first epic film starring female political prisoners, Untold Herstory, will also have its North American premiere at this event.


​​The Malaysian drama film Abang Adik, starring Wu Kang-ren who won Best Actor at the Golden Horse Awards, captures the struggles of the country’s long-standing and unresolved issues of identity and migrant worker conditions. It received widespread response from across Asia. The film will premiere in Canada on February 16. Director Jin Ong will join Helena Wu, an Asian cinema film studies professor from the University of British Columbia, in a post-screening discussion on February 17.


The Sunny Side of the Street is also by a Malaysian director. The drama focuses on similar issues of identity and hope. Through the unexpected bond of an old refugee who had smuggled himself out of Guangdong, and a young refugee boy who escaped from Pakistan with his family, director Kok Rui Lau brings a new side of Hong Kong society to the big screen, from the perspective of new immigrants.


The seven films include humorous and heartwarming ruminations on family. They also face our histories and societies without flinching. Without a doubt, they are all works that bring us closer to each other and our loved ones. For more information on the screenings, please visit the event website LNYSplash.ca.


More Lunar New Year programming:


Exhibitions, workshops, concert: LunarFestVancouver.ca


Lantern installations: TheLanternCity.ca


Films, other installations: LNYSplash.ca



\n", "date": "2024-02-07 08:54:45", "url": "http://www.roc-taiwan.org/cayvr_en/post/9466.html" }, { "title": "Year of the Dragon: Embracing Creativity and Freedom in Vancouver’s Lunar New Year Celebration", "content": "



The new year invites contemplation on the significance of cultural heritage. With extensive human migration, it's crucial to reconsider our approach to 'traditions', adapting them to fit modern realities. In Canada’s diverse society, people from various backgrounds engage with and contribute to their new homeland during important celebrations. This adds meaning and resonance to these festivities.


Embracing this spirit, LunarFest is creating a unique Lunar New Year celebration for Vancouverites. In the Year of the Dragon, we invite you to join us in letting our collective imaginations take flight. We are all Born to be Free, growing beyond the legacies we carry.


Launched by the Asian Canadian Special Events Association, Vancouver's distinct Lunar New Year celebration has been bridging various communities since 2019. This year, LunarFest Vancouver, The Lantern City, and LNY Splash have fostered numerous new collaborations. The festivities have expanded from a weekend-long event to an arts festival spanning nearly three weeks.




In 2024, building on the successes of previous years, LunarFest presents new and exciting activities for all ages. Returning to familiar sites of Jack Poole Plaza, šxʷƛ̓ ənəq Xwtl'e7énḵ


Square, and the Orpheum, LunarFest presents crafts workshops, an arts market, a concert, and more. In partnership with the Vancouver International Film Festival Centre, seven Asian films will be screened. Experience Asian culture through the medium of film in a new LNY tradition with a Vancouver twist.


The Pendulum Gallery joins the lineup of iconic lantern installation sites, spotlighting Taiwanese Canadian Chigiri-e artist Leanne Lai Hildebrand in a solo exhibition. The WestEnd BIA and South Granville BIA communities add to the festivities with art installations 'The Gift of Life' and 'Peace & Prosperity for Life'. Each new location allows more communities to join the colourful tapestry of the new year.


Following the popularity of the 2023 Taiwan Craft Exhibition, ‘Island Tribute’ will showcase the natural beauty of Taiwan's environment and craft culture on Granville Island. Featuring four artists specializing in fiber weaving, the exhibition invites Canadians to appreciate the significant role nature plays in our aesthetic life. Bamboo weaving artist Huei-Ting Tsai will cultivate a group of friends interested in bamboo weaving in Vancouver. With their help, she plans to create large bamboo lanterns for The Lantern City project in 2025.


Meanwhile, Taiwanese choreographer Enru Lin will unveil an entirely original version of the 'Dragon Dance' with local dancers. She will lead students and festival attendees to express their own originality with their bodies.


This series of events will begin on February 9th. For more details, please visit the following three websites:


LunarFest Vancouver: www.LunarFestVancouver.ca


The Lantern City: www.TheLanternCity.ca


LNY Splash: www.LNYSplash.ca

\n", "date": "2024-02-01 07:20:00", "url": "http://www.roc-taiwan.org/cayvr_en/post/9427.html" }, { "title": "2024 Taiwan Scholarship (Application Period: February 1 to March 31, 2024)", "content": "2024 Taiwan Scholarship", "date": "2024-01-26 07:55:12", "url": "http://www.roc-taiwan.org/cayvr_en/post/9412.html" }, { "title": "2024 Huayu Enrichment Scholarship (Application Period: February 1 to March 31, 2024)", "content": "2024 Huayu Enrichment Scholarship", "date": "2024-01-26 07:52:46", "url": "http://www.roc-taiwan.org/cayvr_en/post/9408.html" }, { "title": "Taiwan completes eighth presidential election, setting another milestone in its democratic development", "content": "Taiwan completes eighth presidential election, setting another milestone in its democratic development", "date": "2024-01-16 03:34:40", "url": "http://www.roc-taiwan.org/cayvr_en/post/9359.html" }, { "title": "Trending Taiwan: The 2024 Taipei 101 Fireworks Display (Watch on Facebook)", "content": "Trending Taiwan: The 2024 Taipei 101 Fireworks Display (Watch on Facebook)", "date": "2024-01-05 08:07:13", "url": "http://www.roc-taiwan.org/cayvr_en/post/9353.html" }, { "title": "Trending Taiwan: The 2024 Taipei 101 Fireworks Display", "content": "Trending Taiwan: The 2024 Taipei 101 Fireworks Display", "date": "2024-01-03 01:58:36", "url": "http://www.roc-taiwan.org/cayvr_en/post/9328.html" } ] }, { "lang": "en", "branch": "", "country": "us", "name": "Taipei Economic and Cultural Representative Office in the United States", "path": "/us_en/", "items": [ { "title": "Taiwan Health and Welfar Minister Hsueh wrote in the Diplomat magazine to call for support of Taiwan’s inclusion in the WHA as well as its full participation in the WHO.", "content": "
Taiwan Health and Welfar Minister Hsueh wrote in the Diplomat to call for support of Taiwan’s inclusion in the WHA as well as its full participation in the WHO.
\n", "date": "2024-04-24 04:29:31", "url": "http://www.roc-taiwan.org/us_en/post/13510.html" }, { "title": "Today, kids joined their parents as junior diplomats at TECRO!", "content": "

\n", "date": "2024-04-05 03:04:57", "url": "http://www.roc-taiwan.org/us_en/post/13443.html" }, { "title": "Ambassador Alexander Yui spoke with VEDP President and CEO Jason El Koubi about the trade relationship and potential opportunities between Virginia and Taiwan", "content": "

\n", "date": "2024-04-04 02:32:11", "url": "http://www.roc-taiwan.org/us_en/post/13439.html" }, { "title": "Ambassador Alexander Yui and Madame Karen Lo paid a visit to the “Taiwan Space Pavilion” at the SATELLITE 2024.", "content": "



\n", "date": "2024-03-26 21:00:45", "url": "http://www.roc-taiwan.org/us_en/post/13426.html" }, { "title": "Deputy Representative Robin Cheng participated in the screening on behalf of Ambassador Alexander Yui and delivered a heartfelt speech, praising Director Wei's dedication to innovation and storytelling.", "content": "

\n", "date": "2024-03-26 02:17:38", "url": "http://www.roc-taiwan.org/us_en/post/13422.html" }, { "title": "TECRO Veterans Affairs team visits Texas to honor fallen ROC airmen", "content": "





\n", "date": "2024-03-15 22:56:06", "url": "http://www.roc-taiwan.org/us_en/post/13406.html" }, { "title": "US Congress Welcomes Ambassador Alexander Yui, TECRO Representative and Commemorates the 45th Anniversary of the Enactment of the Taiwan Relations Act", "content": "

The U.S. Senate Taiwan Caucus (STC), Congressional Taiwan Caucus (CTC) and Taipei Economic and Cultural Representative Office in the United States (TECRO) co-hosted a reception in the U.S. Capitol on March 6, 2024, to welcome Taiwan’s new Representative to the U.S., Ambassador Alexander Yui, and commemorate the 45th anniversary of the enactment of the Taiwan Relations Act (TRA).


A total of 42 U.S. Senators and Representatives attended the event. In addition to the co-chairs of STC and CTC, attendees include Speaker Emerita Nancy Pelosi (D-CA), Ranking Member Roger Wicker (R-MS) of the Senate Armed Services Committee, Ranking Member Jim Risch (R-ID) of the Senate Foreign Relations Committee, Chairman Michael McCaul (R-TX) of the House Foreign Affairs Committee, Congressman Ted Lieu (D-CA), Vice Chair of House Democratic Caucus, and Congresswoman Lisa McClain (R-MI), Secretary of House Republican Conference. Ms. Laura Rosenberger, Chair of the American Institute in Taiwan (AIT) was also in attendance.


CTC co-chairs Mario Diaz-Balart (R-FL) and Ami Bera (D-CA) welcomed Amb. and Mrs. Yui, highlighting that the TRA and strong bipartisan support from the U.S. Congress are the cornerstones of the Taiwan-U.S. partnership.


Amb. Yui stated that as Taiwan’s Representative to the U.S., he intends to build upon the solid foundation laid by his predecessors including Vice President-elect Bi-khim Hsiao, and looks forward to working with Congress and the Executive Branch to further enhance Taiwan-U.S. relations. He stresses that the TRA, together with the Six Assurances, have served as the North Star guiding U.S. and Taiwan policymakers in an increasingly challenging geopolitical environment. The TRA has been instrumental for the U.S. to provide for Taiwan’s defensive capabilities; to insist on the peaceful resolution of cross-strait disputes; to help Taiwan resist coercion; and to support Taiwan’s international participation. These bedrock commitments provided Taiwan security and the political space to create a vibrant democracy, a system that respects human rights, the rule of law, and market-based economic principles. In recent years, the U.S. Congress passed several key legislative acts to enhance Taiwan’s self-defense capabilities and ensure the implementation of the U.S.-Taiwan Initiative on 21st Century Trade. Taiwan deeply appreciates the strong and bipartisan support from the U.S. Congress and is hopeful that the pending legislation that addresses the issue of double taxation can be passed in the near term.


U.S. Senate Republican Leader Mitch McConnell (R-KY) also delivered remarks on the Senate Floor today to commemorate the 45th anniversary of the TRA. More here: https://www.republicanleader.senate.gov/newsroom/remarks/mcconnell-marks-45th-anniversary-of-taiwan-relations-act?peek=Cia8L9mhzAHkAM2sxN7tytGny4781KPiurKtryS7CNyPs7W8


\"\" \"\" \"\" \"\" \"\" \"\" \"\" \"\"

\n", "date": "2024-03-08 00:04:46", "url": "http://www.roc-taiwan.org/us_en/post/13385.html" }, { "title": "The Washington Times Published an Op-ed by Ambassador Yui", "content": "

Writing for The Washington Times, Ambassador Yui encourages the international community to jointly urge China to promptly consult with Taiwan on activating new flight routes and calls for the ICAO to request Beijing follow international rules and return to the negotiating table with Taiwan.




\n", "date": "2024-03-01 23:03:27", "url": "http://www.roc-taiwan.org/us_en/post/13364.html" }, { "title": "Taiwan and the U.S. Sign MOU on International Development Cooperation", "content": "

On Feb. 22, 2024, Taiwan Representative to the United States Amb. Alexander Tah-Ray Yui joined Managing Director Ingrid Larson of the American Institute in Taiwan (AIT) to sign the MOU Regarding Cooperation in the Area of International Development, witnessed by senior officials from the United States International Development Finance Corporation (DFC) and the Department of State. According to the MOU, The International Cooperation and Development Fund (TaiwanICDF) and DFC will explore joint opportunities for cooperation on health care, women economic empowerment, ICT, agriculture, climate, energy, small and medium-sized enterprises and infrastructure.


In his remarks, Ambassador Yui noted that like DFC, TaiwanICDF also endeavors to promote high-quality developmental projects in developing countries. He conveyed our hopes to strengthen bilateral future cooperation through this MOU, especially on private sector engagement in international development projects. Taiwan will continue to uphold our shared values of democracy, freedom and respect of human rights in its cooperation with the United States and like-minded countries.


The DFC is a developmental financial institution of the U.S. federal government. DFC was formed in 2019 by merging the Overseas Private Investment Corporation (OPIC) and the Development Credit Authority (DCA) of USAID. The DFC’s capacity is used to provide loans, guarantees, direct investments and insurances for private sectors who join developmental projects.


\"\" \"\" \"\"

\n", "date": "2024-02-23 04:25:34", "url": "http://www.roc-taiwan.org/us_en/post/13340.html" }, { "title": "Ambassador Yui's interview with PBS NewsHour", "content": "

\n", "date": "2024-02-22 23:34:57", "url": "http://www.roc-taiwan.org/us_en/post/13329.html" }, { "title": "Ambassador Yui and Madame Karen Lo welcome the Welcome to Washington International Club to the Twin Oaks!", "content": "

Ambassador Yui and his wife, Madame Karen Lo, received members of the Welcome to Washington International Club (WtoW) to the Twin Oaks on Feb. 21. Attendees included WtoW’s President Lea Hesse and Embassy Liaison Lead Sheila Switzer.


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\n", "date": "2024-02-22 00:23:37", "url": "http://www.roc-taiwan.org/us_en/post/13348.html" }, { "title": "Ambassador Yui's interview with NPR", "content": "



\n", "date": "2024-02-16 22:19:08", "url": "http://www.roc-taiwan.org/us_en/post/13317.html" }, { "title": "Ambassador Alexander Yui hosts reception at Twin Oaks for the National Association of Secretaries of State", "content": "

Ambassador Alexander Yui hosts reception at Twin Oaks for the National Association of Secretaries of State




WASHINGTON, D.C. (Feb. 13, 2024) – On Feb. 9, 2024, Ambassador Alexander Tah-ray Yui of the Taipei Economic and Cultural Representative Office in the United States hosted a reception for the members of the National Association of Secretaries of State as well as more than 100 participants of its 2024 Winter Conference. The reception was joined by NASS President Scott Schwab, Kansas Secretary of State and various Secretaries and Lieutenant Governors across the United States.


During his welcoming remarks, Amb. Yui highlighted the significance of the 45th Anniversary of the Taiwan Relations Act, the foundation of the Taiwan-U.S. partnership. “For the past four and a half decades, Taiwan and the U.S. have worked to create an even more substantial partnership based on our shared values of democracy, human rights and the free market economy,” Yui said.


Amb. Yui also encouraged all Secretaries and Lt. Governors to work with TECRO and the other 12 TECO offices to broaden and deepen ties between Taiwan and respective U.S. states, on important issues such as trade, education and high-tech cooperation to enhance job creation and development.


In his speech, President Scott Schwab expressed appreciation to TECRO for hosting the reception and said he looks forward to continuing to enhance the NASS partnership with TECRO. He also extended his congratulations to Taiwan on the recent successful presidential and legislative election on Jan. 13, 2024.


NASS was founded in 1904. It is the oldest nonpartisan and professional association composed of Secretaries of State and includes members from Washington, D.C., and U.S. territories.


TECRO and NASS have enjoyed a working relationship for decades and look forward to further strengthening this relationship. (E)








\n", "date": "2024-02-14 06:03:17", "url": "http://www.roc-taiwan.org/us_en/post/13264.html" }, { "title": "In observance of Washington’s Birthday, the Taipei Economic and Cultural Representative Office in the United States will be closed on Monday, February 19, 2024.", "content": "

February 13, 2024


In observance of Washington’s Birthday, the Taipei Economic and Cultural Representative Office in the United States will be closed on Monday, February 19, 2024. In case of emergency, please call (202) 669-0180 or (202) 895-1885 for assistance.

\n", "date": "2024-02-14 06:02:37", "url": "http://www.roc-taiwan.org/us_en/post/13262.html" }, { "title": "Amb. Alexander Yui along with TECRO staff join the Lunar New Year parade in D.C.", "content": "



\n", "date": "2024-02-14 00:37:15", "url": "http://www.roc-taiwan.org/us_en/post/13247.html" }, { "title": "The National Museum of Asian Art will screen its centennial commissioned work, \"Abiding Nowhere,\" directed by Tsai Ming-liang, on March 1! We invite everyone to join this grand event!", "content": "

Renowned international director Tsai Ming-Liang's latest film to the Walker series, \"Abiding Nowhere,\" was commissioned as part of the 2023 centennial celebration of the Smithsonian National Museum of Asian Art in Washington, D.C. This film is set to have its world premiere during the 2024 Berlin International Film Festival. Following that, the U.S. premiere is scheduled for March 1 at 7:00 PM in the museum’s Meyer Auditorium.


Director Tsai Ming-Liang, along with actors Lee Kang-Sheng and Anong Houngheuangsy, will participate in a post-screening discussion online. Tickets for this event are now available for reservation. In addition to being commissioned by the museum, the film received support from the Ministry of Culture of the Republic of China (Taiwan) and was produced as a collaborative effort between Public Television Service in Taiwan and director Tsai.


\"Abiding Nowhere\" is the tenth independent production in Tsai Ming-liang's Walker series since 2012. Inspired by the seventh-century monk Xuanzang, who walked from China to India and became the inspiration for the famous literary work \"Journey to the West,\" all the films in the Walker series feature Lee Kang-sheng, Tsai's creative partner, donning the robe of a Buddhist monk, moving slowly through landscapes and interacting with people in cities worldwide.


Chase F. Robinson, the director of the museum, remarked, \"I want to thank Tsai Ming-liang for devising such an innovative platform to showcase the National Museum of Asian Art during our centennial and congratulate him and the team on the inclusion in the 2024 Berlinale.\" Tom Vick, the museum's senior curator of film, who facilitated this project, added, \"As a longtime fan of Tsai’s work, it was an honor to be able to commission a film from him. His way of depicting locations in the museum and the D.C. metropolitan area made me see them in a whole new way.\"


The premiere event will also feature some classic Taiwanese snacks. Interested friends are encouraged to make an online reservation! The event link is as follows: https://www.eventbrite.com/e/film-screening-abiding-nowhere-tickets-793459748467?aff=oddtdtcreator


For more information about the event, please visit:





\n", "date": "2024-02-09 05:56:34", "url": "http://www.roc-taiwan.org/us_en/post/13238.html" }, { "title": "FTSADC holds 2024 Lunar New Year Gala", "content": "

A grand Lunar New Year gala was held on Feb. 3 by the Federation of Taiwanese Student Associations in Washington DC (FTSADC) at a restaurant in Rockville, Maryland. Deputy Rep. Robin J. C. Cheng attended on behalf of Amb. Alexander Yui to celebrate this meaningful gathering with the participants.


Over 300 participants attended the annual celebration, including alumni of National Taiwan University, National Taiwan Normal University, Fu Jen Catholic University, Soochow University, National Cheng Kung University, National Tsing Hua University, Taipei First Girls High School, and Taipei Municipal Chien-Kuo High School as well as representatives of the Hakka and Taiwanese Association of America Greater Washington Chapter, the local chapter of Buddha's Light International Association, the Formosan Association for Public Affairs (FAPA) and the Taipei Economic and Cultural Representative Office in the United States.


In his opening remarks, Deputy Rep. Cheng wished the participants a happy New Year and expressed appreciation for the FTSADC’s hard work in organizing the gala. He not only extended his best wishes for the prosperity of students’ academics but also reminded the students to exercise caution for personal safety and to prevent financial fraud while studying in the United States.


All the participants spent a heartwarming and delightful night with the gala featuring culinary delights and creative warm-up games, culminating in a raffle prize drawing for air-tickets and other exquisite prizes sponsored by EVA Air, China Airlines, the alumni, the overseas Taiwanese delegation and TECRO.


Photos Courtesy of The Federation of Taiwanese Student Association in Washington DC (FTSADC)


\"\" \"\" \"\" \"\" \"\"

\n", "date": "2024-02-06 06:42:58", "url": "http://www.roc-taiwan.org/us_en/post/13215.html" }, { "title": "Ambassador Yui’s interview with the Associated Press", "content": "



\n", "date": "2024-01-19 23:24:01", "url": "http://www.roc-taiwan.org/us_en/post/13193.html" }, { "title": "Announcement: Due to the winter storm, the consular services will open at 11 am on Friday, January 19, 2024", "content": "

Due to the winter storm, the consular services will open at 11 am on Friday, January 19, 2024, in accordance with federal agencies. In case of emergency, please call (202) 669-0180 or (202) 895-1885 for assistance.



\n", "date": "2024-01-19 22:54:44", "url": "http://www.roc-taiwan.org/us_en/post/13150.html" }, { "title": "In observance of Martin Luther King Jr.’s Birthday, this office will be closed on January 15th (Monday), 2024.", "content": "

In observance of Martin Luther King Jr.’s Birthday, this office will be closed on January 15th (Monday), 2024. In case of emergency, please call (202) 669-0180 or (202) 895-1885 for assistance.

\n", "date": "2024-01-11 06:13:32", "url": "http://www.roc-taiwan.org/us_en/post/13122.html" }, { "title": "The New Year's flag-raising ceremony outdoors at Richard Montgomery High School in Rockville, Maryland.", "content": "

On January 1, 2024, the Alumni Association of the Huangpu Military Academy’s Greater Washington Chapter, the ROC Veterans Association in Washington, D.C., and the Taiwanese Association of America’s Greater Washington Chapter held a New Year's flag-raising ceremony outdoors at Richard Montgomery High School in Rockville, Maryland.
\nTECRO Deputy Representative Robin Cheng attended the ceremony on behalf of Ambassador Alexander Yui along with TECRO staff and their families. Deputy Rep. Cheng expressed gratitude for the tireless efforts of the host associations to contribute to our country and commended the meaningful tradition of organizing this event over the years. Deputy Rep. Cheng reflected on the achievements of Taiwan-U.S. relations in 2023, saying he looks forward to strengthening ties between Taiwan and the United State in the future.
\nThe flag-raising ceremony was conducted in a simple yet dignified manner. Approximately 300 compatriots from the greater Washington, D.C. area, undeterred by the cold, gathered on the first day of the new year to cheer for Taiwan and the United States. Wishing everyone a happy New Year and all the best in the coming year!






\n", "date": "2024-01-03 01:41:03", "url": "http://www.roc-taiwan.org/us_en/post/13100.html" } ] }, { "lang": "zh", "branch": "lax", "country": "us", "name": "駐洛杉磯台北經濟文化辦事處", "path": "/uslax/", "items": [ { "title": "紀欽耀處長夫婦拜會「中華航空美洲總分公司」", "content": "
紀欽耀處長夫婦偕同仁於4月5日拜會「中華航空美洲總分公司」(China Airlines Corporation America Head Office),受到鄭玉麟處長、張國楨協理、王志賢經理、李宜真經理及洛杉磯國際機場辦公室張思唐主任熱誠的歡迎與接待。
\n", "date": "2024-04-05 01:20:47", "url": "http://www.roc-taiwan.org/uslax/post/39420.html" }, { "title": "紀欽耀處長會晤來訪的「世界華人工商婦女企管協會」南加州分會2024年團隊", "content": "
粉紅女力 閃耀南加
游會長向紀處長介紹團隊 成員以及本年四位金冠獎得主,同時說明2024年活動規畫與展望。
\n", "date": "2024-04-02 01:28:17", "url": "http://www.roc-taiwan.org/uslax/post/39433.html" }, { "title": "紀欽耀處長夫婦出席洛杉磯郡聖蓋博市新任市長吳程遠及副市長Denise Menchaca宣誓就職典禮", "content": "
祝賀聖蓋博市新任市長吳程遠(John Wu)就職
洛杉磯郡聖蓋博市(San Gabriel City)4月2日於市政廳舉行新任市長吳程遠(Mayor John Wu, City of San Gabriel)及副市長Vice Mayor Denise Menchaca宣誓就職典禮。
聖蓋博市吳程遠市長在聯邦眾議員趙美心(Judy Chu) 監誓下宣誓就職 (Photo Credit:City of San Gabriel Government )
\n", "date": "2024-04-02 01:24:36", "url": "http://www.roc-taiwan.org/uslax/post/39427.html" }, { "title": "紀欽耀處長轄訪亞利桑納州", "content": "
紀欽耀處長於3月下旬偕本處同仁轄訪素有「大峽谷之州」美稱的亞利桑納州,期間會晤州長郝愷悌(Katie Hobbs)、聯邦眾議員Andy Biggs、州務卿方田(Adrian Fontes)、財務長余豔芬(Kimberly Yee)、教育廳廳長Tom Horne ,以及鳳凰城市長蓋耶閣(Kate Gallego),就雙邊合作交流等議題交換意見。
紀欽耀處長與亞利桑納州州長Katie Hobbs (左)合影
紀欽耀處長與聯邦眾議員Andy Biggs (左)合影
紀欽耀處長與亞利桑納州州務卿Adrian Fontes(左)合影
紀欽耀處長與亞利桑納州財務長Kimberly Yee(左)合影
紀欽耀處長與鳳凰城市長Kate Gallego (右)合影
紀欽耀處長(左2)與亞利桑納州教育廳長Tom Horne(右2)合影,本處陳碩廷組長(左1)及方崇宇副組長(右1)陪同
\n", "date": "2024-03-28 01:15:56", "url": "http://www.roc-taiwan.org/uslax/post/39410.html" }, { "title": "橙縣行動領務順利成功", "content": "
\n", "date": "2024-03-28 01:04:28", "url": "http://www.roc-taiwan.org/uslax/post/39387.html" }, { "title": "感謝亞利桑納州議會通過友台決議", "content": "
亞州參議會議長Warren Petersen、參議員Catherine Miranda及眾議員Seth Blattman並分享他們去年訪問台灣的難忘經歷,強調將繼續支持台灣與亞利桑納州的雙邊交流合作。
紀欽耀處長與提案之亞利桑納州參議員Catherine Miranda 於參議會合影
紀欽耀處長與提案之亞利桑納州眾議員Seth Blattman (左) 於眾議會合影
\n", "date": "2024-03-27 01:11:11", "url": "http://www.roc-taiwan.org/uslax/post/39402.html" }, { "title": "歡迎洛杉磯郡律師公會訪問台灣!", "content": "
全美規模最大的律師公會之一—洛杉磯郡律師公會(The Los Angeles County Bar Association - LACBA)將於3月23日至31日訪問台灣,該團預計參訪總統府、立法院、憲法法庭等單位,也會參觀國家人權博物館及故宮博物院。
洛杉磯郡律師公會此行將由檢察官馮先捷(Michael Fern)陪同,馮檢察官在行前說明會中用生動活潑的簡報介紹台灣,讓第一次造訪的團員們興奮不已,也對夜市美食躍躍欲試。
馮先捷(Michael Fern)檢察官向訪賓介紹台灣的大眾運輸
\n", "date": "2024-03-22 02:55:52", "url": "http://www.roc-taiwan.org/uslax/post/39370.html" }, { "title": "歡迎世界機器人大賽高中組亞利桑納地區錦標賽冠軍:新北市立三民高級中學來訪", "content": "
\n", "date": "2024-03-19 01:22:08", "url": "http://www.roc-taiwan.org/uslax/post/39330.html" }, { "title": "歡迎南投縣竹山鎮公所陳東睦鎮長乙行來訪", "content": "
\n", "date": "2024-03-18 02:38:32", "url": "http://www.roc-taiwan.org/uslax/post/39354.html" }, { "title": "紀欽耀處長夫婦出席羅省龍岡親義公所盛大舉行春季祭祖典禮及春節聯歡會", "content": "


\n", "date": "2024-03-17 02:48:01", "url": "http://www.roc-taiwan.org/uslax/post/39364.html" }, { "title": "紀欽耀處長夫婦出席羅省秉公堂舉行春季祭祖典禮及春宴", "content": "
\n", "date": "2024-03-16 02:32:13", "url": "http://www.roc-taiwan.org/uslax/post/39343.html" }, { "title": "張正育副處長出席「南加州台美急難救助協會」創會會員大會", "content": "
\n", "date": "2024-03-16 00:36:58", "url": "http://www.roc-taiwan.org/uslax/post/39323.html" }, { "title": "台灣優質食品業廠商參加美西天然產品博覽會推廣台灣優良產品", "content": "
2024年美西天然產品博覽會(Natural Products Expo West)於3月14-16日在安那翰會議中心展出,該博覽會逾40年歷史,不僅是全美前50大博覽會,也是全球最大的天然健康展覽會,為我國食品業者前進美國市場的最佳場域之一。
台灣由經濟部鼓勵並贊助糖菓餅乾麵食工業同業公會及外貿協會籌組訪團前來參展,包括產銷南棗核桃糕的櫻桃爺爺(Cherry Grandfather)、紅藜粉的禾園(Herb Garden Biotechnology)、無糖愛文芒果乾的永禎(Young Zen)、蔬菜蘇打餅的中祥(CH. Foods)、月亮蝦餅的元家(Yen & Brothers)、南部高山野淬蜜的尋蜜趣(Honey in Formosa)、黑芝麻粉的有幾園(O Health)、阜杭豆漿的巨柏(JDR International)、便利中華精緻美食的珍苑(Jen Yuan)、即時養生飲品的京工(King Kung Health Food)、芝麻產品的芝初(SesaOle)、麻糬製品的皇族(Royal Family)等10餘家廠商。
台商刻正積極擴展北美市場,已有若干產品打入Costco、Trader Joe’s等美國大型連鎖通路,參展首日台商產品已獲眾多經銷商、代理商關注並前來洽詢合作商機。
‘’Taiwan Foods’’攤位吸引眾多買主駐足參觀品嘗並洽談商機。
本處經濟組劉倫正組長(右3)、謝嘉豪秘書(左2)、洛杉磯台灣貿易中心閉達玉主任(右2) 與台灣參展廠商於台灣食品館前合影。
\n", "date": "2024-03-14 00:33:54", "url": "http://www.roc-taiwan.org/uslax/post/39319.html" }, { "title": "紀欽耀處長夫婦出席加州臺灣同鄉聯誼會與南加州僑界共同舉辦的第12屆「闔家歡樂 登山健行」活動", "content": "
闔家歡樂 登山健行
紀欽耀處長夫婦3月10日與本處20多位同仁眷屬出席加州臺灣同鄉聯誼會與南加州僑界共同舉辦的第12屆「闔家歡樂 登山健行」活動,並紀念國父孫中山先生逝世99週年。
現場貴賓包括聯邦眾議員趙美心(Congresswoman Judy Chu)、加州臺灣同鄉聯誼會會長王竹青、副會長兼僑務顧問儲錦琪、泛美中華會館聯誼會執行長兼僑務諮詢委員張自豪、馬氏宗親會主席馬培道、伍胥山公所主席兼僑務諮詢委員伍競群、保安堂主席兼僑務顧問劉國賜、至德三德公所主席吳韋霖、呂氏宗親會主席呂芳哲、南加州大專院校聯合校友會會長吳典龍、僑務委員羅明、廖美華、江瑞瀛、僑務諮詢委員梁永泰、謝傳佐、蘇俊成、楊家淦、僑務顧問黃美月、海外青年文化大使洛杉磯分會(FASCA-LA)學員等共計約200人出席。
\n", "date": "2024-03-10 00:48:12", "url": "http://www.roc-taiwan.org/uslax/post/39253.html" }, { "title": "紀欽耀處長夫婦出席世界華人工商婦女企管協會大洛杉磯分會「2024年第五屆週年慶暨第5屆/第6屆會長交接典禮」", "content": "
GFCBW - GLA 世界華人工商婦女企管協會大洛杉磯分會於3月9日舉辦「2024年第五屆週年慶暨第5屆/第6屆會長交接典禮」,紀欽耀處長夫婦、鄭如惠組長、車懿恬副領事、洛僑中心陳敏永主任夫婦,以及經濟組劉倫正組長受邀出席。
紀處長致詞肯定過去一年世華大洛杉磯分會在黃崇飛會長的帶領下,秉持「3M」(meaningful, memorable and measurable)精神,舉辦數場精彩講座及公益活動,成果豐碩,期許未來一年新任林慧懿會長帶領團隊再創新猷。紀處長並代表僑委會徐佳青委員長分別頒贈感謝狀及賀狀。
\n", "date": "2024-03-09 00:18:58", "url": "http://www.roc-taiwan.org/uslax/post/39304.html" }, { "title": "紀欽耀處長設宴歡迎入圍奧斯卡的《金門》團隊", "content": "
紀處長、本處同仁與金門團隊及貴賓合影後排左起依序為馬萬鈞博士、陳彥霖攝影師、吳偉國製片、簡德源主任、張與蘭總監、吳采頤委員、王愷立女士、李易穎總監;前排左起依序為王冠惠組長、徐小明顧問、陳玲珍執行長、蔣顯斌董事長、紀欽耀處長、江松長導演、Mr. Daniel Ostling、陳嘉元組長
\n", "date": "2024-03-08 00:41:52", "url": "http://www.roc-taiwan.org/uslax/post/39243.html" }, { "title": "美國與台灣無障礙自行車、文化與觀光國際交流活動圓滿結束", "content": "
美國爾灣市自行車俱樂部於3月4日在爾灣市長Farrah N. Khan 的見證下,與台灣 生命勵樂活輔健會 締結姊妹會、交換車衣及旗幟,慶祝該會16位身心障礙手搖自行車騎士為期11天的美國加州探險之旅圓滿落幕!
生命勵樂活輔健會宋立蓉理事長表示,她從小夢想在路上奔跑,這次能克服重重難關,在美國以手搖車在路上奔馳,可謂成功圓夢。特別感謝本處、交通部觀光署、爾灣市長 Farrah N. Khan、爾灣市都市發展黃仕文顧問、爾灣市自行車俱樂部創辦人Bill Sellin、主席Marc Urias、安排本次行程的重要幹部Jerry Chen、慈善企業家呂世光以及多位熱心騎士的大力支持與協助。
爾灣Farrah N. Khan市長頒發證書予生命勵輔建會
\n", "date": "2024-03-04 00:37:59", "url": "http://www.roc-taiwan.org/uslax/post/39235.html" }, { "title": "紀欽耀處長夫婦出席羅省岡州保安堂春節祭祖典禮", "content": "
\n", "date": "2024-03-03 00:29:57", "url": "http://www.roc-taiwan.org/uslax/post/39226.html" }, { "title": "張正育副處長出席「台灣之歌」春節歡樂會員聯誼會", "content": "
























\n", "date": "2024-03-02 06:23:24", "url": "http://www.roc-taiwan.org/uslax/post/39187.html" }, { "title": "紀欽耀處長夫婦出席世界華人工商婦女企管協會南加州分會33週年慶暨第25屆/26屆會長交接晚宴", "content": "
年會活動以新任會長游蕙綾名字藏頭對聯「綾彩風華 蕙心經世」貫穿全場,有龍年迎財神的舞獅表演、Gfcbwscc-世華南加州分會姊妹的「日本舞」,以及福爾摩沙小分隊青春洋溢的熱舞表演等,熱鬧又溫馨,摸彩獎品豐富,各界嘉賓共計500多人出席盛會。
\n", "date": "2024-03-02 00:25:14", "url": "http://www.roc-taiwan.org/uslax/post/39215.html" }, { "title": "紀欽耀處長拜會加州州眾議員謝德智", "content": "
紀欽耀處長於3月1日拜會加州州眾議員謝德智(Assemblyman Tri Ta)。
謝州眾議員曾擔任加州西敏市市長(Westminster City),是美國歷史上第一位越南裔市長,他堅定支持自由民主價值以及台美友誼。
\n", "date": "2024-03-01 02:56:32", "url": "http://www.roc-taiwan.org/uslax/post/39172.html" }, { "title": "紀欽耀處長出席美國中國信託銀行哈仙達崗分行開幕及剪綵儀式", "content": "
紀欽耀處長3月1日偕本處經濟組組長劉倫正等同仁出席美國中國信託銀行哈仙達崗分行(CTBC Bank Hacienda Heights) 開幕及剪綵儀式,見證台商企業在南加州蓬勃發展。
出席貴賓包括加州前財務長江俊輝( John Chiang)、La Puente市長Charlie Klinakis、鑽石吧(Diamond Bar)市長Stan Liu、華航美洲地區處長鄭玉麟、 洛杉磯台美商會 Taiwanese American Chamber of Commerce of Greater Los Angeles會長葉怡蘭、以及僑領及政商人士近百人。
中國信託銀行哈仙達崗分行開幕,紀欽耀處長(左6)與該銀行President & CEO Noor Menai (左5)以及 Deputy CEO Geoffrey Liu (左7)等貴賓一同剪綵
\n", "date": "2024-03-01 00:20:07", "url": "http://www.roc-taiwan.org/uslax/post/39208.html" }, { "title": "張正育副處長出席「2-28台灣介心靈日77周年紀念音樂會」", "content": "


張正育副處長2月28日出席台灣人聯合基金會(TUF)與優社(TEA)在Arcadia Community Church舉辦的「2-28台灣介心靈日77周年紀念音樂會」。







\n", "date": "2024-02-28 06:20:01", "url": "http://www.roc-taiwan.org/uslax/post/39179.html" }, { "title": "紀欽耀處長出席橙縣華人商會「2024年年會晚宴暨新、舊任會長交接典禮」", "content": "
紀欽耀處長2月25日出席Orange County Chinese American Chamber of Commerce 橙縣華人商會 OCCACC在爾灣市Marriott酒店舉辦的「2024年年會晚宴暨新、舊任會長交接典禮」,並代表僑委會徐佳青委員長頒發續任會長胡安瀅賀狀。
紀處長致詞祝福大家新的一年「萬物興龍 闔家安康」,橙縣華人商會與獎學金基金會在胡安瀅會長與林瑪莉會長的帶領下再創佳績。
當天出席貴賓包括聯邦眾議員金映玉(U.S. Representative Young Kim)、加州參議員閔大衛(Dave Min)、爾灣市市長法拉.汗(Mayor Farrah N. Khan)、僑務諮詢委員邱垂煌、林翠雲、蔡玟慧等政、僑、商界逾300多位人士。
橙縣華人商會及橙縣華人商會基金會2024年年會暨新、舊任會長交接典禮,在橙縣聯邦法官John Nguyen的見證下完成會長及理事交接並宣誓就職。
紀處長與胡安瀅會長(左1)、國會眾議員劉雲平母親Kerry Liu(右1)、加州參議員閔大衛(Dave Min)(後排右3)、爾灣市副市長金太美(Tammy Kim後排右2)等合影。
\n", "date": "2024-02-25 07:05:00", "url": "http://www.roc-taiwan.org/uslax/post/39114.html" }, { "title": "紀欽耀處長大洛杉磯台灣會館「2024二二八追思紀念大會」", "content": "
紀欽耀處長2月24日出席 Taiwan Center Foundation of Greater Los Angeles 大洛杉磯台灣會館舉辦的「2024二二八追思紀念大會」,與鄉親們一起瞭解歷史,並點燭追思紀念。
紀處長致詞感謝主辦單位舉辦一系列紀念二二八事件的活動,藉由了解與反思台灣歷史中的重要事件,體會自由民主得來不易,期盼大家共同珍惜及守護台灣自由民主的價值及生活方式 。
大會邀請 國史館Academia Historica館長陳儀深以視訊方式進行演講,並邀請王秋森教授及台灣人公共事務會洛杉磯分會(FAPA - The Formosan Association for Public Affairs - Los Angeles Chapter)李賢群會長以「二二八的反抗」為題,分別介紹臺中「二七部隊」、陳篡地領導之斗六民兵、高雄中學自發反抗的事蹟。
\n", "date": "2024-02-24 06:57:10", "url": "http://www.roc-taiwan.org/uslax/post/39098.html" }, { "title": "張正育副處長出席國立政治大學南加州校友會新春團拜餐會", "content": "
\n", "date": "2024-02-24 03:01:23", "url": "http://www.roc-taiwan.org/uslax/post/39108.html" }, { "title": "葉立傑組長出席「洛杉磯西北區台灣同鄉會」龍騰新年午餐會", "content": "
龍騰新年 歡慶元宵
葉立傑組長偕林家豪組長、鄭文琳副組長於2月24日出席「洛杉磯西北區台灣同鄉會」龍騰新年午餐會,與Janie Lai會長、同鄉會幹部、僑務諮詢委員陳國昌、僑務委員王梅鳳及250多位鄉親歡喜慶新年。
活動當天洛杉磯西北區台灣同鄉會準備了多項精彩的表演節目,有舞龍舞獅、音樂表演及唱歌演出,老中青三代齊聚一堂,度過愉快的時光。 \"429683523_799009948939551_4952907115343926981_n\"
\n", "date": "2024-02-24 02:18:48", "url": "http://www.roc-taiwan.org/uslax/post/39129.html" }, { "title": "美國與台灣無障礙自行車、文化與觀光國際交流啟動!", "content": "
全球首創的台灣 生命勵樂活輔健會宋立蓉理事長帶領16位身心障礙手搖自行車騎士,在美國加州展開為期11天(2月22日至3月5日)的探險之旅!他們挑戰沙漠、穿越雪地,用雙手勇敢前行,探索未知的山川與島嶼,傳遞著CRPD(身心障礙者權利公約)的精神與無限勇氣。
本處鄭兆凱領事及觀光組劉婉文秘書2月24日參與爾灣Deerfield Community Park的啟程活動,感謝市長 Farrah N. Khan、市政府及爾灣市自行車俱樂部的40餘位熱心騎士的大力支持。
台灣生命勵樂活輔健會宋立蓉理事長(右二前)致贈感謝函予爾灣Farrah N. Khan市長(中),照片左三Bicycle Club of Irvine創辦人Bill Sellin、右二後-生命勵樂活輔健會創辦人陳奇峯醫師、右一-爾灣市都市發展黃仕文顧問
爾灣Farrah N. Khan市長試騎手搖車,右-爾灣市自行車俱樂部主要籌備幹部Jerry
爾灣Farrah N. Khan市長與本處鄭兆凱領事及觀光組劉婉文秘書合影留念
\n", "date": "2024-02-24 01:22:17", "url": "http://www.roc-taiwan.org/uslax/post/39135.html" }, { "title": "紀欽耀處長出席柑縣台灣同鄉會「2024年新春餐會」", "content": "
柑縣臺灣同鄉會鄉親匯聚 喜迎祥龍賀新春
柑縣台灣同鄉會2月21日熱鬧舉行「2024年新春餐會」。會長傅錦郎(一排右七) 、經文處紀欽耀處長(一排右六) 及副處長張正育(一排左四) 、橙僑中心主任蕭蓓如(一排左三)與出席嘉賓、鄉親相見歡。
\n", "date": "2024-02-21 06:52:42", "url": "http://www.roc-taiwan.org/uslax/post/39090.html" }, { "title": "紀欽耀處長出席洛杉磯郡蒙特利公園市新任市長黃泰平( Thomas Wong)及副市長吳紹榮( Vinh Ngo)宣誓就職典禮", "content": "
洛杉磯郡蒙特利公園市(Monterey Park City)於2月20日在市政廳舉行新任市長黃泰平( Thomas Wong)及副市長吳紹榮( Vinh Ngo)宣誓就職典禮,紀欽耀處長應邀偕鄭如惠組長出席觀禮,與黃市長、吳副市長及與會政要親切寒暄,並盼未來與蒙市持續拓展合作夥伴關係,強化台美雙邊城市交流。
當日出席貴賓包括美國聯邦眾議員趙美心(Judy Chu)、加州州眾議會前議長藍道安(Anthony Rendon)、州眾議員周本立(Assemblymember Ed Chau)、洛杉磯郡估值官潘杰夫(Jeff Prang)等,此外,州眾議員方樹強(Assemblymember Mike Fong)、洛杉磯郡郡監督Hilda Solis及Alhambra市長Ross Maza等均派員出席並致贈賀狀,蒙市多位前市長、洛郡各市地方官員及商、學界代表逾200人參加,氣氛熱鬧溫馨。
紀欽耀處長出席蒙特利公園市新任市長黃泰平(Thomas Wong)就職典禮合影
蒙特利公園市黃泰平市長在加州州眾議會前議長藍道安(Anthony Rendon)監誓下宣誓就職
蒙特利公園市慶賀黃泰平市長就職 (Photo Credit: Mayor Thomas Wong FB)
\n", "date": "2024-02-20 06:42:05", "url": "http://www.roc-taiwan.org/uslax/post/39081.html" }, { "title": "加州大學洛杉磯分校 「留台校友會」成立", "content": "
加州大學洛杉磯分校 「留台校友會」成立啦!
本處 2月19日舉辦加州大學洛杉磯分校(UCLA) 留台校友會,邀請曾訪台教學、研究或學習語文的UCLA師生們共度新年、分享留台經驗。
席間本處方崇宇副組長、教育組李政翰組長歡迎留臺校友加入校友會這個大家庭,留台好朋友們亦分享赴台受訓、留學、學習或參訪的趣事,Quentin Tan更熱心擔任首屆會長。
出席貴賓包括UCLA周敏教授、史書美教授及史嘉博(David Schaberg)教授。
留台校友會UCLA分會成立,博士生Quentin Tan(中) 熱心擔任第一任會長
\n", "date": "2024-02-19 07:27:17", "url": "http://www.roc-taiwan.org/uslax/post/39146.html" }, { "title": "紀欽耀處長主持「洛杉磯全僑各界新春聯歡團拜」", "content": "
龍年新春團拜 共祝闔家安康 吉祥如意
出席嘉賓包括聯邦眾議員趙美心(Judy Chu)及金映玉(Young Kim)、加州眾議員方樹強(Assemblymember Mike Fong)及謝德智(Assemblyman Tri Ta)、各地市議員等美國政要、瓜地馬拉駐洛杉磯總領事 Jose Rodriguez、巴拉圭駐洛杉磯總領事Manuel Ruiz Diaz、瑞士駐洛杉磯名譽總領事 Franco Zimmerli、聖文森駐洛杉磯名譽總領事Cadrin Emmanuel Gill等駐地領事團成員、僑務榮譽職人員和僑團代表共計約500人,在春節熱鬧氣氛中一同迎接龍年的到來。
洛杉磯全僑各界新春聯歡團拜- 寫春聯活動
洛杉磯全僑各界新春聯歡團拜- 財神爺與本處同仁合影
FASCA 精彩演出
聯邦眾議員趙美心(Judy Chu)致詞
聯邦眾議員金映玉(Young Kim)致詞
加州眾議員方樹強(Mike Fong)致詞
加州眾議員謝德智(Tri Ta)致詞
\n", "date": "2024-02-18 06:26:55", "url": "http://www.roc-taiwan.org/uslax/post/39058.html" }, { "title": "紀欽耀處長出席洛杉磯台美商會2024年晚會暨新舊會長交接典禮", "content": "
紀欽耀處長於2月17日出席 洛杉磯台美商會 Taiwanese American Chamber of Commerce of Greater Los Angeles在The Westin Bonaventure Hotel舉辦的「2024年新春晚會暨新舊會長交接典禮」,見證新任會長葉怡蘭、滿任會長吳宣蓉印信交接,並代表僑委會徐佳青委員長分別頒贈賀狀、感謝狀。
本次晚會也特別從台灣邀請有小費玉清之稱的李泳杰帶來多首膾炙人口的歌曲,歌舞表演熱鬧精彩,摸彩活動獎品豐富,圓滿成功 。
當日出席貴賓包含美國聯邦眾議員議員布萊德•薛曼 (Congressman Brad Sherman)、趙美心(Judy Chu)、金映玉(Young Kim)、洛杉磯郡估值官潘杰夫(Jeff Prang)、國策顧問楊信夫婦、田詒鴻夫婦、僑務榮譽職人員及各社團領袖等,共計約500餘人參加。
紀欽耀處長與美國聯邦眾議員Brad Sherman出席洛杉磯台美商會2024新春晚會暨新舊會長交接典禮活動合影 ( Photo Credit: Congressman Brad Sherman FB)
\n", "date": "2024-02-17 06:21:33", "url": "http://www.roc-taiwan.org/uslax/post/39050.html" }, { "title": "紀欽耀處長出席第125屆華埠金龍大遊行活動", "content": "
紀欽耀處長2月17日應主辦單位洛杉磯中華總商會邀請,與總統府國策顧問田詒鴻及 Taiwan Center Foundation of Greater Los Angeles 大洛杉磯台灣會館台美小姐選拔委員會共同參加第125屆華埠金龍大遊行活動,慶祝農曆新年。
這場盛大的遊行在洛杉磯華埠舉行,遊行路程自Hill Street與Ord街路口出發,全長約1.5英哩,歷時約2小時,兩旁站滿數萬名民眾觀看,共有將近190個遊行車輛、花車、樂儀旗隊及馬術隊伍參加,場面充滿嘉年華慶典氣氛。
大洛杉磯台灣會館一共出了四輛跑車,車上2023年台美小姐(Miss Taiwanese American)皇后宋依珊(MimiQ Soong)、公主江小如(Rose Chiang)、大使蔣雨婕(Vivian Chiang)、林修帆(Jill Lin)、簡良瑾(Emilyn Cahn)等人,皆身著充滿年節氣氛的紅色禮服,沿途朝觀眾揮手致意,充滿活力吸引眾人目光。
第125屆華埠金龍大遊行- 2023年台美小姐(Miss Taiwanese-American)皇后宋依珊親切揮手
\n", "date": "2024-02-17 06:17:25", "url": "http://www.roc-taiwan.org/uslax/post/39042.html" }, { "title": "紀欽耀處長會晤行政院政務顧問徐新宏博士", "content": "





紀欽耀處長很高興於2月16日在科技組陳嘉元組長的陪同下,會晤來訪本處的行政院政務顧問徐新宏博士(前Taiwan Center Foundation of Greater Los Angeles 大洛杉磯台灣會館基金會董事長),雙方就台美交流合作等議題交換意見。




徐政務顧問曾擔任 國立中興大學 National Chung Hsing University「國際產學聯盟」執行長,該聯盟在 國家科學及技術委員會(國科會)的支持下,整合該校研發動能與設施,搭建產學研合作平台,並鏈結國際市場,促進台灣科研實力在國際上發光發熱。





\n", "date": "2024-02-16 06:13:42", "url": "http://www.roc-taiwan.org/uslax/post/39037.html" }, { "title": "紀欽耀處長出席「柑縣台美商會」新春團拜餐會", "content": "
紀處長肯定 加州柑縣台美商會 TCCOC的貢獻,並祝福大家龍年吉祥如意!
\n", "date": "2024-02-15 06:10:45", "url": "http://www.roc-taiwan.org/uslax/post/39030.html" }, { "title": "紀欽耀處長出席南加州台灣人長輩會", "content": "
圖說: 紀欽耀處長發送龍年福袋
\n", "date": "2024-02-15 06:05:51", "url": "http://www.roc-taiwan.org/uslax/post/39026.html" }, { "title": "張正育副處長出席「南加州台美急難救助協會」成立大會", "content": "
\n", "date": "2024-02-08 01:24:44", "url": "http://www.roc-taiwan.org/uslax/post/38904.html" }, { "title": "張正育副處長出席「SimplyHelp Foundation幫幫忙基金會年度愛心貨櫃慈善救援工作成果記者會」", "content": "





張正育副處長很高興於2月6日上午赴洛杉磯華僑文教服務中心出席「SimplyHelp Foundation幫幫忙基金會年度愛心貨櫃慈善救援工作成果記者會」,肯定該基金會善舉❤️。















\n", "date": "2024-02-06 01:17:49", "url": "http://www.roc-taiwan.org/uslax/post/38898.html" }, { "title": "張正育副處長出席「2024年北美洲台灣人醫師協會總會(NATMA)巴拉圭國際義診團授旗記者會」", "content": "
\n", "date": "2024-01-30 08:42:00", "url": "http://www.roc-taiwan.org/uslax/post/38815.html" }, { "title": "張正育副處長出席美洲高雄中學高雄女中聯合校友會第11屆年會", "content": "


















\n", "date": "2024-01-28 06:47:11", "url": "http://www.roc-taiwan.org/uslax/post/38863.html" }, { "title": "紀欽耀處長出席「2024年泰雅學堂台美文化交流暨宣慰僑胞歡慶農曆新年音樂會」", "content": "
紀欽耀處長1月27日下午出席在 僑委會洛杉磯僑教中心 OCAC in El Monte舉辦的「2024年泰雅學堂台美文化交流暨宣慰僑胞歡慶農曆新年音樂會」\"🎫\",這是泰雅學堂訪問美國的第一場公演,逾600人共襄盛舉。
2024 泰雅學堂精彩演出
2024 泰雅學堂精彩演出
2024 泰雅學堂精彩演出
美國聯邦眾議院趙美心(Dr Judy Chu)頒贈賀狀予泰雅學堂訪問團及主辦單位世華工商婦女企管協會
2024 泰雅學堂演出圓滿成功,與現場全體觀眾合影
\n", "date": "2024-01-27 08:36:37", "url": "http://www.roc-taiwan.org/uslax/post/38804.html" }, { "title": "紀欽耀處長出席蒙特利公園市「迎春年節展」", "content": "
歡喜迎新春,蒙特利公園市「迎春年節展」 \"🐉\"
紀欽耀處長1月27日上午偕本處20位同仁及眷屬出席洛杉磯世界日報 World Journal LA、蒙特利公園市市政府及蒙市商業發展委員會聯合舉辦的「迎春年節展」開幕儀式,向與會嘉賓及民眾拜年,祝福大家龍年吉祥如意!家庭和樂、身體健康。\"❤️\"
當日活動出席貴賓包括聯邦眾議員趙美心(Judy Chu)、州眾議員方樹強(Assemblymember Mike Fong)、洛杉磯郡郡監督Hilda Solis及蒙特利公園市副市長黃泰平(Thomas Wong)等人。參展攤位約200個,吸引許多民眾攜家帶眷歡度農曆新年。
\n", "date": "2024-01-27 08:31:50", "url": "http://www.roc-taiwan.org/uslax/post/38797.html" }, { "title": "紀欽耀處長出席「2024年泰雅學堂台美文化交流暨宣慰僑胞農曆新年音樂會」訪團歡迎晚宴", "content": "
歡迎音樂小天使們降臨天使之城 ! 泰雅學堂來囉 \"🎵\"
紀欽耀處長1月24日晚間出席「2024年泰雅學堂台美文化交流暨宣慰僑胞農曆新年音樂會」訪團歡迎晚宴,這是泰雅學堂首次訪問美國,將在南加州各地帶來6場精彩的表演。 \"🎉\"\"🎉\"
\n", "date": "2024-01-24 08:22:40", "url": "http://www.roc-taiwan.org/uslax/post/38787.html" }, { "title": "紀欽耀處長拜會聯邦眾議員Linda Sánchez", "content": "
紀欽耀處長於1月24日拜會聯邦眾議員Rep. Linda Sánchez ,感謝她共同連署包括「美台快速雙重稅收減免法案」在內的「2024年度美國家庭及勞工稅收減免法案」,該法案有助促進雙方經貿交流,兩人並就加強台美合作及支持我國際參與等議題交換意見。
Sanchez眾議員選區包括Diamond Bar、Walnut、Rowland Heights及Hacienda Heights等台灣僑民聚集的城市,紀處長也感謝她對當地僑胞的服務。
\n", "date": "2024-01-24 08:18:24", "url": "http://www.roc-taiwan.org/uslax/post/38781.html" }, { "title": "紀欽耀處長會晤來訪的「橙縣華人商會」胡安瀅會長及商會幹部等乙行", "content": "
\n", "date": "2024-01-23 08:14:47", "url": "http://www.roc-taiwan.org/uslax/post/38775.html" }, { "title": "紀欽耀處長會晤來訪的國立清華大學資訊工程學系胡敏君教授", "content": "
紀欽耀處長於1月18日在本處會晤來訪的 國立清華大學National Tsing Hua University資訊工程學系胡敏君教授\"👩‍💻\",今年已是她第3年擔任美國國務院國際暑期交流計畫 「科技女孩計畫」(TechGirls Program)\"👩‍🔬\"導師,雙方就台美科技交流合作等議題交換意見\"🤝\"
\n", "date": "2024-01-18 08:04:43", "url": "http://www.roc-taiwan.org/uslax/post/38762.html" }, { "title": "紀欽耀處長會晤來訪的國發會「國際人才服務及延攬中心」廖炳坤執行長", "content": "
國發會「國際人才服務及延攬中心」提供一站式的服務 \"👍\"
紀欽耀處長於1月17日在本處會晤來訪的 國發會「國際人才服務及延攬中心」廖炳坤執行長,並召集本處經濟組\"📈\"、科技組\"👩‍💻\"、領務組\"🌎\"、教育組\"👨‍🏫\"及洛僑文教中心等主管同仁,就如何延攬國際人才等議題與廖執行長交流。
\n", "date": "2024-01-17 08:09:16", "url": "http://www.roc-taiwan.org/uslax/post/38769.html" }, { "title": "紀欽耀處長會晤來訪的美國中華藝術學會一行", "content": "
\n", "date": "2024-01-09 09:35:05", "url": "http://www.roc-taiwan.org/uslax/post/38676.html" }, { "title": "紀欽耀處長會晤來訪的中華電信美國子公司楊文彰總經理", "content": "
紀欽耀處長於1月2日在本處會晤來訪的中華電信美國子公司(CHT Global, Inc.)楊文彰總經理\"😊\", 就台資企業在美國發展情形等議題交換意見。
紀欽耀處長和中華電信美國子公司(CHT Global, Inc.)楊文彰總經理合影
\n", "date": "2024-01-02 01:18:46", "url": "http://www.roc-taiwan.org/uslax/post/38623.html" }, { "title": "紀欽耀處長偕本處40多位同仁出席洛杉磯華埠舉行慶祝中華民國113年元旦升旗典禮", "content": "
當日紀處長與本處同仁並出席羅省中華會館2024年全體理、監事及職員就職典禮與晚宴 。
\n", "date": "2024-01-01 06:14:17", "url": "http://www.roc-taiwan.org/uslax/post/38526.html" } ] }, { "lang": "en", "branch": "lax", "country": "us", "name": "Taipei Economic and Cultural Office in Los Angeles", "path": "/uslax_en/", "items": [ { "title": "Director General Amino Chi was delighted to meet with Vice President Yu-Lin Cheng of China Airlines Corporation America Head Office and his great team on April 5, 2024.", "content": "






\n", "date": "2024-04-05 01:23:10", "url": "http://www.roc-taiwan.org/uslax_en/post/12218.html" }, { "title": "Director General Amino Chi was delighted to meet with the 2024 team members of The Global Federation of Chinese Business Women-Southern California Chapter (Gfcbwscc-世華南加州) at TECO-LA on April 2, 2024.", "content": "






\n", "date": "2024-04-02 01:32:43", "url": "http://www.roc-taiwan.org/uslax_en/post/12232.html" }, { "title": "Director General Amino Chi and Mrs Chi were delighted to attend the Installation Ceremony of Mayor John Wu & Mayor Pro Tem Denise Menchaca of San Gabriel City on April 2, 2024.", "content": "




\n", "date": "2024-04-02 01:31:55", "url": "http://www.roc-taiwan.org/uslax_en/post/12227.html" }, { "title": "On March 27th, the Arizona State Legislature adopted SCR1045, a concurrent resolution in support of the Taiwan-U.S. trade partnership and Taiwan’s meaningful participation in international organizations.", "content": "
On March 27th, the Arizona State Legislature adopted SCR1045, a concurrent resolution in support of the Taiwan-U.S. trade partnership and Taiwan’s meaningful participation in international organizations.
On the same day, TECO-LA hosted a lunch reception at the Arizona House of Representatives. Director General Amino Chi expressed heartfelt gratitude for the ongoing deepening cooperation between Taiwan and the United States in security, economy and trade, science and technology, education, and culture.
Huge thanks to the leaders of the AZ Senate and House for their unwavering support for the Taiwan-U.S. partnership, and for backing Taiwan's participation in international organizations like the WHO, ICAO, UNFCCC and INTERPOL.
Arizona state legislators who visited Taiwan, including Senate President Warren Petersen, Senator Catherine Miranda, and Representative Seth Blattman, shared their unforgettable experiences during their visit to Taiwan last year.
\n", "date": "2024-03-27 01:13:51", "url": "http://www.roc-taiwan.org/uslax_en/post/12205.html" }, { "title": "Mr. David Chen, TECO-LA’s Director of Political Division, attended the briefing of the LACBA delegation’s upcoming visit to Taiwan held on March 18. 2024. He wished the LACBA delegation a safe and successful trip, and encouraged the delegation to experience Taiwan’s diverse culture, prosperity and democracy.", "content": "




\n", "date": "2024-03-22 02:54:52", "url": "http://www.roc-taiwan.org/uslax_en/post/12183.html" }, { "title": "Director General Amino Chi was delighted to meet with the robotics team \"9501-Sidereal Envoy\" from New Taipei Municipal San Min High School on March 19, 2024 at TECO-LA. DG Chi extended his congratulations on winning their championship at the 2024 FIRST Robotics Competition, Arizona Valley Regional on March 16th!", "content": "


\n", "date": "2024-03-19 01:11:37", "url": "http://www.roc-taiwan.org/uslax_en/post/12147.html" }, { "title": "Deputy Director General Chang was delighted to meet with the delegation from the Jhushan Township Office, Nantou County on March 18, 2024.", "content": "


\n", "date": "2024-03-18 02:38:07", "url": "http://www.roc-taiwan.org/uslax_en/post/12168.html" }, { "title": "Director General Amino Chi and Mrs. Chi attended the ancestral worship ceremony held by Lung Kung Tin Yee Association on March 17, 2024", "content": "










\n", "date": "2024-03-17 02:50:13", "url": "http://www.roc-taiwan.org/uslax_en/post/12178.html" }, { "title": "Director General Chi and Mrs Chi attended the ancestral worship ceremony and Spring banquet held by Bing Kong Tong Association on March 16, 2024.", "content": "










\n", "date": "2024-03-16 02:36:08", "url": "http://www.roc-taiwan.org/uslax_en/post/12163.html" }, { "title": "Deputy Director General Chang attended the inaugural general meeting of the Southern California Taiwanese American Emergency Assistance Association on March 16, 2024.", "content": "






\n", "date": "2024-03-16 00:39:28", "url": "http://www.roc-taiwan.org/uslax_en/post/12143.html" }, { "title": "Highly acclaimed Taiwanese manufacturers specializing in natural foods are showcasing their products at the Natural Products Expo West 2024, held at the Anaheim Convention Center from March 14-16!", "content": "






\n", "date": "2024-03-14 00:31:03", "url": "http://www.roc-taiwan.org/uslax_en/post/12131.html" }, { "title": "Director General Amino Chi and Mrs. Chi attended the Taiwan Benevolent Association of California (TBAC) 12th Annual Hiking Event to commemorate the 99th anniversary of Dr. Sun Yat-sen’s passing at Schabarum Regional Park on March 10, 2024.", "content": "










\n", "date": "2024-03-10 00:50:48", "url": "http://www.roc-taiwan.org/uslax_en/post/12107.html" }, { "title": "Director General Amino Chi and Mrs. Chi attended the 5th Anniversary Gala of the Global Federation of Chinese Business Women Greater Los Angeles Chapter (GFCBW-GLA) on March 9, 2024.", "content": "








\n", "date": "2024-03-09 00:25:46", "url": "http://www.roc-taiwan.org/uslax_en/post/12127.html" }, { "title": "Director General Amino Chi was delighted to host a dinner for the team behind the Academy Awards nominated documentary short film \"Island in Between\" on March 8, 2024.", "content": "


\n", "date": "2024-03-08 00:43:56", "url": "http://www.roc-taiwan.org/uslax_en/post/12095.html" }, { "title": "The international exchange between Taiwan and the United States on Barrier-Free Cycling, Culture, and Tourism has concluded with remarkable success!", "content": "
Led by Anna Sung, President of the Life Vitality Association for People with Disabilities, 16 riders embarked on an 11-day adventure in California, using hand-operated bicycles. This journey fulfilled their lifelong dream of experiencing freedom on the road.
They extend heartfelt thanks to the Taipei Economic and Cultural Office in Los Angeles, the Taiwan Tourism Administration, Mayor Farrah N. Khan, Steve Huang from the Irvine City Planning Commission, and the Bicycle Club of Irvine for their invaluable support.
Let's continue championing accessible tourism and cycling adventures worldwide!
\n", "date": "2024-03-04 00:40:21", "url": "http://www.roc-taiwan.org/uslax_en/post/12090.html" }, { "title": "Director General Chi and Mrs. Chi were delighted to attend the ancestral worship ceremony held by Bow On Family Association of Los Angeles on March 3, 2024.", "content": "






\n", "date": "2024-03-03 00:32:57", "url": "http://www.roc-taiwan.org/uslax_en/post/12082.html" }, { "title": "Director General Amino Chi and Mrs. Chi attended the 8th Golden Crown Awards and the 33rd Anniversary Gala of the Global Federation of Chinese Business Women (GFCBW) Southern California Chapter on March 2, 2024.", "content": "










\n", "date": "2024-03-02 00:28:18", "url": "http://www.roc-taiwan.org/uslax_en/post/12073.html" }, { "title": "Director General Amino Chi was delighted to call on Assemblyman Tri Ta on Mar 1, 2024.", "content": "
DG Chi and Assemblyman Ta discussed issues of mutual concern, including the test waiver for Taiwanese driver’s license holders in California.
DG Chi thanked Assemblyman Ta for his continued support and friendship, and cordially invited him to visit Taiwan in the future.
\n", "date": "2024-03-01 02:59:49", "url": "http://www.roc-taiwan.org/uslax_en/post/12044.html" }, { "title": "Director General Amino Chi attended the grand opening ceremony of the Hacienda Heights Branch of CTBC Bank USA on March 1, 2024.", "content": "






\n", "date": "2024-03-01 00:23:19", "url": "http://www.roc-taiwan.org/uslax_en/post/12062.html" }, { "title": "Director General Amino Chi was delighted to attend the annual installation and banquet of the Orange County Chinese American Chamber of Commerce (OCCACC) on February 25, 2024.", "content": "





\"\" \"\" \"\"

\n", "date": "2024-02-24 07:07:47", "url": "http://www.roc-taiwan.org/uslax_en/post/12011.html" }, { "title": "Deputy Director General Chang was delighted to attend the Lunar New Year banquet hosted by the National Chengchi University Alumni Association of Southern California on February 24, 2024.", "content": "

\"\" \"\" \"\"

\n", "date": "2024-02-24 07:03:39", "url": "http://www.roc-taiwan.org/uslax_en/post/12003.html" }, { "title": "Director General Amino Chi attended the \"The 228 Incident Commemoration\" organized by the Taiwan Center Foundation of Greater Los Angeles on February 24, 2024.", "content": "



\"\" \"\"




\"\" \"\"

\n", "date": "2024-02-24 07:00:04", "url": "http://www.roc-taiwan.org/uslax_en/post/11996.html" }, { "title": "Director General Amino Chi was delighted to attend the Orange County Taiwanese Association Lunar New Year Celebration Dinner on February 21, 2024.", "content": "






\n", "date": "2024-02-21 06:55:29", "url": "http://www.roc-taiwan.org/uslax_en/post/11986.html" }, { "title": "Director General Amino Chi was delighted to attend the Installation Ceremony of Mayor Thomas Wong& Mayor Pro Tem Vinh Ngo of Monterey Park City on February 20, 2024.", "content": "

\"\" \"\" \"\"

\n", "date": "2024-02-20 06:45:16", "url": "http://www.roc-taiwan.org/uslax_en/post/11979.html" }, { "title": "The Taiwan Alumni Association (TAA) UCLA chapter has been officially established!", "content": "
TAA serves as a platform for international friends who have studied or visited Taiwan to connect, exchange information, and share experiences. On February 19th, 2024, the inaugural meeting of the Taiwan Alumni Association was hosted by TECO-LA, bringing together UCLA faculty and students who have engaged with Taiwan through teaching, research, or language studies to celebrate the Lunar New Year and share their Taiwan experiences.
Alan Fang from the Political Division and David Lee, head of the Education Division at TECO-LA, extended a warm welcome to the Taiwan alumni. The event featured presentations from Professor Min Chou, Professor Shu-Mei Shih, and Professor David Schaberg. Quentin Tan, a UCLA PhD student, stepped up to serve as the inaugural president of the TAA UCLA Chapter. The association aims to organize diverse activities in the future, including job opportunities, tourism, scholarship information, and language learning.
Attendees shared entertaining anecdotes from their experiences in Taiwan, fostering a sense of laughter and camaraderie throughout the room. Anticipation was high for the next gathering of the Taiwan Alumni Association.
\n", "date": "2024-02-19 07:30:14", "url": "http://www.roc-taiwan.org/uslax_en/post/12026.html" }, { "title": "Director General Amino Chi was delighted to host the Lunar New Year Greetings at Culture Center of TECO-LA on February 18, 2024.", "content": "

\"\" \"\" \"\" \"\" \"\" \"\" \"\" \"\" \"\" \"\" \"\" \"\" \"\" \"\" \"\" \"\"

\n", "date": "2024-02-18 06:40:32", "url": "http://www.roc-taiwan.org/uslax_en/post/11972.html" }, { "title": "Director General Amino Chi was delighted to attend the Lunar New Year Gala and the Handing Over Ceremony between the Outgoing President and the Incoming President of Taiwanese American Chamber of Commerce of Greater Los Angeles (TACCLA ) at The Westin Bonaventure Hotel & Suites, Los Angeles on February 17, 2024.", "content": "

\"\" \"\" \"\" \"\"

\n", "date": "2024-02-17 06:24:31", "url": "http://www.roc-taiwan.org/uslax_en/post/11952.html" }, { "title": "Director General Amino Chi was delighted to join the 2024 Golden Dragon Parade on February 17, 2024.", "content": "

\"\" \"\"





\n", "date": "2024-02-17 06:20:25", "url": "http://www.roc-taiwan.org/uslax_en/post/11944.html" }, { "title": "Director General Amino Chi was delighted to meet with Dr. John Hsu, Political Advisor of the Executive Yuan (former chairman of the Taiwan Association Foundation of Greater Los Angeles and CEO of the Global Research and Industry Alliance (Gloria) of National Chung Hsing University) of the Republic of China (Taiwan) on February 16, 2024.", "content": "

The two parties exchanged views on Taiwan-US science and technology collaboration and on-going efforts



\n", "date": "2024-02-16 06:15:47", "url": "http://www.roc-taiwan.org/uslax_en/post/11936.html" }, { "title": "Director General Amino C.Y. Chi was delighted to attend 2024 Lunar New Year’s Celebration Banquet held by Taiwanese Chamber of Commerce in Orange County on Feb 15, 2024.", "content": "


\n", "date": "2024-02-15 06:12:47", "url": "http://www.roc-taiwan.org/uslax_en/post/11931.html" }, { "title": "Director General Amino Chi was delighted to visit the Taiwanese American Senior Association of Southern California on February 15, 2024, the 6th day of the Lunar New Year.", "content": "

Director General Amino Chi was delighted to visit the Taiwanese American Senior Association of Southern California on February 15, 2024, the 6th day of the Lunar New Year. During the visit, he handed out commemorative lucky coins to the elders in celebration of the Lunar New Year of the Dragon, and conveyed Lunar New Year greetings from President Tsai Ing-wen and Vice President Lai Ching-te.



\n", "date": "2024-02-15 06:08:31", "url": "http://www.roc-taiwan.org/uslax_en/post/11924.html" }, { "title": "Deputy Director General Cheng-Yu Chang was delighted to participate in the inaugural meeting of the Southern California Taiwanese American Emergency Assistance Association on February 8, 2024.", "content": "

\"\" \"\" \"\" \"\"

\n", "date": "2024-02-08 01:27:29", "url": "http://www.roc-taiwan.org/uslax_en/post/11895.html" }, { "title": "Deputy Director General Chang was delighted to attend the Press Conference of the SimplyHelp Foundation on February 6, 2024 in Culture Center of TECO-LA.", "content": "

\"\" \"\"

\n", "date": "2024-02-06 01:19:56", "url": "http://www.roc-taiwan.org/uslax_en/post/11887.html" }, { "title": "Deputy Director General Chang was delighted to attend the press conference held by the North American Taiwanese Medical Association on January 30, 2024.", "content": "

\"\" \"\"

\n", "date": "2024-01-30 08:45:11", "url": "http://www.roc-taiwan.org/uslax_en/post/11848.html" }, { "title": "Deputy Director General Cheng-Yu Chang was delighted to attend the 11th Annual Gala of Kaohsiung High Schools Alumni Association on January 28, 2024.", "content": "

\"\" \"\"

\n", "date": "2024-01-28 06:50:07", "url": "http://www.roc-taiwan.org/uslax_en/post/11870.html" }, { "title": "Director General Amino Chi was delighted to attend the City of Monterey Park Lunar New Year Festival on January 27, 2024.", "content": "

\"\" \"\" \"\"

\n", "date": "2024-01-27 08:35:49", "url": "http://www.roc-taiwan.org/uslax_en/post/11835.html" }, { "title": "Director General Amino Chi was delighted to attend the Welcome Banquet of the Atayal School delegation on January 24, 2024 and met with them on the next day at the TECO-LA office.", "content": "

\"\" \"\" \"\" \"\" \"\" \"\"

\n", "date": "2024-01-24 08:28:47", "url": "http://www.roc-taiwan.org/uslax_en/post/11828.html" }, { "title": "Director General Amino Chi is thrilled to meet with Congresswoman Linda Sánchez on January 24th!", "content": "
Director General Amino Chi is thrilled to meet with Congresswoman Linda Sánchez on January 24th! \"🤝\" He thanked her for cosponsoring the \"Tax Relief for American Families and Workers Act of 2024,\" which includes the \"U.S.-Taiwan-Tax Relief Act” that will strengthen the economic ties between Taiwan and the U.S. They also discussed ongoing and potential Taiwan-U.S. cooperation and Taiwan's meaningful participation in international organizations. \"💪\"
Given that Congresswoman Sánchez represents Diamond Bar, Walnut, Rowland Heights and Hacienda Heights, where many Taiwanese Americans reside in, Director General Chi also extended his appreciation to her for serving those Taiwanese Americans in her district. \"🙏\"
Big thanks to Congresswoman Sanchez for supporting Taiwan! \"🙌\"\"🇹🇼\" #TaiwanUSA #StrongerTogether
\n", "date": "2024-01-24 08:20:33", "url": "http://www.roc-taiwan.org/uslax_en/post/11817.html" }, { "title": "Director General Amino Chi was delighted to meet with members of the Orange County Chinese American Chamber of Commerce 橙縣華人商會 OCCACC at TECO-LA on January 23, 2024.", "content": "




\n", "date": "2024-01-23 08:16:57", "url": "http://www.roc-taiwan.org/uslax_en/post/11811.html" }, { "title": "On January 18, 2024, Director General Amino Chi was delighted to meet with Professor Min-Chun Hu from the Department of Computer Science at National Tsing Hua University, who serves as the mentor of the US State Department's \"TechGirls Program\".", "content": "

\"\" \"\"

\n", "date": "2024-01-18 08:07:38", "url": "http://www.roc-taiwan.org/uslax_en/post/11799.html" }, { "title": "On January 17, 2024, Director General Amino Chi was delighted to meet with Managing Director Jonathan Liao of the International Talent Taiwan Office, which was launched by the Cabinet-level National Development Council on November 1, 2023.", "content": "


\n", "date": "2024-01-17 08:12:22", "url": "http://www.roc-taiwan.org/uslax_en/post/11805.html" }, { "title": "Director General Amino Chi was delighted to meet with members of Chinese Calligraphy and Painting Society of USA at TECO-LA on January 9, 2024.", "content": "


\n", "date": "2024-01-09 09:38:37", "url": "http://www.roc-taiwan.org/uslax_en/post/11776.html" }, { "title": "Director General Amino Chi was delighted to attend New Year’s Flag Raising Ceremony held by the Chinese Consolidated Benevolent Association Los Angeles (CCBALA) on January 1, 2024.", "content": "

\"\" \"\" \"\" \"\" \"\"

\n", "date": "2024-01-04 06:18:58", "url": "http://www.roc-taiwan.org/uslax_en/post/11732.html" }, { "title": "Director General Amino Chi was delighted to meet with Arthur Yang, the CEO of CHT Global, Inc., at our office on January 2, 2024.", "content": "


\n", "date": "2024-01-02 01:17:02", "url": "http://www.roc-taiwan.org/uslax_en/post/11754.html" } ] }, { "lang": "zh", "branch": "atl", "country": "us", "name": "駐亞特蘭大台北經濟文化辦事處", "path": "/usatl/", "items": [ { "title": "王處長訪問田州梅哈里醫學院Meharry medical school", "content": "

高雄醫學大學於本年初與田州傳統非裔學校梅哈里醫學院簽訂學術合作備忘錄,王處長於4月15日特別訪問該校,與校長James Hildreth及相關教職員會晤,就未來合作及學校營運概況交換意見。



\n", "date": "2024-04-23 23:00:29", "url": "http://www.roc-taiwan.org/usatl/post/15367.html" }, { "title": "王處長擔任阿州智庫Birmingham committee on Foreign Affairs的台美關係座談會與談人", "content": "

阿州智庫Birmingham committee on Foreign Affairs 於4月11日舉辦台美關係座談會,由當地優秀高中生與王處長對談,現場約30名社會人士參與。本處並於現場提供台灣產品葛瑪蘭威士忌試飲,喝過的人都說讚!!!





\n", "date": "2024-04-22 22:42:48", "url": "http://www.roc-taiwan.org/usatl/post/15347.html" }, { "title": "王處長受邀至田州田納西大學諾克斯維爾分校與政治系學生座談", "content": "

王處長於4月16日受邀至田州田納西大學諾克斯維爾分校University of Tennessee in Knoxville與政治系近30位學生座談。現場就台美關係議題交換意見,王處長並向學生分享外交經驗,互動熱絡。





\n", "date": "2024-04-22 22:13:50", "url": "http://www.roc-taiwan.org/usatl/post/15341.html" }, { "title": "亞特蘭大首映魏德聖導演最新電影「BIG」", "content": "
還記得「賽德克巴萊」、「KANO」與「海角七號」帶來的感動嗎?台灣導演魏德聖這次蒞臨亞特蘭大,親臨現場與觀眾互動,宣傳電影新作「BIG」。「BIG」講述著六個癌症兒童在醫院816病房對抗病魔的故事,為了生命真正地活著,展現勇氣與正向的精神,所以才將816病房叫做「BIG」。片長兩個小時半,情節豐富、轉折生動、角色細膩、色彩鮮豔,完全都沒有冷場的地方,看完會讓你充滿對生命價值的感動。深深體會「Being Is Gift」,為了生命努力不懈,會不禁濕紅了眼眶,如果在家裡自己一個人看,一定哭得稀哩嘩啦!
\n", "date": "2024-03-18 21:39:41", "url": "http://www.roc-taiwan.org/usatl/post/15280.html" }, { "title": "北卡州Fayetteville State University的台灣老師帶學生前來參訪辦事處", "content": "
來自北卡州Fayetteville State University的洪教師帶兩位國際學生前來參訪駐亞特蘭大台北經濟文化辦事處,認識台灣與亞特蘭大。當中來自泰國的國際學生曾到過台灣交換留學,而另一位來自馬來西亞的國際學生對台灣的文化深感興趣。
\n", "date": "2024-03-16 02:02:19", "url": "http://www.roc-taiwan.org/usatl/post/15272.html" }, { "title": "王處長受亞特蘭大國際俱樂部邀請宣講「台灣面臨之挑戰與契機」", "content": "

亞特蘭大國際俱樂部(The international club of Atlanta),於3月5日首次邀請王翼龍處長向據有豐富國際經驗之會員宣講「台灣面臨之挑戰與契機」,獲熱烈回響,頻頻表示對台灣的支持。









\n", "date": "2024-03-07 05:22:22", "url": "http://www.roc-taiwan.org/usatl/post/15213.html" }, { "title": "2024 亞特蘭大春節園遊會", "content": "

亞特蘭大2024年春節園遊會於2月10日至11日在僑教中心盛大舉行,現場約有千人蒞臨共同歡慶農曆新年,駐亞特蘭大台北經濟文化辦事處與喬治亞州聯邦參、眾議員代表、州議會台灣連線共同主席Teri Anulewicz及成員、喬治亞州共和黨主席、Chamblee市長、Doraville市長及瓜地馬拉總領事等政要共襄盛舉。













\n", "date": "2024-02-13 00:33:30", "url": "http://www.roc-taiwan.org/usatl/post/15069.html" } ] }, { "lang": "en", "branch": "atl", "country": "us", "name": "Taipei Economic and Cultural Office in Atlanta", "path": "/usatl_en/", "items": [ { "title": "Director-General Elliot Wang visited Meharry medical school in Tennessee", "content": "

Kaohsiung Medical University signed an academic cooperation memorandum with Meharry Medical School in Tennessee at the beginning of this year. Director-General Elliot Wang visited the school on April 15 and met with President James Hildreth and relevant faculty to exchange views on future cooperation and school operations.



\n", "date": "2024-04-24 02:13:12", "url": "http://www.roc-taiwan.org/usatl_en/post/7930.html" }, { "title": "The Birmingham Committee on Foreign Affairs, an Alabama think tank, held a symposium on Taiwan-US relations.", "content": "

The Birmingham Committee on Foreign Affairs, an Alabama think tank, held a symposium on Taiwan-US relations on April 11. A particularly outstanding local high school student had a conversation with Director-General Elliot Wang. About 30 people from the public participated in the event. We offer a tasting of Taiwanese Kavalan Whiskey and everyone who has tried it praises it!!!





\n", "date": "2024-04-22 23:23:24", "url": "http://www.roc-taiwan.org/usatl_en/post/7919.html" }, { "title": "Director-General Elliot Wang was invited to the \"University of Tennessee in Knoxville\" .", "content": "

Director-General Elliot Wang was invited to the University of Tennessee in Knoxville on April 16 to discuss with nearly 30 students from the Department of Politics. On-site exchange of views on Taiwan-US relations, Director Wang shared diplomatic experience with students, and the interaction was lively.





\n", "date": "2024-04-22 23:21:08", "url": "http://www.roc-taiwan.org/usatl_en/post/7914.html" }, { "title": "Discover Taiwan: Your One-Day Adventure in Atlanta", "content": "

Embark on a day-long journey exploring Taiwanese culture and cuisine in Atlanta in celebrating the 45th anniversary of the Taiwan Relations Act(TRA)!


Host: Taipei Economic and Cultural Office (TECO) in Atlanta




Event Details:


 Description: A special full-day immersive program in which participants could experience Taiwanese culture and deepen their knowledge of the close relations between Taiwan and the US through food tastings, interactive workshops, and authentic cultural performances. The event is free of charge with limited spaces. During this day, we kindly ask you to share the memorable moments and fun from the event on your social media platforms! Those who do so will receive a special gift.


 Target Audience & Qualifications:


 Application Process: Applicants need to fill out the application form by the end of May 16, 2024. Selected participants will be notified via email by May 20, 2024.


 Tentative Itinerary (subject to change):


10:00 AM - 10:30 AM: Welcome and Registration


Location: Lobby at Taipei Economic and Cultural Office (TECO) in Atlanta (1180 W Peachtree St NW #800, Atlanta, GA 30309)


10:30 AM - 11:30 AM: Learning About Taiwan
Location: TECO in Atlanta


11:30:00 PM - 1:00 PM: Taste of Taiwan – Lunch
Location: TECO in Atlanta


1:30 PM - 2:30 PM: Taiwanese Boba Tea Demonstration
Location: Xing Fu Tang (2476 Pleasant Hill Rd, Duluth, GA 30096)


3:00 PM - 4:30 PM: Mandarin Learning and Calligraphy Workshop
Location: Atlanta Chinese School & Cultural Center of TECO in Atlanta (5377 New Peachtree Rd, Chamblee, GA 30341)


5:30 PM - 7:00 PM: \"Taiwan Lion Puppet\" Donation Reception
Location: Center for Puppetry Arts (1404 Spring St NW, Atlanta, GA 30309)


7:00 PM - 9:00 PM: Taiwanese Puppet Performance “Selfish Giant”
Location: Center for Puppetry Arts (1404 Spring St NW, Atlanta, GA 30309)




Transportation will be provided throughout this itinerary.


application form

\n", "date": "2024-04-06 05:40:24", "url": "http://www.roc-taiwan.org/usatl_en/post/7868.html" }, { "title": "Wei Te Sheng's Latest Movie-\"BIG\"", "content": "

A Taiwanese movie about children and pre-teens with cancer is currently being shown in the United States and Canada. \"BIG,\" which is directed by Wei Te-sheng (魏德聖) is about children living in a Taiwanese pediatric oncology ward who move into Room 816, or \"BIG\" as they call it.

















\n", "date": "2024-03-18 21:51:32", "url": "http://www.roc-taiwan.org/usatl_en/post/7848.html" }, { "title": "A Taiwanese teacher and students from Fayetteville State University in North Carolina visited the Taipei Economic and Cultural Office in Atlanta", "content": "

A Taiwanese teacher and two international students from Fayetteville State University in North Carolina came to our office to learn about Taiwan and Atlanta. This is their first time in Georgia. Among them, an international student from Thailand has been to Taiwan as an exchange student, while another international student from Malaysia is deeply interested in Taiwanese culture.





\n", "date": "2024-03-16 02:23:29", "url": "http://www.roc-taiwan.org/usatl_en/post/7837.html" }, { "title": "Director-General Elliot Wang was invited by The International Club of Atlanta to speak on \"The challenges Taiwan faces and opportunites\"", "content": "

Director-General Eliot Wang was invited by The International Club of Atlanta for the first time on March 5 to speak on \"The challenges Taiwan faces and opportunities.\" The response was enthusiastic, and many attendees with rich international experience expressed strong support for Taiwan.







\n", "date": "2024-03-07 23:39:35", "url": "http://www.roc-taiwan.org/usatl_en/post/7795.html" }, { "title": "2024 Atlanta Lunar New Year Festival", "content": "

The 2024 Atlanta Lunar New Year Festival, held on February 10-11, was a tremendous success, drawing thousands of attendees to this annual celebration. The event saw the active participation of various esteemed figures, including the Taipei Economic and Cultural Office in Atlanta, Georgia State Representatives, Taiwan Caucus Co-Chair Teri Anulewicz and members, Georgia Republican Party Chairman, Representatives of Georgia Congressmen, the Mayor of Chamblee, the Mayor of Doraville, Consul General of the Republic of Guatemala, and other dignitaries.


After the lively opening ceremony with songs and drums to welcome the new year, there were various traditional cultural performances, especially dragon and lion dances amazed the audience.
\nThe organizer also set up two large tents with various local Taiwanese food and cultural promotion stalls to let the participants enjoy the lively atmosphere of the Lunar New Year Festival.











\n", "date": "2024-02-13 05:06:28", "url": "http://www.roc-taiwan.org/usatl_en/post/7736.html" } ] }, { "lang": "zh", "branch": "bos", "country": "us", "name": "駐波士頓台北經濟文化辦事處", "path": "/usbos/", "items": [ { "title": "羅德島州參、眾議會通過決議案支持台灣", "content": "









為展現對台灣的支持,眾會議場中高掛我國國旗,並由新英格蘭音樂學院台灣學生Ashley Chen領唱台美國歌,我在羅州師生及僑胞亦應邀前往觀禮。




本處同時於議場邊舉行台灣日活動,包括眾議長Joseph Shekarchi等參眾議員、州務卿Gregg Amore等行政部門官員及我僑民及留學生等近百人出席,本處另於現場提供台灣特色美食珍珠奶茶及鹽酥雞等,反應熱烈。


\"1.眾議長握手致詞\" \"2.處長致詞\"




\"5.參議院致謝\" \"參會通過決議\"

\n", "date": "2024-04-17 02:22:25", "url": "http://www.roc-taiwan.org/usbos/post/9120.html" }, { "title": "《台灣關係法》立法45週年紀念酒會", "content": "

駐美國代表處俞大使4日拜會麻州州長Maura Healey並出席在麻州眾議會舉辦的《台灣關係法》立法45週年紀念酒會,俞大使接受現場媒體訪問時,強調台美關係之重要性,並期待雙方持續增進在經貿等各層面之合作。


\"0404_茶會_003\" \"0404_茶會_005\" \"0404_茶會_002\"

\n", "date": "2024-04-11 03:48:19", "url": "http://www.roc-taiwan.org/usbos/post/9112.html" }, { "title": "駐美國代表處俞大使與麻州州長Maura Healey相見歡", "content": "
\n", "date": "2024-04-11 03:30:20", "url": "http://www.roc-taiwan.org/usbos/post/9107.html" }, { "title": "台美關係 堅若磐石", "content": "
駐美國代表處俞大㵢大使今天應邀在哈佛大學 演講,強調《台灣關係法》在今年邁入45周年,台美關係不僅堅若磐石,更透過與理念相近國家的共同合作,持續推動民主供應鏈及維護台海和平穩定,他期盼未來台美夥伴關係在既有基礎上繼續蓬勃發展。
俞大使曾於2002年參加哈佛大學甘迺迪學院舉辦的資深官員進修班,在睽違22年後以大使身分再次到訪,他在會晤甘迺迪學院院長Douglas Elmendorf時表示,「甘迺迪學院的進修班確實有效喔!」
\"434535373_816945380483538_4825874683851063093_n\" \"434584721_816945373816872_9131075155531393318_n\" \"434609108_816945357150207_598550325152619520_n\" \"434757238_816945343816875_3063850903462786819_n\" \"434766812_816945347150208_2191943592190744018_n\"
\n", "date": "2024-04-05 04:15:59", "url": "http://www.roc-taiwan.org/usbos/post/9093.html" }, { "title": "魏德聖導演新作《BIG》波士頓首映會", "content": "

本處廖朝宏處長昨天應邀出席波士頓台灣影展舉辦的魏德聖導演新作《BIG》 放映會,感謝影展團隊等主辦單位透過電影文化讓國際社會更加認識台灣,也感謝魏導透過大銀幕訴說台灣美好的人事物及感人的故事。






\"IMG_3352\" \"IMG_3359\" \"IMG_3364\" \"IMG_3368\" \"IMG_3382\"

\n", "date": "2024-03-19 02:59:08", "url": "http://www.roc-taiwan.org/usbos/post/9079.html" }, { "title": "2024北美海產展", "content": "

「2024北美海產品展」(2024 Seafood  Expo North America)於3月10日至12日在「波士頓會展中心」(Boston Convention & Exhibition Center)舉行。今年有49個國家及地區超過2千家各式有關海產廠商參展,為北美地區規模最大的海產展。









\n", "date": "2024-03-14 03:39:00", "url": "http://www.roc-taiwan.org/usbos/post/9067.html" }, { "title": "廖處長出席紐英倫客家鄉親會天穿日聯歡活動", "content": "





\"429581241_800079782170098_3849262097178389140_n\" \"429850409_800079795503430_6161417308598936515_n\" \"429856903_800079785503431_5241966547288202253_n\"

\n", "date": "2024-03-06 05:09:38", "url": "http://www.roc-taiwan.org/usbos/post/9053.html" }, { "title": "廖處長出席波士頓三校臺灣同學會聯合新春晚會", "content": "








\n", "date": "2024-02-21 00:19:54", "url": "http://www.roc-taiwan.org/usbos/post/9048.html" }, { "title": "廖處長出席臺灣媽媽親子會新春聯歡活動", "content": "






\n", "date": "2024-02-21 00:17:23", "url": "http://www.roc-taiwan.org/usbos/post/9045.html" }, { "title": "廖處長出席紐英崙至孝篤親公所2024年春宴", "content": "

本處廖朝宏處長夫婦17日晚應邀出席紐英崙至孝篤親公所 2024年春宴,與在場貴賓共同祝賀僑界新春愉快、龍年大吉。



\n", "date": "2024-02-21 00:14:33", "url": "http://www.roc-taiwan.org/usbos/post/9042.html" }, { "title": "廖處長應邀出席紐英崙中華公所華埠新春舞獅活動", "content": "






\n", "date": "2024-02-20 23:56:57", "url": "http://www.roc-taiwan.org/usbos/post/9038.html" }, { "title": "廖處長參觀台裔美籍藝術家吳育雯藝術個展", "content": "





\"418457548_767891442055599_5750930452734917136_n\" \"418476484_767891488722261_2159285667712397792_n\"

\n", "date": "2024-01-13 00:29:24", "url": "http://www.roc-taiwan.org/usbos/post/8855.html" }, { "title": "慶祝中華民國113年元旦升旗", "content": "
\"\" \"\"
\n", "date": "2024-01-02 23:53:56", "url": "http://www.roc-taiwan.org/usbos/post/8751.html" } ] }, { "lang": "en", "branch": "bos", "country": "us", "name": "Taipei Economic and Cultural Office in Boston", "path": "/usbos_en/", "items": [ { "title": "State of Rhode Island General Assembly Passes Resolutions Supporting Taiwan", "content": "

On April 11, the Rhode Island Senate and House of Representatives unanimously passed separate resolutions to reaffirm the friendship between Taiwan and Rhode Island. The resolutions support Taiwan's participation in international organizations, commemorate the 45th anniversary of the Taiwan Relations Act (TRA), and congratulate Taiwan on celebrating the upcoming inauguration of


Dr. Lai Ching-te as President and Hsiao Bi-khim as Vice President on May 20, 2024. TECO-Boston Director-General Charles Liao was invited to witness the passing of the resolutions and to deliver a speech for the first time in the State Senate.




Director-General Liao also delivered a speech in the House Chamber in which he thanked the State House for their long-term, steadfast support. Mr. Liao noted that the cooperation will be further deepened between Rhode Island and Taiwan based on mutual shared values of democracy, human rights, the rule of law, and a free market economy. He was pleased to see both sides continue to enhance cooperation and exchanges in areas such as trade and education, and looks forward to a stronger and closer relationship among Taiwan, the US, and Rhode Island in the years to come.




To show support for Taiwan, the national flag of the Republic of China (Taiwan) was hung high in the House Chamber. Ashley Chen, a Taiwanese student from the New England Conservatory of Music, led the singing of both the R.O.C. and U.S. National Anthems. Taiwan teachers, students, and community leaders in Rhode Island were present at the ceremony.




The House also held the 4th Taiwan Day event simultaneously. Participants included, in part, House Speaker Joseph Shekarchi, Secretary of State Gregg Amore, State Representatives, State Senators, and Taiwan students. TECO-Boston provided bubble milk tea, salted crispy chicken, and tasty Taiwanese treats for guests to enjoy.




\"\" \"\" \"\" \"\" \"\"

\n", "date": "2024-04-17 02:23:21", "url": "http://www.roc-taiwan.org/usbos_en/post/6198.html" }, { "title": "Massachusetts Governor Maura Healey welcomes Ambassador Alexander Yui to State House", "content": "

On April 4, Ambassador Alexander Yui met with Massachusetts Governor Maura Healey. They exchanged views on enhancing relations between Taiwan and Massachusetts. Governor Healey also expressed condolences on the Hualien earthquake. Ambassador Yui said he chose Massachusetts as the first state to visit as the ambassador to the U.S., because Massachusetts is the birthplace of American democracy, and Taiwan is one of the most democratic countries in the world. This visit demonstrates the shared values of democracy and freedom between Taiwan and the U.S. Ambassador Yui presented a jersey of a Taiwanese professional basketball league as a gift for Governor Healey, who used to be a pro basketball player!





\n", "date": "2024-04-11 04:06:10", "url": "http://www.roc-taiwan.org/usbos_en/post/6188.html" }, { "title": "Ambassador Yui addresses audience at Massachusetts State House, commemorating 45th anniversary of Taiwan Relations Act.", "content": "

On April 4, Ambassador Alexander Yui met with Massachusetts Governor Maura Healey, and attended a reception held at the State House to commemorate the 45th Anniversary of the Taiwan Relations Act (TRA).




\"\" \"\" \"\"

\n", "date": "2024-04-11 03:52:54", "url": "http://www.roc-taiwan.org/usbos_en/post/6184.html" }, { "title": "Ambassador Alexander Yui visited Harvard University.", "content": "

“So nice to be back at Harvard after 22 years!”


Yesterday Ambassador Alexander Yui visited Harvard University. He had a great meeting with Harvard Kennedy School Dean Douglas Elmendorf, and gave a talk on Taiwan-US relations to commemorate the 45th anniversary of the Taiwan Relations Act (TRA). Ambassador Yui came to Harvard in 2002 as a junior diplomat to participate in the Harvard Kennedy School Senior Executive Program, and returns now as an ambassador. “This shows that the program really works,” says Ambassador Yui.




\"\" \"\" \"\" \"\" \"\"





\n", "date": "2024-04-05 04:25:39", "url": "http://www.roc-taiwan.org/usbos_en/post/6155.html" }, { "title": "2024 Seafood Expo North America", "content": "

The 2024 Seafood Expo North America was held at the Boston Convention & Exhibition Center from March 10 to 12. More than two thousand seafood companies and businesses from 49 countries and regions participated in the largest seafood exhibition in North America.
\nTaiwan Frozen Seafood Industries Association organized 11 Taiwanese seafood companies to attend the exhibition and gathered in the “Taiwan Pavilion” that collectively demonstrating high-quality seafood produced in Taiwan. Director-General Charles Liao visited the Taiwanese exhibitors and thanked them for promoting Taiwan’s amazing array of seafood at the exhibition. He wished all Taiwan participants great success in the North American seafood market.





\n", "date": "2024-03-14 03:40:19", "url": "http://www.roc-taiwan.org/usbos_en/post/6137.html" }, { "title": "Director-General Liao visits exhibition of Taiwanese-American artist Yu-Wen Wu", "content": "

TECO-Boston Director-General Charles Liao visited the exhibition of Taiwanese-American artist Yu-Wen Wu at the Institute of Contemporary Art Boston on January 9. Thank you to Yu-Wen and ICA Director Kay O’Dwyer for the amazing guided tour.


\"\" \"\"



\n", "date": "2024-01-13 00:31:33", "url": "http://www.roc-taiwan.org/usbos_en/post/6076.html" }, { "title": "2024 Republic of China (Taiwan) Flag-Raising Ceremony", "content": "

We are happy to celebrate the founding day of the Republic of China (Taiwan) and first day of 2024 with our dear friends in Massachusetts! Happy New Year!


Thank you all for the friendship and support throughout 2023. We look forward to working closely with you to strengthen the partnership between Taiwan and New England in the years ahead!




\"photo1704208008 \"photo1704208008\" \"IMG_3865_Moment\"

\n", "date": "2024-01-02 23:33:27", "url": "http://www.roc-taiwan.org/usbos_en/post/6044.html" } ] }, { "lang": "zh", "branch": "chi", "country": "us", "name": "駐芝加哥台北經濟文化辦事處", "path": "/uschi/", "items": [ { "title": "適逢「台灣關係法」立法45週年日,睽違5年愛荷華州衆議院再度通過友台決議案,重申支持「台灣關係法」、台美洽簽「雙邊貿易協定」(BTA)及台灣參與國際組織", "content": "

繼威斯康辛州、明尼蘇達州議會本年稍早相繼通過友台決議案,本(4)月10日適逢「台灣關係法」(Taiwan Relations Act) 立法45週年日,愛荷華州州眾議院特別於睽違5年後,全院無異議通過第115號友台決議案,堅定支持深化與台灣姊妹州關係,重申支持「台灣關係法」,力挺愛州企業以「台灣」名義稱呼台灣,並支持台美洽簽「雙邊貿易協定」(BTA)及支持台灣有意義參與攸關人民衛生、安全及福祉的國際組織,堅定表達挺台立場。


愛州眾議院決議案由該院國際關係委員會主席暨「友台連線」共同主席Eddie Andrews提案,並獲愛州眾議長Pat Grassley署名。議會現場包括愛州眾議院多數黨鞭Henry Stone等20位跨黨派愛州眾議員輪番宣讀決議文,嗣獲全場愛州眾議員無異議鼓掌通過,場面盛大感人。愛州兩黨參議院「友台連線」共同主席Annette Sweeney (R)及Nate Boulton (D)亦於現場陪同見證,並嗣於參議院議場發言呼應該決議案之通過,彰顯愛州州議會對強化與台灣友好姐妹州關係之跨黨派支持。











\n", "date": "2024-04-12 03:45:37", "url": "http://www.roc-taiwan.org/uschi/post/8468.html" }, { "title": "明尼蘇達州參議院通過友台決議案,支持台美洽簽「雙邊貿易協定」(BTA)及參與國際組織", "content": "



明州參議院決議案由議長Bobby Joe Champion (DFL)、「友台連線」共同主席Jason Rarick (R)、共同主席John Hoffman (DFL)、多數黨領袖Erin Murphy (DFL)及少數黨領袖Mark T. Johnson (R)等5位州參議員共同提案,顯見明州州議會對強化與台灣友好關係之跨黨派強烈支持。












類總領事延峰(中)與明尼蘇達州州參議長Bobby Joe Champion (左5)、明州州參議院「友台連線」共同主席Jason Rarick (右5)、眾議院「友台連線」共同主席Marion Rarick (左4)、州參議院「友台連線」共同主席John Hoffman (右4)、州參議院多數黨領袖Erin Murphy (左3)及州參議院少數黨領袖Mark Johnson (右3)等人於州參議會主席台合影。
























類總領事延峰與明州州參議院多數黨領袖Erin Murphy 合影



\n", "date": "2024-04-09 05:27:09", "url": "http://www.roc-taiwan.org/uschi/post/8454.html" }, { "title": "金龍賀新歲!駐芝加哥辦事處類處長延峰與美國中西部7州近50位州長、副州長、國會議員、駐外大使、州議長、市長及州議會「友台連線」共同主席等政要,共同以錄影方式祝賀我國僑胞及2千3百萬台灣人民,農曆新年快樂,期待台灣與美中西部建立更緊密合作夥伴關係!", "content": "



美國中西部政要包括,印第安納州州長侯康安(Eric Holcomb)、明尼蘇達州州長Tim Walz、副州長Peggy Flanagan、伊利諾州副州長侯炳文(Grace Hou)、州眾議長Emanuel Chris Welch 、芝加哥市長Brandon Johnson、前美國駐聯合國大使克拉芙特(Kelly Craft)、伊州聯邦參議員Richard Durbin、愛荷華州聯邦參議員Chuck Grassley、伊州聯邦眾議員Robin Kelly、Jan Schakowsky、Bradley Schneider 、Sean Casten 、Raja Krishnamoorthi 、Bill Foster及各州州務卿、農貿首長、威斯康辛州密爾瓦基市長Cavalier Johnson、密西根州Westland市長Kevin Coleman、逾20餘位各州議會領袖及「友台連線」共同主席,均親以錄影方式向在美中西部僑胞及我國2,300萬國人,祝賀龍年快樂,好運「龍」總來。


類處長表示,佳節將近,在此代表駐芝加哥辦事處全體同仁,祝福我國中西部僑胞,農曆春節快樂,盼大家新年身體健康、萬事如意、幸福、平安及喜樂。感謝轄內僑胞過去1年來大力支持中華民國政府深化與美國中西部密切合作關係,轄內雙邊關係長足進展。例如,密西根州州長魏美桂(Gretchen Whitmer)訪台、台灣與密州簽署經貿合作瞭解備忘錄、以國立台灣大學為首的12所我國頂尖大學聯盟與伊利諾大學系統簽署合作備忘錄,為雙邊關係打下堅實基礎。期待未來與各界繼續攜手合作,推動友好合作的台美中西部關係。再次祝福僑胞朋友,事業有成、幸福美滿。


2022年曾訪台之印第安納州州長侯康安特別向我國人及僑胞祝賀農曆新年平安;明尼蘇達州州長Tim Walz及副州長Peggy Flanagan則祝我國鄉親假期愉快、恭喜發財;雙親來自台灣、新任伊利諾州首位亞裔副州長侯炳文(Grace Hou)祝賀我國僑胞龍年新希望;一向力挺民主台灣不遺餘力之美國前駐聯合國大使克拉芙特(Kelly Craft)向我國人祝賀農曆新年快樂,重申對台灣的堅定支持及情誼;新任芝加哥市長Brandon Johnson特別向芝市台裔僑民及駐處祝賀新年、期盼台芝市友誼長存;愛荷華州聯邦參議員Chuck Grassley則重申,將堅定與台灣站在一起;伊州聯邦參議員Richard Durbin肯定包括台裔在內的亞裔族群對美國社會之貢獻;伊州聯邦眾議員Robin Kelly重申支持台伊州強化關係;伊州聯邦眾議員Raja Krishnamoorthi及Bill Foster均期待台美持續深化合作。


伊州眾議長Emanuel Chris Welch及7州「友台連線」共同主席及州議員紛紛恭賀我國僑胞及國人,新年快樂、龍年行大運!威斯康辛州眾議院「友台連線」共同主席Joel Kitchens、Jill Billings及威州參議員Melissa Agard更藉此再次恭賀我國選舉順利完成,肯定台灣深化民主之成就;威州密爾瓦基市長Cavalier Johnson也再次表達祝賀,期待續合作深化雙邊關係;曾旅居台灣之伊州財長方仲華(Michael Frerichs)、伊州審計長Susana Mendoza及曾造訪台灣之印第安納州首位瓜地馬拉裔州務卿Diego Morales均重申支持深化雙邊情誼及互動,更分別以國語及台語祝福我國人「新年快樂」、「你好」!










2024新春賀年 處長、各州長、市長及大使篇


2024新春賀年 伊利諾州之一


2024新春賀年 伊利諾州之二


2024新春賀年 印第安納/明尼蘇達/愛荷華/俄亥俄州


2024新春賀年 密西根/威斯康辛州

\n", "date": "2024-02-10 06:37:52", "url": "http://www.roc-taiwan.org/uschi/post/8382.html" }, { "title": "2024年僑務委員會獎勵赴臺就讀大學校院「頂尖及傑出僑生獎學金」即日起受理申請", "content": "

僑務委員會鼓勵海外僑生到台灣就讀大學院校學士學位,推出「頂尖及傑出僑生入學高額獎學金」,歡迎美中地區(包含伊利諾州、愛荷華州、印第安納州、密西根州、明尼蘇達 州、俄亥俄州、威斯康辛州等地區)有意願申請赴台灣升讀大學的僑生踴躍申請。



一、      頂尖僑生獎學金:每學年新臺幣26萬元,4年共計104萬元。


二、      傑出僑生獎學金:每學年計10萬元,4年共計40萬元。







地址:55 East 63rd  Street, Westmont, IL 60559  Attn: Sue Liao


電話:630-323-2440 分機5013












\n", "date": "2024-01-06 07:55:14", "url": "http://www.roc-taiwan.org/uschi/post/8314.html" }, { "title": "駐芝加哥辦事處113年1月1日將在密西根州底特律市辦理行動領務收件服務", "content": "



為提供居住在密西根州僑胞朋友、旅外國人與留學生便利的領務服務,駐芝加哥臺北經濟文化辦事處將於明(113)年1月1日上午9時30分至10時30分在密西根州底特律大學的Jesuit Johnson Recreation Center (8550 Chippewa Ave., Detroit, MI 48221)辦理行動領務收件服務,服務項目包括申請換發護照及各式文件驗證,歡迎有需要的人士屆時前往辦理。
\n欲申辦更換護照及文件驗證等業務的民眾,請先與駐芝加哥臺北經濟文化辦事處領務組聯絡預約(護照: 312-297-1301;文件驗證:312-297-1302;傳真: 312-616-1488;電郵: chi@mofa.gov.tw),瞭解相關注意事項、確認申請所需文件齊全。相關申請表格請於本處官網下載(網址:www.taiwanembassy .org/US/CHI )。
\n民眾倘欲申換中華民國護照者,請攜帶舊護照(護照上若無國民身分證統一編號,請檢附戶籍謄本影本、符合規格的照片2張及45美元規費;具僑居身分者另須檢附美國護照或綠卡影本。當天前往送件前,請事先電郵相關文件掃描檔至本處領務電郵信箱( chi@mofa.gov.)審核。
\n各申請人請另備妥回郵郵資 (Priority 10 美元;Express 29 美元。前述各項費用請以現金或匯票(抬頭請署明 TECO) 方式繳納,正式收據將於案件辦畢後,連同證件寄還申請人。

\n", "date": "2024-01-01 00:19:01", "url": "http://www.roc-taiwan.org/uschi/post/8149.html" } ] }, { "lang": "en", "branch": "chi", "country": "us", "name": "Taipei Economic and Cultural Office in Chicago", "path": "/uschi_en/", "items": [ { "title": "Happy New Year 2024", "content": "
May the New Year 2024 lead you on a new exciting adventure, magical experiences, and inspiring growth! Here's to another amazing year \"🫶\"
Happy New Year!
\"\"\"\"\"\" \"\" \"Happy
\n", "date": "2024-01-06 03:11:35", "url": "http://www.roc-taiwan.org/uschi_en/post/4825.html" } ] }, { "lang": "zh", "branch": "gum", "country": "us", "name": "駐關島台北經濟文化辦事處", "path": "/usgum/", "items": [ { "title": "本處與關島觀光局(GVB)於本(2024)年4月20日在關島知名觀光景點「怡寶海灘公園」舉辦第4屆「世界地球日淨灘活動」", "content": "
本處與關島觀光局(GVB)於本(2024)年4月20日在關島知名觀光景點「怡寶海灘公園」舉辦第4屆「世界地球日淨灘活動」。本日上午風和日麗,共有三百餘位來自關島各界友人前來共襄盛舉,氣氛熱烈,現場並發放每位參加者印有「Taiwan」字樣的紀念T-shirt,擴大台灣在關島能見度。關島議會副議長巴恩斯(Tina Rose Muña Barnes)女士並在現場頒贈全體參議員一致同意通過、堅定支持台灣以觀察員身份參加世界衛生組織(WHO)的友好決議,參加人士也共同展示#LetTaiwanHelp的布條,籲請關島各界支持台灣以觀察員身分參與今年第77屆世界衛生大會(WHA)。本處自2020年10月復處以來,已連續4年在世界地球日與關島觀光局攜手合辦淨灘活動,未來也定將持續致力深化台灣與關島各項領域的緊密夥伴關係。
\n", "date": "2024-04-22 06:22:46", "url": "http://www.roc-taiwan.org/usgum/post/11616.html" }, { "title": "我國知名畫家李德珍於3月20日來處拜會劉總領事嘉平並致贈本處國寶級大師李可梅教授畫作乙幅", "content": "


\n", "date": "2024-03-21 09:38:29", "url": "http://www.roc-taiwan.org/usgum/post/11598.html" }, { "title": "本處楊副組長慎修於本(113)年2月份拜會關島Barrigada市長June Blas 、Chalan Pago-Ordot市長Jessy Gogue、Talofofo市長 Vicente Taitague與Piti市長Jesse Alig致贈新年禮品", "content": "


\n", "date": "2024-03-08 12:48:32", "url": "http://www.roc-taiwan.org/usgum/post/11589.html" }, { "title": "北馬利安納群島邦(CNMI)議會參眾議員訪問團訪問關島進行議會交流,本處劉總領事嘉平於本(3)月2日中午款宴6位參眾議員,包括參議員 Celina R. Babauta、眾議院領袖 Edwin K. Propst 伉儷、眾議員 Vincent S. Aldan、眾議員 Angelo A. Camacho、眾議員 John P. P. Sablan、眾議員 Ralph N. Yumul 、北馬總督特助Glen Hunter,本處盧副組長啟章與楊副組長慎修共同出席", "content": "


\n", "date": "2024-03-08 12:29:06", "url": "http://www.roc-taiwan.org/usgum/post/11583.html" }, { "title": "本處劉總領事嘉平與黃副領事嘉郁本(3)月7日陪同馬偕紀念醫院訪團一行三人拜會關島總督古蕾露,雙方就台關醫療合作議題交換意見", "content": "


\n", "date": "2024-03-07 17:50:10", "url": "http://www.roc-taiwan.org/usgum/post/11575.html" }, { "title": "本處劉總領事嘉平、楊副組長慎修與黃副領事嘉郁本(3)月7日應邀出席關島大學第56屆校慶,並與出席關島政要合影", "content": "


\n", "date": "2024-03-07 17:46:16", "url": "http://www.roc-taiwan.org/usgum/post/11567.html" }, { "title": "關島總督古蕾露於本(3)月5日晚間在關島議會發表2024年島情咨文演說,本處劉總領事嘉平、楊副組長慎修與黃副領事嘉郁應邀出席", "content": "


\n", "date": "2024-03-07 17:03:03", "url": "http://www.roc-taiwan.org/usgum/post/11561.html" }, { "title": "馬偕紀念醫院國際醫療中心主任蔡維德一行三人本(3月)5日來處拜會,並與劉總領事嘉平、楊副組長慎修及黃副領事嘉郁就未來如何強化台關雙邊醫療合作議題交換意見", "content": "


\n", "date": "2024-03-07 17:01:04", "url": "http://www.roc-taiwan.org/usgum/post/11556.html" }, { "title": "本處劉總領事嘉平、楊副組長慎修與黃副領事嘉郁本(3)月5日應邀出席關島議會支持台灣參與世界衛生大會決議公聽會,並於事後與關島議會副議長Tina Rose Muña Barnes合影", "content": "


\n", "date": "2024-03-07 16:58:57", "url": "http://www.roc-taiwan.org/usgum/post/11551.html" }, { "title": "中國醫藥大學附設醫院國際醫療中心執行長周艾齊及健康管理規劃師尤淑玲本(2)月21日來處拜會,與劉總領事嘉平、楊副組長慎修及黃副領事嘉郁就進一步深化台關雙邊醫療合作交換意見", "content": "


\n", "date": "2024-02-26 13:49:16", "url": "http://www.roc-taiwan.org/usgum/post/11543.html" }, { "title": "本處劉總領事嘉平與楊副組長慎修本(2)月17日應邀出席「關島暢貨中心」Dream Galaxy虛擬實境遊樂廣場開幕式,並當場與多位關島議會議員合影", "content": "


\n", "date": "2024-02-20 06:36:32", "url": "http://www.roc-taiwan.org/usgum/post/11536.html" }, { "title": "本處劉總領事嘉平、盧副組長啟章及楊副組長慎修本(2)月17日晚間應邀出席關島台灣商會春節聯歡暨理監事改選晚會", "content": "


\n", "date": "2024-02-20 06:30:30", "url": "http://www.roc-taiwan.org/usgum/post/11531.html" }, { "title": "本處劉總領事嘉平、盧副組長啟章及楊副組長慎修本(2)月16日應邀出席關島中華婦女會新春午宴,除了享受美食外,現場還有獎品豐富的摸彩活動與有趣的遊戲,氣氛熱鬧", "content": "


\n", "date": "2024-02-17 14:48:48", "url": "http://www.roc-taiwan.org/usgum/post/11524.html" }, { "title": "本處劉總領事嘉平與黃副領事嘉郁本(2)月13、14及15日分別拜會Christopher Duenas、Sabina F. Perez及Amanda L. Shelton等三位關島議會議員並致贈農曆春節禮品,祝福他們農曆新年快樂,劉總領事同時並與議員們討論台關雙邊交流合作未來遠景", "content": "


\n", "date": "2024-02-17 14:01:08", "url": "http://www.roc-taiwan.org/usgum/post/11517.html" }, { "title": "本處劉總領事嘉平與黃副領事嘉郁本(2)月9日及12日分別拜會Telo T. Taitague、Thomas J. Fisher 及Chris “Malafunkshun” Barnett等三位關島議會議員,除致贈農曆春節禮品及祝福他們新年快樂外,劉總領事並與議員們就台關雙邊交流合作議題交換意見", "content": "


\n", "date": "2024-02-12 17:35:28", "url": "http://www.roc-taiwan.org/usgum/post/11510.html" }, { "title": "關島機場管理局董事會主席Brian Bamba本(2)月9日來處拜會,與劉總領事嘉平及黃副領事嘉與就雙邊民航合作議題交換意見", "content": "


\n", "date": "2024-02-09 16:47:55", "url": "http://www.roc-taiwan.org/usgum/post/11502.html" }, { "title": "本處劉總領事嘉平、盧副組長啟章、楊副組長慎修、黃副領事嘉郁及潘雇員鶴文本(2)月9日出席關島觀光局午宴,雙方就台關未來旅遊合作計畫交換意見並誠盼未來將會有更多的台灣觀光客來關旅遊", "content": "
本處劉總領事嘉平、盧副組長啟章、楊副組長慎修、黃副領事嘉郁及潘雇員鶴文本(2)月9日出席關島觀光局午宴,雙方就台關未來旅遊合作計畫交換意見並誠盼未來將會有更多的台灣觀光客來關旅遊。感謝關島觀光局副局長Gerry Perez及其他同仁的邀請與贈禮,敬祝關島觀光局新年快樂、龍年行大運。


\n", "date": "2024-02-09 15:22:25", "url": "http://www.roc-taiwan.org/usgum/post/11489.html" }, { "title": "本處劉總領事嘉平與黃副領事嘉郁本(2)月9日前往關島總督府拜會關島副總督譚里諾(Joshua F. Tenorio)", "content": "
本處劉總領事嘉平與黃副領事嘉郁本(2)月9日前往關島總督府拜會關島副總督譚里諾(Joshua F. Tenorio),T副總督熱烈歡迎劉總領事抵任履新,雙方均相信未來台關關係將會更加友好密切,劉總領事並為明(10)日即將到來的農曆新年祝T副總督新年快樂、龍年順利成功。


\n", "date": "2024-02-09 12:00:41", "url": "http://www.roc-taiwan.org/usgum/post/11484.html" }, { "title": "本處劉總領事嘉平與黃副領事嘉郁本(2)月8日相繼拜會Dwayne San Nicolas、Joanne M. Brown 、Joe S. San Agustin及William A. Parkinson等四位關島議會議員並致贈農曆春節禮品,除祝他們農曆新年快樂外,另就如何進一步強化台關友好合作相互交換意見", "content": "


\n", "date": "2024-02-08 15:27:28", "url": "http://www.roc-taiwan.org/usgum/post/11475.html" }, { "title": "本處劉總領事嘉平、盧副組長啟章與楊副組長慎修本(2)月7日應邀出席僑界乒乓球協會春節聚餐,大家一起享用美食並互祝龍年新年快樂、心想事成", "content": "


\n", "date": "2024-02-08 08:11:36", "url": "http://www.roc-taiwan.org/usgum/post/11469.html" }, { "title": "本處劉總領事嘉平與黃副領事嘉郁本(2)月7日前往關島議會拜會兩位議員Jesse A. Lujan及Roy A.B. Quinata並致贈春節禮品,及就未來如何進一步深化台關雙邊關係交換意見", "content": "


\n", "date": "2024-02-07 13:19:29", "url": "http://www.roc-taiwan.org/usgum/post/11459.html" }, { "title": "關島台灣商會會長程瑞英、榮譽會長高王蕾、榮譽會長虞王利英、副會長袁猶中、理事虞張愛玲等一行本(2)月6日來處,與劉總領事嘉平、盧副組長啟章及楊副組長慎修共同就如何加強推動僑務議題交換意見", "content": "


\n", "date": "2024-02-06 20:01:19", "url": "http://www.roc-taiwan.org/usgum/post/11452.html" }, { "title": "劉總領事嘉平與黃副領事嘉郁本(2)月6日前往關島議會拜會關島議員Frank F. Blas Jr.並致贈春節禮品,雙方另就雙邊原民合作議題交換意見", "content": "


\n", "date": "2024-02-06 19:21:34", "url": "http://www.roc-taiwan.org/usgum/post/11444.html" }, { "title": "本處劉總領事嘉平、盧副組長啟章與楊副組長慎修本(2)月4日應邀出席「關島榮光聯誼會」新春餐會,劉總領事致詞時預祝所有與會僑胞新年快樂、平安如意、龍年行大運!", "content": "


\n", "date": "2024-02-04 17:12:28", "url": "http://www.roc-taiwan.org/usgum/post/11433.html" }, { "title": "兆豐產物保險梁董事長正德一行本(2)月2日處拜會,與劉總領事嘉平、楊副組長慎修及黃副領事嘉郁就該公司保險服務及業務交換意見,中午劉總領事及本處同仁以午宴款待梁董事長一行", "content": "


\n", "date": "2024-02-04 17:08:15", "url": "http://www.roc-taiwan.org/usgum/post/11426.html" }, { "title": "本處劉總領事嘉平、盧副組長啟章與楊副組長慎修本(2)月2日出席關島中華總會新春團拜暨會員聯歡晚會,現場有卡拉ok歡唱,還有豐富的摸彩獎品,大家都滿載而歸,氣氛愉快熱烈", "content": "


\n", "date": "2024-02-04 16:58:29", "url": "http://www.roc-taiwan.org/usgum/post/11411.html" }, { "title": "劉總領事嘉平、楊副組長慎修及黃副領事嘉郁本(2)月1日前往關島博物館出席我原民會與關島博物館共同舉辦之「南島民族技藝交流工作坊」展覽開幕茶會", "content": "
台關一家親。劉總領事嘉平、楊副組長慎修及黃副領事嘉郁本(2)月1日前往關島博物館出席我原民會與關島博物館共同舉辦之「南島民族技藝交流工作坊」展覽開幕茶會,活動嘉賓雲集,出席政要包括關島總督古蕾露、關島議會議長Therese M. Terlaje、參議員Jesse Lujan、參議員Roy Quinata、關島查莫洛文化事務局局長Melvin Won Pat-Borja、帛琉駐關島總領事Adelina \"Enna\" K. Jose、義大利駐關島名譽總領事Roberto Fracassini及關島大學人文暨社會科學學院院長James D. Sellmann等多人,現場並展出傑出與吸睛的南島原民藝術創作,而藉由舉辦此次活動,相信未來台關雙邊原民交流會更加密切。


\n", "date": "2024-02-01 17:18:05", "url": "http://www.roc-taiwan.org/usgum/post/11387.html" }, { "title": "本處劉總領事嘉平、楊副組長慎修與黃副領事嘉郁本(1)月31日前往關島總督府拜會關島總督古蕾露,古蕾露總督對劉總領事抵任表示歡迎,雙方相談甚歡,並商討各項台關雙邊合作事項", "content": "


\n", "date": "2024-02-01 06:44:19", "url": "http://www.roc-taiwan.org/usgum/post/11374.html" }, { "title": "中華航空關島分公司陳總經理鵬宇與營業員李傳智本(1)月31日來處拜會,與劉總領事嘉平及黃副領事嘉郁共同討論如何強化台關旅遊合作", "content": "


\n", "date": "2024-01-31 10:01:08", "url": "http://www.roc-taiwan.org/usgum/post/11363.html" }, { "title": "島台灣機電工程服務社兩位廠長李萬坤與楊義吉本(1)月30日來處拜會,與劉總領事嘉平及黃副領事嘉郁討論未來關島台機社營運展望", "content": "


\n", "date": "2024-01-31 07:03:16", "url": "http://www.roc-taiwan.org/usgum/post/11358.html" }, { "title": "本處劉總領事嘉平與黃副領事嘉郁本(1)月29日拜會關島議會議長Therese M. Terlaje,就促進台關雙邊關係事項交換意見", "content": "


\n", "date": "2024-01-29 16:15:09", "url": "http://www.roc-taiwan.org/usgum/post/11351.html" }, { "title": "本處劉總領事嘉平、楊副組長慎修與黃副領事嘉郁本(1)月29日拜會帛琉駐關島總領事Adelina “Enna” K. Jose,並邀請伊2月1日出席我原民會與關島博物館共同舉辦之南島原民文化活動", "content": "


\n", "date": "2024-01-29 10:13:56", "url": "http://www.roc-taiwan.org/usgum/post/11343.html" }, { "title": "兆豐產物保險駐關島代表處謝代表智淦率多位同仁本(1)月25日來處拜會,與劉總領事嘉平及黃副領事嘉郁進行意見交流", "content": "


\n", "date": "2024-01-25 14:48:42", "url": "http://www.roc-taiwan.org/usgum/post/11321.html" }, { "title": "本處劉總領事嘉平與黃副領事嘉郁本(1)月25日前往拜會關島大學校長Anita Borja Enriquez,雙方共盼未來進一步強化台關雙邊學術合作,該校亞太研究中心陳主任冠儒及劉副主任正宏亦在場陪同拜會", "content": "


\n", "date": "2024-01-25 14:11:08", "url": "http://www.roc-taiwan.org/usgum/post/11316.html" }, { "title": "關島聯邦眾議員James C. Moylan本(1)月24日來處拜會,與劉總領事嘉平及黃副領事嘉郁就促進台灣與關島關係交換意見", "content": "


\n", "date": "2024-01-24 19:41:37", "url": "http://www.roc-taiwan.org/usgum/post/11304.html" }, { "title": "本處劉總領事嘉平及盧副組長啟章本(24)日參訪關島中華總會及關島中華學校,除參觀該會及該校設施外,並與該會會長兼該校董事長吳宗聲及其他重要幹部輕鬆進行意見交流", "content": "


\n", "date": "2024-01-24 19:34:08", "url": "http://www.roc-taiwan.org/usgum/post/11296.html" }, { "title": "本處劉總領事嘉平本(1)月22日前往拜會關島議會副議長Tina Rose Muña Barnes", "content": "


\n", "date": "2024-01-22 09:58:10", "url": "http://www.roc-taiwan.org/usgum/post/11291.html" }, { "title": "本處劉總領事嘉平本(1)月21日參訪關島佛光山,受到妙度法師及國際佛光會關島協會熱烈歡迎", "content": "


\n", "date": "2024-01-22 06:05:29", "url": "http://www.roc-taiwan.org/usgum/post/11281.html" }, { "title": "本處劉總領事嘉平本(1)月19日接受關島公共廣播電台(KPRG)主持人Naina Rao媒體專訪", "content": "


\n", "date": "2024-01-19 17:04:52", "url": "http://www.roc-taiwan.org/usgum/post/11275.html" }, { "title": "國際佛光會關島協會會長兼僑務顧問沈繼榮本(1)月18日偕眷屬來處拜會劉總領事嘉平,並致贈關島佛光山美味的臘八粥給本處同仁享用", "content": "


\n", "date": "2024-01-18 13:25:05", "url": "http://www.roc-taiwan.org/usgum/post/11269.html" }, { "title": "第一商業銀行關島分行經理李政憲偕副理張良宇本(1)月18日來處拜會劉總領事嘉平", "content": "


\n", "date": "2024-01-18 13:21:50", "url": "http://www.roc-taiwan.org/usgum/post/11265.html" }, { "title": "關島台灣商會於本(1)月7日中午設宴向陳總領事盈連辭行", "content": "


\n", "date": "2024-01-11 18:05:55", "url": "http://www.roc-taiwan.org/usgum/post/11244.html" }, { "title": "關島中華總會會長兼關島中華學校董事長吳宗聲於本(11)日來處向即將離任之陳總領事盈連道別並致贈辭行禮物", "content": "


\n", "date": "2024-01-11 17:52:58", "url": "http://www.roc-taiwan.org/usgum/post/11239.html" }, { "title": "帛琉駐關島總領事館館員Yuko於本(11)日代表帛琉總領事Adelina “Enna” K. Jose來處致贈陳總領事盈連離別禮品", "content": "


\n", "date": "2024-01-11 17:49:17", "url": "http://www.roc-taiwan.org/usgum/post/11234.html" }, { "title": "本處全體同仁本(12)日為陳總領事盈連設宴辭行,陳總領事席間並向關島大學亞太研究中心陳主任冠儒博士及劉副主任正宏博士道別", "content": "本處全體同仁本(12)日為陳總領事盈連設宴辭行,陳總領事席間並向關島大學亞太研究中心陳主任冠儒博士及劉副主任正宏博士道別", "date": "2024-01-11 17:45:22", "url": "http://www.roc-taiwan.org/usgum/post/11232.html" }, { "title": "北馬利安納群島邦(CNMI)總督Arnold I. Palacios 於本(9)日專程飛來關島為陳總領事盈連送行並致贈感謝牌匾", "content": "


\n", "date": "2024-01-09 15:46:13", "url": "http://www.roc-taiwan.org/usgum/post/11225.html" }, { "title": "關島議會於本(1)月9日頒贈陳總領事盈連決議文,感謝他任內對提升台灣與關島各項雙邊關係所作之努力與貢獻", "content": "


\n", "date": "2024-01-09 15:43:09", "url": "http://www.roc-taiwan.org/usgum/post/11216.html" }, { "title": "盧副組長啟章於本(1)月1日代表陳總領事盈連應邀出席關島中華總會假中華學校舉辦之元旦升旗典禮", "content": "


\n", "date": "2024-01-02 09:48:20", "url": "http://www.roc-taiwan.org/usgum/post/11208.html" }, { "title": "本處同仁舉辦跨年晚會一起歡慶2024的到來", "content": "


\n", "date": "2024-01-02 09:40:57", "url": "http://www.roc-taiwan.org/usgum/post/11197.html" } ] }, { "lang": "en", "branch": "gum", "country": "us", "name": "Taipei Economic and Cultural Office in Guam", "path": "/usgum_en/", "items": [ { "title": "ECO in Guam and the Guam Visitors Bureau (GVB) came together once again to co-host the Fourth Annual Earth Day Beach Clean Up at Ypao Beach Park, a beloved destination on Guam, on the morning of April 20, 2024", "content": "
TECO in Guam and the Guam Visitors Bureau (GVB) came together once again to co-host the Fourth Annual Earth Day Beach Clean Up at Ypao Beach Park, a beloved destination on Guam, on the morning of April 20, 2024. Over 300 participants from diverse sectors of the island enthusiastically joined the event, embracing the beautiful weather with sunny skies overhead. \r\n\r\nParticipants were greeted with T-shirts featuring a distinctive Taiwan logo, a symbol of unity as they worked towards a cleaner environment. This gesture not only fostered community spirit but also aimed to raise Taiwan's visibility in Guam. \r\n\r\nDuring the event, the Honorable Vice Speaker Tina Rose Muña Barnes of the 37th Guam Legislature presented a resolution unanimously passed by all senators, expressing unwavering support for Taiwan's endeavor to join the World Health Organization (WHO). Additionally, attendees proudly displayed a banner bearing the message \"#LetTaiwanHelp,\" advocating for Guam's sectors to endorse Taiwan's inclusion as an observer in the upcoming 77th World Health Assembly (WHA). \r\n\r\nThis marks the fourth consecutive year that TECO in Guam, in partnership with GVB, has organized the Earth Day Beach Cleanup since its reopening in October 2020. This ongoing commitment underscores the dedication to strengthening the Taiwan-Guam partnership across various domains in the years to come.
\n", "date": "2024-04-22 06:27:40", "url": "http://www.roc-taiwan.org/usgum_en/post/9445.html" }, { "title": "On March 20, 2024, the famous artist Lee, Te-chen made a courtesy call at Director General CP Liu presenting a painting work of a renowned master Lee, Ko-mei", "content": "


\n", "date": "2024-03-21 09:40:40", "url": "http://www.roc-taiwan.org/usgum_en/post/9424.html" }, { "title": "Deputy Director Shawn Yang made courtesy calls on Mayor of Barrigada June Blas, Mayor of Chalan Pago-Ordo Jessy Gogue, Mayor of Talofofo Vicente Taitague as well as Mayor of Piti Jesse Alig and, in the mean time, delivered our office’s Lunar New Year gifts to them in February, 2024", "content": "


\n", "date": "2024-03-08 12:50:39", "url": "http://www.roc-taiwan.org/usgum_en/post/9418.html" }, { "title": "The CNMI Senate and House lawmakers Sen. Celina R. Babauta, Rep. Edwin K. Propst, Rep. Vincent S. Aldan, Rep. Angelo A. Camacho, Rep. John P. P. Sablan, Rep. Ralph N. Yumul visited Guam to meet with the legislature. Director General Chia Ping Liu, Deputy Director Vincent Lu and Deputy Director Shawn Yang held a luncheon to welcome the CNMI lawmakers on March 2, 2024", "content": "


\n", "date": "2024-03-08 12:30:40", "url": "http://www.roc-taiwan.org/usgum_en/post/9410.html" }, { "title": "The visiting group from the MacKay Memorial Hospital in Taiwan, accompanied by TECO in Guam Director General Chia Ping Liu and Vice Consul Gary Huang, paid a visit to Hon. Gov. Lourdes A. Leon Guerrero on Mar. 7 and the both sides exchanged views on the future bilateral medical cooperation between Guam and Taiwan at the meeting", "content": "


\n", "date": "2024-03-07 17:50:55", "url": "http://www.roc-taiwan.org/usgum_en/post/9401.html" }, { "title": "Director General Chia Ping Liu, Deputy Director Shawn Hugh Yang and Vice Consul Gary Huang attended, by invitation, the UOG’s 56th Charter Day celebration on Mar. 7 and took photos with Guam’s signatories at the event", "content": "


\n", "date": "2024-03-07 17:47:46", "url": "http://www.roc-taiwan.org/usgum_en/post/9396.html" }, { "title": "Hon. Governor Lourdes A. Leon Guerrero delivered her 2024 State of the Island address at the Guam Congress Building on Mar. 5 and TECO Director General Chia Ping Liu, Deputy Director Shawn Hugh Yang and Vice Consul Gary Huang were invited to be part of this event", "content": "


\n", "date": "2024-03-07 17:03:57", "url": "http://www.roc-taiwan.org/usgum_en/post/9389.html" }, { "title": "Dr. Wei-de Tsai, Director for the MacKay Memorial Hospital International Medical Services Center, along with his two colleagues, visited Director General Chia Ping Liu, Deputy Director Shawn Hugh Yang and Vice Consul Gary Huang on Mar. 5 and the both sides exchanged views on the future bilateral medical cooperation between Guam and Taiwan with each other at the meeting", "content": "


\n", "date": "2024-03-07 17:01:55", "url": "http://www.roc-taiwan.org/usgum_en/post/9384.html" }, { "title": "Director General Chia Ping Liu, Deputy Director Shawn Hugh Yang and Vice Consul Gary Huang attended a public hearing, held at the Legislature of Guam, regarding a resolution set to voice support for Taiwan’s bid to join the WHA and, following the event, took a photo with Hon. Vice Speaker Tina Rose Muña Barnes on Mar. 5", "content": "


\n", "date": "2024-03-07 16:59:55", "url": "http://www.roc-taiwan.org/usgum_en/post/9379.html" }, { "title": "Ai-Chi Chou, CEO, and Lynn Yu, health project manager, from the International Center of China Medical University Hospital in Taiwan, visited our office on Feb. 21, and, at the meeting, exchanged views with Director General Chia Ping Liu, Deputy Director Shawn Hugh Yang and Vice Consul Gary Huang regarding how to further strengthen the Guam-Taiwan bilateral medical cooperation in the future", "content": "


\n", "date": "2024-02-26 13:51:03", "url": "http://www.roc-taiwan.org/usgum_en/post/9367.html" }, { "title": "TECO Director General Chia Ping Liu and Deputy Director Shawn Hugh Yang were invited to join the grand opening of “Dream Galaxy Arcade” at the Guam Premier Outlets and took photos with several Guam senators at the event on Feb. 17", "content": "


\n", "date": "2024-02-20 06:38:23", "url": "http://www.roc-taiwan.org/usgum_en/post/9362.html" }, { "title": "TECO Director General Chia Ping Liu, Deputy Directors Vincent Lu and Shawn Hugh Yang was invited by the Taiwanese Business Association of Guam to join a dinner party, which was held to celebrate the Lunar New Year as well as to run the Board of Directors re-election of TWBAG, at the VIP House Restaurant on Feb. 17", "content": "
TECO Director General Chia Ping Liu, Deputy Directors Vincent Lu and Shawn Hugh Yang was invited by the Taiwanese Business Association of Guam to join a dinner party, which was held to celebrate the Lunar New Year as well as to run the Board of Directors re-election of TWBAG, at the VIP House Restaurant on Feb. 17. The attendees got together and wished each other a happy Lunar New Year. As the party proceeded, the association ran a lucky draw, for which our office particularly offered four big prizes in an effort to make merry at the event, bringing a livly vibe to the scene. And as the dinner ended, DG Liu took a group photo together with those newly-elected board members of the association to mark the occasion.


\n", "date": "2024-02-20 06:33:29", "url": "http://www.roc-taiwan.org/usgum_en/post/9354.html" }, { "title": "TECO Director General Chia Ping Liu, Deputy Directors Vincent Lu and Shawn Hugh Yang attended, by invitation, a Lunar New Year celebration lunch hosted by the Chinese Ladies’ Association of Guam on Feb. 16. In addition to having a nice meal, the attendees were all part of a lucky draw with plenty of prizes and an interesting game which brought lots of fun and excitement to the event", "content": "


\n", "date": "2024-02-17 14:51:08", "url": "http://www.roc-taiwan.org/usgum_en/post/9349.html" }, { "title": "Director General Chia Ping Liu and Vice Consul Gary Huang visited Hon. Senator Christopher Duenas, Hon. Senator Sabina F. Perez and Hon. Senator Amanda L. Shelton, respectively on Feb. 13, 14 and 15, and brought Lunar New Year gifts as well as warmest greetings to them. Meanwhile, Director General Liu also discussed the Taiwan-Guam bilateral cooperation and exchanges with them at the meetings", "content": "


\n", "date": "2024-02-17 14:03:05", "url": "http://www.roc-taiwan.org/usgum_en/post/9342.html" }, { "title": "Director General Chia Ping Liu and Vice Consul Gary Huang visited Hon. Senator Telo T. Taitague, Hon. Senator Thomas J. Fisher and Hon. Senator Chris “Malafunkshun” Barnett respectively on Feb. 9 and 12. In addition to bringing Lunar New Year gifts and warmest greetings to the senators, Director General Liu also exchanged views on the perspectives of the Taiwan-Guam bilateral cooperation and exchanges with them at the meetings", "content": "


\n", "date": "2024-02-12 17:37:22", "url": "http://www.roc-taiwan.org/usgum_en/post/9335.html" }, { "title": "Chairman of the Board of Directors of the Guam International Airport Authority (GIAA) Brian Bamba visited our office to discuss about the bilateral cooperation in civil aviation with Director General Chia Ping Liu and Vice Consul Gary Huang on Feb. 9", "content": "


\n", "date": "2024-02-09 16:50:09", "url": "http://www.roc-taiwan.org/usgum_en/post/9326.html" }, { "title": "The Guam Visitors Bureau Vice President Gerry Perez invited TECO Director General Chia Ping Liu, Deputy Directors Vincent Lu and Shawn Yang, Vice Consul Gary Huang and Executive Assistant Hoffmann Pun to a lunch on Feb. 9. The both sides exchanged views on the future tourism cooperation between Guam and Taiwan in an effort to attract more and more tourists from Taiwan to visit Guam for holidays in the months to come", "content": "
The Guam Visitors Bureau Vice President Gerry Perez invited TECO Director General Chia Ping Liu, Deputy Directors Vincent Lu and Shawn Yang, Vice Consul Gary Huang and Executive Assistant Hoffmann Pun to a lunch on Feb. 9. The both sides exchanged views on the future tourism cooperation between Guam and Taiwan in an effort to attract more and more tourists from Taiwan to visit Guam for holidays in the months to come. Thanks to GVB Vice President Perez and the colleagues responsible for the Taiwan marketing for inviting us to such a nice lunch and giving us such lovely Lunar New Year gifts. Wish all of you a happy Lunar New Year and a great success for the Year of the Dragon!


\n", "date": "2024-02-09 15:27:44", "url": "http://www.roc-taiwan.org/usgum_en/post/9316.html" }, { "title": "TECO Director General Chia Ping Liu and Vice Consul Gary Huang visited Hon. Lt. Governor Joshua F. Tenorio at the Governor’s Office on Feb. 9", "content": "
TECO Director General Chia Ping Liu and Vice Consul Gary Huang visited Hon. Lt. Governor Joshua F. Tenorio at the Governor’s Office on Feb. 9. At the meeting, Lt. Governor Tenorio welcomed heartily the arrival of Director General Liu and the both sides believed the friendly and cooperative ties between Guam and Taiwan will definitely get stronger in the future. Meanwhile, Director General Liu wished Lt. Gov. Tenorio a happy Lunar New Year which is coming up tomorrow as well as a great success for the Year of the Dragon.


\n", "date": "2024-02-09 12:03:21", "url": "http://www.roc-taiwan.org/usgum_en/post/9306.html" }, { "title": "Director General Chia Ping Liu and Vice Consul Gary Huang went to visit several senators, including Hon. Sen. Dwayne San Nicolas, Hon. Sen. Joanne M. Brown, Hon. Sen. Joe San Agustin and Hon. Sen. William A. Parkinson and brought Lunar New Year gifts to them with warmest greetings on Feb. 8. Meanwhile, Director General Liu also exchanged views on how to further strengthen the friendly and cooperative ties between Guam and Taiwan when meeting with the senators", "content": "


\n", "date": "2024-02-08 15:29:22", "url": "http://www.roc-taiwan.org/usgum_en/post/9300.html" }, { "title": "Director General Chia Ping Liu, Deputy Directors Vincent Lu and Shawn Yang joined a Lunar New Year dinner hosted by the Taiwanese Table Tennis Association in Guam on Feb. 7 and all the attendees wished Happy Lunar New Year to each other while having a pleasant meal at the table", "content": "


\n", "date": "2024-02-08 08:14:32", "url": "http://www.roc-taiwan.org/usgum_en/post/9292.html" }, { "title": "Director General Chia Ping Liu and Vice Consul Gary Huang visited Hon. Senator Jesse A. Lujan and Hon. Senator Roy A. B. Quinata at the Legislature of Guam, bringing Lunar New Year gifts to them and in the mean time exchanged views on how to further deepen the bilateral ties between Taiwan and Guam on Feb. 7", "content": "


\n", "date": "2024-02-07 13:21:12", "url": "http://www.roc-taiwan.org/usgum_en/post/9285.html" }, { "title": "Lulu Chen, President, Anna Kao, Honorary President, Lily Yu, Honorary President, Johnny Yuan, Vice President, and Ai-Ling Chang, the board member, of the Taiwanese Business Association of Guam, visited our office and had a meeting with Director General Chia Ping Liu, Deputy Director Vincent Lu and Deputy Director Shawn Yang to discuss about how to work and make progress on the community affairs on Feb. 6", "content": "


\n", "date": "2024-02-06 20:03:01", "url": "http://www.roc-taiwan.org/usgum_en/post/9277.html" }, { "title": "Director General Chia Ping Liu and Vice Consul Gary Huang visited Hon. Senator Frank F. Blas Jr. at the Guam Legislature and brought him a Lunar New Year gift on Feb. 6. The both sides exchanged views on the bilateral indigenous cooperation as well at the meeting", "content": "


\n", "date": "2024-02-06 19:24:34", "url": "http://www.roc-taiwan.org/usgum_en/post/9273.html" }, { "title": "TECO Director General Chia Ping Liu, Deputy Directors Vincent Lu and Shawn Yang joined a Lunar New Year celebration lunch hosted by the R.O.C. Veterans Association in Guam on Feb. 4. After having had a pleasant and delicious meal, all the attendees wished each other a happy, wealthy and prosperous year for the Year of the Dragon", "content": "


\n", "date": "2024-02-04 17:14:13", "url": "http://www.roc-taiwan.org/usgum_en/post/9263.html" }, { "title": "Chairman of Chung Kuo Insurance Co., Ltd. Cheng-Te Liang and so forth came to our office and exchanged opinions with Director General Chia Ping Liu, Deputy Director Shawn Yang and Vice Consul about the company’s insurance services and work on Feb. 2. Meanwhile, DG Liu and our office staff hosted a welcome lunch for Chairman Liang and so forth following the meeting", "content": "


\n", "date": "2024-02-04 17:10:12", "url": "http://www.roc-taiwan.org/usgum_en/post/9256.html" }, { "title": "TECO Director General Chia Ping Liu, Deputy Director Vincent Lu and Deputy Director Shawn Yang joined a Lunar New Year celebration party organized by the United Chinese Association of Guam on Feb. 2. The party offered the attendees good food, karaoke singing and lots of attractive lucky draw prizes which made the event truly pleasant and lively. Many attendees were so delighted with the prizes they got when the party was over.", "content": "


\n", "date": "2024-02-04 17:02:37", "url": "http://www.roc-taiwan.org/usgum_en/post/9244.html" }, { "title": "Director General Chia Ping Liu, Deputy Director Shawn Yang and Vice Consul attended the opening ceremony of an Austronesian Art Exhibition co-hosted by the Council of Indigenous Peoples of R.O.C. (Taiwan) and the Guam Museum at the said museum on Feb. 1", "content": "
We are family. Director General Chia Ping Liu, Deputy Director Shawn Yang and Vice Consul attended the opening ceremony of an Austronesian Art Exhibition co-hosted by the Council of Indigenous Peoples of R.O.C. (Taiwan) and the Guam Museum at the said museum on Feb. 1. The event was also attended by a number of dignitaries, including Hon. Governor of Guam Lourdes A. Leon Guerrero, Hon. Speaker Therese M. Terlaje of the Guam Legislature, Hon. Senator Jesse Lujan, Hon. Senator Roy Quinata, President of the Department CHamoru Affairs of Guam Melvin Won Pat-Borja, Consul General of the Republic of Palau in Guam Adelina \"Enna\" K. Jose, Italy Honorary Consul General in Guam Roberto Fracassini, Dean of the College of Liberal Arts and Social Sciences of UOG James D. Sellmann and so forth, with a venue exhibiting extraordinary and eye-catching Austronesian artworks. Through this meaningful activity, it is believed that the bilateral indigenous exchanges between Taiwan and Guam will definitely be further strengthened in the years to come.


\n", "date": "2024-02-01 17:20:35", "url": "http://www.roc-taiwan.org/usgum_en/post/9222.html" }, { "title": "General Manager Bruce P. Y. Chen and staff member Chuan-Chih (Kevin) Lee, of the China Airlines Guam Office, visited Director General Chia Ping Liu and Vice Consul Gary Huang to discuss how to promote the Taiwan-Guam bilateral cooperation in tourism sector on Jan. 31", "content": "


\n", "date": "2024-01-31 10:02:41", "url": "http://www.roc-taiwan.org/usgum_en/post/9206.html" }, { "title": "Wan-Kun Lee and Yi-Jih Yang, two managers for the Taiwan Electrical and Mechanical Engineering Services (TEMES) Guam Plants, came to meet with Director General Chia Ping Liu and Vice Consul Gary Huang to discuss about the perspective of the company for the future on Jan. 30", "content": "


\n", "date": "2024-01-31 07:04:56", "url": "http://www.roc-taiwan.org/usgum_en/post/9201.html" }, { "title": "TECO Director General Chia Ping Liu and Vice Consul Gary Huang visited Hon. Speaker of the Legislature of Guam Therese M. Terlaje on Jan. 29 and the both sides exchanged views on how to further strengthen the Taiwan-Guam relations at the meeting", "content": "


\n", "date": "2024-01-29 16:16:48", "url": "http://www.roc-taiwan.org/usgum_en/post/9195.html" }, { "title": "TECO Director General Chia Ping Liu, Deputy Director Shawn Yang and Vice Consul Gary Huang went to meet with Consul General of the Republic of Palau in Guam Adelina “Enna” K. Jose on Jan. 29 and in the mean time invited her to an Austronesian cultural event to be co-hosted by the Council of Indigenous Peoples of ROC (Taiwan) and the Guam Museum on Feb. 1", "content": "


\n", "date": "2024-01-29 10:15:27", "url": "http://www.roc-taiwan.org/usgum_en/post/9187.html" }, { "title": "William Hsieh, Representative, and several other staff members, of the Chung Kuo Insurance Guam Office, came to visit Director General Chia Ping Liu, with the presence of Vice Consul Gary Huang, for the purpose of exchange of views on Jan. 25", "content": "


\n", "date": "2024-01-25 14:50:43", "url": "http://www.roc-taiwan.org/usgum_en/post/9164.html" }, { "title": "Director General Chia Ping Liu and Vice Consul Gary Huang went to meet with the University of Guam President Dr. Anita Borja Enriquez on Jan. 25. Dr. Kuan-Ju Chen, Director, and Dr. Leo Liu, Associate Director, for the Asia Pacific Studies Center at UOG, were also present at the meeting. The both sides expressed their willingness to further strengthen the Taiwan-Guam bilateral academic cooperation in the years to come.", "content": "


\n", "date": "2024-01-25 14:13:16", "url": "http://www.roc-taiwan.org/usgum_en/post/9159.html" }, { "title": "Hon. Delegate to the U.S. House of Representatives for Guam James C. Moylan visited our office and exchanged opinions with Director General Chia Ping Liu and Vice Consul Gary Huang regarding how to further strengthen the Taiwan-Guam relations on Jan. 24", "content": "


\n", "date": "2024-01-24 19:44:02", "url": "http://www.roc-taiwan.org/usgum_en/post/9148.html" }, { "title": "Director General Chia Ping Liu, accompanied by Deputy Director Vincent Lu, visited the United Chinese Association of Guam and the Chinese School of Guam and, in addition to looking around the association’s and the school’s facilities, had a friendly and easy communication of views with President of the UCAG and of the school Albert Wu as well as other important leaders of the association on Jan. 24", "content": "


\n", "date": "2024-01-24 19:36:19", "url": "http://www.roc-taiwan.org/usgum_en/post/9143.html" }, { "title": "TECO Director General Chia Ping Liu paid a call on Hon. Vice Speaker Tina Rose Muña Barnes of the Guam Legislature on Jan. 22", "content": "


\n", "date": "2024-01-22 10:00:02", "url": "http://www.roc-taiwan.org/usgum_en/post/9135.html" }, { "title": "Receiving hearty welcome from Master Miao-Du and the Buddha’s Light International Association Guam Chapter, TECO Director General Chia Ping Liu had a pleasant tour of Fo Guang Shan Guam Temple on Jan. 21", "content": "


\n", "date": "2024-01-22 06:08:17", "url": "http://www.roc-taiwan.org/usgum_en/post/9130.html" }, { "title": "TECO Director General Chia Ping Liu accepted an interview conducted by the news director for Public Radio Guam (KPRG) Naina Rao on Jan. 19", "content": "


\n", "date": "2024-01-19 17:06:15", "url": "http://www.roc-taiwan.org/usgum_en/post/9120.html" }, { "title": "John Shen, President of the Buddha’s Light International Association Guam Chapter and Advisor for the Overseas Community Affairs Council of ROC (Taiwan), accompanied by his family, visited Director General Chia Ping Liu and in the meantime delivered delicious Laba Porridge that was made by Fo Guang Shan Guam Temple to all our office staff on Jan. 18", "content": "


\n", "date": "2024-01-18 13:27:54", "url": "http://www.roc-taiwan.org/usgum_en/post/9115.html" }, { "title": "The Taiwanese Business Association of Guam hosted a farewell dinner for the outgoing Director General Paul Chen at noontime on Jan. 7", "content": "


\n", "date": "2024-01-11 18:08:21", "url": "http://www.roc-taiwan.org/usgum_en/post/9097.html" }, { "title": "Albert Wu, President of the United Chinese Association of Guam and President of the Chinese School of Guam, visited the outgoing Director General Paul Chen, bid him farewell and presented him with a farewell gift on Jan. 11", "content": "


\n", "date": "2024-01-11 17:55:14", "url": "http://www.roc-taiwan.org/usgum_en/post/9091.html" }, { "title": "Adelina “Enna” K. Jose, Consul General of the Republic of Palau in Guam, sent her colleague Yuko to visit the outgoing Director General Paul Chen and presented a farewell gift to him on Jan. 11", "content": "


\n", "date": "2024-01-11 17:51:19", "url": "http://www.roc-taiwan.org/usgum_en/post/9087.html" }, { "title": "The TECO team hosted a farewell lunch for the outgoing Director General Paul Chen who, in the mean time, also bid farewell specially to Prof. Kuan-Ju Chen, Director, and Prof. Leo Liu, Deputy Director, for the Asia Pacific Studies Center of UOG, during the lunch on Jan. 11", "content": "The TECO team hosted a farewell lunch for the outgoing Director General Paul Chen who, in the mean time, also bid farewell specially to Prof. Kuan-Ju Chen, Director, and Prof. Leo Liu, Deputy Director, for the Asia Pacific Studies Center of UOG, during the lunch on Jan. 11", "date": "2024-01-11 17:47:35", "url": "http://www.roc-taiwan.org/usgum_en/post/9084.html" }, { "title": "Hon. Governor Arnold I. Palacios of the CNMI made a special trip to Guam for bidding farewell to Director General Paul Chen and presented him with a Plaque of Appreciation on Jan. 9", "content": "


\n", "date": "2024-01-09 15:47:16", "url": "http://www.roc-taiwan.org/usgum_en/post/9077.html" }, { "title": "Director General Paul Chen received a Resolution presented by the Legislature of Guam to recognize his dedicated efforts to boost the Taiwan-Guam bilateral ties in various areas during his tenure on Jan. 9", "content": "


\n", "date": "2024-01-09 15:44:34", "url": "http://www.roc-taiwan.org/usgum_en/post/9073.html" }, { "title": "Deputy Director Vincent Lu, on behalf of Director General Paul Chen, attended the New Year’s Day Flag Raising Ceremony at the Chinese School of Guam, hosted by the United Chinese Association of Guam on Jan. 1, 2024", "content": "


\n", "date": "2024-01-02 09:46:08", "url": "http://www.roc-taiwan.org/usgum_en/post/9058.html" }, { "title": "The TECO staff had a cheerful New Year’s Eve party to welcome the arrival of 2024", "content": "


\n", "date": "2024-01-02 09:41:58", "url": "http://www.roc-taiwan.org/usgum_en/post/9050.html" } ] }, { "lang": "zh", "branch": "hnl", "country": "us", "name": "駐檀香山台北經濟文化辦事處", "path": "/ushnl/", "items": [ { "title": "2024年4月12日林暉程處長接見來訪夏威夷大學馬諾亞分校「華語旗艦計畫」(Chinese Language Flagship)學員乙行", "content": "

夏威夷大學馬諾亞分校「華語旗艦計畫」(Chinese Language Flagship)Kimberly Batson學員等人及「台灣優華語計畫」(Taiwan Huayu Best)-夏大與清華大學校對校合作助教乙行共13人於2024年4月12日來訪駐檀香山台北經濟文化辦事處,林處長暉程親自接見並介紹駐處主要功能,續由李副組長家豪說明駐處領務服務項目,及由康副領事力中簡報台灣獎學金申請資訊,駐地台籍社團陳教授宇能及夏威夷大學台灣同學會潘彥維夫婦也到場與華語班學生交流。










林暉程處長(前排中間)在本處中山堂親自接待來訪夏威夷大學馬諾亞分校「華語旗艦計畫」(Chinese Language Flagship)Kimberly Batson等學員及「台灣優華語計畫」(Taiwan Huayu Best)夏大與清華大學校對校合作助教,台籍社團領袖暨夏大教授陳宇能(前排左2)參與指導。




夏威夷大學馬諾亞分校「華語旗艦計畫」(Chinese Language Flagship)學員致贈禮品予林暉程處長(右1)及陳宇能教授(左2)。



\n", "date": "2024-04-19 04:03:58", "url": "http://www.roc-taiwan.org/ushnl/post/8063.html" }, { "title": "2024年3月24日林處長暉程應邀出席夏威夷四邑會館/以義堂春節聯歡會", "content": "















2024年3月24日林處長暉程夫婦與四邑會館主席劉俞鳳鳴(後排左2)˴副主席林北江(後排左1)˴以義堂主席趙天成(後排右1)˴副主席駱建波(後排右2)˴夏威夷中華總會館主席蔡梅麗(前排右1)˴夏威夷中華總商會候任主席李沙羣(前排左1)及2024年夏威夷水仙皇后Shuyao Ye(前排右3)等人聯歡交誼。



\n", "date": "2024-03-26 07:19:11", "url": "http://www.roc-taiwan.org/ushnl/post/7891.html" }, { "title": "林暉程處長夫婦參加夏威夷節慶盛事「檀香山嘉年華」大遊行", "content": "

駐檀香山台北經濟文化辦事處林處長暉程夫婦於本(113)年3月10日應主辦單位Honolulu Festival Foundation邀請,參加2024年第28屆「檀香山嘉年華」大遊行,除了受邀於觀禮台貴賓席接受來自包括台灣˴日本及環太平洋國家與美國各地展演隊伍遊行致意外,林處長夫婦更為「夏威夷台灣人中心」所率領的台灣遊行隊伍加油打氣。























\n", "date": "2024-03-14 09:32:01", "url": "http://www.roc-taiwan.org/ushnl/post/7872.html" }, { "title": "2024年3月8日林處長暉程應邀出席夏威夷州議會頒發榮譽狀感謝台灣商會夏威夷分會及世華工商婦女協會夏威夷分會長期致力台夏合作關係之表揚儀式", "content": "



2024年3月8日林處長暉程(左5)應夏威夷州台裔眾議員Adrian Tam(左6)之邀出席夏威夷州議會頒發榮譽狀感謝「台灣商會夏威夷分會」會長紀華鵬(左4)等人及「世華工商婦女協會夏威夷分會」會長謝雪華(左7)等人長期致力台夏合作關係之表揚儀式。
\n<br>PHOTO CREDIT: Craig Kojima from Star Advertiser

\n", "date": "2024-03-09 09:57:02", "url": "http://www.roc-taiwan.org/ushnl/post/7867.html" }, { "title": "林暉程處長應邀至「美國越戰退伍軍人協會歐胡分會」演講", "content": "

「美國越戰退伍軍人協會歐胡分會」(Vietnam Veterans of America (VVA), Oahu Chapter)於本(113)年2月24日週六上午在檀市「歐胡退伍軍人中心」(Oahu Vetrans’ Center)舉行會員例會,該會會長Rona Adams、副會長John Mahelona暨「美國軍官協會夏威夷分會」(Military Officers Association of America Hawaii Aloha Chapter)前會長、退役美國陸軍上校Wesley Fong邀請本處林處長於會中以「台灣之重要性:全球動力之所在」(Why Taiwan Matters: Small Island but Global Powerhouse)為題簡報,並接受與會員詢答。
















2024年2月24日林暉程處長於會後致贈紀念品予夏威夷越戰退伍軍人協會會長Rona Adams, Adams 會長並對林處長精闢深入演說表示感謝

\n", "date": "2024-03-01 10:20:59", "url": "http://www.roc-taiwan.org/ushnl/post/7838.html" }, { "title": "林暉程處長夫婦參加「夏威夷台灣同鄉會」主辦之二二八77週年追思音樂會", "content": "


















\n", "date": "2024-02-29 10:17:59", "url": "http://www.roc-taiwan.org/ushnl/post/7830.html" }, { "title": "林暉程處長向夏威夷華埠傳統僑社賀年及參加新任團隊就職典禮", "content": "











2024年1月1日林暉程處長夫婦至夏威夷國安會館賀年,由該會第一副主席Wilfred Lam(左二)及第二副主席Michael Chun (左一)歡迎接待。



























\n", "date": "2024-01-27 05:43:31", "url": "http://www.roc-taiwan.org/ushnl/post/7719.html" } ] }, { "lang": "en", "branch": "hnl", "country": "us", "name": "Taipei Economic and Cultural Office in Honolulu", "path": "/ushnl_en/", "items": [ { "title": "Director General Richard Lin received a visit of the Chinese Language Flagship Program students at the University of Hawaii at Mānoa on April 12th, 2024.", "content": "

On Friday, April 12th, 2024, thirteen students from the Chinese Language Flagship Program accompanied by Taiwan Huayu BEST teaching assistants at the University of Hawaii (UH)at Mānoa visited Taipei Economic and Cultural Office(TECO)in Honolulu. Director General Richard Lin received them and introduced the main fuctions of the TECO in Honolulu. Deputy Director Jeff Li subsequently illustrated its consular services, while Deputy Consul Austin Kang elaborated on Taiwan Scholarship. Also in attendance were former UH Professor and Taiwanese community leader David Chen and Mr. & Mrs. Yanwei Pan, from the University of Hawaii Taiwanese Student Association, who later engaged in discussions with the Chinese language flagship students.


Director General Lin highlighted that TECO in Honolulu is dedicated to promoting exchanges and cooperation between Taiwan and state of Hawaii in areas such as trade, tourism, education, defense, and security; besides, TECO in Honolulu presents Taiwan's diverse culture, force for good and the island of resilience to various sectors in Hawaii, and facilitates bilateral relations between Taiwan and the United States through people-to-people exchanges. Director-General Lin pointed out that as a mature democracy, Taiwan shares common values such as freedom of speech and the rule of law with the United States. Taiwan serves as an ideal gateway for American students to learn Chinese and understand eastern culture. In the globalized world, fluency in Chinese not only brings more opportunities and competitiveness in future careers and life journeys but also enhances communication and understanding between different peoples and cultures.


Following his opening remarks, Director General Lin and his colleagues engaged in Q&A session with the students regarding consular services and Taiwan scholarships. The visit program lasted for 90 minutes, and the interaction was lively and harmonious. Director General Lin concluded by congratulating the Chinese Language Flagship Program students on their future endeavors in Chinese  learning. He also hoped that the students would broaden their vision into Taiwan's culture, history, and humanities during their study abroad in Taiwan and looked forward to meeting them again someday in Taiwan.






Director General Richard Lin (center front row in the photo) received a visit of students from the Chinese Language Flagship Program accompanied by Taiwan Huayu BEST teaching assistants at the University of Hawaii (UH)at Mānoa. Professor David Chen (2nd from left in the front row) also participated in to offer guidelines for students to study in Taiwan.




Students of the Chinese Language Flagship Program presented gifts to Director General Richard Lin (1st from right) and Professor David Chen (2nd from left).



























\n", "date": "2024-04-19 04:06:30", "url": "http://www.roc-taiwan.org/ushnl_en/post/3243.html" }, { "title": "Mosaic Taiwan 2024", "content": "

Mosaic Taiwan is a fellowship exchange program for promising young leaders from the US and Canada hoping to gain firsthand experience of the Republic of China (Taiwan), providing participants the opportunity to better understand Taiwan's culture and societ. This year's program will run from June 17 to 28. Participants will take part in team-building and leadership development excercises, as well as workshops, forum, and lectures on topics concerning Taiwan. There will also be visits to business and NGOs, as well as tours of scenic sites aroud the island.




· U.S and Canadian citizens between the ages of 20 and 35.


· No previous travel sponsored by the R.O.C government to Taiwan.


· Active interest in public affairs, politics, government, and international affairs.




·Application will be accepted from February 7 to March 8, 2024. If you're interested and eligible, please submit your aplication to the TECO in Honolulu (Email: lckang@mofa.gov.tw).


·Interviews will be conducted by TECRO or TECO. Successful applicants will also be informed by their respective interviewing TECRO or TECO.


·A medical certificate will be required of successful applicants


·Required documents


1.Application Form


2.Brief bio and CV


3.Minimum of 2 recommendation letters


4.Academic transcript




6.Award certificate(s) (if any)


\nTo learn more about Mosaic Taiwan, please visit Mosaic Taiwan’s Facebook Page (https://tinyurl.com/yzhc8ery) and watch our video (https://tinyurl.com/2hyyxujd)

\n", "date": "2024-02-15 05:17:52", "url": "http://www.roc-taiwan.org/ushnl_en/post/3159.html" } ] }, { "lang": "zh", "branch": "hou", "country": "us", "name": "駐休士頓台北經濟文化辦事處", "path": "/ushou/", "items": [ { "title": "駐休士頓辦事處舉辦台灣關係法45週年專題演講", "content": "
駐休士頓辦事處與聖湯瑪斯大學(St. Thomas University)於2024年4月6日晚間在亞洲協會德州中心共同舉辦台灣關係法45週年活動,邀請賓州大學國際法教授Jacques DeLisle以台灣關係法及聯合國大會第2758號決議為題進行專題演講,包含聯邦眾議員Al Green、美國政、學界人士及僑領,近百人到場聆聽。




聯邦眾議員Al Green致詞感謝駐休士頓辦事處辦理此一深具意義的演講,強調「支持台灣」已成為美國兩黨及各界共識,其策略或許模糊,但目標明確且堅定;渠身為台灣友人,將持續堅持立場,力保台灣和平與自主。G眾議員並頒發賀狀予活動主辦單位表達肯定。



蕭伊芳處長(中)與聯邦眾議員Al Green(左)及德州參議員Joan Huffman選區主任Jennifer Knesek(右)合影
聯邦眾議員Al Green致詞
\n", "date": "2024-04-08 22:39:19", "url": "http://www.roc-taiwan.org/ushou/post/9804.html" }, { "title": "台美教育倡議之阿肯色—台灣教育交流", "content": "
蕭伊芳處長偕教育組楊淑雅組長及政治組韋天翔組長赴阿肯色州立大學系統訪問,與總校長Dr. Robin Meyers及副總校長Shane Broadway相談甚歡。
\n", "date": "2024-04-08 22:36:02", "url": "http://www.roc-taiwan.org/ushou/post/9798.html" }, { "title": " 美國阿肯色州 首間「台灣華語文學習中心」揭牌開幕 ", "content": "
阿肯色州台灣同鄉會於3月31日在小岩城Little Rock City舉辦「台灣華語文學習中心」(TCML​)揭牌儀式及開幕典禮,駐休士頓辦事處處長蕭伊芳、教育組組長楊淑雅,及僑教中心主任王盈蓉出席,該校校長邱淑琪、師生及當地學界、會員約60人到場共襄盛舉,場面熱鬧溫馨。
\n", "date": "2024-04-03 04:21:38", "url": "http://www.roc-taiwan.org/ushou/post/9765.html" }, { "title": "2024教育部臺灣獎學金開跑囉!", "content": "


















\n", "date": "2024-01-20 07:20:59", "url": "http://www.roc-taiwan.org/ushou/post/9701.html" }, { "title": "2024教育部2024學年華語文獎學金開跑囉!", "content": "


















\n", "date": "2024-01-20 07:20:25", "url": "http://www.roc-taiwan.org/ushou/post/9698.html" } ] }, { "lang": "en", "branch": "hou", "country": "us", "name": "Taipei Economic and Cultural Office in Houston ", "path": "/ushou_en/", "items": [ { "title": "Arkansas-Taiwan Education Partnership", "content": "

Great to visit Arkansas State University System and its flagship university: Arkansas State University (ASU, Jonesboro) for the first time.
\nDirector General Yvonne Hsiao, Director Andrea Yang and Director Sean Wei met with Interim President Dr. Robin Meyers, Vice President Shane Broadway (ASUS), Vice Chancellor Dr. William McLean, and Dean of Liberal Arts and Communication Dr. Brad Rawlins to support the Taiwan Huayu BEST Program and other potential exchange projects.
\nDG also gave a talk on “Taiwan- An Indispensable Partner to the World” to showcase Taiwan’s international participation and introduced several teach/study abroad in Taiwan opportunities.
\nSpecial thanks to VP Shane Broadway for the longstanding friendship!





\n", "date": "2024-04-08 22:41:29", "url": "http://www.roc-taiwan.org/ushou_en/post/4246.html" }, { "title": "2024 Mosaic Taiwan Fellowship Exchange Program", "content": "

【2024 Mosaic Taiwan Fellowship Exchange Program】


Mosaic Taiwan is a fellowship exchange program for promising young leaders from the US and Canada hoping to gain firsthand experience of the Republic of China (Taiwan), providing participants the opportunity to better understand Taiwan's culture and society. This year's program will run from June 17 to 28.


Participants will take part in team building and leadership development exercises, as well as workshops, forum, and lectures on topics concerning Taiwan. There will also be visits to business and NGOs, as well as tours of scenic sites around the island.


\n1. U.S and Canadian citizens between the ages of 20 and 35.


2. No previous travel sponsored by the R.O.C government to Taiwan.


3.Active interest in public affairs, politics, government, and international affairs.


Application will be accepted from February 7 to March 8, 2024. If you're interested and eligible, please submit your application to the TECO in Houston (Email: kplu@mofa.gov.tw).


Interviews will be conducted by TECO. Successful applicants will also be informed by their respective interviewing TECO


A medical certificate will be required of successful applicants


Required documents


1.Application Form


2. Brief bio and CV


3.Minimum of 2 recommendation letters


4.Academic transcript




6.Award certificate(s) (if any)


To learn more about Mosaic Taiwan, please visit Mosaic Taiwan’s Facebook Page (https://tinyurl.com/yzhc8ery) and watch our video (https://tinyurl.com/2hyyxujd)

\n", "date": "2024-04-03 04:34:05", "url": "http://www.roc-taiwan.org/ushou_en/post/4224.html" }, { "title": "Exciting Opportunity for Young Scholars in New Orleans! ", "content": "

The New Orleans Taiwan Young Scholar Program aims to offer young scholars in the city of New Orleans, Louisiana with opportunities for international exposure through a ten-day summer program featuring Mandarin courses and cultural activities in Taiwan.

Application Period: Now until April 10, 2024
To be eligible for this amazing opportunity, you must:
1. 18 years of age at the time of the application
2. Resident of Orleans Parish
3. Eager and ready to collaborate with others
4. Submit an essay of 500 words together with the application form by the April 10, 2024 deadline
(Bonus points if you have basic knowledge of Mandarin!)
For more information: https://reurl.cc/13D7lD
\n", "date": "2024-04-03 04:33:34", "url": "http://www.roc-taiwan.org/ushou_en/post/4220.html" }, { "title": "The 2024 Taiwan Scholarship is now open for applications!", "content": "

The Ministry of Education (MOE) of Taiwan is inviting outstanding international students from Arkansas, Louisiana, Mississippi, Oklahoma and Texas to embark on a transformative academic journey.


Application Period: 2/1-3/31


Degree Programs: Open for both undergraduate and graduate studies


Award Details:


NTD $40,000 (≒USD $1,250) per semester


Monthly stipend:


NTD $15,000 (≒USD $470) for undergraduate studies


NTD $20,000 (≒USD $625) for graduate studies


Don't miss out on this incredible opportunity to pursue your education in Taiwan!


For detailed Application Instructions & Guidelines, please refer to the link below:




Take the first step towards a brighter future with the Taiwan Scholarship!







\n", "date": "2024-01-20 07:16:44", "url": "http://www.roc-taiwan.org/ushou_en/post/4177.html" }, { "title": "The 2024 Huayu Enrichment Scholarship (HES) is now open for applications!", "content": "

The Ministry of Education (MOE) of Taiwan invites passionate American students and individuals from Arkansas, Louisiana, Mississippi, Oklahoma, and Texas to immerse themselves in Mandarin language training in vibrant Taiwan.


Application Period: 2/1-3/31


Study Periods: Choose from 2, 3, 6, 9, or 12 months.


Scholarship Durations:


2 Months: Limited to summer courses (June to July 2024 or July to August 2024)


3, 6, 9 Months: Between September 1, 2024, and August 31, 2025 (2024-2025 academic year)


12 months: Full academic year (September 1, 2024, to August 31, 2025)




Award Value:


Each scholarship recipient will receive a monthly stipend of NTD $25,000 (≒USD $780) throughout the approved scholarship duration.


Don't miss the chance to enhance your Mandarin skills and experience the rich cultural tapestry of Taiwan!


For detailed Application Instructions & Guidelines, please refer to the link below:




Seize the opportunity to broaden your horizons with the Huayu Enrichment Scholarship!



\n", "date": "2024-01-20 07:15:57", "url": "http://www.roc-taiwan.org/ushou_en/post/4173.html" } ] }, { "lang": "zh", "branch": "", "country": "jp", "name": "台北駐日經濟文化代表處", "path": "/jp/", "items": [ { "title": "台北駐日經濟文化代表處徵才公告(5/10截止)", "content": "


\n", "date": "2024-04-24 09:46:29", "url": "http://www.roc-taiwan.org/jp/post/31239.html" }, { "title": "「第26屆海外台商磐石獎—卓越臺商選拔表揚活動」", "content": "


\n", "date": "2024-04-15 09:06:08", "url": "http://www.roc-taiwan.org/jp/post/31150.html" }, { "title": "海外僑胞回國參加中華民國第16任總統、副總統就職慶典活動", "content": "




\n", "date": "2024-04-08 10:16:17", "url": "http://www.roc-taiwan.org/jp/post/31121.html" }, { "title": "駐日本代表處已將我國各界捐款匯入石川縣政府賑災專戶", "content": "




\n", "date": "2024-04-02 13:09:29", "url": "http://www.roc-taiwan.org/jp/post/31063.html" }, { "title": "駐日本代表處就日本小林製藥紅麴健康食品案說明", "content": "












\n", "date": "2024-04-01 09:03:43", "url": "http://www.roc-taiwan.org/jp/post/31051.html" }, { "title": "在日本受傷生病怎麼辦", "content": "


\n", "date": "2024-02-08 08:51:32", "url": "http://www.roc-taiwan.org/jp/post/30849.html" }, { "title": "駐日本代表處提醒您 結伴滑雪 安全第一", "content": "

駐日本代表處提醒您 結伴滑雪 安全第一




1. 確實配戴安全帽等護具-大小適中、綁帶不脫落


2. 全程結伴勿落單-滑雪場落雪、擦撞事故多,結伴同行互相照應


3. 選擇適合自己程度的滑雪課程及雪道-安全至上、量力而為


4. 牢記滑雪場緊急救援電話及醫護室位置-第一時間求助有門路


5. 投保「適用海外滑雪活動」的保險-檢視自身的旅遊平安險、不便險等保險理賠範圍及醫療後送服務是否涵蓋滑雪活動

\n", "date": "2024-02-08 08:45:26", "url": "http://www.roc-taiwan.org/jp/post/30838.html" }, { "title": "「2024年僑務委員會海外青年臺灣觀摩團」活動招生", "content": "


\n", "date": "2024-02-01 15:31:30", "url": "http://www.roc-taiwan.org/jp/post/30775.html" } ] }, { "lang": "ja", "branch": "", "country": "jp", "name": "台北駐日経済文化代表処", "path": "/jp_ja/", "items": [ { "title": "謝長廷・駐日代表が「台湾観光アップデートセミナー」で台湾旅行の安全を強調", "content": "

















 また、4月13日と14日には、東京・渋谷のヒカリエホールAで台湾観光庁主催の観光イベント「2024台遊館in渋谷」が開催され、会場には台湾旅行関連業者やグルメ、物販のブースが並び、台湾へのメッセージコーナー、台湾夜市ゲームコーナー、鉄道パズルやお面ペイント、ネオンライト作り体験コーナーなども設けられ、ステージでは「神将少女 五営将軍」演舞パフォーマンス、鉄道やグルメなどに関するトークイベントなどが行われた。14日午後には周永暉長官と葉菊蘭会長も会場を訪れ、出展者や来場者らと交流した。


\n台湾伝統演舞「神将少女 五営将軍」



\n", "date": "2024-04-16 10:43:39", "url": "http://www.roc-taiwan.org/jp_ja/post/96438.html" }, { "title": "一般財団法人「台湾協会」が謝長廷・駐日代表に感謝のトロフィーを贈呈", "content": "





 台北駐日経済文化代表処の謝長廷代表は4月14日、一般財団法人「台湾協会」の「平成6年 交礼台湾の会」に出席した。このなかで、謝・駐日代表に清水一也・台湾協会理事長より台日交流への貢献に対する感謝のトロフィーが贈呈された。

















\n", "date": "2024-04-15 15:26:13", "url": "http://www.roc-taiwan.org/jp_ja/post/96399.html" }, { "title": "台湾と日本の「科学博物館」が姉妹館覚書を締結", "content": "
















\n", "date": "2024-04-11 10:29:13", "url": "http://www.roc-taiwan.org/jp_ja/post/96335.html" }, { "title": "日本政府及び日本国民からの花蓮地震へのご関心とご支援に感謝", "content": "









 日本の国会、各地方自治体と議会並びにX JAPANリーダーのYOSHIKIさんをはじめ日本の民間各界の方々からも、熱心に義援金寄付や募金の呼びかけを行っていただきました。また、この数日間、当代表処は大勢の日本の方々から寄付に関する相談のお電話やメールをいただきました。






【台北駐日経済文化代表処 2024年4月5日】

\n", "date": "2024-04-05 15:27:01", "url": "http://www.roc-taiwan.org/jp_ja/post/96290.html" }, { "title": "0403花蓮震災の衛生福利部義援金口座", "content": "





\nNAME:「Taiwan Foundation for Disaster Relief」
\nAccount NO.:「102-005-19895-7」
\nADDRESS:「No. 156, Changchun Rd., Zhongshan District, Taipei City 10459, Taiwan(R.O.C.)」



\n", "date": "2024-04-05 13:03:52", "url": "http://www.roc-taiwan.org/jp_ja/post/96279.html" }, { "title": "駐日代表処:台湾花蓮地震に対する日本各界からのお見舞いに感謝", "content": "









【台北駐日経済文化代表処 2024年4月4日】

\n", "date": "2024-04-04 09:32:22", "url": "http://www.roc-taiwan.org/jp_ja/post/96254.html" }, { "title": "謝長廷・駐日代表が「公益財団法人彫刻の森芸術文化財団」から「国史館」への文物寄贈式に出席", "content": "




















\n", "date": "2024-03-29 09:18:16", "url": "http://www.roc-taiwan.org/jp_ja/post/96220.html" }, { "title": "謝長廷・駐日代表が「台日北投石 養生・文化・科技 北投石で繋がる台日交流」展に出席", "content": "

謝長廷・駐日代表が「台日北投石 養生・文化・科技 北投石で繋がる台日交流」展に出席


\n「台日北投石 養生・文化・科技 北投石で繋がる台日交流」展開幕式のテープカット。写真:謝長廷・駐日代表(左3)、劉政池・中華観光事業発展基金会会長(左2)、畠山米一・玉川温泉社長(右3)、西村隆作・仙北市国際交流協会会長(右2)、鄭憶萍・台湾観光庁/台湾観光協会東京事務所所長(左1)


 台北駐日経済文化代表処の謝長廷代表は3月18日、駐日代表処台湾文化センターで開催された「台日北投石 養生・文化・科技 北投石で繋がる台日交流」展の開幕式に出席した。このなかで謝・駐日代表は「北投石は全世界で台湾の北投温泉と日本の秋田県の玉川温泉のみで産出される一種の特殊な鉱石であり、その縁で北投温泉と玉川温泉の友好協定も(2011年に)締結された。同展を通して、北投石の歴史とそれに連なる台日の友情について理解を深めてほしい」とあいさつした。

















\n", "date": "2024-03-21 11:02:15", "url": "http://www.roc-taiwan.org/jp_ja/post/96155.html" }, { "title": "台北フィルハーモニー管弦楽団が来日チャリティー公演", "content": "









 台北フィルハーモニー管弦楽団東京公演「祈り」は、3月9日に東京・サントリーホール大ホールで開催された。同公演では、台湾の伝統人形劇・布袋戯(ポテヒ)と西洋の交響楽の融合として、台湾の作曲家・鍾耀光による『媽祖伝奇』に合わせて台湾の「華洲園布袋戯団」が共演し、布袋戯が演じられた。続いて、ヴァイオリニスト・森下幸路との共演による外山雄三『ヴァイオリン協奏曲第2番 作品60』や、ベートーヴェン『交響曲第5番 運命』などが演奏された。









\n", "date": "2024-03-12 09:38:48", "url": "http://www.roc-taiwan.org/jp_ja/post/96090.html" }, { "title": "謝長廷・駐日代表が「FOODEX JAPAN 2024」台湾パビリオンの開幕式典に出席", "content": "

謝長廷・駐日代表が「FOODEX JAPAN 2024」台湾パビリオンの開幕式典に出席


 台北駐日経済文化代表処の謝長廷代表は3月5日、東京ビッグサイトで開幕した「FOODEX JAPAN 2024(国際食品・飲料展)」の会場を訪れ、台湾パビリオンのオープニングセレモニーに出席した。今年の台湾パビリオンには政府関連、8つの食品業界団体・協会、13の地方自治体、178の業者などが出展し、189のブースを設けた。この台湾パビリオンの規模はこれまでで最大となり、海外からの出展国の中でも2番目の大きさとなった。








 また、開幕式の前日(3/4)には、都内のホテルで「FOODEX JAPAN 2024台湾パビリオン出展記者会見」も開催された。出席した周学佑・駐日副代表は、「台湾の食品は海外の多くの人に好まれ注目されている。出展で大きな実りがあるよう願っている」とあいさつした。記者会見ではウナギ、カラスミ、ハチミツなど出展した各地方自治体の農水産品・加工品の魅力やゲストのビビアン・スーさんによる台湾のおすすめフードなどの紹介が行われた。




\n「FOODEX JAPAN 2024」台湾パビリオン開幕式テープカット
\n周春米・屏東県長、翁章梁・嘉義県長、徐榛蔚・花蓮県長、黄敏恵・嘉義市長。(開幕式にはさらに[以下、順不同] 張麗善・雲林県長、王恵美・彰化県長、林姿妙・宜蘭県長、鍾東錦・苗栗県長、羅達生・高雄市副市長、王志輝・台東県副県長、蘇瑞祥・南投県農業処長、江信潔・桃園市経済発展局専門委員らが出席した)

















\n", "date": "2024-03-06 16:20:46", "url": "http://www.roc-taiwan.org/jp_ja/post/95997.html" }, { "title": "2024僑務委員会春節文化訪問団東京公演が開催", "content": "







 台北駐日経済文化代表処の謝長廷代表は3月1日、東京・浅草公会堂で開催された「僑務委員会中華民国113 年(2024年)春節文化訪問団」アジア地区巡回公演・日本東京公演を鑑賞した。開演に先立ち挨拶した謝・駐日代表は、「新型コロナウイルスの影響で近年は中断していたが、今宵はコロナ後初の開催となった」と述べ、準備に奔走した関係者らに感謝の意を表し、公演の成功を祈念した。

















\n", "date": "2024-03-05 08:58:26", "url": "http://www.roc-taiwan.org/jp_ja/post/95965.html" }, { "title": "謝長廷・駐日代表が「台湾留学制度50周年記念式典・祝賀会」に出席", "content": "






















\n", "date": "2024-02-19 10:02:46", "url": "http://www.roc-taiwan.org/jp_ja/post/95871.html" }, { "title": "蔡明耀・駐日副代表が日本台湾親善協会の「令和6年 新春互礼会」に出席", "content": "

蔡明耀・駐日副代表が日本台湾親善協会の「令和6年 新春互礼会」に出席


 台北駐日経済文化代表処(以下、駐日代表処)の蔡明耀・副代表は2月6日、「一般社団法人 日本台湾親善協会」(以下、日本台湾親善協会)が都内で開催した「令和6年 新春互礼会」に出席した。





















\n", "date": "2024-02-07 12:48:48", "url": "http://www.roc-taiwan.org/jp_ja/post/95725.html" }, { "title": "台湾の現代映像作品が恵比寿映像祭に登場", "content": "



\n周慶輝氏が作品『人的荘園(Animal Farm)』シリーズ『No.2』を紹介








 写真展示については、台湾の現代写真アーティストの周慶輝(ゾゥ・チンフォエ)の作品『人的荘園(Animal Farm)』シリーズの『No.2』が出品され、コンビニエンスストアをコンセプトに、大量生産がもたらした「ファスト・フード文化」と「物象化」に焦点をあてている。この作品について周慶輝氏は、台湾の新竹動物園と寿山動物園で本物の檻の写真を撮り、そこに人間の生活空間を映し出すという、虚構と錯覚の手法で、現代文明生活の生きづらさを動物園の檻の中で暮らす人間として表現している。









\n", "date": "2024-02-06 10:25:58", "url": "http://www.roc-taiwan.org/jp_ja/post/95770.html" }, { "title": "謝長廷・駐日代表が「nano tech 2024」台湾パビリオン開幕イベントに出席", "content": "

謝長廷・駐日代表が「nano tech 2024」台湾パビリオン開幕イベントに出席




 「nano tech 2024」(第23回国際ナノテクノロジー総合展・技術会議)が1月31日に東京・有明の東京ビッグサイトで開幕した。台北駐日経済文化代表処の謝長廷代表は同展の「台湾パビリオン」出展ブースを訪れ、台湾からのい出展者らを激励した。


 日本の「nano tech」展はナノテクノロジー業界の年間最大の展示会であり、国家科学・技術委員会はナノテクノロジーの研究開発を国家型テクノロジー・プロジェクトに組み入れており、引き続き台湾の産・学・研の業者・機関と国際ナノテクノロジー業界の交流と連結を推進していく。今回は中央研究院物理研究所の荘天明・副研究員を出展プロジェクトリーダーとし、産・学・研の代表団を集めて出展する「台湾パビリオン」を企画した。




 今回は、「台湾パビリオン」出展20周年にあたり、出展プロジェクトチームは「nano tech 2024」開幕日に特別ゲストとしてナノテクノロジー国家型プロジェクト責任者および歴代ナノテクノロジー主軸プロジェクト責任者を務めた呉茂昆院士、李定国院士、張嘉升所長らを招き、「台湾パビリオン」出展20周年開幕イベント・ミニ演奏会を開催した。「台湾パビリオン」出展プロジェクトリーダーの荘天明・副研究員が開幕式の司会進行を務め、謝長廷・駐日代表が挨拶を述べた。また、ミニ演奏会では台日の優秀な音楽家らにより、モーツァルト「セレナーデ」、陳維斌「月光花」「水面月影」、日本民謡組曲などが演奏され、テクノロジーとアートのコラボレーションが「台湾パビリオン」の開幕に花を添えた。






 今回の「台湾パビリオン」は、「ナノ電子/光学」、「ナノ・バイオ医農学」、「ナノ計測機器設備」、「ナノ材料とその応用」、「エネルギーと環境」の5大分野から、計21の産・学・研の業者・機関が出展し、28項目にわたる台湾のテクノロジー研究開発の成果を展示している。同展には、学術・研究界からは中央研究院、工業技術研究院、台湾大学、台湾科学技術大学、台北医学大学、中興大学、成功大学、中山大学、ハーバード大学マクリーン病院、産業界からは洛克索熱導(Luxor Thermal LTD.)、全敏尖端材料科技(ZANY Materials Technology Ltd.)、首創奈米科技(Strong Nano Tech. Co., Ltd.)、富鑫奈米科技(Just Nanotech Co., Ltd. )、佐信科技(Protrustech Co., Ltd.)、奈維(Nanovie Co., Ltd.)、矽基分子電測科技公司(Molsentech)、合記化學(Houchi Chemical Co., Ltd.)、安可光電(AimCore Technology Co., Ltd. )などの業者が出展した。



\n", "date": "2024-01-31 14:13:22", "url": "http://www.roc-taiwan.org/jp_ja/post/95687.html" }, { "title": "謝長廷・駐日代表が全日本台湾連合会新年会で講演", "content": "
























\n", "date": "2024-01-29 10:19:11", "url": "http://www.roc-taiwan.org/jp_ja/post/95658.html" }, { "title": "駐日代表処で中華民国113年(2024年)新年会開催", "content": "


















\n", "date": "2024-01-11 17:18:36", "url": "http://www.roc-taiwan.org/jp_ja/post/95419.html" }, { "title": "謝長廷・駐日代表 2024年元旦祝辞", "content": "

謝長廷・駐日代表 2024年元旦祝辞




















【台北駐日経済文化代表処 2024年元旦】

\n", "date": "2024-01-01 09:20:10", "url": "http://www.roc-taiwan.org/jp_ja/post/95105.html" } ] }, { "lang": "zh", "branch": "fuk", "country": "jp", "name": "台北駐大阪經濟文化辦事處福岡分處", "path": "/jpfuk/", "items": [ { "title": "3月27日陳總領事銘俊接待鹿島市議會松田義太議員", "content": "




\n", "date": "2024-03-29 11:28:19", "url": "http://www.roc-taiwan.org/jpfuk/post/19645.html" }, { "title": "伊佐市橋本欣也市長一行於3月27日拜訪本處,並就友好交流都城市花蓮市間的交流交換意見。", "content": "

伊佐市橋本欣也市長一行於3月27日拜訪本處,並就友好交流都城市花蓮市間的交流交換意見。\"434191685_741969478057788_1349632971193016439_n\" \"434172402_741969464724456_3092012881632800447_n\"

\n", "date": "2024-03-27 08:07:42", "url": "http://www.roc-taiwan.org/jpfuk/post/19613.html" }, { "title": "日本養豬協会鋤柄卓夫事務局長及遠藤貴美代主任3月12日拜訪本處,並就訪台行程交換意見。", "content": "


\n", "date": "2024-03-12 08:10:26", "url": "http://www.roc-taiwan.org/jpfuk/post/19624.html" }, { "title": "台新銀行東京分行楊宗翰行長與黃信傑客戶關係經理3月12日來訪本處。", "content": "


\n", "date": "2024-03-12 08:10:03", "url": "http://www.roc-taiwan.org/jpfuk/post/19620.html" }, { "title": "熊本縣町村會竹崎一成會長及宮川章二事務局長一行3月11日拜訪本處,並就8月的訪台交換意見。", "content": "

熊本縣町村會竹崎一成會長及宮川章二事務局長一行3月11日拜訪本處,並就8月的訪台交換意見。\"432280251_733124012275668_7272629880607628096_n\" \"432252731_733123992275670_1118351690305084901_n\"

\n", "date": "2024-03-11 08:13:49", "url": "http://www.roc-taiwan.org/jpfuk/post/19633.html" }, { "title": "菊陽町後藤三雄前町長、HICOM集團甲斐達也代表及JR九州熊本支社高田健二總務課長一行3月11日拜訪本處,並就與台湾企業交流活動交換意見。", "content": "


\n", "date": "2024-03-11 08:11:50", "url": "http://www.roc-taiwan.org/jpfuk/post/19629.html" }, { "title": "翁章梁縣長一行3月7日來山口縣銷售嘉義農產品。", "content": "

翁章梁縣長一行3月7日來山口縣銷售嘉義農產品。\"\" \"\"

\n", "date": "2024-03-07 08:15:46", "url": "http://www.roc-taiwan.org/jpfuk/post/19641.html" }, { "title": "熊本青年會議所秀島常介常任理事、藤原將和副理事長與寺本幸専務理事於3月4日拜訪本處,並就與住熊本台灣人的交流交換意見。", "content": "


\n", "date": "2024-03-04 17:13:29", "url": "http://www.roc-taiwan.org/jpfuk/post/19393.html" }, { "title": "長榮航空陳靜美福岡店長及何汝奇新店長3月4日來訪本處,就今後台日航班等交換意見。", "content": "


\n", "date": "2024-03-04 17:13:05", "url": "http://www.roc-taiwan.org/jpfuk/post/19389.html" }, { "title": "周縣長3月2日來熊本大津町行銷屏東縣特產。", "content": "

\"\" \"\" \"\"

\n", "date": "2024-03-02 17:14:45", "url": "http://www.roc-taiwan.org/jpfuk/post/19401.html" }, { "title": "歡迎屏東縣周縣長一行人來熊本!", "content": "


\n", "date": "2024-03-01 18:15:51", "url": "http://www.roc-taiwan.org/jpfuk/post/19406.html" }, { "title": "博多大丸新任社長村本光兒及前社長小宅祥広3月1日造訪本處,並就今後與台湾的商務合作交換意見。", "content": "


\n", "date": "2024-03-01 17:11:17", "url": "http://www.roc-taiwan.org/jpfuk/post/19383.html" }, { "title": "大和村伊集院幼村長一行人2月29日來訪,並致贈本處陳銘俊處長感謝狀。", "content": "

\"430680836_727615669493169_156723852040516519_n\" \"430650979_727615649493171_8899176257315192492_n\"

\n", "date": "2024-02-29 17:16:20", "url": "http://www.roc-taiwan.org/jpfuk/post/19410.html" }, { "title": "本處陳銘俊處長2月29日出席屏東縣九如鄉與熊本縣和水町首長線上會議,和水町約定好5月拜訪九如鄉。", "content": "


\n", "date": "2024-02-29 16:17:51", "url": "http://www.roc-taiwan.org/jpfuk/post/19417.html" }, { "title": "第一銀行邱月琴董事長及東京分行鐘世芳經理等2月29月拜訪本處。", "content": "


\n", "date": "2024-02-29 15:18:15", "url": "http://www.roc-taiwan.org/jpfuk/post/19421.html" }, { "title": "陳銘俊處長2月27日出席熊本縣工業聯合會與台日產業技術合作促進會備忘錄締結儀式。", "content": "


\n", "date": "2024-02-27 17:20:24", "url": "http://www.roc-taiwan.org/jpfuk/post/19433.html" }, { "title": "陳銘俊處長2月27日出席台灣傳統料理宴會。高雄市羅達生副市長也躬逢其盛。", "content": "

\"\" \"\" \"\"

\n", "date": "2024-02-27 17:19:49", "url": "http://www.roc-taiwan.org/jpfuk/post/19429.html" }, { "title": "陳銘俊處長2月26日訪問南關町佐藤安彦町長、立山秀喜議長及谷口慶志郎教育長一行人,並就台日交流交換意見。", "content": "


\n", "date": "2024-02-26 17:22:03", "url": "http://www.roc-taiwan.org/jpfuk/post/19443.html" }, { "title": "陳銘俊處長2月26日拜訪玉東町前田移津行町長,並就友好交流交換意見。", "content": "


\n", "date": "2024-02-26 17:21:41", "url": "http://www.roc-taiwan.org/jpfuk/post/19439.html" }, { "title": "歡迎,謝長廷駐日代表來訪熊本", "content": "

\"\" \"\"

\n", "date": "2024-02-23 17:23:43", "url": "http://www.roc-taiwan.org/jpfuk/post/19450.html" }, { "title": "宇城市溝見友一議長、永木誠副議長、三角隆史事務局長及河野真里議員2月22日拜訪本處。", "content": "


\n", "date": "2024-02-22 17:24:07", "url": "http://www.roc-taiwan.org/jpfuk/post/19454.html" }, { "title": "大木町廣松榮治町長、志牟田敏剛顧問及ひしのみ事務局高井良暢子小姐2月14日造訪本處,就今年與台交流意見交換意見。", "content": "


\n", "date": "2024-02-14 17:25:27", "url": "http://www.roc-taiwan.org/jpfuk/post/19460.html" }, { "title": "本處陳銘俊處長2月13日會晤臺灣研究會瓜生晴彦會長、眞野善晴顧問、早川悟顧問及記者野藤泰昇,並就今年與台灣交流分享意見。", "content": "


\n", "date": "2024-02-13 17:27:10", "url": "http://www.roc-taiwan.org/jpfuk/post/19470.html" }, { "title": "陳銘俊處長2月13日會晤臺灣銀行福岡事務所所長賴嘉榮。", "content": "


\n", "date": "2024-02-13 17:25:44", "url": "http://www.roc-taiwan.org/jpfuk/post/19464.html" }, { "title": "延岡市・讀谷山洋司市長2月8日拜訪本處並就與台南市交流交換意見。", "content": "


\n", "date": "2024-02-08 17:28:56", "url": "http://www.roc-taiwan.org/jpfuk/post/19480.html" }, { "title": "陳銘俊處長2月8日造訪福岡縣志免町,會晤世利良末町長、丸山卓嗣議長、内野克志副町長及金子真恵教育長。", "content": "


\n", "date": "2024-02-08 17:27:40", "url": "http://www.roc-taiwan.org/jpfuk/post/19474.html" }, { "title": "福智町黑土孝司町長2月6日造訪本處並就推動台日經貿等交換意見。", "content": "


\n", "date": "2024-02-06 17:29:22", "url": "http://www.roc-taiwan.org/jpfuk/post/19483.html" }, { "title": "2月2日陳總領事銘俊接待苗栗縣南湖國小、建中國小訪日團一行", "content": "






\n", "date": "2024-02-06 16:56:34", "url": "http://www.roc-taiwan.org/jpfuk/post/19308.html" }, { "title": "ORIGINAL Inc.伏谷博之社長、合志未來研究所濱田善也社長、朝寝坊屋公司小路輔代表、love fm國際廣播本部本竹石明弘部長、社福團體三幸橋本一郎理事長及三好不動産三好徹經理一行2月5日拜訪本處,並就台灣文化交流慶典交換意見", "content": "


\n", "date": "2024-02-05 17:30:44", "url": "http://www.roc-taiwan.org/jpfuk/post/19488.html" }, { "title": "竹下盛人積水建築福岡公寓事業部長及染原徳道空間計畫社長一行人2月2日造訪本處。", "content": "

\"425364158_712237637697639_791870524885214449_n\" \"425454979_712237614364308_5187400020569384224_n\"

\n", "date": "2024-02-02 17:31:12", "url": "http://www.roc-taiwan.org/jpfuk/post/19492.html" }, { "title": "和水町石原佳幸町長、高木洋一郎議長及石原康司總務課長一行2月1日拜訪本處,並就與台灣的交流分享意見。", "content": "

\"423515525_711650084423061_1734411309972241330_n\" \"424735433_711650051089731_5981960794711165755_n\" \"424714047_711650031089733_7359592842146193695_n\"

\n", "date": "2024-02-01 17:33:33", "url": "http://www.roc-taiwan.org/jpfuk/post/19504.html" }, { "title": "第一銀行鐘世芳東京分店長、林詩蓉副店長及吳彥賓專員2月1日拜訪本處。", "content": "

\"\" \"\"

\n", "date": "2024-02-01 17:33:13", "url": "http://www.roc-taiwan.org/jpfuk/post/19500.html" }, { "title": "山崎拓前眾議員、藤木卓一郎佐賀縣議員、松田義太鹿島市議員及田中茂樹鹿島市観光協會事務局長1月40日來訪本處。", "content": "


\n", "date": "2024-01-30 17:35:48", "url": "http://www.roc-taiwan.org/jpfuk/post/19516.html" }, { "title": "松本 修一Preceed代表、連佩瑩昇級生醫股份有限公司董事長及黃怡翔總經理1月30日造訪本處。", "content": "


\n", "date": "2024-01-30 17:35:21", "url": "http://www.roc-taiwan.org/jpfuk/post/19512.html" }, { "title": "陳銘俊處長夫婦1月28日出席2024年大分縣日華親善協會望年會。", "content": "

\"423195750_709753774612692_5380682327493326253_n\" \"423196189_709753757946027_555824299971889450_n\"

\n", "date": "2024-01-29 13:27:04", "url": "http://www.roc-taiwan.org/jpfuk/post/19164.html" }, { "title": "1/27宮崎縣日南車站舉辦與台中市日南車站姊妹車站締結慶祝儀式", "content": "

\"492682703583051877\" \"492682702726627560\"

\n", "date": "2024-01-27 13:55:46", "url": "http://www.roc-taiwan.org/jpfuk/post/19223.html" }, { "title": "陳銘俊處長1月25日拜訪飯塚市長武井政一及議長江口徹。", "content": "

\"\" \"\"

\n", "date": "2024-01-25 13:30:07", "url": "http://www.roc-taiwan.org/jpfuk/post/19172.html" }, { "title": "1/25 陳總領事銘俊偕員轄訪福岡縣田川郡福智町,並由該町黑土孝司町長帶領參訪陶藝工房", "content": "


\n", "date": "2024-01-25 09:30:45", "url": "http://www.roc-taiwan.org/jpfuk/post/19175.html" }, { "title": "1/24 陳總領事銘俊接待一般社團法人九州國際交流協會代表理事松本英樹,洽談促進交流事宜", "content": "

1/24 陳總領事銘俊(右)接待一般社團法人九州國際交流協會代表理事松本英樹(中),洽談促進交流事宜。



\n", "date": "2024-01-24 16:51:31", "url": "http://www.roc-taiwan.org/jpfuk/post/19151.html" }, { "title": "1/24陳銘俊處長線上出席瑞芳區與上天草市線上交流會議", "content": "


\n", "date": "2024-01-24 13:33:03", "url": "http://www.roc-taiwan.org/jpfuk/post/19185.html" }, { "title": "1/24 陳總領事銘俊接待一般社團法人九州國際交流協會代表理事松本英樹,洽談促進交流事宜", "content": "


\n", "date": "2024-01-24 13:32:31", "url": "http://www.roc-taiwan.org/jpfuk/post/19181.html" }, { "title": "伊佐市長橋本欣也と及鹿兒島縣議員池畑知行1月23日拜訪陳銘俊處長夫婦,就與花蓮市的交流交換意見。", "content": "


\n", "date": "2024-01-23 13:46:20", "url": "http://www.roc-taiwan.org/jpfuk/post/19199.html" }, { "title": "1/22謝長廷代表與陳銘俊處長線上出席鹿兒島縣與屏東縣友好交流協議締結儀式", "content": "

\"\" \"\"

\n", "date": "2024-01-22 13:44:59", "url": "http://www.roc-taiwan.org/jpfuk/post/19192.html" }, { "title": "西日本台灣學友會於1月21日在北九州國際交流協會舉辦「台灣文化交流會」", "content": "

\"\" \"\"

\n", "date": "2024-01-21 13:49:26", "url": "http://www.roc-taiwan.org/jpfuk/post/19209.html" }, { "title": "杵築市議會藤本治郎議員、杵築獅子會古宮信二会長、藤原彰弘理事1月19日來訪本處", "content": "


\n", "date": "2024-01-19 13:50:09", "url": "http://www.roc-taiwan.org/jpfuk/post/19212.html" }, { "title": "宮崎縣議連會長丸山裕次郎及宮崎縣商工觀光勞動部長丸山裕太郎1月16日拜訪本處陳銘俊處 長。", "content": "

\"\" \"\"

\n", "date": "2024-01-16 13:53:36", "url": "http://www.roc-taiwan.org/jpfuk/post/19219.html" }, { "title": "鳥栖市向門慶人市長一行人1月10日來訪本處。", "content": "


\n", "date": "2024-01-10 13:59:56", "url": "http://www.roc-taiwan.org/jpfuk/post/19229.html" } ] }, { "lang": "ja", "branch": "fuk", "country": "jp", "name": "Fukuoka Branch, Taipei Economic and Cultural Office in Osaka", "path": "/jpfuk_ja/", "items": [ { "title": "鹿島市議会松田義太議員は3月27日に陳総領事銘俊を表敬訪問", "content": "




\n", "date": "2024-03-29 11:30:38", "url": "http://www.roc-taiwan.org/jpfuk_ja/post/15217.html" }, { "title": "伊佐市橋本欣也市長一行は3月27日当処を表敬訪問。友好交流都市の花蓮市との交流について意見交換。", "content": "

伊佐市橋本欣也市長一行は3月27日当処を表敬訪問。友好交流都市の花蓮市との交流について意見交換。\"\" \"\"

\n", "date": "2024-03-27 08:08:37", "url": "http://www.roc-taiwan.org/jpfuk_ja/post/15185.html" }, { "title": "日本養豚協会鋤柄卓夫事務局長と遠藤貴美代主任は3月12日当処を訪問。今月の台湾訪問視察について意見交換。", "content": "


\n", "date": "2024-03-12 08:10:55", "url": "http://www.roc-taiwan.org/jpfuk_ja/post/15195.html" }, { "title": "台新銀行東京支店楊宗翰責任者と黃信傑リレーションシップマネージャーは3月12日当処をご訪問。", "content": "


\n", "date": "2024-03-12 08:09:30", "url": "http://www.roc-taiwan.org/jpfuk_ja/post/15189.html" }, { "title": "熊本県町村会竹崎一成会長と宮川章二事務局長一行は3月11日当処をご来訪。8月の台湾訪問のついて意見交換。", "content": "

\"\" \"\"

\n", "date": "2024-03-11 08:14:28", "url": "http://www.roc-taiwan.org/jpfuk_ja/post/15206.html" }, { "title": "菊陽町後藤三雄前町長、ハイコムグループ甲斐達也代表取締役会長とJR九州熊本支社高田健二総務課長一行は3月11日当処を訪問。台湾企業との交流について意見交換。 菊陽町後藤三雄前町長、HICOM", "content": "
\n", "date": "2024-03-11 08:11:21", "url": "http://www.roc-taiwan.org/jpfuk_ja/post/15199.html" }, { "title": "嘉義県翁章梁知事一行は3月7日地元の農産物の促進販売に山口までお越し頂きました。", "content": "



\"429811863_730899105831492_2487774549003681796_n\" \"430796108_730899099164826_2146354304252220950_n\"

\n", "date": "2024-03-07 08:15:05", "url": "http://www.roc-taiwan.org/jpfuk_ja/post/15210.html" }, { "title": "熊本青年会議所秀島常介常任理事、藤原将和副理事長と寺本幸専務理事は3月4日当処をご来訪。在熊台湾人との交流について意見交換。", "content": "


\n", "date": "2024-03-04 17:13:45", "url": "http://www.roc-taiwan.org/jpfuk_ja/post/15007.html" }, { "title": "エバー航空陳靜美福岡支店長と何汝奇新支店長は3月4日当処をご来訪。台湾-日本の便について意見交換。", "content": "


\n", "date": "2024-03-04 17:12:45", "url": "http://www.roc-taiwan.org/jpfuk_ja/post/15001.html" }, { "title": "周県長は3月2日熊本大津町にお越しいただき、屏東県の特産品をPR。", "content": "

\"430618911_728211839433552_2710871157779958321_n\" \"430476955_728211796100223_268611061103224252_n\" \"430489670_728211752766894_1788381650186684671_n\"

\n", "date": "2024-03-02 17:13:54", "url": "http://www.roc-taiwan.org/jpfuk_ja/post/15011.html" }, { "title": "博多大丸新社長村本光児様と前社長小宅祥広様は3月1日当処をご来訪。今後台湾とのビジネス連携について意見交換。", "content": "


\n", "date": "2024-03-01 17:12:03", "url": "http://www.roc-taiwan.org/jpfuk_ja/post/14997.html" }, { "title": "屏東県周県長一行、熊本へようこそ!", "content": "


\n", "date": "2024-03-01 16:15:21", "url": "http://www.roc-taiwan.org/jpfuk_ja/post/15018.html" }, { "title": "大和村伊集院幼村長一行は2月29日ご来訪ください、当処の陳銘俊処長に感謝状を贈呈くださいました。", "content": "

\"\" \"\"

\n", "date": "2024-02-29 17:16:56", "url": "http://www.roc-taiwan.org/jpfuk_ja/post/15025.html" }, { "title": "第一銀行邱月琴董事長と東京支店鐘世芳支店長一行は2月29月当処を表敬訪問。", "content": "


\n", "date": "2024-02-29 16:18:39", "url": "http://www.roc-taiwan.org/jpfuk_ja/post/15034.html" }, { "title": "当処の陳銘俊処長は2月29日熊本県和水町と屏東県九如郷の首長オンライン会議に出席しました。", "content": "


\n", "date": "2024-02-29 15:17:19", "url": "http://www.roc-taiwan.org/jpfuk_ja/post/15029.html" }, { "title": "陳銘俊処長は2月27日熊本県工業連協会と台日産業技術合作促進会のMOU締結式に参加。", "content": "


\n", "date": "2024-02-27 17:20:49", "url": "http://www.roc-taiwan.org/jpfuk_ja/post/15046.html" }, { "title": "陳銘俊処長は2月27日「台湾伝統料理の宴」に出席。高雄市羅達生副市長もご参加。", "content": "

\"429893277_726376792950390_3455319740923135196_n\" \"429673279_726376786283724_5707697714163103968_n\" \"429900955_726284856292917_1413156163180741893_n\"

\n", "date": "2024-02-27 17:19:08", "url": "http://www.roc-taiwan.org/jpfuk_ja/post/15038.html" }, { "title": "陳銘俊処長は2月26日南関町佐藤安彦町長、立山秀喜議長と谷口慶志郎教育長一行を表敬訪問し、台日の交流について意見交換。", "content": "


\n", "date": "2024-02-26 17:22:27", "url": "http://www.roc-taiwan.org/jpfuk_ja/post/15055.html" }, { "title": "陳銘俊処長は2月26日玉東町前田移津行町長を表敬訪問し、台湾との友好交流都市について意見交換。", "content": "


\n", "date": "2024-02-26 17:21:03", "url": "http://www.roc-taiwan.org/jpfuk_ja/post/15050.html" }, { "title": "謝長廷駐日代表、熊本へようこそ", "content": "

\"429672555_724117816509621_9128925158896830148_n\" \"429806059_724117806509622_1415460035617260699_n\"

\n", "date": "2024-02-23 17:23:10", "url": "http://www.roc-taiwan.org/jpfuk_ja/post/15059.html" }, { "title": "宇城市溝見友一議長、永木誠副議長、三角隆史事務局長と河野真里議員は2月22日当処をご来訪。", "content": "


\n", "date": "2024-02-22 17:24:34", "url": "http://www.roc-taiwan.org/jpfuk_ja/post/15065.html" }, { "title": "大木町広松栄治町長、志牟田敏剛顧問とひしのみ事務局高井良暢子様は2月14日当処を訪問し、台湾との交流について意見交換。", "content": "


\n", "date": "2024-02-14 17:25:00", "url": "http://www.roc-taiwan.org/jpfuk_ja/post/15069.html" }, { "title": "本処の陳銘俊処長は2月13日台湾研究会の瓜生晴彦会長、眞野善晴顧問、早川悟顧問と記者野藤泰昇様と面会し、台湾との交流について意見交換。", "content": "


\n", "date": "2024-02-13 17:26:42", "url": "http://www.roc-taiwan.org/jpfuk_ja/post/15079.html" }, { "title": "陳銘俊処長は2月13日台湾銀行福岡事務所賴嘉栄所長と面会。九州の進出について意見交換。", "content": "


\n", "date": "2024-02-13 17:26:22", "url": "http://www.roc-taiwan.org/jpfuk_ja/post/15075.html" }, { "title": "延岡市・読谷山洋司市長は2月8日当処を表敬訪問。台南市との交流について意見交換。", "content": "


\n", "date": "2024-02-08 17:28:30", "url": "http://www.roc-taiwan.org/jpfuk_ja/post/15089.html" }, { "title": "当処陳銘俊処長は2月8日福岡県志免町を訪れ、世利良末町長、丸山卓嗣議長、内野克志副町長と金子真恵教育長を表敬訪問。", "content": "


\n", "date": "2024-02-08 17:28:07", "url": "http://www.roc-taiwan.org/jpfuk_ja/post/15085.html" }, { "title": "福智町黒土孝司町長は2月6日当処ご来訪。台日のビジネス推進について意見交換。", "content": "


\n", "date": "2024-02-06 17:29:49", "url": "http://www.roc-taiwan.org/jpfuk_ja/post/15095.html" }, { "title": "陳銘俊処長は2月2日苗栗県南湖小学校、建中小学校訪日団一行等一行と面会", "content": "






\n", "date": "2024-02-06 17:01:33", "url": "http://www.roc-taiwan.org/jpfuk_ja/post/14986.html" }, { "title": "ORIGINAL Inc.代表取締役伏谷博之社長、こうし未来研究所代表取締役濵田善也社長、株式会社朝寝坊屋小路輔代表、ラブエフエム国際放送株式会社営業企画本部本竹石明弘部長、社会福祉法人三幸橋本一郎理事長と三好不動産三好徹経理部統括マネージャー一行は2月5日当処をご来訪。台湾文化交流イベントについて意見交換。", "content": "


\n", "date": "2024-02-05 17:30:14", "url": "http://www.roc-taiwan.org/jpfuk_ja/post/15098.html" }, { "title": "竹下盛人セキスイハウス福岡マンション事業部長と染原徳道空間プロデュース社長一行は2月2日当処ご来訪。", "content": "

\"\" \"\"

\n", "date": "2024-02-02 17:32:14", "url": "http://www.roc-taiwan.org/jpfuk_ja/post/15105.html" }, { "title": "和水町石原佳幸町長、髙木洋一郎議長と石原康司総務課長一行は2月1日当処を表敬訪問して、台湾の市町村との交流について意見交換。", "content": "

\"\" \"\" \"\"

\n", "date": "2024-02-01 17:34:14", "url": "http://www.roc-taiwan.org/jpfuk_ja/post/15118.html" }, { "title": "第一銀行鐘世芳東京支店長、林詩蓉副支店長と呉彥賓専員は2月1日当処を表敬訪問。", "content": "

\"424741688_711669057754497_9165134701367421896_n\" \"424728751_711669031087833_2622534249556491852_n\"

\n", "date": "2024-02-01 17:32:45", "url": "http://www.roc-taiwan.org/jpfuk_ja/post/15109.html" }, { "title": "山崎拓元衆議院議員、藤木卓一郎佐賀県議会議員、松田義太鹿島市議会議員と田中茂樹鹿島市観光協会事務局長は1月30日当処をご来訪。", "content": "


\n", "date": "2024-01-30 17:36:07", "url": "http://www.roc-taiwan.org/jpfuk_ja/post/15128.html" }, { "title": "松本 修一Preceed代表、連佩瑩昇級生醫股份有限公司董事長と黃怡翔總經理一行は1月30日本処をご来訪。日台のビジネス推進について意見交換。", "content": "


\n", "date": "2024-01-30 17:34:58", "url": "http://www.roc-taiwan.org/jpfuk_ja/post/15122.html" }, { "title": "陳銘俊処長夫婦は1月28日大分県日華親善協会望年会に出席しました。", "content": "

\"\" \"\"

\n", "date": "2024-01-29 13:27:31", "url": "http://www.roc-taiwan.org/jpfuk_ja/post/14902.html" }, { "title": "1/27宮崎県日南駅と台中市日南駅姉妹駅お祝いを行いました", "content": "

\"\" \"\"

\n", "date": "2024-01-27 13:56:58", "url": "http://www.roc-taiwan.org/jpfuk_ja/post/14955.html" }, { "title": "陳銘俊処長は1月25日飯塚市長武井政一と議長江口徹を表敬訪問。", "content": "

\"422367338_707613134826756_6217576665623775874_n\" \"421225112_707613148160088_5233701055853234128_n\"

\n", "date": "2024-01-25 13:28:20", "url": "http://www.roc-taiwan.org/jpfuk_ja/post/14906.html" }, { "title": "陳銘俊処長一行は1月25日に福岡県田川郡福智町を訪問し、黑土孝司町長の引率で陶芸工房を参観しました。", "content": "


\n", "date": "2024-01-25 08:31:17", "url": "http://www.roc-taiwan.org/jpfuk_ja/post/14913.html" }, { "title": "陳銘俊処長は1月24日、一般社団法人九州国際交流協会代表理事松本英樹と面会", "content": "




\n", "date": "2024-01-24 16:54:16", "url": "http://www.roc-taiwan.org/jpfuk_ja/post/14896.html" }, { "title": "1/24陳銘俊処長は瑞芳区と上天草市のオンライン交流会に参加", "content": "


\n", "date": "2024-01-24 13:38:49", "url": "http://www.roc-taiwan.org/jpfuk_ja/post/14923.html" }, { "title": "陳銘俊処長は1月24日、一般社団法人九州国際交流協会代表理事松本英樹と面会", "content": "


\n", "date": "2024-01-24 13:31:54", "url": "http://www.roc-taiwan.org/jpfuk_ja/post/14917.html" }, { "title": "伊佐市市長橋本欣也と鹿児島県議員池畑知行は1月23日陳銘俊処長夫婦を訪問し、花蓮市との交流について意見交換。", "content": "


\n", "date": "2024-01-23 13:47:07", "url": "http://www.roc-taiwan.org/jpfuk_ja/post/14932.html" }, { "title": "1/22謝長廷代表と陳銘俊処長はオンラインで鹿児島県と屛東県の友好交流協定式に参加", "content": "

\"IMG_7727\" \"IMG_7664\"

\n", "date": "2024-01-22 13:42:21", "url": "http://www.roc-taiwan.org/jpfuk_ja/post/14926.html" }, { "title": "西日本台灣學友會於1月21日在北九州國際交流協會舉辦「台灣文化交流會」", "content": "

\"421344452_705652311689505_1133163627964719393_n\" \"421367105_705652275022842_1923926943884727133_n\"

\n", "date": "2024-01-21 13:48:31", "url": "http://www.roc-taiwan.org/jpfuk_ja/post/14936.html" }, { "title": "杵築市議会藤本治郎議員、杵築ライオンズクラブ古宮信二会長、藤原彰弘理事一行は1月19日当処をご来訪。基隆のライオンズクラブとの交流について意見交換。", "content": "


\n", "date": "2024-01-19 13:50:35", "url": "http://www.roc-taiwan.org/jpfuk_ja/post/14943.html" }, { "title": "宮崎県議員連盟会長丸山裕次郎と商工観光労働部長部長丸山裕太郎一行は1月16日当処の陳銘俊処長をご来訪。今年の交流をめぐって意見交換しました。", "content": "

\"419876346_702194868701916_1848025317788990193_n\" \"420005427_702194805368589_7651971167934913457_n\"

\n", "date": "2024-01-16 13:51:54", "url": "http://www.roc-taiwan.org/jpfuk_ja/post/14947.html" }, { "title": "鳥栖市向門慶人市長一行は1月10日当処ご来訪。", "content": "


\n", "date": "2024-01-10 14:00:22", "url": "http://www.roc-taiwan.org/jpfuk_ja/post/14960.html" } ] }, { "lang": "zh", "branch": "na", "country": "jp", "name": "台北駐日經濟文化代表處 那霸分處", "path": "/jpna/", "items": [ { "title": "2024/04/13本處王瑞豐處長偕家眷應邀出席「琉球海炎祭」", "content": "

2024/04/13本處王瑞豐處長偕家眷應邀出席「琉球海炎祭」 (位於沖繩縣宜野灣市),早上下了大雨令人擔心今日活動是否能如期舉行,幸好午後放晴且天氣涼爽,沒有統計詳細人數但會場內的台灣觀光客似乎比去年還多。今年的煙火秀還有2件令人感動之處:




2.特地選播二首台灣人耳熟能詳的歌曲搭配煙火施放:主辦單位今年選了二首五月天的「乾杯」及夏川里美演唱「時の流れに身を任せ」 (中文取名: 「我只在乎你」)。


「乾杯」一曲的歌詞:「今天就是有一天 說出一直沒說 對你的感謝 和你再乾一杯」,時間雖然無法倒退到地震發生前提醒大家做好準備,我們想說:感謝宜野灣市、沖繩縣及日本的朋友們這麼在乎台灣,因為有大家的鼓勵及協助,我們會努力完成災後重建,並和你們再乾一杯。
















2024琉球海炎祭煙火 1


2024琉球海炎祭煙火 2





\n", "date": "2024-04-15 16:37:09", "url": "http://www.roc-taiwan.org/jpna/post/8754.html" }, { "title": "2024/03/28 本處王處長瑞豐接見「臺中市立臺中第一高級中等學校(簡稱中一中)」地理科教師梁淳淳、國文科教師姚艾娟及8位資優班學生", "content": "
2024/03/28 本處王處長瑞豐接見「臺中市立臺中第一高級中等學校(簡稱中一中)」地理科教師梁淳淳、國文科教師姚艾娟及8位資優班學生,並就台灣與沖繩經濟交流、沖繩與日本本土差異、外交官應具備的特質等交換意見。
\n", "date": "2024-04-03 13:18:15", "url": "http://www.roc-taiwan.org/jpna/post/8736.html" }, { "title": "2024年1月24日王瑞豐處長應邀出席東亞超級籃球聯賽小組賽", "content": "





\"131CB56A-C03F-4436-91E9-E57E6EEA1690\" \"B8F9F2A6-B862-4BAD-84B4-0C99AA5A30D6\" \"54490982-F1BA-4011-8B7A-379AF061DFEF\" \"F28C6FCD-DACE-455F-981A-2ECAC34DA012\" \"E1CB3E77-23CF-4EE1-A581-78741DDEFA27\"

\n", "date": "2024-02-09 10:09:09", "url": "http://www.roc-taiwan.org/jpna/post/8677.html" }, { "title": "2024年1月24日王瑞豐總領事接見中琉文化經濟協會陳理事長俊池及體育觀光交流委員會張副主任委員泰山,並就加強台日體育交流及合作等交換意見。", "content": "

\"S__54009859\" \"S__619102212\"

\n", "date": "2024-02-02 13:09:25", "url": "http://www.roc-taiwan.org/jpna/post/8634.html" }, { "title": "12月22日本處王處長瑞豐應沖繩時報邀請,帶家眷觀賞 歡樂夢想馬戲團 表演", "content": "
12月22日本處王處長瑞豐應沖繩時報邀請,帶家眷觀賞「歡樂夢想馬戲團(日文:ハッピードリームサーカス)在「iias(日文:イーアス)沖縄豊崎」舉行的第一場表演,該團第一次在沖繩演出,團員集結來自9個國家的高手,各種特技雜技表演分分秒秒都非常精彩,全場觀眾屏息凝視表演者挑戰人體技能極限的高難度動作,近乎神技令人讚嘆不已。表演者也不忘和台下觀眾互動,現場氣氛時而緊張時而逗趣,讓人忘記了時間流逝,長達90分鐘的表演似乎一下子就結束了(中場休息10分鐘)。馬戲團演出會持續舉行到3月3日,平日下午3點及6點各演出一場(每周三或四公休),週六日演出三場,3歲以上需要購票入場(有孩童票及學生票)。詳情請見該活動官網ハッピードリームサーカス 沖縄公演https://www.qab.co.jp/events/hapidori_okinawa/
\"A\" \"BB\"
\n", "date": "2024-01-05 16:53:38", "url": "http://www.roc-taiwan.org/jpna/post/8530.html" } ] }, { "lang": "ja", "branch": "na", "country": "jp", "name": "Naha Branch, Taipei Economic and Cultural Representative Office in Japan", "path": "/jpna_ja/", "items": [ { "title": "2024/04/13当処の王瑞豐処長ら一家は沖縄県宜野湾市にて開催された「琉球海炎祭」を観覧しました。", "content": "

\n1. 代表挨拶による我が国で起きた花蓮地震に対する言葉。「琉球海炎祭」のパンフレット内にて花蓮地震に触れ、募金を呼び掛けられていました。また、催しの最中には、司会や松川宜野湾市長、仲本実行委員長らが挨拶時に会場にいる台湾人観光客に対し花蓮地震への気遣いの言葉、会場内に設置されている募金箱への募金を呼び掛けていただきました。実は4月3日の地震発生当日、松川宜野湾市長や呉屋宜野湾市議会議長をはじめとする政界の多くの方々からお気遣いの言葉をいただき、大変心温まる思いでした。























\n", "date": "2024-04-15 16:45:42", "url": "http://www.roc-taiwan.org/jpna_ja/post/9155.html" }, { "title": "2024/03/28当処の王瑞豐処長は「台中市立台中第一高等中学校(略称中一中高校)」の地理、中国語教師の梁淳淳氏、姚艾娟氏及び8名の学生らと対談し、台湾と沖縄の経済交流、沖縄と本土の差異、外交官に必要な素質などについて語り合いました。", "content": "






\n", "date": "2024-04-03 13:21:43", "url": "http://www.roc-taiwan.org/jpna_ja/post/9120.html" }, { "title": "2024/01/24 王瑞豐処長及び日台親善協会会員が 東アジアスーパーリーグ試合の台湾ニュータイペイキングス 対 琉球ゴールデンキングス を観戦しました。", "content": "

\"\" \"\" \"\" \"\" \"\"

\n", "date": "2024-02-09 10:25:52", "url": "http://www.roc-taiwan.org/jpna_ja/post/9097.html" }, { "title": "12月22日、王瑞豐處長は沖縄タイムスに招待され、「イーアス沖縄豊崎」で行われた「ハッピードリームサーカス」の初回公演を家族で観賞", "content": "
12月22日、王瑞豐處長は沖縄タイムスに招待され、「イーアス沖縄豊崎」で行われた「ハッピードリームサーカス」の初回公演を家族で観賞しました。このサーカス団は沖縄初上陸で、団員は世界9カ国のトップアーティストから構成され、空中ブランコやバイク&カースタントなど、世界最高レベルの高難度パフォーマンスを披露します。当日は見どころ満載で、会場全体が息を呑むパフォーマンスのほか、観客とのふれあいもあり、緩急を織り交ぜながら行われたプログラムに、時間が過ぎるのを忘れさせ、90分のパフォーマンスはあっという間に終了しました(途中で10分の休憩あり)。公演は3月3日まで行われますので、詳細は公式サイトを参照してください。ハッピードリームサーカス 沖縄公演https://www.qab.co.jp/events/hapidori_okinawa/
\"\" \"\"
\"\" \"\" \"\" \"\"
\n", "date": "2024-01-05 16:56:01", "url": "http://www.roc-taiwan.org/jpna_ja/post/9025.html" } ] }, { "lang": "zh", "branch": "okd", "country": "jp", "name": "台北駐日經濟文化代表處 札幌分處", "path": "/jpokd/", "items": [ { "title": "海外僑胞回國參加中華民國第16任總統、副總統就職慶典活動", "content": "




\n", "date": "2024-04-17 12:49:50", "url": "http://www.roc-taiwan.org/jpokd/post/11368.html" }, { "title": "衛生福利部公布0403花蓮震災捐款帳號", "content": "






\n", "date": "2024-04-08 13:01:53", "url": "http://www.roc-taiwan.org/jpokd/post/11337.html" }, { "title": "台灣感謝北海道各界對本次花蓮大地震的關心與支援", "content": "








\n", "date": "2024-04-08 13:01:11", "url": "http://www.roc-taiwan.org/jpokd/post/11333.html" }, { "title": "本處呼籲", "content": "


\n", "date": "2024-02-28 15:15:57", "url": "http://www.roc-taiwan.org/jpokd/post/11182.html" } ] }, { "lang": "ja", "branch": "okd", "country": "jp", "name": "台北駐日経済文化代表処 札幌分処", "path": "/jpokd_ja/", "items": [ { "title": "2024年4月第3週TOPICS", "content": "

【 台北駐日經濟文化代表處札幌分處 】

















【台湾東部地震/台湾の被災地で日本企業が協力 無償で空洞探査へ-社会-】















【パリ五輪まで100日 ナショナルトレセンで宣誓式 東京大会超す成績に期待/台湾–芸能スポーツ-】












【海外工場の設置進むTSMC 魏CEO「顧客はさらに高いコスト分担」/台湾–経済-】











【台湾がんばれ」 日本の砂の彫刻家が制作 被災地の早期復興願う観光-】













\n", "date": "2024-04-22 10:06:39", "url": "http://www.roc-taiwan.org/jpokd_ja/post/12032.html" }, { "title": "2024年4月第2週TOPICS", "content": "

【 台北駐日經濟文化代表處札幌分處 】


【日米首脳、台湾海峡の平和の重要性強調 外交部が歓迎「理念の近い国と協力続ける」-政治-】


【台湾東部地震/台湾東部地震 死者16人に 3人いまだ行方不明-社会-】


【巨大ゴムボール使ったパブリックアート 10日で延べ10万人超動員 台湾・台南–文化-】


【台湾パイナップル、ニュージーランドへの輸出が可能に 海外市場拡大へ–経済-】
\n(台北中央社)農業部(農業省)は9日、ニュージーランドと台湾の果物や野菜の輸出に関するプロジェクトに調印したと発表した。台湾産パイナップルのニュージーランドへの輸出が可能になり、海外市場の拡大が図られる。同部によると、プロジェクトへの調印は台湾とニュージーランドが締結した経済協力協定(ANZTEC)に含まれる衛生植物検疫措置に関する共同管理委員会(SPS JMC)で行われた。台湾は2017年からパイナップルの栽培や気候、有害生物、収穫後の処理、海外輸出の実績などに関する資料をまとめ、輸出に向けた取り組みを続けていたという。同部はパイナップルについて、香り高く、甘くジューシーなどの特徴が国内外で受け入れられていると強調。品種も多く、生産地や品種、収穫時期の調整などで年間を通じて収穫できるとアピールした。
\n【台北市のレストランバスに新型車両 高級ホテルの食事を提供 優雅さ演出/台湾–観光-】

\n", "date": "2024-04-12 15:20:10", "url": "http://www.roc-taiwan.org/jpokd_ja/post/12011.html" }, { "title": "2024年4月第1週TOPICS", "content": "

【 台北駐日經濟文化代表處札幌分處 】


【台湾東部地震/日本政府、台湾に緊急無償資金協力 約1億5000万円 外交部「心から感謝」-政治-】


【台湾東部地震/台湾東部地震、死者10人 外国人含む9人依然不明 悪天候で救出難航-社会-】


【日本人女性、台東・鹿野で着付け活動 「平和への願い感じてもらいたい」/台湾–文化-】


【台北のコンピューター業界団体、東京で半導体フォーラム 400人超が参加/台湾–経済-】


【台湾東部地震/観光署トップ、台湾は「安心して来られる環境」 日本各界からの関心に感謝–観光-】

\n", "date": "2024-04-09 12:49:56", "url": "http://www.roc-taiwan.org/jpokd_ja/post/11998.html" }, { "title": "2024年3月第5週TOPICS", "content": "

【 台北駐日經濟文化代表處札幌分處 】






【蔡総統「台湾は米国と努力し続ける」 米下院議員団と面会/台湾-政治-】













【山本彩さん台湾公演 チケ先行購入に「国家の統一破壊」を禁じる規定 公式が謝罪-社会-】













【奈良美智さんの個展、離島・澎湖で29日開幕 歴史建築と作品がコラボレーション/台湾–文化-】








今回は台湾のために制作したという作品「Hazy Humid Day」の他、新型コロナウイルス流行下に来台した際に隔離のために宿泊したホテルで描いた27枚の絵が新たに展示される。








【台湾、電気料金値上げへ 4月から平均11%–経済-】













【外国人観光客の誘致を強化 台南市、団体ツアー実施の旅行会社に補助金交付へ/台湾–観光-】











\n", "date": "2024-04-01 14:44:31", "url": "http://www.roc-taiwan.org/jpokd_ja/post/11974.html" }, { "title": "2024年3月第4週TOPICS", "content": "

【 台北駐日經濟文化代表處札幌分處 】






【ひまわり運動から10年 市民団体が集会 「中国の政治的・経済的脅迫を拒否」/台湾-政治-】


(台北中央社)中国とのサービス貿易取り決めを巡り、学生らが撤回を求めて立法院(国会)を占拠した「ひまわり学生運動」の発生から10年となった18日夜、記念集会が台北市の立法院庁舎そばで開かれ、 主催団体メンバーが声明で、サービス貿易協議の再開反対や中国の政治的・経済的脅迫の拒否を訴えた。集会はシンクタンクの台湾経済民主連合が発起し、30を超える市民団体が合同で開催した。主催者によれば、集会には約800人が参加した。台湾経済民主連合の許冠沢副秘書長は声明で、次期総統の頼清徳(らいせいとく)副総統と立法院に対し、中国とのサービス貿易・財貿易協議の再開を拒否するよう求めるとともに、国会は中国政府に対して台湾との協議において「一つの中国原則」の政治的前提を強いるのをやめるよう求める共同決議を採択すべきだと主張した。ひまわり学生運動でリーダーの一人を務めた与党・民進党の林飛帆氏は、同運動を通じて台湾は人々に「台湾の運命は自分たちで決める」とのメッセージを伝えたと強調。「次の10年もこの道を前進し続けなければならない」と呼びかけ、「中国に台湾の未来を定義させてはならない。台湾の人々が自分たちの未来を定義するのだ」と語気を強めた。






【蔡総統の太平島視察 国安局長「推奨しない」=国民党議員団が訪問呼びかけ/台湾-政治-】








【台湾最高峰・玉山周辺で事故相次ぐ 登山前の入念な準備呼びかけ–社会-】








【高雄の9団体・企業、12億円超受注 フーデックスジャパン/台湾–経済-】







【1~2月の訪日客、台湾からは約99万人=韓国に次ぎ2位 単月の最多人数更新–観光-】





\n", "date": "2024-03-25 08:18:22", "url": "http://www.roc-taiwan.org/jpokd_ja/post/11929.html" }, { "title": "2024年3月第3週TOPICS", "content": "

【 台北駐日經濟文化代表處札幌分處 】






【蔡総統「強靭な供給網構築の準備できている」 TPP早期加入にも期待/台湾-政治-】















【台日漁業委員会、14日から台北で開催 漁船の操業ルールなど協議/台湾-政治-】











【台湾一周で能登半島地震への支援に感謝 石川県人会有志が台南市長を訪問–社会-】
















【台湾の経済団体、九州経済連合会とオンラインで交流 経済部、パートナー関係構築願う–経済-】















【台湾鉄道と西武鉄道、双方の観光列車が「姉妹車両」に 交流促進に期待–観光-】











\n", "date": "2024-03-15 16:34:25", "url": "http://www.roc-taiwan.org/jpokd_ja/post/11921.html" }, { "title": "2024年3月第2週TOPICS", "content": "

【 台北駐日經濟文化代表處札幌分處 】





















【アジア太平洋国会議員連合、台湾から代表団参加 11日東京で開幕-政治-】

























【食品展「フーデックス」に台湾13県市が出展 過去最大規模で果物や食品などPR–経済-】

















【エバー航空 桃園―松山線が運航再開 桜のシーズンには増便も/台湾–観光-】













\n", "date": "2024-03-15 10:24:24", "url": "http://www.roc-taiwan.org/jpokd_ja/post/11917.html" }, { "title": "2024年2月第4週TOPICS", "content": "", "date": "2024-03-15 10:23:08", "url": "http://www.roc-taiwan.org/jpokd_ja/post/11915.html" }, { "title": "2024年2月第3週TOPICS", "content": "

【 台北駐日經濟文化代表處札幌分處 】






【台湾は世界10位=民主主義指数 アジア最高位-政治-】















【蔡総統「歩みを止めたことはない」 中国との対話の可能性探り続ける姿勢示す/台湾-政治-】













【台湾、空港での検査キット配布を継続 3月末まで 近隣の新型コロナ感染状況鑑み–社会-】












【TSMC/TSMC 熊本工場の量産、今年末前の開始強調/台湾–経済-】












【国内旅行好調 観光向け宿泊施設、23年稼働率は前年比約3割増=観光署/台湾–観光-】













\n", "date": "2024-03-15 10:21:16", "url": "http://www.roc-taiwan.org/jpokd_ja/post/11911.html" }, { "title": "2024年2月第2週TOPICS", "content": "

【 台北駐日經濟文化代表處札幌分處 】






【蔡総統、「日本との協力・交流拡大を望む」 小池都知事と会談/台湾-政治-】




総統府によると、小池氏の訪台は2016年の都知事就任後初めて。蔡氏は小池氏について19年に東京・上野公園で開かれた台湾文化発信イベント「TAIWAN PLUS」に出席したことなどを挙げ、「台湾の日本にいる良き友人だ」として感謝を伝えた。






















【市販の豚肩ロース肉から使用禁止の成長促進剤 全ロット回収へ/台湾–社会-】




衛生局によると、問題の豚肩ロース肉は1月15日に国防部(国防省)福利事業管理処に所属する売店で販売されていた。抜き取り検査の結果、シンブテロール0.002ppmが      検出された。










【中華電信、富士通と覚書締結 台湾で次世代通信技術用いたネットワーク構築目指す–経済-】














【屏東の農業博覧会に日本の自治体や企業集めた展示館 桜島大根などお目見え/台湾–観光-】













\n", "date": "2024-03-15 10:19:52", "url": "http://www.roc-taiwan.org/jpokd_ja/post/11907.html" }, { "title": "2024年2月第1週TOPICS", "content": "

【 台北駐日經濟文化代表處札幌分處 】





















【能登半島地震/能登半島地震 寄付金口座に25億円超集まる 呉外相「無数の台湾の人々の厚意の表れ-政治-】

















【台湾の製薬会社、米国企業と技術移転の取り決め締結 核酸医薬の世界進出に期待–社会-】
















【台南産インドナツメ、日本に向けて出荷 今年第1陣は1.5トン/台湾–経済-】























\n", "date": "2024-03-15 10:17:48", "url": "http://www.roc-taiwan.org/jpokd_ja/post/11904.html" }, { "title": "2024年1月第4週TOPICS", "content": "

【 台北駐日經濟文化代表處札幌分處 】






【能登半島地震/林官房長官、台湾からの支援は「友情の証し」 政府と民間からの寄付に謝意表明-政治-】











【日華懇、総統就任式典への訪問団派遣を協議 台日米議員の戦略対話開催に意欲/台湾-政治-】















【南部・屏東県、鹿児島県と観光や農業などで連携へ MOU締結/台湾–社会-】














【台湾の輸出受注、年間総額は過去3番目の高さ ASEAN加盟国からの受注が増加–経済-】














【巨大アヒル「ラバーダック」 10年ぶりに台湾・高雄に出現–観光-】









\n", "date": "2024-03-15 10:16:35", "url": "http://www.roc-taiwan.org/jpokd_ja/post/11900.html" }, { "title": "2024年1月第3週TOPICS", "content": "

【 台北駐日經濟文化代表處札幌分處 】






【米下院歳入委員会、新たな税制改正法案を可決 米台間の二重課税回避盛り込む-政治-】









【台湾、偽情報への対応力向上に注力 TikTokには「慎重に対処」=陳行政院長-政治-】











【台湾の迎賓施設で飼育のコクチョウ 約10年ぶりにひなが誕生–社会-】














【台湾・基隆と那覇結ぶ大型クルーズが就航 3カ月で13往復–経済-】













【台湾鉄道とJR四国が観光列車PR 「松山駅」友好駅協定10周年で–観光-】







\n", "date": "2024-03-13 10:27:41", "url": "http://www.roc-taiwan.org/jpokd_ja/post/11896.html" }, { "title": "2024年1月第2週TOPICS", "content": "

【 台北駐日經濟文化代表處札幌分處 】























【能登半島地震/台湾の対日窓口が寄付金贈呈 能登半島地震-政治-】











【能登半島地震/能登半島地震 北陸の台湾系団体、避難所に支援物資届ける 食材や衛生用品など–社会-】














【旅行予約サイトのKKday 冬商品アクセス数が前年の2倍 日本と韓国が人気/台湾–経済-】









【台湾・台南、米CNNの「2024年に訪れるべき場所」に選出 グルメや景観など評価–観光-】











\n", "date": "2024-03-13 10:26:30", "url": "http://www.roc-taiwan.org/jpokd_ja/post/11892.html" }, { "title": "2024年1月第1週TOPICS", "content": "

【 台北駐日經濟文化代表處札幌分處 】






【総統選/米上院、3分の1超の議員が台湾支持の決議案提出へ パートナー関係の継続強調-政治-】













【約42億円かけ旧軍人村を修復へ 史文化相「一度で終わらせる」/台湾-文化-】













【台北の年越しイベントに17万人が参加 メトロの利用者、24時間で238万人/台湾–社会-】
















【台湾の茶どころ・阿里山 「冬茶」が豊作 嘉義県長が高品質アピール–経済-】













【台湾鉄道が国営企業化 安全の確保とサービスの有効性向上目指す–観光-】











\n", "date": "2024-03-13 10:23:52", "url": "http://www.roc-taiwan.org/jpokd_ja/post/11888.html" }, { "title": "2023年12月TOPICS", "content": "

【 台北駐日經濟文化代表處札幌分處 】






【台北で「台日友好」パーティー 千人超が参加 日本の水産品に舌鼓/台湾















【京都橘高吹奏楽部が国家音楽ホールで公演 涙ながらに「台湾の皆さまと台湾が大好き」-文化-】













【王貞治氏、台北ドームで始球式 「台湾野球に栄光あれ」–芸能スポーツ-】
















【台湾と日本の窓口機関、第三国市場協力委員会を開催 双方トップが意見交換–経済-】















【観光名所の奇岩、一部崩壊 「象の鼻」の形失う 原因は自然浸食か/台湾–観光-】











\n", "date": "2024-03-13 10:21:16", "url": "http://www.roc-taiwan.org/jpokd_ja/post/11884.html" }, { "title": "2023年11月TOPICS", "content": "

【 台北駐日經濟文化代表處札幌分處 】






【蔡総統、NTT会長と面会 連携による成果を期待/台湾-経済-】








IOWNは「Innovative Optical and Wireless Network」の略称で、意味は「光ベースの革新的なネットワークの構想」。低遅延や低消費電力、大容量・高品質のネットワークの実現を目指し、NTTが2019年に提唱した。





【東京で開催の台湾エキスポが閉幕 約130億円の商機生み出す-経済-】













【台湾映画出演の渡辺直美、打ち上げパーティーに参加 続編の製作願う–芸能スポーツ-】































【台湾鉄道、日本の老舗弁当店とコラボ 数量限定で「ひっぱりだこ弁当」販売–観光-】











\n", "date": "2024-03-13 10:19:30", "url": "http://www.roc-taiwan.org/jpokd_ja/post/11879.html" }, { "title": "2024 亞太暨台灣永續行動獎に関する情報", "content": "

2024 亞太暨台灣永續行動獎

\n", "date": "2024-03-08 10:53:28", "url": "http://www.roc-taiwan.org/jpokd_ja/post/11870.html" }, { "title": "2024年3月第1週TOPICS", "content": "

【 台北駐日經濟文化代表處札幌分處 】






【 台湾・高雄市、副市長が熊本県知事と面会 半導体や観光などで意見交換-政治-】






【 蔡総統、日本との友情「家族のよう」 地域の平和と安定守る意欲示す/台湾-政治- 】







【 台湾の自由度、アジアで日本に次ぎ2番目の高さ=米フリーダムハウス–社会- 】








【 TSMC/TSMC熊本工場で開所式 創業者の張氏「ウエハー供給網の強靭性高められる」/台湾–経済- 】






【 台湾、今年の訪台客1200万人突破目指す 日本や韓国、東南アジア市場を重点に観光- 





\n", "date": "2024-03-01 16:18:13", "url": "http://www.roc-taiwan.org/jpokd_ja/post/11856.html" } ] }, { "lang": "zh", "branch": "osa", "country": "jp", "name": "台北駐大阪經濟文化辦事處", "path": "/jposa/", "items": [ { "title": "中華民國留日神戶華僑總會組隊參加第51屆神戶祭,駐大阪辦事處洪英傑處長偕員共襄盛舉", "content": "

本(113)年4月21日「中華民國留日神戶華僑總會」以「神戶-台灣 絆」為名,由高四代會長率百餘位僑胞組隊冒雨參加第51屆神戶祭,駐大阪辦事處洪英傑處長偕同仁、日本中華聯合總會羅鴻健會長等也共襄盛舉。我遊行隊伍有來自京阪神、四國、橫濱及琉球各地之僑領,包括電音三太子及台灣喔熊、巨幅國旗、舞龍隊、舞蹈隊、旗袍隊及「相見在台灣」廣告車等,成功吸引民眾目光。為感謝僑胞熱情參與神戶祭,遊行結束後「中華民國留日神戶華僑總會」舉辦餐會,氣氛歡愉熱鬧。

















\n", "date": "2024-04-22 12:30:05", "url": "http://www.roc-taiwan.org/jposa/post/42989.html" }, { "title": "駐大阪辦事處洪英傑處長出席學校法人神戶學園入學式", "content": "














\n", "date": "2024-04-08 14:55:12", "url": "http://www.roc-taiwan.org/jposa/post/42845.html" }, { "title": "駐大阪辦事處洪英傑處長出席大阪中華學校開學典禮", "content": "














\n", "date": "2024-04-05 15:42:41", "url": "http://www.roc-taiwan.org/jposa/post/42838.html" }, { "title": "駐大阪辦事處洪英傑處長出席見證『中華民國留日大阪中華總會』捐款賑濟日本能登半島震災", "content": "










\n", "date": "2024-03-29 13:29:11", "url": "http://www.roc-taiwan.org/jposa/post/42816.html" }, { "title": "駐大阪辦事處派員出席見證「四國廣域觀光振興事業推進協議會」與「中華民國觀光產業國際行銷協會」締結交流協定", "content": "








\n", "date": "2024-03-28 15:19:44", "url": "http://www.roc-taiwan.org/jposa/post/42806.html" }, { "title": "駐大阪辦事處洪英傑處長出席大阪中華學校畢業典禮", "content": "












\n", "date": "2024-03-19 14:21:54", "url": "http://www.roc-taiwan.org/jposa/post/42771.html" }, { "title": "駐大阪辦事處洪英傑處長出席中華民國留日神戶華僑總會舉辦之植樹紀念活動", "content": "














\n", "date": "2024-03-13 10:25:48", "url": "http://www.roc-taiwan.org/jposa/post/42759.html" }, { "title": "駐大阪辦事處洪英傑處長出席「113年春節文化訪問團』大阪公演」", "content": "










\n", "date": "2024-02-29 08:05:30", "url": "http://www.roc-taiwan.org/jposa/post/42702.html" }, { "title": "駐大阪辦事處洪英傑處長接見中華文化總會江春男副會長一行", "content": "

中華文化總會副會長江春男偕秘書長李厚慶等人,於本(113)年2月26日前來本處拜會洪英傑處長,就有關首度移師京都,將於5月11日、12日兩天盛大舉辦的「TAIWAN PLUS 2024」活動交換意見。


「TAIWAN PLUS 2024」活動精采可期,相關消息將於官網隨時更新,歡迎屆時踴躍前往參加:







\n", "date": "2024-02-27 17:27:58", "url": "http://www.roc-taiwan.org/jposa/post/42696.html" }, { "title": "駐大阪辦事處洪英傑處長出席見證「2025雙北世界壯年運動會」與「2027關西世界壯年運動會」簽署合作協議", "content": "
















\n", "date": "2024-02-27 14:18:12", "url": "http://www.roc-taiwan.org/jposa/post/42690.html" }, { "title": "駐大阪辦事處洪英傑處長出席「日本欣華會2024年新年會」", "content": "




















\n", "date": "2024-02-26 13:09:32", "url": "http://www.roc-taiwan.org/jposa/post/42661.html" }, { "title": "駐大阪辦事處洪英傑處長出席見證『日本臺灣後援會』捐款賑濟日本能登半島震災", "content": "












\n", "date": "2024-02-16 08:58:40", "url": "http://www.roc-taiwan.org/jposa/post/42600.html" }, { "title": "僑委會徐佳青委員長參加大阪春節祭等僑界活動及訪視京都華僑總會", "content": "






















\n", "date": "2024-02-14 15:24:45", "url": "http://www.roc-taiwan.org/jposa/post/42583.html" }, { "title": "駐大阪辦事處洪英傑處長出席臺僑黃村寶總料理長榮獲日本政府表彰「卓越技能者-現代名工」祝賀會", "content": "










\n", "date": "2024-02-06 13:47:49", "url": "http://www.roc-taiwan.org/jposa/post/42521.html" }, { "title": "駐大阪辦事處洪英傑處長接見日本國際電氣通信基礎技術研究所(ATR)鈴木博之代表取締役專務來訪", "content": "

駐大阪辦事處洪英傑處長偕經濟組黃王維組長於本(113)年2月5日接見日本國際電氣通信基礎技術研究所(ATR) 鈴木 博之代表取締役專務及辰巳真起子經營統括部擔當部長。ATR將率領新創企業赴臺參與3月19日至22日之「2024智慧城市展」暨新創活動。雙方就ATR推動國際產學研合作現況以及臺日新創企業對接情形交換意見。




(左至右) ATR辰巳真起子部長、鈴木博之代表取締役專務、處長、組長

\n", "date": "2024-02-06 10:03:56", "url": "http://www.roc-taiwan.org/jposa/post/42516.html" }, { "title": "駐大阪辦事處洪英傑處長出席「大阪台灣同鄉會2024年新年會」", "content": "
















\n", "date": "2024-02-05 16:27:30", "url": "http://www.roc-taiwan.org/jposa/post/42492.html" }, { "title": "駐大阪辦事處洪英傑處長接見大阪女學院高校副校長山崎哲嗣等一行", "content": "

大阪女學院高校副校長山崎哲嗣偕該校海外升學輔導主任鈴木知美、Kaohsiung Attackers F.C.高雄先鋒足球隊(原高雄陽信銀行女子足球隊)總教練猪口武志,於本(113)年1月24日前來本處拜會洪英傑處長,就有關台日雙方正式簽訂學術合作夥伴備忘錄等議題交換意見。





\n", "date": "2024-01-26 10:04:42", "url": "http://www.roc-taiwan.org/jposa/post/42452.html" }, { "title": "國立屏東女中訪日團前來轄內岡山縣立和氣閑谷高校交流", "content": "




















\n", "date": "2024-01-25 17:08:25", "url": "http://www.roc-taiwan.org/jposa/post/42433.html" }, { "title": "駐大阪辦事處洪英傑處長出席「大阪中華總會2024年新年會」", "content": "










\n", "date": "2024-01-25 14:47:46", "url": "http://www.roc-taiwan.org/jposa/post/42426.html" }, { "title": "駐大阪辦事處洪英傑處長參與世華日本關西分會籲請民眾寒冬捐血活動", "content": "














\n", "date": "2024-01-23 17:13:25", "url": "http://www.roc-taiwan.org/jposa/post/42441.html" }, { "title": "駐大阪辦事處洪英傑處長接見雨晴國際株式會社潘雨晴社長來訪", "content": "





(左至右) 雨晴國際株式會社張容榕總監、潘雨晴社長、處長、組長

\n", "date": "2024-01-22 13:31:21", "url": "http://www.roc-taiwan.org/jposa/post/42391.html" }, { "title": "駐大阪辦事處洪英傑處長出席「世界華人工商婦女企管協會日本關西分會2024年新年會」", "content": "










\n", "date": "2024-01-22 13:25:48", "url": "http://www.roc-taiwan.org/jposa/post/42384.html" }, { "title": "大阪佛光山寺法師及國際佛光會大阪協會幹部新春拜會駐大阪辦事處", "content": "

本(113)年1月18日大阪佛光山寺副住持如泉法師、知因法師、國際佛光會大阪協會陳鳳玉會長及松田振興督導等人來處新年拜會,由洪英傑處長接見。如泉法師分享日前載運物資親至石川縣七尾市慰問震災災民以及募集物資情形,處長感謝渠等無私奉獻。佛光山寺更準備臘八粥、平安御守及星雲大師「雲水自在 祥和歡喜」墨寶掛軸等物品與辦事處結緣,期望大家都能平安健康。











\n", "date": "2024-01-19 08:04:41", "url": "http://www.roc-taiwan.org/jposa/post/42367.html" }, { "title": "駐大阪辦事處洪英傑處長接見香川縣交流推進部橫關則夫次長等人", "content": "






\n", "date": "2024-01-18 09:35:07", "url": "http://www.roc-taiwan.org/jposa/post/42333.html" }, { "title": "駐大阪辦事處洪英傑處長接見大阪日華親善協會廣田元孝理事長等人", "content": "





處長(中)與廣田理事長 (左)及岸田事務局長(右)合影

\n", "date": "2024-01-10 16:59:04", "url": "http://www.roc-taiwan.org/jposa/post/42222.html" }, { "title": "大阪中華總會郭重信會長偕幹部及大阪中華學校連茂雄理事長等人新年拜會駐大阪辦事處", "content": "

本(113)年1 月 9 日大阪中華總會郭重信會長偕洪里勝信名譽會長、執行部幹部以及大阪中華學校連茂雄理事長等人拜會駐大阪辦事處,由洪英傑處長接見,雙方互道恭喜新年。處長感謝該總會及學校長期支持我政府政策外,並請續予協助推動政府各項工作,雙方並就臺灣總統大選、石川縣能登半島地震災情等議題交換意見。









\n", "date": "2024-01-10 13:43:10", "url": "http://www.roc-taiwan.org/jposa/post/42214.html" }, { "title": "駐大阪辦事處洪英傑處長接見大阪中華總會婦女會尤博美會長等一行", "content": "










\n", "date": "2024-01-10 13:39:30", "url": "http://www.roc-taiwan.org/jposa/post/42208.html" } ] }, { "lang": "ja", "branch": "osa", "country": "jp", "name": "台北駐大阪経済文化弁事処", "path": "/jposa_ja/", "items": [ { "title": "洪英傑・駐大阪弁事処長 「第51回神戸まつり」に参加", "content": "

「中華民国留日神戸華僑総会」高四代・会長は4月21日、雨の中100人以上の華僑を率いて、<神戸―台湾 絆>のチーム名で第51回神戸まつりに参加した。洪英傑・駐大阪弁事処長および日本中華聯合総会の羅鴻健・会長もイベントに参加した。パレードには、京阪神・四国・横浜・沖縄など各地からの華僑リーダーらが加わりパレードに参加したほか、電音三太子や台湾喔熊(オーション)、巨大国旗、龍舞チーム、ダンスチーム、チャイナドレスチームによるパフォーマンス、「台湾で会いましょう」広告トラックなどが現れ、注目を集めた。また、神戸まつりへの熱心な参加に感謝するため、中華民国留日神戸華僑総会はパレード後に夕食会を開催し、賑やかな雰囲気に包まれた。

















\n", "date": "2024-04-22 13:52:43", "url": "http://www.roc-taiwan.org/jposa_ja/post/42408.html" }, { "title": "洪英傑・駐大阪弁事処長 学校法人神戸学園の入学式に出席", "content": "





洪英傑・駐大阪弁事処長が神戸学園 令和6年度入学式に出席





\n", "date": "2024-04-08 15:51:30", "url": "http://www.roc-taiwan.org/jposa_ja/post/42214.html" }, { "title": "洪英傑・駐大阪弁事処長 大阪中華学校の始業式に出席", "content": "










\n", "date": "2024-04-05 16:33:07", "url": "http://www.roc-taiwan.org/jposa_ja/post/42183.html" }, { "title": "洪英傑・駐大阪弁事処長 「中華民国留日大阪中華総会」の能登半島地震への義援金寄付に立ち会い", "content": "












\n", "date": "2024-03-29 14:09:04", "url": "http://www.roc-taiwan.org/jposa_ja/post/42114.html" }, { "title": "駐大阪弁事処が「四国広域観光振興事業推進協議会」と「中華民国観光産業国際行銷協会」の交流協定の締結に立ち会う", "content": "












\n", "date": "2024-03-28 15:20:47", "url": "http://www.roc-taiwan.org/jposa_ja/post/42103.html" }, { "title": "洪英傑・駐大阪弁事処長 大阪中華学校の卒業式に出席", "content": "










\n", "date": "2024-03-19 15:10:11", "url": "http://www.roc-taiwan.org/jposa_ja/post/42069.html" }, { "title": "洪英傑・駐大阪弁事処長 中華民国留日神戸華僑総会主催の植樹記念行事に出席", "content": "














\n", "date": "2024-03-13 12:49:04", "url": "http://www.roc-taiwan.org/jposa_ja/post/42059.html" }, { "title": "洪英傑・駐大阪弁事処長 「113年春節文化訪問団」大阪公演を観賞", "content": "










\n", "date": "2024-03-01 10:39:19", "url": "http://www.roc-taiwan.org/jposa_ja/post/42024.html" }, { "title": "洪英傑・駐大阪弁事処長 中華文化総会の江春男・副会長らの訪問を受ける", "content": "

中華文化総会の江春男・副会長は2月26日、李厚慶・秘書長らとともに洪英傑・駐大阪弁事処長を訪問し、5月11日・12日に京都にて開催される「TAIWAN PLUS 2024」をテーマに意見交換を行った。
\n「TAIWAN PLUS 2024」では様々な催しが行われる予定。





\n", "date": "2024-02-28 12:37:15", "url": "http://www.roc-taiwan.org/jposa_ja/post/42017.html" }, { "title": "洪英傑・駐大阪弁事処長 ワールドマスターズゲームズ2025台北&新北市大会・2027関西大会 連携協定締結式に立ち会い", "content": "










\n", "date": "2024-02-28 10:16:15", "url": "http://www.roc-taiwan.org/jposa_ja/post/42014.html" }, { "title": "洪英傑・駐大阪弁事処長 日本欣華会の新年会に出席", "content": "


















\n", "date": "2024-02-26 14:22:06", "url": "http://www.roc-taiwan.org/jposa_ja/post/42003.html" }, { "title": "洪英傑・駐大阪弁事処長 「日本台湾後援会」による能登半島地震への復興義援金寄付に立ち会い", "content": "










\n", "date": "2024-02-15 15:35:34", "url": "http://www.roc-taiwan.org/jposa_ja/post/41971.html" }, { "title": "僑務委員会の徐佳青・委員長 大阪春節祭に出席、京都華僑総会を訪問", "content": "






















\n", "date": "2024-02-15 09:27:55", "url": "http://www.roc-taiwan.org/jposa_ja/post/41967.html" }, { "title": "洪英傑・駐大阪弁事処長が黄村宝・総料理長「卓越技能者表彰‐現代の名工‐」受賞祝賀会に出席", "content": "










\n", "date": "2024-02-06 14:21:22", "url": "http://www.roc-taiwan.org/jposa_ja/post/41900.html" }, { "title": "洪英傑・駐大阪弁事処長が国際電気通信基礎技術研究所(ATR)の鈴木博之・代表取締役専務らの訪問を受ける", "content": "






\n", "date": "2024-02-06 10:40:14", "url": "http://www.roc-taiwan.org/jposa_ja/post/41895.html" }, { "title": "洪英傑・駐大阪弁事処長が大阪台湾同郷会2024年新年会に出席", "content": "














\n", "date": "2024-02-05 16:57:50", "url": "http://www.roc-taiwan.org/jposa_ja/post/41888.html" }, { "title": "洪英傑・駐大阪弁事処長が大阪女学院高校の山﨑哲嗣・副校長らの訪問を受ける", "content": "

大阪女学院高校の山﨑哲嗣・副校長は1月24日、該校海外進路担当の鈴木知美・主任およびKaohsiung Attackers FC(元Sunny Bank Women's Football Team)の猪口武志・監督とともに洪英傑・駐大阪弁事処長を訪問し、台日双方がアカデミック・パートナーシップを締結することなどをテーマに意見交換を行った。




左より:Kaohsiung Attackers FCの猪口武志・監督、大阪女学院高校の山﨑哲嗣・副校長、洪英傑・駐大阪弁事処長、大阪女学院高校の鈴木知美・主任、林育柔・文教課長

\n", "date": "2024-01-26 12:25:32", "url": "http://www.roc-taiwan.org/jposa_ja/post/41854.html" }, { "title": "国立屏東女子高級中学が岡山県立和気閑谷高等学校を訪問", "content": "














\n", "date": "2024-01-26 12:14:53", "url": "http://www.roc-taiwan.org/jposa_ja/post/41851.html" }, { "title": "洪英傑・駐大阪弁事処長が大阪中華総会主催の新年会に出席", "content": "










\n", "date": "2024-01-26 10:15:44", "url": "http://www.roc-taiwan.org/jposa_ja/post/41847.html" }, { "title": "洪英傑・駐大阪弁事処長が世華日本関西分会の献血呼びかけ活動に参加", "content": "














\n", "date": "2024-01-24 08:48:15", "url": "http://www.roc-taiwan.org/jposa_ja/post/41832.html" }, { "title": "洪英傑・駐大阪弁事処長が「世界華人工商婦女企管協会日本関西分会2024年新年会」に出席", "content": "










\n", "date": "2024-01-22 15:01:20", "url": "http://www.roc-taiwan.org/jposa_ja/post/41825.html" }, { "title": "洪英傑・駐大阪弁事処長が雨晴国際株式会社の潘雨晴・社長の訪問を受ける", "content": "






\n", "date": "2024-01-22 14:46:52", "url": "http://www.roc-taiwan.org/jposa_ja/post/41820.html" }, { "title": "大阪佛光山寺および国際佛光会大阪協会幹部らが新年表敬にて当処を訪問", "content": "

大阪佛光山寺副住職の如泉法師、知因法師、国際佛光会大阪協会の陳鳳玉・会長および松田振興・督導らは1月18日、新年表敬にて当処を訪れ、洪英傑・駐大阪弁事処長が訪問を受けた。如泉法師は、被災地石川県七尾市の被災者の元へ救援物資を運んだほか、救援物資の収集について語り、処長は大阪佛光山寺の無私の貢献に感謝を述べた。また、健康を祈って、臘八粥、平安御守、星雲大師の掛軸「雲水自在 祥和歓喜」などを手渡した。









\n", "date": "2024-01-19 14:35:38", "url": "http://www.roc-taiwan.org/jposa_ja/post/41809.html" }, { "title": "横関則夫・香川県交流推進部次長らが当処を訪問", "content": "






\n", "date": "2024-01-18 09:36:30", "url": "http://www.roc-taiwan.org/jposa_ja/post/41771.html" }, { "title": "大阪中華総会の郭重信・会長が該会幹部および大阪中華学校の連茂雄・理事長らとともに新年表敬にて当処を訪問", "content": "










\n", "date": "2024-01-11 08:47:51", "url": "http://www.roc-taiwan.org/jposa_ja/post/41693.html" }, { "title": "大阪中華総会婦女会の尤博美・会長らが当処を訪問", "content": "










\n", "date": "2024-01-11 08:31:31", "url": "http://www.roc-taiwan.org/jposa_ja/post/41687.html" } ] }, { "lang": "zh", "branch": "yok", "country": "jp", "name": "台北駐日經濟文化代表處橫濱分處", "path": "/jpyok/", "items": [ { "title": "4/8 神奈川縣黑岩知事慰問台灣東部地震", "content": "

4月8日 神奈川縣黑岩祐治知事來本處慰問4月3日於花蓮發生之地震





\n", "date": "2024-04-09 14:30:29", "url": "http://www.roc-taiwan.org/jpyok/post/20567.html" }, { "title": "3/7 張處長陪同彰化縣王惠美縣長訪團視察清水港、玉露之里及三溪園等處", "content": "

3月7日 張處長陪同彰化縣王惠美縣長訪團視察清水港、玉露之里,3月9日陪同視察三溪園。















\n", "date": "2024-03-12 12:59:59", "url": "http://www.roc-taiwan.org/jpyok/post/20299.html" }, { "title": "2/19 張處長出席神奈川縣日華親善協會新年會", "content": "

2月19日 張處長出席神奈川縣日華親善協會新年會









\n", "date": "2024-02-22 14:05:02", "url": "http://www.roc-taiwan.org/jpyok/post/20141.html" }, { "title": "2/16 張處長應邀出席「南伊豆町議會日台友好議員連盟」成立大會", "content": "

2月16日 張處長應邀出席「南伊豆町議會日台友好議員連盟」成立大會並專題演講。













\n", "date": "2024-02-21 13:25:02", "url": "http://www.roc-taiwan.org/jpyok/post/20134.html" }, { "title": "2/9 趨勢科技創辦人陳怡蓁偕台灣京劇「美猴王」主角拜會本處", "content": "

2月9日 趨勢科技創辦人陳怡蓁偕台灣京劇「美猴王」兩位主角拜會本處。

















\n", "date": "2024-02-20 16:27:12", "url": "http://www.roc-taiwan.org/jpyok/post/20126.html" }, { "title": "2/7 張處長應邀於橫濱工業技術展專題演講", "content": "

2月7日 張處長應邀於神奈川縣政府及橫濱市政府等主辦的第45屆工業技術展專題演講。















\n", "date": "2024-02-20 10:40:12", "url": "http://www.roc-taiwan.org/jpyok/post/20103.html" }, { "title": "1/29 綾瀬市古鹽政由市長來處拜會", "content": "

1月29日 神奈川縣綾瀬市古鹽政由市長來處拜會張處長。







\n", "date": "2024-02-20 10:11:04", "url": "http://www.roc-taiwan.org/jpyok/post/20099.html" }, { "title": "1/23 張處長出席橫濱華僑總會新年會", "content": "

1月23日 張淑玲處長陪同駐日本代表處周公使學佑應邀出席橫濱華僑總會新年會。























\n", "date": "2024-01-26 16:17:49", "url": "http://www.roc-taiwan.org/jpyok/post/19807.html" }, { "title": "1/19 BankART 1929來處拜會", "content": "

1月19日 BankART 1929代表細淵太麻紀女士與台北駐村吳芊頤藝術家等人來處拜會


BankART 1929基於橫濱市與台北市的都市交流事業協定,每年與台北國際藝術村(TAV)合作,互相派遣藝術家參加為期3個月的交流專案。本年度台北市選出的藝術家為吳芊頤小姐,駐村期間所創作的藝術品將配合第8屆橫濱三年展(8th Yokohama Triennale) 期間的3月15日(五)至6月9日(日)展出。



\n", "date": "2024-01-25 15:30:51", "url": "http://www.roc-taiwan.org/jpyok/post/19796.html" }, { "title": "1/16 張處長陪同宜蘭縣訪團訪問神奈川縣廳、鎌倉市役所及江之島電鐵", "content": "




















\n", "date": "2024-01-18 09:37:32", "url": "http://www.roc-taiwan.org/jpyok/post/19738.html" }, { "title": "1/4 張處長淑玲拜會橫濱市長", "content": "

1月9日 張處長偕僑領新年拜會橫濱市長山中竹春


張處長偕橫濱僑領拜會橫濱市長山中竹春,雙方就台日觀光交流及經貿合作等交換意見。張處長表示,訪日外國人中台灣觀光客人數高居第2,盼雙方今後交流更臻緊密,並籲請續支持我國參與跨太平洋夥伴全面進步協定 (CPTPP)及世界衛生組織(WHO)等國際組織。









\n", "date": "2024-01-12 16:27:21", "url": "http://www.roc-taiwan.org/jpyok/post/19666.html" }, { "title": "1/4 張處長新春拜會神奈川縣政府", "content": "






\n", "date": "2024-01-05 15:21:38", "url": "http://www.roc-taiwan.org/jpyok/post/19627.html" } ] }, { "lang": "ja", "branch": "yok", "country": "jp", "name": "Yokohama Branch, Taipei Economic and Cultural Representative Office in Japan", "path": "/jpyok_ja/", "items": [ { "title": "0403花蓮震災の衛生福利部義援金口座", "content": "





\nNAME:「Taiwan Foundation for Disaster Relief」
\nAccount NO.:「102-005-19895-7」
\nADDRESS:「No. 156, Changchun Rd., Zhongshan District, Taipei City 10459, Taiwan(R.O.C.)」



\n", "date": "2024-04-11 16:34:00", "url": "http://www.roc-taiwan.org/jpyok_ja/post/22420.html" }, { "title": "花蓮地震への温かいお心遣いに感謝", "content": "






\n", "date": "2024-04-05 16:33:26", "url": "http://www.roc-taiwan.org/jpyok_ja/post/22364.html" }, { "title": "本処公式X(ツイッター)に関するお知らせ", "content": "










\n", "date": "2024-04-05 14:19:33", "url": "http://www.roc-taiwan.org/jpyok_ja/post/22456.html" }, { "title": "[各種申請WEB予約制]及び[VISA申請(中国籍を除く)-指定水曜日予約なし申請実施日]について", "content": "




















※また、家族以外の4名以上の同時申請、認証手続きを伴う「家族呼び寄せ」、「台湾籍の外国人配偶者」、「台湾籍の未成年子女」、「国籍回復」は申請手続きにお時間がかかりますので、予約なし受付日の申請はご遠慮下さい。別途、申請のご予約をお取りしますので、045-641-7737 VISA担当までお電話下さい。


\n4月24日(9:15-10:45 / 13:00-14:00)
\n5月8日(9:15-10:45 / 13:00-14:00)
\n5月15日(9:15-10:45 / 13:00-14:00)
\n5月22日(9:15-10:45 / 13:00-14:00)





















  1. \n


  2. \n
  3. \n


  4. \n
  5. \n


  6. \n















































[平日 9:00 - 11:30 / 13:00 - 16:00]




電話:045-641-7737 [平日 9:00 - 11:30 / 13:00 - 17:00]


























































\n", "date": "2024-04-02 08:00:04", "url": "http://www.roc-taiwan.org/jpyok_ja/post/6497.html" }, { "title": "中国大陸籍の台湾渡航はこちら", "content": "中国大陸籍の台湾渡航はこちら", "date": "2024-02-05 08:00:02", "url": "http://www.roc-taiwan.org/jpyok_ja/post/21284.html" }, { "title": "台中市第 29 回大墩美展(応募期間4月1日から4 月15日)", "content": "

台中市第 29 回大墩美展応募要項
\n1 目的:芸術創作のレベルを向上させ、国際文化交流を促進すること。
\n2 担当機関:
\n二、主催機関:台中市政府文化局、台中市第 29 回大墩美展準備委員会
\n3 応募資格:
\n二、応募する部門の制限はありませんが、提出できる作品は 1 部門につ
\nき 1 点のみとします。同じ作品で複数部門に応募することはできま
\nますに、次回以降 3 回までの応募を禁止し、すでに授与した賞金、
\n四、応募作品は、個人が 2021 年以降に創作したものとし、公募コンク
\n4 募集する部門:墨彩画、書道、篆刻、膠彩画、油絵、水彩、版画、
\n撮影、彫塑、工芸品、デジタルアートの 11 部門。
\n5 応募は一次審査及び二次審査の二段階で構成され、作品が本応募要


台中市第 29 回大墩美展応募要項


台中市第 29 回大墩美展応募用紙



\n", "date": "2024-02-02 10:42:22", "url": "http://www.roc-taiwan.org/jpyok_ja/post/21906.html" }, { "title": "2024年度教育省台湾奨学金及び華語文奨学金募集要項について", "content": "

台日の教育、科学技術及び文化の交流を促進し、若い世代の相互理解と関心を深めるため、 202 4 年度 教育省 台湾奨学金及び華語文 (中国語 奨学金 制度に基づき、台湾の大学、大学院への 留学或いは大学付属の華語 文 センター での 華語 文 研修を希望する方を下記の通り 募集します 。















\n", "date": "2024-01-29 09:16:25", "url": "http://www.roc-taiwan.org/jpyok_ja/post/21862.html" }, { "title": "台灣觀光月刊 No.633 JAN-FEB_2024", "content": "

台灣觀光月刊 No.633 JAN-FEB_2024



\n", "date": "2024-01-05 08:24:02", "url": "http://www.roc-taiwan.org/jpyok_ja/post/21692.html" } ] }, { "lang": "zh", "branch": "", "country": "kr", "name": "駐韓國台北代表部", "path": "/kr/", "items": [ { "title": "韓國永登浦華僑小學慶祝兒童節 遊藝大會展現學生多樣才藝", "content": "












































\n", "date": "2024-04-16 13:50:24", "url": "http://www.roc-taiwan.org/kr/post/13297.html" }, { "title": "韓國臺灣商會總會舉辦春季郊遊餐會及第一次會員大會", "content": "
























\n", "date": "2024-04-09 13:12:50", "url": "http://www.roc-taiwan.org/kr/post/13255.html" }, { "title": "促進台韓青商會交流 蔡世寅前總會長在首爾舉辦感恩餐會", "content": "







\n", "date": "2024-04-08 15:27:48", "url": "http://www.roc-taiwan.org/kr/post/13247.html" }, { "title": "旅韓華僑學校教師聯誼會召開113年座談會議", "content": "


















\n", "date": "2024-04-04 09:36:39", "url": "http://www.roc-taiwan.org/kr/post/13212.html" }, { "title": "臺東縣政府來韓國推廣觀光,讓更多韓國朋友認識臺東的美麗", "content": "









該推廣活動由臺東縣政府交通及觀光發展處洪國欽副處長、知本金聯世紀酒店楊子嫺董事長攜手主辦,駐韓國臺北代表處梁光中代表、觀光署駐首爾辦事處郭笙如主任受邀出席,韓亞航空、Kyowon、Hana Tour、Mode Tour、RG Travel等多家航空業者及旅行社都踴躍參與。

















\n", "date": "2024-03-29 09:01:26", "url": "http://www.roc-taiwan.org/kr/post/13196.html" }, { "title": "韓華首爾青年會舉辦113年青年節健行暨聲援臺灣加入WHO活動", "content": "





3月24日上午,韓華首爾青年會舉辦113年青年節健行暨聲援臺灣加入WHO活動,以健康活動慶祝青年節並共同呼籲及宣傳韓國友人聲援臺灣加入世界衛生組織。當日陽光普照,眾人於興仁之門公園齊聚後,先行於胸口配戴「Health for All-Taiwan can help」的胸章貼紙,隨後由青年會成員於公園路口發送聲援台灣加入WHO文宣及小餅乾,並向韓國友人解釋聲援內容。








梁代表接著表示,今年的活動還有另一個重點,就是聲援台灣加入世界衛生組織(WHO),臺灣的醫療水準相當高,在疫情期間也成功抑制COVID-19病毒傳播,在累計確診死亡率及致死率方面,臺灣與38個OECD國家及新加坡相比排名第6位,充分具備參與WHA觀察員的資格。臺灣希望與WHO合作,分享醫療經驗與模式,共同強化全球衛生體系。今天我們一起配戴「Health for All-Taiwan can help」的胸章,發放有關文宣,一起呼籲韓國友人為臺灣發聲、為臺灣加油。



























\n", "date": "2024-03-25 16:32:22", "url": "http://www.roc-taiwan.org/kr/post/13171.html" }, { "title": "梁光中代表與韓國台灣商會總會座談交流  新舊會員聯誼交換商情", "content": "




































\n", "date": "2024-03-20 21:42:08", "url": "http://www.roc-taiwan.org/kr/post/13161.html" }, { "title": "韓國僑青團體公益襄贊僑校及社區耆老  關注僑民教育及弱勢團體", "content": "




















































\n", "date": "2024-03-15 13:52:24", "url": "http://www.roc-taiwan.org/kr/post/13142.html" }, { "title": "世華韓國分會舉辦國際婦女節活動  韓國會議員及僑界代表近百人出席", "content": "






















































\n", "date": "2024-03-12 09:22:23", "url": "http://www.roc-taiwan.org/kr/post/13123.html" }, { "title": "梁光中代表首次訪視原州市   拜會原州華僑協會及僑校代表", "content": "












































\n", "date": "2024-03-07 15:57:23", "url": "http://www.roc-taiwan.org/kr/post/13116.html" }, { "title": "駐韓梁光中代表力促「韓國大學健美與健身聯盟」與臺灣合作交流", "content": "



駐韓國代表處梁光中代表於2月28日午間與「韓國大學健美與健身聯盟」(KUBFF,Korea University Bodybuilding & Fitness Federation )崔東成(音譯)會長、昌永燦(音譯)首席副會長、姜寧瑋副會長、崔勝詰事務處長、李承勳(音譯)理事、朴主亨(音譯)BM公司代表,及王錦源、趙渡彥、鄭宏亮理事等一行會晤,並邀請中華國民國體育運動總會趙勝源會長及漢城華僑協會孫毓緒會長共同出席,就加強臺韓民間運動團體合作交流等議題交換意見。當日該聯盟並與體育運動總會韓國分會簽屬合作備忘錄(MOU),由梁代表見證、駐處僑務組林季蓉組長、教育組鄭正凱組長陪同。














梁光中代表與「韓國大學健美與健身聯盟」(KUBFF )會長團隊合影





















\n", "date": "2024-02-29 13:02:12", "url": "http://www.roc-taiwan.org/kr/post/13102.html" }, { "title": " 駐處梁光中代表出席韓國仁川慶典活動  並與仁川僑團校代表歡聚", "content": "

駐韓國代表處梁光中代表伉儷由僑務組林季蓉組長陪同,於2月23日下午前往仁川拜會,參加由仁川中區文化財團(Incheon Foundation For Arts & Culture) 假仁川華僑協會維護之廟宇-義善堂所舉辦之「關羽守護唐人街&慶祝元宵節」慶典活動,晚間續於仁川美味珍餐廳與仁川地區僑團校僑領及代表歡聚,兩場活動共約110餘人次出席。




2月23日下午,仁川中區文化財團(Incheon Foundation For Arts & Culture)與仁川華僑協會合作,假仁川華僑協會修繕及維護之義善堂舉辦「關羽守護唐人街&慶祝元宵節」慶典活動,特別邀請駐韓處梁光中伉儷出席擔任嘉賓。活動首先邀請仁川華僑中山中小學舞龍舞獅社團進行開場表演,並由梁代表伉儷致贈紅包袋予舞獅隊,象徵喜氣洋洋;隨後由仁川中區文化財團公演展示組金瑞庭(音譯)組長及仁川華僑協會姜樹生會長致歡迎詞,並進行致贈祈福袋及燒香祈福儀式,最後邀請現場出席之仁川地區僑領與仁川中區文化財團成員共同合影留念,當日有60餘人出席前揭活動。









































\n", "date": "2024-02-27 08:48:02", "url": "http://www.roc-taiwan.org/kr/post/13095.html" }, { "title": "韓國漢城華僑中學舉行112學年度第2學期開學典禮 梁光中代表蒞臨致詞", "content": "












































\n", "date": "2024-02-22 15:45:59", "url": "http://www.roc-taiwan.org/kr/post/13081.html" }, { "title": "韓華首爾青年會及青商會拜會梁代表 推動臺韓運動交流及社會公益", "content": "









王錦源會長也分享渠自2022年參加僑委會於泰國舉辦之「亞太地區僑社工作研討會」後,透過此一平臺認識馬來西亞、菲律賓及泰國地區之臺商朋友,隨後也赴東南亞出席海外臺灣商會相關活動,收穫豐碩。姜寧瑋副會長表示,渠本年擔任韓國大學健身與健康聯盟(Korea University Bodybuilding & Fitness Federation )副會長職務,正在籌劃與臺灣政府及民間合作,進行臺韓體育運動交流,渠將於3月間與趙渡彥及王錦源會長返臺出席僑委會舉辦之「健康產業研習課程」,屆時期盼能有更進一步交流與合作。





















\n", "date": "2024-02-18 22:44:46", "url": "http://www.roc-taiwan.org/kr/post/13075.html" }, { "title": "2024清華大學國際學士班首爾地區招生說明會公告", "content": "








\n", "date": "2024-02-10 15:22:35", "url": "http://www.roc-taiwan.org/kr/post/13061.html" }, { "title": "本處梁光中代表受邀出席「大韓獨立宣言宣布105週年」紀念典禮", "content": "
















\n", "date": "2024-02-07 15:40:42", "url": "http://www.roc-taiwan.org/kr/post/13070.html" }, { "title": "駐韓國代表處職務代理人招募公告", "content": "







(二)大學學歷以上者 (不限性別、專長)。




(四)熟稔電腦文書處理 (如:word、 excel、ppt等)。




二、申請期間及方式 :






(三)申請方式: (三擇一即可)








三、申請資料(請依序編排) :












五、面試內容 :


(一)筆試 :中、韓文筆譯。


(二)口試 :中、韓文口試。




七、僱用原則及待遇 :













\n", "date": "2024-01-31 16:35:00", "url": "http://www.roc-taiwan.org/kr/post/13013.html" }, { "title": "2024年中華民國教育部《臺灣獎學金》韓國地區受獎人遴選簡章", "content": "





























(三) 申請人應於各校規定申請期限內,自行向大學校院申請入學。















(三)請於本年3月29日(五) 18時前,將簡章中應繳申請文件連同報名系統下載之聲明書(Declaration)表件列印後簽名依序裝入信封以掛號郵件寄達駐韓教育組,非以郵戳為憑。










\n", "date": "2024-01-30 16:07:05", "url": "http://www.roc-taiwan.org/kr/post/12998.html" }, { "title": "2024年中華民國教育部《華語文獎學金》韓國地區受獎人遴選簡章", "content": "

一、 目的:為提供韓國人士赴臺灣研習華語文,認識臺灣文化社會、增進雙邊交流及瞭解之機會。




二、 申請資格:


(一) 年滿 18 歲,具高級中等學校以上畢業學歷,學業成績優良、品行端正之韓國人士;


(二) 具下列資格之一者,不得申請:









  1. 同時受領我政府機關(構)或學校所設置之獎補助金。
  2. \n



三、名額:20名(每名受獎期間 6 個月,由駐韓國代表處教育組選拔)




四、待遇:每名每月新臺幣 25,000 元。




五、受獎期限:2024 年 9 月 1 日至 2025 年 2 月 28 日(6 個月)。




六、 應繳申請文件:












七、申請方式:本年 4 月 1 日中午 12 時前,申請者檢附上述應繳申請文件郵寄至駐韓國代表處教育組(下稱「駐韓教育組」)進行審查。













\n", "date": "2024-01-30 15:53:12", "url": "http://www.roc-taiwan.org/kr/post/12994.html" }, { "title": "韓華僑團舉辦新春聯歡晚會  辭舊迎新賀新歲", "content": "








































\n", "date": "2024-01-24 16:15:17", "url": "http://www.roc-taiwan.org/kr/post/12974.html" }, { "title": "2024年華語文能力測驗考試日程", "content": "

\"2024華語文能力測驗海報\" 詳情請上華語文能力測驗韓國地區報名網站



\n", "date": "2024-01-15 16:52:08", "url": "http://www.roc-taiwan.org/kr/post/12944.html" }, { "title": "2024年 (2/25) 華語文能力測驗報考簡章 : 漢城華僑中學", "content": "




  1. 地址:首爾市西大門區延禧三洞89-1
  2. \n
  3. 電話:02-335-7027
  4. \n
  5. 附近地鐵站:京義中央線,新村站
  6. \n
  7. 附近公車站:漢城華僑中學.西大門消防署
  8. \n
  9. 地圖連結:http://naver.me/FyKRaQs3
  10. \n









詳情請上 :



\n", "date": "2024-01-15 16:46:44", "url": "http://www.roc-taiwan.org/kr/post/12935.html" }, { "title": "駐韓國台北代表部梁光中代表應邀出席漢城華僑協會舉行中華民國113年開國紀念暨元旦團拜茶會", "content": "
































\n", "date": "2024-01-04 16:50:09", "url": "http://www.roc-taiwan.org/kr/post/12877.html" }, { "title": "韓國政府恢復入境前填寫「Q-CODE」系統之措施", "content": "


\n", "date": "2024-01-02 17:02:50", "url": "http://www.roc-taiwan.org/kr/post/12873.html" } ] }, { "lang": "ko", "branch": "", "country": "kr", "name": "Taipei Mission in Korea", "path": "/kr_ko/", "items": [ { "title": "영등포 화교초등학교 어린이날 축제 한마당", "content": "

















영등포화교초등학교는 4월 4일 오후 秦嗣義(진사의) 교장 주재로 2024년 어린이날 행사를 열고 劉家棟(류자둥) 영등포화교초등학교 회장, 喬聚東(교취동) 영등포화교협회장, 孫毓緒(손위서 )한성화교협회장 등 내빈과 학생과 학부모 80여 명이 참석한 가운데 한국대표부 林季蓉(임계용) 교무팀장을 초청했다.


이날 행사는 전교생 및 참석 귀빈들이 애국가를 부르는 것으로 시작됐다.류자둥은 축사를 통해 교포 지도자와 학부모가 이번 활동을 후원해 준 것에 대해 감사를 표하고 학생들도 오늘 연예대회를 위해 한 달 동안 준비했습니다. 여러분 모두가 기회를 포착하고 열심히 공부하기를 바랍니다. 이사회는 반드시 영원히 소학교를 잘 운영할 것을 약속하고 학생들을 가르치는 책임을 지고 학부모들이 학생들의 학습 성과에 대해 기쁘고 각계각층의 지속적인 지원과 격려를 바랍니다.

\n", "date": "2024-04-22 09:41:53", "url": "http://www.roc-taiwan.org/kr_ko/post/18155.html" }, { "title": "재한 화교 교사 친목회 113년 간담회", "content": "

한국지역 화교중학교의 관심사를 공동으로 논의하기 위하여 3월 30일 '재한화교학교 교사친목회'에서 회장 우식성이 주관하여 한국의 서울, 인천, 부산, 대구의 4개 화교중학교를 초청하여 토론회를 개최하였다.


이날 회의에는 장위티 교사동호회 사무총장, 손승종 인천화교중학교 교장, 류위안후 교무주임, 탕자번 대구화교중학교 교장, 장수란 부산화교중 교장, 고의문 교무팀장, 왕인주 한성화교중 주임, 우예후 주임, 황춘 선생 등이 참석했으며 한국대표부 임계용 교무팀장이 초청됐다.















\n", "date": "2024-04-05 16:49:20", "url": "http://www.roc-taiwan.org/kr_ko/post/18125.html" }, { "title": "한국교민단체, 교민교육 및 소외단체 관심", "content": "









한국화교협회 연합총회 청년회는 3월 중순 송훈 회장이 유영호 사무총장 등 12명을 대동하고 서울 화교중학교를 방문해 거씨 등 모교에 장학금을 전달했으며, 대한충청도화교협회 동호회 청년회도 이봉린 회장이 곽문고 수석부회장, 왕종웨이 사무총장 등 일행을 대동해 동네 요양원 라면을 기부했다.


2021년과 2023년 각각 주한대표부가 설립을 추진하는 이 두 한국청년교민단은 교민계 청년들의 열정을 모아 최근 몇 년간 활동력을 발휘하며 교민 청소년 및 공익활동에 매진하고 있다.

\n", "date": "2024-03-20 13:36:12", "url": "http://www.roc-taiwan.org/kr_ko/post/18080.html" }, { "title": "세화한국지회 국제 여성의 날 행사 한국 의원 및 교포 대표 100여 명 참석", "content": "











세계화인공상여성기업관리협회는 2024년 3월 10일에 연희동 연경호텔에서 최애영 회장 주재로 교무조 임계용 조장, 공보실  임정귀 조장이 참석한 가운데 \"국제여성의 날-식탁 위의 지혜로운 행사\"를 개최하고, 한국교민단제 대표 외에 전 외교부장관 박진, 이용호 국회의원, 문성호 시의원, 서대문구 이 구청장 등을 초청했다.

\n", "date": "2024-03-14 15:37:34", "url": "http://www.roc-taiwan.org/kr_ko/post/18084.html" }, { "title": "양광중 대표, 원주 화교협회-교민 대표 첫 방문", "content": "











주한 대만대표부 량광중(梁光中) 대표 부부는 6일 교무팀 린지룽(林季容) 팀장과 함께 원주화교초등학교 및 원주화교협회를 방문해 현지 교민, 교민학교 교육실태에 대한 의견을 교환하고 원주교민들의 환대를 받았으며, 린 팀장은 2023년 입출국 이민법에 따른 무호적 국민 입국 체류 규정 완화, 교민위원회 i교카드 유치 등에 대해 소개했다.

\n", "date": "2024-03-07 16:08:15", "url": "http://www.roc-taiwan.org/kr_ko/post/18048.html" }, { "title": "2024 대만 자유여행객을 위한 강연회 - 서울 지역", "content": "








\n", "date": "2024-03-06 13:39:45", "url": "http://www.roc-taiwan.org/kr_ko/post/18040.html" }, { "title": "양광중 대표 한성화교 112학년도 2학기 입학식 축사", "content": "

20일 오전 열린 112학년도 2학기 입학식에서 우식성 교장 주재로 주한대표부 양광중 대표, 담소영 한성화교중 이사장, 설영흥 명예이사장, 양덕반 고문, 양조림 고문, 손위서 한성화교협회장, 정홍범 감사 등이 내빈을 대동하고 축하의 뜻을 전했다.


우 교수는 \"지난 5월 개교한 지 76년이 지났고, 입학난 극복을 위해 노력하고 있으며, 입학정원이 점차 증가하고 있다\"며 \"5년 내 700명 달성을 희망하고 있다\"고 말했다.이사회의 노력과 교민위원회, 서대문구청 및 각 교민단의 후원으로 하드웨어 설비가 현대화되었으며, 정비 범위는 화장실 신축 및 정비, 전등 교체, 대강당 냉난방 교체, 골프연습장 건설, 농구장, 배드민턴장 정비, 기숙사 난방 업데이트 및 교육용 전자백판 추가 등이다.























\n", "date": "2024-02-23 15:57:55", "url": "http://www.roc-taiwan.org/kr_ko/post/18009.html" }, { "title": "한화 서울청년회-청년상회 , 대만-한국 운동 교류 및 공익 추진", "content": "







조도언 한화서울청년회 회장, 정홍량 청상공회의소 수석부회장, 강녕위 내무부회장, 왕금원 동대문무역배급총회 회장 등은 15일 오전 양광중 주한대표부 대표를 예방하고 교무팀 임계용 팀장이 동행해 교민사회 청년들의 교민봉사 참여, 대만의 스포츠 교류 추진 등의 의제에 대해 의견을 의논했다.

\n", "date": "2024-02-19 22:52:30", "url": "http://www.roc-taiwan.org/kr_ko/post/18003.html" }, { "title": "2024년도 칭화대학교 서울 지역 입학 설명회 개최 관련 공고", "content": "















Seoul Admission Counseling & Interview in March, 2024


For more information please visit:


Registration Website



\n", "date": "2024-02-10 15:23:47", "url": "http://www.roc-taiwan.org/kr_ko/post/17980.html" }, { "title": "주한국타이베이대표부-직원채용 공고", "content": "

주한국타이베이대표부에서는 유아휴직 직무대리직원을 채용 공고하오니 많은 지원 바랍니다.


⊙ 지원 자격
\n(1) 대한민국 국적이나 중화민국 국적을 갖고 한국 체류권이 있는자.
\n(2) 대학 졸업자(성별,전공제한 없음)
\n(3) 중국어 와 한국어에 능통함, 컴퓨터(엑셀,워드등)사용 가능, 운전 가능시 가산점 부여.
\n⊙ 지원기간 및 방법
\n(1) 기간: 2024년2월23일 오후 6시까지(서류전형 합격자 발표는 전화로 통보함)
\n(2) 방법: E-MAIL, 팩스, 우편
\n팩스번호: (02)6329-6036
\n주소: 서울시 종로구 세종대로 149 광화문빌딩 6층
\n(1) 중국어, 한국어 이력서 및 자기소개서
\n(2) 최종학력 졸업증명서 사본
\n(3) 기타 인증서
\n서류심사 통과 후 전화 및 E-MAIL로 응시시간 통보.
\n(1) 필기시험(중국어, 한국어 번역)
\n(2) 구두시험(중국어, 한국어)
\n(1) 시험 성적에 따라 순서대로 후보자에게 취직 의향을 묻고 취직 의향이 있으면 무범죄증명서 제출 후 본 대표부에서 심사를 거쳐 최종합격자로 선정.
\n(2) 최종합격자의 수습기간은 1개월이며, 본 대표부 급여기준에 의하여 급여 지급. 수습기간 후 업무능력 등에 따라 정식직원으로 채용함.
\n(3) 월급: 2,339,166원 (세전)
\n(1) 업무내용:대표부 행정 업무 등.
\n(2) 근무 기간: 2024년3월11일 부터 2025년12월31일 까지

\n", "date": "2024-01-31 16:35:55", "url": "http://www.roc-taiwan.org/kr_ko/post/17963.html" }, { "title": "2024년도 한국지역 대만장학금 선발 공고", "content": "
  1. 목적: 진취적이고 잠재력을 지닌 우수한 한국 학생을 대상으로 대만 소재 대학에서의 학사 및 석·박사 학위과정 이수 기회를 제공한다
  2. \n


  1. 신청 자격:
  2. \n
  3. 고등학교 졸업 이상의 학력을 갖고 있으며 학업 성적이 우수하고 행실이 바른 대한민국 국적 소지자
  4. \n
  5. 다음 각 호에 해당하는 자는 본 장학금 선발에서 제외된다.
  6. \n

1) 화교 신분 또는 중화민국 국적 소지자


2) 중화민국 영주권(Alien Permanent Resident Certificate) 소지자


3) 대만 소재 대학 학적이 있거나 기등록되어 수학 중인 자 - 단, 상위 학위과정에 신청하는 해당 년도 졸업생은 제한을 받지 아니한다.


4) 신청하려는 학위과정과 동급 학위를 대만에서 수료한 자


5) 대만 소재 대학과 해외 대학 간의 학술협력협정 등에 의거하여 모집된 교환학생 또는 복수학위생 신분으로 본 장학금을 신청하여 이중수혜를 받으려는 자


6) 본 장학사업을 통하여 각급 학위과정에서 장학금을 수령한 바 있고 총 수혜 기간이 5 년을 초과한 자


7) 과거 본 장학금 또는 중화민국 교육부 화어문장학금(華語文獎學金) 사업 진행 중 결격 사유가 발생하여 장학금 지급 중지, 자격 박탈 등 이력이 있는 자


8) 대만에서의 수학 기간 동안 기타 중화민국 정부 기관(구) 또는 학교의 장학금 수혜를 받은 자 - 단, 재학 중인 학교의 수업료(學費) 및 기타 납입금(雜費)이 본 장학금 사업에서 지급하는 장학금 상한을 초과하여 해당 학교에서 제공하는 감면 혜택은 제한하지 않는다.


9) 2024 년 6 월 28일 이전까지 졸업증명서를 취득할 수 없는 자

  1. 신청인은 각급 학교가 규정한 등록 기한 내에 직접 입학 신청을 해야 한다. ※ 당해 년도 9 월 학기 입학자만 신청 가능
  2. \n



III. 정원: 총 6 명




Ⅳ. 신청 방법:

  1. 신청자는 기본인적사항을 아래의 링크에 접속하여 기재한다.
  2. \n


  1. 아래의 대만장학금 온라인 신청페이지에 접속하여 회원가입 진행 후,
  2. \n

대만장학금 신청서 작성 및 해당 홈페이지에서 요구하는 서류를 업로드한다.



  1. 신청인은 공고에 명시되어 있는 제출서류와 대만장학금 온라인
  2. \n

신청홈페이지의 Declaration(친필서명필수)을 2024년 3월 29일(금)


이전까지 교육조로 등기우편 송부하여야하며, 서류 제출 마감일 18시까지


도착분에 한해 유효함.




자세한 사항은 아래의 첨부파일을 참고하시기 바랍니다.





\n", "date": "2024-01-30 16:09:55", "url": "http://www.roc-taiwan.org/kr_ko/post/17952.html" }, { "title": "2024년도 중화민국 교육부 화어문장학금 한국지역 장학생 선발 공고", "content": "
  1. 목적: 대한민국 국적 소지자에게 대만에서의 화어문(중국어) 어학연수, 대만 사회·문화 이해 및 양국 교류 증진의 기회를 제공한다.
  2. \n
  3. 신청 자격:
  4. \n
  5. 만 18 세 이상과 고등학교 졸업 이상의 학력을 가진 자 중 학업성적이 우수하고 행실이 바른 대한민국 국적 소지자
  6. \n
  7. 다음 각 호에 해당하는 자는 장학금 선발에 제외된다.
  8. \n

1) 화교 신분 또는 중화민국 국적 소지자


2) 현재 대만에서 화어문(중국어) 어학연수 중이거나 과거 대만에서 학위과정을 수학한 경험이 있는 자


3) 과거 본 장학금 또는 대만장학금(臺灣獎學金) 수혜자


4) 수혜 기간 동안 대만 소재 대학과 해외 대학 간의 학술협력협정 등에 의거하여 모집된 교환학생 신분인 자


5) 중화민국 정부 기관(구) 또는 대만 소재 학교의 기타 장학금 등 이중수혜를 받는 자


III. 정원: 20 명 (수혜 기간은 6 개월이며 주한국타이페이대표부 교육조를 통해 선발)

  1. 장학금 지원 내용: 매월 NT$25,000 원/명
  2. \n
  3. 수혜 기간: 2024 년 9 월 1 일(일)부터 2025 년 2 월 28(금)까지 (6 개월)
  4. \n
  5. 제출 서류:
  6. \n
  7. 화어문장학금 신청서
  8. \n
  9. 최종학력증명서
  10. \n
  11. 성적증명서
  12. \n
  13. 여권 사본 각 1 부
  14. \n

VII. 신청 방법: 2024 년 4 월 1 일(월) 정오 12 시까지 신청자가 제출 서류를 주한국타이페이대표부 교육조(이하 교육조)로 우편 송부하여 심사 진행


자세한 내용은 아래의 선발 요강을 참고하세요.







\n", "date": "2024-01-30 15:55:39", "url": "http://www.roc-taiwan.org/kr_ko/post/17941.html" }, { "title": "한화교포단 송년회 신년하례회", "content": "







한화한마음동호회는 지난 1월 20일 강남 동보성식당을 빌려 2023년 설맞이 同心會 회원들이 참석한 가운데 주한대표부 양광중 대표내외도 초청했으며, 동대문화교무역배급총회(東大門華僑貿易配貨總會)도 음력 설을 앞두고 각계각층의 회무 지원에 감사의 뜻을 전하며 회원 가족뿐 아니라 청년회, 청상회, 한국해운 및 대만 통관업주들도 함께 참석했다.

\n", "date": "2024-01-24 16:18:00", "url": "http://www.roc-taiwan.org/kr_ko/post/17932.html" }, { "title": "2024년도 화어문능력시험 한국지역 시험 일정", "content": "

\"\"※ 자세한 내용은 아래의 화어문능력시험 응시 홈페이지에서 참고하세요.



\n", "date": "2024-01-15 16:54:00", "url": "http://www.roc-taiwan.org/kr_ko/post/17916.html" }, { "title": "2024년도 (2/25) 한국 지역 화어문능력시험(TOCFL) 응시 요강: 한성화교중고등학교", "content": "

CAT컴퓨터화 시험 일시 및 장소(CAT컴퓨터화 시험):




일시: 2024년 2월 25일(일), 10:00~12:10, 한성화교중고등학교



  1. 주소: 대한민국 서울특별시 서대문구 연희동 89-1
  2. \n
  3. 전화번호: 02-335-7027
  4. \n
  5. 주변 지하철역: 경의중앙선 (신촌역)
  6. \n
  7. 주변 버스정류장: 한성화교중고교.서대문소방서(13152)
  8. \n
  9. 오시는 길: http://naver.me/FyKRaQs3
  10. \n



접수기간: 2024년 1월 12일(월)부터 2024년 1월 26일(금)까지




접수 사이트: https://tocfl.sc-top.org.tw




자세한 내용은 아래의 링크에서 확인해주시기 바랍니다.



\n", "date": "2024-01-12 16:48:46", "url": "http://www.roc-taiwan.org/kr_ko/post/17907.html" } ] }, { "lang": "ko", "branch": "pus", "country": "kr", "name": "Taipei Mission in Korea, Busan Office", "path": "/krpus_ko/", "items": [ { "title": "부산화교중고등학교 제3회 교우대회 개최", "content": "




\n", "date": "2024-04-12 10:42:27", "url": "http://www.roc-taiwan.org/krpus_ko/post/11133.html" }, { "title": "3월1일 삼일절 휴무안내", "content": "

\n본 사무처는 한국의 국경일인 3월1일 삼일절에 휴무합니다.
\nOur office will be closed on March 1 in observance of Korea's Samiljeol (Independence Movement Day).

\n", "date": "2024-02-28 09:30:04", "url": "http://www.roc-taiwan.org/krpus_ko/post/11107.html" }, { "title": "【2/9~2/11 春節公休公告 설날 휴무 안내】", "content": "



설날이 다가옵니다. 본 사무처는 한국 정부의 규정에 때라 2/9(금)부터 2/12(월)까지 휴무하며, 2/13(화)부터 정상 출근합니다.


Our office will be closed from February 9th (Fri.) to February 12th (Mon.) for the Lunar New Year.



\n", "date": "2024-02-07 09:00:18", "url": "http://www.roc-taiwan.org/krpus_ko/post/11089.html" } ] }, { "lang": "zh", "branch": "pus", "country": "kr", "name": "駐韓國台北代表部釜山辦事處", "path": "/krpus/", "items": [ { "title": "釜山華僑中學第三屆全球校友大會圓滿成功", "content": "
\n", "date": "2024-04-12 10:39:54", "url": "http://www.roc-taiwan.org/krpus/post/10611.html" }, { "title": "3月1日「三一節」,本處公休一日", "content": "

\n본 사무처는 한국의 국경일인 3월1일 삼일절에 휴무합니다.
\nOur office will be closed on March 1 in observance of Korea's Samiljeol (Independence Movement Day).



\n", "date": "2024-02-28 09:30:48", "url": "http://www.roc-taiwan.org/krpus/post/10549.html" }, { "title": "【2/9~2/11 春節公休公告 설날 휴무 안내】", "content": "



설날이 다가옵니다. 본 사무처는 한국 정부의 규정에 때라 2/9(금)부터 2/12(월)까지 휴무하며, 2/13(화)부터 정상 출근합니다.


Our office will be closed from February 9th (Fri.) to February 12th (Mon.) for the Lunar New Year.



\n", "date": "2024-02-07 09:00:24", "url": "http://www.roc-taiwan.org/krpus/post/10504.html" }, { "title": "中華民國第五十五屆世界兒童畫展徵件", "content": "



今年中華民國兒童美術教育學會舉辦「中華民國第五十五屆世界兒童畫展」,歡迎3到15歲的小朋友報名參加, 截止日期是2024年4月15日。



\n", "date": "2024-01-29 08:33:48", "url": "http://www.roc-taiwan.org/krpus/post/10492.html" } ] }, { "lang": "zh", "branch": "", "country": "id", "name": "駐印尼台北經濟貿易代表處", "path": "/id/", "items": [ { "title": "台灣0403花蓮震災捐款專戶帳號相關資訊-Informasi rekening donasi khusus bencana gempa Hualien 0403 Taiwan", "content": "



Dalam rangka menggabungkan upaya pemerintah dan swasta untuk membantu masyarakat yang terkena dampak gempa bumi Hualien 0403, Eksekutif Yuan Taiwan telah menginstruksikan “Taiwan Foundation for Disaster Relief” di bawah Kementerian Kesehatan dan Kesejahteraan Taiwan untuk mengumumkan rekening sumbangan. Donasi dari dalam negeri dan luar negeri akan diterima dengan periode penggalangan dana mulai dari tanggal 4 April hingga 3 Mei 2024 yang berlangsung selama satu bulan. Sumbangan akan digunakan untuk membantu daerah-daerah yang dilanda bencana dan para korban bencana, perawatan medis darurat, tempat tinggal dan pemukiman kembali, proyek-proyek pemulihan dan rekonstruksi, serta untuk mengatasi kesulitan akibat bencana. Bagi masyarakat luar negeri yang tertarik untuk berdonasi, bisa melalui cara berikut ini.

\n\n", "date": "2024-04-17 16:15:12", "url": "http://www.roc-taiwan.org/id/post/8510.html" }, { "title": "首場臺灣海外國際產業人才教育專班教育展 提供印尼學生赴臺就學就業", "content": "
為配合我國政府5年投入52億在各國設置10座海外基地(國際人才循環基地),落實推動「促進國際生來台暨留台實施計畫」,擴大招募人才,教育部去年委託正修科技大學、朝陽科技大學與醒吾科技大學在印尼成立海外基地,並分別於雅加達、泗水及邦加設置三個據點後,於今(19)日在印尼雅加達Pullman Jakarta Central Park飯店舉辦「臺灣國際產業人才教育專班教育展」,這是海外基地首次在印尼舉辦的教育展活動,隨後於21日在泗水辦理。
\n", "date": "2024-03-19 18:43:19", "url": "http://www.roc-taiwan.org/id/post/8450.html" }, { "title": "觀光署率業者在印尼雅加達舉辦觀光推廣會 盼吸引穆斯林遊客", "content": "







印尼人口約2.7億,人口排名世界第四,穆斯林人口居世界之冠,觀光署表示,台灣推動友善穆斯林環境10餘年,由新月評等(Crescent Rating)及萬事達卡合作辦理的2023年全球穆斯林旅遊指數(Global Muslim Travel Index, GMTI)結果顯示,台灣榮獲「非伊斯蘭合作組織旅遊目的地」(non-OIC destnaitons)第3名。





\n", "date": "2024-03-06 18:18:07", "url": "http://www.roc-taiwan.org/id/post/8434.html" }, { "title": "駐印尼台北經濟貿易代表處(僑務組)招募短期按時計酬人員。", "content": "
● 駐印尼台北經濟貿易代表處招募短期按時計酬人員。
● 時薪:4.38美元~4.58美元
● 工作地點 : 本處(雅加達南區SCBD) 。
● 工作內容:僑生招生相關作業。
● 條件 :
1. 印尼國籍或具合法居留及工作身分之其他國籍人士。
2. 高中以上學歷。
3. 通中文、印尼文、英文。
4. 熟悉Office軟體(包括Word, Power Point, Excel, Google Document, Spreadsheet, Drive... 等)。
● 歡迎有意應徵者請於2024年3月5日17:00以前將中文、英文簡歷,併聯絡方式、最高學歷畢業證書及相關身分證件(例:印尼身分證、戶口名簿、居留/工作證明等)影本,傳送至電子信箱 : indoocac@gmail.com
● 主旨請寫 “Job Application- OCAC Division_Temporary hourly employees ”。
● 合適者本處即通知面試談後立即上班。
● Temporary hourly employees WANTED.
● Hourly Rate: $4.38~$4.58
● Location: SCBD, South Jakarta
● Qualifications:
1. Indonesian or foreign nationals with legal residence and working status
2. High School degree or above
3. Fluent in Mandarin, Indonesian and English.
4. Excellent in using Microsoft Office (Word, Power Point, Excel, Google Document, Spreadsheet, Drive etc.)
● Interested applicants are welcome to send the following to indoocac@gmail.com with subject “Job Application- OCAC Division_Temporary hourly employees” by 17:00, 5 MAR 2024:
1. Resume in Mandarin and English with contact information
2. Copy of graduation certificate or diploma
3. Copy of an identification document (Indonesian ID card, Indonesian Kartu Keluarga, or legal residence/working status permit)
● Qualified applicants will be notified of further interview date and are to be expected to start on the same day.
\n", "date": "2024-03-02 14:19:20", "url": "http://www.roc-taiwan.org/id/post/8405.html" }, { "title": "交通部觀光署成立駐雅加達臺灣觀光服務處 攜手在地旅遊業者共同拓展印尼來臺旅遊商機", "content": "


交通部觀光署表示:駐雅加達臺灣觀光服務處位於雅加達商業購物熱鬧的中西區GoWork Central Park,今日揭牌儀式邀請駐印尼台北經濟貿易代表處、中華航空、長榮航空、新加坡航空及印尼最具代表性的觀光旅遊協會、組團業者與媒體共同見證。觀光署於揭牌儀式後也辦理「臺灣日」活動,現場以臺灣特色觀光圈及觀光節慶活動為主題,提供來自臺灣的特色餐點、伴手小物,展現臺灣觀光友善魅力,及邀請印尼重量級網紅Kadekarini以「2024臺灣觀光新秘境」為主題,分享自身遊臺經驗。
\n", "date": "2024-02-28 19:41:30", "url": "http://www.roc-taiwan.org/id/post/8396.html" }, { "title": "台灣驅離侵入其海域非法捕撈的中國漁船完全合法並具有正當性", "content": "

\nPengusiran kapal-kapal penangkap ikan Tiongkok yang melakukan penangkapan ikan secara ilegal di perairan Taiwan adalah sepenuhnya legal dan sah.


\nPada tanggal 14 Februari 2024 sekitar pukul 13.00, sebuah kapal penangkap ikan dari Tiongkok melanggar batas masuk ke perairan dekat Pulau Beiding di Kinmen, Taiwan, untuk menangkap ikan secara ilegal. Petugas Patroli Laut Taiwan mengambil langkah-langkah rutin dengan mengirimkan kapal patroli untuk melakukan pemeriksaan, tetapi kapal penangkap ikan Tiongkok menolak pemeriksaan, menghindar, dan melarikan diri, menyebabkan kapal penangkap ikan terbalik dan empat nelayan Tiongkok jatuh ke laut. Petugas patroli Taiwan segera melakukan penyelamatan dan mengirim mereka ke rumah sakit di Kinmen untuk pengobatan. Dua diantara para nelayan Tiongkok tersebut meninggal dunia setelah upaya penyelamatan. Kasus ini melibatkan petugas patroli laut Taiwan yang melakukan tugas mereka sesuai hukum tanpa melakukan tindakan yang tidak pantas. Akan tetapi China's Taiwan Affairs Office tidak membedakan mana yang benar dan mana yang salah dengan menuduh petugas patroli laut Taiwan melakukan cara yang kasar dan berbahaya sehingga menyebabkan kejadian tragis ini.


\nPernyataan dari China's Taiwan Affairs Office menunjukkan bahwa Tiongkok murni melakukan pembelaan terhadap kapal penangkap ikannya yang melakukan penangkapan ikan ilegal di luar wilayahnya dan dengan sengaja menyalahkan Taiwan, dalam upaya untuk menciptakan ketegangan antara kedua sisi selat. Kami mengecam keras tindakan tersebut.


\nTiongkok sering kali membiarkan kapal penangkap ikan mereka secara ilegal masuk ke perairan Taiwan untuk menangkap ikan, menggunakan bom ikan, menggunakan zat beracun pada ikan, mengambil pasir dari laut, dan membuang sampah laut, yang semuanya merusak ekosistem laut. Meskipun pemerintah Taiwan telah berkali-kali meminta pihak Tiongkok untuk mengendalikan diri, namun belum terlihat adanya perbaikan.


\nDalam beberapa tahun terakhir, banyak kapal penangkap ikan dari Tiongkok secara rutin memasuki perairan Taiwan untuk menangkap ikan berharga tinggi secara ilegal, yang merugikan hak-hak nelayan Taiwan dan kehidupan masyarakat pesisir. Masyarakat Taiwan telah berkali-kali melaporkan kejadian ini dan meminta otoritas Taiwan untuk bertindak sesuai hukum dengan mengusir mereka. Petugas patroli laut Taiwan bertugas untuk melindungi hak-hak nelayan, mempertahankan kedaulatan negara.


\nMenurut data statistik, dari tahun 2016 hingga 2023, total ada lebih dari 9.000 kapal penangkap ikan dari Tiongkok yang telah disita dan dicegah beroperasi oleh Taiwan karena melakukan berbagai tindakan ilegal seperti penangkapan ikan di luar batas, pencurian pasir laut, dan penyelundupan. Beberapa di antaranya bahkan menghilangkan atau menutupi nama kapal untuk menghindari pemeriksaan, bahkan sampai menabrak atau menyerang petugas patroli laut Taiwan.


\nNegara kami menyesal atas kejadian tidak menyenangkan ini yang melibatkan penolakan awak kapal Tiongkok untuk bekerja sama dengan otoritas Taiwan dalam penegakan hukum, yang berujung pada kejadian tragis ini dengan cara yang berbahaya. Kami berharap bahwa otoritas Tiongkok akan memperketat pengawasan terhadap tindakan ilegal semacam itu agar kejadian tidak terulang kembali, demi menjaga perdamaian dan stabilitas di kedua sisi selat.



\n", "date": "2024-02-18 20:53:36", "url": "http://www.roc-taiwan.org/id/post/8374.html" }, { "title": "臺灣嚴厲譴責中國未經雙邊協商,片面宣布啟用及變更相關航線", "content": "








\n", "date": "2024-02-07 17:14:56", "url": "http://www.roc-taiwan.org/id/post/8361.html" }, { "title": "駐印尼台北經濟貿易代表處嚴正駁斥中國駐印尼大使館抗議印尼CNN電視台專訪台灣外交部吳部長釗燮及印尼「國際日報」刊登親中人士翁俊民發表不當言論事", "content": "

有關中國駐印尼大使館抗議印尼CNN Indonesia電視台專訪台灣外交部吳部長釗燮及印尼「國際日報」刊登親中人士翁俊民發表不當言論事,駐印尼台北經濟貿易代表處嚴正駁斥如下:
\nKedutaan Besar Tiongkok di Indonesia mengajukan protes terkait stasiun televisi CNN Indonesia yang melakukan wawancara dengan Menteri Luar Negeri Taiwan, Joseph Wu. Tokoh pro-Tiongkok, Weng Chunmin di surat kabar \"International Daily\" Indonesia menyatakan bahwa hal ini tidak pantas dilakukan. Kantor Dagang dan Ekonomi Taipei di Indonesia atau The Taipei Economic and Trade Office(TETO) dengan tegas membantah masalah tersebut sebagai berikut:
\nRepublic of China (Taiwan) adalah negara yang berdaulat dan independen, tidak tunduk pada Tiongkok. Taiwan telah mengalami proses demokratisasi dan diakui secara internasional sebagai negara demokratis yang matang. Belakangan ini, Tiongkok melakukan tindakan provokasi dengan terus-menerus mengadakan latihan militer di sekitar laut dan udara Taiwan, sebagai upaya mengganggu pemilihan presiden di Taiwan. Perilaku agresif seperti ini tidak dapat diterima dan telah menimbulkan keprihatinan dari masyarakat internasional dan blok politik demokratik.
\nTindakan provokatif yang tidak bertanggung jawab dari Tiongkok tidak hanya meningkatkan ketegangan di Tiongkok dan Taiwan, tetapi juga mengganggu tatanan aturan internasional, dan secara serius mengancam keamanan Selat Taiwan dan perdamaian serta stabilitas regional. Kantor Dagang dan Ekonomi Taipei di Indonesia mengecam keras tindakan tersebut.
\nResolusi 2758 diadopsi oleh Majelis Umum Perserikatan Bangsa Bangsa (PBB) pada tahun 1971, hanya menangani masalah perwakilan untuk Tiongkok di PBB. Secara hukum, resolusi ini tidak memberi wewenang kepada Tiongkok untuk mewakili Taiwan dalam PBB, dan juga tidak menyatakan bahwa Taiwan merupakan bagian dari Tiongkok. Tiongkok dan individu yang pro-Tiongkok terus keliru menafsirkan Resolusi 2758, mengaitkannya dengan prinsip \"Satu Tiongkok,\" dan memberikan tekanan berkepanjangan kepada PBB sebagai argumen yang tidak pantas untuk mengecualikan Taiwan untuk berpartisipasi dalam organisasi internasional. Pada kenyataannya, pendekatan ini tidak konsisten dengan hukum, akal sehat, dan keadilan, dengan jelas menunjukkan ambisi aneksasi hukum Tiongkok terhadap Taiwan.
\nTaiwan menegaskan bahwa Taiwan adalah negara demokratis, dan hanya pemerintah terpilih Taiwan yang memiliki hak untuk mewakili 23,5 juta penduduk Taiwan dalam forum-forum internasional, termasuk PBB. Tiongkok, yang belum pernah memerintah Taiwan, seharusnya tidak mengancam keamanan dan perdamaian regional dengan mengerahkan pesawat dan kapal militer ke wilayah Taiwan. Mereka tidak memiliki kewenangan untuk mengganggu partisipasi Taiwan dalam komunitas internasional.
\n台灣與印尼推崇民主法治及尊重人權等普世價值。台灣從2016 年實施「新南向政策」以來,持續與印尼推展全方位的合作關係,藉由簽署各項瞭解備忘錄及合作計畫,持續深化雙邊在貿易與經濟發展、勞工、農業、教育與訓練、民航以及科技等領域的合作關係
\nBaik Taiwan maupun Indonesia menghormati nilai-nilai universal seperti demokrasi, supremasi hukum, dan penghargaan terhadap hak asasi manusia. Sejak diterapkannya \"Kebijakan Baru ke Arah Selatan\" pada tahun 2016, Taiwan terus mempromosikan kerjasama komprehensif dengan Indonesia. Melalui penandatanganan berbagai nota kesepahaman dan proyek kerjasama, hubungan bilateral terus ditingkatkan secara konsisten di bidang perdagangan dan pengembangan ekonomi, ketenagakerjaan, pertanian, pendidikan dan pelatihan, penerbangan sipil, dan teknologi.
\nSaat ini, lebih dari 400.000 orang Indonesia bekerja, belajar, dan tinggal di Taiwan. Mereka mendapatkan perhatian dan menikmati perlindungan sosial serta pelayanan kesehatan yang setara dengan warga negara Taiwan. Jika keamanan Taiwan terancam, hal ini juga akan berdampak pada keselamatan warga negara Indonesia (WNI) yang berada di Taiwan.
\nKantor Dagang dan Ekonomi Taipei di Indonesia menekankan bahwa Taiwan, sebagai negara demokratis yang berdaulat dan independen, memiliki hak mutlak untuk berinteraksi dengan negara-negara lain dan berkontribusi kepada masyarakat internasional melalui partisipasi di kancah internasional. Rakyat Taiwan juga memiliki hak untuk mengekspresikan kehendak nasional mereka melalui sistem demokrasi, dan Tiongkok tidak berhak untuk ikut campur atau mengubah hal ini.

\n", "date": "2024-01-18 13:41:14", "url": "http://www.roc-taiwan.org/id/post/8308.html" }, { "title": "駐印尼台北經濟貿易代表處領務組招募雇員1名。", "content": "





l 駐印尼台北經濟貿易代表處招募雇員1名。


l 月薪 : 依學經歷面談。


l 工作地點 : 本處(雅加達南區SCBD) 。


l 工作內容:領務業務。


l 條件 :


1. 印尼國籍或具合法居留及工作身分之其他國籍人士。


2. 大專科以上學歷。


3. 通中文、印尼文、英文。


4. 熟悉Office軟體(包括Word, Power Point, Excel 等)。


l 試用期三個月。


l 歡迎有意應徵者請於2024年1月26日以前將中文、印尼文、英文簡歷,手寫中文簡要自傳,併聯絡方式、希望待遇、最高學歷畢業證書及相關身分證件(例:印尼身分證、戶口名簿、居留/工作證明等)影本,傳送至電子信箱 : visaidn@mofa.gov.tw


l 主旨請寫 “Job Application- Consular Division_Staff Assistant”。


l 合適者本處將另行通知面談。






l Recruitment for Staff Assistant (1 person).


l Monthly Salary: Upon interview and according to experiences.


l Location: SCBD, South Jakarta


l Qualifications:


1. Indonesian or foreign nationals with legal residence and working status


2. College degree or above


3. Fluent in Mandarin, Indonesian and English.


4. Excellent in using Microsoft Office (Word, Power Point, Excel, etc.)


l Probation Period: Three (3) months. l Interested applicants are welcome to send to visaidn@mofa.gov.tw with subject “Job Application- Consular Division_Staff Assistant” before 26 January 2024:


1. Resume in Mandarin, Indonesian and English


2. Handwritten autobiography in Mandarin, contact information and description of expected salary


3. Copy of graduation certificate or diploma


4. Copy of an identification document (Indonesian ID card, Indonesian Kartu Keluarga, or legal residence/working status permit)


l Qualified applicants will be notified for further interview.






l Dibutuhkan Staf Asisten (1 orang).


l Gaji Bulanan: Saat wawancara dan tergantung pengalaman kerja


l Lokasi: Gedung Artha Graha, SCBD, Jakarta Selatan


l Persyaratan:


1. Warga negara Indonesia atau orang asing dengan status tinggal dan bekerja yang resmi


2. Lulusan S1 atau di atasnya


3. Fasih berbahasa Mandarin, Indonesia, dan Inggris


4. Menguasai Microsoft Office (Word, Power Point, Excel)


l Masa Percobaan: Tiga (3) bulan.


l Pelamar yang berminat dipersilakan mengirimkan e-mail ke visaidn@mofa.gov.tw dengan subjek “Job Application-Consular Division_Staff Assistant” sebelum 26 Januari 2024:


1. Resume dalam bahasa Mandarin, Indonesia, dan Inggris


2. Autobiografi tulisan tangan dalam bahasa Mandarin, termasuk informasi kontak, dan deskripsi gaji yang diharapkan


3. Fotokopi surat tanda kelulusan atau ijazah


4. Fotokopi dokumen identitas (KTP, Kartu Keluarga, atau ITAS/ITAP)


l Bagi yang memenuhi persyaratan akan dihubungi lebih lanjut untuk proses wawancara.

\n", "date": "2024-01-15 10:39:36", "url": "http://www.roc-taiwan.org/id/post/8290.html" }, { "title": "駐印尼台北經濟貿易代表處招募雇員1名-僑務組", "content": "

l 駐印尼台北經濟貿易代表處招募雇員1名。


l 月薪 : 依學經歷面談。


l 工作地點 : 本處(雅加達南區SCBD) 。


l 工作內容:僑務業務。


l 條件 :


1. 印尼國籍或具合法居留及工作身分之其他國籍人士。


2. 大學或專科以上學歷。


3. 通中文、印尼文、英文。


4. 熟悉Office軟體(包括Word, Power Point, Excel, Google Document, Spreadsheet, Drive... 等)。


l 試用期三個月。


l 歡迎有意應徵者請於2024年1月31日以前將中文、印尼文、英文簡歷,手寫中文簡要自傳,併聯絡方式、希望待遇、最高學歷畢業證書及相關身分證件(例:印尼身分證、戶口名簿、居留/工作證明等)影本,傳送至電子信箱 : indoocac@gmail.com


l 主旨請寫 “Job Application- OCAC Division_Staff Assistant”。


l 合適者本處將另行通知面談。

\n", "date": "2024-01-04 19:55:41", "url": "http://www.roc-taiwan.org/id/post/8216.html" }, { "title": "International Talent Circulation Base (INTACT Base) is recruiting 1 employee", "content": "

International Talent Circulation Base (INTACT Base) is recruiting 1 employee


Monthly salary: USD 770
\nWork location: Education Division of Taipei Economic and Trade Office (SCBD, South Jakarta)
\nJob content: Education-related business
\n1. Indonesian nationality.
\n2. University degree or above.
\n3. Good communication skills in Chinese, Indonesia and English.
\n4. Familiar with office software (including Word, Power Point, Excel, etc).
\n5. Relevant experience in promoting education and exchange program is especially preferred.
\n6. Start of work: 20 January 2024
\n7. Probation period of three months


Applicants are welcome to send their resume in Chinese, Indonesian and English, a brief autobiography in Chinese and English, a copy of the graduation certificate of their highest academic degree and contact information by email to edutwindonesia@gmail.com. Those who meet the qualifications will be notified of the written test and interview.



\n", "date": "2024-01-04 19:22:53", "url": "http://www.roc-taiwan.org/id/post/8210.html" }, { "title": "國合會113年度外籍生獎學金計畫開放申請-The 2024 TaiwanICDF Scholarship is now open for application", "content": "

The 2024 TaiwanICDF Scholarship is now open for application


\"Program Beasiswa Internasional 2024 untuk Mahasiswa Asing Tingkat Pendidikan Tinggi yang Menempuh Gelar Magister sambil Bekerja bagi Pegawai Publik dan Tenaga Pendidik”


Tujuan: Memberikan kesempatan gelar magister bagi pegawai pemerintah dan tenaga pendidik yang sedang bekerja.


Detil Program Beasiswa:


1. Bidang studi harus sesuai dengan kebutuhan personel administratif dan manajerial di sektor publik dan pendidikan.


2. Durasi belajar di Taiwan dapat fleksibel dan menyesuaikan peserta, termasuk opsi kursus online atau program intensif 1 tahun kursus langsung atau tatap muka.


3. Menyesuaikan dengan regulasi Kementerian Pendidikan, bagi mereka yang terlibat dalam praktik profesional, sehingga tesis magister dapat digantikan dengan laporan teknis atau profesional.


Program Gelar yang Ditawarkan untuk Pegawai Publik dan Tenaga Pendidik yang Sedang Bekerja:


1. 'Program Internasional tentang Tata Kelola Kota (IPUG) di Universitas Nasional Taipei’:


Para pelamar hanya perlu berada di Taiwan selama satu tahun untuk memenuhi kredit yang dibutuhkan untuk lulus. Setelah menyelesaikan studi, mereka dapat kembali ke negara asal mereka untuk menyelesaikan laporan. Kehadiran kembali ke Taiwan hanya diwajibkan untuk ujian sidang tesis, yang dijadwalkan sebulan sebelum kelulusan.


Untuk informasi lebih lanjut, silakan kunjungi situs web resmi kami di: https://ipug.ntpu.edu.tw/


Jika Anda memiliki pertanyaan lebih lanjut, silakan hubungi kami melalui surel di: ipugmuc@gm.ntpu.edu.tw


2. 'Program Magister Pembelajaran Elektronik dalam Pendidikan dan Kepemimpinan Sekolah' di Universitas Nasional Chung Cheng’:


Program ini dilaksanakan sepenuhnya secara daring (online). Para pelamar diwajibkan mengikuti sesi pelatihan mahasiswa baru di Taiwan satu bulan setelah pendaftaran dan hadir kembali untuk ujian sidang tesis sebulan sebelum kelulusan. Selain melibatkan kursus online, program ini juga menyediakan studi kredit, dan diskusi dengan profesor mengenai konten kursus dan penyusunan tesis.


Untuk informasi lebih lanjut, silakan kunjungi situs web resmi kami di: https://eesl.ccu.edu.tw/


Jika Anda memiliki pertanyaan tambahan, jangan ragu untuk menghubungi kami melalui surel di: eesl@ccu.edu.tw




The 2024 TaiwanICDF Scholarship is now open for application




The TaiwanICDF Scholarship will be open for application from DECEMBER 1, 2023 – MARCH 15, 2024.


We welcome you to explore Taiwan’s degree programs, which deliver


Skills, knowledge, and a tremendous character-building environment


Opportunities to embrace a culture of creativity and diversity


Our full scholarships cover:










Monthly stipend


To find out more, please visit our website or download the following documents from the comment section below:


2024 TᴀɪᴡᴀɴICDF Sᴄʜᴏʟᴀʀsʜɪᴘ Aᴘᴘʟɪᴄᴀᴛɪᴏɴ Gᴜɪᴅᴇʙᴏᴏᴋ


Oɴʟɪɴᴇ Aᴘᴘʟɪᴄᴀᴛɪᴏɴ Sʏsᴛᴇᴍ (Contact Person: Ms. Liu)


Wᴇʙsɪᴛᴇ ᴏғ TᴀɪᴡᴀɴICDF Sᴄʜᴏʟᴀʀsʜɪᴘ Pʀᴏɢʀᴀᴍ


Please contact us with any questions at icdfscholarship@icdf.org.tw (Contact Person: Ms. Liu); we look forward to hearing from you!


國合會113年度「國際高等人力培訓外籍生獎學金計畫」定於 112年 12 月 1 日起至 113年3 月 15日開放申請,供我國友邦與友好國家學子選讀,歡迎大家轉發給更多人知道!相關資訊請參考:


2024 TᴀɪᴡᴀɴICDF Sᴄʜᴏʟᴀʀsʜɪᴘ Aᴘᴘʟɪᴄᴀᴛɪᴏɴ Gᴜɪᴅᴇʙᴏᴏᴋ








\n", "date": "2024-01-04 14:46:17", "url": "http://www.roc-taiwan.org/id/post/8201.html" }, { "title": "駐印尼台北經濟貿易代表處招募臨時雇員1名", "content": "

l 駐印尼台北經濟貿易代表處招募臨時雇員1名。
l 月薪 : 依學經歷面談。
l 工作地點 : 本處(雅加達南區SCBD) 。
l 工作內容:領務業務。
l 條件 :
1. 印尼國籍或具合法居留及工作身分之其他國籍人士。
2. 大專科以上學歷。
3. 通中文、印尼文、英文。
4. 熟悉Office軟體(包括Word, Power Point, Excel 等)。
l 歡迎有意應徵者請於2024年1月12日以前將中文、印尼文、英文簡歷,手寫中文簡要自傳,併聯絡方式、希望待遇、最高學歷畢業證書及相關身分證件(例:印尼身分證、戶口名簿、居留/工作證明等)影本,傳送至電子信箱 : visaidn@mofa.gov.tw
l 主旨請寫 “Job Application- Consular Division_Short-Term Staff Assistant”。
l 合適者本處將另行通知面談。
l Recruitment for Short-Term Staff Assistant (1 person).
l Monthly Salary: Upon interview and according to experiences.
l Location: SCBD, South Jakarta
l Qualifications:
1. Indonesian or foreign nationals with legal residence and working status
2. College degree or above
3. Fluent in Mandarin, Indonesian and English.
4. Excellent in using Microsoft Office (Word, Power Point, Excel, etc.) l Interested applicants are welcome to send to visaidn@mofa.gov.tw with subject “Job Application- Consular Division_Short-Term Staff Assistant” before 12 January 2024:
1. Resume in Mandarin, Indonesian and English
2. Handwritten autobiography in Mandarin, contact information and description of expected salary
3. Copy of graduation certificate or diploma
4. Copy of an identification document (Indonesian ID card, Indonesian Kartu Keluarga, or legal residence/working status permit)
l Qualified applicants will be notified for further interview.
l Dibutuhkan Staf Asisten Sementara (1 orang).
l Gaji Bulanan: Saat wawancara dan tergantung pengalaman kerja
l Lokasi: Gedung Artha Graha, SCBD, Jakarta Selatan
l Persyaratan:
1. Warga negara Indonesia atau orang asing dengan status tinggal dan bekerja yang resmi
2. Lulusan S1 atau di atasnya
3. Fasih berbahasa Mandarin, Indonesia, dan Inggris
4. Menguasai Microsoft Office (Word, Power Point, Excel)
l Pelamar yang berminat dipersilakan mengirimkan e-mail ke visaidn@mofa.gov.tw dengan subjek “Job Application- Short-Term Consular Division_Staff Assistant” sebelum 12 Januari 2024:
1. Resume dalam bahasa Mandarin, Indonesia, dan Inggris
2. Autobiografi tulisan tangan dalam bahasa Mandarin, termasuk informasi kontak, dan deskripsi gaji yang diharapkan
3. Fotokopi surat tanda kelulusan atau ijazah
4. Fotokopi dokumen identitas (KTP, Kartu Keluarga, atau ITAS/ITAP)
l Bagi yang memenuhi persyaratan akan dihubungi lebih lanjut untuk proses wawancara.
\n", "date": "2024-01-03 18:55:26", "url": "http://www.roc-taiwan.org/id/post/8178.html" }, { "title": "駐印尼代表處陳忠大使主持中華民國113年元旦升旗典禮暨聯歡會", "content": "






\n", "date": "2024-01-02 10:58:06", "url": "http://www.roc-taiwan.org/id/post/8156.html" } ] }, { "lang": "en", "branch": "", "country": "id", "name": "Taipei Economic and Trade Office, Jakarta, Indonesia", "path": "/id_en/", "items": [ { "title": "Informasi rekening donasi khusus bencana gempa Hualien 0403 Taiwan", "content": "

Dalam rangka menggabungkan upaya pemerintah dan swasta untuk membantu masyarakat yang terkena dampak gempa bumi Hualien 0403, Eksekutif Yuan Taiwan telah menginstruksikan “Taiwan Foundation for Disaster Relief” di bawah Kementerian Kesehatan dan Kesejahteraan Taiwan untuk mengumumkan rekening sumbangan. Donasi dari dalam negeri dan luar negeri akan diterima dengan periode penggalangan dana mulai dari tanggal 4 April hingga 3 Mei 2024 yang berlangsung selama satu bulan. Sumbangan akan digunakan untuk membantu daerah-daerah yang dilanda bencana dan para korban bencana, perawatan medis darurat, tempat tinggal dan pemukiman kembali, proyek-proyek pemulihan dan rekonstruksi, serta untuk mengatasi kesulitan akibat bencana. Bagi masyarakat luar negeri yang tertarik untuk berdonasi, bisa melalui cara berikut ini.

\n\n", "date": "2024-04-17 16:25:07", "url": "http://www.roc-taiwan.org/id_en/post/4565.html" }, { "title": "Ajak Talenta Indonesia untuk Studi dan Bekerja di Taiwan Lewat Pameran Pendidikan & Vokasi Taiwan Pertama di Indonesia", "content": "
Untuk mengajak dan merekrut lebih banyak pelajar berprestasi Indonesia untuk studi di Taiwan, Kementerian Pendidikan Taiwan mendirikan International Talent Circulation Base (INTACT) Base di Indonesia. 2024 Taiwan Intense Program Education Exhibition telah sukses diselenggarakan di Hotel Pullman Central Park Jakarta pada 19 Maret 2024. Direktur Departemen Pendidikan Teknologi dan Vokasi di Kementerian Pendidikan Taiwan, Yang Yu-hui memimpin 18 universitas Taiwan untuk berpartisipasi dalam pameran tersebut dan bekerjasama dengan lebih dari 47 universitas & politeknik di Indonesia.
TETO Indonesia menyatakan bahwa tujuan utama pameran pendidikan ini adalah untuk mempromosikan INTACT Base dan bekerja sama dengan Indonesia untuk membina talenta-talenta unggulan.
Saat pameran berlangsung, INTACT Base telah menandatangani Memorandum of Cooperation (MoC) dengan setidaknya 37 perguruan tinggi di Indonesia yang turut hadir mengikuti acara akbar tersebut.
John C Chen, Duta Besar TETO Indonesia, menyebutkan dalam sambutannya bahwa program ini secara aktif membantu pelajar Indonesia untuk menguasai pengetahuan dan keterampilan profesional yang diperlukan untuk dunia kerja di bidang sains, teknologi, teknik, matematika, keuangan dan semikonduktor. Program ini dikembangkan bersama oleh Pemerintah Taiwan, industri dan universitas-universitas di Taiwan yang bersinergi memberikan kesempatan kepada pelajar Indonesia untuk belajar, magang dan bekerja di Taiwan.
John C Chen juga menambahkan bahwa dengan upaya aktif dari 25 universitas Taiwan dan 112 perusahaan Taiwan, Kementerian Pendidikan Taiwan telah menyetujui total 48 kelas khusus tahun ini, sehingga harapannya pameran pendidikan dan vokasi ini dapat mendekatkan kerja sama dan pertukaran pendidikan antara Taiwan dan Indonesia.
Selain itu, Kementerian Pendidikan, Kebudayaan, Riset, dan Teknologi Republik Indonesia juga mengirimkan perwakilannya untuk menghadiri acara hari ini. TETO Indonesia menyatakan bahwa dengan promosi bersama Taiwan dan Indonesia, kerja sama pendidikan antara Taiwan dan Indonesia akan mengambil langkah maju yang besar.
TETO Indonesia menyatakan, dalam rangka mengimplementasikan investasi lima tahun Pemerintah Taiwan sebesar 5,2 miliar, Pemerintah Taiwan mendirikan 10 basis pelatihan INTACT Base di berbagai negara serta melaksanakan \"Rencana Implementasi Pelajar Internasional untuk Datang dan Tinggal di Taiwan.\" Kementerian Pendidikan Taiwan tahun lalu menugaskan Cheng Shiu University, Chaoyang University and Technology, dan Hsing Wu University untuk mendirikan tiga basis pelatihan (INTACT Base) di Indonesia yang berlokasi di Universitas Bina Insani (Bekasi), Universitas Surabaya, dan Politeknik Manufaktur Negeri Bangka Belitung.
2024 Taiwan Intense Program Education Exhibition yang diadakan 19 Maret 2024 merupakan pameran pendidikan pertama yang diadakan oleh INTACT Base di Indonesia. Pameran pendidikan kedua sendiri diadakan di Surabaya pada tanggal 21 Maret 2024.
\n", "date": "2024-03-22 23:48:45", "url": "http://www.roc-taiwan.org/id_en/post/4511.html" }, { "title": "TAIPEI ECONOMIC AND TRADE OFFICE Temporary hourly employees WANTED-Overseas Compatriot Division", "content": "
● 駐印尼台北經濟貿易代表處招募短期按時計酬人員。
● 時薪:4.38美元~4.58美元
● 工作地點 : 本處(雅加達南區SCBD) 。
● 工作內容:僑生招生相關作業。
● 條件 :
1. 印尼國籍或具合法居留及工作身分之其他國籍人士。
2. 高中以上學歷。
3. 通中文、印尼文、英文。
4. 熟悉Office軟體(包括Word, Power Point, Excel, Google Document, Spreadsheet, Drive... 等)。
● 歡迎有意應徵者請於2024年3月5日17:00以前將中文、英文簡歷,併聯絡方式、最高學歷畢業證書及相關身分證件(例:印尼身分證、戶口名簿、居留/工作證明等)影本,傳送至電子信箱 : indoocac@gmail.com
● 主旨請寫 “Job Application- OCAC Division_Temporary hourly employees ”。
● 合適者本處即通知面試談後立即上班。
● Temporary hourly employees WANTED.
● Hourly Rate: $4.38~$4.58
● Location: SCBD, South Jakarta
● Qualifications:
1. Indonesian or foreign nationals with legal residence and working status
2. High School degree or above
3. Fluent in Mandarin, Indonesian and English.
4. Excellent in using Microsoft Office (Word, Power Point, Excel, Google Document, Spreadsheet, Drive etc.)
● Interested applicants are welcome to send the following to indoocac@gmail.com with subject “Job Application- OCAC Division_Temporary hourly employees” by 17:00, 5 MAR 2024:
1. Resume in Mandarin and English with contact information
2. Copy of graduation certificate or diploma
3. Copy of an identification document (Indonesian ID card, Indonesian Kartu Keluarga, or legal residence/working status permit)
● Qualified applicants will be notified of further interview date and are to be expected to start on the same day.
\n", "date": "2024-03-02 14:27:42", "url": "http://www.roc-taiwan.org/id_en/post/4488.html" }, { "title": "Teh Susu Boba Taiwan Populer di Astindo Travel Fair - Ditjen Pariwisata Mendirikan Pusat Informasi Pariwisata Taiwan di Jakarta, Menarik Wisatawan dengan Kuliner", "content": "
(Taiwan, ROC) --- Ditjen Pariwisata Kementerian Transportasi melihat potensi wisata outbound pasar Indonesia, maka hari ini (28/2) mengundang 30 orang dari 11 instansi seperti travel agen, hotel dan lainnya untuk membentuk delegasi Taiwan turut berpartisipasi dalam Pameran Pariwisata Musim Semi Indonesia (Astindo Travel Fair), Wakil Dirjen Pariwisata Chou Ting-chang sendiri yang akan hadir dalam pameran serta peresmian Pusat Informasi Pariwisata Taiwan di Jakarta (Taiwan Tourism Information Center in Jakarta) di GoWork Central Park, berupaya mencapai target12 juta wisatawan mancanegara yang berwisata ke Taiwan untuk tahun 2024.
Ditjen Pariwisata membangun paviliun Taiwan dengan tema utama teh susu boba, selain dapat membuat teh susu boba secara langsung, mencicipi nikmatnya citra rasa teh susu boba, juga dapat melukis lentera kecil merasakan nuansa Tahun Baru Imlek, menyaksikan pertunjukan yang luar biasa dari Eye Catching Circus yang mendapat penilaian tinggi dari “Ed Fringe Review”, di samping itu juga mengundang influencer Indonesia Cindy Gula yang IG nya tembus 600 ribu follower, untuk berbagi pengalaman terbaru dan terseru bermain di Taiwan.
Berkunjung ke Taiwan sekarang ini bisa mendapatkan banyak sekali penawaran menarik seperti, undian berhadiah senilai NT$5.000 “Taiwan Lucky Land”, bagi 2 orang yang bersama-sama naik kereta peluru (High Speed Rail) maka 1 orang diberikan gratis, kartu “Taiwan Pass” yang dipadukan dengan diskon HSR, MRT dan Taiwan Tourist Shuttle; Mari menikmati perjalanan bahagia ke Taiwan bersama keluarga dan kerabat Anda!
Indonesia dengan populasi penduduk sekitar 270 juta jiwa, menduduki urutan keempat populasi terbesar dunia, 80% lebih di antaranya adalah Umat Muslim, Taiwan sendiri telah menggalakkan lingkungan ramah Muslim lebih dari 15 tahun, berdasarkan Indeks Pariwisata Muslim Global (GMTI) 2023 oleh MasterCard-Crescent, Taiwan mendapat kepercayaan menduduki peringkat ketiga destinasi pariwisata non-OKI (non-OIC destinations), dan meraih penghargaan “Destinasi Pariwisata non-OKI Yang Paling Toleransi” pada tahun 2022.
Terhitung sejak Januari hingga November 2023, jumlah wisatawan Indonesia yang datang berkunjung ke Taiwan telah mencapai 181.504 orang, dibandingkan dengan jumlah wisatawan pada periode yang sama di masa sebelum pandemi (tahun 2019) sebesar 205.153 orang, angka ini memperlihatkan pemulihan hampir 90%, hal ini menunjukkan keantusiasan wisatawan Indonesia untuk berwisata ke Taiwan.
Dan tahun ini lebih aktif lagi agar bisa mengapai lebih banyak wisatawan Indonesia untuk datang ke Taiwan pada tahun ini, Ditjen Pariwisata Kementerian Transportasi secara resmi mendirikan Pusat Informasi Pariwisata Taiwan di Jakarta pada tanggal 28 Februari 2028 yang akan memberikan pelayanan langsung kepada masyarakat Indonesia.
Pameran Pariwisata Musim Semi di Indonesia yang berlangsung pada tanggal 29 Februari – 3 Maret 2024, “Paviliun Taiwan” dengan teh susu boba sebagai unsur desainnya, menggunakan daya tarik kuliner klasik Taiwan sebagai visual menarik.
Selama pameran berlangsung juga akan mengundang influencer IG wisata dan kuliner Cindy Gula dengan 600 ribu follower untuk berbagi pengalaman terbaru berwisata ke Taiwan, hadir langsung memberikan pernyataan pribadi tentang pengalaman berwisata di lingkungan pariwisata Taiwan yang aman akan menjadi juru bicara terbaik.
Dapat menggerakkan tangan meracik dan mengocok teh susu boba, minuman yang kepopularitasannya telah mendunia, Master Tseng Yen-hui dengan pengalaman 30 tahun lebih dan telah beberapa kali berpartisipasi dalam promosi, kali ini juga hadir dalam pameran untuk mengajarkan bagaimana melukis lentera kecil.
Paviliun Taiwan pada waktu-waktu tertentu juga menghadirkan grup seni akrobat kontemporer Taiwan yang ternama di festival seni internasional “Eye Catching Circus”, dengan tema utama “Keindahan Pulau” menghadirkan kekayaan ragam kuliner dan panorama jalur kereta yang menarik untuk disajikan ke depan mata masyarakat Indonesia, untuk itu jangan sampai ketinggalan kesempatan ini!
Informasi dan produk pariwisata Taiwan yang paling baru, paling menarik dan paling unggul di tahun 2024 ada di Pameran Pariwisata Musim Semi Taiwan 2024 di Indonesia (booth no. 51-52 Astindo Travel Fair)! Selama pameran berlangsung, bagi pembelian produk wisata Taiwan, mengisi angket akan bisa ditukarkan dengan hadiah eksklusif!
Setelah Pameran berakhir, delegasi pariwisata Taiwan akan mengelar work shop B2B promosi pariwisata Taiwan di Pullman Jakarta Central Park Hotel pada tanggal 4 Maret 2024 dan JW Marriott Hotel Medan pada tanggal 6 Maret 2024, mengundang seratusan lebih industri pariwisata lokal Indonesia untuk hadir.
Pada kesempatan ini juga mengundang pakar Muslim dari Chinese Muslim Association untuk memperkenalkan sumber daya pariwisata Muslim Taiwan yang terbaru, berharap melalui penjelasan produk dan trade fair pariwisata, dapat mendorong kerja sama yang lebih erat antara industri pariwisata Taiwan dan Indonesia, meningkatkan jumlah orang yang berkunjung ke Taiwan.
Taiwan kembali masuk dalam penghargaan internasional “100 Top Kisah Destinasi Hijau 2023” (2023 Green Destinations Top 100 Stories”, bahkan ada 6 objek wisata destinasi hijau yang mendapatkan keyakinan dan penghargaan, dan setelah Tainan – Taiwan masuk dalam daftar “Destinasi Paling Menarik Untuk Dikunjungi pada Tahun 2024” majalah National Geographic Traveller pada November di tahun yang sama.
Pada awal tahun 2024, Tainan juga terpilih sebagai destinasi terbaik untuk dikunjungi pada tahun 2024 oleh CNN yang adalah media ternama dan berpengaruh besar, hal ini membuktikan bahwa Taiwan merupakan destinasi wisata yang layak untuk dikunjungi. Segera mengikuti tren dengan berwisata ke Taiwan, datang dan rasakan pesona kebahagiaan Taiwan!
SUMBER: https://id.rti.org.tw/news/view/id/105160 RTISI
\n", "date": "2024-02-28 19:47:28", "url": "http://www.roc-taiwan.org/id_en/post/4483.html" }, { "title": "Pengusiran kapal-kapal penangkap ikan Tiongkok yang melakukan penangkapan ikan secara ilegal di perairan Taiwan adalah sepenuhnya legal dan sah.", "content": "

\nPengusiran kapal-kapal penangkap ikan Tiongkok yang melakukan penangkapan ikan secara ilegal di perairan Taiwan adalah sepenuhnya legal dan sah.


\nPada tanggal 14 Februari 2024 sekitar pukul 13.00, sebuah kapal penangkap ikan dari Tiongkok melanggar batas masuk ke perairan dekat Pulau Beiding di Kinmen, Taiwan, untuk menangkap ikan secara ilegal. Petugas Patroli Laut Taiwan mengambil langkah-langkah rutin dengan mengirimkan kapal patroli untuk melakukan pemeriksaan, tetapi kapal penangkap ikan Tiongkok menolak pemeriksaan, menghindar, dan melarikan diri, menyebabkan kapal penangkap ikan terbalik dan empat nelayan Tiongkok jatuh ke laut. Petugas patroli Taiwan segera melakukan penyelamatan dan mengirim mereka ke rumah sakit di Kinmen untuk pengobatan. Dua diantara para nelayan Tiongkok tersebut meninggal dunia setelah upaya penyelamatan. Kasus ini melibatkan petugas patroli laut Taiwan yang melakukan tugas mereka sesuai hukum tanpa melakukan tindakan yang tidak pantas. Akan tetapi China's Taiwan Affairs Office tidak membedakan mana yang benar dan mana yang salah dengan menuduh petugas patroli laut Taiwan melakukan cara yang kasar dan berbahaya sehingga menyebabkan kejadian tragis ini.


\nPernyataan dari China's Taiwan Affairs Office menunjukkan bahwa Tiongkok murni melakukan pembelaan terhadap kapal penangkap ikannya yang melakukan penangkapan ikan ilegal di luar wilayahnya dan dengan sengaja menyalahkan Taiwan, dalam upaya untuk menciptakan ketegangan antara kedua sisi selat. Kami mengecam keras tindakan tersebut.


\nTiongkok sering kali membiarkan kapal penangkap ikan mereka secara ilegal masuk ke perairan Taiwan untuk menangkap ikan, menggunakan bom ikan, menggunakan zat beracun pada ikan, mengambil pasir dari laut, dan membuang sampah laut, yang semuanya merusak ekosistem laut. Meskipun pemerintah Taiwan telah berkali-kali meminta pihak Tiongkok untuk mengendalikan diri, namun belum terlihat adanya perbaikan.


\nDalam beberapa tahun terakhir, banyak kapal penangkap ikan dari Tiongkok secara rutin memasuki perairan Taiwan untuk menangkap ikan berharga tinggi secara ilegal, yang merugikan hak-hak nelayan Taiwan dan kehidupan masyarakat pesisir. Masyarakat Taiwan telah berkali-kali melaporkan kejadian ini dan meminta otoritas Taiwan untuk bertindak sesuai hukum dengan mengusir mereka. Petugas patroli laut Taiwan bertugas untuk melindungi hak-hak nelayan, mempertahankan kedaulatan negara.


\nMenurut data statistik, dari tahun 2016 hingga 2023, total ada lebih dari 9.000 kapal penangkap ikan dari Tiongkok yang telah disita dan dicegah beroperasi oleh Taiwan karena melakukan berbagai tindakan ilegal seperti penangkapan ikan di luar batas, pencurian pasir laut, dan penyelundupan. Beberapa di antaranya bahkan menghilangkan atau menutupi nama kapal untuk menghindari pemeriksaan, bahkan sampai menabrak atau menyerang petugas patroli laut Taiwan.


\nNegara kami menyesal atas kejadian tidak menyenangkan ini yang melibatkan penolakan awak kapal Tiongkok untuk bekerja sama dengan otoritas Taiwan dalam penegakan hukum, yang berujung pada kejadian tragis ini dengan cara yang berbahaya. Kami berharap bahwa otoritas Tiongkok akan memperketat pengawasan terhadap tindakan ilegal semacam itu agar kejadian tidak terulang kembali, demi menjaga perdamaian dan stabilitas di kedua sisi selat.



\n", "date": "2024-02-18 21:04:57", "url": "http://www.roc-taiwan.org/id_en/post/4458.html" }, { "title": "Taiwan mengecam keras pengumuman sepihak Tiongkok mengenai pembukaan dan perubahan rute penerbangan tanpa perundingan bilateral", "content": "

Pada tanggal 30 Januari tahun ini, Administrasi Penerbangan Sipil Tiongkok secara sepihak membatalkan perjanjian lintas selat yang dicapai pada tahun 2015 pada tiga rute penerbangan M503, W122 dan W123 (terlampir detail gambar). Langkah ini tidak hanya melanggar peraturan dari Organisasi Penerbangan Sipil Internasional (ICAO), tetapi juga berdampak serius terhadap keselamatan penerbangan di kawasan Asia-Pasifik dan perdamaian serta stabilitas di Selat Taiwan, serta melemahkan status quo dan landasan rasa saling percaya di Selat Taiwan. Kami mengecam keras tindakan Tiongkok yang tidak bertanggung jawab dan menyerukan kepada Indonesia dan dunia internasional untuk bersama-sama mendesak Tiongkok agar segera melakukan perundingan dengan Taiwan mengenai kasus ini.


Bagian 4.2.6 dari “Manual Perencanaan Layanan Lalu Lintas Udara” ICAO menetapkan bahwa perubahan terhadap jaringan penerbangan apa pun harus dikoordinasikan dengan semua wilayah informasi penerbangan yang berdekatan. “Wilayah Informasi Penerbangan Taipei” berbatasan dengan rute penerbangan M503. Namun, Tiongkok mengumumkan perubahan pada jaringan penerbangan tersebut tanpa berkonsultasi terlebih dahulu dengan Administrasi Penerbangan Sipil Taiwan, yang merupakan satu-satunya otoritas yang bertanggung jawab atas “Wilayah Informasi Penerbangan Taipei”. Hal ini merupakan pelanggaran serius terhadap peraturan ICAO dan menggarisbawahi sifat otoriter Tiongkok yang tidak bertanggung jawab.


Taiwan dan Indonesia memiliki kerja sama dan pertukaran yang erat. Saat ini, terdapat sekitar 400.000 warga negara Indonesia yang tinggal, belajar, dan bekerja di Taiwan. Perdamaian dan stabilitas di Selat Taiwan sangat berkaitan dengan kepentingan ekonomi dan perdagangan utama Indonesia serta perlindungan warga negara Indonesia. Pengumuman sepihak Tiongkok mengenai perubahan dan pembukaan rute penerbangan melanggar peraturan ICAO dan akan merusak perdamaian dan stabilitas di Selat Taiwan dan kawasan serta keamanan masyarakat. Taipei Economic and Trade Office in Indonesia menyerukan kepada industri, pemerintah, akademisi, penelitian dan media Indonesia untuk menanggapi hal ini dengan serius dan bersama-sama mendesak Tiongkok untuk bernegosiasi dengan Taiwan guna mengelola potensi risiko penerbangan.



\n", "date": "2024-02-07 17:21:32", "url": "http://www.roc-taiwan.org/id_en/post/4450.html" }, { "title": "Kedutaan Besar Tiongkok di Indonesia mengajukan protes terkait stasiun televisi CNN Indonesia yang melakukan wawancara dengan Menteri Luar Negeri Taiwan, Joseph Wu. Tokoh pro-Tiongkok, Weng Chunmin di surat kabar \"International Daily\" Indonesia menyatakan bahwa hal ini tidak pantas dilakukan. Kantor Dagang dan Ekonomi Taipei di Indonesia atau The Taipei Economic and Trade Office(TETO) dengan tegas membantah masalah tersebut sebagai berikut", "content": "
有關中國駐印尼大使館抗議印尼CNN Indonesia電視台專訪台灣外交部吳部長釗燮及印尼「國際日報」刊登親中人士翁俊民發表不當言論事,駐印尼台北經濟貿易代表處嚴正駁斥如下:
Kedutaan Besar Tiongkok di Indonesia mengajukan protes terkait stasiun televisi CNN Indonesia yang melakukan wawancara dengan Menteri Luar Negeri Taiwan, Joseph Wu. Tokoh pro-Tiongkok, Weng Chunmin di surat kabar \"International Daily\" Indonesia menyatakan bahwa hal ini tidak pantas dilakukan. Kantor Dagang dan The Taipei Economic and Trade Office(TETO) di Indonesia dengan tegas membantah masalah tersebut sebagai berikut:
Republic of China (Taiwan) adalah negara yang berdaulat dan independen, tidak tunduk pada Tiongkok. Taiwan telah mengalami proses demokratisasi dan diakui secara internasional sebagai negara demokratis yang matang. Belakangan ini, Tiongkok melakukan tindakan provokasi dengan terus-menerus mengadakan latihan militer di sekitar laut dan udara Taiwan, sebagai upaya mengganggu pemilihan presiden di Taiwan. Perilaku agresif seperti ini tidak dapat diterima dan telah menimbulkan keprihatinan dari masyarakat internasional dan blok politik demokratik.
Tindakan provokatif yang tidak bertanggung jawab dari Tiongkok tidak hanya meningkatkan ketegangan di Tiongkok dan Taiwan, tetapi juga mengganggu tatanan aturan internasional, dan secara serius mengancam keamanan Selat Taiwan dan perdamaian serta stabilitas regional. Kantor Dagang dan Ekonomi Taipei di Indonesia mengecam keras tindakan tersebut.
Resolusi 2758 diadopsi oleh Majelis Umum Perserikatan Bangsa Bangsa (PBB) pada tahun 1971, hanya menangani masalah perwakilan untuk Tiongkok di PBB. Secara hukum, resolusi ini tidak memberi wewenang kepada Tiongkok untuk mewakili Taiwan dalam PBB, dan juga tidak menyatakan bahwa Taiwan merupakan bagian dari Tiongkok. Tiongkok dan individu yang pro-Tiongkok terus keliru menafsirkan Resolusi 2758, mengaitkannya dengan prinsip \"Satu Tiongkok,\" dan memberikan tekanan berkepanjangan kepada PBB sebagai argumen yang tidak pantas untuk mengecualikan Taiwan untuk berpartisipasi dalam organisasi internasional. Pada kenyataannya, pendekatan ini tidak konsisten dengan hukum, akal sehat, dan keadilan, dengan jelas menunjukkan ambisi aneksasi hukum Tiongkok terhadap Taiwan.
Taiwan menegaskan bahwa Taiwan adalah negara demokratis, dan hanya pemerintah terpilih Taiwan yang memiliki hak untuk mewakili 23,5 juta penduduk Taiwan dalam forum-forum internasional, termasuk PBB. Tiongkok, yang belum pernah memerintah Taiwan, seharusnya tidak mengancam keamanan dan perdamaian regional dengan mengerahkan pesawat dan kapal militer ke wilayah Taiwan. Mereka tidak memiliki kewenangan untuk mengganggu partisipasi Taiwan dalam komunitas internasional.
皆台灣與印尼推崇民主法治及尊重人權等普世價值。台灣從2016 年實施「新南向政策」以來,持續與印尼推展全方位的合作關係,藉由簽署各項瞭解備忘錄及合作計畫,持續深化雙邊在貿易與經濟發展、勞工、農業、教育與訓練、民航以及科技等領域的合作關係
Baik Taiwan maupun Indonesia menghormati nilai-nilai universal seperti demokrasi, supremasi hukum, dan penghargaan terhadap hak asasi manusia. Sejak diterapkannya \"Kebijakan Baru ke Arah Selatan\" pada tahun 2016, Taiwan terus mempromosikan kerjasama komprehensif dengan Indonesia. Melalui penandatanganan berbagai nota kesepahaman dan proyek kerjasama, hubungan bilateral terus ditingkatkan secara konsisten di bidang perdagangan dan pengembangan ekonomi, ketenagakerjaan, pertanian, pendidikan dan pelatihan, penerbangan sipil, dan teknologi.
Saat ini, lebih dari 400.000 orang Indonesia bekerja, belajar, dan tinggal di Taiwan. Mereka mendapatkan perhatian dan menikmati perlindungan sosial serta pelayanan kesehatan yang setara dengan warga negara Taiwan. Jika keamanan Taiwan terancam, hal ini juga akan berdampak pada keselamatan warga negara Indonesia (WNI) yang berada di Taiwan.
Kantor Dagang dan Ekonomi Taipei di Indonesia menekankan bahwa Taiwan, sebagai negara demokratis yang berdaulat dan independen, memiliki hak mutlak untuk berinteraksi dengan negara-negara lain dan berkontribusi kepada masyarakat internasional melalui partisipasi di kancah internasional. Rakyat Taiwan juga memiliki hak untuk mengekspresikan kehendak nasional mereka melalui sistem demokrasi, dan Tiongkok tidak berhak untuk ikut campur atau mengubah hal ini.
\n", "date": "2024-01-18 12:25:47", "url": "http://www.roc-taiwan.org/id_en/post/4439.html" }, { "title": "TETO Recruitment for Staff Assistant-Consular Division (1 person).", "content": "





l 駐印尼台北經濟貿易代表處招募雇員1名。


l 月薪 : 依學經歷面談。


l 工作地點 : 本處(雅加達南區SCBD) 。


l 工作內容:領務業務。


l 條件 :


1. 印尼國籍或具合法居留及工作身分之其他國籍人士。


2. 大專科以上學歷。


3. 通中文、印尼文、英文。


4. 熟悉Office軟體(包括Word, Power Point, Excel 等)。


l 試用期三個月。


l 歡迎有意應徵者請於2024年1月26日以前將中文、印尼文、英文簡歷,手寫中文簡要自傳,併聯絡方式、希望待遇、最高學歷畢業證書及相關身分證件(例:印尼身分證、戶口名簿、居留/工作證明等)影本,傳送至電子信箱 : visaidn@mofa.gov.tw


l 主旨請寫 “Job Application- Consular Division_Staff Assistant”。


l 合適者本處將另行通知面談。






l Recruitment for Staff Assistant (1 person).


l Monthly Salary: Upon interview and according to experiences.


l Location: SCBD, South Jakarta


l Qualifications:


1. Indonesian or foreign nationals with legal residence and working status


2. College degree or above


3. Fluent in Mandarin, Indonesian and English.


4. Excellent in using Microsoft Office (Word, Power Point, Excel, etc.)


l Probation Period: Three (3) months. l Interested applicants are welcome to send to visaidn@mofa.gov.tw with subject “Job Application- Consular Division_Staff Assistant” before 26 January 2024:


1. Resume in Mandarin, Indonesian and English


2. Handwritten autobiography in Mandarin, contact information and description of expected salary


3. Copy of graduation certificate or diploma


4. Copy of an identification document (Indonesian ID card, Indonesian Kartu Keluarga, or legal residence/working status permit)


l Qualified applicants will be notified for further interview.






l Dibutuhkan Staf Asisten (1 orang).


l Gaji Bulanan: Saat wawancara dan tergantung pengalaman kerja


l Lokasi: Gedung Artha Graha, SCBD, Jakarta Selatan


l Persyaratan:


1. Warga negara Indonesia atau orang asing dengan status tinggal dan bekerja yang resmi


2. Lulusan S1 atau di atasnya


3. Fasih berbahasa Mandarin, Indonesia, dan Inggris


4. Menguasai Microsoft Office (Word, Power Point, Excel)


l Masa Percobaan: Tiga (3) bulan.


l Pelamar yang berminat dipersilakan mengirimkan e-mail ke visaidn@mofa.gov.tw dengan subjek “Job Application-Consular Division_Staff Assistant” sebelum 26 Januari 2024:


1. Resume dalam bahasa Mandarin, Indonesia, dan Inggris


2. Autobiografi tulisan tangan dalam bahasa Mandarin, termasuk informasi kontak, dan deskripsi gaji yang diharapkan


3. Fotokopi surat tanda kelulusan atau ijazah


4. Fotokopi dokumen identitas (KTP, Kartu Keluarga, atau ITAS/ITAP)


l Bagi yang memenuhi persyaratan akan dihubungi lebih lanjut untuk proses wawancara.

\n", "date": "2024-01-15 10:47:42", "url": "http://www.roc-taiwan.org/id_en/post/4435.html" }, { "title": "l Recruitment for Staff Assistant (1 person)-Overseas Compatriot Division", "content": "



l Recruitment for Staff Assistant (1 person).


l Monthly Salary: Upon interview and according to experiences.


l Location: SCBD, South Jakarta


l Qualifications:


1. Indonesian or foreign nationals with legal residence and working status


2. College degree or above


3. Fluent in Mandarin, Indonesian and English.


4. Excellent in using Microsoft Office (Word, Power Point, Excel, Google Document, Spreadsheet, Drive etc.)


l Probation Period: Three (3) months.


l Interested applicants are welcome to send the following to indoocac@gmail.com with subject “Job Application- OCAC Division_Staff Assistant” before 31 Jan 2024:


1. Resume in Mandarin, Indonesian and English


2. Handwritten autobiography in Mandarin, contact information and description of expected salary


3. Copy of graduation certificate or diploma


4. Copy of an identification document (Indonesian ID card, Indonesian Kartu Keluarga, or legal residence/working status permit)


l Qualified applicants will be notified for further interview.

\n", "date": "2024-01-04 19:46:59", "url": "http://www.roc-taiwan.org/id_en/post/4402.html" }, { "title": "International Talent Circulation Base (INTACT Base) is recruiting 1 employee", "content": "

International Talent Circulation Base (INTACT Base) is recruiting 1 employee


Monthly salary: USD 770
\nWork location: Education Division of Taipei Economic and Trade Office (SCBD, South Jakarta)
\nJob content: Education-related business
\n1. Indonesian nationality.
\n2. University degree or above.
\n3. Good communication skills in Chinese, Indonesia and English.
\n4. Familiar with office software (including Word, Power Point, Excel, etc).
\n5. Relevant experience in promoting education and exchange program is especially preferred.
\n6. Start of work: 20 January 2024
\n7. Probation period of three months


Applicants are welcome to send their resume in Chinese, Indonesian and English, a brief autobiography in Chinese and English, a copy of the graduation certificate of their highest academic degree and contact information by email to edutwindonesia@gmail.com. Those who meet the qualifications will be notified of the written test and interview.

\n", "date": "2024-01-04 19:27:09", "url": "http://www.roc-taiwan.org/id_en/post/4398.html" }, { "title": "The 2024 TaiwanICDF Scholarship is now open for application", "content": "

The 2024 TaiwanICDF Scholarship is now open for application


\"Program Beasiswa Internasional 2024 untuk Mahasiswa Asing Tingkat Pendidikan Tinggi yang Menempuh Gelar Magister sambil Bekerja bagi Pegawai Publik dan Tenaga Pendidik”


• Tujuan: Memberikan kesempatan gelar magister bagi pegawai pemerintah dan tenaga pendidik yang sedang bekerja.


• Detil Program Beasiswa:


1. Bidang studi harus sesuai dengan kebutuhan personel administratif dan manajerial di sektor publik dan pendidikan.


2. Durasi belajar di Taiwan dapat fleksibel dan menyesuaikan peserta, termasuk opsi kursus online atau program intensif 1 tahun kursus langsung atau tatap muka.


3. Menyesuaikan dengan regulasi Kementerian Pendidikan, bagi mereka yang terlibat dalam praktik profesional, sehingga tesis magister dapat digantikan dengan laporan teknis atau profesional.


• Program Gelar yang Ditawarkan untuk Pegawai Publik dan Tenaga Pendidik yang Sedang Bekerja:


1. 'Program Internasional tentang Tata Kelola Kota (IPUG) di Universitas Nasional Taipei’:


• Para pelamar hanya perlu berada di Taiwan selama satu tahun untuk memenuhi kredit yang dibutuhkan untuk lulus. Setelah menyelesaikan studi, mereka dapat kembali ke negara asal mereka untuk menyelesaikan laporan. Kehadiran kembali ke Taiwan hanya diwajibkan untuk ujian sidang tesis, yang dijadwalkan sebulan sebelum kelulusan.


• Untuk informasi lebih lanjut, silakan kunjungi situs web resmi kami di: https://ipug.ntpu.edu.tw/


• Jika Anda memiliki pertanyaan lebih lanjut, silakan hubungi kami melalui surel di: ipugmuc@gm.ntpu.edu.tw


2. 'Program Magister Pembelajaran Elektronik dalam Pendidikan dan Kepemimpinan Sekolah' di Universitas Nasional Chung Cheng’:


• Program ini dilaksanakan sepenuhnya secara daring (online). Para pelamar diwajibkan mengikuti sesi pelatihan mahasiswa baru di Taiwan satu bulan setelah pendaftaran dan hadir kembali untuk ujian sidang tesis sebulan sebelum kelulusan. Selain melibatkan kursus online, program ini juga menyediakan studi kredit, dan diskusi dengan profesor mengenai konten kursus dan penyusunan tesis.


• Untuk informasi lebih lanjut, silakan kunjungi situs web resmi kami di: https://eesl.ccu.edu.tw/


• Jika Anda memiliki pertanyaan tambahan, jangan ragu untuk menghubungi kami melalui surel di: eesl@ccu.edu.tw




The 2024 TaiwanICDF Scholarship is now open for application




The TaiwanICDF Scholarship will be open for application from DECEMBER 1, 2023 – MARCH 15, 2024.


We welcome you to explore Taiwan’s degree programs, which deliver


▌Skills, knowledge, and a tremendous character-building environment


▌Opportunities to embrace a culture of creativity and diversity


Our full scholarships cover:










Monthly stipend


To find out more, please visit our website or download the following documents from the comment section below:


2024 TᴀɪᴡᴀɴICDF Sᴄʜᴏʟᴀʀsʜɪᴘ Aᴘᴘʟɪᴄᴀᴛɪᴏɴ Gᴜɪᴅᴇʙᴏᴏᴋ


Oɴʟɪɴᴇ Aᴘᴘʟɪᴄᴀᴛɪᴏɴ Sʏsᴛᴇᴍ (Contact Person: Ms. Liu)


Wᴇʙsɪᴛᴇ ᴏғ TᴀɪᴡᴀɴICDF Sᴄʜᴏʟᴀʀsʜɪᴘ Pʀᴏɢʀᴀᴍ


Please contact us with any questions at icdfscholarship@icdf.org.tw (Contact Person: Ms. Liu); we look forward to hearing from you!


國合會113年度「國際高等人力培訓外籍生獎學金計畫」定於 112年 12 月 1 日起至 113年3 月 15日開放申請,供我國友邦與友好國家學子選讀,歡迎大家轉發給更多人知道!相關資訊請參考:


2024 TᴀɪᴡᴀɴICDF Sᴄʜᴏʟᴀʀsʜɪᴘ Aᴘᴘʟɪᴄᴀᴛɪᴏɴ Gᴜɪᴅᴇʙᴏᴏᴋ







\n", "date": "2024-01-04 14:58:54", "url": "http://www.roc-taiwan.org/id_en/post/4394.html" }, { "title": "Recruitment for Short-Term Staff Assistant (1 person).", "content": "
l 駐印尼台北經濟貿易代表處招募臨時雇員1名。
l 月薪 : 依學經歷面談。
l 工作地點 : 本處(雅加達南區SCBD) 。
l 工作內容:領務業務。
l 條件 :
1. 印尼國籍或具合法居留及工作身分之其他國籍人士。
2. 大專科以上學歷。
3. 通中文、印尼文、英文。
4. 熟悉Office軟體(包括Word, Power Point, Excel 等)。
l 歡迎有意應徵者請於2024年1月12日以前將中文、印尼文、英文簡歷,手寫中文簡要自傳,併聯絡方式、希望待遇、最高學歷畢業證書及相關身分證件(例:印尼身分證、戶口名簿、居留/工作證明等)影本,傳送至電子信箱 : visaidn@mofa.gov.tw
l 主旨請寫 “Job Application- Consular Division_Short-Term Staff Assistant”。
l 合適者本處將另行通知面談。
l Recruitment for Short-Term Staff Assistant (1 person).
l Monthly Salary: Upon interview and according to experiences.
l Location: SCBD, South Jakarta
l Qualifications:
1. Indonesian or foreign nationals with legal residence and working status
2. College degree or above
3. Fluent in Mandarin, Indonesian and English.
4. Excellent in using Microsoft Office (Word, Power Point, Excel, etc.) l Interested applicants are welcome to send to visaidn@mofa.gov.tw with subject “Job Application- Consular Division_Short-Term Staff Assistant” before 12 January 2024:
1. Resume in Mandarin, Indonesian and English
2. Handwritten autobiography in Mandarin, contact information and description of expected salary
3. Copy of graduation certificate or diploma
4. Copy of an identification document (Indonesian ID card, Indonesian Kartu Keluarga, or legal residence/working status permit)
l Qualified applicants will be notified for further interview.
l Dibutuhkan Staf Asisten Sementara (1 orang).
l Gaji Bulanan: Saat wawancara dan tergantung pengalaman kerja
l Lokasi: Gedung Artha Graha, SCBD, Jakarta Selatan
l Persyaratan:
1. Warga negara Indonesia atau orang asing dengan status tinggal dan bekerja yang resmi
2. Lulusan S1 atau di atasnya
3. Fasih berbahasa Mandarin, Indonesia, dan Inggris
4. Menguasai Microsoft Office (Word, Power Point, Excel)
l Pelamar yang berminat dipersilakan mengirimkan e-mail ke visaidn@mofa.gov.tw dengan subjek “Job Application- Short-Term Consular Division_Staff Assistant” sebelum 12 Januari 2024:
1. Resume dalam bahasa Mandarin, Indonesia, dan Inggris
2. Autobiografi tulisan tangan dalam bahasa Mandarin, termasuk informasi kontak, dan deskripsi gaji yang diharapkan
3. Fotokopi surat tanda kelulusan atau ijazah
4. Fotokopi dokumen identitas (KTP, Kartu Keluarga, atau ITAS/ITAP)
l Bagi yang memenuhi persyaratan akan dihubungi lebih lanjut untuk proses wawancara.
\n", "date": "2024-01-03 19:20:39", "url": "http://www.roc-taiwan.org/id_en/post/4386.html" } ] }, { "lang": "zh", "branch": "", "country": "ki", "name": "吉里巴斯", "path": "/ki/", "items": [] }, null, { "lang": "zh", "branch": "", "country": "my", "name": "駐馬來西亞台北經濟文化辦事處", "path": "/my/", "items": [ { "title": "本處將於本(113)年5月8日星期三辦理東馬亞庇行動領務服務", "content": "



一、 時間:2024年5月8日(星期三)下午1時至4時。


二、 地點:The LUMA Hotel ,


地址:Lot 2-5, Block A, Sutera Avenue, Jalan Sembulan, 88100 Kota Kinabalu, Sabah, Malaysia


電郵: sales@thelumahotel.com 電話:88-286908/909。


三、 服務項目:



  1. 國人授權書部分:本處領務人員親自見證申請人簽字後,辦理收件。
  2. \n
  3. 國人其他文件驗證:依本處網站相關規定辦理。
  4. \n
  5. 國人辦理文件驗證倘屆時取件不克來處者,可當場填寫City Link寄送資料(東馬費用17.60馬幣),以便郵寄(此服務不包含護照)。
  6. \n


  1. 晶片護照換發:本處領務人員確認申請人人別後,辦理收件。
  2. \n
  3. 護照遺失補發及核發入國證明書:申請人出具報案證明,由本處領務人員確認人別後,辦理收件。
  4. \n
  5. 僑居加簽:本處領務人員確認申請人人別後,辦理收件。
  6. \n








\n", "date": "2024-04-16 11:53:40", "url": "http://www.roc-taiwan.org/my/post/20789.html" }, { "title": "台馬旅遊業者同享開齋晚宴 迎接穆斯林最聖潔月份", "content": "
\n", "date": "2024-03-29 14:22:58", "url": "http://www.roc-taiwan.org/my/post/20305.html" }, { "title": "MATTA旅展「台灣館」全新展現阿里山森林鐵道-福森號", "content": "
2024年馬來西亞吉隆坡MATTA國際旅展已於日前精彩落幕。台灣館今年以「鐵道旅遊」為主題,搭配福森號為設計元素,借此推廣搭乘「移動美術館」 探索阿里山重要文化景觀。本處葉非比大使於3月22日參訪台灣館並於中國報直播中向民衆分享最新、最好玩的臺灣!
台灣館展期三天活動不間斷,搭配多元表演、手作DIY活動、美食試吃與台灣品牌珍珠奶茶免費品嚐等活動吸引民衆前來體驗參觀。另外邀請來自阿里山「AM band」團隊,以歌聲展現出鄒族部落文化特色。
\n", "date": "2024-03-26 10:08:29", "url": "http://www.roc-taiwan.org/my/post/20262.html" }, { "title": "2024哲學茶席講者陣容一次看", "content": "
3月:設計師/文化造型工作者 何佳興
4月:音樂學者/策展人 鍾適芳
6月:當代藝術策展人 莊偉慈
8月:創業家/Plan b創辦人 游適任
9月:獨立媒體人/上下游新聞市集創辦人 馮小非
9月:舞蹈家/前瑪莎葛蘭姆舞團首席舞者 許芳宜
\n", "date": "2024-03-14 17:02:21", "url": "http://www.roc-taiwan.org/my/post/20196.html" }, { "title": "吉隆坡第二場華測開放報名", "content": "
報名網址Online Registration : https://tocfl.sc-top.org.tw/zoom/
報考簡章 Registration Guidelines : https://www.edutwmy.com/tocfl
歡迎追蹤教育組IG @educationdivisionmalaysia 獲得最新各校招生資訊。
\n", "date": "2024-03-11 14:51:54", "url": "http://www.roc-taiwan.org/my/post/20004.html" }, { "title": "現場感動滿滿 歡騰亞洲臺灣情 「當代樂坊」馬來西亞首站演出獲熱烈回響", "content": "
\n", "date": "2024-03-11 11:42:45", "url": "http://www.roc-taiwan.org/my/post/19996.html" }, { "title": "「當代樂坊」歡騰亞洲臺灣情 馬六甲演出大獲好評", "content": "
「當代樂坊」第3場次即將於3月10日19時,在沙巴亞庇國家文化藝術局演藝廳(Complex JKKN Sabah Kota Kinabalu)準時開演,歡迎沙巴的朋友們一同感受臺灣文化魅力喔!
\n", "date": "2024-03-11 11:28:46", "url": "http://www.roc-taiwan.org/my/post/19988.html" }, { "title": "馬來西亞年度教育盛事 2024臺灣高等教育展4月23日開跑", "content": "
\n", "date": "2024-03-07 08:34:31", "url": "http://www.roc-taiwan.org/my/post/19820.html" }, { "title": "龍躍新年 吉龍舞春 葉大使與吉隆坡臺灣商會、臺灣學校共慶春節", "content": "
\n", "date": "2024-03-06 17:18:45", "url": "http://www.roc-taiwan.org/my/post/19795.html" }, { "title": "有史以來第一次在南馬柔佛新山辦理行動領務服務", "content": "
\n", "date": "2024-03-06 16:59:13", "url": "http://www.roc-taiwan.org/my/post/19768.html" }, { "title": "葉大使出席2024臺灣高等教育展推介禮", "content": "


















\n", "date": "2024-02-26 16:58:11", "url": "http://www.roc-taiwan.org/my/post/19695.html" }, { "title": "葉大使非比出席吉隆坡臺灣學校中華民國113年元旦升旗典禮", "content": "


































\n", "date": "2024-01-02 11:46:39", "url": "http://www.roc-taiwan.org/my/post/18958.html" } ] }, { "lang": "en", "branch": "", "country": "my", "name": "Taipei Economic and Cultural Office in Malaysia", "path": "/my_en/", "items": [ { "title": "Taiwan and Malaysia travel agents celebrate the holiest month of the Muslim calendar with a joint Eid-al-Fitr dinner", "content": "
Malaysia Ramadan is from March 12nd until April 10th. A healthy Muslim must begin the Ramadan dawn-to-dusk fast during this month. During the Ramadan, the Taiwan Tourism Administration KL Office work together with the Malaysian Association of Tour and Travel Agents (MATTA) to organize an iftar event to welcome the holiest month of the year. The event was attended by nearly 200 pax Taiwan and Malaysia travel agents.
Deputy Representative Mr. James Buu and President of MATTA Mr. Nigel Wong Chun Teim shared the latest information on Taiwan's tourism resources during their speech following by Taiwanese partners shared Taiwan's Muslim-friendly tourism environment, promotions and incentives to Malaysian travel agents in order to facilitate the cooperation of packaging and promotion of Taiwan travel products. The attending travel agents expressed their high willingness to cooperate in the promotion, which is extremely helpful in promoting the Malaysian visitor market to Taiwan.
\n", "date": "2024-03-29 14:25:08", "url": "http://www.roc-taiwan.org/my_en/post/10294.html" }, { "title": "MATTA Travel Fair \"Taiwan Pavilion\" invites you to experience Alishan Railway- Formosensis!", "content": "
The Malaysia Kuala Lumpur Travel Fair (MATTA FAIR) 2024 has come to an exciting end! This year, the Taiwan Pavilion is themed \"Railway Tourism\", with the Formosensis as the design element, promoting the \"Railway Art Museum\" to explore the important cultural landscape of Alishan. Representative Phoebe Yeh visited Taiwan Pavilion on March 22nd and shared with the public the latest and most interesting information about Taiwan in a live broadcast by China Press Newspaper!
The Taiwan Pavilion offering a continuous array of activities over three days with a variety of performances, DIY activities, taste the Taiwanese delicacies and complimentary tastings of bubble tea from renowned Taiwanese brands to attract visitors. To showcase Taiwan's rich cultural heritage, the \"AM band\" team from Alishan has been invited to perform. Their music highlight the cultural nuances of the Zou tribe, offering visitors a unique insight into Taiwan's diverse ethnic groups.
\n", "date": "2024-03-26 10:10:12", "url": "http://www.roc-taiwan.org/my_en/post/10268.html" }, { "title": "2024 2nd TOCFL Test in KL Now Open For Registration", "content": "
The TOCFL will be held in Chinese Taipei School Kuala Lumpur on 25 May 2024. Online registration will be closed on 19 April 2024. TOCFL certificate is a required application document for Taiwan Scholarship and can be used as a reference of Chinese Language Proficiency for university admission. For inquiries, please contact Education Division at 03-2162-3228 or email: teco.education@gmail.com. Welcome to follow us at IG @educationdivisionmalaysia for latest information on Study in Taiwan.
Online Registration : https://tocfl.sc-top.org.tw/zoom/
Registration Guidelines : https://www.edutwmy.com/tocfl
\n", "date": "2024-03-11 14:54:30", "url": "http://www.roc-taiwan.org/my_en/post/10220.html" }, { "title": "Representative Phoebe Yeh attended the Chinese New Year Gala 2024 co-organized by Kuala Lumpur Standing Committee of Taiwan Chamber of Commerce & Industry in Malaysia (TWCHAM) and Chinese Taipei School KL on March 2, 2024", "content": "

In her remarks, Representative Yeh stated that for decades, Taiwan and Malaysia have forged strong and close ties especially on trade and investment. Taiwan is Malaysia’s 8th largest source of FDI with accumulation of more than US$14 billion. Representative Yeh expressed hopes that Taiwan and Malaysia keeps building up a stronger relationship with breakthroughs on the existing solid foundation, and Chinese Taipei School KL continues being one of the most outstanding schools in Malaysia and the pride of Taiwan.











\n", "date": "2024-03-06 17:21:31", "url": "http://www.roc-taiwan.org/my_en/post/10088.html" }, { "title": "Representative Phoebe Yeh Attends “2024 Taiwan Higher Education Fair” Launching Ceremony", "content": "

Representative Phoebe Yeh attended the launching ceremony of 2024 Taiwan Higher Education Fair, organized by the Federation of Alumni Associations of Taiwan Universities, Malaysia (FAATUM) on February 25, 2024. The Fair will take place in Muar, Kuala Lumpur, Klang, Ipoh, Kuching and Kota Kinabalu, from April 23 to May 6. In her remarks, Representative Yeh marked the fair as one of Taiwan’s biggest overseas educational events, enabling representatives from Taiwan’s universities to introduce face-to-face the latest information to students and parents across Malaysia, and affirmed the efforts and contributions of the FAATUM in promoting studying in Taiwan.


The attendees in the event included Datuk Seri Panglima Dr Tan Yong Chew, the chairman of FAATUM, Mr Tan Tai Kim, chairman of United Chinese School Committees Association of Malaysia and representatives from branches of FAATUM and Chinese communities in Malaysia.







\n", "date": "2024-02-26 16:59:03", "url": "http://www.roc-taiwan.org/my_en/post/10034.html" }, { "title": "Representative Phoebe Yeh attends the 2024 Chinese Taipei School Kuala Lumpur New Year Flag Raising Ceremony and School Fair", "content": "

Representative Phoebe Yeh and colleagues from the Taipei Economic and Cultural Office in Malaysia wish everyone a Happy New Year at the 2024 Chinese Taipei School Kuala Lumpur New Year Flag Raising Ceremony and School Fair on 1st of January 2024.


In her remarks, Representative Yeh pointed out that Taiwan has always responded to various challenges rationally and demonstrated a high degree of resilience facing the uncertainty of global economic recovery after the pandemic and dramatic changes in international situations, allowing the international community to understand Taiwan's role in regional security and global peace and stability. She hoped that we can work together to put Taiwan on the world map, continuing to convey goodness and contribute to the world.  Representative Yeh also emphasized that Malaysia has always been Taiwan's close partner in various fields like trade, investment, education, tourism, culture, agriculture and health care and affirmed the effort of the school in promoting high-quality Taiwanese education overseas, and the contribution in nurturing talents.


The dignitaries included, Mr. Lin Young Chang, Ms. Cheng Ya Fen, Board of Directors of Chinese Taipei School, Ms. Luo Xin Yi, chair of Parent Committee of Chinese Taipei School, Mr. Lin Kai Min, chairperson of Taiwan Chamber of Commerce and Industry in Malaysia, Mr. Chen Ou Po, member of the Legislative Yuan, and the representatives of the Federation of Malaysian Alumni Associations of Taiwan Universities, Global Federation of Chinese Business Women Kuala Lumpur Chapter, and Formosa Women Organisation of Malaysia.




Representative Phoebe Yeh attends 2024 Chinese Taipei School Kuala Lumpur New Year Flag Raising Ceremony




2024 Chinese Taipei School Kuala Lumpur New Year Flag Raising Ceremony




2024 Chinese Taipei School Kuala Lumpur New Year Flag Raising Ceremony




2024 Chinese Taipei School Kuala Lumpur New Year Flag Raising Ceremony




School fair after New Year Flag Raising Ceremony in Chinese Taipei School Kuala Lumpur









\n", "date": "2024-01-02 11:49:49", "url": "http://www.roc-taiwan.org/my_en/post/9799.html" } ] }, { "lang": "zh", "branch": "", "country": "mh", "name": "駐馬紹爾群島共和國大使館", "path": "/mh/", "items": [ { "title": "「密克羅尼西亞運動會」舉辦在即,台灣協助馬紹爾群島採購賽會制服及運動帽", "content": "



馬國政府由負責籌辦密區運動會的委員會主席慕樂(Anthony Muller)部長代表受贈。對於台灣不間斷的支持,慕樂部長由衷地表示感謝,隨後亦在國會中再次宣布此消息並表達對台灣的感謝之意。









\n", "date": "2024-04-16 09:40:37", "url": "http://www.roc-taiwan.org/mh/post/4672.html" }, { "title": "台灣持續支持馬紹爾群島舉辦「憲法日」活動", "content": "

今年4月8日,本館夏季昌大使代表中華民國(台灣)政府捐贈1萬美元支持馬紹爾群島政府辦理第45屆憲法日活動贊助款,展現對民主體制的支持。馬國政府由文化暨內政內政部長賈思博(Jess Gasper Jr.)代表接受援贈,並大力感謝台灣總是無私協助馬國辦理各重要活動。本館殷切期盼參與今年5月1日的馬國憲法日活動,並祝福各項籌辦工作順利進行。\"\"



\n", "date": "2024-04-11 06:09:16", "url": "http://www.roc-taiwan.org/mh/post/4665.html" }, { "title": "夏大使季昌應邀出席Lae島礁自由日活動", "content": "

本館夏大使季昌本(113)年3月16日應Lae島礁市政府邀請,出席該島礁自由日(Liberation Day)活動,馬國政要包括總統助理暨環境部長Bremity Lakjohn、內政部長Jess Gasper Jr.及公共工程部長Thomas Heine出席,日本駐馬國大使館公使Takashi Hattori亦共襄盛舉。



\n", "date": "2024-03-18 20:39:10", "url": "http://www.roc-taiwan.org/mh/post/4648.html" }, { "title": "夏大使季昌應邀出席Arno島礁日活動", "content": "

本館夏大使本(113)年3月15日應Arno島礁市政府邀請,出席Arno島礁日(Arno Day)活動,馬國政要包括外長Kalani Kaneko、總統助理暨環境部長Bremity Lakjohn、司法部長Wisely Zackhras、Arno島礁參議員Gerald Zackios、Mike Halferty及馬久羅島礁參議員David Kramer等亦共襄盛舉。 Kaneko外長及Halferty參議員均於致詞中感謝夏大使百忙之中撥冗出席Arno島礁日活動。H參議員表示,Arno日前遭受大浪侵襲,民眾住屋及農地毀損,基礎設施遭到破壞,我國政府隨即發揮人飢己飢精神,捐贈2萬美元予Arno島礁,以提供緊急人道援助,渠代表Arno島礁向台灣政府善舉表達誠摯感謝。



\n", "date": "2024-03-18 20:34:05", "url": "http://www.roc-taiwan.org/mh/post/4642.html" }, { "title": "移交密克羅尼西亞地區最「吸睛」田徑場,台灣援助再創新里程碑", "content": "

本館夏季昌大使夫婦於2月23日應邀出席馬國馬久羅日開幕儀式暨我國援建之田徑場以及社區多功能球場移交典禮,與工程承包商PII公司代表Jojo Kramer將象徵性金鑰交給了馬國教育、訓練暨體育部長貝將(Joe Bejang)並完成剪綵,為台灣協助友邦基礎建設再創新里程碑。




夏大使隨後祝賀馬國順利完成當前密克羅尼西亞地區最「吸睛」之田徑場工程,並向來賓們說明了,我國國際合作發展基金會對興建田徑場之協助,以及我政府援款建造多功能球場,希望能夠造福馬久羅環礁社區居民。 夏大使最後也期勉了馬國運動員於即將來臨之「密克羅尼西亞運動會」中大放異彩獲取佳績。


夏大使致詞後,另由馬久羅市長Ladie N. Jack及外貿部長康仁德(Kalani Kaneko)代表海妮總統(Hilda C. Heine)分別致詞。他們也在致詞中提及並感謝台灣的援助。



















\n", "date": "2024-02-26 12:57:55", "url": "http://www.roc-taiwan.org/mh/post/4628.html" }, { "title": "大浪侵襲馬國兩環礁,台灣緊急捐贈人道援助款", "content": "

本館夏季昌大使於2024年2月14日代表中華民國(台灣)政府捐贈4萬美元予馬紹爾群島共和國政府。這筆捐款將平分為各2萬美元,協助近來遭受到大浪襲擊的馬國Ailinglaplap 環礁以及Arno環礁進行緊急人道援助。


馬國由財政部長包大維(David Paul)代表受贈。代表Ailinglaplap 環礁選區之國會副議長查克斯(Issac Zackhras)、羅亞客(Bruce Loeak)、代表Arno環礁之參議員蔡傑儒(Gerald Zackios),以及兩環礁的市長均一同出席見證。









\n", "date": "2024-02-16 05:14:58", "url": "http://www.roc-taiwan.org/mh/post/4611.html" }, { "title": "夏大使夫婦出席第80屆「瓜佳蓮日」暨瓜佳蓮環礁市府就職典禮", "content": "

本館夏季昌大使夫婦於本(113)年2月9日前往馬國瓜佳蓮環礁的伊拜(Ebeye)島出席第80屆「瓜佳蓮日」活動暨瓜佳蓮環礁市府就職典禮,除了與伊拜居民共同紀念因二次世界大戰而犧牲的將士們外,也祝賀瓜佳蓮環礁市長Hirata Kabua順利連任。



















\n", "date": "2024-02-13 10:57:47", "url": "http://www.roc-taiwan.org/mh/post/4600.html" }, { "title": "台灣特使出席馬紹爾群島海妮(Hilda Heine)總統 就職典禮,彰顯兩國情誼", "content": "

我國外交部政務次長田中光以總統特使身分,於2024年1月20日至22日率團出席馬紹爾群島共和國新任總統海妮(Hilda Heine)及內閣部長宣誓就職儀式。班機抵達馬國後,由馬國外貿部長康仁德(Kalani Kaneko)接機,台灣旅居馬國同鄉會的僑胞鄉親們也在機場熱烈歡迎田特使乙行。




田次長另出席我國援建之太陽能儲能停車棚系統動工儀式,以及我國捐贈之60噸白米移交儀式,與馬國總統助理暨環境部長劉克強(Bremity Lakjohn)、教育部長貝將(Joe Bejang)、內政暨文化部長賈思博(Jess Gasper Jr.)、馬國多位參議員及各環礁地方政府市長共同見證台馬合作具體實例。























\n", "date": "2024-01-29 11:46:56", "url": "http://www.roc-taiwan.org/mh/post/4563.html" }, { "title": "台灣緊急捐贈援米至馬紹爾群島Kili島", "content": "

本館夏季昌大使於本(1)月15日午間於馬紹爾群島共和國首都馬久羅市德朗(Delap)碼頭貨櫃區參加馬國文化內政部辦理我援糧捐贈Kili島儀式,夏大使與文化內政部Jess Gasper Jr.部長、Brenda Alik次長、外貿部官員及KBE市長Tommy Irujiman等人共同出席。本次共取用49包30公斤裝援米,並於當日下午船運Kili環礁。馬國官員當場肯定台灣再次捐贈白米之堅定情誼。







\n", "date": "2024-01-19 11:33:12", "url": "http://www.roc-taiwan.org/mh/post/4545.html" }, { "title": "113年升旗典禮及茶會", "content": "












\n", "date": "2024-01-04 07:42:41", "url": "http://www.roc-taiwan.org/mh/post/4516.html" } ] }, { "lang": "en", "branch": "", "country": "mh", "name": "Embassy of the Republic of China (Taiwan), Majuro, Republic of the Marshall Islands", "path": "/mh_en/", "items": [ { "title": "The Marshall Islands is to Host the \"Micro Games,\" Taiwan Helps Purchase Uniforms and Sports Caps.", "content": "

On April 10th, 2024, Ambassador Steve C.C. Hsia represented the government of the Republic of China (Taiwan) to donate 57,625 US Dollars, assisting the Marshall Islands government in procuring over 2,000 uniforms for the upcoming Micro Games. Once again, Taiwan has demonstrated practical support for the Marshall Islands in hosting important regional sporting events.


The donation was received by Hon. Minister Anthony Muller, chairman of the Olympic Committee and the Micro Games Fundraising Committee. Minister Muller expressed heartfelt gratitude for Taiwan's unwavering support at the handover ceremony as well as in the Nitijela(Parliament) session.


Mr. Wang Yu-Hao, President of the Marshall Islands Taiwanese Association, was invited to witness the handover. He then announced that the association would donate an equal number of sports caps, further amplifying Taiwan's powerful support. These uniforms and sports caps will be provided to athletes, staff and volunteers during the Games.


The Embassy is honored to be able to offer assistance in the Micro Games and see the strengthened friendship between the Marshall Islands and Taiwan. We look forward to seeing outstanding performances from Marshall Islands athletes at the Micro Games.





\n", "date": "2024-04-16 09:37:46", "url": "http://www.roc-taiwan.org/mh_en/post/2984.html" }, { "title": "Taiwan Continues to Support the Marshall Islands in Holding 'Constitution Day' Events", "content": "

On April 8th, 2024, Ambassador Steve C.C. Hsia, on behalf of the Government of the Republic of China (Taiwan), handed over a check of ten thousand US dollars as a token of friendship for the Marshall Islands government to conduct the 45th Constitution Day events, demonstrating ongoing support for the democratic system.


Minister of Culture and Internal Affairs of the Marshall Islands, Hon. Jess Gasper Jr., accepted the donation on behalf of the Marshall Islands government and conveyed heartfelt appreciation for Taiwan's altruistic aid in various significant events of the Marshall Islands.


The Taiwan Embassy eagerly anticipates participation in the Constitution Day events on May 1st and extends best wishes for the smooth progress of all organizational endeavors.





\n", "date": "2024-04-11 06:07:35", "url": "http://www.roc-taiwan.org/mh_en/post/2978.html" }, { "title": "Ambassador Steve C. C. Hsia Witnesses Formosa Group's Donation of Waiting Chairs and Luggage Carts", "content": "
In a handover ceremony held at the ICC on March 20, 2024, the Formosa Group donated 40 waiting chairs and 30 luggage carts to the Majuro Hospital and airport. Witnessed by ROC (Taiwan) Ambassador Steve C. C. Hsia, Secretary of Health and Human Services Francyne Wase-Jacklick accepted the donation on behalf of the RMI government and expressed heartfelt gratitude for the Formosa Group's generosity. These contributions are expected to greatly benefit the communities and residents of Majuro.
During his remarks, Mr. Samuel Hsueh Ming Lin, representing the Formosa Group, reiterated the group's commitment to supporting the development of the RMI. He highlighted the establishment of the Formosa Foundation in 2020 as a testament to their ongoing dedication. Mr. Lin affirmed that the Formosa Group will continue to strive towards a brighter future for the Marshall Islands through sustained contributions and efforts.
\n", "date": "2024-04-08 15:56:57", "url": "http://www.roc-taiwan.org/mh_en/post/2972.html" }, { "title": "The Most Captivating Track and Field Handed Over, Highlighting the New Milestone of Taiwanese Assistance", "content": "

On February 23, 2024, Ambassador Hsia and Mrs. Hsia attended the opening ceremony of Majuro Day and the handover ceremony of the Majuro Track and Field and the Multipurpose Gymnasium, both constructed with assistance from Taiwan. During the event, Ambassador Hsia and Mr. Jojo Kramer, representing the construction company PII, symbolically handed over the golden key to Joe Bejang, the Minister of Education, Training, and Sports of the Marshall Islands. Together, they cut the ribbon, marking a new milestone in Taiwan's support for the infrastructure development of the Marshall Islands.


In his remarks, Ambassador Hsia emphasized the significance of commemorating Majuro Day and reiterated Taiwan's commitment to working with Pacific allies and like-minded countries to maintain peace and stability in the Indo-Pacific. He also expressed Taiwan's dedication to embracing freedom, democracy, and the rule of law, aligning with the values of many friends.


Ambassador Hsia congratulated the Marshall Islands on the successful completion of the most captivating Track and Field in the Micronesian Region, highlighting the assistance provided by the Taiwan International Cooperation and Development Fund and the Taiwanese government's funding. He expressed hope that these facilities would benefit the citizens of Majuro Atoll. In conclusion, Ambassador Hsia encouraged Marshall Islands athletes to shine and achieve excellent results in the upcoming \"Micro Games.\"


Following Ambassador Hsia's speech, Majuro Atoll Mayor Ladie N. Jack and Minister of Foreign Affairs and Trade Kalani Kaneko, representing H.E. President Hilda C. Heine, delivered speeches expressing gratitude for Taiwan's assistance.


Taiwan pledged to continue its sincere assistance within its capabilities to aid the development of its diplomatic allies. This commitment is grounded in the spirit of mutual assistance and reciprocity, fostering positive and friendly relations with the governments and people of its allies.

















\n", "date": "2024-02-26 12:56:21", "url": "http://www.roc-taiwan.org/mh_en/post/2933.html" }, { "title": "Taiwan Urgently Donates Humanitarian Aid Funds as Major Waves Hit Marshall Islands' Two Atolls\"", "content": "

Ambassador Steve C.C. Hsia, on behalf of the Republic of China (Taiwan) government, made a donation of $40,000 on February 14, 2024, to the government of the Marshall Islands. This contribution will be equally distributed, with $20,000 allocated to each, to provide emergency humanitarian assistance to the Ailinglaplap Atoll and Arno Atoll, both recently affected by big waves.


The donation was received by the Minister of Finance of the Marshall Islands, David Paul, on behalf of the Government of the Marshall Islands. The event was attended by esteemed officials, including Vice-Speaker of Nitijela (Parliament) Issac Zackhras, Senator Bruce Loeak representing the Ailinglaplap Atoll, Senator Gerald Zackios representing the Arno Atoll, and mayors from both atolls.


Ambassador Hsia conveyed, \"Taiwan, empathizing with the challenges faced by the Marshall Islands, took immediate action to allocate humanitarian assistance funds upon learning about the devastating impact through Vice Speaker Zackhras's request for help and media reports. Our assistance may not be enough to cover all reconstruction efforts but hopes to help bring back the smiles on the affected families of the two atolls.\"


Senators Loeak and Zackios expressed gratitude on behalf of the affected residents, underscoring Taiwan's genuine friendship and timely support during this challenging period.


The Marshall Islands entered the king tide season in January, resulting in significant infrastructure damage and homes being impacted by large waves. Farmlands, roads, and airport runways also experienced inundation of seawater. Notably, Arno and Ailinglaplap Atolls emerged as two of the severely affected areas.







\n", "date": "2024-02-16 05:14:03", "url": "http://www.roc-taiwan.org/mh_en/post/2923.html" }, { "title": "Ambassador Hsia Attended the 80th Kwajalein Day Event and the Inauguration of the Kwajalein Atoll Local Government", "content": "

On February 9, 2024, Ambassador Hsia and Mrs. Hsia attended the 80th Kwajalein Day and the Inauguration of the Kwajalein Atoll Local Government on Ebeye Island, Kwajalein Atoll. Ambassador Hsia and Mrs. Hsia joined the citizens of Ebeye in commemorating the sacrifices made by the people during World War II and congratulated Hon. Mayor Hirata Kabua and his team on their re-election.


Kwajalein Day holds significant importance as it showcases the history and culture of the Marshall Islands. The event features parades, speeches by leaders, traditional dances, and cultural performances. Most importantly, participants in the event reaffirm their support for peace, freedom, and democracy.


On behalf of the ROC (Taiwan) government, Ambassador Hsia's presence underscores Taiwan’s strong commitment to working with Pacific diplomatic allies and like-minded countries to ensure peace and stability in the Indo-Pacific Region.















\n", "date": "2024-02-13 10:58:47", "url": "http://www.roc-taiwan.org/mh_en/post/2919.html" }, { "title": "2024 Majuro Hospital Blessing Ceremony of Oxygen Plant", "content": "

The new oxygen plant at Majuro Hospital was blessed on the afternoon of 2 February. ROC(Taiwan) Ambassador Steve C.C. Hsia was invited to attend the opening ceremony and cut the ribbon on the new oxygen system. Senator Gerald Zackios and Senator Wallace Peter were also present.


Ambassador Hsia said that the Taiwan government had donated $110,000 to fund the purchase of the oxygen generator system to supply the hospital's emergency and general wards and to enable the hospital to deal with respiratory diseases such as Influenza A, which are a priority. He also thanked ESCO-TEC Corporation for sending three expert engineers from Taiwan to Majuro to install the new machine and complete the test satisfactorily. The growing cooperation between Taiwan and the Marshall Islands in the field of health is also highlighted, as is Taiwan's recent contribution of medical equipment and supplies to Majuro Hospital.


In her remarks, Francyne Wase-Jacklick, Secretary of the Ministry of Health and Human Services, expressed gratitude for Taiwan's commitment to promoting health care exchanges and cooperation, and Taiwan's sponsorship of Majuro Hospital's purchase of the oxygen generation system, which is now complete and operational, allowing the hospital to eliminate limitations in providing oxygen to patients who rely on cylinders. The effectiveness of Taiwan-Marshall Islands medical cooperation is an important driving force in promoting bilateral relations, and the people of the RMI are very impressed with Taiwan's assistance to the local medical system in terms of both hardware and software, as well as the training of medical personnel.\"S__12550425\"











\n", "date": "2024-02-12 06:04:40", "url": "http://www.roc-taiwan.org/mh_en/post/2905.html" }, { "title": "Taiwan’s Special Envoy Attended President Hilda Heine’s Inauguration, Marking a significant diplomatic engagement", "content": "

The Deputy Minister of Foreign Affairs of the ROC(Taiwan), Tien Chung-kwang, assumed the role of special envoy for President Tsai Ing-wen and led a delegation to partake in the inauguration ceremony of President Hilda Heine and the cabinet ministers of the Republic of the Marshall Islands. The delegation's visit, spanning from January 20 to 22, 2024, marked a significant diplomatic engagement.


Upon arrival in the Marshall Islands, the delegation was warmly welcomed at the airport by Kalani Kaneko, Minister of Foreign Affairs and Trade of the Marshall Islands, and Taiwanese compatriots living in the Marshall Islands.


At the inauguration ceremony, Special Envoy Tien extended congratulations to President Heine and subsequently presented a congratulatory letter from President Tsai Ing-wen during a meeting with the President and her cabinet members. President Heine underscored the enduring and revitalized bilateral relationship between Taiwan and the Marshall Islands, which has evolved over the course of 26 years of diplomatic ties. Highlighting the shared cultural heritage of Austronesian, President Heine also expressed the Marshall Islands’ commitment to nurturing the friendship between the two countries and reiterated strong support for Taiwan.


Special Envoy Tien also attended the Solar Parking Energy Storage System Launch Ceremony and the handover ceremony for the 60 tons of rice, the two assistance projects funded by Taiwan. These events were witnessed by various officials, including Minister-in-Assistance to the President and Environment Bremity Lakjohn, Minister of Education, Sports and Training Joe Bejang, Minister of Culture and Internal Affairs Jess Gasper Jr., and several senators and mayors.


Taiwan reaffirms its commitment to assisting the Marshall Islands in various aspects of development and looks forward to contributing jointly with the Marshall Islands to democracy and peace in the Indo-Pacific region.





































\n", "date": "2024-01-29 11:44:51", "url": "http://www.roc-taiwan.org/mh_en/post/2875.html" }, { "title": "Taiwan donates 60 tons of rice and $17,380 for shipping", "content": "

The government of the Republic of China (Taiwan) donates 60 tons of rice to the Marshall Islands to strengthen food security in the neighboring islands, and US$17,380 to cover the international sea freight of the shipment from Taiwan.


On 15 January, 2024, Ambassador Steve C.C. Hsia joined Minister Jess Gasper, Jr., and Secretary Brenda Alik of the Ministry of Culture and Internal Affairs alongside with officials from the Ministry of Foreign Affairs and Trade, and Kili Atoll Mayor Tommy Irujiman, to witness the preparation and shipment of a total of 49 sacks of rice, weighing 30kg each, to be shipped to Kili Atoll at the Delap dock in the afternoon.


The rice donation not only demonstrates Taiwan's love across the ocean thousands of miles away, but also Taiwan's continued commitment to supporting the new Marshall Islands government's efforts to improve the livelihoods of its people.


As a staunch ally of the Marshall Islands, Taiwan has been involved in many areas of bilateral cooperation. One of our priorities is to help the Marshall Islands achieve sustainable development goals, especially food security in the neighboring islands.





\n", "date": "2024-01-19 07:20:26", "url": "http://www.roc-taiwan.org/mh_en/post/2869.html" }, { "title": "2024 Flag Raising Ceremony", "content": "

On January 1st, 2024, the R.O.C. (Taiwan) Ambassador to the Marshall Islands, Steve C.C. Hsia, hosted a flag-raising ceremony and a tea party to welcome the new year. Participants included the staff of the Embassy, staff of the Taiwan Technical Mission and the Taiwan Health Center, and members of the Taiwanese community in the RMI. During the ceremony, Ambassador Hsia conveyed his New Year congratulatory messages to all the participants.


Following the flag-raising, the gathering transitioned into a delightful tea party, providing a relaxed setting for interaction and networking. Ambassador Hsia, on behalf of the Overseas Community Affairs Council, presented an appreciation certificate to Mr. Samuel Lin for his dedication to the Taiwanese Community during his tenure as the President of the Taiwanese Association in the Marshall Isnads, and also presented a congratulatory letter to Mr. Wang Yu Hao, who was recently elected as the new President.\"\"







\n", "date": "2024-01-04 07:43:43", "url": "http://www.roc-taiwan.org/mh_en/post/2850.html" } ] }, { "lang": "zh", "branch": "", "country": "nr", "name": "駐諾魯共和國大使館", "path": "/nr/", "items": [] }, { "lang": "en", "branch": "", "country": "nr", "name": "Embassy of the Republic of China (Taiwan), Yaren, Republic of Nauru", "path": "/nr_en/", "items": [] }, { "lang": "zh", "branch": "", "country": "nz", "name": "駐紐西蘭台北經濟文化辦事處", "path": "/nz/", "items": [ { "title": "駐紐西蘭代表處南島基督城領務服務時間地點公告", "content": "\n




\n\n", "date": "2024-04-19 11:12:15", "url": "http://www.roc-taiwan.org/nz/post/19208.html" }, { "title": "113 學年度四年制產學合作學士海外青年技術訓練班招生", "content": "












\n", "date": "2024-04-16 06:22:47", "url": "http://www.roc-taiwan.org/nz/post/19114.html" }, { "title": "僑委會113年國際數位學伴計畫", "content": "僑委會113年國際數位學伴計畫", "date": "2024-04-11 05:57:48", "url": "http://www.roc-taiwan.org/nz/post/19043.html" }, { "title": "申辦晶片護照照片規格說明(2024更新版)", "content": "申辦晶片護照照片規格說明(2024更新版)", "date": "2024-03-06 09:35:13", "url": "http://www.roc-taiwan.org/nz/post/18752.html" }, { "title": "僑務委員會2024年「輔助海外校團辦理來臺研習華語文或臺灣文化活動」", "content": "










\n", "date": "2024-03-01 05:36:12", "url": "http://www.roc-taiwan.org/nz/post/18729.html" }, { "title": "113學年度四年制產學合作學士海外青年技術訓練班延長招生時程", "content": "










\n", "date": "2024-03-01 05:28:38", "url": "http://www.roc-taiwan.org/nz/post/18724.html" }, { "title": "僑委會補助海外僑校(團)及臺灣華語文學習中心自辦教唱及比賽活動計畫", "content": "










\n", "date": "2024-02-15 11:07:52", "url": "http://www.roc-taiwan.org/nz/post/18699.html" }, { "title": "2024年僑務委員會海外青年語文研習班(遠距視訊教學)-全球班第1期", "content": "2024年僑務委員會海外青年語文研習班(遠距視訊教學)-全球班第1期", "date": "2024-02-13 10:07:15", "url": "http://www.roc-taiwan.org/nz/post/18694.html" }, { "title": "世界華人工商婦女企管協會2024年第十屆世界十大傑出華商婦女「華冠獎」選拔活動受理報名", "content": "世界華人工商婦女企管協會2024年第十屆世界十大傑出華商婦女「華冠獎」選拔活動受理報名", "date": "2024-02-13 10:06:49", "url": "http://www.roc-taiwan.org/nz/post/18692.html" }, { "title": "海外僑社辦理二二八紀念活動實施計畫", "content": "




\n", "date": "2024-02-02 11:10:00", "url": "http://www.roc-taiwan.org/nz/post/18616.html" }, { "title": "2024年僑務委員會海外青年臺灣觀摩團", "content": "






\n", "date": "2024-01-30 09:48:14", "url": "http://www.roc-taiwan.org/nz/post/18584.html" }, { "title": "僑委會113年度受理捐贈僑生獎助學金開始受理申請", "content": "僑委會113年度受理捐贈僑生獎助學金開始受理申請", "date": "2024-01-18 06:34:34", "url": "http://www.roc-taiwan.org/nz/post/18543.html" }, { "title": "僑務委員會2024年海外青年英語服務營", "content": "僑務委員會2024年海外青年英語服務營", "date": "2024-01-16 09:42:59", "url": "http://www.roc-taiwan.org/nz/post/18534.html" }, { "title": "113學年度海外僑生申請來臺升讀五年制專科學校 / 高級中等學校 / 國民中學簡章下載", "content": "












\n", "date": "2024-01-16 09:36:58", "url": "http://www.roc-taiwan.org/nz/post/18530.html" }, { "title": "113學年度(2024年)海外僑生申請來臺升讀高級中等學校產學攜手合作僑生專班", "content": "113學年度(2024年)海外僑生申請來臺升讀高級中等學校產學攜手合作僑生專班", "date": "2024-01-16 09:30:03", "url": "http://www.roc-taiwan.org/nz/post/18528.html" }, { "title": "僑務委員會海外青年語文研習班", "content": "僑務委員會海外青年語文研習班", "date": "2024-01-15 11:01:04", "url": "http://www.roc-taiwan.org/nz/post/18519.html" }, { "title": "內政部移民署放寬臺灣地區無戶籍國民入國規定", "content": "














\n", "date": "2024-01-05 07:05:20", "url": "http://www.roc-taiwan.org/nz/post/18477.html" }, { "title": "海外巡迴文化教學", "content": "海外巡迴文化教學", "date": "2024-01-03 10:41:47", "url": "http://www.roc-taiwan.org/nz/post/18465.html" } ] }, { "lang": "en", "branch": "", "country": "nz", "name": "Taipei Economic and Cultural Office, New Zealand", "path": "/nz_en/", "items": [ { "title": "Visa Application", "content": "

The Taipei Economic and Cultural Office in New Zealand wish to advise that all consular applications, except those which must be witnessed, should be lodged.


If you wish to visit us, please email to (nzl@mofa.gov.tw) in advance to make an appointment.


Thank you very much for your cooperation.


From 30 November 2009, New Zealand passport holders can stay in Taiwan for up to 90 days without applying for a visitor visa before travelling.


This condition does not apply for youth who wish to do working holiday in Taiwan.


In order to enhance the efficiency of processing visa applications, the Ministry of Foreign Affairs (MOFA) of the Republic of China (Taiwan) will be revising its visa application form and procedures.


Please check the following information sheets to decide whether you need to apply for a visa. 

\n\n", "date": "2024-04-04 04:00:33", "url": "http://www.roc-taiwan.org/nz_en/post/94.html" } ] }, { "lang": "zh", "branch": "akl", "country": "nz", "name": "駐奧克蘭台北經濟文化辦事處", "path": "/nzakl/", "items": [ { "title": "陳詠韶處長應邀出席世華講堂 探討打造優質組織文化", "content": "






\n", "date": "2024-04-23 17:51:09", "url": "http://www.roc-taiwan.org/nzakl/post/11804.html" }, { "title": "陳詠韶處長出席北島佛光山佛誕節為世界和平祈福活動", "content": "








\n", "date": "2024-04-17 08:03:20", "url": "http://www.roc-taiwan.org/nzakl/post/11788.html" }, { "title": "紐西蘭榮光聯誼會與世華紐西蘭分會聯合舉辦聲援臺灣參與WHA健行活動", "content": "

紐西蘭榮光聯誼會與世界華人工商婦女企管協會紐西蘭分會於4月13日假Auckland Botanic Gardens及周氏觀光農場舉辦「為健康而走~聲援臺灣參與WHA健行」活動,兩會特別準備藍白紅3色象徵國旗汽球與聲援標語一路前行,沿途向紐國友人分發傳單爭取聲援臺灣參與WHA,獲民眾支持與肯定。









\n", "date": "2024-04-17 08:02:05", "url": "http://www.roc-taiwan.org/nzakl/post/11781.html" }, { "title": "陳詠韶處長出席參與啟源教育中心World of Cultures活動", "content": "

啟源教育中心繼2023年後於今年3月23日至24日再次參與奧克蘭市政府"世界文化節(World of Cultures)"活動,駐奧克蘭辦事處陳詠韶處長、邱亞芬僑務組長、陳姿穎僑務委員、蔡淑枝僑務顧問及國家黨國會議員張雋浩等貴賓應邀出席。今年活動以介紹華人及印度人新年為主題,現場安排自動拍照、"春"字解說及立體剪紙、說吉祥話、發紅包、印度服飾體驗與兩民族新年傳說故事有獎徵答、戶外扇子舞及太極表演等內容,豐富多元,老少咸宜,受到社區民眾一致歡迎。





\n", "date": "2024-04-03 10:24:06", "url": "http://www.roc-taiwan.org/nzakl/post/11760.html" }, { "title": "本處出席臺灣華夏協會第34次會員大會及周年慶", "content": "






\n", "date": "2024-04-02 14:46:30", "url": "http://www.roc-taiwan.org/nzakl/post/11754.html" }, { "title": "陳詠韶處長出席2024年紐西蘭臺灣日感恩餐會", "content": "






\n", "date": "2024-03-28 16:47:55", "url": "http://www.roc-taiwan.org/nzakl/post/11747.html" }, { "title": "陳詠韶處長出席紐西蘭臺灣商會新、滿任會長交接典禮", "content": "






\n", "date": "2024-03-19 15:49:12", "url": "http://www.roc-taiwan.org/nzakl/post/11736.html" }, { "title": "陳處長詠韶應邀出席華夏「華夏臺日盃慢速壘球友誼賽」並開球", "content": "

陳詠韶處長3月17日出席紐西蘭臺灣華夏協會與日本協會在Howick Softball Club聯合舉辦的「2024臺日壘球友誼賽」,並與日本駐奧克蘭總領事Shinji Matsui共同主持開球儀式。陳處長致詞提及臺日是文化相近丶理念相同的好夥伴,雙方遇到天災或疫情時總是第一時間出錢出力相互幫助,兩國國民彼此親近丶友好,2008年至今的臺日壘球賽亦在慶祝此一友誼。當天6個隊伍100多人參賽,大家在球場上度過健康及充滿友誼丶能量的一天。









\n", "date": "2024-03-19 15:47:27", "url": "http://www.roc-taiwan.org/nzakl/post/11729.html" }, { "title": "朱宗慶打擊樂團參加奧克蘭藝術節盛大演出", "content": "














\n", "date": "2024-03-19 15:44:40", "url": "http://www.roc-taiwan.org/nzakl/post/11718.html" }, { "title": "陳處長詠韶出席紐西蘭華商經貿聯誼會周年慶", "content": "






\n", "date": "2024-03-19 15:40:43", "url": "http://www.roc-taiwan.org/nzakl/post/11713.html" }, { "title": "陳詠站處長接待客家電視台訪團", "content": "






\n", "date": "2024-03-14 14:36:41", "url": "http://www.roc-taiwan.org/nzakl/post/11706.html" }, { "title": "我國選手參加田徑國際賽", "content": "

中華田徑代表隊一行5人由教練蔡易達率領於3月8日飛抵奧克蘭參加10日舉行的「2024年紐西蘭格雷姆・道格拉斯爵士國際賽 (2024 Sir Graeme Douglas International)」,爭取2024年法國巴黎奧運會田徑個人單項參賽資格積分。本處僑務組長邱亞芬及吳紹賓秘書前往接機照料,陳詠韶處長與大洋洲台灣商會名譽總會長郭力銘等鄉親並於10日親赴賽場為選手加油打氣。比賽結果,陳傑選手獲400公尺跨欄銅牌、林佳興與魏泰陞選手則分獲跳遠及百米短跑第4名佳績。







\n", "date": "2024-03-14 14:34:40", "url": "http://www.roc-taiwan.org/nzakl/post/11699.html" }, { "title": "陳詠韶處長接待原住民族文化事業基金會訪團", "content": "



\"photo_2024-03-08_18-18-00\" \"陳詠韶處長接待原住民族文化事業基金會訪團2\"

\n", "date": "2024-03-08 13:13:28", "url": "http://www.roc-taiwan.org/nzakl/post/11692.html" }, { "title": "紐西蘭毛利族與台灣原住民16族油畫特展在奧克蘭舉行", "content": "

以寫實風格記錄原民生活意向的張文松畫家,和平畫廊負責人劉國梁丶長期追蹤與紀錄原民文化和祭典的李竹旺紀錄片導演,在奧克蘭以「 紐西蘭毛利族與台灣原住民16族 」為主題舉行油畫特展,分別在2024紐西蘭臺灣日及毛利部落聚會堂展出,展現台灣原民藝術文化的深厚底藴,及台紐原民獨特的連結與友誼。


\"紐西蘭毛利族與台灣原住民16族油畫特展在奧克蘭舉行1\" \"紐西蘭毛利族與台灣原住民16族油畫特展在奧克蘭舉行2\"

\n", "date": "2024-03-08 13:11:02", "url": "http://www.roc-taiwan.org/nzakl/post/11686.html" }, { "title": "陳詠韶處長接待台中市客家委員會乙行", "content": "






\n", "date": "2024-03-08 13:08:43", "url": "http://www.roc-taiwan.org/nzakl/post/11680.html" }, { "title": "2025世界壯年運動會率團在紐西蘭台灣日上推廣宣傳", "content": "






\n", "date": "2024-03-08 13:04:09", "url": "http://www.roc-taiwan.org/nzakl/post/11674.html" }, { "title": "2024紐西蘭台灣日盛大舉行 展現台灣優質軟實力", "content": "

「2024紐西蘭台灣日」在眾所期待之下,3月1日及2日在奧克蘭Victory Convention Center 盛大登場。開幕典禮上包括駐紐西蘭代表處歐江安大使、駐奧克蘭辦事處陳詠韶處長丶Paulo Garcia 國會議員丶Parmjeet Parmar 國會議員丶Carlos Cheung國會議員丶奧克蘭市與羅托路亞市多位市議員,以及紐西蘭警丶政丶藝文丶領事團丶毛利社群等貴賓冠蓋雲集,臺灣也有來自臺中姊妹市及2025世壯運雙北舉辦城市的官員一同出席。兩天活動吸引近兩萬民眾參加,現場無論品嘗美食、文化體驗、欣賞畫作花藝、或是觀賞優質表演與電影好不熱鬧,充滿台式歡慶熱鬧的愉快氛圍。




本年臺灣日的主題「連結.匯聚.合一」,大會特別自台灣邀來曾獲金曲、金馬、金音「三金獎」殊榮肯定的阿美族歌手舒米恩(Suming Rupi)、 電影「只有大海知道」的導演崔永徽與主角鐘家駿、台灣愛心三六五合唱團、及帶來紐西蘭毛利族與臺灣原住民16族油畫的張文松大師畫廊等,熱誠向紐西蘭民眾介紹台灣優質藝文與人文風情。兩天活動展現台灣客家、原民與閩南文化的細緻與融合,民眾並藉由欣賞舞台表演、電影放映、畫作藝廊,參觀商務社福展區及作文化體驗等方式,同時品嘗刈包、蚵仔煎、臭豆腐、鹹酥雞、麵線、油飯、珍奶等令人垂涎的台灣美食小吃,從五感五官體驗台灣熱誠、豐富、多元且充滿人情味的迷人文化。











\n", "date": "2024-03-06 12:23:00", "url": "http://www.roc-taiwan.org/nzakl/post/11662.html" }, { "title": "陳詠韶處長出席紐西蘭臺灣僑民協會228紀念音樂會", "content": "





\"陳詠韶處長出席紐西蘭臺灣僑民協會228紀念音樂會2\" \"陳詠韶處長出席紐西蘭臺灣僑民協會228紀念音樂會1\"

\n", "date": "2024-02-26 07:15:47", "url": "http://www.roc-taiwan.org/nzakl/post/11654.html" }, { "title": "陳詠韶處長出席紐西蘭客家同鄉會天穿日暨春節元宵團拜活動", "content": "

駐奧克蘭辦事處陳詠韶處長與邱亞芬僑務組長於2月24日上午應邀出席紐西蘭客家同鄉會於Auckland Botanic Garden舉辦的天穿日暨春節元宵團拜活動。陳詠韶處長致詞感謝同鄉會在歷任及現任江文通理事長的領導下凝聚鄉親丶推廣客家文化丶積極參與僑社活動及對辦事處業務的支持,陳處長並籲請鄉親踴躍參與今年包括客家文化內涵的紐西蘭臺灣日精彩活動,介紹分享客家文化與美食給更多主流社會朋友。\"陳詠韶處長出席紐西蘭客家同鄉會天穿日暨春節元宵團拜活動1\"



\n", "date": "2024-02-26 07:15:07", "url": "http://www.roc-taiwan.org/nzakl/post/11648.html" }, { "title": "陳詠韶處長出席慈濟紐西蘭分會新春祝福感恩會", "content": "



\"陳詠韶處長出席慈濟紐西蘭分會新春祝福感恩會1\" \"陳詠韶處長出席慈濟紐西蘭分會新春祝福感恩會2\"

\n", "date": "2024-02-23 09:55:37", "url": "http://www.roc-taiwan.org/nzakl/post/11642.html" }, { "title": "陳詠韶處長出席大奧克蘭僑界2024龍騰飛躍新春團拜", "content": "







\"陳詠韶處長出席大奧克蘭僑界2024龍騰飛躍新春團拜1\" \"陳詠韶處長出席大奧克蘭僑界2024龍騰飛躍新春團拜2\"

\n", "date": "2024-02-23 09:53:42", "url": "http://www.roc-taiwan.org/nzakl/post/11636.html" }, { "title": "陳詠韶處長出席世華婦女會初二回娘家新春活動", "content": "

駐奧克蘭辦事處陳詠韶處長與僑務組邱亞芬組長於2月1 1日應邀出席紐西蘭世華初二回娘家餐會,與僑務委員陳姿穎等僑務榮譽職、行動黨國會議員Dr. Parmjeet Parmar丶St John代表Richard Blundell與Kevin Simpkin等佳賓及世華會員眷屬約100人,一同歡慶農曆新年,喜迎祥龍春禧。活動上也為會員慶生及摸彩助興,大夥兒一起度過一個即使身在僑居地也感受到回娘家的溫馨年初二!


\"陳詠韶處長出席世華婦女會初二回娘家新春活動1\" \"陳詠韶處長出席世華婦女會初二回娘家新春活動2\"

\n", "date": "2024-02-13 16:10:19", "url": "http://www.roc-taiwan.org/nzakl/post/11618.html" }, { "title": "外交小尖兵行程滿檔 奧克蘭站交流獲益良多", "content": "



乙行訪問期間在羅托路亞,曾參訪Tepuia毛利文化園區、紅木森林等地,了解毛利文化藝術之美及紐國特有地質地貌。5日並拜會羅托路亞市長Tania Tapsell及市議員王飛雪(Fisher Wang),小尖兵就市政、毛利文化及防疫等議題踴躍提問與交流,年僅31歲極具發展潛力的Tapsell市長展現領導風範與服務民眾的熱情,對青年領袖們頗具啟發。接著參訪當地非政府組織Taiohi Tūrama - Rotorua Centre for Youth,了解其提供年輕人之教育、醫療、職訓等計畫與營運模式。另亦拜會羅托路亞市頗負盛名之基督學校John Paul College,該校國際處處長為小尖兵解說該校運作概況及課程,過程小尖兵與當地學生熱烈交流互動及隨班上課,體驗紐國授課方式。


乙行在奧克蘭期間,則曾與奧克蘭台灣校友會的成員相見歡,分享彼此國際交流經驗,友誼及青春充滿活力好氣氛。出席紐西蘭台灣商會舉辦之年終尾牙餐會,與台商朋友交流促進台紐經貿、推動國民外交之心得,小尖兵並在現場帶來活潑表演,帶動全場熱烈氣氛。與奧克蘭市議員John Watson及Wayne Walke等人餐敘,除分享台紐市政觀察,也就交通、教育、科技等議題廣泛交換意見。此外,乙行參觀當地著名地標天空塔及奧克蘭戰爭博物館,在導覽人員生動的講解下,對於紐西蘭的城市發展及文化歷史也有更深的了解。




\"外交小尖兵行程滿檔 \"外交小尖兵行程滿檔 \"外交小尖兵行程滿檔 \"外交小尖兵行程滿檔 \"外交小尖兵行程滿檔 \"外交小尖兵行程滿檔 \"外交小尖兵行程滿檔 \"外交小尖兵行程滿檔

\n", "date": "2024-02-13 16:04:28", "url": "http://www.roc-taiwan.org/nzakl/post/11607.html" }, { "title": "紐西蘭台灣商會 2月5日晚間假鴻星餐廳舉辦月例會暨年終尾牙圍爐活動", "content": "

紐西蘭台灣商會 2月5日晚間假鴻星餐廳舉辦月例會暨年終尾牙圍爐活動,駐奧克蘭辦事處陳詠韶處長伉儷、僑務組長邱亞芬、僑務委員陳姿穎等僑務榮譽職及僑團負責人暨該會會員計約100人參與。活動特邀請駐紐西蘭代表處經濟組宋明豪組長進行臺紐投資現況專題講座,另由外交部發言人劉永健率領之"外交小尖兵"訪問團一行18人亦受邀參與晚宴,小尖兵們於晚宴表演多項精彩節目,展現臺灣年輕人的活潑熱情,並於席間與僑胞互動交流。\"紐西蘭台灣商會

\n", "date": "2024-02-08 15:58:52", "url": "http://www.roc-taiwan.org/nzakl/post/11602.html" }, { "title": "陳詠韶處長應邀出席北島佛光山歲末圍爐活動", "content": "

紐西蘭北島佛光山年度歲末圍爐於113年1月20日傍晚舉行,駐奧克蘭辦事處處長陳詠韶夫婦應邀出席,奧克蘭市議員Sharon Stewart等嘉賓及佛光人約150人與會。齋宴主人住持滿信法師帶領大家獻燈祈福,分享星雲大師法語智慧,並鼓勵大眾在服務中自覺與行佛。陳處長致詞則向與會人員賀年,推崇佛光山所舉辦活動具有規模、品質及極大意義,讓社區大眾領略藝術的美好、找到心靈的平衡。活動歷時2.5小時圓滿結束 ,共同祈願新年吉祥如意。







\n", "date": "2024-01-22 07:07:58", "url": "http://www.roc-taiwan.org/nzakl/post/11559.html" } ] }, { "lang": "en", "branch": "akl", "country": "nz", "name": "Taipei Economic and Cultural Office in Auckland", "path": "/nzakl_en/", "items": [] }, { "lang": "zh", "branch": "", "country": "pg", "name": "駐巴布亞紐幾內亞臺北經濟文化辦事處", "path": "/pg/", "items": [ { "title": "太陽能設備捐助典禮", "content": "




\n", "date": "2024-04-04 12:43:11", "url": "http://www.roc-taiwan.org/pg/post/2879.html" } ] }, { "lang": "en", "branch": "", "country": "pg", "name": "Taipei Economic and Cultural Office in Papua New Guinea", "path": "/pg_en/", "items": [ { "title": "Colostomy cancer survivor on lifeline for 14 years and counting", "content": "


\n", "date": "2024-03-26 14:59:13", "url": "http://www.roc-taiwan.org/pg_en/post/1726.html" } ] }, { "lang": "zh", "branch": "", "country": "ph", "name": "駐菲律賓臺北經濟文化辦事處", "path": "/ph/", "items": [ { "title": "重要通知:為保護個人資訊及網路安全,請簽證申請者勿隨意開啟冒名本處寄送有關「同意核發簽證通知」之惡意造假電郵。", "content": "




\n", "date": "2024-03-06 17:55:11", "url": "http://www.roc-taiwan.org/ph/post/17852.html" }, { "title": "針對來自阿富汗、馬拉威、莫三比克、巴基斯坦、馬達加斯加及剛果民主共和國的中華民國(臺灣)簽證申請者之說明", "content": "


\n", "date": "2024-01-19 17:44:25", "url": "http://www.roc-taiwan.org/ph/post/17477.html" }, { "title": "為加速簽證案件申請流程並提升領務服務品質,建請申請人於遞送申請案件前在本處網站(https://roc-taiwan.org/ph/cat/11.html)詳閱簽證申請所需文件。感謝您的配合。", "content": "


\n", "date": "2024-01-04 11:23:04", "url": "http://www.roc-taiwan.org/ph/post/16810.html" } ] }, { "lang": "en", "branch": "", "country": "ph", "name": "Taipei Economic and Cultural Office in the Philippines", "path": "/ph_en/", "items": [ { "title": "Important Notice: In order to protect your personal information and cyber safety, please be aware of unauthorized emails fraudulently using the name of TECO with regards to the “notification of visa approval”.", "content": "

Due to the recent reported cases of unauthorized emails sent to visa applicants fraudulently using the name of TECO regarding the notification of visa approval, we strongly recommend all the visa applicants to be aware of these emails which are fraudulent and malicious.


For further inquires, you may contact us (+63-2-8887-6688). Thank you for your attention!

\n", "date": "2024-03-06 17:56:12", "url": "http://www.roc-taiwan.org/ph_en/post/9404.html" }, { "title": "Note for the ROC (Taiwan) Visa Applicants from Afghanistan, Malawi, Mozambique, Pakistan, Madagascar and DR Congo", "content": "

According to the recommendations of World Health Organization, all passports holders of Afghanistan, Malawi, Mozambique, Pakistan, Madagascar and DR Congo, and long-term residents who had stayed in these six countries more than (>) 4 weeks within the past year should submit vaccination records of Oral Polio Vaccine (OPV) or Inactive Polio Vaccine (IPV) within 12 months.


Thank you for the cooperation!

\n", "date": "2024-01-19 17:54:24", "url": "http://www.roc-taiwan.org/ph_en/post/9145.html" }, { "title": "Visa applicants are strongly recommended to review the visa requirements with different categories at TECO website (https://roc-taiwan.org/ph_en/cat/30.html) before filing the visa applications.", "content": "

In order to facilitate and to speed up the procedure of visa application, all applicants are strongly recommended to review the visa requirements with different categories at TECO website (https://roc-taiwan.org/ph_en/cat/30.html) before filing the visa applications. Thank you for your cooperation.

\n", "date": "2024-01-04 11:28:14", "url": "http://www.roc-taiwan.org/ph_en/post/8921.html" } ] }, { "lang": "zh", "branch": "", "country": "ru", "name": "台北莫斯科經濟文化協調委員會駐莫斯科代表處", "path": "/ru/", "items": [ { "title": "2024年3月8日為國定假日「國際婦女節」,本處暫停對外開放", "content": "
根據俄國政府規定,2024年3月8日為國定假日「國際婦女節」,本處暫停對外開放。國人倘有急事需本處協助處理,請撥打本處24小時緊急聯絡手機:002-7-969-008-6111(自臺灣撥打);8-969-008-6111(俄國境內撥打)。臺北莫斯科經濟文化協調委員會駐莫斯科代表處祝大家平安健康!\r\nСогласно постановлениям российских властей, Представительство в Москве Тайбэйско-Московской координационной комиссии по экономическому и культурному сотрудничеству будет закрыто 8 марта 2024 года в связи с Международным женским днём. Желаем всем здоровья и благополучия!\r\n


\n", "date": "2024-03-07 00:35:49", "url": "http://www.roc-taiwan.org/ru/post/8687.html" }, { "title": "駐俄羅斯代表處辦理聖彼得堡新春僑宴年節氣氛濃", "content": "






\n", "date": "2024-02-29 17:35:35", "url": "http://www.roc-taiwan.org/ru/post/8659.html" }, { "title": "駐俄羅斯代表處新春僑宴熱鬧滾滾", "content": "






\n", "date": "2024-02-13 21:55:24", "url": "http://www.roc-taiwan.org/ru/post/8645.html" } ] }, { "lang": "ru", "branch": "", "country": "ru", "name": "Representative Office in Moscow for the Taipei-Moscow Economic and Cultural Coordination Commission", "path": "/ru_ru/", "items": [ { "title": "Представительство будет закрыто 8 марта 2024 года в связи с Международным женским днём.", "content": "
Согласно постановлениям российских властей, Представительство в Москве Тайбэйско-Московской координационной комиссии по экономическому и культурному сотрудничеству будет закрыто 8 марта 2024 года в связи с Международным женским днём. Желаем всем здоровья и благополучия!\r\n


\n", "date": "2024-03-07 00:36:31", "url": "http://www.roc-taiwan.org/ru_ru/post/9562.html" } ] }, { "lang": "zh", "branch": "", "country": "sa", "name": "駐沙烏地阿拉伯王國台北經濟文化代表處", "path": "/sa/", "items": [ { "title": "衛生福利部公設財團法人賑災基金會 公布 0403 花蓮震災捐款帳號", "content": "衛生福利部公設財團法人賑災基金會 公布 0403 花蓮震災捐款帳號", "date": "2024-04-17 15:15:17", "url": "http://www.roc-taiwan.org/sa/post/5734.html" }, { "title": "桃園市立美術館籌畫之「2025桃源國際藝術獎」徵件活動已經開始起跑!", "content": "

Hey! YOU ARE WANTED! 熱愛創作的文創工作者不要錯過,不要猶豫,大獎等你來拿!


桃園市立美術館籌畫之「2025桃源國際藝術獎」徵件活動已經開始起跑! 參賽者不限國籍、不限年齡、個人或團體皆可參賽,並且開放各式媒材、類別、領域的作品同台競藝。




詳細資訊敬請參考底下連結 http://tmofa-tiaa.com/


2025 Taoyuan International Art Award Prospectus and Call for Entries


To cultivate talent in contemporary art, Taoyuan Museum of Fine Arts is organizing “2025 Taoyuan International Art Award”.
\nEntry submission starts from 1 April to 26 April 2024.


Artists may participate as an individual or a group. There are no limits on nationality. Submitted entries are not limited in material, category, or size.


Please find below link for more details.

\n", "date": "2024-01-21 16:05:09", "url": "http://www.roc-taiwan.org/sa/post/5607.html" } ] }, { "lang": "en", "branch": "", "country": "sa", "name": "Taipei Economic and Cultural Representative Office in the Kingdom of Saudi Arabia", "path": "/sa_en/", "items": [ { "title": "2024 MOE Huayu (Mandarin) Enrichment Scholarship is open for applications from February 1", "content": "

Huayu Enrichment Scholarship 2024, offered by the Ministry of Education (MOE), ROC (Taiwan), will be open for applications from February 1 till the end of the coming March. For the academic year 2024-2025, the Scholarship will be awarded to two (2) qualified students from the Kingdom of Saudi Arabia and other countries of this Office’s consular district.


The MOE Huayu Enrichment Scholarship Program exchanges between the Republic of China (Taiwan) and countries designated by the MOE by encouraging foreign students to study Mandarin in Taiwan and to deepen their understanding of Taiwan's cultural and social developments.

  1. Financial assistance
  2. \n
  3. A monthly stipend of NT$25,000.
  4. \n
  5. Duration: two months (summer courses), three months, six months, nine months, or 12 months.
  6. \n
  7. Eligibility
  8. \n

Each applicant shall:

  1. be of age 18 or older; possess a high school diploma or higher; have performed well at his/her most recent academic institution and be of good moral character.
  2. \n
  3. be neither a Taiwanese national, nor an overseas Taiwanese compatriot.
  4. \n
  5. be neither currently enrolled in a Mandarin training center nor in a full-time degree program at any university or college in Taiwan.
  6. \n
  7. have never received any financial assistance under this or any other Taiwan Scholarship programs (offered by MOFA, MOE, MOEA, and NSC).
  8. \n
  9. not be an exchange student through an academic cooperation agreement between an overseas university/college and an educational institute in Taiwan.
  10. \n

Eligible applicants from the Kingdom of Saudi Arabia and other countries of this Office’s consular district must apply for admission directly to the Chinese Language Center within its application deadline and submit their application form for Huayu Enrichment Scholarship through the link (https://taiwanscholarship.moe.gov.tw/Apply).


The application timeline for 2024 Huayu Enrichment Scholarship is from February 1 (Thursday) to March 31 (Sunday). Interviews with qualified candidates in person will be required for the final selection process. And, the selected candidates would be notified by May 31, 2024.


For more information, please browse the Taiwan Scholarship website at https://taiwanscholarship.moe.gov.tw or contact this Office at tel: +966-11-4881900 ext. 212, or email: tecro.ksa@gmail.com







\n", "date": "2024-01-25 17:06:35", "url": "http://www.roc-taiwan.org/sa_en/post/3159.html" }, { "title": "2024 MOE Taiwan Scholarship is open for applications from February 1", "content": "

Taiwan Scholarship 2024, offered by the Ministry of Education (MOE), ROC (Taiwan), is now open for applications till the end of the coming March. For the academic year 2024-2025, the Scholarship will be awarded to five (5) qualified students from the Kingdom of Saudi Arabia and other countries of this Office’s consular district to undertake studies at the undergraduate or postgraduate level in Taiwan.


The MOE Taiwan Scholarship Program encourages outstanding international students to undertake undergraduate and postgraduate studies in Taiwan by awarding up to NTD 40,000 each semester for each recipient’s approved tuition and miscellaneous expenses. In addition, each recipient’s undertaking undergraduate studies will also be granted a monthly living stipend of NTD 15,000, while undertaking postgraduate studies will get stipend of NTD 20,000 per month.


Eligibility: Please read the link of R5 as bellow


Eligible applicants from the Kingdom of Saudi Arabia and other countries of this Office’s consular district must apply for admission directly to the university or college within its application deadline and submit their application for Taiwan Scholarship through the link (https://taiwanscholarship.moe.gov.tw/Apply).


The application timeline for 2024 Taiwan Scholarship is from February 1 (Thursday) to March 31 (Sunday), 2024. Interviews with qualified candidates in person will be required for the final selection process. And, the selected candidates would be notified by May 31, 2024.


For more information, please browse the Taiwan Scholarship website at https://taiwanscholarship.moe.gov.tw or contact this Office at tel: +966-11-4881900 ext. 212, or email: tecro.ksa@gmail.com




R2_List of UniversitiesColleges Providing Tuition & Miscellaneous Expense Discounts for 2024 MOE Taiwan Scholarship Recipients_2024.03.21更新


R3_List of UniversitiesColleges Offering Degree Programs Taught in English 2024 Academic Year_2024.03.21更新





\n", "date": "2024-01-21 22:38:02", "url": "http://www.roc-taiwan.org/sa_en/post/3147.html" }, { "title": "2025 Taoyuan International Art Award Prospectus and Call for Entries", "content": "



2025 Taoyuan International Art Award Prospectus and Call for Entries


To cultivate talent in contemporary art, Taoyuan Museum of Fine Arts is organizing “2025 Taoyuan International Art Award”.
\nEntry submission starts from 1 April to 26 April 2024.


Artists may participate as an individual or a group. There are no limits on nationality. Submitted entries are not limited in material, category, or size.


Please find below link for more details.

\n", "date": "2024-01-21 16:06:39", "url": "http://www.roc-taiwan.org/sa_en/post/3142.html" } ] }, { "lang": "zh", "branch": "jed", "country": "sa", "name": "駐吉達辦事處(自2017年7月27日暫停運作)", "path": "/sajed/", "items": [] }, { "lang": "en", "branch": "jed", "country": "sa", "name": "Taipei Economic and Cultural Representative Office in Kingdom of Saudi Arabia, Jeddah Office (This website is closed temporarily effective July 27, 2017)", "path": "/sajed_en/", "items": [] }, { "lang": "zh", "branch": "", "country": "dxb", "name": "駐杜拜臺北商務辦事處", "path": "/dxb/", "items": [ { "title": "「2024波灣食品展」台灣廠商攜手拓展中東商機", "content": "

2024波灣食品展」(Gulfood 2024)於本(113)219日至23日在杜拜世貿中心正式展開,外貿協會偕高雄市農會、理知原、山水米、伯朗、法露、統香等15家廠商籌組台灣館,並現場提供產品試吃,推銷台灣優質食品,吸引大批參展廠商及民眾洽詢合作。

































\n", "date": "2024-02-21 21:08:23", "url": "http://www.roc-taiwan.org/dxb/post/7835.html" }, { "title": "台灣廠商參加「2024沙迦國際金屬加工機械展」(2024 STEELFAB)", "content": "

「2024沙迦國際金屬加工機械展」(2024 STEELFAB)於本(113)年1月8日至11日在沙迦國際展覽中心正式展開,我國參展之廠商雖然不多,但我國廠商之尖端技術,以及新穎的大型機械設備,吸引沙迦商會主席Abdullah Sultan Al Owais駐足參觀。


展覽於上午11點由沙迦商會主席Abdullah Sultan Al Owais剪綵後正式開幕,駐杜拜辦事處張治平處長也應邀出席開幕剪綵。


Abdullah主席巡視各國參展廠商攤位時,於我參展之穎漢科技公司前駐足,並向該公司呂宗穎業務經理進一步瞭解我精密機械技術。Abdullah主席表示,沙迦在政府及商會的共同努力下,成功發展多座具法規且系統完善之自由貿易區,並提供各種投資優惠,鼓勵國際企業進駐,另外沙迦的Al Qasimia City為爭取各國廠商進駐,提供進駐前3年房地產、商會、經濟局及市政府等各單位之登記費用全免優惠,Abdullah主席向張治平處長表示歡迎台商來沙迦投資。


駐杜拜辦事處張治平處長向我國參展廠商一一致意。張處長表示,沙迦邦向為阿聯製造業及工業重鎮,尤以疫情後迅速復甦,例如僅次於阿聯第一大自由貿易區Jabel Ali之Hamriyah自貿區,其一區廠商進駐率已高達90%,二區則達70%,並正擴張第三區,預計將吸引更多國際企業進駐。我國製造業發展歷史悠久,兼具經驗、高科技及創新精神,相較他國具有競爭力,允宜考慮以沙迦為中樞,拓展整個中東及非洲市場。






穎漢科技公司呂業務經理向沙迦商會主席Abdullah Sultan Al Owais解釋我機械加工設備





\n", "date": "2024-02-21 21:04:06", "url": "http://www.roc-taiwan.org/dxb/post/7829.html" } ] }, { "lang": "en", "branch": "", "country": "dxb", "name": "The Commercial Office of Taipei, Dubai, U.A.E.", "path": "/dxb_en/", "items": [ { "title": "Taiwanese Companies collectively participate in Gulfood 2024 to expand business opportunities in the Middle East.", "content": "

Gulfood 2024 officially kicked off at the Dubai World Trade Centre from February 19th to 23rd, 2024. TAITRA, along with the Agriculture Bureau of Kaohsiung City Government, DREAMFIELD, SHAN SHUI ME, KING CAR, FOOD HEAVEN, TS BEEHONEY, and 15 other companies, organized the Taiwan Pavilion. They provided product tastings on-site to promote high-quality Taiwanese food products, attracting a large number of exhibitors and attendees for potential cooperation.


On February 20th, Vice Consul Ali Chai from The Commercial Office of Taipei visited the exhibition to cheer on Taiwan's exhibiting companies. Ali Chai mentioned that the UAE, relative to other Gulf countries, has been more open earlier, showing higher acceptance of different cultures and dietary habits, with strong purchasing power. Moreover, since the pandemic, the UAE's economy has been recovering, with a continuous increase in population influx, leading to a sustained rise in demand for fresh foods, staple foods, beverages, snacks, and subsequently boosting growth in food e-commerce and raw material markets. Taiwan's companies focus on quality and innovation, making them relatively more competitive. Ali Chai expressed hopes for Taiwanese business friends to continue expanding opportunities in the UAE market and wished the exhibiting companies great success.


Gulfood 2024 is the most iconic food and beverage exhibition in the Middle East and Africa region. This year, it attracted over 5,500 exhibitors from more than 190 countries. The event also featured over 200 food industry experts and business leaders hosting a series of thematic speeches and seminars to discuss global food security, culinary development, cultural integration, and provide a platform for global food industry players to interact and develop cooperative relationships.




Taitra collaborated with Taiwanese exhibitors to organize the Taiwan Pavilion, significantly enhancing Taiwan's visibility.




Taiwanese distinctive and creative cuisine seizes the Middle Eastern market.




The crowd at Gulfood 2024 venue is numerous.

\n", "date": "2024-02-21 21:45:59", "url": "http://www.roc-taiwan.org/dxb_en/post/3539.html" }, { "title": "Taiwanese companies participated in 2024 STEELFAB.", "content": "

2024 STEELFAB officially kicked off at the Expo Centre Sharjah from January 8th to 11th, 2024. Although the number of Taiwanese exhibitors was not large, their cutting-edge technology and innovative large-scale machinery attracted the Chairman of Sharjah Chamber H.E Abdullah Sultan Al Owais to stop by for a visit.


The exhibition was officially opened at 11:00 am by H.E Abdullah Sultan Al Owais, with Director General Samee Chang also invited to attend the ribbon-cutting ceremony.


H.E Abdullah toured the booths of exhibitors from various countries and stopped by the booth of Ying Han Technology, a company from Taiwan, to further understand the precision machinery technology. H.E Abdullah mentioned that Sharjah has successfully developed several well-regulated and fully-systemized free trade zones through the joint efforts of the government and chambers of commerce. These zones offer various investment incentives to encourage international companies to establish a presence. Additionally, Al Qasimia City in Sharjah provides incentives such as exemption from registration fees for the first three years for real estate, chambers of commerce, economic bureaus, and municipal government units to attract foreign companies. H.E Abdullah welcomed Taiwanese businesses to invest in Sharjah.


Director General Samee Chang expressed his appreciation to the Taiwanese exhibitors. He stated that Sharjah is a key manufacturing and industrial hub in the UAE, particularly experiencing rapid recovery after the pandemic. For instance, Hamriyah Free Zone, the second largest free trade zone in the UAE after Jabel Ali, has achieved a 90% occupancy rate in Zone 1 and 70% in Zone 2, with plans to expand into Zone 3, which is expected to attract more international companies. Taiwan has a long history of manufacturing development, coupled with experience, high technology, and innovative spirit, making it competitive compared to other countries. Therefore, considering Sharjah as a hub to expand into the entire Middle East and Africa market is advisable.


2024 STEELFAB is a representative metal processing machinery exhibition in the Middle East, with participation from 35 countries and over 250 companies this year, expected to attract over 6,000 visitors.




The manager of Ying Han Technology explained the machinery equipment to the Chairman of Sharjah Chamber H.E Abdullah Sultan Al Owais.




This year, 2024 STEELFAB has participation from 35 countries and over 250 companies, expected to attract over 6,000 visitors.

\n", "date": "2024-02-21 21:42:13", "url": "http://www.roc-taiwan.org/dxb_en/post/3532.html" } ] }, { "lang": "zh", "branch": "", "country": "sg", "name": "駐新加坡台北代表處", "path": "/sg/", "items": [ { "title": "溫馨提醒大家本週三(4月10日)為新加坡公共假日開齋節。 本處將依駐在國規定放假1天,特此公告週知。", "content": "溫馨提醒大家本週三(4月10日)為新加坡公共假日開齋節。 本處將依駐在國規定放假1天,特此公告週知。", "date": "2024-04-08 11:44:19", "url": "http://www.roc-taiwan.org/sg/post/42794.html" }, { "title": "公告! 明天(3)月29日(星期五)為新加坡國定假日耶穌受難日(Good Friday),本處將依駐在國規定放假1天。", "content": "公告! 明天(3)月29日(星期五)為新加坡國定假日耶穌受難日(Good Friday),本處將依駐在國規定放假1天。", "date": "2024-03-28 08:45:15", "url": "http://www.roc-taiwan.org/sg/post/42732.html" }, { "title": "公告(駐新加坡台北代表處2024年農曆春節放假通知)", "content": "
















\n", "date": "2024-02-08 14:08:34", "url": "http://www.roc-taiwan.org/sg/post/42381.html" }, { "title": "《中華民國第55屆世界兒童畫展》徵件比賽開跑了!!", "content": "


\n", "date": "2024-01-31 11:10:29", "url": "http://www.roc-taiwan.org/sg/post/42227.html" }, { "title": "中華民國(臺灣)「海外聯合招生委員會」公布本(2024)年「僑生來臺就讀大學校院學士班」新加坡地區簡章,歡迎本地區符合條件畢業生申請赴臺就讀大學", "content": "









駐新加坡台北代表處之地址:460 Alexandra Road, #23-00 mTower, Singapore 119963,詢問電話:65000104 蘇小姐。

\n", "date": "2024-01-16 09:57:55", "url": "http://www.roc-taiwan.org/sg/post/42107.html" }, { "title": "2024年教育部「華語文獎學金」即日起開放申請,歡迎符合資格之新加坡籍學生踴躍提出申請。(請注意:中華民國國民或僑生不符合申請資格!)", "content": "

2024年教育部「華語文獎學金」即日起開放申請,歡迎符合資格之新加坡籍學生踴躍提出申請! (請注意:中華民國國民或僑生不符合申請資格)








住址:460, Alexandra Road, #23-00 mTower, Singapore 119963


如有進一步問題,敬請聯繫:電話:65-65000114 電郵:sgp_press@mofa.gov.tw









\n", "date": "2024-01-15 14:11:04", "url": "http://www.roc-taiwan.org/sg/post/42079.html" }, { "title": "2024年教育部「臺灣獎學金」即日起開放申請,歡迎符合資格之新加坡籍學生踴躍提出申請。(請注意:中華民國國民或僑生不符合申請資格!)", "content": "









住址:460, Alexandra Road, #23-00 mTower Building. Singapore 119963


倘有進一步問題,敬請聯繫:電話:65-6500-0114   電郵:sgp_press@mofa.gov.tw


2024 教育部台灣獎學金申請表













\n", "date": "2024-01-15 13:41:20", "url": "http://www.roc-taiwan.org/sg/post/42066.html" }, { "title": "移民組徵人事", "content": "

工作地址:460 Alexandra Road #23-00, mTower, Singapore 119963




工作內容:本處移民組業務 。


試用期間:3個月 。



  1. 專科以上畢業。
  2. \n
  3. 具備中、英文聽說讀寫能力。
  4. \n
  5. 基礎文書處理技能。
  6. \n
  7. 熟悉網路平台操作。
  8. \n
  9. 具新加坡公民或永久居民身分。
  10. \n




\n", "date": "2024-01-08 10:58:08", "url": "http://www.roc-taiwan.org/sg/post/42015.html" } ] }, { "lang": "en", "branch": "", "country": "sg", "name": "Taipei Representative Office in the Republic of Singapore", "path": "/sg_en/", "items": [ { "title": "Please be informed that the Taipei Representative Office in Singapore will be closed on Wednesday (10, April, 2024) in observance of Hari Raya Aidilfitri.", "content": "Please be informed that the Taipei Representative Office in Singapore will be closed on Wednesday (10, April, 2024) in observance of Hari Raya Aidilfitri. ", "date": "2024-04-08 11:46:06", "url": "http://www.roc-taiwan.org/sg_en/post/12790.html" }, { "title": "The Taipei Representative Office in Singapore will be closed on Friday, 29 March 2024 in observance of Good Friday.", "content": "The Taipei Representative Office in Singapore will be closed on Friday, 29 March 2024 in observance of Good Friday.", "date": "2024-03-28 08:48:17", "url": "http://www.roc-taiwan.org/sg_en/post/12776.html" }, { "title": "National Tsing Hua University's \"Master of Psychology and Counseling Program for Working Professionals in Singapore\" is open for application.", "content": "National Tsing Hua University's \"Master of Psychology and Counseling Program for Working Professionals in Singapore\" is open for application.", "date": "2024-03-27 13:38:24", "url": "http://www.roc-taiwan.org/sg_en/post/12774.html" }, { "title": "The Taipei Representative Office in Singapore will be closed for Lunar New Year from 12.00pm., 9 to 12 February 2024.", "content": "

This office will be closed for Lunar New Year holiday from 12:00pm, 9 to 12 February 2024.


We apologize for any inconvenience caused.  Thank you for your understanding.



\n", "date": "2024-02-08 14:05:21", "url": "http://www.roc-taiwan.org/sg_en/post/12700.html" }, { "title": "✨\"The 55th WORLD SCHOOLCHILDREN’S ART EXHIBITION\" Call for entries✨", "content": "



We are pleased to invite you to participate in the 55th World School Children’s Art Exhibition to be held from August 7 to August 25, 2024, in Taipei, Republic of China (Taiwan).



\n", "date": "2024-01-31 11:01:39", "url": "http://www.roc-taiwan.org/sg_en/post/12669.html" } ] }, { "lang": "zh", "branch": "", "country": "sb", "name": "索羅門群島", "path": "/sb/", "items": [] }, null, { "lang": "zh", "branch": "", "country": "th", "name": "駐泰國台北經濟文化辦事處", "path": "/th/", "items": [ { "title": "駐泰國代表處2024年5月份休假公告", "content": "











駐泰國臺北經濟文化辦事處 敬啟

\n", "date": "2024-04-24 16:41:22", "url": "http://www.roc-taiwan.org/th/post/19493.html" }, { "title": "駐泰國臺北經濟文化辦事處教育組誠徵專案助理1名", "content": "



\n1. 具泰國國籍。
\n2. 大學以上學歷;中文聽說讀寫流利;熟悉電腦文書操作(擅長美術編輯軟體者尤佳),取得華語文能力測驗證書或其他華語能力證明者。


\n1. 協助教育相關資訊蒐集、整理中文文書處理。
\n2. 協助連繫泰國及臺灣教育相關機構及留學生。
\n3. 協助辦理教育推廣活動(如工作坊、研習營)及行銷推廣臺灣教育。
\n4. 其他交辦事項。


















\nEmail: tecthailand168@gmail.com

\n", "date": "2024-04-24 14:50:03", "url": "http://www.roc-taiwan.org/th/post/19487.html" }, { "title": "國家圖書館漢學研究中心「外籍學人來台研究漢學獎助」本(2024)年開放申請,自即日起至5月31日止,歡迎把握機會踴躍申請。", "content": "



「外籍學人來臺研究漢學獎助」,獎助國外大學及學術機構相關系所之外籍教授、副教授、助理教授 (含博士後研究)、博士候選人,來臺從事學術研究。研究主題以漢學或臺灣研究為原則,研究期間為1個月至1年不等。










01外籍學人來臺研究漢學獎助實施要點及申請表 (Introduction and application form)





\n", "date": "2024-04-18 10:44:00", "url": "http://www.roc-taiwan.org/th/post/19466.html" }, { "title": "花蓮地震捐款 衛福部專戶即日起開放3管道", "content": "















\nNAME:「Taiwan Foundation for Disaster Relief」。










進入LINE Pay主頁後選擇「愛心捐款」平台,即可點選「0403 花蓮震災募款專案」進行捐款,用戶可選擇以綁定之銀行信用卡、簽帳金融卡進行捐款。







\n", "date": "2024-04-05 11:46:29", "url": "http://www.roc-taiwan.org/th/post/19391.html" }, { "title": "僑委會向海外僑胞們報聲平安", "content": "















來源:僑務委員會Facebook  https://www.facebook.com/share/p/WbTa9Zw8N2oPuTbZ/?mibextid=xfxF2i

\n", "date": "2024-04-05 11:44:35", "url": "http://www.roc-taiwan.org/th/post/19386.html" }, { "title": "國發會雙語政策影片", "content": "國發會雙語政策影片", "date": "2024-04-01 17:05:14", "url": "http://www.roc-taiwan.org/th/post/19354.html" }, { "title": "文化部翻譯出版獎勵計畫2024年4月1日至30日開放徵件", "content": "







中文簡章   Application Guidelines

\n", "date": "2024-03-28 13:59:19", "url": "http://www.roc-taiwan.org/th/post/19347.html" }, { "title": "泰國金湯普森藝術中心《Nomadic 游牧》特展 邀臺灣藝術家林羿綺、曹良賓呈現歷史跨域流動面貌", "content": "

泰國金湯普森藝術中心3月21日起展出新一季的特展《Nomadic游牧》,本次展覽借用遊牧民族的概念,重塑在亞洲常見的身分認同流動與家園的多重性,來自臺灣的藝術家林羿綺、曹良賓在策展人鄭秀慧(Dr. Vennes Cheng)的策劃下,與來自泰國、印尼、新加坡、日本、香港的藝術家一同以作品呈現屬於東亞及東南亞的移民流轉面貌,試圖描繪出這些區域間的聯繫與關係,辨別出亞洲多元文化的不同視角。




林羿綺主要創作以錄像、實驗電影和影像裝置為主,本次展出作品《Transoceanic Practice》以其家庭故事為出發點,透過追尋金門人移民至東南亞的足跡,描繪他們的後殖民經歷、身份認同和集體記憶的概念。


曹良賓的作品《Becoming Taiwanese: As Ritual》透過記錄在臺灣前身為日本神社的忠烈祠,思考不同統治者在臺灣興替所留下的治理痕跡,以及遺跡所代表的意識形態與續存意義,進而探討臺灣人身分所代表的意涵。


泰國金湯普森藝術中心位於曼谷市區,臨近曼谷空鐵BTS國家體育場站(National Stadium),本次展覽展期至6月5日並舉辦藝術家座談,歡迎有興趣的觀眾前往參觀。




\"1\" \"2\" \"3\" \"4\"

\n", "date": "2024-03-22 18:26:51", "url": "http://www.roc-taiwan.org/th/post/19332.html" }, { "title": "【宣導】入出國及移民法新制-不能不知道(自113年3月1日實施之新制重點說明)", "content": "









入出國及移民法-新制說明-2024年3月1日起實施部分 (PDF檔案說明)





\n", "date": "2024-03-13 16:56:08", "url": "http://www.roc-taiwan.org/th/post/19321.html" }, { "title": "外交部領事事務局「旅外安全指南APP」全新改版上線,新增定位推播功能,歡迎民眾下載並多加利用", "content": "





為提供旅外國人旅外安全及急難救助服務多元管道,外交部領事事務局自101年2月29日起提供「旅外救助指南」 (APP)智慧型手機應用程式讓國人免費下載。該APP已於113年1月25日正式更名為「旅外安全指南(Travel Safety Guidance)」(APP),以更符合提供國人全方位旅外安全資訊服務之功能。








出國旅遊的民眾只要下載安裝旅外安全指南APP,等於帶了一位行動秘書,結合智慧型手機之適地性服務(Location-Based Service),讓您能隨時隨地查閱出國相關的行前準備(如申辦護照、簽證及旅行保險等)、查詢旅遊國家資訊(如簽證及入境資訊、生活須知、旅遊警示)、進行「出國登錄」服務、查詢急難救助服務資訊(含各駐外館處聯絡資訊),與使用即時翻譯等功能。




領務局將持續優化「旅外安全指南」APP,擴充實用新功能,提供民眾更完善貼心的旅外安全與急難救助服務!歡迎立即到App Store及Google Play下載。





\n", "date": "2024-03-01 11:34:46", "url": "http://www.roc-taiwan.org/th/post/19287.html" }, { "title": "駐泰國代表處將於2024年3月19日及20日至清邁辦理行動領務服務", "content": "












\n", "date": "2024-02-23 16:23:26", "url": "http://www.roc-taiwan.org/th/post/19253.html" }, { "title": "第29屆臺中市大墩美展徵件", "content": "

臺中市大墩美展自1996年開始舉辦,2002年擴大為國際性美術比賽,在每年4月間藉由公開徵件方式,廣邀來自世界各國從事墨彩、書法、篆刻、膠彩、油畫水彩、版畫、攝影、雕塑、工藝、數位藝術等11大類創作領域的藝術家共同參與。2024年度開放徵件時間自4月1日至15日,歡迎相關領域藝術家報名參加,相關訊息詳見大墩美展官網: https://www.dadunfae.taichung.gov.tw/




\n", "date": "2024-02-05 14:56:17", "url": "http://www.roc-taiwan.org/th/post/19224.html" }, { "title": "財團法人周大觀文教基金會『全球熱愛生命獎章』徵選公告", "content": "財團法人周大觀文教基金會『全球熱愛生命獎章』徵選公告", "date": "2024-02-02 18:02:37", "url": "http://www.roc-taiwan.org/th/post/19215.html" }, { "title": "駐泰國代表處誠徵行政組乙類雇員1名事", "content": "



\n3 熟悉電腦文書操作,具資訊電腦背景尤佳。








有意者請於2月26日(星期一)前備妥簡歷表、身分證及學歷證件影本及中文自傳寄至tha@mofa.gov.tw或洽行政組李秘書玉麟(02- 1193555ext. 316),面試時間另行通知。

\n", "date": "2024-01-29 14:48:30", "url": "http://www.roc-taiwan.org/th/post/19191.html" }, { "title": "中華民國第55屆世界兒童畫展國內、海外徵畫比賽開跑", "content": "
















\n", "date": "2024-01-25 12:06:00", "url": "http://www.roc-taiwan.org/th/post/19181.html" }, { "title": "2024年台北國際書展,自2月20日至25日於台北世貿一館盛大開展", "content": "










\n", "date": "2024-01-18 17:15:02", "url": "http://www.roc-taiwan.org/th/post/19150.html" }, { "title": "2024年台灣獎學金泰國地區簡章(報名期間以郵戳為憑,自2024 年 2 月 1 日起至 3 月 31 日止)", "content": "

2024 臺 灣 獎 學 金 泰 國 地 區 簡 章


駐泰國代表處為辦理 2024 年「臺灣獎學金」,特依中華民國教育部「臺灣獎學金作業要點」及相關規定訂定本簡章。


一、獎學金名額:18 名




(一) 學費及雜費(包括學分費及學雜費基數):受獎生學費及雜費每學期於新臺幣 4 萬元以內,由教育部核實補助,超過新臺幣四萬元者,不足部分由受獎生自行繳交就讀學校;雜費不包括代收代辦費、論文指導費、保險、住宿及網路使用費等相關費用,由受獎生自行負擔。
\n(二) 生活補助費:教育部補助大學生每月新臺幣 1 萬 5,000 元,碩士及博士生每月新臺幣 2 萬元。來回機票、食宿費及其它雜支費用等,均應自行由獎學金中支應,不另提供補助。








(一) 各級學位最長受獎期限,大學部四年、碩士班二年、博士班四年。




(二) 獎學金年度受獎期間,自每年九月一日起至次年八月三十一日止。
\n(三) 生活補助費核給期限,自受獎生實際就學當月起至受獎期限屆滿、




\n報名期間:自 2024 年 2 月 1 日起至 2024 年 3 月 31 日截止(以郵戳為憑)


Education Division
\nTaipei Economic and Cultural Office in Thailand
\n40/64 Soi Vibhavadi-Rangsit 66, Vibhavadi-Rangsit Road, Talat Bangkhen,
\nLaksi, Bangkok 10210 Thailand





\n", "date": "2024-01-17 11:50:13", "url": "http://www.roc-taiwan.org/th/post/19133.html" }, { "title": "駐泰國臺北經濟文化辦事處教育組誠徵專案助理1名", "content": "

\n• 資格條件:
\n1. 具泰國國籍。
\n2. 大學以上學歷;中文聽說讀寫流利;熟悉電腦文書操作(擅長進行美術編輯軟體者尤佳),取得華語文能力測驗證書或其他華語能力證明者。




• 工作內容:
\n1. 協助教育相關資訊蒐集、整理等中文文書處理。
\n2. 協助連繫泰國及臺灣教育相關機構及留學生。
\n3. 協助行銷推廣臺灣教育。
\n4. 其他交辦事項。




• 薪資:月薪30,400泰銖起薪。




• 應聘者經書面審查資格優良者,通知前來本處參加面試。不合格者,恕不退件。




• 意者請檢附個人履歷表(附照片)、中文自傳、華語文能力證明、身分證及最高學歷證件、成績單影本等相關文件,以電郵寄交本處教育組韋明珠專員,收件日期至2024年2月14日截止,面試時間將另行通知。


Email: tecthailand168@gmail.com

\n", "date": "2024-01-17 11:40:20", "url": "http://www.roc-taiwan.org/th/post/19129.html" }, { "title": "桃園市立美術館主辦「2025年桃源國際藝術獎」將於2024年4月1日至26日開放線上徵件", "content": "






\n", "date": "2024-01-09 12:26:11", "url": "http://www.roc-taiwan.org/th/post/19122.html" }, { "title": "駐泰國台北經濟文化辦事處誠徵專案招生助理1名", "content": "


  1. 具泰國國籍或泰國合法工作證。
  2. \n
  3. 申請人須具備大學(含)以上學歷、精通華語、泰語及熟悉中文電腦文書處理。
  4. \n




  1. E-mail: thailand@ocac.gov.tw
  2. \n
  3. 地址:40/64 Vibhavadi-Rangsit 66, Laksi, Bangkok 10210
  4. \n


\n", "date": "2024-01-05 15:18:21", "url": "http://www.roc-taiwan.org/th/post/19114.html" } ] }, { "lang": "en", "branch": "", "country": "th", "name": "Taipei Economic and Cultural Office in Thailand", "path": "/th_en/", "items": [ { "title": "Holiday Announcement (May 2024)", "content": "
  1. To mark the occasion of Labour Day, this office will be closed on Wednesday, May 1st, 2024.
  2. \n
  3. This office will be closed on Monday,  May 6, 2024 as the make-up holiday for Royal Coronation Day which is on Saturday, May 4th, 2024.
  4. \n
  5. To mark the occasion of Royal Ploughing Ceremony Day, this office will be closed on Friday, May 10th, 2024.
  6. \n
  7. To mark the occasion of Visakha Bucha Day, this office will be closed on Wednesday, May 22nd, 2024.\n

    Taipei Economic and Cultural Office in Thailand

  8. \n
\n", "date": "2024-04-24 16:47:10", "url": "http://www.roc-taiwan.org/th_en/post/6707.html" }, { "title": "2024 Taiwan Fashion Design Award is seeking global young talents to shape the future fashion", "content": "

Download the award introduction :


2024 TFDA is Seeking Global Young Talents to Shape the Future of Fashion!







\n", "date": "2024-04-18 15:43:07", "url": "http://www.roc-taiwan.org/th_en/post/6700.html" }, { "title": "Research Grant for Foreign Scholars in Chinese Studies in Taiwan by the National Library of Taiwan", "content": "

1. The Center for Chinese Studies (CCS) of the National Library of ROC (Taiwan)  has the following provisions for its research grant program.


2. This program aims at foreign professors, associate professors, assistant professors (including post-doctoral researchers) and doctoral candidates in departments related to Chinese or Taiwanese studies at foreign universities, as well as researchers at related foreign academic institutes. The research should be undertaken in Taiwan, and be focused mainly on Taiwan or Chinese studies.


3. CCS provides assistance with research expenses, research materials, liaison with universities and research institutions, and use of CCS facilities, etc.  (A direct round-trip ticket between the domicile of grant recipients and Taipei is available; monthly grants are awarded according to the following scale: Professor NT$ 60,000 ; Associate Professor NT﹩50,000 ; Assistant Professor NT﹩40,000 ; Doctoral Candidate NT﹩40,000).


4. Research tenure is one month to one year.


5. Applications should be submitted to the CCS by May 31 of each year before the year in which grants are intended to be used; notification of CCS’s decision will be given by the end of August of the same year after a careful review. Applications should include the following documents:


(1) Application form


(2) Curriculum Vitae (including a list of publications)


(3) Research plan


(4) Letter(s) of recommendation




Application information can be reached by the link at https://ccs.ncl.edu.tw/ccs2/ENGLISH/information.aspx




Attached files:


01外籍學人來臺研究漢學獎助實施要點及申請表 (Introduction and Application form)


02單頁文宣 (Flyer 1)


03雙頁文宣 (Flyer 2)

\n", "date": "2024-04-18 10:51:23", "url": "http://www.roc-taiwan.org/th_en/post/6693.html" }, { "title": "Applying for “Grant for the Publication of Taiwanese Works in Translation (GPT)” is opening from April 1st – 30th, 2024", "content": "

Grant for the Publication of Taiwanese Works in Translation (GPT) is set up by The Ministry of Culture to encourage the publication of Taiwanese works in translation overseas. The grant covers licensing fee, translation fee, marketing and promotion fee, book production-oriented fee etc. The priority consideration is given to books have received the Golden Tripod Award, the Golden Comic Award, the Taiwan Literature Award, books on Taiwan’s culture and history, or series of books. The maximum grant available for each project is NT$ 600,000.


Applicants for the marketing and promotion fee must propose a promotion plan and complete the implementation before submitting the grant project results; those whose plans include talks or book launching events attended by authors in person will be given priority for grants.


The online application is open from April 1st – 30th, 2024 on https://grants.moc.gov.tw/Web_ENG/.


For more detail and regulations, please read the attachment or the website https://booksfromtaiwan.tw/grant.php.


Application Guidelines   中文簡章

\n", "date": "2024-03-28 14:02:25", "url": "http://www.roc-taiwan.org/th_en/post/6558.html" }, { "title": "Regulations for Newly Revised Immigration Act(Effective as of March 1,2024)", "content": "

Regulations for Newly Revised Immigration Act(Effective as of March 1,2024)


Source : National Immigration Agency of Taiwan




Regulations For Newly Revised Immigration Act of Taiwan (effective as of March 1st 2024 ) (PDF Download)

\n", "date": "2024-03-13 17:01:13", "url": "http://www.roc-taiwan.org/th_en/post/6542.html" }, { "title": "2024 Asia-Pacific Sustainable Action Awards", "content": "

The 2024 Asia-Pacific Sustainability Action Awards (APSAA) is organized by Taiwan Institute for Sustainable Energy (TAISE) to recognize organizations and individuals that have dedicated themselves to advancing sustainable development goals (SDGs).




The APSAA are awarded in three categories:

  1. The Sustainability Action Award encourages good practices of the SDGs across different industries.
  2. \n
  3. The Livable and Sustainable City Award acknowledges local governments that have implemented policies and programs for developing a sustainable city.
  4. \n
  5. The Change-maker Award recognizes individuals who act as a chief sustainability officer or equivalent and make remarkable contributions for corporate sustainability.
  6. \n



Applicants are required to complete online registration and submission before May 31st.




Please visit event website for more information:https://tcsaward.org.tw/en/about/selection2/2024-APSAA




Download: 2024_APSAA_Brochure

\n", "date": "2024-03-12 11:43:11", "url": "http://www.roc-taiwan.org/th_en/post/6533.html" }, { "title": "The 29th Da Dun Fine Arts Exhibition Open Call", "content": "

The Da Dun Fine Arts Exhibition started as a local exhibition in 1996 in Taichung City. By April 2002 it had already grown into an internationally recognized annual event and become a globally important art exchange platform.




There are eleven fine arts categories: Ink Wash Painting, Calligraphy, Seal Graving, Glue Color Painting, Oil Painting, Watercolor Painting, Printmaking, Photography, Sculpture, Crafts and Digital Art.




The application of the 29th exhibition will start from 1-15 April, 2024. For more information, please see the official website: https://www.dadunfae.taichung.gov.tw/





\n", "date": "2024-02-05 15:50:30", "url": "http://www.roc-taiwan.org/th_en/post/6453.html" }, { "title": "Call for Entries-the 55th World School Children’s Art Exhibition", "content": "

The Association for Education Through Art is pleased to invite schoolchildren aged 3-15 worldwide to participate in the 55th World School Children’s Art Exhibition. The purpose of the exhibition is to promote cross-cultural understanding and friendship among the young generation through the exchange of art work.




All entries must be submitted no later than on April 15, 2024. Please see attached file or contact s3985529@gmail.com for more information











\n", "date": "2024-01-25 12:09:29", "url": "http://www.roc-taiwan.org/th_en/post/6434.html" }, { "title": "The Taipei International Book Fair (TIBF) will be held grandly at Taipei World Trade Center Hall 1 on 20-25 February, 2024", "content": "

The Taipei International Book Fair (TIBF) will be held grandly at Taipei World Trade Center Hall 1 from 20-25 February, 2024. TIBF will showcase Taiwan's rich and high-quality publications. This year the Netherlands is invited as guest of honor. Through writers, illustrators, and literary works, the Netherlands' pavilion hopes to share the admiration for tolerance and freedom of speech with Taiwanese readers.
\nThere are other national theme pavilions in TIBF. Thailand will use \"Borderless\" as its exhibition theme, bring together 22 publishing houses to display nearly 350 publications, and integrate Thailand's famous IP characters. Also Belgium, France, Germany and other countries organize their theme exhibition with features. For more information, please check the website (https://www.tibe.org.tw/) and Facebook page (https://www.facebook.com/taipeibookfair/).





\n", "date": "2024-01-18 17:17:01", "url": "http://www.roc-taiwan.org/th_en/post/6413.html" }, { "title": "2024 Huayu Enrichment Scholarship (HES) for Thai Students (Application from 1st February to 31st March, 2024)", "content": "

2024 Huayu Enrichment Scholarship (HES) for Thai Students by Taiwan Ministry of Education


◎ Application Date: 1st February - 31st March, 2024


◎ Quota: Maximum 240 months
\n◎ Grant: A monthly stipend of NTD25,000
\n◎ Grant period: three months, six months, nine months, or twelve months
\n◎Contact: Educational Division, Taipei Economic and Cultural Office in Thailand via
\nemail: tecthailand168@gmail.com, or consult with LINE @TTedu




Related document download : https://drive.google.com/drive/folders/1kxaZiIQ_A4R6U5by8c443Ml7a9Fim35p




2024 Huayu Enrichment Scholarship(HES) Directions For Thai Students


Application Form for HES 2024

\n", "date": "2024-01-17 16:37:21", "url": "http://www.roc-taiwan.org/th_en/post/6406.html" }, { "title": "2024 Taiwan Scholarship for Thai Students by Ministry of Education of Taiwan", "content": "

2024 Taiwan Scholarship Directions for Thai Students


by Taiwan Ministry of Education


◎Application Date: 1st February - 31st March, 2024


◎Quota: 18 Students


◎ Grant: Tuition, miscellaneous expenses, and living allowance (If tuition and miscellaneous expenses exceed a total amount of NTD 40,000, the remaining amount must be paid to the university/college by the student.)


◎Grant period: four years for undergraduate programs, two years for master’s degree programs, and four years for doctorate programs.


◎Contact: Educational Division, Taipei Economic and Cultural Office in Thailand via email: tecthailand168@gmail.com, or consult with LINE @TTedu


Related Documents Download (Direction, Application form, Information for English taught programs) : https://drive.google.com/drive/folders/1SaBT06V_7AA_BZa5zoQ3V897u51N0mZa?usp=sharing

\n", "date": "2024-01-17 11:57:28", "url": "http://www.roc-taiwan.org/th_en/post/6398.html" }, { "title": "”2025 TAOYUAN INTERNATIONAL ART AWARD” will soon be opened for online application from April 1 to 26, 2024.", "content": "

”2025 TAOYUAN INTERNATIONAL ART AWARD” is organized by Taoyuan Museum of Fine Arts and will soon be opened for online application from April 1 to 26, 2024. Its core mission is to promote cultural diversity in contemporary art worldwide and discover artistic propositions that embody modern viewpoints. For the detail of applying, please check the official website https://tmofa-tiaa.com/eng .



\n", "date": "2024-01-09 12:29:40", "url": "http://www.roc-taiwan.org/th_en/post/6393.html" } ] }, { "lang": "zh", "branch": "", "country": "tr", "name": "駐安卡拉台北經濟文化代表團", "path": "/tr/", "items": [ { "title": "4月23日為土耳其國家主權日國定假日,本處暫停對外服務", "content": "

2024年4月23日(週二)適逢土耳其「國家主權日」國定假日,本處配合暫停對外服務1日,並於4月24日(週三)恢復上班。 倘有急難救助事項,請撥本處急難救助電話:+90-5323227162

\n", "date": "2024-04-22 21:01:03", "url": "http://www.roc-taiwan.org/tr/post/11286.html" }, { "title": "4月8日起至12日為土耳其開齋節國定假日,本處暫停對外服務", "content": "

2024年4月8日(週一)起至12日(周五)適逢土耳其「開齋節」(Ramazan Bayramı)國定假日,本處配合暫停對外服務5日,並於4月15日(週一)恢復上班。 倘有急難救助事項,請撥本處急難救助電話:+90-5323227162

\n", "date": "2024-04-06 22:34:17", "url": "http://www.roc-taiwan.org/tr/post/11280.html" }, { "title": "土國台商會2024年首次大會,會員齊聚", "content": "

土耳其台灣商會 於今年3月2日在 伊斯坦堡 舉辦2024年首場會員大會暨稅務海運論壇講座,本處黃志揚代表應邀出席;現場邀請土耳其🇹🇷財務方面相關之律師及會計師分享土國投資稅務實戰經驗,在土深耕多年的台商及我商派駐土國包含 長榮海運、#陽明海運、允強、 東元電機 TECO、全漢企業 等企業代表等均熱烈參與討論。
\n論壇第二部分,邀請陽明海運駐土耳其分公司總經理張見陸及長榮海運駐土耳其代表簡申泰等分享紅海問題對航運的影響;面臨瞬息萬變之國際情勢,專家也建議業者在思考貨運方案時,或可將習慣採用的「just in time」策略,改為「just in case」,以應對突發狀況來臨時的替代方案。



\n", "date": "2024-03-02 18:16:08", "url": "http://www.roc-taiwan.org/tr/post/11176.html" }, { "title": "黃代表應邀前往Hatay省出席國際關懷組織土耳其分會(CARE Türkiye)辦理之震災周年紀念", "content": "

黃代表遠赴位於土國南部 Hatay 省地震重災區之一İskenderun市出席 CARE 國際關懷組織土耳其分會震災周年紀念活動,並以代表各贊助國致詞。該組織駐土耳其代表Rishana Haniffa、助理區域代表Zena Ni Dhuinn Bhig、Hatay省三名Defne市協調行政長官Ebubekir Erdoğan、Kübra Nur Taşçı、Ömer Faruk Koç及聯合國難民署(UNHCR)、國際移民組織(#IOM)等國際組織與土國非政府組織等也派員出席。




黃大使致詞表示,此次是他在土國震災後第18次訪問災區,透過多次訪問,近來發現災區情況已逐漸改善。台灣多年來致力推動人道援助,所以震災後,我國除了馬上派遣包括130名搜救人員及5隻搜救犬組成的搜救隊趕往土國災區Adıyaman省搜救外,也捐助了200萬美元協助土國賑災,我國人亦踴躍響應並在短短一個月內自發捐款超過4,100萬美元及主動籌措多達415噸物資運往土國災區。本處也充分運用我國賑災款項與土國各界合作推動10項賑災工作,包括緊急援助、糧食、庇護所、衛生醫療、心理輔導、保護、教育、生計及身障等層面。在CARE Türkiye之積極推動下,我國物資及資源成功迅速發放及嘉惠諸多包括在Hatay, Adıyaman及İslahiye各災區省分的災民,協助他們度過最艱困的時刻。



\n", "date": "2024-02-17 18:19:24", "url": "http://www.roc-taiwan.org/tr/post/11181.html" }, { "title": "本處黃代表出席《天搖地動》(Sarsılma)紀念專書活動緬懷土國震災周年", "content": "

黃代表以特邀嘉賓身分赴伊斯坦堡省出席該省最主要行政區Beyoğlu市政府、土耳其新聞攝影記者協會(Turkish News Cameramen Association)及社會發展與援助動員協會(ASAM)共同舉辦的震災紀念專書《天搖地動》(Sarsılma)發表會及頒獎儀式,紀念土國去年7.7級世紀震災周年活動。黃代表除致詞、頒發獎項外也接受土國媒體A News專訪。Beyoğlu市長Haydar Ali Yıldız、行政長官Can Aksoy、攝影記者協會主席Aytekin Polatel及ASAM副幹事長Ayşegül Eriş等人均出席,土國所有主流新聞媒體總編輯及高階主管亦共襄盛舉。
\nHaydar Ali Yıldız市長也肯定媒體工作者的震災期間的犧牲奉獻,這本專書呈現各地災區發生的故事以及國人團結合作的感人情節。攝影記者協會會長Aytekin Polatel及ASAM副幹事長Ayşegül Eriş則在致詞時特別感謝台灣人民的愛心與友誼。
\n會後出席及得獎記者紛紛在社群媒體上發文紀念,其中具有160萬粉絲的CNN土耳其頻道名主播Fullya Öztürk還特別在個人IG帳戶限時動態放上黃代表致詞的短影片。



\n", "date": "2024-02-15 18:22:47", "url": "http://www.roc-taiwan.org/tr/post/11189.html" }, { "title": "台灣公私協力送暖,持續關懷烏克蘭難民孤兒教育及成長", "content": "

\n黃代表去年8月視察這個「教育接軌」(reconnect to school)援助計畫時,烏國領事Oleksandr Voronin及「無戰事童年」( Childhood Without War )組織曾請求為烏克蘭孩童在旅館內訂製至少70組課桌椅,以及設置綜合運動設施。長年在台熱心公益的台商李清郎得知後,主動與同為 高雄市立高雄高級中學 79級校友 的黃代表聯繫,盼能貢獻己力,幫助難民孩童受教,也支持政府推動國際人道援助,也讓這群難童孤兒更多人得以在旅館房間繼續就學,不同年齡層青少年或孩童還可在課餘使用健身及遊憩的專業設施。
\n黃代表訪視時表示,我國🇹🇼長年致力國際人道援助工作,並積極與土國政府及非政府組織合作推動包括烏克蘭孩童教育接軌計畫等計畫,此次也為我國台商積極施援感到驕傲,台灣 公私協力 聯手土國、烏國政府及兩國非政府組織共同為歷經戰事的烏克蘭難童創造一個更好的接軌教育及生活環境。
\nOleksandr Voronin領事除了感謝,還直言原本不敢有太高期待的請求,沒想到台灣政府與民間人士的愛心如此有效率,孩子們的笑容就是最好的回報。



\n", "date": "2024-02-05 18:24:44", "url": "http://www.roc-taiwan.org/tr/post/11194.html" }, { "title": "天冷了,來碗熱湯吧! 台灣援助災民行動湯車持續暖心及暖胃!", "content": "

本處與安卡拉市政府合作針對提供地震災民熱食的「行動廚房車輛計畫」,委託市府所屬 BELPA 設計製造行動湯車及行動廚房貨櫃車,在復原初期,不僅針對地震重災區居民,也幫助遷移至首度安卡拉暫居的災民,全天供應三餐熱食,其中行動湯車製作完成開始運用,2個月以來已經在不同地點提供上萬人次熱湯及、麵包及熱茶,於行動廚房貨櫃車於近日內掛牌後馬上亦將送至重災區Hatay省準備加入免費供餐等援助行列。


在地震即將滿周年之際,日前,本處黃代表志揚由安卡拉市政府副秘書長Mustafa Kemal Çokakoğlu、市府計畫協調人Fulya Cinar Onal及BELPA公司總經理Cagri Durak等人陪同,視察行動湯車在市郊Mamak地區安卡拉市政府所屬之社區中心(Araplar Family Life Center)供應居民熱湯情形。







\n", "date": "2024-02-03 18:27:36", "url": "http://www.roc-taiwan.org/tr/post/11198.html" }, { "title": "探索台灣,無限精彩", "content": "

本處與土耳其外交政策協會 Foreign Policy Institute 合作的探索台灣:華語與文化課程第2期結業囉。這次課程仍然由 TaiwanICDF財團法人國際合作發展基金會 華語教師高子晴老師及土國知名國際關係學者共同授課,帶大家了解台灣的語言及文化,大家都收穫滿滿


本處黃志揚代表在最後一堂課向參與課程的學員演講說明台灣政經濟社文發展現況、地緣政治的角色、兩岸關係,以及我國剛成功舉辦完的總統選舉,演講後還進行有獎徵答,土耳其同學熱情搶答,無論新任副總統當選人 蕭美琴 Bi-khim Hsiao 最喜歡的寵物是貓、台灣最高峰是玉山及台灣首都是台北等等都難不倒熱情好學的學員。得獎者都對獲得來自台灣的2024限量版精美記事案曆感到驚喜。









\n", "date": "2024-01-30 18:29:28", "url": "http://www.roc-taiwan.org/tr/post/11205.html" }, { "title": "台灣援土災後教育重建計畫成效升級", "content": "
本處黃志揚代表16日前往土國去年2月地震重災區之一,卡赫拉瑪拉什省(Kahramanmaraş)探視台灣援助災後教育重建計畫的執行成效。並在負責卡省Koç, Karacasu及Necip Fazıl三座組合屋城市行政長官柯達絲(Esra Kodaz)女士及土國非政府組織「社會發展與援助動員協會」(Association for Social Development and Aid Mobilization, ASAM)災區總協調官江派拉(Hasan Can Pala)等人全程陪同下,探視3座組合屋城市內,依據各自城市人口及土國教育部規劃,分別所設 #組合屋資訊教室 (Container computer classroom) 以及 行動資訊教室(Mobile computer classroom) 。隨後並前往卡省最大的薛特具伊曼大學(Sütçü İmam üniversitesi)瞭解我援助重建的電腦教室運作情形及參與剪綵儀式。我國透過提供卡省各組合屋電腦教室及行動教室捐贈共超過200部筆電,去年9月21日啟用至今,共辦理408項課程及活動,已造福5,276名學齡兒童,包含844名特殊需求學童,而在薛特具伊曼大學所捐贈100部國產優質筆記型電腦,主要用於支援教育學院約2,500名學生及訓練未來教師之需求。這個計畫可說是嘉惠從小學到大學的土國學子。
卡省組合屋城市行政長官柯達絲女士陪同參訪時表示,目前所轄管三個組合屋城市居民總人數超過兩萬人,其中學童約4, 500人,由於目前正規教育體系仍缺乏資源,學童教育,如上課時間或使用資訊設備多有不足之處,感謝我國支持填補災區教育復原時期的缺口,鼓勵及輔助居住在組合屋城市內的學童得以順利學習。
薛特具伊曼大學校長亞森(Prof. Dr. Alptekin Yasım)則率該大學兩位副校長及教育學院院長等教職員盛大歡迎黃代表來訪,並共同為我國捐贈之電腦教室啟用剪綵。亞森校長感謝來自台灣的關鍵協助,因為去年的大地震,卡省地處地震帶,造成嚴重毀損,該校共有兩個校區,其中一個也遭到重創而廢棄,許多校舍建築與原有電腦教室設備都遭到毀損。幸賴這批性能優異的電腦援贈,使得震後,相關教學得以維持運作,讓同學們能迅速恢復學習動能,全校近4萬名師生均對此滿意與感激。
\"419571873_731951739036060_8815155439351016903_n\" \"419900321_731951689036065_2225310498611016964_n\" \"419546213_731951765702724_5295145287188435396_n\" \"419541050_731951715702729_64085378080098403_n\"
\n", "date": "2024-01-18 20:32:51", "url": "http://www.roc-taiwan.org/tr/post/10976.html" }, { "title": "土耳其台灣同鄉會新任會長就任,祝福會務昌隆", "content": "
黃代表也感謝翁會長過去兩年的服務及奉獻,也期許新任毛會長繼續發揮團結合作,熱心助人的 台灣精神 。只要鄉親們需要代表處協助的地方,我們一定竭誠服務。
翁會長致詞時說,過去2年來,同鄉會經費甚為不足,靠鄉親的支持與 土耳其台灣商會 的贊助,大家共同出錢出力,舉辦活動聯絡同鄉情感。特別感謝周僑務顧問如意和胡僑務促進委員光中,每次都大力支持,免費提供場地,以及張僑務促進委員家蘭等台商會會員出錢出力幫忙促成。
\n", "date": "2024-01-06 20:35:49", "url": "http://www.roc-taiwan.org/tr/post/10985.html" } ] }, null, { "lang": "tr", "branch": "", "country": "tr", "name": "Taipei Ekonomi ve Kültür Misyonu", "path": "/tr_tr/", "items": [ { "title": "2024 ICDF all-English International Higher Education Scholarship Program (from now until Mar. 15 ,2024)", "content": "

The 2024 TaiwanICDF Scholarship is now open for application!


The TaiwanICDF Scholarship will be open for application from now till March 15, 2024.
\nThe scholarship covers:
\n- Tuition
\n- Accommodation
\n- Airfare
\n- Insurance
\n- Monthly stipend
\nTo find out more, please visit TaiwanICDF website: https://l24.im/7KePw6
\nPlease contact the TaiwanICDF with any questions at icdfscholarship@icdf.org.tw (Contact Person: Ms. Liu) or email us at uozdere@mofa.gov.tw

\n", "date": "2024-01-24 14:34:17", "url": "http://www.roc-taiwan.org/tr_tr/post/4255.html" }, { "title": "2024-2025 Yılı Huayu Zenginleştirme (華語文獎學金) Bursu, 1 Şubat - 31 Mart tarihleri arasında başvurulara açık olacak!", "content": "

Tayvan Milli Eğitim Bakanlığı (MEB) Huayu Zenginleştirme Bursu Programı, Tayvan'da Huayu (Mandarin) eğitimi almaları için seçkin Türk öğrencilerini teşvik etmektedir.


Huayu Zenginleştirme Bursuna başvuran adayların, uygunluk, haklar ve yükümlülükler için Huayu Zenginleştirme Bursu (HES) Uluslararası Öğrenci Yönergesini (Lütfen Tıklayınız)  dikkatlice okuması rica olunur.


Başvuru sahiplerinin yukarıda belirtilen Yönergenin 6. Maddesine göre aşağıda istenen tüm belgeleri sıralı şekilde 3 kopya haline 3 ayrı dosyaya koyarak en geç 31 Mart 2024 tarihine kadar taahütlü posta yoluyla göndermeleri gerekmektedir:

  1. Başvuru formu.
  2. \n
  3. Başvuru sahibinin pasaport fotokopisi veya uyruğunu doğrulayabilecek diğer belgeler.
  4. \n
  5. En yüksek akademik derecenin belgesi ve transkriptin fotokopisi.
  6. \n
  7. Mandarin Dil Merkezine yapılan başvuruların fotokopisi.
  8. \n
  9. İki adet referans mektubu.
  10. \n

MEB Huayu Zenginleştirme Bursu Online Başvuru:




Adaylar online başvurularındaki kayıtlarını tamamladıktan sonra başvuru formunu yazdırmalı ve gerekli tüm belgeler ile birlikte, yukarıda Yönerge Madde 5'te belirtildiği gibi, her biri üç nüsha halinde taahhütlü posta yoluyla 31 Mart 2024 tarihinden önce Taipei Ekonomi ve Kültür Misyonu Ankara’ya göndermedilir.


Sorularınız için uozdere@mofa.gov.tw adresine e-mail gönderebilirsiniz.


Tayvan Bursu ve Huayu Zenginleştirme Bursu hakkında Daha Fazla Bilgi için:




Mülakatlara katılmaya hak kazanan adaylara, 30 Nisan 2024 tarihinden önce Misyon tarafından mülakat takvimi hakkında bireysel olarak bilgi verilecektir. Mülakata seçilmeyen adaylara Misyon tarafından ayrıca bilgi verilmeyecektir.



Huayu Enrichment Scholarship 2024 will be open for applications from February 1 to March 31!

The Ministry of Education (MOE) Huayu Enrichment Scholarship Program encourages outstanding Turkish students undertaking Huayu studies in Taiwan.


Applicants applying for the Huayu Scholarship, please make sure to carefully read the Huayu Enrichment Scholarship (HES) International Student Directions (Please Click) for eligibility, rights and obligations.


Applicants must submit the following documents in 3 copies each based on the Clause 6 of the above-mentioned Directions postmarked no later than March 31, 2024:

  1. An application form.
  2. \n
  3. A photocopy of his/her passport or any other documents that can verify the nationality of the applicant.
  4. \n
  5. A photocopy of the certificate of the highest credential and transcript.
  6. \n
  7. A photocopy of the applications to the Mandarin Language Center.
  8. \n
  9. Two reference letters.
  10. \n

MOE Huayu Enrichment Scholarship Online Application:




Applicants have to apply online then must print out the application form after completing registration online, and must send all the required documents in three copies each via registered mail as above-stated and stated in the Program Guideline Article 5, to Taipei Economic and Cultural Mission in Ankara before March 31, 2024.



\n", "date": "2024-01-24 14:32:00", "url": "http://www.roc-taiwan.org/tr_tr/post/4251.html" }, { "title": "Taiwan Scholarship 2024 will be open for applications from February 1 to March 31!", "content": "

The Ministry of Education (MOE) Taiwan Scholarship Program encourages outstanding Turkish students undertaking undergraduate and postgraduate studies in Taiwan.


1. Applicants applying for the Taiwan Scholarship, please make sure to carefully read the Taiwan Scholarship Program Directions (Please click), specifically Article 4 (Eligibility) and Article 5 (Documents to be Submitted before March 31).


2. The MOE Taiwan Scholarship Program provides the following for each outstanding international student scholarship recipient who comes to Taiwan to undertake a bachelor’s degree, master’s degree, or doctorate:


(i) Tuition and miscellaneous expenses (i.e. the course-credit fees, and miscellaneous basic study-related fees): The MOE will pay up to NTD 40,000 each semester for each recipient’s approved tuition and miscellaneous expenses. If these exceed a total amount of NTD40,000, the remaining amount must be paid to the university/college by the student. The “miscellaneous expenses” do not include any of the following: administration fees, thesis supervision fees, insurance premiums, accommodation, or internet access. These are all the responsibility of the scholarship recipient.


(ii) Living allowance: The MOE provides each recipient undertaking university undergraduate studies a monthly stipend of NTD15,000; it provides each recipient undertaking a master’s degree or doctorate studies a monthly stipend of NTD20,000. A university/college may give scholarship recipients a discount for tuition and/or miscellaneous expenses. The university/college must submit details of which of its departments/institutes are offering scholarship recipients discounts on fees for the following academic year, and a copy of the fee standards to the MOE by the prescribed date each year, and it must also provide a copy of these to any other unit designated by the MOE.


3. Scholarship Duration and Time Limits:


(i) The maximum period a Taiwan Scholarship may be held is: four years for undergraduate programs, two years for master’s degree programs, and four years for doctorate programs. The maximum total period that any one person may hold a Taiwan Scholarship is five years.


(ii)The Taiwan Scholarship year begins on September 1 and ends on August 31 of the following year. Recipients must arrive in Taiwan and register at their university/college at the scheduled time. It is not permitted to defer taking up a Taiwan Scholarship until the following year. A student who is unable to arrive in Taiwan and register at their university/college at the scheduled time will be considered to have forfeited their scholarship eligibility, unless the student has notified the university/college and the MOE beforehand and been given permission for a delayed arrival and registration.


(iii)Living allowance payments begin from the month when the recipient actually begins attending the university/college, and they end when the maximum scholarship period for their degree level expires, or when the recipient graduates, withdraws from their studies, is suspended or expelled, or has their Taiwan Scholarship revoked.


4.  Eligibility:


(1) Applicants must be a Turkish national with a secondary school graduation diploma or a post-secondary degree(s), and an excellent academic record, and be of good moral character.


(2) A person in any of the following categories is ineligible to apply:


i. An R.O.C. national or an overseas Taiwanese student.


ii. A person who already has and is continuing to maintain student status at any university/college in Taiwan or who has already registered to begin studies at such a university/college. This restriction does not apply to a student who will be graduating after completing a degree that year. They may apply for a Taiwan Scholarship to pursue a higher degree.


iii. A person who has already studied in Taiwan for a degree at the same level as the one in which they currently intend to enroll.


iv. An exchange student or dual/joint degree student who has been admitted to a university/college in Taiwan in accordance with an academic cooperation agreement between that university/college and an overseas university/college.


v. A person who has already been a Taiwan Scholarship recipient for a total of five years.


vi. A person who has ever previously had their Taiwan Scholarship or MOE Huayu Enrichment Scholarship revoked.


vii. A person who has received any other scholarship or subsidy from any Taiwan Government institution (organization) or any education institution in Taiwan, apart from any subsidies provided for a Taiwan Scholarship recipient by their university/college to cover the outstanding amount if the total amount of their tuition and other fees exceeds the scholarship limit.


(3) Applicants must apply directly to the university/college for admission within the application deadline. Each university/college sets its own application deadline.


5. Applicants for Taiwan Scholarship must submit the following documents Postmarked no later than March 31, 2024:


(1) A Taiwan Scholarship Application Form.


(2) A photocopy of the applicant’s passport or other documentary evidence of nationality.


(3) A photocopy of their highest academic award and of the associated academic transcripts. Documents in a language other than Chinese or English must be translated into Chinese or English and the translated documents must be authenticated.


(4) Photocopies of documentary evidence that the applicant has already applied to a university/college in Taiwan.


(5) A photocopy of a language proficiency certificate.


►For applications to undertake a program not completely taught in English: A copy of the test results or a certificate at Level 3 or above of TOCFL must be submitted. Results or certificates from any other Chinese proficiency test will not be accepted. An applicant who has not submitted a copy of the test results or certificate at Level 3 or above must take the TOCFL test at Level 3 or above at their own expense by the end of the first semester after they arrive in Taiwan and submit their test results or certificate to their university/college.


►For applicants to undertake a program completely taught in English: A copy of the official score report or certificate of the TOEFL iBT, IELTS or any other equivalent English proficiency certification which is recognized by the Turkish government, or an English language program graduation diploma is required.


The degree program completely taught in English that the applicant is applying to undertake must have been accredited by the MOE (Please click). If the English-language degree program has not been accredited by the MOE, then a document formally issued by the university/college (not a subsidiary department or unit) that the applicant wants to attend certifying that the degree program in question is fully taught in English is required to be submitted. If applicants pass the selection but fail to provide the required documents before the above-mentioned deadline, their eligibility for the award will be automatically revoked.


(6) Two reference letters – from a principal, a college or university president, professors, and/or supervisors – personally signed, and placed in sealed envelopes.


►MOE Taiwan Scholarship Online Application:


https://taiwanscholarship.moe.gov.tw/Apply (Please click)


Applicants first must apply online then print out the application form after completing registration online, and must send all the required documents in three copies each via registered mail as above-stated and stated in the Program Guideline Article 5, to Taipei Economic and Cultural Mission in Ankara before March 31, 2024.


For inquiries, please email the Mission at uozdere@mofa.gov.tw


Applicants who enter the second round of selection will be individually notified of the interview schedule by the Mission before April 30, 2024. On the contrary, applicants who did not pass the first round selection will not receive further notification by the Mission.


More Information about Taiwan Scholarship: https://taiwanscholarship.moe.gov.tw/web/pages.aspx  (Please click)

\n\n", "date": "2024-01-23 20:57:14", "url": "http://www.roc-taiwan.org/tr_tr/post/4227.html" }, { "title": "Tayvan'ın Türkiye'ye sağladığı deprem sonrası eğitimin yeniden inşası projesinin etkisi ilkokuldan üniversiteye kadar uzanıyor.", "content": "

Temsilcimiz Volkan Chih-Yang HUANG, geçen yılın Şubat ayında meydana gelen depremin ağır etkilendiği yerlerden biri olan Kahramanmaraş’a Tayvan'ın sağladığı deprem sonrası eğitimin yeniden inşa projesi uygulanma etkilerini görmek üzere 16 Ocak’ta ziyaret etti. Kahramanmaraş Koç&Karacasu ve Necip Fazıl konteynır kentlerinden sorumlu Kaymakam Esra Kodaz ve @SGDD-ASAM bölge koordinatörü Hasan Can Pala gibi yetkililerle birlikte, bu üç konteyner kentteki konteyner bilgisayar sınıfı ve Mobil Bilgisayar Sınıfı adlı sınıfları inceledi. Ardından, Kahramanmaraş'ın en büyük üniversitesi olan Sütçü İmam Üniversitesi'ne giderek, yardım ettiğimiz bilgisayar sınıflarının açılış törenine katılarak projenin işleyişini inceledi. Tayvan, Kahramanmaraş iline toplamda 200'den fazla dizüstü bilgisayar bağışlayarak, geçen yılın 21 Eylül'ünden bu yana 408 ders ve etkinlik düzenlenerek aralarında 844 özel ihtiyaçlı çocuğun da bulunduğu 5,276 okul çağındaki çocuğa yardımda bulundu. Kahramanmaraş Sütçü İmam Üniversitesi'ne 100 yerli üretim kaliteli dizüstü bilgisayar bağışlayarak, özellikle 2.500 öğrenciye ve geleceğin öğretmenlerine eğitim desteği sağlandı. Bu proje kapsamında, ilkokuldan üniversiteye kadar uzanan öğrencilerin eğitim hayatlarına büyük bir katkı sağlamıştır.


Kaymakam Esra Kodaz, ziyaret sırasında, \"Bu üç konteyner kentte toplam nüfus 20.000'den fazla, bunların içinde yaklaşık 4.500 öğrenci bulunuyor. Ancak, mevcut resmi eğitim sistemi hala yeterli kaynağa sahip değil. Özellikle öğrenci eğitiminde, ders saatleri ve bilgi teknolojisi kullanımı gibi konularda eksikliklerimiz var. Bu nedenle, ülkemizin felaket bölgesindeki eğitim iyileştirme sürecindeki boşluğu doldurmak için sağladığınız desteklere minnettarız. Bu destek, konteyner kentlerde yaşayan öğrencilere düzenli bir şekilde öğrenim görmeleri için cesaret ve yardım sağlamada önemli bir rol oynamaktadır,\" ifadelerini kullandı.


Temsilci Huang felaket bölgesindeki birçok öğrenci ile sohbetinden sonra şunları ifade etti: \"Bu dönemde bilgisayar sınıfları projesinin başlaması, öğrencilerin notlarında büyük bir gelişme kaydetmelerine katkı sağladı ve öğrencilerde daha fazla öğrenme isteği uyandırdı; bu durum beni çok mutlu ediyor. Başlangıçta, teknoloji aracılığıyla sınırlı eğitim fırsatlarını iyileştirmek amacıyla yardım etmek istedik, ancak şimdi gördüğümüz kadarıyla, bu çocukları ileriye doğru motive etmek ve öğrenme arzusu uyandırmak, aslında projenin ötesine geçti. Tayvan'dan bağışlanan bilgisayarları kullanan çocukların mutluluğunu ve memnuniyetini görerek, öğrencilere çevrelerindeki zorluklara cesurca meydan okuma çağrısında bulundu. \"Gerçekleştirmek istediğiniz hayaller için, çevremizdeki zorluklara cesurca karşı durmalı ve ciddiyetle ara vermeden öğrenmeye devam etmelisiniz. Bu, hayatınızı şekillendirme ve başarıya ulaşma yolunda temel bir adımdır.\" dedi. Öğrenciler, kendi yaptıkları el sanatları eserlerini Huang temsilci ile fotoğraf  çekerek paylaştılar.


Kahramanmaraş Sütçü İmam Üniversitesi Rektörü Alptekin Yasım, Tayvan'dan gelen Huang temsilciyi, üniversitenin iki yardımcı rektörü ve eğitim fakültesi dekanı gibi akademik personelle birlikte büyük bir coşkuyla karşıladı. İki ülke arasındaki bilgisayar  sınıfı bağışının açılış törenine birlikte katıldılar. Rektör Yasım, Tayvan'dan gelen kritik yardımlar için teşekkürlerini ileterek, geçen yılki büyük depremin ardından Kahramanmaraş ilinin deprem bölgesinde yer aldığını ve okulun iki kampüsünden birinin ciddi şekilde hasar gördüğünü ve terkedildiğini belirtti. Birçok okul binası ve mevcut bilgisayar sınıfı ekipmanlarının zarar gördüğü bu durumda, üstün performanslı bilgisayar bağışının okulun ilgili bölümlerinde eğitimin sürmesine yardımcı olduğunu vurguladı. Bu yardım sayesinde öğrencilerin öğrenim faaliyetlerini hızla yeniden başlatmalarına ve yaklaşık 40.000 öğrenci ve öğretmenin memnun ve minnettar olduğuna dikkat çekti.


Tayvan’ın eğitimin yeniden inşası projesine yönelik yardım bütçesi 7 milyon Amerikan Doları'na ulaştı. Bu proje, Türkiye'nin eğitim planlarına uygun olarak yürütülmekte olup, aynı zamanda Türkiye İçişleri Bakanlığı ve Kahramanmaraş Belediyesi ile işbirliği içindedir. Ayrıca, UNICEF'in eğitim iyileştirme projeleriyle birleştirilerek, depremden ciddi şekilde etkilenen felaket bölgelerindeki çocuklara, normal eğitim sistemleri tam anlamıyla normale dönmeden önce sürekli eğitim alma veya ülkemizin yardım projeleri aracılığıyla sağlanan donanım ve yazılım tesisleri ile resmi eğitimin ötesinde destek sağlanması amaçlanmaktadır.


\"419571873_731951739036060_8815155439351016903_n\" \"419900321_731951689036065_2225310498611016964_n\" \"419546213_731951765702724_5295145287188435396_n\" \"419541050_731951715702729_64085378080098403_n\"

\n", "date": "2024-01-18 21:04:27", "url": "http://www.roc-taiwan.org/tr_tr/post/4187.html" } ] }, { "lang": "zh", "branch": "", "country": "tv", "name": "駐吐瓦魯國大使館", "path": "/tv/", "items": [ { "title": "2024 中山附醫行動醫療團", "content": "




\n", "date": "2024-04-20 06:04:57", "url": "http://www.roc-taiwan.org/tv/post/5402.html" }, { "title": "113年4月10日 台灣對吐瓦魯財政援助款撥交典禮", "content": "

113年4月10日 台灣對吐瓦魯財政援助款撥交典禮


(Photo credit: Tuvalu TV)



\n", "date": "2024-04-13 06:54:44", "url": "http://www.roc-taiwan.org/tv/post/5389.html" }, { "title": "2024年台灣行動醫療團首團抵達吐瓦魯", "content": "
\n", "date": "2024-03-23 07:26:27", "url": "http://www.roc-taiwan.org/tv/post/5374.html" }, { "title": "113年3月12日駐吐瓦魯國大使林東亨應邀出席參加吐瓦魯護理師培訓計畫開訓典禮", "content": "






\n", "date": "2024-03-23 07:24:17", "url": "http://www.roc-taiwan.org/tv/post/5364.html" }, { "title": "113年3月6日至8日田次長以總統特使身分率團出訪吐瓦魯國", "content": "


\n", "date": "2024-03-12 11:03:50", "url": "http://www.roc-taiwan.org/tv/post/5359.html" }, { "title": "113年3月6日至8日田次長以總統特使身分率團出訪吐瓦魯國", "content": "


\n", "date": "2024-03-12 11:03:13", "url": "http://www.roc-taiwan.org/tv/post/5355.html" }, { "title": "113年3月6日至8日田次長以總統特使身分率團出訪吐瓦魯國", "content": "


\n", "date": "2024-03-12 11:02:47", "url": "http://www.roc-taiwan.org/tv/post/5344.html" }, { "title": "吐瓦魯國大使館受邀出席Fetuvalu 中學2024學年開學日", "content": "


\n", "date": "2024-03-02 12:01:47", "url": "http://www.roc-taiwan.org/tv/post/5322.html" }, { "title": "吐瓦魯電視台(Tuvalu TV)專訪林東亨大使", "content": "
\n", "date": "2024-01-18 11:53:35", "url": "http://www.roc-taiwan.org/tv/post/5266.html" } ] }, { "lang": "en", "branch": "", "country": "tv", "name": "Embassy of the Republic of China(Taiwan), Funafuti, Tuvalu", "path": "/tv_en/", "items": [ { "title": "Taiwanese Cardiologist visited Tuvalu 2024", "content": "
A Taiwanese Cardiologist, Dr. Chu, visited Tuvalu in the first week of April to provide heart ultrasound screening and cardiovascular disease review to patients in Funafuti and outer islands.
He had total seen 30 children and 110 adults during his one week service in PMH. With the support of Ministry of Health and all staff at Princess Margaret Hospital, he also conducted an education session on EKG to distinguish different types of heart diseases. Several discussion was followed by the informative presentation. Taiwan Medical Program is working closely with MOH to bring more specialists this year, keep an eye on our page and follow for more!
(Photo credit: Tuvalu Department of Health)


\n", "date": "2024-04-20 06:07:40", "url": "http://www.roc-taiwan.org/tv_en/post/3764.html" }, { "title": "2024 Taiwan Medical Team", "content": "

Radiologist Dr. Chao-Yu,Shen from Taiwan Medical Team interviewed by Tuvalu TV reporter Ms. Pua Pedro: How does the team assist the local medical staff using the CT scan (Video 3’40’’~6’30’’)





\n", "date": "2024-04-15 12:00:52", "url": "http://www.roc-taiwan.org/tv_en/post/3754.html" }, { "title": "Taiwan Medical Mission from Chung Shan Medical University Hospital arrived Tuvalu", "content": "
Led by director Chao-Yu Shen , the Taiwan Medical Mission consists of radiographer Dr. Nan-Ku Lai, medical laboratory scientist Mr. Yu-Lin Wang, and registered nurse Jason Wilds. The mission will be providing the CT scan service , the examination, treatment, prevention and updating the hospital information system in the next one month.
With such ongoing bilateral cooperation and efforts between Taiwan and Tuvalu, all people in Tuvalu can benefit from better medical service.
\n", "date": "2024-03-23 07:30:18", "url": "http://www.roc-taiwan.org/tv_en/post/3740.html" }, { "title": "The inauguration of the academic year of the in-country Certificate in Enrolled Nursing Program", "content": "
Amb. Andrew Lin attended the inauguration of the academic year of the in-country Certificate in Enrolled Nursing Program on 12 March 2024.
Taiwan is pleased to sponsor the said Program for 18 Tuvaluan students this year to receive the professional nursing training, with an aim to improve their professional capacity building, strenghthen health system, and cope with the shortage of nurses workforce in Tuvalu.
\n", "date": "2024-03-23 07:27:57", "url": "http://www.roc-taiwan.org/tv_en/post/3731.html" }, { "title": "MOFA Deputy Minister Tien Chung-kwang traveled to Tuvalu to congratulate their new Prime Minister Feleti Teo", "content": "


\n", "date": "2024-03-12 11:06:29", "url": "http://www.roc-taiwan.org/tv_en/post/3723.html" }, { "title": "MOFA Deputy Minister Tien Chung-kwang traveled to Tuvalu to congratulate their new Prime Minister Feleti Teo", "content": "


\n", "date": "2024-03-12 11:05:55", "url": "http://www.roc-taiwan.org/tv_en/post/3719.html" }, { "title": "MOFA Deputy Minister Tien Chung-kwang traveled to Tuvalu to congratulate their new Prime Minister Feleti Teo", "content": "


\n", "date": "2024-03-12 11:05:30", "url": "http://www.roc-taiwan.org/tv_en/post/3715.html" }, { "title": "Fetuvalu Secondary School Opening 2024", "content": "

Taiwan Embassy in Tuvalu is invited to attend the Fetuvalu Secondary School Opening 2024. Wish all staff and students an excellent new school year.



\n", "date": "2024-03-02 12:02:42", "url": "http://www.roc-taiwan.org/tv_en/post/3688.html" }, { "title": "Interview of Taiwan Ambassador to Tuvalu H.E. Andrew Lin", "content": "
Tuvalu TV interview on January 12, 2024
--Nearly 20 million Taiwanese voters will decide their president tomorrow, January 13
--Taiwan will be always by Tuvalu’s side
\n", "date": "2024-01-18 11:56:24", "url": "http://www.roc-taiwan.org/tv_en/post/3666.html" } ] }, { "lang": "zh", "branch": "", "country": "vn", "name": "駐越南台北經濟文化辦事處", "path": "/vn/", "items": [ { "title": "越南河內臺商會理監事會議 攜手共創會務發展", "content": "






















\n", "date": "2024-04-02 23:09:16", "url": "http://www.roc-taiwan.org/vn/post/27845.html" }, { "title": "越南太平商會迎春晚會 共同歡慶龍年到來", "content": "

越南臺灣商會聯合總會太平分會3月16日舉辦「2024年迎春摸彩聯歡晚會」,由會長鄭閎元主持,包括僑務諮詢委員陳耀奎、僑務顧問黃秀滿、僑務促進委員張家農、越南臺商總會總會長蔡文瑞、北寧分會會長林軒節、太平省經濟區及工業區管理委員會副主委范廷煜(Phan Dình Dực)等多位政府官員,以及商會監事長彭素琴、理監事及會員等近150人參加。駐越南代表處公使林易民偕經濟組組長丁偉及僑務秘書蔡佩珊應邀出席。























\n", "date": "2024-03-18 13:35:45", "url": "http://www.roc-taiwan.org/vn/post/27836.html" }, { "title": "越南海防商會新春團拜 祝福龍年事業興旺", "content": "


























\n", "date": "2024-03-07 10:18:31", "url": "http://www.roc-taiwan.org/vn/post/27815.html" }, { "title": "越南河靜商會2024新春晚宴 氣氛熱鬧溫馨", "content": "




























\n", "date": "2024-03-04 22:10:34", "url": "http://www.roc-taiwan.org/vn/post/27809.html" }, { "title": "北寧臺灣商會首次與外國友會聯合舉辦CHAP GOH MEI 元宵節活動", "content": "

越南臺灣商會聯合總會北寧分會2月24日假河內Fortuna飯店與新加坡商會、河內馬來西亞俱樂部一同舉辦「2024年元宵節聯歡晚會」。包括新加坡駐越南大使賈亞‧拉特南(Jaya Ratnam)、馬來西亞駐越南大使陳揚泰(Dato Tan Yang Thai)、北寧臺灣商會會長林軒節、新加坡商會副會長Kenneth Loh、河內馬來西亞俱樂部副會長James Lai、臺灣貿易中心駐河內辦事處主任施懿恬及各商會會員近400人出席,駐越南代表處大使石瑞琦偕經濟組組長丁偉、秘書林海洋及僑務秘書蔡佩珊應邀參加。


Kenneth Loh在致詞中表示,非常感謝北寧臺灣商會、馬來西亞俱樂部共同攜手舉辦這次晚會活動。〝CHAP GOH MEI〞即農曆新年的第十五夜,是農曆新年的最後一天,也象徵一年的開始,在此祝福大家新年快樂,事業興隆。




活動以新加坡、馬來西亞地區的過年菜肴〝LO HEI〞(撈起)揭開序幕。〝LO HEI〞以生魚片、柚子、紅蘿蔔、青蘿蔔、白蘿蔔、花生粉、薄脆餅乾等11種帶有吉祥意味的食材組合而成,上桌後由主持人發號施令,大家開始用筷子將盤中的各樣材料高高夾起,一邊大聲喊出〝LO HEI! LO HEI!〞,表達一整年都能過好年,氣氛十分喜慶。
















新加坡、馬來西亞地區的過年特色菜肴〝LO HEI〞(撈起),表達一整年都能過好年











\n", "date": "2024-03-02 11:39:54", "url": "http://www.roc-taiwan.org/vn/post/27796.html" }, { "title": "河內臺灣商會第16、17屆交接典禮暨年終尾牙餐會", "content": "




































\n", "date": "2024-01-23 17:54:43", "url": "http://www.roc-taiwan.org/vn/post/27684.html" }, { "title": "越南地區(包含越南、寮國、柬埔寨等地區)「僑務委員會產學攜手合作僑生專班技高端頂尖僑生獎學金」簡章及申請表", "content": "

符合申請條件者,請於113年2月28日(星期三)前備齊文件,逕送至「駐越南臺北經濟文化辦事處」(地址:21st Floor, PVI Tower, No.1, Pham Van Bach Road, Yen Hoa Ward, Cau Giay District, Hanoi, Vietnam)或「駐胡志明市臺北經濟文化辦事處」(地址:336 Nguyen Tri Phuong Street, Ward 4, District 10, HO CHI MINH City, Vietnam)。







\n", "date": "2024-01-17 16:28:40", "url": "http://www.roc-taiwan.org/vn/post/27665.html" }, { "title": "113學年度海外僑生申請來臺升讀「五年制專科學校、高級中等學校及國民中學」報名簡章", "content": "






\n", "date": "2024-01-03 12:15:43", "url": "http://www.roc-taiwan.org/vn/post/27631.html" } ] }, { "lang": "en", "branch": "", "country": "vn", "name": "Taipei Economic and Cultural Office in Vietnam", "path": "/vn_en/", "items": [ { "title": "The Council of Taiwanese Chambers of Commerce in Viet Nam, Ha Noi Branch held a conference on Mar. 30, 2024.", "content": "








\n", "date": "2024-04-02 23:11:47", "url": "http://www.roc-taiwan.org/vn_en/post/5585.html" }, { "title": "The Council of Taiwanese Chambers of Commerce in Viet Nam, Thai Binh Branch held a Spring Party on Mar. 16, 2024.", "content": "








\n", "date": "2024-03-18 13:39:13", "url": "http://www.roc-taiwan.org/vn_en/post/5576.html" }, { "title": "The Council of Taiwanese Chambers of Commerce in Viet Nam, Hai Phong Branch held a Spring Party on Mar. 2, 2024.", "content": "








\n", "date": "2024-03-07 10:20:48", "url": "http://www.roc-taiwan.org/vn_en/post/5565.html" }, { "title": "The Council of Taiwanese Chambers of Commerce in Viet Nam, Ha Tinh Branch held a Spring Party on Feb. 29, 2024.", "content": "






\n", "date": "2024-03-04 22:12:02", "url": "http://www.roc-taiwan.org/vn_en/post/5556.html" }, { "title": "The Council of Taiwanese Chambers of Commerce in Viet Nam, Bac Ninh Branch held a Spring Party with Singapore Chamber of Commerce Vietnam and Malaysia Club Hanoi on Feb. 24, 2024.", "content": "














\n", "date": "2024-03-02 11:42:00", "url": "http://www.roc-taiwan.org/vn_en/post/5549.html" }, { "title": "The Council of Taiwanese Chambers of Commerce in Viet Nam, Ha Noi Branch Held a Hand-over Ceremony on Jan. 21.", "content": "










\n", "date": "2024-01-23 17:57:47", "url": "http://www.roc-taiwan.org/vn_en/post/5495.html" } ] }, { "lang": "vi", "branch": "", "country": "vn", "name": "Văn phòng Kinh tế và Văn hóa Đài Bắc tại Việt Nam", "path": "/vn_vi/", "items": [ { "title": "Đào tạo nhân lực và Thực tập sinh ngắn hạn", "content": "
  1. Đào tạo nhân lực:Sinh viên cấp bằng: Học bổng chính phủ dành cho Lớp chuyên biệt đào tạo nhân lực Công nghiệp Quốc tế (Lớp chuyên biệt mô hình mới) (chương trình INTENSE): giới hạn ở các lĩnh vực STEM (Khoa học, Công nghệ, Kỹ thuật, Toán học), Tài chính và Bán dẫn. Hội đồng Phát triển Quốc gia (NDC) hỗ trợ vé máy bay 1 lần và chi phí hành chính + toàn bộ học phí và các khoản phí khác cho năm đầu tiên + trợ cấp dựa trên thành tích toàn bộ học phí và các khoản phí khác trong năm thứ hai cho 70% số sinh viên top trên (trong năm thứ 2, sinh viên cần phải vượt qua kỳ đánh giá chung về kết quả học tập bởi nhà trường và công ty trước khi được chi trả toàn bộ học phí và các khoản trợ cấp khác). Bộ Giáo dục Đài Loan đã phê duyệt cho hơn 100 lớp chuyên biệt và dự kiến ​​tuyển sinh 2.000 học sinh từ các nước Đông Nam Á, mà Việt Nam là quốc gia tuyển sinh trọng điểm, khoảng 1/3 số lượng tương đương 600 học sinh Việt Nam có thể học tập tại Đài Loan thông qua tuyển chọn của các bên liên quan. Để đáp ứng yêu cầu của chương trình INTENSE, các trường đại học ở Việt Nam và Đài Loan cần hợp tác mở các chương trình bằng kép và các trường đại học hợp tác có thể được Văn phòng Kinh tế và Văn hóa Đài Bắc tại Việt Nam giới thiệu. Chỉ những sinh viên năm ba và năm cuối hoặc sinh viên tốt nghiệp đang theo học tại các trường đại học được đề xuất của Việt Nam mới được chọn làm ứng viên nhận học bổng. Sự kiện tuyển sinh năm 2024 đã được tổ chức vào ngày 27/3 tại trường Đại học Bách khoa Hà Nội (HUST) và Đại học Đại Nam, lứa học sinh được học bổng đầu tiên tại Việt Nam sẽ nhập học vào tháng 9 năm 2024. Ngoài ra còn có các khóa đào tạo nâng cao dành cho thạc sĩ và tiến sĩ. Để biết thêm chi tiết, vui lòng liên hệ với Phòng Giáo dục Văn phòng Kinh tế Văn hóa Đài bắc Việt Nam.
  2. \n
  3. Thực tập sinh ngắn hạn:
  4. \n

(1) Để các sinh viên quốc tế được trải nghiệm những lợi thế công nghệ của Đài Loan, Hội đồng Khoa học và Công nghệ Quốc gia (NSTC) cung cấp Chương trình Thí điểm Thực tập sinh Quốc tế (IIPP) để thu hút nhân tài toàn cầu. Thực tập sinh sẽ thực tập tại các cơ quan học thuật và nghiên cứu tại Đài Loan. Ứng viên phải là sinh viên đang theo học tại các trường cao đẳng, đại học (cử nhân, thạc sĩ hoặc tiến sĩ) và chuyên ngành phải phù hợp với các lĩnh vực nghiên cứu khoa học trọng điểm (như STEM). Thực tập sinh nhận được khoản trợ cấp hàng tháng là 30.000 Đài tệ (khoảng 1.000 USD), thời gian thực tập tối đa là 3 tháng. Để biết chi tiết, vui lòng truy cập trang web của Hội đồng Khoa học và Công nghệ Quốc gia tại https://iipp.tw/.


(2)  \"Chương trình giáo dục trải nghiệm Đài Loan (Taiwan Experience Education Program -TEEP) dành cho thanh niên nước ngoài xuất sắc \" của Bộ Giáo dục, trợ cấp tài chính cho các trường cao đẳng và đại học trong nước để thu hút nhân tài nước ngoài đến Đài Loan thực tập. Sinh viên đến từ Đông Nam Á (bao gồm cả Việt Nam) có thể đăng ký tham gia chương trình \"Chương trình trải nghiệm Đài Loan dành cho thanh niên xuất sắc các nước tiên tiến và hướng Nam mới” (TEEP@AsiaPlus). Chương trình mang đến cơ hội thực tập cho hơn 500 sinh viên tại các trường cao đẳng và đại học của Đài Loan mỗi năm. Danh sách các trường đại học tham gia và lĩnh vực nghiên cứu có thể được tìm thấy trên trang web của Bộ Giáo dục https://teep.studyintaiwan.org/programs

\n", "date": "2024-03-29 11:33:55", "url": "http://www.roc-taiwan.org/vn_vi/post/8585.html" }, { "title": "Chương trình học bổng đào tạo sinh viên quốc tế của ”Quỹ Phát triển Hợp tác Quốc tế Đài Loan” ICDF năm 2024", "content": "

Chương trình này hợp tác với 23 trường đại học, với tổng cộng 37 chương trình, trong đó có 9 chương trình đào tạo đại học, 25 chương trình đào tạo thạc sĩ và 3 chương trình đào tạo tiến sĩ (đối với Việt Nam chỉ áp dụng bậc thạc sĩ và tiến sĩ), bao gồm các lĩnh vực chuyên môn như khoa học kỹ thuật, nông nghiệp, y tế, quản trị kinh doanh, du lịch khách sạn, nhân văn và xã hội, v.v ....với tổng số 200 suất học bổng.


Các bạn có nguyện vọng du học Đài Loan vui lòng truy cập trang web ICDF để đăng ký và tìm hiểu các điều kiện đăng ký có liên quan, nội dung học bổng và các thông tin chi tiết khác. Sau khi điền xong, vui lòng nộp những giấy tờ sau trước ngày 15 tháng 3 năm 2024: KHÔNG cần gửi bản sao hồ sơ đến Văn phòng Kinh tế và Văn hóa Đài Bắc tại Việt Nam.


Hết thời hạn đăng ký, ICDF sẽ tiến hành xét duyệt các hồ sơ đã nộp và thông báo danh sách trúng tuyển tới học viện vào đầu tháng 6/2024, sau đó sẽ tiến hành xác nhận các học viên đồng ý tiếp nhận học bổng hoặc bổ sung học viên trúng tuyển trong vòng tháng 7/2024.


Để biết thêm thông tin chi tiết về đơn đăng ký chương trình học bổng, vui lòng tham khảo trang web tiếng Anh về Học bổng ICDF.

\n", "date": "2024-03-04 17:49:31", "url": "http://www.roc-taiwan.org/vn_vi/post/8553.html" }, { "title": "Hướng dẫn xin học bổng Đài Loan của Bộ Giáo dục Đài Loan năm 2024 Khu vực từ Huế trở ra bắc Việt Nam", "content": "

Văn phòng Kinh tế và Văn hóa Đài Bắc tại Việt Nam Thông báo




Nhằm khuyến khích học sinh, sinh viên ưu tú Việt Nam sang Đài Loan học chương trình học vị để gặt hái những kiến thức trong mọi chuyên ngành, lĩnh vực, đóng góp cho sự giao lưu văn hóa và sự phát triển kinh tế xã hội của Việt Nam và Đài Loan. Bộ Giáo dục Đài Loan đặc biệt thành lập “Học bổng Đài Loan”, hoan nghênh học sinh, sinh viên ưu tú của Việt Nam nộp hồ sơ xin học bổng. Hướng dẫn cụ thể cách xin học bổng Đài Loan năm 2024 cụ thể như sau:

  1. Thời gian nhận học bổng:
  2. \n
  3. Học các chương trình học vị, thời gian nhận học bổng như sau:
  4. \n

Đại học: 4 năm
\nThạc sĩ: 2 năm
\nTiến sĩ: 4 năm

  1. Thời gian nhận học bổng trong năm: từ ngày 1 tháng 9 hàng năm cho đến ngày 31 tháng 8 năm sau. Ứng viên nhận học bổng (sau đây gọi tắt là ứng viên) phải tuân thủ theo thời gian nhận học bổng đến Đài Loan báo danh nhập học đúng hạn quy định. Trong thời gian quy định ứng viên không đến Đài Loan nhập học, đồng nghĩa với việc từ bỏ tư cách nhận học bổng, không được bảo lưu cho năm sau, suất học bổng đó được chuyển cho người dự bị. Tuy nhiên, nếu trước đó đã được trường theo học và Bộ Giáo dục chấp nhận cho bảo lưu, thì ứng viên đó được bảo lưu cho năm tới.
  2. \n
  3. Tổng thời gian nhận học bổng: Thời gian nhận học bổng của học vị: Đại học 4 năm, thạc sĩ 2 năm, tiến sĩ 4 nă Tổng số năm được nhận học bổng Đài Loan không quá 5 năm.
  4. \n
  5. Thời gian cấp sinh hoạt phí: Từ tháng đầu tiên ứng viên sang Đài Loan nhập học cho đến hết thời hạn nhận học bổng, hoặc kết thúc cấp kinh phí học bổng khi ứng viên tốt nghiệp, bảo lưu, nghỉ học, hoặc bị huỷ tư cách nhận học bổng.
  6. \n
  7. Chế độ học bổng:
  8. \n

Nhằm khuyến khích học sinh, sinh viên ưu tú Việt Nam sang Đài Loan học cử nhân, thạc sĩ và tiến sĩ, Bộ Giáo dục Đài Loan có những chế độ đãi ngộ cho từng ứng viên nhận học bổng như sau:

  1. Học phí và một phần chi phí khác: Học phí và chi phí khác (bao gồm phí học phần và tạp phí căn bản). Mỗi học kỳ tiền học phí và một phần chi phí khác trong khoảng 40,000 Đài tệ (tương đương 1,290 USD) sẽ do Bộ Giáo dục Đài Loan hỗ trợ, nếu vượt quá 40,000 Đài tệ, phần vượt quá đó sẽ do ứng viên nhận học bổng tự đóng cho trường đang theo học. Chi phí khác không bao gồm: phí do nhà trường ứng trước tổ chức những hoạt động cho sinh viên, phí hướng dẫn làm luận văn, phí mua bảo hiểm, phí ở, phí sử dụng internet và những chi phí liên quan khác, những chi phí này do ứng viên nhận học bổng tự chi trả.
  2. \n
  3. Hỗ trợ sinh hoạt phí: Bộ Giáo dục Đài Loan hỗ trợ cho ứng viên bậc đại học mỗi tháng 15,000 Đài tệ (khoảng 500 USD), ứng viên bậc thạc sĩ và tiến sĩ mỗi tháng 20,000 Đài tệ (khoảng 670 USD).
  4. \n
  5. \n
  6. \n

Từ ngày 1 tháng 2 đến hết ngày 31 tháng 3 năm 2024. Thời gian nhận hồ sơ dựa trên dấu bưu điện.

  1. Điều kiện xin học bổng:
  2. \n
  3. Ứng viên xin học bổng phải là công dân Việt Nam, mang quốc tịch Việt Nam, có hộ khẩu từ Huế trở ra Bắc, Tốt nghiệp THPT trở lên, thành tích học tập khá, phẩm chất đạo đức tốt.
  4. \n
  5. Nếu thuộc diện dưới đây, không được tham gia học bổng này:
  6. \n
  7. Kiều bào của Trung Hoa Dân Quốc tại nước ngoài hoặc mang quốc tịch Trung Hoa Dân Quốc.
  8. \n
  9. Đã bảo lưu kết quả học tập tại Đài Loan, hoặc đã báo danh nhập học tại các trường đại học Đài Loan. Nhưng nếu sinh viên sắp tốt nghiệp tham gia học bổng này để xin cấp học cao hơn thì không bị hạn chế.
  10. \n
  11. Đã từng học tại Đài Loan cùng cấp học vị muốn xin trong học bổng này.
  12. \n
  13. Là sinh viên nằm trong diện trao đổi sinh viên giữa các trường đại học Đài Loan và các trường nước ngoài.
  14. \n
  15. Tổng thời gian nhận học bổng này của các cấp học vị với tổng thời gian quá 5 nă
  16. \n
  17. Từng bị hủy tư cách nhận học bổng Đài Loan hoặc học bổng tiếng Hoa Bộ Giáo dục Đài Loan.
  18. \n
  19. Trong thời gian học tập tại Đài Loan đồng thời nhận thêm học bổng của các cơ quan chính phủ Đài Loan hoặc học bổng của các trường đại học Đài Loan. Trong đó không tính bao gồm phần học phí trường cam kết chi trả nếu vượt quá mức quy định của Bộ Giáo dục Đài Loan trong chương trình học bổng này.
  20. \n
  21. Ứng viên xin học bổng phải tự chủ động liên hệ với các trường đại học công lập và dân lập Đài Loan để nộp hồ sơ xin nhập học theo quy định riêng của từng trường. (thông tin trường và chương trình học có thể tham khảo trên website: http://www.studyintaiwan.org/university)
  22. \n

** Danh sách một số trường đại học Đài Loan hỗ trợ học phí cho ứng viên nhận được học bổng này, mời ứng viên xin học bổng tham khảo Danh sách các trường đại học Đài Loan hỗ trợ học phí năm học 2024-2025 trong biểu đính kèm.


** Danh sách một số trường đại học Đài Loan cung cấp chương trình học tập hoàn toàn bằng tiếng Anh, mời ứng viên xin học bổng tham khảo Danh sách các chương trình học tập hoàn toàn bằng tiếng Anh năm học 2024-2025 trong biểu đính kèm.

  1. Các giấy tờ cần thiết khi xin học bổng:
  2. \n

Ứng viên xin học bổng cần chuẩn bị những giấy tờ sau, gửi qua đường bưu điện hoặc trực tiếp mang đến nơi tiếp nhận hồ sơ theo đúng thời gian quy định:

  1. Điền đầy đủ thông tin vào đơn xin “Học bổng Đài Loan” (dán kèm 1 ảnh 4x6 chụp trong 3 tháng gần nhất).
  2. \n
  3. 1 bản photo giấy CMND hoặc hộ chiếu và 1 bản photo hộ khẩu, địa chỉ hộ khẩu phải từ Huế trở ra Bắc.
  4. \n
  5. 1 bản photo bằng tốt nghiệp cao nhất và bảng điểm đã được các phòng công chứng dịch sang tiếng Anh hoặc tiếng Hoa có đóng dấu xác nhận của Cục Lãnh sự Bộ Ngoại giao Việt Nam.
  6. \n
  7. 1 bản photo những giấy tờ xác nhận ứng viên đã nộp hồ sơ xin nhập học tại các trường đại học công và dân lập Đài Loan (ví dụ: mẫu đơn đã điền đầy đủ thông tin xin nhập học, thư thông báo nhập học của trường, biên lai nộp hồ sơ sang trường Đài Loan…).
  8. \n
  9. 1 bản photo Chứng chỉ năng lực ngoại ngữ:
    \nNhững ứng viên xin học chương trình bằng tiếng Hoa, phải nộp Chứng chỉ hoặc bản photo bảng điểm Năng lực Hoa ngữ TOCFL ( Test of Chinese as a Foreign Language) cấp 3 (cấp Tiến cấp) trở lên và cần nộp cả bản chính để đối chiếu, sau khi hoàn tất sẽ hoàn trả lại (Không chấp nhận Chứng chỉ HSK).
    \nb. Những ứng viên xin học chương trình học tập hoàn toàn bằng tiếng Anh, phải nộp bản photo Chứng chỉ Anh văn TOEFL (pBT) 500 điểm hoặc TOEFL (iBT) 60 điểm trở lên, hoặc những chứng chỉ Anh văn khác được quốc tế công nhận (như IELTS 5.5, TOEIC600). Chứng chỉ phải còn hiệu lực.
  10. \n
  11. Hai thư giới thiệu gốc có chữ ký trực tiếp (chữ ký tươi) của hiệu trưởng, giáo sư hoặc giáo viên hướng dẫn, lãnh đạo nơi đang công tác.
  12. \n
  13. Ứng viên xin học bổng theo học chương trình học tập hoàn toàn bằng tiếng Anh có thể tham khảo theo Danh sách các chương trình học tập hoàn toàn bằng tiếng Anh của năm học tương ứng để lựa chọn chương trình học phù hợp (Danh sách các chương trình học tập hoàn toàn bằng tiếng Anh mang tính chất tham khảo, khuyến nghị ứng viên xin học bổng tự chủ động liên hệ với trường để xác nhận). Nếu xin học các chương trình học tập hoàn toàn bằng tiếng Anh không thuộc phạm vi đề cập trong danh sách trên, ứng viên xin học bổng phải tự liên hệ với trường đại học mà mình đăng ký xin cấp Giấy xác nhận chương trình học tập đó được giảng dạy, học tập hoàn toàn bằng tiếng Anh (Chỉ chấp nhận dấu xác nhận của trường, không chấp nhận dấu xác nhận của đơn vị trong trường).
  14. \n
  15. Kế hoạch học tập.
  16. \n



** Hồ sơ xin học bổng hợp lệ phải đy đủ các giấy tờ được yêu cầu phía trên. Nhng giấy tờ trong hồ sơ xin học bổng đều sẽ không được hoàn trả.

  1. Nơi nộp hồ sơ:
  2. \n

Đối với những ứng viên xin học bổng có hộ khẩu từ Huế trở ra Bắc (bao gồm Huế), mời nộp hồ sơ tới địa chỉ dưới đây: Phòng Giáo dục – Văn phòng Kinh tế và Văn hóa Đài Bắc tại Hà Nội, Việt Nam
Địa chỉ: Tầng 20A(KT), Tòa nhà PVI, Số 1 Phạm Văn Bạch, Cầu Giấy, Hà Nội


Điện thoại: 024-38335501 ext 8458   Fax: 024-32262114   
Email: tweduvn@gmail.com


Chú ý: Những ứng viên xin học bổng có hộ khẩu từ Huế trở vào Nam (không bao gồm Huế) vui lòng liên lạc với Phòng Giáo dục Văn phòng Kinh tế và Văn hóa Đài Bắc tại Thành phố Hồ Chí Minh, Việt Nam
\nĐiện thoại: 028-38349160 ext 2202-2203 Email:


Chủ yếu dựa vào (1) Kế hoạch học tập (2) Thành tích học tập (3) Năng lực ngoại ngữ (4) Thư giới thiệu (5) Khả năng thể hiện khi phỏng vấn.


(Chú ý: Nếu tính theo thang điểm GPA với tổng điểm trung bình chung cao nhất là 4.5, thì ứng viên xin học bổng cho bậc đại học phải có tổng điểm trung bình chung đạt 3 điểm trở lên, bậc thạc sĩ phải có tổng điểm trung bình chung đạt 3.5 điểm trở lên).



  1. Những điều người nhận học bổng phải tuân thủ:
  2. \n
  3. Ngoài những phí trợ cấp mà Bộ Giáo dục và các trường hỗ trợ ra, ứng viên nhận học bổng phải tự đóng những chi phí cần đóng khác, nếu người có kinh tế khó khăn, có thể xin với trường đang theo học trừ những chi phí đó vào tiền hỗ trợ sinh hoạt phí hàng tháng.
  4. \n
  5. Ứng viên nhận học bổng phải chuẩn bị “Giấy khám sức khỏe” và “Chứng nhận học bổng Đài Loan”, đến Văn phòng Kinh tế và Văn hóa Đài Bắc tại Hà Nội xin visa cư trú, ứng viên nhận học bổng được miễn chi phí làm visa.
  6. \n
  7. Ứng viên nhận học bổng khi học tập tại trường, thành tích học tập và thời gian vắng học nếu không phù hợp với tiêu chuẩn của nhà trường, dựa vào quy định của các trường có thể ngừng phát hoặc hủy bỏ tư cách nhận học bổng này.
  8. \n
  9. Ứng viên nhận học bổng Đài Loan không được đồng thời nhận học bổng khác của Chính phủ Đài Loan hoặc học bổng của trường, nếu vi phạm, sẽ hủy bỏ tư cách nhận học bổng này, đồng thời truy thu tiền trợ cấp sinh hoạt phí, học phí và chi phí khác đã cấp trước đó.
  10. \n
  11. Theo quy định ứng viên nhận học bổng phải tham gia bảo hiểm y tế toàn dân của Đài Loan, trước khi tham gia loại bảo hiểm này, nên mua các loại bảo hiểm xã hội khác hoặc bảo hiểm sinh viên.
  12. \n
  13. Sau khi đến Đài Loan học tập, ứng viên nhận học bổng này không được đi học tập nước ngoài với tư cách trao đổi sinh viên hoặc sinh viên trong chương trình liên kế Nếu bị phát hiện sẽ bị hủy tư cách nhận học bổng, không được tiếp tục nhận học bổng. Nếu vì chương trình học của trường quy định phải đi nước ngoài thực tập, thì sẽ không bị hủy tư cách nhận học bổng. Nhưng thời gian đi thực tập tại nước ngoài sẽ không được nhận học phí và chi phí khác, tiền trợ cấp sinh hoạt phí.
  14. \n
  15. Ứng viên nhận học bổng ngoài việc đi thực tập do môn học bắt buộc ra, không được đi làm thêm. Nếu bị phát hiện, trường đang theo học sẽ hủy tư cách nhận học bổng, đồng thời sẽ bị truy thu lại tiền học bổng đã phát trước đó.
  16. \n
  17. Hồ sơ xin học bổng và giấy báo nhập học từ các trường đại học của ứng viên nhận học bổng không được giả mạo, bôi xóa hay làm giả, nếu vi phạm sẽ bị đình chỉ tư cách nhận học bổng và ứng viên nhận học bổng đó phải hoàn trả lại học phí và các chi phí khác, tiền trợ cấp sinh hoạt phí được học bổng trợ cấp từ ngày bắt đầu nhận đến ngày bị đình chỉ.
  18. \n
  19. Ứng viên nhận học bổng phải ký vào “Giấy cam kết học bổng Đài Loan”, tuân thủ pháp luật Đài Loan và những quy định liên quan của học bổng này.
  20. \n
  21. Thành tích học tập của ứng viên nhận học bổng phải đạt mức quy định như sau, mới được tiếp tục nhận học bổng:\n
    1. Đại học thấp nhất là 70 điểm, nghiên cứu sinh thấp nhất là 80 điểm; Nếu mức điểm của các trường cao hơn, thì sẽ căn cứ vào mức điểm của các trường.
    2. \n
    3. Ứng viên nhận học bổng học bậc tiến sĩ, bắt đầu năm thứ 3, cách tính điểm và mức điểm cơ sở sẽ do các trường quy định.
    4. \n
  22. \n
  23. Những quy định khi ứng viên nhận học bổng chuyển ngành, chuyển trường như sau:\n
    1. Ứng viên nhận học bổng phải hoàn thành từ một học kỳ trở lên tại trường đã xin nhập học, sau khi thông qua sự đồng ý của trường đang theo học và trường muốn chuyển, đồng thời phải tuân theo quy định chuyển ngành, chuyển trường của các trường thì được chuyển ngành, chuyển trường. Trong suốt thời gian nhận học bổng, ứng viên nhận học bổng chỉ được chuyển ngành, chuyển trường duy nhất một lần và phải tương đương với cấp học vị được cấp học bổng.
    2. \n
    3. Ứng viên nhận học bổng muốn chuyển ngành, chuyển trường không cùng cấp đang theo học, bắt buộc phải nộp hồ sơ xin lại từ đầu, không được tiếp tục nhận học bổng để chuyển sang chương trình học không cùng cấp.
    4. \n
    5. Khi ứng viên nhận học bổng chuyển trường, trường đang theo học sẽ ghi rõ ứng viên đang học chương trình học vị gì, bắt đầu nhận học bổng từ thời gian nào, chuyển trường thời gian nào, sẽ có công văn thông báo cho ứng viên và trường muốn chuyển. Trường tiếp nhận sẽ có công văn trả lời đồng ý tiếp nhận từ thời gian nào, cũng phải thông báo cho ứng viên và trường của ứng viên học trước đó. Cả hai trường đều phải có công văn cho Bộ Giáo dục Đài Loan cùng những đơn vị liên quan.
    6. \n
  24. \n
  25. Ứng viên nhận học bổng phải phối hợp với những chính sách của Bộ Giáo dục dành cho Học bổng Đài Loan, tham gia học ngôn ngữ, tìm hiểu văn hóa, tham gia các hoạt động giao lưu học thuật.
  26. \n
  27. Công bố thông tin:
  28. \n

Văn phòng Kinh tế và Văn hóa Đài Bắc tại Hà Nội, Việt Nam:


Phòng Giáo dục, Văn phòng Kinh tế và Văn hóa Đài Bắc tại Hà Nội, Việt Nam: https://depart.moe.edu.tw/VN




Đơn đăng ký


Danh sách các chương trình học tập hoàn toàn bằng tiếng Anh năm học 2024-2025


Danh sách các trường đại học Đài Loan hỗ trợ học phí năm học 2024-2025



























\n", "date": "2024-02-06 17:25:34", "url": "http://www.roc-taiwan.org/vn_vi/post/8541.html" }, { "title": "Hướng dẫn xin Học bổng tiếng Hoa Bộ Giáo dục năm 2024 Khu vực Huế trở ra Bắc Việt Nam", "content": "

Văn phòng Kinh tế và Văn hóa Đài Bắc tại Việt Nam Thông báo




Nhằm khuyến khích học sinh, sinh viên ưu tú Việt Nam sang Đài Loan học tiếng Hoa, nghiên cứu và làm quen với nền Văn hóa của Đài Loan, tiến hành giao lưu văn hóa, tăng cường sự hiểu biết và tình hữu nghị giữa hai bên, Bộ Giáo dục Đài Loan đặc biệt lập ra Học bổng tiếng Hoa dành cho học sinh, sinh viên Việt Nam.

  1. Thời gian nhận học bổng:
  2. \n
  3. Thời gian nhận học bổng: Mỗi ứng viên có thể sang Đài Loan học tiếng Hoa từ 2 tháng, 3 tháng, 6 tháng, 9 tháng hoặc 12 tháng, tuy nhiên tùy vào số lượng ứng viên xin học bổng của năm đó mà số tháng được cấp học bổng cũng sẽ được xem xét và thể hiện trong Chứng nhận học bổng.
  4. \n
  5. Thời gian nhận học bổng trong năm: từ ngày 1 tháng 9 năm 2024 đến ngày 31 tháng 8 năm 2025. Ứng viên nhận học bổng phải tuân thủ theo thời gian nhận học bổng đến Đài Loan báo danh nhập học đúng hạn quy định. Trong thời gian đó ứng viên nhận học bổng không đến Đài Loan du học, đồng nghĩa với việc từ bỏ tư cách nhận học bổng, không được bảo lưu cho năm sau. Ứng viên nhận học bổng đăng ký học từ học kỳ (mùa) nào, thì trường sẽ căn cứ từ tháng học đó phát tiền học bổng cho ứng viên nhận học bổng.
  6. \n
  7. Chế độ học bổng:
  8. \n

Tiền học bổng mỗi ứng viên nhận học bổng có thể nhận mỗi tháng là 25,000 Đài tệ (khoảng 800 USD), ứng viên nhận học bổng phải xin học tại những Trung tâm tiếng Hoa được thành lập trong các trường đại học theo quy định của Bộ Giáo dục Đài Loan (mời tham khảo file đính kèm : Danh sách Trung tâm tiếng Hoa của các trường đại học tại Đài Loan). Trước ngày 10 hàng tháng, các Trung tâm tiếng Hoa sẽ dựa vào thời gian lên lớp cũng như thành tích học tập của ứng viên nhận học bổng để phát tiền học bổng. Chỉ duy nhất tháng học bổng đầu tiên, phải sau khi sang Đài Loan 1 đến 2 tháng, Bộ Giáo dục Đài Loan mới bắt đầu cấp tiền học bổng. Ứng viên nhận học bổng nên chuẩn bị cho thời gian đầu các chi phí như: học phí, phí thuê nhà (tiền cọc) và sinh hoạt phí ít nhất 2,500 USD.


Từ ngày 1 tháng 2 đến hết ngày 31 tháng 3 năm 2024.

  1. Điu kiện xin học bổng:
  2. \n
  3. Ứng viên xin học bổng phải là công dân Việt Nam, mang quốc tịch Việt Nam, có hộ khẩu từ Huế trở ra Bắc, đủ 18 tuổi (đủ cả tháng), Tốt nghiệp THPT trở lên, thành tích học tập khá, phẩm chất đạo đức tốt.
  4. \n
  5. Nếu thuộc diện dưới đây, không được tham gia học bổng này:
  6. \n

2.1. Kiều bào của Trung Hoa Dân Quốc tại nước ngoài, mang quốc tịch Trung Hoa Dân Quốc.


2.2. Đang theo học tiếng Hoa hoặc học vị tại Đài Loan.


2.3. Từng nhận học bổng tiếng Hoa hoặc học bổng Đài Loan.


2.4. Trong thời gian học tiếng Hoa tại Đài Loan đồng thời là sinh viên nằm trong diện trao đổi sinh viên giữa các trường đại học Đài Loan và các trường nước ngoài.


2.5. Đồng thời nhận thêm học bổng của các cơ quan chính phủ Đài Loan hoặc học bổng của các trường đại học Đài Loan.

  1. Các giấy tờ cần thiết khi xin học bổng:
  2. \n

Ứng viên xin học bổng cần chuẩn bị những giấy tờ sau, gửi qua đường bưu điện hoặc trực tiếp mang đến nơi tiếp nhận hồ sơ theo đúng thời gian quy định:

  1. Điền đầy đủ thông tin vào đơn xin “Học bổng tiếng Hoa Bộ Giáo dục” ( dán kèm 1 ảnh 4x6 chụp trong 3 tháng gần nhất)
  2. \n
  3. 1 bản photo giấy CMND hoặc hộ chiếu và 1 bản photo hộ khẩu, địa chỉ hộ khẩu phải từ Huế trở ra Bắc.
  4. \n
  5. 1 bản photo bằng tốt nghiệp cao nhất và bảng điểm đã được các phòng công chứng dịch sang tiếng Anh hoặc tiếng Hoa có đóng dấu xác nhận của Cục Lãnh sự Bộ Ngoại giao Việt Nam.
  6. \n
  7. 1 bản photo Chứng chỉ năng lực Hoa ngữ (TOCFL) cấp 1 trở lên hoặc bảng điểm năng lực tiếng Anh quốc tế còn hiệu lực.
  8. \n
  9. 1 bản photo giấy thông báo nhập học của Trung tâm tiếng Hoa của trường đại học tại Đài Loan, hoặc 1 bản photo mẫu đơn xin nhập học đã điền đầy đủ thông tin. Ứng viên xin học bổng tự chủ động liên hệ với Trung tâm tiếng Hoa để nộp hồ sơ xin nhập học theo quy định riêng của từng trường.
  10. \n
  11. Hai thư giới thiệu gốc có chữ ký trực tiếp (chữ ký tươi) của hiệu trưởng, giáo sư hoặc giáo viên hướng dẫn, lãnh đạo nơi đang công tác.
  12. \n
  13. Kế hoạch học tập.
  14. \n



** Hồ sơ xin học bổng hợp lệ phải đy đủ các giấy tờ được yêu cầu phía trên. Nhng giấy tờ trong hồ sơ xin học bổng đều sẽ không được hoàn trả.



  1. Nơi nộp hồ sơ:
  2. \n

Đối với ứng viên xin học bổng có hộ khẩu từ Huế trở ra Bắc (bao gồm Huế), mời nộp hồ sơ tới địa chỉ dưới đây:


Phòng Giáo dục, Văn phòng Kinh tế và Văn hóa Đài Bắc tại Hà Nội, Việt Nam


Địa chỉ: Tầng 20A(KT), Tòa nhà PVI, Số 1 Phạm Văn Bạch, Cầu Giấy, Hà Nội


Điện thoại: 024-38335501 ext 8458   Fax: 024-32262114


Email: tweduvn@gmail.com


Chú ý: Những ứng viên xin học bổng có hộ khẩu từ Huế trở vào Nam (không bao gồm Huế) vui lòng liên lạc Phòng Giáo dục Văn phòng Kinh tế và Văn hóa Đài Bắc tại Thành phố Hồ Chí Minh, Việt Nam.


Điện thoại: 028-38349160 ext 2202-2203


Chủ yếu dựa vào (1) Kế hoạch học tập  (2) Thành tích học tập  (3) Năng lực ngoại ngữ


(4) Thư giới thiệu     (5) Khả năng thể hiện khi phỏng vấn


Từ ngày 1 tháng 2 đến 31 tháng 3 năm 2024, nhận hồ sơ xin học bổng; tháng 4 đến tháng 5 tiến hành xét duyệt hồ sơ xin học bổng và phỏng vấn, ứng viên không qua vòng xét duyệt hồ sơ sẽ không nhận được thông báo và không được trả lại hồ sơ xin học bổng đã nộp; trước cuối tháng 6, ứng viên qua vòng sơ tuyển cần nộp (1) giấy thông báo nhập học của Trung tâm tiếng Hoa (ứng viên không nộp giấy thông báo nhập học, sẽ không được tiếp tục tham gia xét duyệt nhận học bổng) , (2) các giấy tờ cần thiết đã được công chứng (bằng tốt nghiệp, bảng điểm ) và (3) Chứng chỉ năng lực ngoại ngữ bản gốc để đối chiếu ( TOCFL, bảng điểm năng lực tiếng Anh quốc tế còn hiệu lực, bản gốc đối chiếu xong trả lại); trước cuối tháng 7 ứng viên trúng tuyển học bổng tham gia buổi tọa đàm về du học Đài Loan; tháng 8 làm visa (ứng viên nhận học bổng tự chi trả phí làm visa), tự mua vé máy bay, chuẩn bị phí nhập học và 2-3 tháng tiền sinh hoạt phí, và chuẩn bị sang Đài Loan du học.

  1. Những điều ứng viên nhận học bổng phải tuân thủ:
  2. \n
  3. Ứng viên nhận học bổng phải tự chủ động nộp hồ sơ xin nhập học và báo danh nhập học với các Trung tâm tiếng Hoa được thành lập trong trường đại học theo quy định của Bộ Giáo dục Đài Loan.
  4. \n
  5. Mỗi tuần phải học ít nhất 15 giờ những môn bắt buộc, không bao gồm tham quan văn hóa, diễn thuyết chuyên đề và những hoạt động tự học khác. Trong 1 tháng ứng viên nhận học bổng vắng học trên 12 giờ đối với những môn bắt buộc, sẽ bị ngừng cấp học bổng 1 tháng. Trong hai kỳ học liên tiếp điểm trung bình thấp hơn 80 điểm, ứng viên nhận học bổng sẽ bị hủy tư cách nhận học bổng.
  6. \n
  7. Đối với ứng viên nhận học bổng trong thời gian 1 năm, ứng viên nhận học bổng phải hoàn thành từ một học kỳ (mùa) trở lên tại trường đã xin nhập học, sau khi thông qua sự đồng ý của trường đang theo học và trường muốn chuyển, đồng thời phải tuân theo quy định chuyển trường của các trường thì được chuyển trường. Trong suốt thời gian nhận học bổng, ứng viên nhận học bổng chỉ được chuyển trường duy nhất một lần. Đối với ứng viên nhận học bổng dưới 1 năm, không được xin chuyển trường.
  8. \n
  9. Phẩm chất đạo đức, thành tích học tập không tốt và thời gian lên lớp của ứng viên nhận học bổng không phù hợp với quy định, sẽ ngừng cấp và hủy bỏ học bổng này. Tháng cuối cùng trong thời gian nhận học bổng, nếu về nước sớm mà tháng đó giờ lên lớp vắng quá 12 giờ, thì ứng viên nhận học bổng phải trả lại tiền học bổng của tháng đó.
  10. \n
  11. Ứng viên nhận học bổng không được đi làm thêm. Nếu bị phát hiện, trường đang theo học sẽ hủy tư cách nhận học bổng, đồng thời sẽ bị truy thu lại tiền học bổng đã phát trước đó.
  12. \n
  13. Đối với những ứng viên nhận học bổng với thời gian trên 6 tháng, đều phải tham gia bảo hiểm y tế toàn dân. Trước khi tham gia loại bảo hiểm này, nên mua các loại bảo hiểm khác hoặc bảo hiểm tai nạn sinh viên, phí bảo hiểm Trung tâm ngoại ngữ sẽ trừ vào tiền học bổng.
  14. \n
  15. Đối với ứng viên nhận học bổng từ 6 tháng trở lên, phải chuẩn bị giấy khám sức khỏe, xin visa cư trú Đài Loan; những ứng viên nhận học bổng dưới 6 tháng, chỉ xin visa ngắn hạn thì không cần nộp giấy khám sức khỏe. Chi phí làm visa do ứng viên nhận học bổng tự chi trả.
  16. \n
  17. Những ứng viên nhận học bổng 9 tháng trở lên, sau khi đến Đài Loan du học, phải tham gia Kỳ thi Năng lực Hoa ngữ (TOCFL) và phải đạt từ cấp 3 (Cấp Tiến cấp) trở lên (lệ phí thi do người nhận học bổng tự chi trả), đồng thời trước khi kết thúc thời gian nhận học bổng 1 tháng phải nộp giấy chứng nhận đạt yêu cầu hoặc bảng điểm; ứng viên nhận học bổng không nộp sẽ bị ngừng phát học bổng 1 tháng. Giấy chứng nhận hoặc bảng điểm này nếu nộp ngay tại thời điểm nộp hồ sơ xin học bổng, sau khi đến Đài Loan du học không cần tham gia lại kỳ thi này.
  18. \n
  19. Ứng viên nhận học bổng phải ký vào “Giấy cam kết của học bổng tiếng Hoa Bộ Giáo dục” và tuân thủ những quy định liên quan của học bổng này.
  20. \n
  21. Công bố thông tin:
  22. \n

Văn phòng Kinh tế và Văn hóa Đài Bắc tại Hà Nội, Việt Nam:




Phòng Giáo dục, Văn phòng Kinh tế và Văn hóa Đài Bắc tại Hà Nội, Việt Nam: https://depart.moe.edu.tw/VN


Đơn đăng ký


     Danh sách Trung tâm tiếng Hoa của các trường đại học tại Đài Loan





\n", "date": "2024-02-06 17:06:18", "url": "http://www.roc-taiwan.org/vn_vi/post/8529.html" } ] }, { "lang": "zh", "branch": "sgn", "country": "vn", "name": "駐胡志明市台北經濟文化辦事處", "path": "/vnsgn/", "items": [ { "title": "113年4月20日駐胡志明市辦事處韓國耀處長出席平陽省台灣商會舉辦之「2024台灣夜市美食節」。", "content": "




\n", "date": "2024-04-22 12:23:25", "url": "http://www.roc-taiwan.org/vnsgn/post/45546.html" }, { "title": "113年4月10日駐胡志明市辦事處韓國耀處長出席「2024年臺灣美食文化節」活動。", "content": "




\n", "date": "2024-04-12 11:08:13", "url": "http://www.roc-taiwan.org/vnsgn/post/45383.html" }, { "title": "113年3月22日駐胡志明市台北經濟文化辦事處舉辦「113年迎春酒會暨感恩餐會」", "content": "
















































\n", "date": "2024-03-25 17:41:08", "url": "http://www.roc-taiwan.org/vnsgn/post/44789.html" }, { "title": "113年3月9日駐胡志明市辦事處韓國耀處長出席越南臺灣商會聯合總會及越南平陽臺灣商會晚會。", "content": "




\n", "date": "2024-03-12 15:05:22", "url": "http://www.roc-taiwan.org/vnsgn/post/44476.html" }, { "title": "113年3月2日駐胡志明市辦事處韓國耀處長出席柬埔寨臺商會新春團拜活動。", "content": "






\n", "date": "2024-03-04 16:53:45", "url": "http://www.roc-taiwan.org/vnsgn/post/44148.html" }, { "title": "113年2月25日駐胡志明市辦事處韓國耀處長出席越南臺灣客家聯誼會活動。", "content": "




\n", "date": "2024-02-27 16:30:30", "url": "http://www.roc-taiwan.org/vnsgn/post/44104.html" }, { "title": "113年1月29日駐胡志明市辦事處韓國耀處長出席僑務委員會產學攜手合作僑生專班海外聯合招生宣傳行前說明會。", "content": "




\n", "date": "2024-02-01 16:37:19", "url": "http://www.roc-taiwan.org/vnsgn/post/43840.html" }, { "title": "113年1月17日駐胡志明市辦事處韓國耀處長會晤吳鳳科技大學校長蔡宏榮博士一行。", "content": "




\n", "date": "2024-01-18 12:03:04", "url": "http://www.roc-taiwan.org/vnsgn/post/43726.html" }, { "title": "113年1月5日駐胡志明市辦事處韓國耀處長出席越南同奈省台灣商會新舊會長及監事長交接典禮。", "content": "




\n", "date": "2024-01-08 14:58:05", "url": "http://www.roc-taiwan.org/vnsgn/post/43623.html" }, { "title": "112年12月28日駐胡志明市辦事處韓國耀處長出席越南臺灣客家聯誼會活動。", "content": "




\n", "date": "2024-01-02 16:28:03", "url": "http://www.roc-taiwan.org/vnsgn/post/43446.html" } ] }, { "lang": "en", "branch": "sgn", "country": "vn", "name": "Taipei Economic and Cultural Office in Ho Chi Minh City", "path": "/vnsgn_en/", "items": [ { "title": "Director General Mr. Han, Kuo-Yao attended the 2024 Taiwan Night Market Festival, which was held by the Council of Taiwanese Chambers of Commerce in Binh Duong on 20 Apr. 2024.", "content": "

Director General Mr. Han, Kuo-Yao attended the 2024 Taiwan Night Market Festival, which was held by the Council of Taiwanese Chambers of Commerce in Binh Duong on 20 Apr. 2024.





\n", "date": "2024-04-22 12:24:56", "url": "http://www.roc-taiwan.org/vnsgn_en/post/6168.html" }, { "title": "Director General Mr. Han, Kuo-Yao attended the 2024 Taiwan Cuisine Festival at HUTECH on 10 Apr. 2024.", "content": "

Director General Mr. Han, Kuo-Yao attended the 2024 Taiwan Cuisine Festival at HUTECH on 10 Apr. 2024.



\n", "date": "2024-04-12 11:09:30", "url": "http://www.roc-taiwan.org/vnsgn_en/post/6162.html" }, { "title": "Director General Mr. Han, Kuo-Yao hosted the 2024 TECO in HCMC Spring feast on 22 Mar. 2024.", "content": "

Director General Mr. Han, Kuo-Yao hosted the 2024 TECO in HCMC Spring feast on 22 Mar. 2024.

























\n", "date": "2024-03-25 18:04:52", "url": "http://www.roc-taiwan.org/vnsgn_en/post/6113.html" }, { "title": "Director General Mr. Han, Kuo-Yao attended the Spring feast of the Council of Taiwanese Chambers of Commerce in Vietnam & Binh Duong Branch on 9 Mar. 2024.", "content": "

Director General Mr. Han, Kuo-Yao attended the Spring feast of the Council of Taiwanese Chambers of Commerce in Vietnam & Binh Duong Branch on 9 Mar. 2024.



\n", "date": "2024-03-11 16:51:42", "url": "http://www.roc-taiwan.org/vnsgn_en/post/6025.html" }, { "title": "Director General Mr. Han, Kuo-Yao attended the Spring feast of Taiwan Commercial Association in Cambodia on 2 Mar. 2024.", "content": "

Director General Mr. Han, Kuo-Yao attended the Spring feast of Taiwan Commercial Association in Cambodia on 2 Mar. 2024.



\n", "date": "2024-03-04 16:55:08", "url": "http://www.roc-taiwan.org/vnsgn_en/post/6014.html" }, { "title": "Director General Mr. Han, Kuo-Yao attended the Taiwan Hakka Association of Vietnam activity on 25 Feb. 2024.", "content": "

Director General Mr. Han, Kuo-Yao attended the Taiwan Hakka Association of Vietnam activity on 25 Feb. 2024.



\n", "date": "2024-02-27 16:39:11", "url": "http://www.roc-taiwan.org/vnsgn_en/post/6008.html" }, { "title": "Director General Mr. Han, Kuo-Yao attended the 3+4 Vocational Education Program for Overseas Compatriot Students pre-departure briefing on 29 Jan. 2024.", "content": "

Director General Mr. Han, Kuo-Yao attended the 3+4 Vocational Education Program for Overseas Compatriot Students pre-departure briefing on 29 Jan. 2024.



\n", "date": "2024-02-01 16:39:41", "url": "http://www.roc-taiwan.org/vnsgn_en/post/5981.html" }, { "title": "The President of Wu Feng University Prof. Tsai, Hung-Jung called on the Director General Mr. Han, Kuo-Yao on Jan. 17, 2024.", "content": "

The President of Wu Feng University Prof. Tsai, Hung-Jung called on the Director General Mr. Han, Kuo-Yao on Jan. 17, 2024.





\n", "date": "2024-01-18 12:09:49", "url": "http://www.roc-taiwan.org/vnsgn_en/post/5915.html" }, { "title": "Director General Mr. Han, Kuo-Yao attended the Council of Taiwanese Chambers of Commerce in Dong Nai Chairpersons and Supervisors’ Handover Ceremony on 5 Jan. 2024.", "content": "

Director General Mr. Han, Kuo-Yao attended the Council of Taiwanese Chambers of Commerce in Dong Nai Chairpersons and Supervisors’ Handover Ceremony on 5 Jan. 2024.



\n", "date": "2024-01-08 15:00:22", "url": "http://www.roc-taiwan.org/vnsgn_en/post/5901.html" }, { "title": "Director General Mr. Han, Kuo-Yao attended the Taiwan Hakka Association of Vietnam activity on 28 Dec. 2023.", "content": "

Director General Mr. Han, Kuo-Yao attended the Taiwan Hakka Association of Vietnam activity on 28 Dec. 2023.



\n", "date": "2024-01-02 16:29:17", "url": "http://www.roc-taiwan.org/vnsgn_en/post/5862.html" } ] }, { "lang": "zh", "branch": "", "country": "jo", "name": "駐約旦臺北經濟文化辦事處", "path": "/jo/", "items": [] }, { "lang": "en", "branch": "", "country": "jo", "name": "Taipei Economic and Cultural office", "path": "/jo_en/", "items": [ { "title": "The consular services of Taipei Economic and Cultural Office will be suspended from April 9 to April 13, 2024 due to the Eid Al-Fitr holiday dates.", "content": "

The consular services of Taipei Economic and Cultural Office will be suspended from April 9 to April 13, 2024 due to the Eid Al-Fitr holiday dates.

\n", "date": "2024-04-03 17:02:59", "url": "http://www.roc-taiwan.org/jo_en/post/1689.html" }, { "title": "(During 2024 Ramadan)The Opening Hours of Consular Services of This Office", "content": "

During 2024 Ramadan, the Opening Hours of Consular Services of This Office Will Be Amended as Below.


APPLICATIONS SUBMISSION    : 10:30am- 12:30am; Sunday through Thursday


DOCUMENTS COLLECTION      : 13:00pm – 13:30pm; Sunday through Thursday

\n", "date": "2024-03-05 18:57:45", "url": "http://www.roc-taiwan.org/jo_en/post/1669.html" }, { "title": "【Announcement】Note for Republic of China (Taiwan) visa applicants who have resided in or visited Afghanistan, Malawi, Mozambique, Pakistan, Madagascar, or the Democratic Republic of the Congo for four weeks or longer in the past year", "content": "

In accordance with World Health Organization recommendations, applicants for Republic of China (Taiwan) visas must submit proof of having been administered the oral poliovirus vaccine (OPV) or the inactivated poliovirus vaccine (IPV) four weeks to one year before applying if they have resided in or visited countries at high risk for poliovirus transmission (namely Afghanistan, Malawi, Mozambique, Pakistan, Madagascar, and the Democratic Republic of the Congo) for four weeks or longer within the past year.

\n", "date": "2024-01-25 17:11:47", "url": "http://www.roc-taiwan.org/jo_en/post/1618.html" } ] }, { "lang": "zh", "branch": "den", "country": "us", "name": "駐丹佛台北經濟文化辦事處", "path": "/usden/", "items": [ { "title": "黃世昌處長拜會密蘇里州堪薩斯市盧卡斯市長!", "content": "


\n", "date": "2024-04-06 04:19:20", "url": "http://www.roc-taiwan.org/usden/post/13582.html" }, { "title": "駐丹佛辦事處將於4月4日在堪薩斯州舉辦《臺灣關係法》立法45週年論壇", "content": "
Johnson County Library - Monticello Branch 22435 W 66th St Shawnee, KS 66226
Start:Thursday, April 4, 2024 at 5:30 PM
End:Thursday, April 4, 2024 at 8:00 PM
Time Zone:Central Time
Signed into law by President Jimmy Carter on April 10, 1979, and reaffirmed several times since, the Taiwan Relations Act is the primary guiding document for bilateral relations between the United States and Taiwan. Nearly forty-five years later to the day, in light of continuing developments on Taiwan, it is worth examining the state of relations with the United States' 9th largest trading partner, and celebrate the anniversary of this important bill. You are cordially invited to join the International Relations Council and TECO as we celebrate this anniversary, which will feature an opening reception with food and refreshments provided at no cost to registrants, followed by three separate perspectives being shared on the importance of Taiwan-US Relations.
\n", "date": "2024-03-27 03:57:23", "url": "http://www.roc-taiwan.org/usden/post/13578.html" }, { "title": "黃世昌處長三度會晤南達科他州羅登副州長(Larry Rhoden),期盼雙邊深化各項交流!", "content": "

黃世昌處長於本(113)年2月29日三度會晤南達科他州羅登副州長(Larry Rhoden),雙方就如何更深化台灣與南達州的經貿、學術及各項議題交換意見。





\n", "date": "2024-03-07 08:21:49", "url": "http://www.roc-taiwan.org/usden/post/13550.html" }, { "title": "黃世昌處長受「科州台灣同鄉會」邀請,分享研究台灣語言的心得", "content": "




\"427882233_696959909277960_2796532439510604424_n\" \"427828711_696959819277969_8340513144369869488_n\"

\n", "date": "2024-02-13 02:34:16", "url": "http://www.roc-taiwan.org/usden/post/13530.html" }, { "title": "黃世昌處長向堪薩斯大學商學院師生介紹台灣經濟發展現況", "content": "

黃世昌處長日前以「和台灣做生意」(Doing Business with Taiwan)為題向堪薩斯大學商學院師生介紹台灣經濟發展現況並與師生們深入交流意見。




\"425677187_692528063054478_4408791387321406164_n\" \"425734492_692528086387809_2425895191889251756_n\" \"425781164_692528026387815_6563544296552329075_n\" \"425717579_692528003054484_3148566512224629906_n\"

\n", "date": "2024-02-10 03:23:47", "url": "http://www.roc-taiwan.org/usden/post/13522.html" }, { "title": "黃世昌處長拜會堪薩斯州凱莉州長,期許台勘互為最值得信賴的合作夥伴!", "content": "

黃世昌處長很榮幸拜會堪薩斯州凱莉(Laura Kelly)州長,並就如何促進台堪產業、學術、科技與文化交流廣泛交換意見,雙方都期許台堪互為最值得信賴的合作夥伴。


\"422910715_690429053264379_3354576017568811926_n\" \"423537924_690429046597713_7356936713778620587_n\" \"423539503_690429079931043_2259473079715401456_n\" \"423539407_690429093264375_5148736852127139870_n\"

\n", "date": "2024-02-02 08:42:16", "url": "http://www.roc-taiwan.org/usden/post/13497.html" }, { "title": "台灣珍珠奶茶亮眼丹佛!", "content": "

黃世昌處長日前至丹佛Park Meadows珍珠奶茶店「Latea」與老闆Wei會面交流,值得一提的是,每年美國光從台灣就進口超過上億美元樹薯粉原料!





\n", "date": "2024-01-19 11:00:35", "url": "http://www.roc-taiwan.org/usden/post/13483.html" } ] }, { "lang": "en", "branch": "den", "country": "us", "name": "Taipei Economic and Cultural Office in Denver", "path": "/usden_en/", "items": [ { "title": "U.S.-Taiwan Relations as the Taiwan Relations Act Turns 45", "content": "
Taiwan in Denver Cohosts a discussion with the International Relations Council-Kansas City on April 4th, for those who are interested in this topic, please welcome to join us.
info: ​
Johnson County Library - Monticello Branch 22435 W 66th St Shawnee, KS 66226
Start:Thursday, April 4, 2024 at 5:30 PM
End:Thursday, April 4, 2024 at 8:00 PM
Time Zone:Central Time
Signed into law by President Jimmy Carter on April 10, 1979, and reaffirmed several times since, the Taiwan Relations Act is the primary guiding document for bilateral relations between the United States and Taiwan. Nearly forty-five years later to the day, in light of continuing developments on Taiwan, it is worth examining the state of relations with the United States' 9th largest trading partner, and celebrate the anniversary of this important bill. You are cordially invited to join the International Relations Council and TECO as we celebrate this anniversary, which will feature an opening reception with food and refreshments provided at no cost to registrants, followed by three separate perspectives being shared on the importance of Taiwan-US Relations.
\n", "date": "2024-03-27 03:53:31", "url": "http://www.roc-taiwan.org/usden_en/post/6553.html" }, { "title": "Director General Bill Huang Joined Statehood Day Dinner to Celebrate the 157th Anniversary of the Founding of Nebraska", "content": "

A Statehood Day Dinner was held last week to celebrate the 157th anniversary of the founding of Nebraska. Team Taiwan in Denver were honored and pleased to be invited to attend the event. Happy birthday to the Cornhusker State!



\n", "date": "2024-03-14 00:15:05", "url": "http://www.roc-taiwan.org/usden_en/post/6543.html" } ] }, { "lang": "zh", "branch": "mia", "country": "us", "name": "駐邁阿密台北經濟文化辦事處", "path": "/usmia/", "items": [ { "title": "紀念《台灣關係法》45周年,周處長與佛州政要共製「時空膠囊」", "content": "
今年是《台灣關係法》立法通過45週年紀念日,為彰顯45年來這一法案對維繫台美緊密關係的重要性,本處與大奧蘭多台灣同鄉會於4月7日特別在中佛州橘郡著名的「南伊康社區公園」(South Econ Community Park)舉辦「紀念《台灣關係法》立法45週年」活動,邀請與會賓客一同製作「時空膠囊」,寫下對台美關係未來的展望與期許,紀念這個重要的歷史時刻。
佛州政界及僑界主流人士熱烈響應紀念活動,出席者包括州參議員史都華(Linda Stewart)、州眾議員羅蓓絲(Johanna Lopez)、哈莉絲(Rita Harris)、艾絲卡曼尼(Anna Eskamani)、佛州第9巡迴法院法官華克(Mikaela Nix Walker)及橘郡戴明思(Jerry Demings)郡長特助Shally Wong等中佛州政界人士,聯邦參議員盧比歐(Marco Rubio)、聯邦參議員史考特(Rick Scott)及聯邦眾議員索托(Darren Soto)也派代表到場,表達對台灣的力挺支持,超過200名賓客獲邀出席。
聯邦參議員盧比歐(Marco Rubio)、史考特(Rick Scott)及聯邦衆議員索托(Darren Soto)的代表在活動現場宣讀祝賀信函,表達美國對民主台灣的支持及對台海安全的堅定承諾。其他出席的州議員致詞時也一致表示,今天的紀念活動意義非凡,期盼台美關係在《台灣關係法》奠定的基礎上越來越緊密。
\n", "date": "2024-04-20 04:18:19", "url": "http://www.roc-taiwan.org/usmia/post/13855.html" }, { "title": "周處長拜會此間知名西文平面媒體「美洲日報」(Diario Las Américas)總編輯Lliana Lavastida", "content": "
周處長偕李金星領事拜會此間知名西文平面媒體「美洲日報」(Diario Las Américas)總編輯Lliana Lavastida。
\n", "date": "2024-03-31 06:38:35", "url": "http://www.roc-taiwan.org/usmia/post/13821.html" }, { "title": "本處應邁戴郡政府「亞美裔顧問委員會」邀請在南佛州邁戴郡(Miami-Dade County)熱帶公園(Tropical Park)舉辦的「第33屆亞洲文化節」(The 33rd Annual Asian Cultural Festival)現場設置文化展攤", "content": "
本處3月2日至3日應邁戴郡政府「亞美裔顧問委員會」邀請在南佛州邁戴郡(Miami-Dade County)熱帶公園(Tropical Park)舉辦的「第33屆亞洲文化節」(The 33rd Annual Asian Cultural Festival)現場設置文化展攤,展示台灣的電音三太子、布袋戲偶及戲臺,首次在南佛州展出的三太子尤其「吸睛」,許多人紛紛向前要求合影,並好奇地詢問三太子由來與背景。此外,本處展攤還提供大家領取現場揮毫的書法字帖及品嚐溫潤甘甜的台灣高山茶,同時以「視覺」及「味覺」的方式向民眾推廣台灣文化。
代表邁戴郡郡長Levine Cava及郡議會議長Oliver Gilbert應邀出席的副議長Anthony Rodriguez在台上致詞時頓時成為我國最佳的旅遊代言人,他拿起麥克風,一開頭便大力讚揚台灣,並對台下賓客喊道:「你們一定要去台灣旅遊!」。他另與在場群眾分享自己2019年訪台時對台灣人的好客及台灣美食留下美好印象,表示相當期盼再次旅台
\"\" 周處長(後排左2)與Rodriguez副議長(後排右2)在本處展攤合影。


\"\" 周處長以活力滿滿的互動方式與台下民眾互動介紹台灣文化。
\"\" 主辦單位頒贈周處長(右2)獎牌,感謝辦事處多年來在南佛州文化推廣上的貢獻。






\"\" 民眾前來辦事處展攤品茗。


\n", "date": "2024-03-26 06:31:42", "url": "http://www.roc-taiwan.org/usmia/post/13802.html" }, { "title": "佛州參議會通過友台決議案 紀念《台灣關係法》立法通過45週年", "content": "
佛州參議會通過友台決議案 紀念《台灣關係法》立法通過45週年!
決議案並稱,今年4月10日適逢「台灣關係法」立法通過45週年,該法案為美台人民之間的經貿與文化關係奠基;目前台灣是美國第9大貿易夥伴,也是佛州在亞太區域第4大貨物貿易夥伴。此外,台佛許多城市之間亦具有姊妹市關係,例如邁戴郡(Miami-Dade County)與新北市、奧蘭多市(Orlando)與台南市、邁阿密市(Miami)與高雄市等。副總統當選人蕭美琴去年來訪拜會州長迪桑提斯,有助進一步提升台佛雙方情誼。
\"\" 周處長在佛州眾議會議事廳大門前與州眾議員John Snyder (左一)、Demi Busatta Cabrera (右二)及 Jason Shoaf (右一)合影。\n
\"\" 周處長與佛州參眾議會友台議員分享 「台灣關係法」立法通過45年來,對維護印太區域和平穩定及安全繁榮所發揮關鍵作用之看法。\n
\"\" 周處長在佛州參議會接受全體議員歡迎。\n
\"\" 周處長在佛州參議會議事廳大門前與州參議員Ana Maria Rodriguez合影。\n
\"\" 周處長與佛州眾議員 Vicki Lopez合影。
\n", "date": "2024-03-26 06:22:42", "url": "http://www.roc-taiwan.org/usmia/post/13793.html" }, { "title": "周處長拜會台灣品牌「潟湖家具」美國分公司(Lagoon Furniture America)總經理Fox Hu,瞭解台灣品牌在美國及拉美市場營運情況,並參觀該公司產品", "content": "
周處長偕朱軒玟副領事拜會台灣品牌「潟湖家具」美國分公司(Lagoon Furniture America)總經理Fox Hu,瞭解台灣品牌在美國及拉美市場營運情況,並參觀該公司產品。
Lagoon Furniture(潟湖家具)跟與LA NEW皮鞋同屬達達國際集團。Lagoon成立於2014年,專門設計及製造高品質的塑料家具,擁有專業的研發設計團隊及海外生產基地,每年製造超過100萬件家具產品,銷售至北美、中南美洲及亞太地區。
\n", "date": "2024-03-26 06:17:42", "url": "http://www.roc-taiwan.org/usmia/post/13788.html" }, { "title": "周處長應邀參加OFM駐邁阿密分處企畫專員Ramon Molina退休歡送會", "content": "
周處長應邀參加OFM駐邁阿密分處為任職多年的企畫專員Ramon Molina所舉辦的退休歡送會。 除各國駐佛州總領事館的朋友外,政、學等界的朋友們也紛紛前來送上祝福!
\n", "date": "2024-03-26 06:14:30", "url": "http://www.roc-taiwan.org/usmia/post/13780.html" }, { "title": "周處長拜會南佛州北灣村市(City of North Bay Village)市長Brent Latham", "content": "
周處長偕副領事朱軒玟拜會南佛州北灣村市(City of North Bay Village)市長Brent Latham該市市政經理Ralph Rosato及公關主任Julie Leonardi在場作陪。
\n", "date": "2024-03-26 05:41:42", "url": "http://www.roc-taiwan.org/usmia/post/13772.html" }, { "title": "周處長赴邁阿密世貿中心拜會主席Manny Mencia及副主席與首席營運長Alice Ancona", "content": "

周處長赴邁阿密世貿中心拜會主席Manny Mencia及副主席與首席營運長Alice Ancona。













\n", "date": "2024-03-26 05:38:43", "url": "http://www.roc-taiwan.org/usmia/post/13767.html" }, { "title": "周處長宴請長期關心台灣民主發展進程及兩岸關係等議題之邁阿密大學政治系教授金德芳(Prof. June Dreyer)", "content": "
周處長偕同游副組長嘉翔宴請長期關心台灣民主發展進程及兩岸關係等議題的邁阿密大學政治系教授金德芳(Prof. June Dreyer),除致贈總統與副總統聯名的春聯及福袋,並祝福金教授在金龍年康泰順意、德厚流芳。
\n", "date": "2024-02-22 07:19:06", "url": "http://www.roc-taiwan.org/usmia/post/13743.html" }, { "title": "周處長2月16日出席天主教聖心女子學校(Carrollton School of the Sacred Heart)舉辦之農曆新年慶祝活動", "content": "
周處長2月16日偕僑務秘書黃士聰出席邁阿密地區最富盛名的天主教聖心女子學校(Carrollton School of the Sacred Heart)舉辦之農曆新年慶祝活動。該校校長Heather Gillingham及副校長Patrick Coyle、小學分部校長Brittney Hernandez及副校長Christie Diaz、台裔華語教師張曉蕾及學生與家長逾400人齊聚一堂歡慶龍年春節。
\n", "date": "2024-02-22 07:10:26", "url": "http://www.roc-taiwan.org/usmia/post/13733.html" }, { "title": "《邁阿密全球雜誌》(Global Miami Magazine)總編輯James Faber與副編輯Yousra Benkirane來處拜會周處長", "content": "
《邁阿密全球雜誌》(Global Miami Magazine)總編輯James Faber與副編輯Yousra Benkirane前來本處拜會周處長。
\n", "date": "2024-02-22 07:05:50", "url": "http://www.roc-taiwan.org/usmia/post/13729.html" }, { "title": "周處長2月11日出席由佛州甘城台灣鄉親會聯合佛羅里達大學(University of Florida)台灣學生會舉辦的「2024龍年新春回娘家辦桌餐會」活動", "content": "
周處長2月11日出席由佛州甘城台灣鄉親會聯合佛羅里達大學(University of Florida)台灣學生會舉辦的「2024龍年新春回娘家辦桌餐會」活動。現場逾80人齊聚歡慶農曆新年,多位定居甘城的台灣鄉親也帶著美國家人出席一同感受歡喜回娘家的年節氣氛。
\n", "date": "2024-02-22 07:00:03", "url": "http://www.roc-taiwan.org/usmia/post/13722.html" }, { "title": "周處長應邀出席天霸臺灣同鄉會舉辦的春節聚餐活動", "content": "
\n", "date": "2024-02-21 23:28:20", "url": "http://www.roc-taiwan.org/usmia/post/13707.html" }, { "title": "周處長晚宴前來南佛州貝稜(Belen)中學參與交換計畫的新北市徐匯中學學生及參與該計畫的貝稜中學師生與家長", "content": "
\n", "date": "2024-02-21 23:20:08", "url": "http://www.roc-taiwan.org/usmia/post/13700.html" }, { "title": "周處長受邀赴駐邁阿密總領事中井一浩官邸午宴", "content": "
\n", "date": "2024-02-21 04:09:34", "url": "http://www.roc-taiwan.org/usmia/post/13692.html" }, { "title": "周處長應邀向「佛羅里達國際大學」公共政策研究所選修「亞洲研究」的學生,簡報台灣於印太區域之地緣政治角色", "content": "
周處長也向課後留下提問的學生們介紹農曆新年習俗,以及致贈公共政策研究所及其副主任Leland Lazarus總統及副總統聯名春聯—「萬物興龍」留念。
\n", "date": "2024-02-21 02:47:39", "url": "http://www.roc-taiwan.org/usmia/post/13685.html" }, { "title": "周處長應邀出席佛教慈濟基金會邁阿密聯絡處舉辦的癸卯年歲末祝福會", "content": "
\n", "date": "2024-02-21 02:44:42", "url": "http://www.roc-taiwan.org/usmia/post/13676.html" }, { "title": "周處長拜會南佛州Tamarac市市長Michelle Gomez", "content": "
周處長拜會南佛州Tamarac市市長Michelle Gomez,洽邀Gomez市長組團出席本年3月19-22日在台北及21-23日在高雄舉行的「智慧城市展」。
\n", "date": "2024-02-21 02:39:48", "url": "http://www.roc-taiwan.org/usmia/post/13671.html" }, { "title": "周處長應邀出席「世界市長會議」(World Conference of Mayors, WCM)並致詞", "content": "
周處長應邀出席「世界市長會議」(World Conference of Mayors, WCM)並致詞。該會議並無異議通過決議案,重申與臺灣的深厚情誼及紀念《臺灣關係法》立法45週年,另祝賀我國1月13日順利完成總統大選,選出賴清德副總統及前駐美代表蕭美琴大使為下任總統與副總統,展現臺灣人民無懼中國干涉、捍衛民主的堅定意志。會議隨後將決議文頒贈周處長。
「世界市長會議」創辦人暨阿拉巴馬州Tuskegee市前市長Johnny Ford在頒贈決議文時強調,臺灣政治民主自由,經濟繁榮進步,為世界楷模,該會議將繼續維繫與臺灣的情誼,並支持臺灣參與國際社會。
\n", "date": "2024-02-21 02:20:39", "url": "http://www.roc-taiwan.org/usmia/post/13664.html" }, { "title": "周處長與美國聯邦衆議院台灣連線共同主席Mario Diaz-Balart選區辦公室幕僚Miguel A. Otero、Glorianne Oliveros及Annette M. Hernandez會晤", "content": "
周處長偕游副組長嘉翔與美國聯邦衆議院台灣連線共同主席Mario Diaz-Balart選區辦公室幕僚Miguel A. Otero、Glorianne Oliveros及Annette M. Hernandez會晤。
\n", "date": "2024-02-21 02:16:31", "url": "http://www.roc-taiwan.org/usmia/post/13659.html" }, { "title": "周處長出席「世界華人工商婦女企管協會」奧蘭多分會首屆理事暨會員大會", "content": "
\"421808280_775661194601965_2897930926062238553_n\" \"\"
\n", "date": "2024-02-21 02:14:11", "url": "http://www.roc-taiwan.org/usmia/post/13653.html" }, { "title": "世華工商婦女企管協會奧蘭多分會會長黃百齡夫婦拜會本處", "content": "








\n", "date": "2024-01-21 04:34:00", "url": "http://www.roc-taiwan.org/usmia/post/13599.html" }, { "title": "周處長出席中佛州僑界元旦升旗籌備委員會在奧蘭多華埠廣場聯合舉行元旦升旗典禮", "content": "
\"\" 周處長代表僑委會頒發感謝狀予大奧蘭多臺灣商會及亞洲風行雜誌感謝其支持臺灣參與國際組織活動。\n
\"\" 周處長與奧維多中文學校及該校臺灣華語文學習中心參加升旗活動學生們合影。
\"\" 周處長(右5)、僑務秘書黃士聰(左2)、美國安良工商會總理關永發(右4)、僑務諮詢委員王成章(右3)等貴賓與三太子戲偶合影。
\"\" 元旦升旗籌備會主席兼僑務諮詢委員王成章開場致詞。\n
\"\" 中佛州元旦升旗活動現場。
\n", "date": "2024-01-21 04:28:27", "url": "http://www.roc-taiwan.org/usmia/post/13586.html" }, { "title": "周處長赴佛州博卡拉頓市(City of Boca Raton)市政府拜會市長Scott Singer", "content": "
周處長赴佛州博卡拉頓市(City of Boca Raton)市政府拜會市長Scott Singer,向Singer市長分享台灣在資通訊產業的發展現況及卓越成就,包含在打造智慧城市方面的成功案例等。周處長並邀請Singer市長參加今年在台灣舉辦的智慧城市展。
\n", "date": "2024-01-09 04:10:44", "url": "http://www.roc-taiwan.org/usmia/post/13567.html" } ] }, { "lang": "en", "branch": "mia", "country": "us", "name": "Taipei Economic and Cultural Office in Miami", "path": "/usmia_en/", "items": [ { "title": "Director General Chou and Florida officials gathered to create a \"time capsule\" commemorating the 45th Anniversary of the Taiwan Relations Act", "content": "
Director General Chou and Florida officials gathered to create a \"time capsule\" commemorating the 45th Anniversary of the Taiwan Relations Act!
This year marks the 45th anniversary of the enactment of the Taiwan Relations Act(TRA). To underscore the significance of this legislation in nurturing the close relationship between Taiwan and the United States over the past 45 years, our office, in collaboration with the Taiwanese Association of America Greater Orlando (TAAGO), hosted a special event on 4/7 at the South Econ Community Park in Orange County, Central Florida.
Guests were invited to partake in creating a \"time capsule,\" where they could inscribe their hopes and expectations for the future of Taiwan-U.S. relations, thus honoring this pivotal moment in history.
Over 200 attendees participated in this event, including State Senator Linda Stewart, State Representatives Johanna Lopez, Rita Harris, Anna Eskamani, Federal Judge Mikaela Nix Walker of the 9th Circuit Court of Florida, and Shally Wong, Special Assistant to Orange County Mayor Jerry Demings, alongside other distinguished guests from Central Florida. Senators Marco Rubio and Rick Scott, as well as Representative Darren Soto, also sent delegates to convey their support for Taiwan.
During his address, Director General Chou underscored how the solid foundation laid by the Taiwan Relations Act has fostered close and amicable cooperation and development between Taiwan and the United States across various domains such as the economy, society, and culture over the past 45 years. He cited the recent earthquake in Taiwan as an example, highlighting the outpouring of concern and condolences from Florida officials through calls, messages, and emails. He also expressed gratitude on behalf of the Taiwanese government and people for the warm sentiments shown by Florida officials towards Taiwan and its people.
Dignitaries, when invited to give remarks during the event, unanimously emphasized the significance of today's commemorative event and expressed their hope for even closer Taiwan-U.S. relations based on the foundation laid by the TRA. They also extended condolences for the earthquake in Taiwan on April 3rd, expressing confidence in Taiwan's swift recovery and return to normalcy.
The highlight of the event was Director General Chou and President Chien Ya-lan of TAAGO, along with all the dignitaries, joining together to create a \"time capsule.\" Each guest was tasked with inscribing their blessings for the 50th anniversary of the TRA in 2029. Attendees eagerly participated in this meaningful activity, inscribing their blessings for the future, and Director General Chou sealed them in the capsule on the spot. The capsule will be safeguarded at our office and is scheduled to be opened in 2029 on the 50th anniversary of the TRA.
The event also featured a plaque unveiling ceremony for \"Team Taiwan,\" a longstanding participant in the South Econ Community Park's adoption program, organized by TAAGO. This ceremony acknowledged the Taiwanese community's active involvement in serving the Orange County community, fully demonstrating the friendly relations between the people of Taiwan and the United States.
\n", "date": "2024-04-20 04:24:29", "url": "http://www.roc-taiwan.org/usmia_en/post/9309.html" }, { "title": "Director General Carles Chou visited Lliana Lavastida, Editor-in-Chief of the Spanish-language newspaper Diario Las Américas", "content": "
Director General Carles Chou, along with Consul Chin Hsing Lee, visited Lliana Lavastida, Editor-in-Chief of the Spanish-language newspaper Diario Las Américas.
Director general Chou thanked her and her office for their long-term support to Taiwan.
Diario Las Américas, based in Miami with more 2.5 millon readers, was founded in 1953, making it one of the oldest Spanish-language newspaper in the United State.
\n", "date": "2024-03-31 06:39:33", "url": "http://www.roc-taiwan.org/usmia_en/post/9262.html" }, { "title": "Our office, in response to an invitation from the Miami-Dade County government's \"Asian American Advisory Board,\" participated in the \"33rd Annual Asian Cultural Festival\" held at Tropical Park in Miami-Dade County", "content": "
Our office, in response to an invitation from the Miami-Dade County government's \"Asian American Advisory Board,\" participated in the \"33rd Annual Asian Cultural Festival\" held at Tropical Park in Miami-Dade County.
Our booth showcased Taiwanese culture, including the Daoism deity, the Third Prince, aka “Nezha,” and traditional puppetry. The Third Princes, making a debut in the festival, attracted many people coming to ask for a photo-op and inquiring about the Third Prince’s background.
Our booth also provided visitors with the opportunity to receive calligraphy samples on-site and savor the rich flavor of Taiwanese high mountain tea. We aimed to promote Taiwanese culture through both visual and gustatory experiences.
On 3/3, Director General Chou took the stage as an invited speaker. Beyond expressing gratitude to the hosting organizers for their dedication to promoting awareness of Asian cultures, traditions, and cuisine among the South Florida community, Director General Chou energetically engaged with the audience to promote Taiwanese culture on the stage during the speech and invited attendees to visit our booth, enjoy tea tasting, and immerse themselves in the cultural experience.
Following Director General Chou's speech, he received an award plaque on behalf of our office from the hosting organizers, acknowledging our office’s continuous support and contributions to the Asian community in South Florida and the event.
Vice Chairman Anthony Rodriguez, representing Miami-Dade County Mayor Levine Cava and Commission Chairman Oliver Gilbert, shared fond memories of his 2019 visit to Taiwan. He emphasized the hospitality of the Taiwanese people and the delightful cuisine. Accompanied by Director General Chou, Vice Chairman Anthony Rodriguez then visited our booth, where he learned about Taiwan's traditional culture. As someone born in the Year of the Dragon, he received a personalized calligraphy piece, inscribed with the words \"Dragon Peace.\"
This two-day \"Asian Cultural Festival\" is now in its 33rd year, attracting over 5,000 attendees annually. It is a renowned annual Asian cultural event in Florida. This year's festival featured booths selling handmade crafts, clothing, and delicacies from various Asian countries, including Taiwan's popular popcorn chicken. The hosting organizers also arranged captivating traditional Asian performances, creating a lively and joyful vibe.
\"\" Director General Chou (2nd from the left, back row) is pictured at our booth, accompanied by Vice Chairman Anthony Rodriguez (2nd from the right, back row) and others.\n
\"\" The Third Prince, making a debut at the festival, attracted many people seeking a photo-op. In the photo (from right to left): Director General Chou, University of Miami student Nicole Diaz, and Taiwanese Folk Artist Ching Jen Tu.
\"\" Director General Chou energetically engaged with the audience to promote Taiwanese culture on the stage during the speech.
\"\" Director General Chou (2nd from the right) received an award plaque on behalf of our office from the hosting organizers, acknowledging our office’s continuous support and contributions to the Asian community in South Florida and the event.
\"\" Director General Chou performed the puppy show outside our booth, attracting many visitors to come watch.
\"\" Vice Chairman Anthony Rodriguez (left) received a personalized calligraphy piece, inscribed by Taiwanese Folk Artist Ching Jen Tu with the words \"Dragon Peace.\"
\"\" The photo of our office’s culture booth.
\"\" The photo of our office’s culture booth.


\n", "date": "2024-03-26 06:37:23", "url": "http://www.roc-taiwan.org/usmia_en/post/9257.html" }, { "title": "The Florida Senate has passed a resolution commemorating the 45th anniversary of the enactment of the Taiwan Relations Act and expressing support for Taiwan", "content": "
The Florida Senate has passed a resolution commemorating the 45th anniversary of the enactment of the Taiwan Relations Act and expressing support for Taiwan.
The resolution was passed on February 28th, celebrating the election of Vice President Ching-te Lai and former Representative to the U.S., Ambassador Bi-khim Hsiao, as the 16th President and Vice President of Taiwan. It also acknowledges the pivotal role of the Taiwan Relations Act in establishing a solid foundation for bilateral relations between Taiwan and the United States.
Director General Chou was invited to witness the proceedings and expressed gratitude for the Florida Senate's renewed support for Taiwan. He emphasized the hope for continued deepening of bilateral exchanges in various fields, including commerce and culture, between Taiwan and Florida.
The resolution highlights the recent presidential election in Taiwan, where Vice President Ching-te Lai and Ambassador Bi-khim Hsiao were elected amidst China's attempts to suppress and coerce during the campaign. It commends the people of Taiwan for their unwavering commitment to defending the principles of freedom and democracy, symbolizing the maturity of Taiwan's democratic development and the shared core values of democracy and freedom between Taiwan and the United States.
Furthermore, the resolution notes that April 10th marks the 45th anniversary of the Taiwan Relations Act, which laid the foundation for economic, trade, and cultural relations between the people of the United States and Taiwan. Taiwan is currently the 9th largest trading partner of the U.S. and the 4th largest goods trading partner for Florida in the Asia-Pacific region. Sister city relationships between several cities in Taiwan and Florida, such as Miami-Dade County and New Taipei City, Orlando and Tainan City, and Miami and Kaohsiung City, are also highlighted.
The resolution expresses strong support from the Florida Senate for Taiwan's accession to the Comprehensive and Progressive Agreement for Trans-Pacific Partnership (CPTPP) and the Indo-Pacific Economic Framework (IPEF) to further deepen economic and trade relations between Taiwan and the United States.
In response to an invitation from 16 members of the Florida Senate and House of Representatives, Director General Chou shared insights on the critical role the Taiwan Relations Act has played in maintaining peace, stability, and prosperity in the Indo-Pacific region over the past 45 years. He looked forward to strengthening ties between Taiwan and Florida across various sectors.
\"\" In the photo: (from left to right) , Florida State Representative John Snyder, , Representative Demi Busatta Cabrera, and Representative Jason Shoaf.
\"\" Director General Chou shares views with members of the Florida State Senate and House of Representatives on the crucial role played by the Taiwan Relations Act over the past 45 years in maintaining peace, stability, and security, as well as fostering prosperity in the Indo-Pacific region.
\"\" Director General Chou and receives a warm welcome from all members of the Florida Senate.
\"\" Director General Chou and Florida State Senator Ana Maria Rodriguez.
\"\" Director General Chou and Florida State Representative Vicki Lopez.
\n", "date": "2024-03-26 06:25:51", "url": "http://www.roc-taiwan.org/usmia_en/post/9243.html" }, { "title": "Director General Chou visited the American branch of the Taiwanese brand \"Lagoon Furniture,\" where they met with Fox Hu, the General Manager", "content": "
Director General Chou, along with Vice Consul Alice Chu, visited the American branch of the Taiwanese brand \"Lagoon Furniture,\" where they met with Fox Hu, the General Manager. The purpose of the visit was to gain insights into the operational status of the Taiwanese brand in the American and Latin American markets and to tour the company's products.
Founded in 2014, \"Lagoon Furniture\" specializes in designing and manufacturing high-quality polypropylene furniture. The brand produces over a million furniture items annually, distributing them in markets across North America, Central and South America, as well as the Asia-Pacific region.
Lagoon's products are not only waterproof, sun-resistant, and durable but also non-toxic and recyclable.
For more information, you can visit Lagoon Furniture America's website: https://lagoonfurnitures.com/en/
\n", "date": "2024-03-26 06:19:45", "url": "http://www.roc-taiwan.org/usmia_en/post/9234.html" }, { "title": "Director General Chou was invited to attend the retirement party of the Office of Foreign Missions (OFM) Miami's Program Officer, Mr. Ramon Molina", "content": "
Director General Chou, along with other colleagues, was invited to attend the retirement party of the Office of Foreign Missions (OFM) Miami's Program Officer, Mr. Ramon Molina, organized by the Office!
Alongside friends from various consulates in the area, many friends from the political, academic, and other sectors also came to extend their blessings!
We would like to express our deepest gratitude to Ramon for his dedication over the years in fostering cooperation between our office and OFM, deepening the bond of friendship between us!
\n", "date": "2024-03-26 06:16:33", "url": "http://www.roc-taiwan.org/usmia_en/post/9229.html" }, { "title": "Director General Chou paid a friendly visit to Mayor Brent Latham of the City of North Bay Village", "content": "

Director General Chou, accompanied by Vice Consul Alice Chu, paid a friendly visit to Mayor Brent Latham of the City of North Bay Village . Village Manager, Dr. Ralph Rosato, and Director of Communications, Ms. Julie Leonardi, also joined the meeting.


Director General Chou expressed gratitude to Mayor Latham for his continuous support for the office and Taiwan. He looks forward to future cooperation between our office and the city. Mayor Latham appreciated the strong friendship with the office.


At the end of the meeting, Director General Chou presented Mayor Latham and others with spring scrolls and lucky coins bearing the signatures of President Tsai and Vice President Lai, extending heartfelt wishes for the city in the Year of the Dragon.



\n", "date": "2024-03-26 05:43:35", "url": "http://www.roc-taiwan.org/usmia_en/post/9223.html" }, { "title": "Director General Chou visited the World Trade Center Miami to pay a courtesy call to the center's Chairman, Manny Mencia, and its Senior Vice President/Chief Operating Officer, Alice Ancona", "content": "

Director General Chou visited the World Trade Center Miami to pay a courtesy call to the center's Chairman, Manny Mencia, and its Senior Vice President/Chief Operating Officer, Alice Ancona.


COO Ancona provided a briefing to Director General Chou on the center's operations, and discussions were held between Director General Chou, Chairman Mencia, and COO Ancona regarding future collaboration.


The Miami World Trade Center, through organizing conferences and exhibitions, assists various levels of government in Florida and private enterprises in expanding business, trade, and logistics relationships with the Latin American and Caribbean regions. It collaborates closely with the Florida government agencies responsible for economic and trade affairs.
\nDirector General Chou also presented a spring scroll from President Tsai and Vice President Lai and symbolic New Taiwan Dollar coins as souvenirs to Chairman Mencia and COO Ancona, wishing the center a prosperous Year of the Dragon.







\n", "date": "2024-03-26 05:40:09", "url": "http://www.roc-taiwan.org/usmia_en/post/9218.html" }, { "title": "Director General Chou hosted a dinner to express gratitude to Professor June Dreyer from the University of Miami's Political Science Department", "content": "
Director General Chou, along with Deputy Director Frank You, hosted a dinner to express gratitude to Professor June Dreyer from the University of Miami's Political Science Department. Professor Dreyer has long been engaged in issues related to Taiwan's democratic development and cross-strait relations.
During the gathering, Director General Chou presented a spring scroll from President Tsai and Vice President Lai, extending warm wishes to Professor Dreyer for a prosperous and enjoyable Year of the Dragon.
\n", "date": "2024-02-22 07:20:27", "url": "http://www.roc-taiwan.org/usmia_en/post/9207.html" }, { "title": "Director General Chou was invited to attend the Lunar New Year celebration at Carrollton School of the Sacred Heart on February 16", "content": "
Director General Chou, accompanied by Overseas Community Affairs Secretary Steve Huang, was invited to attend the Lunar New Year celebration at Carrollton School of the Sacred Heart on February 16.
This event was led by Head of School Heather Gillingham and President Patrick Coyle. The gathering was attended by over 400 students, parents, and teachers, including Lower School Head Brittney Hernandez, Lower School Associate Head Christie Britt-Diaz. Notably, and Taiwanese Mandarin teacher Charlene Chang.
In his speech, Director General Chou encouraged students to learn Mandarin. He acknowledged the challenges of Mandarin learning but stressed its global significance. Director General Chou highlighted Taiwan's role in East Asia and encouraged students to consider it as their preferred destination for continuing their Mandarin education. He also welcomed parents to consider bringing their children to Taiwan for study and tourism during school breaks, underscoring Taiwan's cultural richness and commitment to democratic freedom.
The New Year performance, showcasing a diverse range of programs collaboratively planned by teachers and students, demonstrated the solid educational achievements of Carrollton School of the Sacred Heart. After each performance, Director General Chou presented red envelopes to each student, adding a festive atmosphere to the event.
\n", "date": "2024-02-22 07:12:11", "url": "http://www.roc-taiwan.org/usmia_en/post/9203.html" }, { "title": "Mr. James Faber, the Editor-in-Chief of Global Miami Magazine, and Associate Editor Yousra Benkirane paid a courtesy visit to Director General Chou", "content": "
Mr. James Faber, the Editor-in-Chief of Global Miami Magazine, and Associate Editor Yousra Benkirane paid a courtesy visit to Director General Chou.
During the meeting, both parties discussed how the magazine could play an important role in fostering closer ties between Taiwan and Florida across various sectors, including economic and trade relations.
Director General Chou also took the opportunity to introduce the diverse facets of Taiwan's soft power to Editor-in-Chief Faber and Associate Editor Yousra.
\n", "date": "2024-02-22 07:06:59", "url": "http://www.roc-taiwan.org/usmia_en/post/9194.html" }, { "title": "Director General Chou attended the \"2024 Lunar New Year Reunion Banquet\" organized by the Taiwanese Association of Gainesville, Florida, in collaboration with the University of Florida's Taiwanese Student Association", "content": "
On February 11, Director General Chou attended the \"2024 Lunar New Year Reunion Banquet\" organized by the Taiwanese Association of Gainesville, Florida, in collaboration with the University of Florida's Taiwanese Student Association.
The event brought together over 80 people, including Taiwanese compatriots residing in Gainesville and their American family members, creating a festive atmosphere to celebrate the Lunar New Year and experience the joy of Taiwan's traditional family reunion.
The banquet commenced with the screening of a New Year greeting video recorded by Minister Chia-Ching Hsu of the Overseas Community Affairs Council, extending New Year's wishes to the attendees.
During his address, Director General Chou expressed gratitude to the Taiwanese community in Gainesville for their longstanding support and assistance to our office. He also presented spring scrolls featuring President Tsai Ing-wen and Vice President Lai Ching-te's wishes for the Year of the Dragon, offering blessings for health and prosperity to all present.
Additionally, he took the opportunity to explain the cultural significance of the second day of the Lunar New Year, the tradition of returning to one's maternal home, eliciting interest and joy from the foreign guests in attendance. The atmosphere at the event was lively and joyful, fostering a sense of celebration for the Lunar New Year.
\n", "date": "2024-02-22 07:04:21", "url": "http://www.roc-taiwan.org/usmia_en/post/9189.html" }, { "title": "Director General Chou hosted a Lunar New Year's Eve dinner for students participating in the exchange program between Belen Jesuit Preparatory School in South Florida and St. Ignatius High School in Taiwan", "content": "
Director General Chou hosted a Lunar New Year's Eve dinner for students participating in the exchange program between Belen Jesuit Preparatory School in South Florida and St. Ignatius High School in Taiwan, along with teachers and parents from Belen.
The program began in 2015. Through this program, students from both sides can broaden their perspectives and embrace a different culture. It also serves as a perfect channel for Florida families to learn more about Taiwan.
Since tonight is Lunar New Year's Eve, Director General Chou and the students would like to wish everyone a coming Year of the Dragon filled with prosperity and joy!
\n", "date": "2024-02-21 23:22:04", "url": "http://www.roc-taiwan.org/usmia_en/post/9174.html" }, { "title": "Director General Chou was invited by Consul General Kazuhiro Nakai of Japan in Miami to a delightful lunch meeting at his residence", "content": "
Director General Chou, along with our colleagues, was invited by Consul General Kazuhiro Nakai of Japan in Miami to a delightful lunch meeting at his residence, with Deputy Consul General Fumiyo Tsuda and other respected members from the Consulate also in attendance.
The meeting was a joyful celebration of our shared cultures and the strong bond between Taiwan and Japan.
As a symbol of enduring friendship and good fortune for the upcoming Year of the Dragon, Director General Chou presented Consul General Nakai with a spring scroll from President Tsai and Vice President Lai, along with other gifts from Taiwan.
\n", "date": "2024-02-21 04:11:27", "url": "http://www.roc-taiwan.org/usmia_en/post/9167.html" }, { "title": "Director General Chou was invited to address students at Florida International University's Public Policy Research Institute", "content": "
Director General Chou was invited to address students at Florida International University's Public Policy Research Institute. The presentation explored Taiwan's geopolitical influence in the Indo-Pacific region, providing perspectives on Taiwan‘s culture and economic soft power.
During a Q&A session, Director General Chou shared insights into Lunar New Year customs. At the end of the session, he presented a spring scroll inscribed with the phrase ‘Prosperity in All Things’ to the institute and its Associate Director, Leland Lazarus.
\n", "date": "2024-02-21 02:48:47", "url": "http://www.roc-taiwan.org/usmia_en/post/9159.html" }, { "title": "Director General Chou met with Mayor Michelle Gomez of Tamarac, South Florida, on January 26", "content": "
Director General Chou met with Mayor Michelle Gomez of Tamarac, South Florida, on January 26, extending an invitation for her to lead a delegation to the “Smart City Expo” in Taipei (March 19-22) and Kaohsiung (March 21-23).
Tamarac, situated in Broward County, is known for its tranquil vibe and affordable housing, making it an appealing destination for new residents.
\n", "date": "2024-02-21 02:40:49", "url": "http://www.roc-taiwan.org/usmia_en/post/9147.html" }, { "title": "Director General Chou was invited to attend the \"World Conference of Mayors\" (WCM) on January 25 and delivered a speech.", "content": "
The \"World Conference of Mayors\" passed resolution unanimously, extending congratulations to Vice President Lai on his election as the forthcoming president and commemorating the 45th anniversary of the enactment of the \"Taiwan Relations Act.\"
Director General Chou was invited to attend the \"World Conference of Mayors\" (WCM) on January 25 and delivered a speech. During the session, the resolution was adopted, reaffirming the profound friendship with Taiwan and marking the 45th anniversary of the \"Taiwan Relations Act.\" The resolution also applauded Taiwan for successfully concluding the presidential election on the 13th of this month, electing Vice President Ching-te Lai and former Ambassador to the United States Bi-khim Hsiao as the next president and vice president. This act demonstrated the unyielding determination of the Taiwanese people to safeguard democracy amid Chinese theats. The conference formally presented the resolution to Director General Chou.
In his address, Consul General Chou highlighted the cognitive warfare and intimidation faced by Taiwan from China during the presidential election. Nevertheless, the Taiwanese people's resolute commitment to upholding the values of freedom and democracy remained unwavering, resulting in the successful completion of the election and underscoring the maturity of Taiwanese democracy.
Founder of the \"World Conference of Mayors\" and former Mayor of Tuskegee, Alabama, Johnny Ford, emphasized during the resolution presentation that Taiwan's political democracy, freedom, economic prosperity, and progress serve as a global model. The conference pledged to persist in fostering friendship with Taiwan and actively supportin
\"\" \"\" \"\"
\n", "date": "2024-02-21 02:38:25", "url": "http://www.roc-taiwan.org/usmia_en/post/9142.html" }, { "title": "Director General Chou met with Mr. Miguel A. Otero, a staff member for Representative Mario Diaz-Balart, Co-Chair of the U.S. House of Representatives Taiwan Caucus", "content": "
On January 23, Director General Chou and Deputy Director Frank You met with Mr. Miguel A. Otero, a staff member for Representative Mario Diaz-Balart, Co-Chair of the U.S. House of Representatives Taiwan Caucus, joined by Mr. Otero’s colleagues, Ms. Glorianne Oliveros and Ms. Annette M. Hernandez.
Mr. Otero emphasized Representative Diaz-Balart's firm commitment to a democratic Taiwan, a sentiment echoed by both Democratic and Republican congressmen. The recent visit of Representative Diaz-Balart and other Congress members to Taiwan further underscored the strong, friendly relationship between Taiwan and the United States.
Director General Chou highlighted the significance of this meeting, occurring on World Freedom Day on January 23rd, which added an extra layer of meaning to the conversation.
At the end of the meeting, Director General Chou presented each of them with a separate gift from Taiwan – a 2024 calendar that showcases the richness of Taiwan’s art and culture.
\n", "date": "2024-02-21 02:18:04", "url": "http://www.roc-taiwan.org/usmia_en/post/9135.html" }, { "title": "Director General Chou met with the Mayor of the City of Boca Raton, Mr. Scott Singer", "content": "
Director General Chou met with the Mayor of the City of Boca Raton, Mr. Scott Singer at City Hall, where the Director General shared information on Taiwan’s ICT and smart city technology, as well as extended an invitation to the Mayor to visit Taiwan.
They both looked forward to future cooperation together to enhance the relationship between Boca Raton and Taiwan.
\n", "date": "2024-01-18 04:11:45", "url": "http://www.roc-taiwan.org/usmia_en/post/9102.html" } ] }, { "lang": "es", "branch": "mia", "country": "us", "name": "Taipei Economic and Cultural Office in Miami", "path": "/usmia_es/", "items": [] }, { "lang": "zh", "branch": "nyc", "country": "us", "name": "駐紐約台北經濟文化辦事處", "path": "/usnyc/", "items": [ { "title": "本處與「美國外交政策全國委員會」(NCAFP) 合辦台灣關係法立法45週年研討會:台美夥伴關係歷久彌堅", "content": "



本處與「美國外交政策全國委員會」(NCAFP) 合辦台灣關係法立法45週年研討會:台美夥伴關係歷久彌堅


駐紐約台北經濟文化辦事處4月22日晚間與「美國外交政策全國委員會」(National Committee on American Foreign Policy,簡稱NCAFP)合辦「台美夥伴關係歷久彌堅:台灣關係法立法45週年」(A Legacy of Partnership: The Taiwan Relations Act at 45)研討會,由NCAFP亞太安全論壇主任董雲裳(Susan Thornton)主持,邀請「太平洋世紀研究所」(Pacific Century Institute)所長薄瑞光(Raymond Burghardt)及「亞洲協會」(Asia Society)政策研究中心副會長羅素(Danny Russel)與談,紐約外交團、學界、中外文媒體記者共約80人出席,提問踴躍。






NCAFP會長艾略特大使(Amb. Susan Elliott)首先對台灣日前發生地震表達慰問之意,並說明該會長期藉由辦理兩岸關係三邊二軌會議,以推動台海和平與穩定,樂見台灣關係法立法至今,使台美雙邊夥伴關係穩健發展,期盼未來台美可以共同為世界做出更多貢獻,促進區域和平與穩定。










圖一:駐紐約台北經濟文化辦事處處長李光章與研討會講者合影。自左向右依序為:「美國外交政策全國委員會」(NCAFP)亞太安全論壇主任董雲裳(Susan Thornton)、NCAFP會長艾略特大使(Amb. Susan Elliott)、李處長光章、「太平洋世紀研究所」(Pacific Century Institute)所長薄瑞光(Raymond Burghardt)及「亞洲協會」(Asia Society)政策研究中心副會長羅素(Danny Russel)。








圖三:「美國外交政策全國委員會」會長艾略特大使(Amb. Susan Elliott)致詞。







\n", "date": "2024-04-24 02:12:18", "url": "http://www.roc-taiwan.org/usnyc/post/16109.html" }, { "title": "本處李光章處長應邀在耶魯大學發表《台灣關係法》45週年演說獲熱烈迴響", "content": "
本處李光章處長4月17日,應「漢密爾頓協會-耶魯分會」(Yale Alexander Hamilton Society)及耶魯大學傑克森全球事務學院邀請,就《台灣關係法》立法45週年發表專題演講,向耶魯大學師生說明該法之立法源起及對台海情勢的意涵,演講會由該校國際安全研究主任Edward Wittenstein主持。\r\n李處長強調,由於美國信守《台灣關係法》及「六項保證」,45年來,台美關係雖歷經波折起伏,卻歷久彌堅。台灣已成為成功的民主故事、美國值得信賴的夥伴及世界良善的力量。台灣在印太地緣戰略、全球供應鏈及民主發展上均扮演重要角色。台海和平穩定為印太區域安全繁榮的基石,台灣將續與美國等民主夥伴攜手合作,維護台海和平現狀及以規則為基礎的國際秩序。 \r\n李處長另說明聯合國當年討論聯大第2758號決議的歷史背景及近年來中國在國際場域擴大曲解該決議的意圖,除藉此排除台灣參與聯合國體系,也企圖虛構台灣為中國內部事務不容國際干預的假象,為未來武力侵台鋪路,呼籲美國知識分子協助澄清反制。\r\n李處長演說後回答現場師生有關兩岸關係展望、印太民主國家聯合抗中形勢、台灣對美國應否援助烏克蘭的看法、台灣國防、台灣反制威權專制經濟脅迫、假訊息介選、半導體產業對全球人工智慧發展的重要性、能源安全及外交政策與國際參與等提問,氣氛熱烈;晚間並與該校師生代表及康州議會友台小組主席Kevin Ryan與助理多數黨領袖Aundre Bumgardner等餐敘,就如何增進雙方交流合作交換意見。(E)\r\n圖說:本處李處長光章4月17日應邀在耶魯大學發表《台灣關係法》45週年演說與該校國際安全研究主任Edward Wittenstein合影。\r\n\"本處李處長光章4月17日應邀在耶魯大學發表《台灣關係法》45週年演說與該校國際安全研究主任Edward_Wittenstein合影。\"
\n", "date": "2024-04-19 01:24:44", "url": "http://www.roc-taiwan.org/usnyc/post/16086.html" }, { "title": "康乃狄克州眾議會通過友台決議表彰《台灣關係法》立法45週年", "content": "
駐紐約台北經濟文化辦事處新聞稿\r\n2024年4月17日\r\n新聞稿第005號\r\n\r\n康乃狄克州眾議會通過友台決議表彰《台灣關係法》立法45週年\r\n \r\n康乃狄克州眾議會4月17日無異議通過表彰《台灣關係法》立法45週年及台灣與康州締結姊妹州25週年共同決議案,強調台美共享自由民主價值,雙方在《台灣關係法》及「六項保證」的基礎上,深化各領域的合作,有助維護台海和平穩定,並祝賀台灣今年1月順利完成自由公平的選舉。\r\n\r\n該決議由康州眾議會友台小組主席Kevin Ryan領銜推動,除重申台灣為成熟的民主國家,具穩健的自由市場經濟外,並肯定台灣為美國在印太區域不可或缺的夥伴;康州將續支持台美洽簽雙邊貿易協定(BTA)及避免雙重課稅協定(ADTA),發展更緊密的經貿夥伴關係。該決議並支持台康增進華語文教育交流,及簽署駕照互惠協定,以促進雙邊人民往來。\r\n\r\n 本年決議亦支持美國協助台灣參與「世界衛生組織」(WHO)、「國際民航組織」(ICAO)、「國際刑警組織」(INTERPOL)、「聯合國氣候變化綱要公約」(UNFCCC)及其他國際組織。\r\n\r\n本處李光章處長受邀見證康州議會通過友台決議,並於同日中午與州議會合辦慶祝茶會。\r\n\r\n李處長在茶會上致詞表示,值此「台灣關係法」邁入45週年之際,拜登政府多次肯定台灣是成功的民主故事,世界良善力量,及美國值得信賴的夥伴。台美堅若磐石的夥伴關係亦獲美國國會跨黨派支持,期盼未來台灣與康州在既有的良好基礎上,持續深化雙邊產業、科技合作及教育交流,攜手共譜民主成功故事的新篇章。(E) \r\n\r\n圖說一:駐紐約辦事處李處長光章4月17日在康州慶祝台灣關係法45週年暨台康締結姊妹州25週年茶會上,與議會友台小組共同主席Kevin Ryan(左)及黃濤(Tony Hwang, 右)合影。\r\n\"附圖一\"\r\n\r\n圖說二:康州眾議會4月17日通過友台決議表彰「台灣關係法」立法45週年及台康締結姐妹州關係25週年。\r\n\"附圖二\"\r\n\r\n圖說三:康州眾議長 Matt Ritter(右)4月17日在州眾議會祝賀「台灣關係法」立法45週年暨台康締結姊妹州關係45週年。\r\n\"附圖三\"\r\n


\n", "date": "2024-04-18 22:52:30", "url": "http://www.roc-taiwan.org/usnyc/post/16079.html" }, { "title": "國立政治大學EMBA一行43人拜會駐紐約辦事處", "content": "
\r\n新聞參考資料第001號\r\n2024年3月25日\r\n\r\n 國立政治大學EMBA一行43人拜會駐紐約辦事處\r\n\r\n國立政治大學經營管理碩士學程班(EMBA)全球華商班一行43人由執行長鄭至甫教授率團,於本(3)月21日前來拜會駐紐約辦事處,由該處張俊裕公使出面接待,為歡迎訪團到訪,駐美投資貿易服務處與紐約台灣商會共同舉辦「企業永續經營(ESG)暨台商在美營運商機交流會」,會中邀請碳權交易平台土星永續股份有限公司低碳長余嘉熹介紹全球碳經濟最新趨勢,並由紐約台灣商會會長林慶甫、圖策科技技術長徐正榮博士等分享在紐約的創業歷程及營運模式。\r\n\r\n駐紐約辦事處張俊裕公使致歡迎詞表示,政大EMBA為我國享有盛名之商學管理學院,為企業培育眾多高階領導人才,辦理成效獲國際肯定。近年各界以企業重視ESG程度作為評斷企業營運良莠、永續發展關鍵指標,盼透過本次活動協助我商深入瞭解全球低碳經濟發展等最新趨勢。\r\n\r\n政大EMBA執行長鄭至甫教授表示,全球華商班學員為業界精英,對前往海外發展頗具意願,紐約充滿夢想及資源,期待透過本次交流活動協助學員掌握海外投資與經營秘訣。\r\n駐美投資貿易服務處葉士嘉主任說明台美經貿關係密切,雙方建立經濟繁榮夥伴對話(EPPD)、科技貿易暨投資合作(TTIC)架構等合作平台,推動半導體、5G、電動車、再生能源等產業供應鏈合作。各國訂出具體淨零碳排時間表,我國已宣示2050年達到淨零碳排目標。\r\n\r\n土星永續低碳長余嘉熹簡報說明我國達成2050淨零轉型4大架構、2大基礎及12項關鍵策略,以及全球碳權交易發展最新趨勢。他指出,各國為達成巴黎協定要求每噸碳價須介於50至100美元,商機龐大;接著藉由檢視台灣企業所需碳權類型、碳交易展望、國際作法及各類型態碳封存技術,以金管會上市櫃公司路徑圖分享企業制定ESG目標及達成淨零碳排策略。\r\n\r\n本次活動包括北美台灣商會聯合總會江俊霖會長、紐約地產專家黃江美瑩、MoVi Capital顧問Freddy Lin、中華航空紐約分公司武志厚總經理、第一銀行紐約分行廖清芳經理、華南商業銀行紐約分行彭子娟經理、外貿協會駐紐約辦事處蔡主任秀珍等人與訪團交流,分享紐約食品零售、人工智慧、物流營造、金融新創等創業經驗,協助學員瞭解美國市場現況以利拓展商機,有助該團企業家學員拓展美國商機。(E)\r\n\r\n圖說:\r\n圖一:訪團於駐紐約辦事處大廳合影。\r\n\"圖一大合照\"\r\n圖二:訪團致贈駐紐約辦事處禮品,左起紐約台灣商會會長林慶甫、駐紐約辦事處公使張俊裕、政大EMBA執行長鄭至甫教授、北美台灣商會聯合總會長江俊霖。\r\n\"圖二贈禮合照\"\r\n圖三:紐約台灣商會會長林慶甫。\r\n\"圖三林慶甫會長\"\r\n圖四:碳權開發管理企業土星永續低碳長余嘉熹。\r\n\"圖四低碳長余嘉熹\"\r\n圖五:圖策智能科技技術長徐正榮博士。\r\n\"圖五圖策科技徐正榮博士\"\r\n圖六:紐約資深地產專家黃江美瑩。\r\n\"圖六房產專家黃江美瑩\"\r\n


\n", "date": "2024-04-01 23:49:40", "url": "http://www.roc-taiwan.org/usnyc/post/16040.html" }, { "title": "駐紐約台北經濟文化辦事處與紐約「外籍記者協會」(FPA)合辦「全球選舉年、介選及假訊息:台灣經驗分享」(A Year of Elections, Interference & Disinformation: Lessons From Taiwan)研討會", "content": "



駐紐約台北經濟文化辦事處與費城「外交政策研究所」(FPRI) 合辦「台灣2024年總統暨立法委員選舉」研討會


駐紐約台北經濟文化辦事處2月28日晚間與紐約「外籍記者協會」(Foreign Press Association,簡稱FPA)合辦「全球選舉年、介選及假訊息:台灣經驗分享」(A Year of Elections, Interference & Disinformation: Lessons From Taiwan)研討會,由FPA會長Ian Williams主持,並邀請費城「外交政策研究院」(FPRI)亞洲計畫部主席戴傑教授(Jacques deLisle)、西東大學(Seton Hall University)法學院陸梅吉教授(Margaret Lewis)、大西洋理事會(Atlantic Council)數位鑑識實驗室(DFL)研究員Kenton Thibaut及台灣民主實驗室(Doublethink Lab)吳銘軒執行長等專家學者與談,紐約外交團、學界、中外文媒體記者近百人出席聆聽,提問踴躍。














自左向右依序為:台灣民主實驗室(Doublethink Lab)吳銘軒執行長、西東大學法學陸梅吉教授(Margaret Lewis)、費城「外交政策研究院」(FPRI)亞洲計畫部主席戴傑教授(Jacques deLisle)、李處長光章、FPA會長Ian Williams及大西洋理事會數位鑑識實驗室(DFL)研究員Kenton Thibaut。











\n", "date": "2024-03-02 01:32:58", "url": "http://www.roc-taiwan.org/usnyc/post/15973.html" }, { "title": "駐紐約經濟文化辦事處和大紐約地區台灣學生聯合會共同舉辦龍年春節圍爐活動", "content": "

駐紐約經濟文化辦事處與大紐約地區學生聯合會(以下簡稱紐約學聯)在2月10日(大年初一)於紐約法拉盛台灣好滋味餐館(OK Cannon)共同舉辦了盛大的春節圍爐活動,吸引了百餘位留學生參與。這場活動不僅是文化的盛會,更是味蕾的饗宴,圓滿了海外台灣人思鄉情切的同時,展示了豐富多彩的台灣美食和文化底蘊。








\"大紐約地區學生聯合會春節圍爐活動\" \"大紐約地區學生聯合會春節圍爐活動2\" \"大紐約地區學生聯合會春節圍爐3

\n", "date": "2024-02-28 08:47:48", "url": "http://www.roc-taiwan.org/usnyc/post/15966.html" }, { "title": "臺灣主題紀錄片紐約聯映 《金門》問鼎奧斯卡", "content": "



臺灣主題紀錄片紐約聯映  《金門》問鼎奧斯卡


首部入圍奧斯卡的臺灣紀錄短片《金門》( ISLAND IN BETWEEN)與2020年奧斯卡最佳紀錄短片得主Carol Dysinger導演作品《食飽未》(COME HUNGRY)2月20日在紐約聯合放映,兩個以臺灣為主題的紀錄片交相輝映,呈現臺灣多元豐富的常民生活文化。紐文中心表示,《金門》去年12月初在紐約時報紀錄片平臺Op-Docs首播即造成轟動,這次在駐紐約辦事處舉辦的放映會也吸引滿座觀眾,由紐約時報紀錄片平臺製作人Yvonne Ashley Kouadjo主持,江松長導演、錢孝貞製作人、Carol Dysinger導演出席映後座談,有不少紐約地區的電影工作者與會,臺灣影視實力備受矚目。




在《金門》中,導演江松長以細膩的視角融合當地生活的點滴,並反思他自己對臺灣、中國大陸和美國之間矛盾情感,影片英文片名為ISLAND IN BETWEEN,也有同時隱喻「金門」與「臺灣」的含意。而來自紐約的導演Carol Dysinger擁有多年電影剪輯和編劇經驗,具人文關懷情感的她,選擇在臺灣新北市蘆洲湧蓮寺周邊捕捉市場光景,以詩意的影像構成獻給常民生活的城市交響曲,紀錄臺灣的美食、傳統與認同。她非常喜歡臺灣的城市與夜市,她認為這些場域接納並乘載了多種來自各地的食物與文化,「臺灣夜市人際關係的緊密性,讓我想起過往在阿富汗拍攝創作的感受。」










圖一:紐約時報紀錄片平臺製作人Yvonne Ashley Kouadjo(右一)主持,江松長導演(左二)、錢孝貞製作人(左一)、Carol Dysinger導演(右二)出席映後座談。(紐約臺北文化中心提供)




圖二:紐約時報紀錄片平臺製作人Yvonne Ashley Kouadjo(右一)主持,江松長導演(左二)、錢孝貞製作人(左一)、Carol Dysinger導演(右二)出席映後座談。(紐約臺北文化中心提供)




圖三:首部入圍奧斯卡的臺灣紀錄短片《金門》導演江松長(中)、製作人錢孝貞(右),與2020年奧斯卡最佳紀錄短片得主Carol Dysinger導演(左)合影。(紐約臺北文化中心提供)




圖四:首部入圍奧斯卡的臺灣紀錄短片《金門》( ISLAND IN BETWEEN)與2020年奧斯卡最佳紀錄短片得主Carol Dysinger導演作品《食飽未》(COME HUNGRY)2月20日在紐約聯合放映,兩個以臺灣為主題的紀錄片交相輝映,呈現臺灣多元豐富的常民生活文化。(紐約臺北文化中心提供)

\n", "date": "2024-02-23 01:19:08", "url": "http://www.roc-taiwan.org/usnyc/post/15953.html" }, { "title": "貿易署助臺灣優質紡織業者再度前進紐約開拓商機", "content": "

為協助我紡織業者搶攻美國市場商機,在經濟部國際貿易署的補助下,紡拓會將於1月22日至1月24日再次組團參加假紐約Javits Convention Center展出之紐約成衣布料及輔料展覽會(冬)(Texworld New York City)。本屆臺灣參展團共徵集毅荃、帛諦、大正刺繡、明新針織及西亞貿易等5家廠商參加,展出臺灣紡織業者所研發的創新產品,如流行性布料、成衣和配件,以及刺繡、蕾絲等副料商品,凸顯臺灣在創新紡織品的優質實力。


本展為北美具盛名的紡織成衣展,是匯集世界各地頂尖紡織成衣業者的時尚舞臺,亦是美國東岸品牌 買主固定參訪的採購平臺,展出內容豐富,精采可期。為擴大宣傳規模,本會已將本屆展商的公司及展品介紹建置於taiwantextiles.com網頁,於展前推廣並供買主上線查詢,本展大會亦建置線上展示平臺,展後30天內,展商可持續與買主於平臺上進行訊息溝通及線上會議,擴散參展效益。


臺灣館的展出位置為Level 1 Hall 1C,紡拓會的服務台位於B43,歡迎各位業界先進及媒體朋友蒞臨參觀指導。






紡拓會巿場開發處 詹采溱專員





\n", "date": "2024-01-17 23:06:57", "url": "http://www.roc-taiwan.org/usnyc/post/15819.html" } ] }, { "lang": "en", "branch": "nyc", "country": "us", "name": "Taipei Economic and Cultural Office in New York", "path": "/usnyc_en/", "items": [ { "title": "Hsu Li-da, Yu Jhi-han, and 2 Rising Stars in Taiwanese Cinema to Attend Premiere on March 23 at APUC in Chicago", "content": "



Six new films from Taiwan are set to light up the Asian Pop-Up Cinema (APUC) season 18 in Chicago. The Taipei Cultural Center in New York is pleased to welcome director Hsu Li-da, rising actress Kira Skelly, director Yu Jhi-han, and actor Joseph Huang to introduce “A Boy & A Girl” (2024) and “The Young Hoodlum” (2023) at the festival on March 23.


“A Boy & A Girl” (2024), a film selected for the Window on Asian Cinema section at the 2024 Busan International Film Festival, is a feature debut film by Hsu Li-da who has built a career through short films and television dramas. His television film “The Long Goodbye” (2017) won Best Director and Best Writer at the Golden Bell Awards in 2017. Hsu casts 15-years-old Kira Skelly as the female lead in the picture because he believes that only a teen could bring to life the character from his screenplay of a teen movie.


“The Young Hoodlum” (2023), which closed out the Kaohsiung Film Festival, is director Yu Jhi-han's first feature film. Yu is known for his short film “Nirvana” (2009), which was selected by the Taipei Film Festival and Golden Harvest Awards for Outstanding Short Films. The film conveys a story about a kidnapping incident that brings a profound and lasting change in the lives of a group of young individuals. Joseph Huang, the male lead in the picture who delivers a compelling performance, was nominated Best New Performer at Golden Horse Award in 2018.


“After School” (2023), the closing film of the Taipei Film Festival last year, is directed by actor-turned-director Blue Lan. The movie was nominated in several international film festivals, such as the Tokyo International Film Festival and the Hong Kong Asian Film Festival. Based on a true story, the movie is set in a strict learning center in 1994 where three troublesome students navigate forbidden love and evolving friendships.


“U Motherbaker” (2023), a family comedy based on the wildly popular 2020 television series of the same name in Taiwan, aims for entertaining during the Lunar New Year break. Full of language puns and cultural references, the movie is a curious window into Taiwanese pop culture. The movie is directed by Danny Deng, who is also a senior actor. Deng has acted in notable Taiwanese films such as “Yi Yi: A One and A Two” (2000), “Dust in The Wind” (1986) and “A Brighter Summer Day” (1991).


“On the Train” (2023) is a documentary that captures from the birth to the last moment of constructing the railway crossing southern Taiwan. Director Hsiao Chu-chen builds an omni-directional oral archive on the Southern Railway by collecting the vivid voices of railway designers, laborers who dug tunnels and laid the tracks, conductors, and train attendants. Hsiao’s previous works The Red Leaf Legend (1999) and Grandma’s Hairpin (2000) won Best Documentary two consecutive times at the Golden Horse Awards.


“Chinhua’s Blossom Untold” (2023) is a documentary focused on Ying-Ying, the stage name of Chen Chin-hua. Chen used to be a Taiwanese pop-song singer in the 1930s when Taiwan was still under Japanese colonial rule. She became one of the most successful singers after her song “Spring Every Day” (1938). The documentary is directed by Wang Ming-Hsia, who studied Chinese literature and worked in film production for almost ten years before making her own films.


In addition to recent releases and features, APUC season 18 will present a special screening of “God Man Dog” (2007). Directed by Chen Sing-ing, the film won the Tagesspiegel Readers’ Jury Award at the 2008 Berlin International Film Festival. The multi-story drama about everyday people was described as “the most successful at the interweaving storyline technique and a touching look into a unique, albeit brief, period in the lives of a group of normal people,” according to Andrew Skeates in his review in Far East Film when the film released in 2007.


The APUC Season 18 Taiwan cinema showcase is scheduled to run between March 23 to March 29, 2024 with “U Motherbaker” (2023), “On the Train” (2023), “Chinhua’s Blossom Untold,” (2023) and “God Man Dog” (2008) streamed online and “A Boy & A Girl” (2024), “The Young Hoodlum” (2023), and “After School” (2023) shown in cinemas. For more information, please visit: https://www.asianpopupcinema.org/


Virtual Cinema


March 23-29, 2024 for U.S. viewers.


Chinhua's Blossom Unfolds|Director Wang Ming-Hsia|Documentary|2024|27 minutes




God Man Dog|Director Chen Sing-ing|Drama|2007|119 minutes




U Motherbaker|Director Danny Teng|Comedy|2023|113 minutes




On The Train|Director Hsiao Chu-chen|Documentary|2023|106 minutes




In-person Screening




1500 N. Clybourn Avenue Chicago, IL 60610


A Boy And A Girl|Director/Screenwriter Hsu Li-Da|Crime, Family|2023|140 minutes


Saturday, March 23, 2024|2:30 PM


The Young Hoodlum|Director/Screenwriter Yu Jhi-han|Drama, Crime|2023|79 minutes


Saturday, March 23, 2024|7:00 PM


After School|Director/Screenwriter Blue Lan|Drama|2023|124 minutes


Sunday, March 24, 2024|2:30 PM

\n", "date": "2024-03-20 23:08:16", "url": "http://www.roc-taiwan.org/usnyc_en/post/8050.html" }, { "title": "Harvard Film Archive to present ‘Chronicles of Changing Times. The Cinema of Edward Yang’ from March 29-May 22", "content": "

\"8e3c6355-75d1-472c-a458-8628248f37f8\"The Harvard Film Archive will present “Chronicles of Changing Times. The Cinema of Edward Yang” from March 29 to May 22, 2024. The program brings together all of Edward Yang’ s (1947-2007) feature-length films to pay tribute to Yang, a leading figure of the Taiwan New Cinema. Kaili Peng, the widow of Yang, will introduce the first two screenings of the retrospective on March 29 and 30.


The Taipei Cultural Center in New York is delighted to collaborate with the Harvard Film Archive in showcasing the acclaimed Taiwanese director, Edward Yang, and his impactful array of films. Thanks to the Taiwan Film and Audiovisual Institute's (TFAI) advancements in digital restoration technology, we now have the opportunity to revisit these timeless cinematic masterpieces, including those directed by Edward Yang.


Born in Shanghai and brought to Taiwan by his family in 1949, Yang grew up appreciating cosmopolitan Taipei’s cultural riches, yet he never aims to merely flatter modern life. Yang dissects the alienation and hypocrisy of contemporary society through his “New Taipei Trilogy”—A Confucian Confusion (1994), Mahjong (1996), and Yi Yi (2000). Yang won Best Director at the Cannes Film Festival in France in 2000 for Yi Yi, and the film also ranked eighth on the BBC's list of the 21st Century's 100 greatest films.


“In exposing the problems associated with urban alienation, the dominance of capitalist and materialist thinking, and the increasing opacity of human intimacy, he let the city of Taipei, with its unique history and complicated identity, become a marvelous site for the world to contemplate perennial questions such as the meaning of life, the pursuit of happiness, the knowledge of the self, and the challenges of the individual’s navigation with broader social forces, “ according to the Harvard Film Archive ‘s online introduction for the retrospective.


After receiving his graduate degree in electrical engineering from the University of Florida in the mid-1970s, Yang stayed in the US, working as an engineer for around seven years. When he turned thirty, he made up his mind to pursue filmmaking, which he had been deeply passionate about. Yang came back to Taiwan in early 1980s and launched a twenty-year career, inaugurated by the film In Our Time (1982), followed by That Day, on the Beach (1983), Taipei Story (1985), Terrorizers (1986) and A Brighter Summer Day (1991). Through filmmaking, Yang demonstrates insights and critical visions ahead of his time in terms of urban representation, gender power, political reflection, historical violence, and social change.


\"Well, whenever someone asks me how I ended up on this path of filmmaking, I find the question itself quite interesting. They always say 'this path of filmmaking' and use the word 'walk.' And that's right. Back then, I was like sitting in a spacious and comfortable air-conditioned car, and suddenly I realized that the car wouldn't stop until the final destination. How boring! So, I jumped off the car, and till this day, I'm still walking, walking this path.\" This is what the young Edward Yang, who transitioned from computer engineering to filmmaking in 1985, said.


For more information, please visit: https://harvardfilmarchive.org/programs/chronicles-of-changing-times-the-cinema-of-edward-yang


《Chronicles Of Changing Times. The Cinema of Edward Yang》


Harvard Film Archive (24 Quincy Street, in Cambridge, Massachusetts)


Tickets: https://harvardfilmarchive.eventive.org/schedule




Yi Yi


March 29|7:00 pm (QA session with Kaili Peng)


May 3|7:00 pm


A Brighter Summer Day


March 30|6:00 pm (QA session with Kaili Peng)


May 4|6:00 pm


A Confucian Confusion


March 31|7:00 pm




April 7|3:00 pm


April 19|7:00 pm




April 8|7:00 pm


April 20|9:00 pm


That Day, on the Beach


April 15|7:00 pm


Taipei Story


April 20|7:00 pm


April 21|3:00 pm


In Our Time


April 22|7:00 pm


May 5|3:00 pm


May 22|3:00 pm

\n", "date": "2024-03-20 23:07:10", "url": "http://www.roc-taiwan.org/usnyc_en/post/8045.html" }, { "title": "Taiwanese Artist Chang Wen-Woan Embarks on a Three-Month Residency at Triangle Arts Association in New York", "content": "

Taiwanese Artist Chang Wen-Woan Embarks on a Three-Month Residency at Triangle Arts Association in New York

  • Date:2024-03-04
  • \n



The Taipei Cultural Center in New York is pleased to announce that Chang Wen-Woan has been selected as the recipient of the prestigious three-month residency grant at the renowned Triangle Arts Association (TAA) in New York. This residency, generously supported by Taiwan’s Ministry of Culture, is a significant opportunity for Chang to further enrich her artistic journey. She is scheduled to participate in the program from March to May 2024.


Chang Wen-Woan, a talented artist who earned her master's degree at the Taipei National University of the Arts, boasts an impressive artistic background. Her accolades include winning the 2022 YAHON Contemporary Art Creation Award and securing first place in the 1st and 2nd Contemporary Sculpture Lih Pao Prize. Chang has exhibited her artworks in solo and group shows globally, including notable exhibitions in Taiwan, Korea, and the US.


With a focus on sculpture, Chang skillfully navigates the interplay between hands-on execution and conceptual thinking. Proficient in working with diverse materials such as stone, resin, and metal, she also enjoys experimenting with painting materials, creating artist books, and exploring various artistic mediums. Chang's artistic inspiration is drawn from everyday life and art history, and she has a unique ability to organize and categorize information within these realms, resulting in thought-provoking creations.


Expressing her excitement about the upcoming residency, Chang shares, \"I'm thrilled to be able to communicate in the language of art with fellow artists, curators, and enthusiasts from different countries, and to share my creations while simultaneously receiving feedback from audiences of various backgrounds. As I have never participated in a residency before, I want to start with a place that I am somewhat familiar with - New York. This will be a meaningful expansion for me as an artist, with the hope of accumulating valuable residency experiences with the Triangle Arts Association and continuing on to the next, unknown but undoubtedly worthwhile, journey.\"


For more information:


Triangle Arts Association www.triangleartsnyc.org


Chang Wen-Woan https://www.wenwoanchang.com

\n", "date": "2024-03-05 06:59:32", "url": "http://www.roc-taiwan.org/usnyc_en/post/8026.html" }, { "title": "Taiwanese Artist Charwei Tsai Featured in Rubin Museum’s 20th Anniversary Exhibition Reimagine: Himalayan Art Now", "content": "

Taiwanese Artist Charwei Tsai Featured in Rubin Museum’s 20th Anniversary Exhibition Reimagine: Himalayan Art Now

  • Date:2024-03-04
  • \n



The Rubin Museum of Art commemorates its 20th anniversary with the Museum-wide exhibition Reimagine: Himalayan Art Now, running from Mar. 15 to Oct. 6, 2024. This extraordinary showcase features works by over 30 contemporary artists, hailing from the Himalayan region, its diaspora, and others inspired by Himalayan art and cultures. Among them is Taiwanese artist Charwei Tsai, whose pivotal pieces “The Womb & The Diamond” and “Five Sky Dancers Series” will be featured as key works in this exhibition. The Taipei Cultural Center in New York proudly supports her participation.


Charwei Tsai was born in Taiwan and currently lives and works in Taipei and Paris. Tsai employs a diverse range of media in her politically-charged performative practice. Her works are highly personal, portraying a sense of her Taiwanese identity and its implications. Geographical, social, and spiritual concerns inform a body of work directed towards activating participation outside the confines of complacent contemplation. Her works are in public and private collections around the world, and she has been featured in a robust portfolio of group and solo exhibitions throughout her career.


Tsai’s works “The Womb & The Diamond,” a six by three meter glass and mirror installation influenced by Japanese Koyasan mandalas, and the “Five Sky Dancers Series,” paying homage to the Tantric tradition, will be harmoniously paired with Mandalas from the Rubin Museum’s collection in the exhibition.


Within the Reimagine exhibition, artists engage in critical dialogue, offering thoughtful reflections on universal issues spanning time. Themes such as identity fluidity, spiritual practices, and sense of belonging, grief, memory, and reclamation are explored through diverse media including painting, sculpture, sound, video, installation, and performance. The artworks will be thoughtfully juxtaposed with objects from the Rubin Museum’s collection, creating unique encounters with traditional Himalayan art.


Rubin Museum of Art: https://rubinmuseum.org/


Charwei Tsai: https://charwei.com/


《Reimagine: Himalayan Art Now》


Where: Rubin Museum of Art, 150 West 17th St. New York, NY 10011


When: Mar. 15 – Oct. 6, 2024


Opening Hours: Thursday, Saturday, and Sunday: 11:00 AM — 5:00 PM


Friday: 11:00 AM — 10:00 PM

\n", "date": "2024-03-05 06:58:39", "url": "http://www.roc-taiwan.org/usnyc_en/post/8022.html" }, { "title": "“Taiwan Comics: Eli Lin x Pam-Pam Liu” to be Presented at the 2024 MoCCA Arts Festival", "content": "

“Taiwan Comics: Eli Lin x Pam-Pam Liu” to be Presented at the 2024 MoCCA Arts Festival

  • Date:2024-03-04
  • \n



Taiwanese artists Eli Lin (依萊) and Pam-Pam Liu are set to captivate audiences at the 2024 MoCCA Arts Festival, New York City’s largest independent comic and cartoon festival, scheduled for March 16-17.


Supported by the Taipei Cultural Center in New York, Taiwanese comic artists and illustrators have been showcasing their works at the “Taiwan Comics” table at the MoCCA Arts Festival since 2017, aiming to introduce innovative and diverse artworks to an international audience. Eli Lin and Pam-Pam Liu will represent Taiwan alongside 500+ creators featured at this year’s prestigious festival.


Eli Lin’s artworks are a testament to her mastery of skillful lines and vivid colors, incorporating elements of fashion, costume, and history into her creations. At the festival, Eli will present a variety of her works with a special focus on her latest zine, A Photo from the Past, which weaves together stories of Taiwan’s traditional clothing.


Pam-Pam Liu's works are characterized by her unique sense of humor and inspiration drawn from darkly absurdist fantasies to true-life stories. Festival attendees will have the opportunity to explore Pam-Pam's popular zines, including The Art of HateJumping through the HoopsBad Luck, and Oops! BO PO MO, among others, each sharing resonant narratives with readers in the US.


The MoCCA Arts Festival, which has been organized by the New York-based Society of Illustrators since 2002, draws over 9,000 attendees annually. The festival celebrates all genres of illustration through exhibitions and programs, featuring exhibiting artists displaying their work, award-winners speaking about their careers and artistic processes, and other featured artists conducting demos, lectures, and panels.


In addition to showcasing their works, Eli Lin and Pam-Pam Liu are prepared to offer unique caricature experiences at their MoCCA tables. Eli will sketch participants with her vibrant colors and beautiful lines, while Pam-Pam will transform them into protagonists of her iconic “No Future” three-panel comics.


Save the dates to visit these talented artists and explore their works at the “Taiwan Comics” table during the 2024 MoCCA Arts Festival!


The 2024 MoCCA Arts Festival


Taiwan Comics: Eli Lin x Pam-Pam Liu (Table 158, 159)


Date and Time:


•    Saturday, March 16, 11:00 am-7:00 pm


•    Sunday, March 17, 11:00 am-6:00 pm




•    The Exhibitor Hall: the Metropolitan Pavilion (125 W 18th St, New York, NY 10011)


•    Programming: the SVA Flatiron Gallery (133 W 21st St, New York, NY 10011)


For tickets and more information, please visit: https://www.moccafest.org/


Programming Event featuring Pam-Pam Liu, Ephameron and Lauren Weinstein: NARRATIVE OF CARE


Date and Time: Sunday, March 17, 1:30-2:30pm


Location: Room 2 | SVA Flatiron Gallery (133/141 West 21st Street, New York, NY 10011)




About Eli Lin (依萊)\"Eli


Eli Lin's artistic journey was cultivated in a family deeply involved in custom tailoring, fostering a profound passion for creative expression. Her works are a testament to her mastery in the skillful use of lines and vivid colors, with a unique specialization in incorporating elements of fashion, costume, and history into her artwork.


Beyond her roles in illustration and comics, Eli has also worked as a storyboard artist for animated series. Her international recognition includes four nominations at the Angoulême International Comics Festival and the Merit Award at the 3x3 International Illustration Exhibition. In 2023, Eli was selected for the 2023-2024 Taiwan Comic Artist Residency Program and traveled to Angoulême, France.


In addition, Eli collaborated with Shin Kong Mitsukoshi for a touring exhibition around Taiwan in 2023. She also took part in the Taipei Fashion Week SS24 opening show as a comic artist, collaborating with the Taiwanese fashion brand 'oqLiq'.


Follow the artist on Instagram @eli.pluma.lin


About Pam-Pam Liu\"Pam


Pam-Pam Liu is a freelance illustrator and comic artist based in Taiwan. She has gained prominence in the world of comics, particularly for her graphic novel A Trip to Asylum (2020). The novel not only received the first prize in the novel category at the 2021 Taipei International Book Exhibition Book Prize but also made her the first cartoonist to win a novel award.


Renowned for her distinct brand of humor, Pam-Pam's works draw inspiration from the intricacies of human relationships, as well as from music, manga, movies, and novels.


Pam-Pam was selected for the 2018-2019 Taiwan Comic Artist Residency Program and traveled to Angoulême, France; her first French comic, Toi et moi le jour de la grande catastrophe, was published in 2022.


Follow the artist on Instagram @pampamliuliu

\n", "date": "2024-03-05 06:57:46", "url": "http://www.roc-taiwan.org/usnyc_en/post/8018.html" }, { "title": "Learn Mandarin in Taiwan: The 2024 Huayu Enrichment Scholarship is now open for application.", "content": "

The 2024 Huayu Enrichment Scholarship is now open for application

\n", "date": "2024-01-06 05:19:17", "url": "http://www.roc-taiwan.org/usnyc_en/post/7933.html" } ] }, { "lang": "zh", "branch": "sfo", "country": "us", "name": "駐舊金山台北經濟文化辦事處", "path": "/ussfo/", "items": [ { "title": "駐舊金山辦事處將再度於4月26日辦理南灣行動領務,名額有限,請先上網預約", "content": "



本處訂於本(2024)年4月26日(星期五)在南灣僑教中心舉辦行動領務,受理民眾申辦「換發護照」及「授權書」、「出生/死亡證明」、「結婚證明」、「居住國外證明」申請案,僑胞於4月8日上午9時起在本處網站www.tecosf.com上網預約,印出確認單,就可於26日上午10時至下午1時將已填妥的表格及應備的文件,直接帶到南灣僑教中心一樓多功能廳櫃檯辦理相關業務,現場僅提供收件服務,不發件亦無法速件處理,僅限本人親自辦理,不接受代辦。當日僅受理50位民眾(網路預約36位、現場發放號碼牌予80歲以上僑胞14位),額滿不再受理。南灣僑教中心多功能廳:100 South Milpitas Blvd., Milpitas, CA 95035




為節省等候時間及提高服務品質,提醒僑胞抵達僑教中心一樓領務櫃檯前,備齊所需文件、回郵信封與正確數額的規費。規費僅接受現金、銀行本票(cashier check)或匯票(money order)支付,抬頭請寫TECO。現場恕不找零,亦不接受個人支票與信用卡。倘文件不全,恕無法收件,感謝僑胞的配合與諒解。








555 Montgomery Street, Suite 501, San Francisco, CA 94111











\n", "date": "2024-03-29 01:27:16", "url": "http://www.roc-taiwan.org/ussfo/post/12166.html" }, { "title": "駐舊金山辦事處自4月3日起領務櫃檯開始試辦Zelle收款服務", "content": "

















2.受款人請輸入email:    sfo_easypay@boca.gov.tw




4.註記處(Add message)標註 申請人的全名 (同身分證明文件)


(例如:Wu Kang Ren)











  1. TECO won’t send any payment request to you. If you see the message, it is a scam!
  2. \n


  1. TECO can’t refund the payment. Please make sure you enter the correct information.
  2. \n


  1. TECO isn’t responsible if you send the payment to the wrong recipient.
  2. \n




\n", "date": "2024-03-29 01:23:12", "url": "http://www.roc-taiwan.org/ussfo/post/12162.html" }, { "title": "2024年4月1日(星期一)為勞工權利運動領袖凱薩查維斯紀念日,本處循加州政府例放假一天。", "content": "", "date": "2024-03-20 01:27:19", "url": "http://www.roc-taiwan.org/ussfo/post/11707.html" }, { "title": "駐舊金山辦事處調整領務櫃檯服務時間,自本(2024)年3月8日起,領務櫃檯服務時間調整為週一至週四(9:00-13:00),週五不收件及領件", "content": "






\n", "date": "2024-02-26 07:36:34", "url": "http://www.roc-taiwan.org/ussfo/post/12063.html" }, { "title": "駐舊金山辦事處將再度於2月27日辦理南灣行動領務,名額有限,請先上網預約", "content": "

本處訂於本(113)年2月27日(星期二)在南灣僑教中心舉辦行動領務,受理民眾申辦「換發護照」及「授權書」、「居住國外證明」、「出生/死亡證明」、「結婚證明」申請案,僑胞於2月8日上午9時起在本處網站www.tecosf.com上網預約,印出確認單,就可於27日上午10時至下午1時將已填妥的表格及應備的文件,直接帶到南灣僑教中心一樓多功能廳櫃檯辦理換發護照、文件證明(含授權書)等業務,現場僅提供收件服務,不發件亦無法速件處理,僅限本人親自辦理,不接受代辦。當日僅受理50位民眾(網路預約35位、現場發放號碼牌予80歲以上僑胞15位),額滿不再受理。南灣僑教中心多功能廳:100 South Milpitas Blvd., Milpitas, CA 95035




為節省等候時間及提高服務品質,提醒僑胞抵達僑教中心一樓領務櫃檯前,備齊所需文件、回郵信封與正確數額的規費。規費僅接受現金、銀行本票(cashier check)或匯票(money order)支付,抬頭請寫TECO。現場恕不找零,亦不接受個人支票與信用卡。倘文件不全,恕無法收件,感謝僑胞的配合與諒解。








555 Montgomery Street, Suite 501, San Francisco, CA 94111
















首辦護照、入國證明書、學歷驗證等仍請備齊文件至舊金山辦事處(555 Montgomery Street)辦理

\n", "date": "2024-02-07 02:12:04", "url": "http://www.roc-taiwan.org/ussfo/post/12036.html" }, { "title": "新制入出國及移民法問與答", "content": "新制入出國及移民法問與答", "date": "2024-01-27 08:34:14", "url": "http://www.roc-taiwan.org/ussfo/post/11990.html" }, { "title": "國立臺灣美術館「中華民國第二十一屆國際版畫雙年展」徵件", "content": "
國立臺灣美術館(NTMoFA)「中華民國第二十一屆國際版畫雙年展」(2024 Taiwan International Print Biennial)的徵件簡章,本展宗旨為倡導藝術和文化交流,促進版畫藝術發展,為世界各地的版畫藝術家提供競獎及展出的機會。\r\n本屆版畫雙年展徵件日期截至2024年2月5日。此競賽不限國籍、不限年齡也免報名費。\r\n歡迎點此造訪今年度版畫雙年展的官方網站:https://printbiennial.ntmofa.gov.tw/\r\n惠請轉知關於本展的相關訊息給任何對本競賽可能有興趣的版畫工作者或相關組織/社群。
\n", "date": "2024-01-18 00:19:26", "url": "http://www.roc-taiwan.org/ussfo/post/11978.html" }, { "title": "「2025桃源國際藝術獎」即將公開徵件,歡迎踴躍報名!", "content": "
「桃源國際藝術獎」(桃源獎)以鼓勵當代藝術的實驗與創新為宗旨,將自本(113)年4月1日起至26日止公開徵件,徵件採 #不分類遴選,開放各式媒材、類別、領域作品同台競藝。
更多資訊請見\"▶️\" https://tmofa-tiaa.com/
\n", "date": "2024-01-11 00:17:00", "url": "http://www.roc-taiwan.org/ussfo/post/11883.html" }, { "title": "113年入出國及移民法 新制已上路!", "content": "
\n", "date": "2024-01-02 00:24:52", "url": "http://www.roc-taiwan.org/ussfo/post/11889.html" } ] }, { "lang": "en", "branch": "sfo", "country": "us", "name": "Taipei Economic and Cultural Office in San Francisco", "path": "/ussfo_en/", "items": [ { "title": "Office Closed on Monday 1st of April, 2024 in observance of the Cesar Chavez Day.", "content": "




\n", "date": "2024-03-20 02:45:46", "url": "http://www.roc-taiwan.org/ussfo_en/post/1702.html" }, { "title": "Request for Proposal (RFP) – TECO-SF Office Building Audio Video Systems", "content": "

Taipei Economic and Cultural Office (TECO) in San Francisco




RFP for Audio Video Systems


Case number:SFAV202403001






This specification covers the procurement, installation, and maintenance of Audio Video Systems for the Taipei Economic & Cultural Offices (TECO) project located in San Francisco, CA. The objective is to provide fully professional Audio Video Systems, completely installed and acceptance-tested for use.




The specifications section \"General Conditions\" or other correspondence provided by the owner with this document and related amendments, form a part of this specification by this reference thereto and shall have the same force and effect as if printed herewith in full.


All prospective contractors and bidders are required to submit a completed Non-Disclosure Agreement (NDA). The NDA is attached as an Exhibit to the end of this Specification Section for use. This NDA must be completed in order for the prospective bidder to receive the drawing package.




The following schedule shall be utilized for bidding and contracting purposes. All prospective bidders shall adhere to the schedule and provide by way of written communication if the Contractor requires deviation from the below schedule.


Scope of Specifications


These specifications cover the audio video systems for the project. The contractor responsible for this section shall furnish and install all equipment including all cabling as described herein.


Electrical rough-in including backboxes, conduit and related appurtenances will be provided by the project electrical contractor.


The intent of this section is to define the products, methods and scope of services required to provide a first class, professionally installed, performance tested Audio Video System. This section in conjunction with the project drawings defines the technical, functional and performance requirements for the specified Audio Video Systems.


The systems specified herein shall be purchased by the project general contractor from a qualified Audio and Video System contractor whose current business operations and experience, include the successful integration of Audio Video Systems on Construction projects of size and scope similar to the systems specified herein. The Audio Video contractor’s proposal shall be provided on a lump sum basis with unit price details.


The AV contractor’s proposal is to be based on a lump sum price inclusive of all items required to meet the design intent. The design intent is specifically defined within Part 1, 2 and 3 of this Section and on the AV drawings that are referenced to, and part of, this section. Equipment lists as described in part 2 of this section and on the provided Bid Form have been prepared as a convenience to the bidding contractors. The contractor’s lump sum price shall include all materials and services as required to fulfill the design intent.


The bidder’s lump sum price shall include all goods and services as shown on the project drawings and within these specifications.


The systems covered by this section include for this project include audio systems, video systems, control systems, equipment racks, portable equipment items, and the installation of certain equipment that will be furnished by the owner and installed by the contractor who is responsible for the work described within this section.


System Descriptions


With respect to the systems identified within this paragraph as well as any AV systems shown on the drawings, provide all products, racks, subassemblies, equipment racks, cables, connector plates, panels, termination kits, and related items as described herein, as shown on drawings, as defined within Part 2 of this section, and as required to fulfill the design intent.


In general, provide complete audio, video and AV control systems as described within paragraphs 1, 2 and 3 below:


Provide complete, professionally installed, fully tested audio systems including:


Flush ceiling mounted full range loudspeakers, flush ceiling mounted subwoofer loudspeakers to be used for playback of music, playback of television sources, live microphone reinforcement, auxiliary line level and/or networked audio sources including mounting hardware and related accessories as described herein, as shown on drawings, and as described in Part 2 of this section and as required to fulfill the design intent.


Surface mounted, and in-ceiling, interior grade loudspeakers to be used for playback of music, live microphone reinforcement, networked audio sources including custom weatherized treatment of the ceiling loudspeakers where appropriate and required to ensure that corrosion, rust, or other visible degradation of the loudspeaker enclosures and/or grilles does not occur within ten years of operation and use. Provide coordination with the general contractor regarding mounting of the surface mounted speakers as necessary to ensure proper installation and appearance of the speaker systems.


Digital input connectivity and associated tie-line connections at performance areas including IP network interface, mounting, related hardware & accessories as described herein, as shown on drawings, and as described in Part 2 of this section and as required to fulfill the design intent.


A UHF wireless microphone system including antenna distribution throughout the space. See drawings for quantities of antennas.


Power amplifiers, equipment racks, power distribution within equipment racks, blank panels, vent panels, brush grommet panels, lacing bars, loudspeaker termination panels, patch panels and related hardware and accessories as described herein, as shown on drawings, and as described in Part 2 of this section and as required to provide first class, professional grade audio system performance.


Provide DSP programming as required. At a minimum, DSP for each subsystem, venue or area described herein, shall include the following for each amplifier channel served:

  1. Four-Band (Bass, Mid, Upper-Mid, High) Tone Control
  2. \n

Each tone control supported by a center frequency selector and “q/width” selector. center frequency and q/width selection provided on secondary screen that is not visible unless activated.

  1. Matrix Mixer
  2. \n
  3. Automatic Gain Control (AGC)
  4. \n
  5. ½ Octave Equalizer
  6. \n
  7. Hard Limiter / Max Volume Protection
  8. \n
  9. Variable Threshold, Attack, Release and Reduction
  10. \n
  11. Soft Limiter
  12. \n
  13. Variable Threshold, Attack, Release and Reduction
  14. \n

Provide testing, activation, level balancing and demonstration services to the owner no later than 14 days prior to opening of the space. At a minimum, testing, activation, level balancing services and demonstration to the owner shall include the following:

  1. RT60 Measurement of the space
  2. \n
  3. Sound Pressure Level Measurements using a calibrated SPL Meter.
  4. \n
  5. 1/3 Octave Analyzer
  6. \n
  7. Smaart Rig and qualified operator
  8. \n

Full-range measurement and sound level test of each loudspeaker using a microphone extender pole allowing measurement of the performance of each loudspeaker to occur from the ground with the microphone measurement position at 12” from the speaker. Verify that the level and performance of each loudspeaker is equivalent to other loudspeakers within the same circuit/zone.


Document the performance of each loudspeaker zone including confirmation that the operation of all speakers within each zone has been verified.


Demonstrate speaker system performance to the owner using the head-end, ownerfurnished music source, a secondary high-quality line level music source and wireless microphone source.


Provide complete, professionally installed, fully tested video systems including:


All labor and technical support services as required to install video displays.


Coordinate, install, and fully implement displays described herein, as shown on drawings, and as described in Part 2 of this section and as required to fulfill the design intent.


Set-top-boxes, mounts, connector plates, connecting cables, attachment hardware and related items as shown on drawings, as described herein and within Part 2 of this section.


Mounts, cables, set-top-boxes and related cables, connectors, hardware, and accessories described herein, as shown on drawings, and as described in Part 2 of this section and as required to fulfill the design intent.


All video system encoding, processing, distribution and related equipment as defined herein, as shown on drawings, and as described in Part 2 of this section and as required to fulfill the design intent.


Testing, activation, optimization, and operational demonstration of each video display and related set-top-box. Coordinate with TECO Ownership as necessary to ensure that the content shown on each display is derived from the correct source, the content is stable and not subject to loss of signal, error indications or similar dysfunction.


Provide complete, professionally implemented, fully tested, AV Control systems including:


Touch screen control at the MDF AV rack location and by way of wireless tablet as well as PC or laptop control.


Provide all touch screen programming as required including:


Main Page


Time-of-Day Over-Ride


This feature will disable the time-of-day settings described below for the duration of time established within the tech-page options. Activating this button brings up the level 2 user page password screen.


Level 2 User Page (Level 2 Password Protected)


Level 3 Tech Page (Level 3 Password Protected)


Gain Setting/Volume Control for each loudspeaker zone.


Time-of-Day Settings


Provide a minimum of five time-of-day dependent volume levels.


Default gain variable for each time-of-day segment as follows:


The gain variable for each time-of-day setting shall be adjustable only by a level 3 password authorized, user.


Time of Day Over-Ride Variable


If a touch screen location is within reach of guests, provide level 1 password protection.


Video Presets


Plan for a minimum of eight video display presets per touch screen application. Each preset recalls specific video routing assignments for each display that is associated with the touch panel. As example: Pre-Set #1 assigns Video Source 1 to display #1, Video Source 2 to display #2, Video Source #3 to display #3, Video Source #4 to display #4, Video Source #5 to display #5 and so on.


Audio source to the local speaker system shall default to the audio associated with the content displayed as decided by TECO. Specific details associated with the preset conditions to be coordinated with the owner no later than 30 days prior to opening of the facility.


Head-End / Master Control


Provide all control system features described above for this space at the head-end touch panel and local IDF touch panel.


Develop and implement all programming as required to provide all head-end and local system control features on owner-furnished IOS or Android tablet devices.


Develop and implement all programming as required to provide all head-end and local system control features on the building network and operable from a properly connected personal computer or laptop devices.


Owner Approval of Control System Programming, Layouts & Operation Refer to paragraph 1.7.D of this section.




All work included in this specification is to be performed within the guidelines of the following standards:

  1. NEC (National Electric Code).
  2. \n
  3. ASTM (American Society of Tests and Measurements).
  4. \n
  5. IEEE (Institute of Electrical and Electronic Engineers).
  6. \n
  7. AES (Audio Engineering Society).
  8. \n
  9. NAB (National Association of Broadcasters)
  10. \n
  11. AVIXA (Audiovisual and Integrated Experience Association)
  12. \n
  13. ADA (Americans with Disabilities Act)
  14. \n
  15. ANSI (American National Standards Institute)
  16. \n

Contact Information


For questions or clarifications, please contact Martin Hou at knhou@mofa.gov.tw


We look forward to receiving your proposal. Thank you for your interest in providing audio video system for our commercial building.







\n", "date": "2024-03-07 03:59:29", "url": "http://www.roc-taiwan.org/ussfo_en/post/5087.html" }, { "title": "2024 Mosaic Taiwan Fellowship Exchange Program Application Opens from February 7 to March 8, 2024", "content": "

Mosaic Taiwan is a fellowship exchange program for promising young leaders from the U.S. and Canada hoping to gain firsthand experience of Taiwan.


Sponsored by Taiwan's Ministry of Foreign Affairs, the program provides young people with an interest in global affairs the opportunity to better understand Taiwan’s culture and society.


During the 12-day program from June 17-28, 2024, you will attend workshops, forums, lectures, and other activities, giving you a complete overview of Taiwan!


Travel and living arrangements in Taiwan will be covered by the sponsor.


Once selected to join the program, full participation is required.




◾U.S. and Canadian citizen between the ages of 20 and 35


◾ No previous Taiwan travel sponsored by the Taiwan government


◾Active interest in public affairs, politics, government, and international affairs


✅Required Documents:

  1. Application form
  2. \n
  3. Brief bio and CV
  4. \n
  5. Minimum of 2 recommendation letters
  6. \n
  7. Academic transcript
  8. \n
  9. Essay
  10. \n
  11. Award certificate(s) (if any)
  12. \n

◾ A medical certificate will be required of successful applicants




◾ Applications will be accepted from February 7 to March 8, 2024.


◾ TECO-San Francisco accepts applications from Northern California, Utah, and Nevada ONLY. Please email the completed application form and all required documents to Ms. Yuling Hung at: yhung@mofa.gov.tw


2023 Mosaic Taiwan recap: https://tinyurl.com/2hyyxujd




The application form can be downloaded below:



\n", "date": "2024-02-07 07:13:27", "url": "http://www.roc-taiwan.org/ussfo_en/post/5050.html" }, { "title": "Greetings from the office of the 2024 Taiwan International Print Biennial at the National Taiwan Museum of Fine Arts!", "content": "
National Taiwan Museum of Arts has just announced the regulations of “2024 Taiwan International Print Biennial.” \r\nThe Biennial aims to initiate the exchange of art and culture, facilitate the development of print art and provide the opportunity for print makers around\r\nthe world to show their talent.\r\n“2024 Taiwan International Print Biennial” registration ends on 5th February, 2024. This competition has no restriction on nationality and age, also no registration fee. \r\n\r\n\r\nFeel free to visit “2024 Taiwan International Print Biennial” official website at: https://printbiennial.ntmofa.gov.tw/\r\n\r\nWe sincerely hope you could spread this message to any institute/ museums or schools, to join this competition together.
\n", "date": "2024-01-18 00:22:04", "url": "http://www.roc-taiwan.org/ussfo_en/post/5038.html" }, { "title": "The TIAA will be accepting entries for the 2025 Taoyuan International Art Award from April 1 - April 26, 2024.", "content": "

The TIAA will be accepting entries for the 2025 Taoyuan International Art Award from April 1 - April 26, 2024. Artists can submit artistic works of any category in either Chinese or English. For more information, please visit: http://en.tmofa-tiaa.com/\"TIAA\"

\n", "date": "2024-01-11 00:17:48", "url": "http://www.roc-taiwan.org/ussfo_en/post/4996.html" } ] }, { "lang": "zh", "branch": "sea", "country": "us", "name": "駐西雅圖台北經濟文化辦事處", "path": "/ussea/", "items": [ { "title": "駐西雅圖台北經濟文化辦事處【徵人啟事】", "content": "



\n二、 名額:乙名
\n三、 工作性質:文書處理、行政及外勤等工作
\n四、 薪資:三個月試用期間每月薪資3,094美元。試用期滿,薪資得視工作經驗酌予調增
\n五、 應徵資格:


六、 有意應徵者請備妥中、英文簡歷及自傳、最高學歷畢業證書、美國護照影本、中華民國護照影本及可聯絡地址電話,
\n電郵至:infoseattle@mofa.gov.tw; 或郵寄至:
\nTaipei Economic and Cultural Office in Seattle
\n600 University St., Suite 2020, Seattle, WA 98101


七、 應徵截止日期:2024年4月19日,Email主旨或信封上均請註明【應徵】


八、 符合本處需要之應徵者由本處主動電話或郵件通知面談及測驗時間。

\n", "date": "2024-04-11 07:58:22", "url": "http://www.roc-taiwan.org/ussea/post/11520.html" }, { "title": "調整本處受理領務申請人委託郵遞領取服務收費標準相對調整", "content": "



自2024年4月15日起,美國境內 Priority Mail 調整為 12 美元。

\n", "date": "2024-04-05 06:54:53", "url": "http://www.roc-taiwan.org/ussea/post/11497.html" }, { "title": "國立政治大學113學年外國學生招生資訊及全英語授課學程說明", "content": "



該校經教育部核定之「全英語授課學程」(English-Taught Programs)如下:

  1. IMAS(International Master's Program in Asia-Pacific Studies)亞太研究英語碩士學位學程
  2. \n
  3. IMES(International Master's Program of Applied Economics and Social Development)應用經濟與社會發展英語碩士學位學程
  4. \n
  5. IMBA(International Master of Business Administration Program)國際經營管理英語碩士學位學程
  6. \n
  7. IMICS(International Master's Program in International Communication Studies)國際傳播英語碩士學程
  8. \n
  9. IMPIS(International Master's Program in International Studies)國際研究英語碩士學位學程
  10. \n
  11. IDAS(International Doctoral Program in Asia-Pacific Studies)亞太研究英語博士學位學程
  12. \n


\n", "date": "2024-02-21 08:27:01", "url": "http://www.roc-taiwan.org/ussea/post/11396.html" }, { "title": "國立臺灣師範大學國際與社會科學院「全球研究全英語學士學位學程」2024年秋季班第二次開放招生", "content": "







各學程相關簡介,請參考 https://bds.oia.ntnu.edu.tw/bds/en/apply/regulation


招生報名網址 :https://bds.oia.ntnu.edu.tw/bds/en/apply/application/2024001

\n", "date": "2024-02-21 07:10:42", "url": "http://www.roc-taiwan.org/ussea/post/11392.html" }, { "title": "2024年2月19日(星期一)適逢華盛頓總統誕辰紀念日,本處依規定放假一日。", "content": "

2024年2月19日(星期一)適逢華盛頓總統誕辰紀念日,本處依規定放假一日。如遇急難事件,敬請撥打電話: (206)510-8588。


Our office will be closed on Monday, February 19th, 2024 in observance of Washington's Birthday. In case of emergency, please call (206) 510-8588.

\n", "date": "2024-02-13 12:00:13", "url": "http://www.roc-taiwan.org/ussea/post/11277.html" }, { "title": "2024年1月15日(星期一)適逢金恩博士誕辰紀念日,本處依規定放假一日。", "content": "

2024年1月15日(星期一)適逢金恩博士誕辰紀念日,本處依規定放假一日。如遇急難事件,敬請撥打電話: (206)510-8588。


Our office will be closed on Monday, January 15th, 2024 in observance of Martin Luther King Jr. Day. In case of emergency, please call (206) 510-8588.

\n", "date": "2024-01-10 00:35:33", "url": "http://www.roc-taiwan.org/ussea/post/11273.html" } ] }, { "lang": "en", "branch": "sea", "country": "us", "name": "Taipei Economic and Cultural Office in Seattle", "path": "/ussea_en/", "items": [ { "title": "Wyoming State Legislature Passed Joint Resolution in Support of Taiwan for the second consecutive year", "content": "

Wyoming State Senate and House of Representatives passed the joint resolution in support of Taiwan on March 5th, 2024. TECO in Seattle extends its gratitude to all the supporting legislators.


This resolution affirms that Taiwan shares with the United States and the State of Wyoming the common values of freedom, democracy, and human rights and Taiwan is the eleventh largest trading partner of the U.S.


On the occasion of the 40the anniversary of the sister-state friendship, the resolution also addresses that Taiwan is a willing and contributing member of the world community and the Wyoming Legislature supports Taiwan’s participation in International Organizations and welcomes the opportunity for the U.S. to deepen the economic, educational and cultural bonds with Taiwan.





\n", "date": "2024-03-07 00:57:37", "url": "http://www.roc-taiwan.org/ussea_en/post/9293.html" }, { "title": "Washington State House and Senate Passed Resolution in Support of Taiwan", "content": "

Washington State House and Senate respectively passed the resolution HR4665 on February 1 and SR8670 on February 28, 2024. General Daniel Daniel Chen was invited to visit the State Capitol to witness the passing of the resolution at the Senate.


Both resolutions affirm the importance of a strong and enduring relationship with the people of Taiwan, and recognize to promote the mutual friendship with Taiwan. TECO in Seattle extends its gratitude to all the supporting legislators. TECO in Seattle especially appreciates the supportive remarks delivered by Senator Lisa Wellman and Senator Keith Wagoner.


HR4665: https://app.leg.wa.gov/billsummary?BillNumber=4665&Year=2023&Initiative=false


SR8670: https://app.leg.wa.gov/billsummary?BillNumber=8670&Year=2023&Initiative=False


\"\" \"\" \"\"

\n", "date": "2024-03-01 09:01:39", "url": "http://www.roc-taiwan.org/ussea_en/post/9277.html" }, { "title": "TECO in Seattle and Asia Pacific Culture Center cohost the 26th Annual New Year Celebration", "content": "

TECO in Seattle worked with Asia Pacific Culture Center (APCC) to host the 26th Annual New Year Celebration at Tacoma Dome on Feb. 24th. The U.S. Senator Maria Cantwell, Congressman Derek Kilmer, Congresswoman Marilyn Strickland and dozens of elected officials attended. Thousands of people, community members, and volunteers participated in the event.


To celebrate the lantern festivals, Director General Daniel Chen invited the guests to launch sky lanterns on the stage. The audience enjoyed the performance of Taiwanese ingenious people, youth ambassadors, Hakka folk dances, Diablo and dragon lion dance. The vendors and booths onsite also showcased the diverse culture of Taiwan such as tea arts, handcrafts.


\"\" \"\" \"\" \"\" \"\" \"\" \"\" \"\" \"\" \"\"

\n", "date": "2024-02-26 08:59:47", "url": "http://www.roc-taiwan.org/ussea_en/post/9273.html" } ] }, { "lang": "zh", "branch": "", "country": "kw", "name": "駐科威特王國台北商務代表處", "path": "/kw/", "items": [ { "title": "【經貿活動】「2024年台北國際汽機車零配件展暨台北國際車用電子展」(2024 Taipei AMPA)", "content": "





It's coming! The automotive industry's premier event - TAIPEI AMPA Show 2024.


Get your FREE floor access by finish Pre-Registration TODAY!!!  https://reurl.cc/3enQRO 


Date: April 17- 20, 2024 


Venue: Taipei Nangang Exhibition Center, Hall 1, Taipei, Taiwan.



\n", "date": "2024-04-04 00:00:10", "url": "http://www.roc-taiwan.org/kw/post/6373.html" }, { "title": "【性別平等】我國外交部與NGO合作舉辦「臺灣性別平等週」活動", "content": "





第68屆聯合國婦女地位委員會大會 (The Commission on the Status of Women, CSW) 將於3月11日至22日在紐約舉行,外交部今年也將與我國婦權會等非政府組織合作,於大會期間在紐約舉辦「台灣性別平等週」 (Taiwan Gender Equality Week, TGEW) 系列活動。





\n", "date": "2024-03-10 00:00:57", "url": "http://www.roc-taiwan.org/kw/post/6352.html" }, { "title": "【學術交流】科威特大學台灣學生參訪科國智庫「偵查研究」", "content": "

留學科威特大學研讀阿拉伯文的台灣學生本(2024)年2月22日應邀前往科國智庫「偵查研究」(Reconnaissance Research),和執行長Abdulaziz Al-Anjeri 進行一場文化、生活暨傳統對話,駐處代表譚國定與秘書黃冠貯亦與會。



\n", "date": "2024-03-06 00:00:28", "url": "http://www.roc-taiwan.org/kw/post/6297.html" }, { "title": "【體育賽事】「2025雙北世界壯年運動會」 向世界挑一場 2/17報名", "content": "












\n", "date": "2024-02-15 03:30:05", "url": "http://www.roc-taiwan.org/kw/post/6205.html" }, { "title": "【經貿活動】波灣國際食品展(Gulfood 2024) 台灣館", "content": "

2024年波灣國際食品展(Gulfood 2024)於2月19至23日在阿聯大公國(UAE) 杜拜世貿中心(Dubai World Trade Center)舉行,歡迎科國廠商及轄區台商前往參觀台灣館,爭取食品商機。


Largest Food Exhibition Dubai | Register Now | Gulfood 2024


Gulfood 2024 Taiwan Pavilion (canva.site)







\n", "date": "2024-02-07 00:00:02", "url": "http://www.roc-taiwan.org/kw/post/6181.html" }, { "title": "【經貿活動】「2024年臺灣國際蘭展」(TIOS)", "content": "





2024 TIOS臺灣國際蘭展 Taiwan International Orchid Show

\n", "date": "2024-02-01 15:26:09", "url": "http://www.roc-taiwan.org/kw/post/6175.html" }, { "title": "【臺灣獎學金】2024年教育部臺灣獎學金開放申請", "content": "










  1. 學費及雜費(包括學分費及學雜費基數)。受獎生學費及雜費每學期於新臺幣4萬元以內,由教育部核實補助,超過新臺幣4萬元者,不足部分由受獎生自行繳交就讀學校;補助雜費項目不包括代收代辦費、論文指導費、保險、住宿及網路使用費等相關費用,由受獎生自行負擔。
  2. \n
  3. 生活補助費:教育部補助大學生每月新臺幣1萬5千元;碩士及博士生每月新臺幣2萬元。
  4. \n


  1. 各級學位最長受獎期限,大學部4年、碩士班2年、博士班4年。每名受獎生受領本獎學金總期限累計不得超過5年。
  2. \n
  3. 獎學金年度受獎期間,自每年9月1日起至次年8月31日止。受獎生應按時抵校註冊,未能於規定期限來臺就學者,視同放棄受獎資格,不得保留至下年度。
  4. \n
  5. 生活補助費核給期限,自受獎生實際就學當月起至受獎期限屆滿、畢業、休學、退學或獎學金受廢止月止。
  6. \n

五、申請期限: 2024年2月1日 至 2024年3月31日








申請人應於各校規定申請期限內,自行向臺灣各大學院校申請入學(可自Study in Taiwan網站查詢臺灣大學及課程列表:http://www.studyintaiwan.org/university)。



  1. 具僑生身分或中華民國(台灣)國籍。
  2. \n
  3. 已保留國內大學校院學籍或已在臺註冊入學就讀國內大學校院者。但申請下一階段學位獎學金之應屆畢業生,不在此限。
  4. \n
  5. 曾在臺就讀擬申請之同一級學位課程。
  6. \n
  7. 在臺就學期間為我各大學校院依據與外國學校簽訂學術合作協議所招收之交換學生或雙(聯)學位生。
  8. \n
  9. 受領本計畫各級學位課程獎學金總期限超過5年。
  10. \n
  11. 曾被撤銷本獎學金或註銷教育部華語文獎學金。
  12. \n
  13. 在臺就學期間同時受領我政府機關(構)或學校所設置之獎補助金;但不包括由就讀學校配合本項獎學金執行計畫,於超過教育部補助學雜費上限金額時,所提供受獎生學雜費優惠。
  14. \n





(https://taiwanscholarship.moe.gov.tw/Apply),選擇 TAIWAN SCHOLARSHIP (MOE),依指示填寫各欄位及上傳文件,包括:


(一) 3 個月內照片;


(二) 護照或足資證明菲律賓國籍之證件;


(三)   已向臺灣大學校院申請入學之證明文件(例如:入學申請表),並載明申請就讀學校名稱及學程;另將下列正本資料於 3 月 31 日前提供駐科威特代表處,包括:


(一) 自系統印出之完整申請書及附件;


(二) 填妥及簽名之「教育部臺灣獎學金承諾書」;


(三)   最高/現學歷成績單正本(須彌封);


(四) 校長、教授、導師或工作單位主管推薦信 2 封(須彌封)。



  1. 獎學金申請表。
  2. \n
  3. 科威特護照影本或足資證明科國國籍之其他證件影本。(雙重國籍者另繳交其他國籍證明文件)
  4. \n
  5. 最高學歷證明及成績單影本。中、英文以外之語文,應附中文或英文譯本。
  6. \n
  7. 已向我國相關大學校院申請入學之證明文件影本(如:入學申請繳納報名費之收據影本、入學申請表影本、申請學校已收件之回條或電子郵件等)。
  8. \n
  9. 語文能力鑑定證明影本:
  10. \n

(1) 申請就讀非全英語學程者,申請者應提具通過華語文能力測驗進階級或同等級以上成績單或證書影本;其他測驗成績或證明文件不予受理。但因地理等因素,未能參加華語文能力測驗之申請者,得經駐科威特代表處審核同意,於抵臺就讀第一學期內,自費並自行報考進階級或同等級華語文能力測驗,並取得通過測驗之成績單或證書,繳交所就讀之學校。


(2) 申請就讀全英語學程者,需提具托福測驗成績或其他經荷蘭政府認可之英語能力測驗證明文件,或英語學程畢業證明文件。擬就讀校系所及學位應為教育部認可之全英語學程,非教育部認可之英語學程者,應由申請者逕向擬就讀大學校院取得學校(非校內單位)開立之全英語學程證明文件。







  1. 本獎學金受理報名期間為即日起至2024年3月31日止。
  2. \n
  3. 經書面審查後,將邀請部分候選人於2024年4月或5月進行面試。
  4. \n
  5. 最終審核結果將於2024年5月底前通知候選人。
  6. \n
  7. 正取獎學金候選人應於2024年6月30日前,將我國大學校院入學許可影本送交駐科威特代表處確定受獎資格。逾期未交件者,視為放棄受獎資格。
  8. \n



2024年教育部臺灣獎學金申請表 doc pdf











\n", "date": "2024-01-30 00:00:24", "url": "http://www.roc-taiwan.org/kw/post/6143.html" }, { "title": "【就業金卡】 Exploring Your Future In Taiwan 強化延攬外國專業人才", "content": "



中華民國(台灣)國家發展委員會為延攬全球前500大大學畢業生及強化來臺商務及履約外國人留臺工作項目, 完成「Exploring Your Future In Taiwan」及「Work In Taiwan」之電子傳單各1份,敬請參考運用。


Official Website | Taiwan Gold Card (nat.gov.tw)


Act for the Recruitment and Employment of Foreign Professionals (ndc.gov.tw)


外國專業人才申辦窗口平臺 (immigration.gov.tw)


EDM-Exploring Your Future In Taiwan(pdf) EDM-Work In Taiwan(pdf)


EDM-Work In Taiwan(pdf)

\n", "date": "2024-01-17 05:00:28", "url": "http://www.roc-taiwan.org/kw/post/6018.html" } ] }, { "lang": "en", "branch": "", "country": "kw", "name": "Taipei Commercial Representative Office in the State of Kuwait", "path": "/kw_en/", "items": [ { "title": "【Commercial Event】TAIPEI AMPA Show 2024", "content": "



It's coming! The automotive industry's premier event - TAIPEI AMPA Show 2024.


Get your FREE floor access by finish Pre-Registration TODAY!!!  https://reurl.cc/3enQRO


Date: April 17- 20, 2024


Venue: Taipei Nangang Exhibition Center, Hall 1, Taipei, Taiwan.



\n", "date": "2024-04-08 00:00:31", "url": "http://www.roc-taiwan.org/kw_en/post/4195.html" }, { "title": "【Commercial Event】2024 Tainan Green Industry EXPO", "content": "



2024 Tainan Green Industry EXPO

\n\n", "date": "2024-04-04 19:08:15", "url": "http://www.roc-taiwan.org/kw_en/post/4227.html" }, { "title": "【Activity】2024 Taiwan Gender Equality Week, TGEW", "content": "

2024 Taiwan Gender Equality Week (TGEW) from 11 March until 22 March, 2024 during 2024 The Commission on the Status of Women, CSW.





\n", "date": "2024-03-10 16:32:08", "url": "http://www.roc-taiwan.org/kw_en/post/4172.html" }, { "title": "【Activity】Taiwanese Students Are Invited to Kuwaiti Think-tank, Reconnaissance Research", "content": "

Taiwanese students, study the Arabic Language at the Kuwait University, are invited to Kuwaiti think-tank, Reconnaissance Research, and to have a dialogue on culture, life and tradition with CEO Mr. Abdulaziz Al-Anjeri on Feb. 22, 2024.



\n", "date": "2024-03-06 00:32:45", "url": "http://www.roc-taiwan.org/kw_en/post/4127.html" }, { "title": "【Activity】World Masters Games 2025 Taipei + New Taipei City", "content": "



WMG 2025 Taipei & New Taipei City


Promotion Video : https://youtu.be/0ksN3l340g0

\n", "date": "2024-02-15 14:54:53", "url": "http://www.roc-taiwan.org/kw_en/post/4064.html" }, { "title": "【Commercial Event】Gulfood Dubai 2024 Taiwan Pavilion", "content": "

Join us in Dubai World Trade Centre and visit Taiwan Pavilion in 2024 Gulfood from 19 to 23 Feb. , 2024.


Website:Largest Food Exhibition Dubai | Register Now | Gulfood 2024


Taiwan Pavilion : Gulfood 2024 Taiwan Pavilion (canva.site)



\n", "date": "2024-02-07 16:48:23", "url": "http://www.roc-taiwan.org/kw_en/post/4047.html" }, { "title": "【Commercial Event】The 20th Taiwan International Orchid Show", "content": "

The 20th Taiwan International Orchid Show


Website : 2024 Taiwan International Orchids Show (tios.tw)







\n", "date": "2024-02-01 15:29:26", "url": "http://www.roc-taiwan.org/kw_en/post/4041.html" }, { "title": "【Scholarship】2024 MOE Taiwan Scholarship", "content": "





2024 MOE TAIWAN SCHOLARSHIP will be opened online application from Feb. 1st until March 31th, 2024.


The MOE Taiwan Scholarship Program encourages outstanding Kuwaiti students undertaking undergraduate and postgraduate studies in Taiwan by awarding each recipient tuition and miscellaneous expenses of NTD 40,000 each semester. Recipients undertaking undergraduate studies will also be granted a monthly stipend of NTD 15,000 and recipients who undertaking postgraduate studies will get a stipend of NTD 20,000 per month.


Eligibility: Please read the link of R5 as bellow


Eligible applicants from Kuwait must apply for admission directly to the university or college within its application deadline and submit their application for Taiwan Scholarship through the link (https://taiwanscholarship.moe.gov.tw/Apply).


Online Application: Please apply via the 「Taiwan Scholarship and Huayu Enrichment Scholarship Online Program System」 (https://taiwanscholarship.moe.gov.tw/Apply), select「Taiwan Scholarship」and click on 「Add」to complete all application data and upload the required documents. After completion of the online application, please mail the original required documents as listed to Taipei Commercial Rep. Office in the State of Kuwait before March 31, 2024.


The application timeline for 2024 Taiwan Scholarship is from February 1 (Thursday) to March 31 (Sunday), 2024. Interviews with qualified candidates in person will be required for the final selection process. And, the selected candidates would be notified by May 31, 2024.


For more information, please browse the Taiwan Scholarship website at https://taiwanscholarship.moe.gov.tw or contact Taipei Commercial Rep. Office in the State of Kuwait.




R2_List of UniversitiesColleges Providing Tuition & Miscellaneous Expense Discounts for 2024 MOE Taiwan Scholarship Recipients


R3_List of UniversitiesColleges Offering Degree Programs Taught in English 2024 Academic Year







\n", "date": "2024-01-30 00:57:18", "url": "http://www.roc-taiwan.org/kw_en/post/4023.html" }, { "title": "【Employment Gold Card】Work in Taiwan And Exploring Your Future In Taiwan", "content": "



Have you ever thought of working in Taiwan? Apart from getting a job and having your company sponsor a work visa, you could actually move to Taiwan through a work-seeking visa or gold card.


Refer to website and EDM below to find out more!


Official Website | Taiwan Gold Card (nat.gov.tw)


Act for the Recruitment and Employment of Foreign Professionals (ndc.gov.tw)


外國專業人才申辦窗口平臺 (immigration.gov.tw)


EDM-Work In Taiwan(pdf)


EDM-Exploring Your Future In Taiwan(pdf)

\n", "date": "2024-01-17 05:00:05", "url": "http://www.roc-taiwan.org/kw_en/post/3976.html" } ] }, { "lang": "zh", "branch": "", "country": "om", "name": "駐阿曼王國台北經濟文化辦事處", "path": "/om/", "items": [ { "title": "公告:本處服務時間異動", "content": "



辦公時間:週日至週四 上午08:30至下午4:30 (中午不休息)


領務服務時間:週日至週四 上午09:00至下午3:30 (預約制)



\n", "date": "2024-03-24 16:07:21", "url": "http://www.roc-taiwan.org/om/post/3015.html" }, { "title": "活動公告:2024年索哈爾經濟投資論壇(SIF),歡迎廠商踴躍報名參加", "content": "

索哈爾論壇(Suhar Investment Forum) 訂於2024年2月26日至27日在阿曼北部索哈爾州舉行,為年度政商盛事 ,活動內容多元,包含研討會、B2B、參觀索哈爾自由貿易區及自由港等活動,請有興趣至阿曼從事商貿投資的臺灣廠商踴躍報名參加,也歡迎致電本處洽詢。




本處窗口:Ms. Lin (+968-2469-2313;omn@mofa.gov.tw)

\n", "date": "2024-01-25 13:06:05", "url": "http://www.roc-taiwan.org/om/post/2959.html" } ] }, { "lang": "en", "branch": "", "country": "om", "name": "Taipei Economic and Cultural Office, Muscat, Oman", "path": "/om_en/", "items": [ { "title": "Ramadan Kareem! Happy Ramadan to everyone!", "content": "

On March 12, the Ramadan begins and will last for one month.


Taipei Economic and Cultural Office in Muscat would like to extend its best wished to all for this special festival. Ramadan Kareem!



\n", "date": "2024-03-31 13:28:35", "url": "http://www.roc-taiwan.org/om_en/post/1232.html" } ] }, { "lang": "zh", "branch": "", "country": "at", "name": "駐奧地利台北經濟文化代表處", "path": "/at/", "items": [ { "title": "EGU台灣交流會", "content": "
\"11\" \"WHA3\"
\n", "date": "2024-04-18 16:40:53", "url": "http://www.roc-taiwan.org/at/post/22080.html" }, { "title": "奧地利客家會2024年的天穿日活動", "content": "






\n", "date": "2024-03-25 16:27:15", "url": "http://www.roc-taiwan.org/at/post/22002.html" }, { "title": "張大使與維也納農業大學校長會晤", "content": "

\n駐奧地利代表處張小月大使於本年1月29日與維也納農業大學校長Eva Schulev-Steindl會晤,兩人就維也納農業大學如何加強與台灣大學校院交流合作進行廣泛意見交流。



\n", "date": "2024-03-02 23:49:46", "url": "http://www.roc-taiwan.org/at/post/21755.html" }, { "title": "新春餐會活動", "content": "
\"Untitled \"KB0_kaisermuehlen
\n", "date": "2024-02-20 16:31:41", "url": "http://www.roc-taiwan.org/at/post/21803.html" }, { "title": "張大使簡報台灣總統及國會選舉後的局勢", "content": "

\"donuts-5961003_1280\" \"hearts-1450300_1280\"


奧地利記者協會(Österreichischer Journalisten Club)邀請本處張大使簡報台灣總統及國會選舉後的局勢,張大使說明維持兩岸現狀是台灣大多數的民意,也是未來賴總統兩岸政策的方向。台灣的戰略位置重要,台灣海峽的和平穩定攸關全球的經貿和航運安全,維持和平現狀對各方都有利。張大使簡報後和媒體朋友交流座談,記者們踴躍提問,張大使逐一詳細回答,讓與會者得到第一手的深入見解。

\n", "date": "2024-02-20 16:26:47", "url": "http://www.roc-taiwan.org/at/post/21795.html" }, { "title": "恭喜維也納華語文學習中心獲獎!", "content": "


\n", "date": "2024-02-12 23:46:08", "url": "http://www.roc-taiwan.org/at/post/21743.html" }, { "title": "元智大學通識教育中心來訪", "content": "


\n", "date": "2024-02-02 23:45:47", "url": "http://www.roc-taiwan.org/at/post/21739.html" }, { "title": "「桃源國際藝術獎」", "content": "


\n", "date": "2024-01-10 22:01:19", "url": "http://www.roc-taiwan.org/at/post/21611.html" } ] }, { "lang": "de", "branch": "", "country": "at", "name": "Taipei Economic and Cultural Office in Austria", "path": "/at_de/", "items": [ { "title": "12. World Bamboo Congress", "content": "



Wie wir schon erwähnt haben, steht der März und April heuer bei uns ganz im Zeichen des Bambus! Genau diese Pflanze ist selbstredend auch der Fokus beim 12. World Bamboo Congress, der morgen in Hsinchu, Taiwan eröffnet wird

\n", "date": "2024-04-18 16:39:09", "url": "http://www.roc-taiwan.org/at_de/post/7487.html" }, { "title": "Taiwan auf der Bildungsmesse Wien", "content": "

\"WhatsApp \"WhatsApp \"WhatsApp




Taiwan ist auch auf der Bildungsmesse Wien vertreten! Am 8.3. war unsere Missionschefin Katharine Chang zu Besuch und redete mit Interessenten bei unserem Info-Stand über die Vorzüge unseres Landes!

\n", "date": "2024-03-18 23:49:24", "url": "http://www.roc-taiwan.org/at_de/post/7416.html" }, { "title": "Taiwan Gender Equality Week 2024", "content": "

The Foundation for Women’s Rights Promotion and Development (FWRPD) aims to build a resource and information exchange center for all concerned with gender issues and become a bridge that brings local work to the international stage. Echoing these goals, Taiwan Gender Equality Week (TGEW) was launched in 2020 to bring the Taiwanese perspective to the international stage. This year, in response to the theme of UN CSW68, the 2024 Taiwan Gender Equality Week will present Taiwan’s insight into promoting gender equality by strengthening institutions and financing, and spotlighting women’s contributions to the economy, gender issues, and culture in Taiwan as well!


For more details, please check:



\n", "date": "2024-03-08 23:49:04", "url": "http://www.roc-taiwan.org/at_de/post/7413.html" }, { "title": "Besuch der Yuan Ze University", "content": "



Wir haben uns sehr über den Besuch der Yuan Ze University bei uns im Büro gefreut! Die Uni ist bekannt für ihren starken Bezug zum Ausland, z.B. gibt es dort eine große Auswahl an Englisch-Kursen und 10% der Studierenden kommen aus dem Ausland.



\n", "date": "2024-03-02 23:43:20", "url": "http://www.roc-taiwan.org/at_de/post/7286.html" }, { "title": "Dies ist keine Botschaft (Made in Taiwan)", "content": "

“Dies ist keine Botschaft (Made in Taiwan)” - spannende Aufführung im Wiener Volkstheater! “Geologisch gesehen ist Taiwan Teil des „Pazifischen Feuerrings“. Ähnlich fragil steht es um die politische Unabhängigkeit des Landes.”
\nMehr Infos



\n", "date": "2024-02-27 21:42:37", "url": "http://www.roc-taiwan.org/at_de/post/7381.html" }, { "title": "Diskussionen beim ÖJC", "content": "

\"\" \"\"


Was für ein spannender Abend mit interessanten Diskussionen beim ÖJC.  Unsere Missionschefin Katharine Chang sprach mit den Journalist*innen über Taiwans Wahlen und #Taiwan nach den Wahlen. Hier ein paar Fotos vom Event

\n", "date": "2024-02-20 16:28:24", "url": "http://www.roc-taiwan.org/at_de/post/7342.html" }, { "title": "Wieso sollte man in Taiwan studieren?", "content": "



Wieso sollte man in Taiwan studieren? Missionschefin Katharine Chang erklärt es online.

\n", "date": "2024-02-12 23:40:16", "url": "http://www.roc-taiwan.org/at_de/post/7276.html" }, { "title": "Treffen mit der Rektorin der BOKU", "content": "



Unsere Missionschefin Katharine Chang hatte ein spannendes Treffen mit der Rektorin der BOKU Frau Prof. Eva Schulev-Steindl, bei dem die beiden über eine engeren Bildungsaustausch zwischen unseren beiden Ländern sprachen!

\n", "date": "2024-02-02 23:35:57", "url": "http://www.roc-taiwan.org/at_de/post/7264.html" }, { "title": "minus20degree landscape for contemporary art and architecture", "content": "

Die ‘minus20degree landscape for contemporary art and architecture’-Biennale findet heuer zwischen dem 25. und 27. Jänner in #Flachau, Salzburg statt! Eine der teilnehmenden Künstlerinnen Liang-Jung Chen ist aus #Taiwan. Mehr Infos hier  https://www.m20d.eu/

\n", "date": "2024-01-25 23:50:17", "url": "http://www.roc-taiwan.org/at_de/post/7140.html" }, { "title": "2025 Taoyuan International Art Award", "content": "

“The open call for submissions to the third “2025 Taoyuan International Art Award”, organized by the Taoyuan Museum of Fine Arts (TMoFA), will take place from April 1 to 26, 2024.” Interessierte erhalten unter folgendem Link mehr Infos





\n", "date": "2024-01-10 21:53:58", "url": "http://www.roc-taiwan.org/at_de/post/7136.html" } ] }, { "lang": "zh", "branch": "", "country": "cz", "name": "駐捷克台北經濟文化辦事處", "path": "/cz/", "items": [ { "title": "外交部政務次長謝武樵應邀出席「捷克半導體投資商機說明會」,支持台捷緊密合作,為雙邊友好關係奠定下一個30年穩固基礎", "content": "
  • 發布時間:2024-02-01
  • \n
  • 資料來源:歐洲司
  • \n











謝次長致詞表示,過去30多年來,台灣跟捷克在經貿、科技、文化及敎育等領域建立緊密的合作關係,近年的互動更是蓬勃發展。謝次長也特別感謝捷克總統帕維爾(Petr Pavel)去(2023)年9月在聯合國大會場域為我發聲,更於今年1月透過媒體祝賀我國順利舉辦總統大選,首開歐洲國家元首之先例。捷克作為充滿活力的民主經濟體,必定能在半導體關鍵領域發揮無限潛能,期盼透過今日的交流平台,雙邊共同促進技術創新和經濟增長,更為台捷關係下一個30年奠定良好基礎。


捷克駐台代表史坦格(David Steinke)致詞表示,台捷關係是建立在互利互惠的基礎上,捷克政府將提供高科技投資激勵措施,歡迎台灣企業赴捷經商。捷克境內高科技人才素質佳及創新研究機構林立,加上地理位置優越,不僅能在歐洲半導體產業鏈扮演重要角色,更能協助台商進入龐大的歐盟市場。





圖說三:外交部政務次長謝武樵(前排左六)、捷克駐台代表史坦格(David Steinke)(前排左五)及經濟部政務次長陳正祺(前排右四)與產官學界重要代表合影。
\n", "date": "2024-03-22 21:53:13", "url": "http://www.roc-taiwan.org/cz/post/4778.html" } ] }, { "lang": "cs", "branch": "", "country": "cz", "name": "Taipei Economic and Cultural Office, Prague", "path": "/cz_cs/", "items": [ { "title": "2024/2025 Huayu (Mandarin) Enrichment Scholarship", "content": "

We welcome anyone with an interest in Taiwan and/or the Chinese language to apply for the scholarship. We have an all-time high amount of scholarships to hand out and look forward to reviewing and meeting all the successful applicants.


Application form-華語獎學金申請表(2024)


list of Chinese Language center華語中心表(2024)


MOE Huayu Enrichment Scholarship Program Guidelines教育部華語文獎學金作業要點(2024)


2024 Application Guideline_2024_Huayu_Scholarship(申請辦法)


The terms of aggreement-華獎承諾書(2024)

\n", "date": "2024-02-02 18:35:27", "url": "http://www.roc-taiwan.org/cz_cs/post/4947.html" }, { "title": "Taiwan Scholarship 2024", "content": "

Registrations for the 2024 Taiwan Scholarships have now officially been opened. We welcome anyone with an interest in Taiwan and specific Taiwanese study programs to apply for the scholarship. We have an all-time high amount of scholarships to hand out this year and look forward to reviewing and meeting all the successful applicants.


application form-台獎申請表(2024)


MOETaiwanScholarshipProgram Directions-台獎作業要點(2024)


terms of agreement-台獎承諾書(2024)


Taiwan Scholarship 2024

\n", "date": "2024-02-02 18:33:33", "url": "http://www.roc-taiwan.org/cz_cs/post/4939.html" }, { "title": "Announcement of 2024 Public Holidays of the Consular Office", "content": "\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n
假日名稱放假日                    (年/月/日)天數英文說明
元旦2024/01/01 (Mon)1New Year's Day
農曆春節(大年初一)2024/02/10 (Sat)1Chinese Lunar New Year
復活節2024/03/29 (Fri)1Easter Friday
復活節2024/04/01 (Mon)1Easter Monday
勞動節2024/05/01 (Wed)1Labor Day
解放紀念日2024/05/08 (Wed)1Liberation Day
東正教傳入捷克紀念日2024/07/05 (Fri)1Cyril & Methodius Day
胡斯紀念日2024/07/06 (Sat)1Jan Hus Day
聖溫塞拉斯節2024/09/28 (Sat)1Statehood Day
中華民國國慶日2024/10/10 (Thu)1National Day of the Republic of China (Taiwan)
捷克國慶日2024/10/28 (Mon)1Czech Founding Day
自由紀念日2024/11/17 (Sun)1Struggle for Freedom Day
耶誕節2024/12/24 (Tue)1Christmas Eve
耶誕節2024/12/25 (Wed)1Christmas Day
耶誕節2024/12/26 (Thu)1Christmas Day
\n", "date": "2024-01-09 21:32:54", "url": "http://www.roc-taiwan.org/cz_cs/post/4934.html" } ] }, { "lang": "zh", "branch": "", "country": "dk", "name": "駐丹麥台北代表處", "path": "/dk/", "items": [ { "title": "本處與台灣大學創新系江衍均同學(Aurelius)合作舉辦「台灣茶文化推廣活動」“ Taiwan Tea Culture Event”", "content": "

本處與台灣大學創新系江衍均同學(Aurelius)合作舉辦「台灣茶文化推廣活動」“ Taiwan Tea Culture Event”,江同學展出並使用全套茶具泡茶,再搭配精美自製英文講義向現場友人說明。現場還提供多款來自台灣不同品項及特色的茶葉,現沖現泡,現場茶香四溢,互動熱絡,各位台灣及丹麥朋友都感到新奇且收穫良多。\"5\" \"4\" \"3\" \"2\"



\n", "date": "2024-03-26 01:51:44", "url": "http://www.roc-taiwan.org/dk/post/4930.html" }, { "title": "歡迎「台灣新北市NTSRL自主學習教育歐洲參訪團」前來丹麥參訪", "content": "
定能再次促進台丹教育體系相互見習及合作。\"3\" \"2\" \"1\"
\n", "date": "2024-03-18 17:40:11", "url": "http://www.roc-taiwan.org/dk/post/4918.html" }, { "title": "駐英國代表處文化組陳組長斌全來處拜會", "content": "


\n", "date": "2024-03-06 00:01:56", "url": "http://www.roc-taiwan.org/dk/post/4912.html" }, { "title": "丹麥Allerod高中來處參訪", "content": "



\"3\" \"2\" \"1\"

\n", "date": "2024-02-27 21:26:03", "url": "http://www.roc-taiwan.org/dk/post/4892.html" }, { "title": "113年2月台丹小沙龍", "content": "

2024年2月台丹小沙龍活動於2月23日晚間於駐處辦公室舉行,由現任樂高數位產品設計師林育慈主講,與大家分享數位產品設計師工作性質及如何以專業能力參與丹麥義工活動等心得,李大使亦親臨現場與大家互動交流。\"3\" \"2\" \"1\"



\n", "date": "2024-02-24 01:50:01", "url": "http://www.roc-taiwan.org/dk/post/4885.html" }, { "title": "駐丹麥代表處舉辦台丹協會新春餐會", "content": "

本處與台丹協會共同舉辦新春餐會,會長Svend Hovmand、國會友台小組主席Pia Kjaersgaard及各界友人皆出席共襄盛舉,李大使致詞時說明台灣甫完成之總統大選,表示台灣已為成熟民主國家,未來亦將與丹麥緊密合作,共創雙贏。李大使亦特別準備紅包贈予生肖龍者,祝各位新春愉快、台丹關係步步高升。\"2\" \"4\" \"5\"

\n", "date": "2024-02-23 15:31:30", "url": "http://www.roc-taiwan.org/dk/post/4865.html" }, { "title": "113年1月台丹小沙龍", "content": "





\"照片1\" \"照片2\"

\n", "date": "2024-01-27 02:02:29", "url": "http://www.roc-taiwan.org/dk/post/4829.html" }, { "title": "駐丹麥代表處舉辦中華民國113年元旦升旗典禮", "content": "
\"001\" \"002\" \"003\" \"004\"
\n", "date": "2024-01-04 18:27:11", "url": "http://www.roc-taiwan.org/dk/post/4798.html" } ] }, { "lang": "en", "branch": "", "country": "dk", "name": "Taipei Representative Office in Denmark", "path": "/dk_en/", "items": [ { "title": "Taiwan Tea Culture Even", "content": "

We are glad to have Aurelius to introduce the Taiwan tea and hold the “ Taiwan Tea Culture Event”.\"\" \"\" \"\" \"\"

\n", "date": "2024-03-26 01:55:23", "url": "http://www.roc-taiwan.org/dk_en/post/3506.html" }, { "title": "Welcome the “New Taipei City of Taiwan NTSRL Education Delegation for European Self-regulated Learning and Education ”come to Denmark.", "content": "

Welcome the “New Taipei City of Taiwan NTSRL Education Delegation for European Self-regulated Learning and Education ”come to Denmark to learn and share the educational experiences.


\"\" \"\" \"\"

\n", "date": "2024-03-18 17:43:18", "url": "http://www.roc-taiwan.org/dk_en/post/3494.html" }, { "title": "Director, Cultural Division of Taipei Representative Office in the UK visited the Taipei Representative Office in Denmark", "content": "

Director, Cultural Division of Taipei Representative Office in the UK, Chen, Pin-Chuan Ph. D. visited the Taipei Representative Office in Denmark.



\n", "date": "2024-03-06 17:05:16", "url": "http://www.roc-taiwan.org/dk_en/post/3486.html" }, { "title": "Welcome the group from Allerod Gymasium to visit the Taipei Representative Office in Denmark", "content": "

Welcome the group from Allerod Gymasium to visit the Taipei Representative Office in Denmark.


Wish you all the best in Taiwan.


It would definitely foster the Taiwan-Denmark educational ties.


\"\" \"\" \"\"

\n", "date": "2024-02-27 21:30:04", "url": "http://www.roc-taiwan.org/dk_en/post/3471.html" }, { "title": "February 2024 Taiwan-Denmark Salon", "content": "

\"\" \"\" \"\"

\n", "date": "2024-02-24 01:53:48", "url": "http://www.roc-taiwan.org/dk_en/post/3464.html" }, { "title": "Taipei Representative Office hosts New Year celebration dinner", "content": "

A dinner was hosted by the Taipei Representative Office in Denmark on February 22nd in celebration of Lunar New Year. Various Danish dignitaries attended, including chairperson of the Taiwan-Denmark Association Mr. Svend Hovmand and chair of the Taiwan-Denmark Friendship Group of the Danish Parliament Ms. Pia Kjærsgaard.\"5\" \"4\" \"2\"

\n", "date": "2024-02-23 16:32:22", "url": "http://www.roc-taiwan.org/dk_en/post/3452.html" }, { "title": "January 2024 Taiwan-Denmark Salon", "content": "

\"照片1\" \"照片2\"

\n", "date": "2024-02-01 16:28:36", "url": "http://www.roc-taiwan.org/dk_en/post/3434.html" }, { "title": "Taipei Representative Office holds flag raising ceremony for the 113th Founding Day of the ROC (Taiwan)", "content": "

A flag raising ceremony was held by the Taipei Representative Office in Denmark on January 1st, 2024 to commemorate the 113th Founding Day of the ROC (Taiwan).


\"\" \"\" \"\" \"\"

\n", "date": "2024-01-04 18:30:34", "url": "http://www.roc-taiwan.org/dk_en/post/3408.html" } ] }, { "lang": "zh", "branch": "", "country": "be", "name": "駐歐盟兼駐比利時代表處", "path": "/be/", "items": [ { "title": "比利時外交部長拉碧(Hadja Lahbib)再次公開表示支持台灣以觀察員身分出席世界衛生大會(WHA)", "content": "

4月23日拉碧外長在聯邦眾議院外交委員會答覆外委會主席范荷芙(Els Van Hoof)、眾議員達爾曼(Georges Dallemagne)及德福臨(Woter De Vriendt)質詢時表示,比利時支持台灣參與世界衛生組織(WHO),認為邀請台灣以觀察員身分出席5月舉辦的第77屆世界衛生大會(WHA)允屬妥適。








照片出處: http://lachambre.be/

\n", "date": "2024-04-24 00:27:10", "url": "http://www.roc-taiwan.org/be/post/20239.html" }, { "title": "本處大使李淳會晤魯汶市長Mohamed Ridouani,推動台比城市交流", "content": "

李大使於本(2024)年4月17日應Mohamed Ridouani市長邀請訪問魯汶市政府,並感謝R市長分享其本年3月訪台參加「智慧城市展」及訪問姊妹市台南市之交流成果。







\n", "date": "2024-04-20 01:31:05", "url": "http://www.roc-taiwan.org/be/post/20228.html" }, { "title": "歡迎觀看外交部留台校友會(TAA)舉辦「TAA校園宣傳大使」任命活動直播及「TAA春季直播交流會」", "content": "

為強化與各國留台校友之聯繫,外交部業於上(2023)年11月成立「留台校友會」(Taiwan Alumni Association, TAA)臉書粉絲專頁,特訂於本(2024)年4月26日下午3時舉辦上半年「臺灣獎學金計畫學業傑出表現獎」頒獎暨「TAA校園宣傳大使」任命活動,邀請前揭獎項共40名獲獎生擔任TAA校園宣傳大使,協助利用社群媒體宣傳該部TAA臉書,並積極參與該部TAA活動。


前揭活動後另將接續辦理「TAA春季直播交流會」,以「台獎生在台求學歷程」為題,邀請曾為獎學金受獎生之聖克里斯多福及尼維斯駐台大使范東亞(Donya Francis)及上述傑出表現獎獲獎生分享在台求學經驗,並與線上粉絲交流互動。




活動內容細節: April 26 TAA Online Event Invitation Poster



\n", "date": "2024-04-18 21:22:20", "url": "http://www.roc-taiwan.org/be/post/20211.html" }, { "title": "本處與歐洲議會議員在歐洲議會合辦「台灣反制資訊操弄及選舉干預:對歐盟之意涵」研討會", "content": "

本處與歐洲議會復興歐洲黨團Petras Auštrevičius(立陶宛籍)、人民黨團Vladimír Bilčík (斯洛伐克籍)及綠黨黨團Markéta Gregorová (捷克籍)三位跨黨團議員(2024)416在歐洲議會辦「台灣反制資訊操弄及選舉干預:對歐盟之意涵」研討會。
















\n", "date": "2024-04-17 04:41:52", "url": "http://www.roc-taiwan.org/be/post/20202.html" }, { "title": "駐歐盟兼駐比利時代表處於本(4)月24日赴盧森堡辦理行動領務公告", "content": "

1、 時間、地點及辦理方式:
\n駐歐盟兼駐比利時代表處(以下簡稱本處)規劃於本(113)年4月24日(星期三)下午2時30分至5時整在盧森堡市中心之「麗晶餐廳」(Restaurant Le Régent)(地址:18 Rte de Diekirch, 7220 Walferdange, Luxembourg)舉辦行動領務,為兼顧服務品質及申請人權益,本次行動領務採「事先預約制」(預約電話:+32-2-287-2800;預約電郵信箱:consularbel@mofa.gov.tw),請有意申辦的國人提前預約,並事先就擬申辦之領務項目確認應備文件,避免向隅,倘有任何關於應備文件之問題,可事前來電或電郵詢問。本次活動將視預約情形開放現場排隊申辦,惟請注意仍應事先備妥相關本處所需文件。


2、 本次行動領務以辦理國人護照及其相關文件為主:


3、 各項領務作業所需準備文件及規費請參考本處網站連結:
\n(1) 國人申辦護照網址連結:護照 - 駐歐盟兼駐比利時代表處 Taipei Representative Office in the EU and Belgium (https://www.taiwanembassy.org/be/cat/34.html)
\n(2) 外籍人士申請入臺簽證網址連結【不含中港澳人士】:簽證 - 駐歐盟兼駐比利時代表處 Taipei Representative Office in the EU and Belgium (https://www.taiwanembassy.org/be/cat/35.html)
\n(3) 文件驗證網址連結:文件證明 - 駐歐盟兼駐比利時代表處 Taipei Representative Office in the EU and Belgium (https://www.taiwanembassy.org/be/cat/36.html)
\n(4) 無戶籍國民申請在臺定居網址連結:移民署中文網-居留 (https://www.immigration.gov.tw/5385/7244/7250/7281/居留/)
\n(5) 未滿20歲無戶籍國民申請在臺定居網址連結:移民署中文網-未成年之臺灣地區無戶籍國民(國外出生)申請在臺灣地區定居送件須知 (https://www.immigration.gov.tw/5382/5385/7244/7250/7281/定居/36430/)

\n", "date": "2024-04-16 20:08:37", "url": "http://www.roc-taiwan.org/be/post/20195.html" }, { "title": "駐歐盟兼駐比利時代表處於4月12日辦理攬才及歐洲職涯講座", "content": "

駐歐盟兼駐比利時代表處於412日辦理攬才及歐洲職涯講座,共有超過30位臺灣青年學子獲求職者參加,由教育組、經濟組與科技組分別介紹玉山學者計畫/玉山青年學者計畫、Contact Taiwan及高階科研人才發展計畫。李淳大使特別勉勵學生們探索人生職涯各種可能發展,建立豐富人脈及貢獻所學,同時在海外扮演文化大使角色,讓更多人認識臺灣。


教育部為協助各大專院校延攬國際頂尖人才,自2018年推出玉山計畫/玉山青年學者計畫,藉由提供符合國際競爭的薪資待遇,吸引國際人才到臺灣任教,讓國際人才的學術能量能在臺灣學術環境紮根,並提升臺灣高等教育之國際影響力。經濟部則提供Contact Taiwan國家網絡平台,與國際人才建立聯繫,並提供來臺工作、生活及投資等協助,同時積極為臺灣廠商及專業人士搭橋媒合,提供攬才相關服務。國家科學及技術委員會亦有高階科研人才多元發展相關方案,以強化學研(如哥倫布計畫)、鍊結國際(如千里馬計畫)及銜接產業(如產業高階人才培訓計畫)等。



















\n", "date": "2024-04-16 03:18:30", "url": "http://www.roc-taiwan.org/be/post/20171.html" }, { "title": "李淳大使應歐洲理工大學聯盟邀請參加 「位元與選票」研討會", "content": "

3月6日,本處李淳大使應歐洲理工大學聯盟邀請,參加 「位元與選票: 科技如何塑造 2024 年的民主」研討會上參加小組討論「破解密碼:我們如何保護及賦權社會」。


這次研討會的目的是探索 2024 年及以後的科技可能性,並討論如何共同建立與捍衛一個具有復原力的社會。李大使引用諺語 「久病成良醫 」來說明臺灣遭受網路攻擊及資訊介選的經驗,尤其是在總統選舉期間。應對方法是建立網路安全的「零信任」,與公民團體和政府合作查核事實,最根本的是推動媒體素養教育。


不管是假新聞還是陰謀論,第一時間做出反應都是極為重要的。臺灣採取 「3X2 回應原則」,即任何虛假訊息必須在兩小時內回應,用 200 字解釋錯誤,並用兩張照片或圖表顯示。我們需要用事實和真相來維護民主社會,政府需要宣傳和揭穿假訊息,政治和媒體的「透明度」具關鍵作用。


其他小組成員包括巴黎綜合理工大學校長 Thierry Coulhon、歐盟執委會歐洲研究理事會主席 Maria Leptin、Meta 歐盟事務公共政策經理 Lara Levet 和恩荷芬理工大學校長 Robert-Jan Smits。他們都分享了對揭穿假新聞、維持社會民主和復原力的具體觀點。







\n", "date": "2024-03-12 00:41:40", "url": "http://www.roc-taiwan.org/be/post/19941.html" }, { "title": "本處李大使淳投書「歐洲動態新聞網」(Euractiv)呼籲國際社會須警戒中國以「切香腸」方式片面改變現狀", "content": "










\n", "date": "2024-03-08 00:00:31", "url": "http://www.roc-taiwan.org/be/post/19901.html" }, { "title": "本處感謝歐洲議會接連通過「共同外交暨安全政策」(CFSP)及「共同安全暨防禦政策」(CSDP) 2023年度執行報告等2項決議案,以實際行動支持民主台灣", "content": "

歐洲議會史堡全會於本(2)月28日分別以338票及350票表決通過歐盟「共同外交暨安全政策」(CFSP)及「共同安全暨防禦政策」(CSDP) 2023年度執行報告兩項決議案,其中強調台灣與中國互不隸屬,唯有台灣民選之政府可在國際舞台代表台灣人民,嚴正譴責中國試圖以武力片面改變台海和平及穩定現狀,並重申支持台灣有意義參與國際組織及台歐盟洽簽雙邊投資協定等。




1. 譴責中國國家主席聲稱決不放棄對台使用武力,注及台灣與中國互不隸屬,嚴重關切中國使用具敵意的假訊息破壞對台灣民主及治理的信任,強調唯有台灣民選之政府可在國際舞台代表台灣人民,注及預防外交避免台海情勢升高的必要性;


2. 強烈譴責中國持續軍事挑釁台灣,重申歐盟堅定反對任何單方面改變台海現狀的舉措,強調中國領土聲索不具國際法基礎。鼓勵會員國增加在台灣海峽自由航行任務的頻率,並深化與台灣的安全對話,以阻止中國侵略;


3. 譴責中國阻撓台灣參與多邊國際組織,呼籲歐盟執委會及會員國支持台灣有意義參與世界衛生組織(WHO)、國際民航組織(ICAO)及聯合國氣候變化綱要公約(UNFCCC)等相關國際組織;


4. 特別提請關注台灣在全球供應鏈及以規則為基礎的國際秩序所扮演的重要角色;重申歐洲議會長期對台歐盟投資協定及任何有利於雙邊貿易及投資安排的長期支持;敦促歐盟及會員國更密切與台灣合作,呼籲執委會立即與台灣就雙邊投資協定開展預備性協商;









\n", "date": "2024-02-29 02:15:13", "url": "http://www.roc-taiwan.org/be/post/19872.html" }, { "title": "本處赴比利時法語魯汶天主教大學推廣度假打工計畫", "content": "

2月23日本處前往比利時法語魯汶天主教大學(Université catholique de Louvain)向該校華語課程學生分享度假打工等各種訪台體驗在地文化的機會,包括:









\n", "date": "2024-02-29 00:55:49", "url": "http://www.roc-taiwan.org/be/post/19864.html" }, { "title": "比利時比京區議會首度通過友我決議,支持台灣國際參與及續深化交流合作", "content": "

比利時比京區議會於2月23日經全會審議及表決,以70票同意、10票棄權及0票反對,通過「有關台灣國際地位決議案」(Proposition de résolution relative à la place de Taïwan sur la scène internationale),要求比京區政府應鼓勵比國外交部支持台灣與中國恢復各級對話,支持緩解亞太地區緊張局勢之外交舉措;支持台灣與比京區之商業交流發展;鼓勵歐盟執委會擴大與台灣在商業與工業之合作,加強與台灣夥伴關係;以及支持台灣參與「世界衛生組織」、「國際民航組織」及「聯合國氣候變遷綱要公約」。







\n", "date": "2024-02-24 01:20:30", "url": "http://www.roc-taiwan.org/be/post/19853.html" }, { "title": "駐歐盟兼駐比利時代表處徵募短期契約部分工時雇員", "content": "

\n• 國籍:具比國長期居留及工作資格。
\n• 學歷:具學士學位(含)以上,不限科系。具農、林、漁、牧業相關學歷或工作背景尤佳。
\n• 語文:中文、英文讀寫流利優先,具法文或荷文說讀能力尤佳。
\n• 文書處理:熟悉Word、Excel、Power Point等電腦文書處理軟體操作及中文輸入。




\n• Taipei Representative Office in the European Union and Belgium
\n(26-27 Square de Meeûs,1000, Brussels, Belgium)





\n", "date": "2024-02-23 18:19:08", "url": "http://www.roc-taiwan.org/be/post/19845.html" }, { "title": "本處李淳大使出席「華僑協會總會比利時分會」舉辦之中華民國113年農曆新年春節餐會", "content": "
















\n", "date": "2024-02-22 01:43:49", "url": "http://www.roc-taiwan.org/be/post/19834.html" }, { "title": "李大使淳出席「盧華友協」舉辦之新春餐會", "content": "

本處李大使偕同仁於本(2)18日出席「盧華友協」(Association Luxembourg-Taiwan R.O.C.)春節餐會,氣氛熱鬧溫馨。


李大使致詞感謝該協會長期支持深化台關係及拓展雙方人民友誼感謝友協會長Yves Berna202210月接任後帶領會員支持及聲援台灣李大使分享我國於本年元月13日順利完成總統及立法委員選舉,再次展現我國為成熟之民主法治國家。強調享民主自由及人權價值雙方在經濟、科技教育及文化等領域持續拓展關係深化交流並祝福與會貴賓新年愉快





\n", "date": "2024-02-19 01:28:23", "url": "http://www.roc-taiwan.org/be/post/19820.html" }, { "title": "本處出席盧森堡及比利時僑界分別舉辦之農曆新年春節餐會", "content": "














\n", "date": "2024-02-18 01:02:41", "url": "http://www.roc-taiwan.org/be/post/19812.html" }, { "title": "本處李淳大使出席比利時僑界共同舉辦之農曆新年春節餐會", "content": "
















\n", "date": "2024-02-07 16:52:25", "url": "http://www.roc-taiwan.org/be/post/19740.html" }, { "title": "本處李大使淳出席本年布魯塞爾國際觀光旅展,宣傳台灣觀光", "content": "

2024年布魯塞爾國際觀光旅展於2月1日至4日在Brussels Expo熱鬧登場,今年台灣館以「蜜月台灣」為主題,並結合「台灣海洋世界」概念設計展場,搭配「喔熊」美人魚、潛水「喔熊」及巨型鑽戒拍照區,讓民眾可以合影打卡。展場亦用小卷、珊瑚、海草、小琉球海龜等裝飾點綴,展現台灣海底豐富多樣的自然生態。


館內並輪播外交部「潮台灣」(Trending Taiwan)頻道短片、觀光署宣傳影片、本處與比利時YouTuber Charlotte De Win合製之「從台北出發3個不可思議的一日遊」及比利時太極拳協會(Le Cercle de Tai Chi Leung)成員分享訪台精彩回顧等影片向大家介紹台灣在地之美與一定要去台灣旅遊的理由!






\"S__19906640\" \"S__19906652\"





















































\n", "date": "2024-02-02 02:14:43", "url": "http://www.roc-taiwan.org/be/post/19668.html" }, { "title": "本處與歐洲議會議員在歐洲議會合辦「2024年台灣大選及對捍衛民主之意涵」研討會", "content": "

本處與歐洲議會友台小組第一副主席Andrey Kovatchev、人民黨團議員Andrius Kubilius(立陶宛前總理)及復興歐洲黨團議員Andrus Ansip(愛沙尼亞前總理)於本(2024)年1月31日在歐洲議會合辦「2024年台灣大選及對捍衛民主之意涵」研討會。


本處李淳大使首先簡報2024年台灣總統及立法院選舉結果,各領域專家學者隨後就不同主題進行簡報,台灣遠景基金會研究員、美國國際共和研究所(IRI)資深顧問J. Michael Cole說明中國介入2024年台灣選舉的手法及目標、英國地緣戰略理事會(Council on Geostrategy)副研究員Gray Sergeant探討台灣選舉結果對印太地區的影響、法國戰略研究基金會(FRS)資深研究員Valérie Niquet闡述台灣海峽和平穩定對歐洲安全的重要性、美國全球台灣研究中心(GTI)執行長Russell Hsiao說明台美關係中變動的民意及菁英意見、歐俄亞研究中心(CREAS)主任Theresa Fallon則就歐美處理兩岸關係所面臨的挑戰與契機提出看法。




研討會影片請詳: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=pzHDHakENNg







\n", "date": "2024-02-01 02:07:25", "url": "http://www.roc-taiwan.org/be/post/19658.html" }, { "title": "駐歐盟兼駐比利時代表處徵募經濟組雇員", "content": "



\n1. 至少具Bachelor學位
\n2. 英文、荷文、法文聽說讀寫流利,如諳中文尤佳
\n3. 熟諳Microsoft Office (Excel, Word, PowerPoint等)文書處理軟體
\n4. 具比利時長期居留及工作資格


\n1. 處理臺灣、比利時及盧森堡廠商洽詢
\n2. 聯繫廠商,推廣臺灣商展及投資環境
\n3. 協助蒐集歐盟、比利時及盧森堡之經貿法規、資訊及統計資料
\n4. 協助轄區訪問及訪賓接待
\n5. 檔案整理及翻譯
\n6. 行政及秘書事務







\n", "date": "2024-02-01 01:02:41", "url": "http://www.roc-taiwan.org/be/post/19654.html" }, { "title": "本處歡迎歐洲議會通過「歐印關係」報告, 肯定台灣海峽自由航行的重要性", "content": "

歐洲議會本(1)月17日在史堡全會以585票贊成,10票反對、36票棄權,通過「歐印關係」(EU-India relations)報告案。該報告肯定印度對全球、尤其是在台灣海峽自由航行任務的貢獻。對於歐洲議會重申台海自由航行及印太區域自由開放的重要性,本處表達肯定與歡迎。



\n", "date": "2024-01-23 01:44:53", "url": "http://www.roc-taiwan.org/be/post/19591.html" }, { "title": "本處李大使淳接受「歐洲政治報」(POLITICO EU)專訪,表示台灣嘗試與歐盟簽訂新的貿易架構", "content": "

本處李大使淳接受「歐洲政治報」(POLITICO EU)獨家專訪,期盼歐盟與台灣在雙方利益下共同探討涵蓋科技、綠能及投資之貿易架構:


1. 能提高透明度
\n2. 增加政策決定者與私部門之參與
\n3. 確保不同議題間的連貫性與一致性





\n", "date": "2024-01-19 01:52:57", "url": "http://www.roc-taiwan.org/be/post/19572.html" }, { "title": "本處感謝歐洲議會通過「中國對歐盟關鍵基礎設施影響的安全及國防意涵」報告案,以實際行動支持民主自由的台灣", "content": "




1. 鑒於中華人民共和國對外政策日趨強硬且具脅迫性,包括對台灣採取日益強硬立場,以及在南海所展現日益強硬姿態,,凸顯對中華人民共和國及非民主第三國關係「去風險化」必要性
2. 2021年至2022年間,中國因立陶宛退出帶路倡議及同意台灣駐立陶宛代表處設立,而對立陶宛進行經濟封鎖,,顯示中國針對歐盟特定國家侵略性,不僅借助直接經濟脅迫,亦藉以威脅制裁次要各方;
3. 特別提請關注台灣在全球供應鏈及以規則為基礎國際秩序中所扮演重要角色,重申(歐洲議會)長期對台歐盟投資協定及任何有利於雙邊貿易及投資安排長期支持








\n", "date": "2024-01-18 02:44:35", "url": "http://www.roc-taiwan.org/be/post/19560.html" }, { "title": "本處感謝歐洲地區福爾摩沙俱樂部共同主席發表聯合聲明,祝賀我國總統當選人並譴責中國對我外交打壓", "content": "
















\n", "date": "2024-01-17 01:28:10", "url": "http://www.roc-taiwan.org/be/post/19530.html" }, { "title": "本處李大使淳接受「歐洲新聞台」(EURONEWS)專訪:歐盟需堅定與台灣站在一起", "content": "

\n1. 歐盟需堅定與台灣站在一起
\n2. 姑息政策只會鼓勵中國升高緊張情勢
\n3. 歐盟支持維持台海和平與穩定極為重要





\n", "date": "2024-01-16 02:08:02", "url": "http://www.roc-taiwan.org/be/post/19525.html" }, { "title": "比利時國會友台小組共同主席祝賀我國總統當選人及肯定我民主為全球華人社會典範", "content": "

比利時國會友台小組共同主席范荷芙(Els Van Hoof)、達爾曼(Georges Dallemagne) 、畢博夫(Benoît Piedboeuf)、哈斯肯(Wouter Raskin)、寇拉提(Samuel Cogolati)及尤登戴爾(Julien Uyttendaele)本(13)日獲悉我國順利完成第16任正(副)總統選舉及第11屆立法委員選舉後,於第一時間共同發表聲明,祝賀我國新任總統當選人賴清德、肯定我國順利完成自由公正之民主選舉、推崇我國為亞洲民主燈塔及全球華人社會典範,以及重申將續支持台灣及深化台比關係。





\n", "date": "2024-01-13 22:56:38", "url": "http://www.roc-taiwan.org/be/post/19507.html" }, { "title": "本處感謝歐洲議會友台小組發表聲明,祝賀我國成功舉行透明公平之選舉,並預祝總統當選人賴清德成功執政", "content": "

歐洲議會友台小組主席Michael Gahler及兩位主流黨團副主席Andrey Kovatchev與Dominique Riquet在本月13日我總統大選結果揭曉後第一時間發表聲明,祝賀我國成功舉行透明公平之選舉,並預祝總統當選人賴清德執政成功。本處對歐洲議會友台小組長期堅定支持台灣民主表示感謝。









\n", "date": "2024-01-13 22:12:29", "url": "http://www.roc-taiwan.org/be/post/19502.html" }, { "title": "自臺灣時間2024年1月1日起,中華民國入出國及移民法新制正式上路,其中包括放寬無戶籍國民入境、延長停留、居留及定居等相關限制,另放寬僑生、外籍人士及外籍學生來台居留等規定,詳請請參閱附件的懶人包說明。", "content": "


\n", "date": "2024-01-05 18:16:57", "url": "http://www.roc-taiwan.org/be/post/19461.html" }, { "title": "本處出席「慶祝中華民國(臺灣)113年元旦升旗典禮」", "content": "










\n", "date": "2024-01-01 21:20:01", "url": "http://www.roc-taiwan.org/be/post/19411.html" } ] }, { "lang": "en", "branch": "", "country": "be", "name": "Taipei Representative Office in the EU and Belgium", "path": "/be_en/", "items": [ { "title": "The Belgian Foreign Minister Hadja Lahbib reiterated Belgium’s support for Taiwan’s participation in the World Health Assembly (WHA) as an observer", "content": "

On April 23, in response to questions posed by Representative Els Van Hoof, Chair of the Foreign Affairs Committee of the Belgian Chamber of Representatives, Representative Georges Dallemagne, and Representative Wouter De Vriendt, Minister Lahbib said that Belgium supports Taiwan’s participation in the World Health Organization (WHO), and considers it appropriate to invite Taiwan to participate as an observer at the 77th World Health Assembly (WHA) in May.


Minister Lahbib further mentioned that Belgium’s Permanent Mission in Geneva has advocated for this position in recent months on various occasions, and in the coming weeks, the foreign service will continue to liaise with the relevant authorities and like-minded countries in the coming weeks on the case for supporting Taiwan's participation in the WHA.


On behalf of the Taiwanese government and people, this office expresses gratitude to Minister Lahbib for expressing the Belgian government's public endorsement of Taiwan's attendance at the WHA as an observer for the fourth year in a row. We also appreciate her clear stance that the WHO should be inclusive and not exclude anyone. Additionally, we thank Chair Van Hoof and the other members of parliament for recognizing Taiwan's public health expertise and experience, as well as for their support for Taiwan's invitation to attend the WHA and to participate in the WHO, so as to contribute to global public health.




Photo Credit: http://lachambre.be/

\n", "date": "2024-04-24 00:30:07", "url": "http://www.roc-taiwan.org/be_en/post/16190.html" }, { "title": "Ambassador Roy Chun Lee met with Leuven Mayor Mohamed Ridouani to promote city exchanges between Taiwan and Belgium", "content": "

Ambassador Lee visited the Leuven city government on April 17, 2024, at the invitation of the Mayor of Leuven, Mohamed Ridouani, and thanked the Mayor for sharing his feedback on his visit to Taiwan for the \"Smart City Expo\", and his time in Leuven's sister city, Tainan, in March this year.


Mayor Ridouani said that this year’s Smart City Expo in Taiwan was a large-scale event and that he had gained a lot from interacting and exchanging experiences with the other city delegations from all over the world. He was also impressed by Taiwan's advanced urban development and multicultural integration, as well as the urban spatial planning experience of creating the Tainan Spring by converting the old commercial district into a waterfront park, which he said was worth learning from for Leuven.


Ambassador Lee said he was pleased to hear the fruitful results of Mayor Ridouani's visit to Taiwan, and that he hoped the visits to Taiwan over the past two years would set a good example for future exchanges between Taiwan and other Belgian cities. He also recognized that city-to-city exchanges and cooperation can help both Taiwan and Belgium to learn from each other's experience in municipal development and enhance the well-being of both countries' citizens.



\n", "date": "2024-04-20 01:33:02", "url": "http://www.roc-taiwan.org/be_en/post/16173.html" }, { "title": "The TRO and MEPs jointly organised a seminar at the European Parliament titled 'Countering FIMI and election interference in Taiwan: Implications for the EU’", "content": "

Taipei Representative Office in the EU and Belgium along with three cross-party MEPs, namely MEP Petras Auštrevičius (Renew Europe), MEP Vladimír Bilčík (EPP), and MEP Markéta Gregorová(Greens/EFA), jointly organised the seminar titled 'Countering FIMI and election interference in Taiwan: Implications for the EU ' at the European Parliament on 16 April 2024.


 In opening the event, the three MEPs stated that with the European Parliament elections set to take place in June, issues related to foreign interference in democratic processes, election interference, and disinformation are of great concern in the lead up to the election. Highlighting the fact that Taiwans elections in January demonstrated the resilience of a democratic society, they expressed their firm beliefthat Taiwan and the EU can continue to exchange experiences on countering information manipulation and election interference, and welcomed the visit of the \"Taiwan Counter-Information Manipulation NGO Expert delegation\" as highly meaningful at this juncture. The five visiting experts from Taiwandelivered presentations at the seminar, with topicsincluding malicious election interference, fact-checking, disinformation campaigns, cognitive warfare, deepfake technology, and the impact of AI and digital technology development on democratic governance. They also engaged extensively in discussions with the audience during the event.


Attendees considered the seminar timely, especially given the upcoming European Parliament elections. The discussions focused on countering information manipulation and election interference, which not only helped the audience understand Taiwan's experiences in dealing with Chinese and other interferences, but also served as a reminder of the importance of like-minded countries continuing to cooperate with Taiwan to strengthen democratic resilience. This cooperation is crucial for safeguarding shared values and the democratic way of life.











\n", "date": "2024-04-17 04:46:03", "url": "http://www.roc-taiwan.org/be_en/post/16155.html" }, { "title": "The Taipei Representative Office in the EU and Belgium hosted an introductory session on talent recruitment and career development on April 12th", "content": "

On April 12th, the Taipei Representative Office in the EU and Belgium hosted an introductory session on talent recruitment and career development, joined by more than 30 young Taiwanese studying or working in Belgium. During the event, the Education Division, the Economic Division, and the Science and Technology Division introduced several initiatives including the “Yushan Fellow/Yushan Young Fellow” program, the online job-matching platform “Contact Taiwan,” and various other programs for advanced science and research talents. Ambassador Roy Chun Lee particularly encouraged students to explore diverse career paths, build strong networks, and leverage their knowledge to make meaningful contributions. He also urged them to act as cultural ambassadors, actively promoting greater awareness of Taiwan among broader audiences.


Since 2018, Taiwan’s Ministry of Education has advanced the Yushan Fellow/Yushan Young Fellow Program to help Taiwanese higher education institutions attract top international scholars by offering competitive salaries and benefits. This initiative aims to enhance Taiwan’s academic capabilities and elevate the international reputation of its higher education. Meanwhile, the Ministry of Economic Affairs' Contact Taiwan platform provides job-matching services, personalized consulting, and information on Taiwan's talent-building policies. It also hosts domestic and international talent recruitment events to aid Taiwanese companies in attracting international professionals. Additionally, the National Science and Technology Council offers various programs targeting advanced science and research talents, such as the Columbus Project, the Overseas Project for Post-Graduate Research, and the High-Level Industrial Professionals Cultivation Program.


During the event, three guest speakers shared their career experiences in Belgium and the Netherlands, discussing topics like job seeking in the Netherlands, semiconductor research opportunities in Belgium, and workplace insights in Belgium. The session attracted enthusiastic participants who actively engaged in exchanging ideas and experiences with the speakers and among each other.

















\n", "date": "2024-04-16 15:26:09", "url": "http://www.roc-taiwan.org/be_en/post/16142.html" }, { "title": "Ambassador Roy Chun Lee was Invited by Eurotech to Join the Annual Seminar “Bytes and Ballots”", "content": "

On March 6, Ambassador Roy Chun Lee was invited by Eurotech Universities Alliance to join the panel discussion “Cracking the code: How can we protect and empower our society?” in the seminar “Bytes and Ballots: How Technology Shapes Democracy in 2024”.


The aim of this seminar, which is part of Eurotech’s annual events, is to discover what is technologically possible in 2024 and beyond, and to discuss how to collectively build and defend a resilient society. Ambassador Lee cited the proverb \" A long-time illness makes one a good doctor.\" as a reference to Taiwan’s experience of cyberattacks and election interference in information space, particularly during the presidential election period. The way to deal with this is to establish a \"zero trust\" for internet security, to work with citizen groups and the government to check the facts, and, most fundamentally, to promote media literacy education.


Regardless of fake news or conspiracy theories, it is extremely important to respond immediately. Taiwan has adopted the \"3X2\" response principle, whereby any false or distorted information must be responded to within two hours, with an explanation of the error in 200 words, and shown in 2 photographs or diagrams. We need to use facts and truths to maintain a democratic society. The government needs to publicize and debunk disinformation. Political and media \"transparency\" thus plays a key role.


Other panellists include President of Institut Polytechnique de Paris, Thierry Coulhon, President of European Research Council, European Commission, Maria Leptin, Meta EU Affairs Public Policy Manager Lara Levet and President of Eindhoven University of Technology, Robert-Jan Smits. All of them shared their specific viewpoints toward debunking fake news and keeping democracy and resilience in a society.


Eurotech Universities Alliance is composed of 6 leading universities of science and technology in Europe: Institut Polytechnique de Paris, Eindhoven University of Technology, Technical University of Denmark, Technical University of Munich, Technion – Israel Institute of Technology and École Polytechnique Fédérale de Lausanne, joining forces to build a strong, sustainable, sovereign, and resilient Europe.







\n", "date": "2024-03-12 00:42:58", "url": "http://www.roc-taiwan.org/be_en/post/15985.html" }, { "title": "Ambassador Lee pens op-ed in Euractiv warning international community of China’s “salami slicing” tactics", "content": "

Ambassador Roy Lee wrote an op-ed piece for Euractiv, published March 7, entitled “We must say no to China’s salami-slice style of unilateral change to Taiwan’s ‘status quo’”.


In the piece, Ambassador Lee warns of China’s use of “salami slicing” tactics to alter the status quo of the Taiwan Strait. He also calls on the international community to recognise that such actions are currently ongoing and are a present danger to peace and stability.


To illustrate the “salami slicing” strategy, the Ambassador highlights China’s recent move to activate the M503, W122 and W123 air routes without consulting Taiwan. The activation, he states, can be seen as both a unilateral change to the status quo and a threat to Taiwan’s security. Furthermore, he also notes that this case demonstrates the necessity for others to support Taiwan’s meaningful participation in international organisations such as the International Civil Aviation Organization.


Read the full op-ed on the Euractiv website at the link below.https://www.euractiv.com/section/eu-china/opinion/we-must-say-no-to-chinas-salami-slice-style-of-unilateral-change-to-taiwans-status-quo/



\n", "date": "2024-03-08 00:02:33", "url": "http://www.roc-taiwan.org/be_en/post/15969.html" }, { "title": "Our sincere appreciation to the European Parliament for adopting two resolutions on the same day, stressing that neither Taiwan nor China is subordinate to the other and that only Taiwan’s democratically elected government can represent the Taiwanese people on the international stage", "content": "

We thank the European Parliament for passing the resolutions on the implementation of the common foreign and security policy (CFSP)-2023 annual report and the implementation of the common security and defence policy (CSDP)-2023 annual report on February 28th.


The annual 2023 CFSP and CSDP reports, which passed with 338 votes and 350 votes in favor respectively, include passages highlighting the fact that neither Taiwan nor China is subordinate to the other and that only Taiwan’s democratically elected government can represent the Taiwanese people on the international stage, and more broadly, they express staunch support for democratic Taiwan. Furthermore, both resolutions strongly condemn China’s attempts to unilaterally change the status quo and the peace and stability of the Taiwan Strait, while also reiterating the European Parliament’s staunch support for Taiwan’s international participation.


In the two resolutions, the European Parliament:


Denounces statements by the Chinese President that China will never renounce the right to use force over Taiwan; notes the fact that neither Taiwan nor China is subordinate to the other; expresses grave concerns over China’s use of hostile disinformation to undermine trust in Taiwan’s democracy and governance; underlines that only Taiwan’s democratically elected government can represent Taiwanese people on the international stage; notes the need to focus also on preventive diplomacy to avoid any escalation in the Taiwan Strait;
\nStrongly condemns China’s continued military provocations against Taiwan and reiterates its firm rejection of any unilateral change to the status quo in the Strait of Taiwan; highlights that China’s territorial claims have no basis in international law; encourages Member States to increase the frequency of freedom of navigation operations in the Taiwan Strait and deepen security dialogues with Taiwan to deter Chinese aggression;


Denounces China’s blocking of Taiwan’s participation in multilateral organisations; calls on the Commission and the Member States to support Taiwan’s meaningful participation in relevant international organisations such as the WHO, the International Civil Aviation Organisation and the UN Framework Convention on Climate Change; reiterates that Taiwan is a key EU Partner and democratic ally in the Indo-Pacific region;


Draws particular attention to Taiwan, which plays a significant role in the global supply chains and in the international rules-based order; reiterates its longstanding support for the EU-Taiwan Bilateral Investment Agreement and any arrangements mutually beneficial to bilateral trade and investment; urges the EU and its Member States to engage in closer cooperation with Taiwan; calls on the Commission to launch, without delay, preparatory measures for negotiations on a bilateral investment agreement with Taiwan;


After Taiwan’s recent transparent and fair elections, China announced the unilateral cancellation of the six nautical mile westward deviation of the M503 route's southbound flight, and the activation of the W122 and W123 routes for eastbound operations, effective 1 February 2024. China’s attempts to change the status quo of the Taiwan Strait only serve to destabilize the Indo-Pacific. The Taipei Representative Office in the EU and Belgium thanks the European Parliament for supporting Taiwan’s democratically elected government and its people. We look forward to further cooperation between Taiwan and the EU and deepening bilateral partnerships at all levels.







\n", "date": "2024-02-29 02:30:37", "url": "http://www.roc-taiwan.org/be_en/post/15938.html" }, { "title": "TRO promotes Working Holiday Program in the Université catholique de Louvain (UC Louvain)", "content": "

On February 23, colleagues of @TaiwanintheEU went to meet Mandarin-learning students of the Université catholique de Louvain (UC Louvain) to promote various opportunities to visit Taiwan and experience its local culture, including through the:


-Working Holiday Program
\n-Taiwan-Europe Connectivity Scholarship program
\n-Taiwan Scholarship
\n-Huayu Enrichment Scholarship and the TOCFL (Test of Chinese as a Foreign Language)
\n-Taiwan Experience Education Program (TEEP)
\n-Language Assistants Exchange Program


We also shared with the students some of Taiwan's most famous sightseeing spots and culinary specialties, encouraging them to experience the safe, friendly, and convenient traveling environment!







\n", "date": "2024-02-29 00:57:15", "url": "http://www.roc-taiwan.org/be_en/post/15932.html" }, { "title": "The Brussels Regional Parliament passed its first resolution in support of Taiwan’s international participation, and the deepening of exchanges and cooperation", "content": "

On February 23, the Brussels Regional Parliament passed the “Motion for a resolution on Taiwan’s place in the international arena” after a plenary deliberation with 70votes in favor, 10 abstentions, and 0votes against. This resolution requests that the Brussels Regional Government: (1) encourage the Federal Ministry of Foreign Affairs to support the resumption of dialogues at all levels between Taiwan and China and to support all diplomatic initiatives aimed at defusing tensions in the Asia-Pacific region; (2) support the development of trade between Taiwan and the Brussels Region; (3) encourage the European Commission to extend commercial and industrial cooperation with Taiwan, and to support Taiwan’s democracy and freedom; (4) promote partnerships with Taiwan in different fields; (5) support Taiwan's participation in international organizations such as the World Health Organization (WHO), the International Civil Aviation Organization (ICAO) and the United Nations Framework Convention on Climate Change (UNFCCC).


During the current legislative session since 2019, this resolution is the fifth one in support of Taiwan to be passed by the Belgian Federal and Regional Parliaments, following previous resolutions in the Belgian Federal House of Representatives in July 2020, the Flemish Parliament in March 2021, the Federal Senate in March 2021, and the Walloon Parliament in October 2022. The vote marks the very first time that the Brussels Regional Parliament has demonstrated its support for promoting Taiwan-Brussels relations with the passage of a parliamentary resolution. Moreover, the overwhelming majority with which it passed is a testament to the strength and breadth of support for Taiwan in the Brussels Regional Parliament, and is a reminder that both Belgium and Taiwan as like-minded countries are committed to defending democracy, freedom and human rights.


The Taipei Representative Office in the EU and Belgium extends its sincerest gratitude to the honorable MPs for the co-initiation of the resolution and the Brussels Regional Parliament as a whole for its passage. The Office will continue to closely cooperate with the Brussels Regional Parliament and Government to strengthen bilateral amicable and cooperative relations.

\n", "date": "2024-02-24 01:21:48", "url": "http://www.roc-taiwan.org/be_en/post/15920.html" }, { "title": "Part-Time Vacancy at the Taipei Representative Office in the European Union and Belgium", "content": "

Job description:
\nThe Taipei Representative Office in the EU and Belgium is looking for a part-time vacancy to carry out a wide range of administrative and support tasks within its Agriculture Division.


\nThis job consists mainly of assisting the Agriculture Division in its daily activities, in particular:
\n• To collect, summarize and analyze agriculture-related (including fishery) developments in the European Union and Belgium;
\n• To assist in contacting and coordinating with agriculture-related departments in the EU and Taiwan;
\n• To polish translation and assist in writing reports;
\n• Taking care of administration regarding meetings and working lunches;
\n• Other task assigned on an ad hoc basis.


Qualifications and experience required:
\n• have Belgian residence and a valid working permit;
\n• have at least a bachelor degree; preferably an agriculture-related degree;
\n• have excellent command of Mandarin (speaking and writing) and English (speaking and writing);
\n• have good knowledge of either French or Dutch (speaking and reading);
\n• have excellent knowledge of Microsoft Office (Word, Excel, power-point etc.) as well as the ability to type Chinese.


Start date: 1st March, 2024 (negotiable)
\nInterested candidates are invited to send a CV and motivation letter in Chinese or English before 29th Feb., 2024 by email to: tweuagri@gmail.com
\nOnly short-listed candidates will be contacted for a written and oral test.


Work place: Taipei Representative Office in the European Union and Belgium (26-27 Square de Meeûs, 1000, Brussels, Belgium)

\n", "date": "2024-02-23 18:20:49", "url": "http://www.roc-taiwan.org/be_en/post/15907.html" }, { "title": "Ambassador Lee attended a Lunar New Year’s Reception held by the Association Luxembourg-Taiwan R.O.C.", "content": "

On February 18, 2024, Ambassador Roy Lee together with colleagues from the Taipei Representative Office, celebrated the Lunar New Year of the Dragon with the Association Luxembourg-Taiwan R.O.C. All in attendance exchanged warm greetings, enjoyed the reception, and offered their best wishes for the coming year.


During his speech at the event, Ambassador Lee thanked the association for its long-term support for strengthening bilateral relations and people to people exchanges between Luxembourg and Taiwan. He also expressed his appreciation to Yves Berna, the President of the Association, for continuing to lead his fellow members in supporting Taiwan since taking over in October 2022. The Ambassador further stated that the success of Taiwan's presidential and legislative elections in January once again demonstrated Taiwan as a mature democratic country governed by the rule of law. By highlighting Taiwan and Luxembourg’s shared values of democracy, freedom, and human rights, he affirmed that both sides will endeavor to strengthen and deepen exchanges in the economic, scientific, educational, and cultural fields. Finally, Ambassador Lee also took the opportunity to wish all of the distinguished guests a happy New Year.





\n", "date": "2024-02-19 16:15:08", "url": "http://www.roc-taiwan.org/be_en/post/15873.html" }, { "title": "Joyfully celebrating Lunar New Year by attending Receptions in Luxembourg and Belgium on February 17", "content": "

On February 17, Ambassador Roy Chun LEE, together with colleagues from the Taipei Representative Office in the EU and Belgium, celebrated the Lunar New Year of the Dragon with the Taiwanese community in Luxembourg. And the Office also offered a paper lantern of dragon from Taiwan’s Overseas Community Affairs Council, which gave the event a joyful Spring Festival atmosphere.


In a speech delivered at the event, Ambassador LEE asked the community to encourage more European friends to travel to Taiwan so that they can learn the true stories of Taiwan through their own eyes. A total of around 70 participants exchanged warm greetings, enjoyed the celebrations, and offered best wishes for our beloved Taiwan.


Meanwhile, Deputy Representative Roland YANG was invited on behalf of our office to join another Lunar New Year Reception in the Zoutleeuw City hosted by Mr. LEUNG, President of Le Cercle de Tai Chi Leung Asscociation. During the event, around 60 local members of the association joined together to wish Taiwan a prosperous and peaceful year.









\n", "date": "2024-02-18 16:13:47", "url": "http://www.roc-taiwan.org/be_en/post/15867.html" }, { "title": "Ambassador Roy Chun LEE jointed the Lunar New Year Reception hosted by Taiwanese community in Belgium", "content": "

The Taiwanese community in Belgium jointly held the Reception on February 6th to celebrate upcoming Lunar New Year of the Dragon. Ambassador Roy Chun LEE together with colleagues from Taipei Representative Office in the EU and Belgium also attended this event. A total of more than 200 participants warmly greeted one another and offered best wishes for our beloved Taiwan prosperity and peace.


During the speech, Ambassador LEE expressed his sincere appreciation to Council Member LAI Shan-Lin of the Overseas Community Affairs Council(OCAC), as well as all the Taiwanese Community leaders in Belgium who have collectively and contributed to the success of today’s Reception. Ambassador LEE concluded his remarks by calling on the Community to encourage more European friends to travel to Taiwan and stand united in order to build a stronger and more resilient Taiwan.













\n", "date": "2024-02-07 16:57:23", "url": "http://www.roc-taiwan.org/be_en/post/15172.html" }, { "title": "Ambassador Lee attends this year's Brussels Holiday Fair to promote tourism in Taiwan", "content": "

The 2024 Brussels Holiday Fair, held from February 1 to 4 at Brussels Expo, was a bustling and vibrant event. This year's Taiwan booth, themed 'Honeymoon Taiwan', integrated the concept of 'Taiwan’s Ocean World' into its design. Featuring attractions like a mermaid 'Oh Bear', a diving 'Oh Bear', and a giant diamond ring photo area, the stand offered visitors a range of fun photo opportunities. Decorations including small squid, coral, seagrass, and Ryukyu sea turtles, also adorned the exhibition area, showcasing Taiwan's rich and diverse marine ecosystem.


Inside, visitors could watch a rotation of videos including short films from the Ministry of Foreign Affairs' 'Trending Taiwan' channel and Tourism Bureau promotional videos, as well as our office's collaboration with Belgian YouTuber Charlotte De Win on 'Three magical daytrips not to miss when going to Taipei' and a fantastic review of a visit to Taiwan by members of the Belgian Tai Chi Association (Le Cercle de Tai Chi Leung). These videos helped to introduce the beauty of Taiwan to the attendees and provided them with a wide variety of compelling reasons to visit.


In addition to inviting China Airlines and EVA Air to promote Taiwan-Europe routes, our office prepared a variety of activities to enhance interaction and enrich the visitors’ experience, including: performances of Taiwanese songs by students from the Royal Conservatory of Brussels; balloon art featuring Taiwanese soup dumplings and steamer baskets; on-site preparation and distribution of Taiwanese street foods such as salty crispy chicken, gua bao, Xiaoliuqiu twisted rolls, bubble tea, and traditional Ping An rice cakes; and night market games like fishing for squid magnets to win Taiwanese lucky chopsticks. These activities were enthusiastically participated in, attracting long lines of eager visitors. Additionally, with the Lunar New Year approaching, students from the Taiwan Mandarin Learning Center also performed calligraphy, joining in the festivities with the expo attendees.


Ambassador Lee personally visited the event, sharing Taiwan's unique tourism charm with the public. We are sure that the promotion at this travel fair will help European travellers better understand Taiwanese culture and increase their interest in visiting Taiwan in the future.















































\n", "date": "2024-02-02 02:28:30", "url": "http://www.roc-taiwan.org/be_en/post/15136.html" }, { "title": "The ‘2024 Taiwan Election and its Implications for the Defence of Democracy’ conference was held in the European Parliament", "content": "

The Taipei Representative Office in the EU and Belgium, along with the Vice-Chair of the European Parliament-Taiwan Friendship Group, MEP Andrey Kovatchev, MEP Andrius Kubilius (former Lithuanian Prime Minister), and MEP Andrus Ansip (former Estonian Prime Minister), jointly organized a conference at the European Parliament on the \"2024 Taiwan Election and Its Implications for the Defence of Democracy\" on 31 January 2024.


Ambassador Roy Lee opened the conference by first delivering a briefing on the results of Taiwan’s 2024 presidential and legislative elections. Throughout the event, experts and scholars from various fields discussed a range of issues. J. Michael Cole, Research Fellow at the Taiwan Prospect Foundation and Senior Advisor at the International Republican Institute (IRI), explained the mechanisms and aims of PRC interference in Taiwan’s 2024 elections. Gray Sergeant, Associate Fellow at the Council on Geostrategy, discussed the response from, and the implications for, the wider region. Valérie Niquet, Senior Research Fellow at the Foundation for Strategic Research (FRS), elaborated on the importance of peace and stability in the Taiwan Strait for European security. Russell Hsiao, Executive Director of the Global Taiwan Institute (GTI), explained the shifting public opinion and elites’ views on US-Taiwan relations. Theresa Fallon, Director of the Center for Russia Europe Asia Studies (CREAS), provided insights into the challenges and opportunities for a Transatlantic approach to cross-strait relations.


Experts also shared insights and addressed questions from the audience regarding the geopolitical impact of the 2024 Taiwan elections and their implications for defending democratic processes. Many attendees stated that the conference contributed to their understanding of Taiwan's experience in dealing with Chinese interference in its elections. They also expressed admiration for Taiwan's determination to strengthen democratic resilience and maintain its existing way of life.









\n", "date": "2024-02-01 02:09:40", "url": "http://www.roc-taiwan.org/be_en/post/15105.html" }, { "title": "Het Taipei Representative Office in the EU and Belgium zoekt een administratief medewerker/medewerkster voor de dienst Economie/Taipei Representative Office in the EU and Belgium est à la recherche d’un(e) assistant(e) administratif(ve) au Service Economique", "content": "

Het Taipei Representative Office in the EU and Belgium zoekt een administratief medewerker/medewerkster voor de dienst Economie.


\n1. Minstens over een bachelordiploma beschikken.
\n2. Taalniveau: perfecte beheersing van het Engels, het Nederlands en het Frans, zowel gesproken als geschreven. Een goede beheersing van het Chinees (Mandarijn) is een pluspunt.
\n3. Bedreven in computertools (Word, Excel, Powerpoint, enz…).
\n4. Inwoner van België zijn en een Belgische werkvergunning hebben.


\n1. Behandeling en opvolging van vragen van Belgische, Luxemburgse en Taiwanese bedrijven.
\n2. Contact opnemen met bedrijven om handelsbeurzen en investeringen in Taiwan te promoten.
\n3. Opzoeken van regelgeving, informatie en economische gegevens met betrekking tot de EU, België en Luxemburg.
\n4. Helpen met de organisatie van delegaties en bezoeken.
\n5. Dossiers classificeren en vertalen.
\n6. Uitvoeren van administratieve taken en secretariaatswerk.


\n1 Maart 2024 (bespreekbaar)
\nBelangstellende kandidaten worden verzocht vóór 15 februari 2024 hun CV en motivatiebrief met inbegrip van foto, telefoonnummer en e-mailadres, in het Engels en het Frans/Nederlands, toe te sturen per e-mail: belgium@sa.moea.gov.tw.


\n1. Posséder au minimum d’un diplôme de bachelier
\n2. Niveau de langue: parler et écrire parfaitement l’anglais, le néerlandais et le français, de préférence avoir une bonne maîtrise du chinois (mandarin)
\n3. Maîtriser les outils informatiques (Word, Excel, PowerPoint, etc…).
\n4. Permis de séjour et de travail belge de longue durée


Description de la function:
\n1. Traiter les demandes des entreprises belges, luxembourgeoises et taïwanaises.
\n2. Contacter les entreprises pour promouvoir des foires commerciales et des investissements à Taïwan.
\n3. Rechercher des réglementations, des informations et des données économiques relatives à l’UE, à la Belgique et au Luxembourg.
\n4. Assister à l’organisation des délégations et des visites.
\n5. Classifier les dossiers et traduire.
\n6. Tâches administratives et tâches de secrétaire.


Date de début:
\n1 Mars 2024 (négociable)


Les candidat(e)s intéressé(e)s sont prié(e)s d’envoyer leur CV et lettre de motivation comprenant une photo, le numéro de téléphone et l’adresse e-mail, en anglais et en français/néerlandais avant le 15 février 2024 par courriel : belgium@sa.moea.gov.tw



\n", "date": "2024-02-01 01:10:39", "url": "http://www.roc-taiwan.org/be_en/post/15098.html" }, { "title": "The European Parliament adopts report on EU-India relations, recognising India's contribution to freedom of navigation in the Taiwan Strait", "content": "

On 17 January 2024, the European Parliament, in a plenary session in Strasbourg, voted in favour of the 'EU-India Relations' report with 585 in favour, 10 against, and 36 abstentions. The report recognises India's contribution to freedom of navigation worldwide, and particularly in the Taiwan Strait. We express our sincere appreciation for the European Parliament's reaffirmation of the importance of freedom of navigation in the Taiwan Strait and a free and open Indo-Pacific.


In recent years, China has repeatedly escalated its threats and military intimidation against Taiwan, posing a serious challenge to regional security and peace in the Taiwan Strait, drawing significant concern from the international community. Joint statements from bilateral and multilateral forums, including the EU-US Summit, the US-Japan-Korea Trilateral Summit, the G7 Foreign Ministers' Meeting, and the G7 Leaders' Summit, as well as resolutions such as the European Parliament's 2022 resolution on \"The situation in the Strait of Taiwan\" and annual reports on the Implementation of the Common Foreign and Security Policy (CFSP) and Common Security and Defense Policy (CSDP), have all consistently expressed their opposition to the intimidation and firm support for peace and stability in the Taiwan Strait. This reflects the high level of international consensus on the importance of peace and stability in the Taiwan Strait. As a responsible member of the international community, Taiwan will continue to collaborate with the EU and all like-minded partners to jointly safeguard peace, stability, and prosperity in the Taiwan Strait and the broader Indo-Pacific region.

\n", "date": "2024-01-23 01:45:52", "url": "http://www.roc-taiwan.org/be_en/post/15038.html" }, { "title": "Ambassador Roy Lee was interviewed by POLITICO Europe, on the potential benefits of exploring a Taiwan-EU trade framework", "content": "

Ambassador Roy  Lee spoke with POLITICO Europe on the potential benefits of exploring a Taiwan-EU trade framework covering tech, green energy, and investments!


According to the Ambassador, a framework would:


1) Enhance transparency


2) Boost participation from policy makers and the private sector


3) Ensure consistency across different issues


Read the interview in full if you are a Politico Pro subscriber at the link below:



\n", "date": "2024-01-19 01:54:07", "url": "http://www.roc-taiwan.org/be_en/post/15017.html" }, { "title": "Our sincere appreciation to the European Parliament for adopting the report on the security and defence implications of China’s influence on critical infrastructure in the European Union, expressing its staunch support to a democratic Taiwan", "content": "

We thank the European Parliament for passing the report on the security and defence implications of China’s influence on critical infrastructure in the European Union with 565 votes for, 26 against and 31 abstentions, reiterating the European Parliament’s longstanding support for an EU-Taiwan Bilateral Investment Agreement and any arrangements mutually beneficial to bilateral trade and investment. In the wake of Taiwan's fair and transparent democratic elections, China’s use of checkbook diplomacy to persuade the Republic of Nauru to switch diplomatic recognition represents yet another repudiation of democratic values. In contrast, the European Parliament and global democratic allies have demonstrated staunch solidarity, affirming their support for Taiwan’s democracy. The Taipei Representative Office in the EU and Belgium deeply appreciates the European Parliament’s support at this moment.


This report expresses concerns over China’s use of a military-civilian fusion strategy to extend its influence on the EU’s critical infrastructure and draws particular attention to Taiwan, which plays a significant role in the global supply chains and in the international rules-based order. Emphasizing that China has increased its non-transparent trade, investment and loan commitments with few or opaque contractual obligations to attract African countries in need of financial aid, thereby expanding Chinese influence to the detriment of EU partnerships and security relationships. the European Parliament also:


λ Mentions that whereas the coercive policies and the growing assertiveness of the People’s Republic of China (PRC), including its increasingly aggressive stance towards Taiwan and the aggressive posture assumed in the South China Sea, ------, have exposed the EU’s vulnerabilities and reaffirmed the need to ‘de-risk’ its relations vis-à-vis the PRC and other non-democratic third countries,


λ Mentions that whereas in 2021-22, China engaged in an economic blockade against Lithuania in response to Lithuania's decision to withdraw from the Belt and Road Initiative and to open a Taiwanese Representative Office in Lithuania, ------, demonstrates China's assertiveness in targeting specific EU countries, not only through direct economic coercion, but also through the threat of secondary sanctions,


λ Draws particular attention to Taiwan, which plays a significant role in the global supply chains and in the international rules-based order; reiterates its longstanding support for the EU-Taiwan Bilateral Investment Agreement and any arrangements mutually beneficial to bilateral trade and investment.


China’s push for the Republic of Nauru to swiftly alter diplomatic recognition just two days after Taiwan’s democratic elections underscores its aggressive expansion in the global south, utilizing methods that run contrary to the principles of the rule of law and good governance. The Taipei Representative Office in the EU and Belgium thanks the European Parliament in sustaining its steadfast support for Taiwan with the passage of the report. We look forward to further cooperation between Taiwan and the EU and deepening bilateral partnerships at all levels.






Photo Credit: European Parliament

\n", "date": "2024-01-18 02:56:54", "url": "http://www.roc-taiwan.org/be_en/post/15008.html" }, { "title": "Europe’s Formosa Club Co-Chairs Issue Joint Statement: Congratulate President-elect Lai Ching-te and Condemn China's Diplomatic Pressure on Taiwan", "content": "

On 16 January, the Co-Chairs of Europe’s Formosa Club issued a joint statement, extending congratulations to Taiwan for completing democratic elections and to President-elect Lai Ching-te. Additionally, they expressed serious concern about the diplomatic severance between the Republic of Nauru and Taiwan on 15 January. We express our heartfelt gratitude for the long-term support of Taiwan’s democracy from Formosa Club Co-Chairs and members across borders.


The Formosa Club's statement highlights that Nauru terminated diplomatic relations with Taiwan on the pretext of UN General Assembly Resolution 2758, demonstrating China's manipulation of the resolution to isolate Taiwan for its expansionist purposes. The Formosa Club expresses serious concern about China's use of UN resolutions to further its expansionist objectives.


The statement also maintains that Nauru's timing of breaking diplomatic ties with Taiwan represents China's deliberate suppression and intimidation against Taiwan's democratic processes, posing a direct challenge to regional stability and the international order. China's expansion of influence in the global South through methods contrary to the principles of the rule of law and good governance deserves our attention, and its negative impact should be assessed.


Lastly, the Formosa Club strongly condemns Beijing’s intimidation and interference against Taiwan, urging like-minded partners to remain vigilant against authoritarian expansion and influence. They also stand in solidarity with the people of Taiwan and commend their courage and unwavering commitment to standing on the frontlines of democracy.


The European Formosa Club, established in 2019, is a platform formed by over 340 parliamentarians from 30 countries in Europe and Canada. Since its establishment, The Formosa Club has consistently voiced support for Taiwan's international participation and various causes, showcasing the strength of cross-border support for Taiwan. The Taipei Representative Office in the EU and Belgium thanks the Formosa Club for its long-term friendship and support.







\n", "date": "2024-01-17 01:30:04", "url": "http://www.roc-taiwan.org/be_en/post/14991.html" }, { "title": "Ambassador Roy Chun Lee was interviewed by Euronews English, in the wake of Saturday's elections", "content": "

Ambassador Roy Chun Lee was interviewed by Euronews English on January 15, in the wake of Saturday's elections. During the sit-down, he covered a range of topics, and emphasized that:


1. The EU must stand firm with Taiwan!


2. Appeasement only encourages Beijing!


3. The EU's firm support for the status quo will only become more important!


Read the full interview at the link below





\n", "date": "2024-01-16 02:09:28", "url": "http://www.roc-taiwan.org/be_en/post/14983.html" }, { "title": "Co-Presidents of the Belgium-Taiwan Parliamentary Friendship Group congratulate Taiwan’s President-elect and praise its democracy as model for Chinese societies worldwide.", "content": "

Co-Presidents of the Belgium-Taiwan Parliamentary Group, Els Van Hoof, Georges Dallemagne, Benoît Piedboeuf, Wouter Raskin, Samuel Cogolati and Julien Uyttendaele jointly published a statement following the conclusion of the 16th presidential and the 11th legislative elections of the Republic of China (Taiwan) on January 13. In the statement, they congratulate President elect LAI, Ching-te, affirm Taiwan’s free and fair elections, and praise Taiwan as a beacon of democracy in Asia and a model for Chinese societies worldwide. Furthermore, they reaffirm their support for Taiwan, and for deepening the close relationship between Belgium and Taiwan.


Our sincere thanks to our Belgian friends for their steadfast support of democratic Taiwan.



\n", "date": "2024-01-13 22:57:54", "url": "http://www.roc-taiwan.org/be_en/post/14972.html" }, { "title": "The European Parliament-Taiwan Friendship Group congratulates Taiwan on its transparent and fair elections, wishing success for president-elect Lai Ching-te", "content": "

The Chair of the European Parliament-Taiwan Friendship Group, Michael Gahler, and two Vice-Chairs from mainstream political groups, including Andrey Kovatchev and Dominique Riquet, promptly issued a statement on 13 January 2024, congratulating the citizens of Taiwan on the successful conduct of transparent and fair elections and extending best wishes for a successful tenure for President-elect Lai Ching-te. We express our gratitude to the European Parliament-Taiwan Friendship Group for their longstanding steadfast support of Taiwan's democracy.


The statement first congratulates Taiwan on the successful completion of the presidential election, highlighting the transparency and fairness demonstrated throughout the electoral process, which not only establishes Taiwan as a beacon of democracy in Asia but also set a global standard. Chair Gahler and the two Vice-Chairs of the Friendship Group also extend their congratulations to President-elect Lai Ching-te for being democratically elected as the President of Taiwan, obtaining the mandate to serve and represent the Taiwanese people. They also express their best wishes for Taiwan's continued success and prosperity under President Lai's leadership. At the same time, they extend congratulations to all who have been elected or re-elected to the Legislative Yuan, wishing them success in their parliamentary work.


The statement underscores the European Parliament's unwavering support for democratic Taiwan and peace and stability in the Taiwan Strait, recognising Taiwan as an invaluable like-minded partner. The recent adoption of reports and resolutions by the European Parliament, notably the \"EU-Taiwan Trade and Investment Relations\" resolution, reflects the EU's commitment to increase cooperation with Taiwan through formal bilateral agreements. It expresses the hope that the bilateral relationship and cooperation between the EU and Taiwan will continue to thrive on the solid foundation of these resolutions and enduring friendship.


We express our gratitude to the European Parliament-Taiwan Friendship Group for their support of Taiwan’s democracy and their well-wishes for Taiwan.



\n", "date": "2024-01-13 22:14:55", "url": "http://www.roc-taiwan.org/be_en/post/14969.html" }, { "title": "Starting from January 1st, 2024, under the new Immigration Act of the Republic of China (Taiwan), there will be relaxations in various provisions related to overseas Taiwanese without household registration who wish to enter the country, extend their stay, reside, or settle in Taiwan. Additionally, there will be adjustments to regulations concerning overseas Taiwanese students, foreign nationals, and foreign students coming to reside in Taiwan. For more details, please refer to the attached quick reference guide.", "content": "

Please refer to the attached file.





\n", "date": "2024-01-05 18:20:07", "url": "http://www.roc-taiwan.org/be_en/post/14924.html" }, { "title": "2024 Republic of China (Taiwan) Flag-Raising Ceremony", "content": "

On January 1st, our office staff and family members joined Republic of China (Taiwan) Flag-Raising Ceremony hosted by the overseas Taiwanese community resident in Belgium, to celebrate together the founding day of the Republic of China and the first day of 2024 at the Ecole Sun Yat-sen de Belgique. Special thanks goes to Mr. LAI Shan-Lin, Council Member of the Overseas Community Affairs Council (OCAC), as well as school faculty for organizing today’s event.


More than one hundred people gathered at today’s event to wish Taiwan a happy and prosperous year. Participants sang the Republic of China (Taiwan)’s national anthem in unison, then watched as the national flag was raised. Afterwards, those in attendance happily enjoyed the warm and lively atmosphere and extended their blessings to each other in the new year.









\n", "date": "2024-01-01 21:27:36", "url": "http://www.roc-taiwan.org/be_en/post/14899.html" } ] }, { "lang": "zh", "branch": "", "country": "fi", "name": "駐芬蘭台北代表處", "path": "/fi/", "items": [] }, { "lang": "en", "branch": "", "country": "fi", "name": "Taipei Representative Office in Finland", "path": "/fi_en/", "items": [] }, { "lang": "zh", "branch": "", "country": "fr", "name": "駐法國台北代表處", "path": "/fr/", "items": [ { "title": "法國臺灣協會228紀念活動 述說臺灣的故事", "content": "

法國臺灣協會為紀念228事件,322日晚上,在巴黎6區文藝氣息濃厚的左岸電影院L’Arlequin ,舉辦《流麻溝十五號》電影放映暨座談會。電影放映後,邀請駐法國代表處吳大使志中與無國界記者主席韓石(Pierre Haski),就臺灣主體意識的發展與歷史脈絡作深入對談。駐法國代表處僑務組組長劉素秋、秘書楊政衡、臺灣僑胞及法國主流人士共約90人出席。


無國界記者組織(RSF)主席韓石(Pierre Haski) 同時身為吉美國立亞洲藝術博物館(Musée Guimet )文藝獎的評審委員,特別提及,今年吉美博物館亞洲文學圖像小說獎,是由臺灣《來自清水的孩子》(Le fils de Taïwan)獲得殊榮。他特別大力推薦,《來自清水的小孩》故事橫貫1930-2023 近百年歷史,可與電影《流麻溝十五號》對照呼應,更可深入瞭解臺灣主體意識的發展。







\n", "date": "2024-04-02 21:59:16", "url": "http://www.roc-taiwan.org/fr/post/18144.html" }, { "title": "法國臺商新春聯歡餐會 吳志中感謝僑界貢獻", "content": "














\n", "date": "2024-02-29 21:48:35", "url": "http://www.roc-taiwan.org/fr/post/18003.html" }, { "title": "歡迎新竹市光武國中師生一行21人來法交流", "content": "
新竹市光武國中4位老師與17位國一及國二的學生們於2024年1月21日至2月2日來法與巴黎東郊Collège International de l’Est Parisien(東巴黎國際國中)進行交流,除入班上課外並將寄宿於學伴家。
本日(1月23日)光武國中師生團經巴黎東郊Noisy Le Grand市市議員Philippe Tran(陳嘉輝僑務委員)安排參訪Noisy Le Grand市政府,由該市副市長Pascal Laguilly親自接待本團,本組陸美珍組長亦出席歡迎,東巴黎國際國中漢語教師陳平文則代表該校出席拜會。另外在該市耕耘已久的亭林中文學校校長楊馥吟也與教育部學海築夢計畫赴該校實習的7名文藻大學學生共同參加拜會。
拜會後Tran市議員全程陪同光武中國師生團參訪該市文化中心Villa Cathala、展演中心Espace Michel-Simon及多媒體圖書館等,深入認識這個以多元文化及族群融合著稱的繁榮新市鎮!
\n", "date": "2024-01-25 21:40:57", "url": "http://www.roc-taiwan.org/fr/post/17966.html" } ] }, { "lang": "fr", "branch": "", "country": "fr", "name": "Bureau de Représentation de Taipei en France", "path": "/fr_fr/", "items": [ { "title": "L'association Formose en France projette un film sur l'incident du 28 février", "content": "

Le 22 mars, l'association Formose en France a organisé la projection d'un film documentaire sur l'incident du 28 février au cinéma L'Arlequin, rue de Rennes à Paris, film intitulé UNTOLD Herstory. La projection a été suivie d'un débat animé par le journaliste et président de l'Association Reporters sans Frontières Pierre HASKI et le Représentant de Taïwan en France François Chihchung WU. Environ 90 personnes étaient présentes.


Dans son intervention, Pierre HASKI a souligné que la bande dessinée \"Le Fills de Taïwan\" avait été traduite en français et avait obtenu le Prix Emile Guimet de Littérature asiatique, ce qui apportera une audience supplémentaire à cette oeuvre qui permet de mieux comprendre l'histoire de Taïwan.


De son côté, l'Ambassadeur WU a rappelé que, après le régime autoritaire des années 1950 à Taïwan, le régime de démocratie et de liberté qui règne actuellement n'en est que plus cher au coeur des Taïwanais, sans parler de la réussite économique de Taïwan et de la place prépondérante qu'il a pris dans la fabrication des semi-conducteurs au niveau mondial.


Nombreux sont les spectateurs qui sont restés longtemps échanger sur ces sujets après la projection du film et la discussion, ce qui prouve l'intérêt grandissant du public français pour l'histoire de Taïwan.



\n", "date": "2024-04-02 22:24:50", "url": "http://www.roc-taiwan.org/fr_fr/post/22523.html" }, { "title": "Dîner de Nouvel An de la communauté d'outre-mer: l'Ambassadeur François Chihchung WU la remercie pour sa contribution au rayonnement de Taïwan dans le monde", "content": "

Le 25 février, la Chambre de Commerce taïwanaise en France et le Chapitre français de la Fédération globale des Femmes d'Affaires de Taïwan ont organisé leur dîner du Nouvel An lunaire. Environ 130 personnes étaient présentes, y compris le Représentant de Taïwan en France Amb. François Chihchung WU, le Représentant adjoint Philippe Chia-Liang YEN, la Directrice du Service des compatriotes d'outre-mer LIU Su-Chiu et différents membres de la Représentation de Taïwan en France.


Dans son intervention, l'Ambassadeur WU a souligné le renforcement constant des relations entre Taïwan et la France au cours des dernières années. Il s'est dit très heureux de participer à ce dîner et a transmis les voeux de la Présidente de la République TSAI Ing-wen et du Vice-Président LAI Ching-te pour la nouvelle année.


Au nom du Ministre de la communauté d'outre-mer HSU Chia-ching, l'Ambassadeur WU a également remis différentes récompenses à certains membre de la communauté pour les remercier de leurs actions au cours de l'année écoulée.



\n", "date": "2024-02-29 22:33:53", "url": "http://www.roc-taiwan.org/fr_fr/post/22485.html" }, { "title": "Des élèves du collège Guang Wu de Hsinchu reçus au Collège International de l'Est Parisien à Noisy-le-Grand", "content": "

Du 21 janvier au 2 février, 17 élèves et 4 enseignants du collège Guang Wu de Hsinchu sont reçus au Collège International de l'Est Parisien à Noisy-le-Grand en Seine Saint-Denis.


Le 23 janvier, ils ont été reçus à la mairie de Noisy-le-Grand par l'adjoint au maire Pascal Laguilly, puis ont visité plusieurs espaces municipaux comme la Villa Cathala, l'Espace Michel Simon et la bibliothèque multi-media. Bon séjour à toutes et à tous!



\n", "date": "2024-01-25 22:00:53", "url": "http://www.roc-taiwan.org/fr_fr/post/22456.html" } ] }, { "lang": "zh", "branch": "", "country": "de", "name": "駐德國台北代表處 ", "path": "/de/", "items": [ { "title": "第1屆柏林臺灣紀錄片影展呈現臺灣「百工圖」", "content": "





活動時間與地點: 26 April – 5 Mai –Kino Central, Berlin















\n", "date": "2024-04-19 22:05:21", "url": "http://www.roc-taiwan.org/de/post/11457.html" }, { "title": "「臺灣之夜-漫畫沙龍」講座及簽繪活動", "content": "




\n", "date": "2024-03-12 18:37:31", "url": "http://www.roc-taiwan.org/de/post/11401.html" }, { "title": "2024年週五電影夜開始,1月19日來看臺灣電影《目擊者》(Who killed Cock Robin)!", "content": "

2024年1月19日(五)19:00《目擊者》Who killed Cock Robin(2017)片長118分鐘


2024年2月23日(五)19:00《有一天》One day(2010)片長93分鐘


2024年3月15日(五)19:00《上岸的魚》A fish out of water(2017)片長91分鐘


2024年4月5日(五)19:00《燒肉粽》The rice dumpling vendors(1969)片長84分鐘


2024年4月19日(五)18:30《餘生—賽德克·巴萊》Pusu Qhuni(2014)片長154分




註:活動時間及片單可能調整,請隨時關注Taiwan in Deutschland或Taiwan Film Festival Berlin - Impression Taiwan (映像臺灣)Facebook粉絲頁。\"\"

\n", "date": "2024-01-11 18:04:51", "url": "http://www.roc-taiwan.org/de/post/11330.html" } ] }, { "lang": "de", "branch": "", "country": "de", "name": "Taipeh Vertretung in der Bundesrepublik Deutschland ", "path": "/de_de/", "items": [ { "title": "TAA-ALUMNI-EVENT", "content": "

Am 26. April um 9 Uhr (MESZ) veranstaltet das Außenministerium zusammen mit dem Taiwan Scholarship and Huayu Enrichment Scholarship Program Office und dem Taiwan Alumni Association Team die „MOFA Award & Appointment Ceremony“【 Verleihung der Preise für herausragende akademische Leistungen beim Mofa Taiwan Scholarschip Program und Ernennungen von  Campus Ambassadors der Taiwan Alumni Association (TAA)】 sowie anschließend den 2024 TAA Spring Theme Exchange Workshop. Bei der Diskussionsrunde wird der Botschafter von St. Kitts und Nevis, S.E. Herr Donya Francis aus eigener Erfahrung vom Leben als Alumni in Taiwan berichten. Wir laden alle TAA-Alumni (Stipendiaten und alle, die in Taiwan geforscht, studiert oder Chinesisch gelernt haben sowie jeden an Studium und Leben in Taiwan Interessierten) herzlich ein, am Programm online teilzunehmen. Bei Interesse scannen Sie bitte den untenstehenden QR-Code und posten Sie gerne einen Kommentar auf der TAA-Fanpage auf Facebook.









\n", "date": "2024-04-24 20:26:52", "url": "http://www.roc-taiwan.org/de_de/post/12145.html" }, { "title": "Das 1. Tffb Doc. präsentiert „Einzigartige Vitalität Taiwans: Berufsvielfalt im Wandel der Zeit“", "content": "

Um Taiwans Dokumentarfilme auf dem internationalen Markt zu fördern, hat das taiwanische Kulturministerium die „Taiwan Docs“ für die Teilnahme an internationalen Kulturveranstaltungen, Filmverkäufen und länderübergreifenden Koproduktionen ins Leben gerufen.


Daher veranstaltet der Verein Impression Taiwan e.V. vom 26. April bis 5. Mai 2024 das erste „Taiwan Film Festival Berlin Documentaries“. Mit diesem Festival beabsichtigen die Macher des Vereins, mehr Filme aus Taiwan nach Berlin zu bringen, in der Hoffnung, dass taiwanische Filme auch in Berlin aufblühen wie der Frühling auf die Erde zurückkehrt. Im Herbst dieses Jahres wird der Verein auch die siebente Ausgabe des „Taiwan Film Festival Berlin“, eines der größten asiatischen Filmfestivals in Europa, ausrichtenDas erste Tffb Doc. unter dem Motto „Einzigartige Vitalität Taiwans: Berufsvielfalt im Wandel der Zeit“ ist eine Kooperation des Impression Taiwan e.V. und der Taiwan Docs. Neun Dokumentationen und vier Kurzdokumentationen wurden ausgewählt, um die einzigartige Vitalität der verschiedenen Industrien und Berufe Taiwans inmitten des historischen Wandels zu zeigen und dem Berliner und internationalen Publikum die Möglichkeit zu geben, den Reichtum und die Vielfalt Taiwans anhand von dokumentarischen Bildern zu erleben. Im Anschluss an die Filmvorführungen gibt es Online-Podiumsdiskussionen, ein Ferngespräch mit dem Regisseur per Video, eine Gelegenheit für die Zuschauer, direkt Fragen zu stellen, sowie weitere Aktivitäten, um den Austausch und die Diskussion auf der Veranstaltung zu vertiefen.


Zeit und Ort:


26 April – 5 Mai –Kino Central, Berlin















\n", "date": "2024-04-19 22:03:07", "url": "http://www.roc-taiwan.org/de_de/post/12142.html" }, { "title": "Berlin trifft Taiwan Comic! Signierstunde & Künstlergespräch mit Zhou JianXin und Aliyo", "content": "

Im Vorfeld der Leipziger Buchmesse 2024 stellen die taiwanischen Künstler Zhou Jianxin und Aliyo ihre Werke am 19. März vor, die von historischen Ereignissen Taiwans und der taoistischen Kultur inspiriert sind.


Nach dem Vortrag werden Zhou Jianxin und Aliyo ihre Werke signieren.


Zudem gibt eine kleine Ausstellung von Cosplay-Kostümen und Sie sind herzlich eingeladen, eine Auswahl kleiner kulinarischer Köstlichkeiten aus Taiwan zu probieren.


Veranstaltungszeit, und -ort:


DI 19. MÄR 2024           18:00       Vortrag            Taiwan Kultursaal


Adresse: Markgrafenstrasse 35, EG, 10117 Berlin





\n", "date": "2024-03-12 18:36:16", "url": "http://www.roc-taiwan.org/de_de/post/12053.html" }, { "title": "Filmreihe Friday Night Movie Night 2024 startet im Januar", "content": "

Ab dem 19. Januar zeigt die Kulturabteilung der Taipeh Vertretung in Berlin freitagabends taiwanische Filme: Die Filmreihe Friday Night Movie Night 2024 startet mit dem Film \"Who killed Cock Robin\"! Um Anmeldung wird gebeten unter taiwanevent@moc.gov.tw oder online über https://forms.gle/2NLiDCw1LFNww414A .


Der Eintritt ist frei, bringen Sie Ihre Freunde und Familie mit. Der Einlass beginnt jeweils eine halbe Stunde vor Filmstart.


Alle Filme laufen auf Mandarin mit englischen Untertiteln:

  1. Januar 2024, 19 Uhr: Who killed Cock Robin (2017) 118 Min.
  2. \n


  1. Februar 2024, 19 Uhr: One Day (2010) 93 Min.
  2. \n


  1. März 2024, 19 Uhr: A Fish out of Water (2017) 91 Min.
  2. \n



5 Apr 2024, 19 Uhr: The Rice Dumpling Vendors (1969) 84 Min.



  1. April 2024, 18.30 Uhr: Pusu Qhuni (2014), Dokumentarfilm, 154 Min.
  2. \n



Ort: Kultursaal der Taipeh Vertretung, Markgrafenstr.35, 10117 Berlin




Hinweis: Veranstaltungszeiten und Film können sich ändern, bitte informieren Sie sich auf der Facebook-Seite „Taiwan in Deutschland“ oder auf der „Taiwan Film Festival Berlin - Impression Taiwan“-Facebook-Seite.\"0119_Promotion_Poster\"

\n", "date": "2024-01-11 18:01:51", "url": "http://www.roc-taiwan.org/de_de/post/11935.html" } ] }, { "lang": "zh", "branch": "fra", "country": "de", "name": "駐德國台北代表處法蘭克福辦事處", "path": "/defra/", "items": [ { "title": "旅外國人健保: 出國在外,健保怎麼辦?", "content": "
1. 2年內返國:如戶籍遷出國外,恢復戶籍後,設籍日當天即應加保;
2. 超過2年返國: 戶籍遷出國外者,恢復戶籍後,設籍日滿6個月當天起應加保。
2. 出國2年至4年,返國恢復戶籍後,應自設籍日起加保及繳納保險費。(註:疫情期間彈性措施)
3. 出國超過4年,返國恢復戶籍後,應自設籍日滿6個月起加保並繳納保險費。
\n", "date": "2024-01-10 08:18:13", "url": "http://www.roc-taiwan.org/defra/post/5594.html" } ] }, { "lang": "de", "branch": "fra", "country": "de", "name": "Taipeh Vertretung in der Bundesrepublik Deutschland, Büro Frankfurt am Main ", "path": "/defra_de/", "items": [ { "title": "Öffnungszeiten: Arbeitstag (Mo - Fr) 9:00-12:30, oder nach Vereinbarung Telefonische Erreichbarkeit: Arbeitstag (Mo - Fr) 14:30 Uhr - 16:30 Uhr", "content": "

Öffnungszeiten: Arbeitstag (Mo - Fr) 9:00-12:30, oder nach Vereinbarung


Telefonische Erreichbarkeit: Arbeitstag (Mo - Fr) 14:30 Uhr - 16:30 Uhr

\n", "date": "2024-01-19 01:16:49", "url": "http://www.roc-taiwan.org/defra_de/post/3896.html" } ] }, { "lang": "zh", "branch": "ham", "country": "de", "name": "駐德國代表處漢堡辦事處", "path": "/deham/", "items": [ { "title": "本處與基民黨什霍邦邦議會黨團共同於邦議會舉辦台灣之夜(Taiwan Abend)活動", "content": "



本處於2024年2月20日與基民黨什霍邦邦議會黨團共同在邦議會舉辦一場以如何促進台德經貿關係為主題的台灣之夜(Taiwan Abend)活動,吸引了六十餘名北德政商界人士參與。








\"IMGL5273\" \"IMGL5218\"

\n", "date": "2024-02-20 23:07:41", "url": "http://www.roc-taiwan.org/deham/post/5794.html" }, { "title": "漢堡邦議會友台小組籌組跨黨派觀選團", "content": "

漢堡邦議會友台小組主席Jennifer Jasberg 籌組跨黨派觀選團,與綠黨、左黨及社民黨友人共同前往柏林代表處聲援台灣,本處誠摯感謝!


\"419130420_1558248895006671_6575902462660575813_n\" \"419777279_1558248925006668_7739211703425341178_n\" \"418476797_1558248911673336_4732606988451824138_n\"

\n", "date": "2024-01-13 18:32:53", "url": "http://www.roc-taiwan.org/deham/post/5735.html" } ] }, { "lang": "de", "branch": "ham", "country": "de", "name": "Taipeh Vertretung in der Bundesrepublik Deutschland, Büro Hamburg", "path": "/deham_de/", "items": [ { "title": "Taiwan Newsletter März 2024", "content": "


\n", "date": "2024-04-01 22:01:32", "url": "http://www.roc-taiwan.org/deham_de/post/4999.html" }, { "title": "Taiwan Newsletter Februar 2024", "content": "


\n", "date": "2024-03-01 22:00:52", "url": "http://www.roc-taiwan.org/deham_de/post/4995.html" }, { "title": "Taiwan Newsletter Januar 2024", "content": "


\n", "date": "2024-02-01 21:59:57", "url": "http://www.roc-taiwan.org/deham_de/post/4992.html" } ] }, { "lang": "zh", "branch": "", "country": "mn", "name": "駐烏蘭巴托台北貿易經濟代表處", "path": "/mn/", "items": [ { "title": "2024年4月22日本處代表王凱右應邀於蒙古ACH醫學大學畢業典禮致詞", "content": "






\n", "date": "2024-04-22 15:10:24", "url": "http://www.roc-taiwan.org/mn/post/13059.html" }, { "title": "台灣再捐5萬美元救助蒙古雪災 蒙古對台灣地震表達深切慰問", "content": "

駐蒙古代表王凱右於本(2024)年4月19日代表台灣政府捐贈50,000美金予蒙古紅十字會,協助救濟雪災牧民和動物。蒙古紅十字會秘書長BOLORMAA N.代表受贈。








蒙古紅十字會會長BOLORMAA N.感謝台灣的捐贈,並對台灣4月3日發生震災表達慰問,台灣在發生地震之際,仍不忘協助蒙古雪災災民,對台灣政府及人民的愛心甚為感激。本次捐贈金額將用於救助南戈壁省、烏布蘇省、達爾汗省、色楞格省及鄂爾渾省等5省500個牧民家庭,盼能協助災民度過難關。




王凱右代表表示台灣愛心不落人後,繼3月中旬捐贈2,400個牲畜救濟包及捐贈5萬美元給蒙古明愛會後,此次再度捐獻5萬美元給蒙古紅十字會,許多在蒙古國際組織及使節團均投入蒙古雪災救援行列,台灣長期提供蒙古國人道援助,自然不會缺席,希望台灣的捐助協助受災牧民度過難關。台灣將會持續發揮Taiwan can help及Taiwan is helping精神,繼續與蒙古紅十字會等慈善組織合作,共同協助需要協助的人民。



\n", "date": "2024-04-19 19:13:33", "url": "http://www.roc-taiwan.org/mn/post/13054.html" }, { "title": "雪中送炭!台灣送暖!Тайвань халуун сэтгэлийн илчээ түгээж байна!", "content": "

駐蒙古代表王凱右4月3日代表政府捐贈5萬美元給蒙古明愛會救濟雪災,蒙古明愛會新任會長Sandra Garay代表受贈,S會長表示感謝台灣政府重視蒙古牧民生計,將立即用於災情慘重的東戈壁省、中戈壁省、戈壁蘇木貝爾省及烏布蘇省,該會將優先採購動物糧草、醫藥品、交通用汽油暖被及衣物予受害災民。台灣3月捐贈2400個牲畜救濟包後,接續再捐5萬美元,展現Taiwan can help and Taiwan is helping精神,幫助蒙古國賑災,深化雙方友誼。
\nЭнэ (2024) оны 4-р сарын 3-ны өдөр Тайваниас Монгол улсад суугаа Төлөөлөгч Николай Ван Тайваний засгийн газрыг төлөөлөн 50 мянган ам.долларыг “Каритас Монгол” байгууллагын Тэргүүн Сандра Гарайд гардуулан өгч, зудын гамшигт нэрвэгдсэн малчдад туслах хандивын арга хэмжээг зохион байгууллаа.
\nТус байгууллагын Тэргүүн Сандра Гарай хэлсэн үгэндээ, “Тайваний Засгийн газар Монгол орны малчдын амьжиргаанд анхаарал хандуулж буй явдалд талархаж байна. Тус хандивын мөнгийг тэр дор нь Монгол орны зүүн бүсийн гурван аймаг буюу Дорноговь, Дундговь, Говь-Сүмбэр зэрэг аймгуудад болон Увс аймагт тус тус зарцуулна гэдгээ илэрхийлсэн бөгөөд юуны өмнө малын өвс тэжээл, эм тариа, бензин түлш, дулаан хөнжил, хувцас зэргийг зудад өртсөн малчдад олгоно.” гэв.
\nТайваниас энэ оны гуравдугаар сард 2,400 ширхэг малын тэжээлийн тусламжийн багцыг хандивласан бөгөөд эдүгээ дахин мөнгөн хандив өргөж байна. Тайваньчууд цаашид ч “Тайвань тусалж чадна, Тайвань тусалж байна” (Taiwan Can Help, Taiwan is Helping) үзэл санааг хэрэгжүүлсээр байх бөгөөд малчдыг зудын гамшгийг даван туулахад туслаж, хоёр орны найрамдлын харилцаа, хамтын ажиллагааг улам гүнзгийрүүлэх болно гэдгээ илэрхийлэв.



\n", "date": "2024-04-03 14:13:49", "url": "http://www.roc-taiwan.org/mn/post/13021.html" }, { "title": "台灣援助蒙古災區:獸醫救濟包救助牧民與牲畜 Тайваниас Монгол Улсад суугаа төлөөлөгчийн газар нь зудын нөхцөл байдалтай холбогдуулан малын тэжээлийн багц хандивлав.", "content": "
獸醫研究所所長巴特其其格(Battsetseg B.)女士率領11個實驗室主任出席捐贈典禮,感謝台灣的愛心。
Тайваниас Монгол Улсад суугаа төлөөлөгч Ван Кай-Ю нь 2024 оны 3-р сарын 13-ны өдөр ХААИС-ийн харьяа Мал эмнэлгийн хүрээлэнд нийт 2,400 ширхэг малын тэжээлийн тусламжийн багцыг хүлээлгэн өгөв. Эдгээрийг өвөлжилтийн нөхцөл байдал хүндрэлтэй байгаа зудын гамшигт нэрвэгдсэн Сүхбаатар аймагруу илгээж, сүүлийн 50 жилд тохиогоогүй цастай зудыг малчид даван туулахад дэмжлэг үзүүлэх юм.
Төлөөлөгч Ван Кай-Ю хэлсэн үгэндээ “Энэ удаад үүссэн зудын нөхцөл байдал бол уур амьсгалын өөрчлөлтийн үр дагавраас үүдэлтэй. Тайвань Дэлхий хэмээх нэгэн их айлын гишүүн болохын хувьд гамшгийг арилгахад хувь нэмрээ оруулахад бэлэн байна. Зудын хүндрэлтэй нөхцөл байдлыг даван гарахад дэлхийн улс орнууд тусламжийн гараа сунгасаар байгаа бөгөөд тусламжийн дийлэнх нь малчдад чиглэж байна. Тайваньчуудын хувьд мал амьтдад чиглэсэн малын тэжээлийн тусламжийн багцыг олгоход анхаарлаа хандуулж байгаа төдийгүй Тайваньчуудын халуун сэтгэл мал амьтадын амийг авраад зогсохгүй малчдын амьжиргаанд эерэг нөлөө үзүүлнэ гэдэгт итгэлтэй байна.” гэв.
Малчдад тусламжийн багцыг таниулах зорилгоор Ван төлөөлөгч малын эмчийн хамтаар гамшигт нэрвэгдсэн малчин өрхүүдээр зочилсон ба мэргэжилтнүүд уг багцын тухай дэлгэрэнгүй тайлбарлаж, эм бэлдмэлийг хэрэглэх зааварчилгаа өгсөнд малчид маш их талархаж байлаа. Тайваниас энэ удаад хандивласан тусламжийн багцад төрөл бүрийн малын эм бэлдмэл, хүнсний нэмэлт тэжээл багтсан болно.
\n", "date": "2024-03-18 09:43:47", "url": "http://www.roc-taiwan.org/mn/post/12899.html" }, { "title": "本處辦理留學台灣及台灣獎學金說明會 Тус Төлөөлөгчийн газраас Тайваньд сурах болон Тайваньд тэтгэлэгтэй суралцах талаар мэдээлэл өгч, лекц тавилаа.", "content": "
ICDF獎學金報名即將截止,申請人必須於3月15日 中午12:00以前將申請表正本遞交到本處辦公室。
MOE獎學金報名截止日為5月31日,請同學先向各校申請入學許可 (可同時申請多校),取得報名證明後,再向本處遞交獎學金申請表。
中文學程:語言成績TOCFL -L3以上
Тус Төлөөлөгчийн газраас Тайваньд сурах болон Тайваньд тэтгэлэгтэй суралцах талаар мэдээлэл өгч, лекц тависан бөгөөд тус өдөрлөгт маш их хүн ирж оролцсон билээ. Мөн эцэг эхчүүд болон оюутнууд Тайваний тэтгэлэгийн талаар маш их зүйл асуусан бөгөөд тэр дундаа тэтгэлэгт юу юу багтсан талаар мөн Тайваньд суралцах орчин ямар байдаг талаар асуулаа.
ICDF тэтгэлэгийн бүртгэл удахгүй хаагдах гэж байгаа тул тэтгэлэг горилогч нь 3-р сарын 15-ны 12:00 цагаас өмнө тус Төлөөлөгчийн газар дээр ирж тэтгэлэгийн өргөдлийн маягтын эх хувийг авч ирнэ үү.
Тайваний Боловсролын Яам (MOE)-ны тэтгэлэгийн эцсийн хугацаа 5-р сарын 31 тул тэтгэлэгт бүртгүүлэх гэж буй оюутнууд эхлээд сургуульруугаа apply хийх ёстой (зэрэг олон сургуульд бүртгүүлэх боломжтой) ба сургуулиасаа урилгаа (Admission letter) авсныхаа дараа манай Төлөөлөгчийн газар дээр тэтгэлэгийн өргөдлийн маягтаа авч ирнэ үү.
Та ICDF болон MOE-ны тэтгэлэгийн аль нэгт нь л бүртгүүлэх боломжтой!
Хэлний онооны шаардлага:
Хэлний оноо нь 2 жилийн хүчинтэй байх ба хэрэв хугацаа нь дууссан бол дахин шалгалт өгнө.
Англи хэл дээр хичээлээ үзэх бол B2 ба түүнээс дээш хэлний оноотой байх.
Хятад хэл дээр хичээлээ үзэх бол TOCFL Level 3 буюу түүнээс дээш хэлний оноотой байх.
\n", "date": "2024-03-13 09:25:42", "url": "http://www.roc-taiwan.org/mn/post/12893.html" }, { "title": "王代表凱右在蒙古財經大學演講台灣留學 Төлөөлөгч Николай Ван СЭЗИС-ын оюутнуудад Тайваньд сурах талаар лекц тавьлаа.", "content": "



2-р сарын 28-ны өдөр Төлөөлөгч Николай Ван Санхүү, эдийн засгийн их сургуулийн оюутан залууст Тайваньд суралцах боломжуудын талаар лекц тавьж, Тайваний Боловсролын яамны тэтгэлгийн талаарх мэдээлэл өгч, оюутан залуусын сонирхсон асуултуудад хариулав. Эхлээд оюутнууд асуулт асуухгүй чимээгүй уур амьсгалтай байсан ч нэг нэгээр оюутнууд асуулт асууж эхлэх үед оюутнуудын нүүр хагарч идэвхтэй асуулт асууж эхэллээ. Бид асуулт асуусан оюутнуудад Тайваний бяцхаан бэлэг өглөө. Мөн оюутнууд олон арван асуулт асуухаас гадна Төлөөлөгч Николай Ван-тай хамт зургаа авахууллаа!  Бүх оюутнуудыг Тайвань явж сурахыг уриалахын ялдамд оюутнуудда хандан одооноос бэлдэж эхлэхийг уриалж байна.







\n", "date": "2024-03-01 13:10:17", "url": "http://www.roc-taiwan.org/mn/post/12806.html" }, { "title": "王代表凱右拜訪財經大學校長 Тайваниас Монгол улсад суугаа Төлөөлөгч Николай Ван СЭЗИС-ын захиралтай албан уулзалт хийлээ.", "content": "



2-р сарын 27-ны өдөр Тайваниас Монгол улсад суугаа Төлөөлөгч Николай Ван Санхүү, эдийн засгийн их сургуулийн захирал Б.Мөнхбаяртай албан уулзалт хийж, хоёр талын боловсролын салбарын харилцаа, хамтын ажиллагааны асуудлаар санал солилцов. Санхүү, эдийн засгийн их сургууль нь одоогоор Тайваний Азийн их сургууль, Нанхуа их сургууль болон Үндэсний Тайпэй их сугуультай хамтын ажиллагаатай бөгөөд тус сургуулийн оюутнууд сурагч солилцооны хөтөлбөрөөр Тайвань явж сурахдаа түрүүлээд хэлний бэлтгэлийн хөтөлбөрт хамрагдаж хятад хэл үзэх боломжтой боллоо. Бидний зүгээс Санхүү, эдийн засгийн их сургуулийн олон оюутан залуус Тайваньд очиж суралцаасай гэж хүсэж байна!





\n", "date": "2024-03-01 12:59:13", "url": "http://www.roc-taiwan.org/mn/post/12800.html" }, { "title": "王代表凱右拜會蒙古網路媒體News Agency Төлөөлөгч Николай Ван News Agency ХХК-тай хамтын ажиллагааны талаар ярилцлаа.", "content": "

王代表凱右於2024年2月22日拜會蒙古網路媒體News Agency社長Batbold B.先生,雙方暢談蒙古媒體的獨立性、以及網路世界對蒙古年輕世代的影響,台灣跟蒙古都是民主國家,同樣重視媒體自由發展,期盼雙方未來有更多合作!


2024 оны 2-р сарын 22-ны өдөр Төлөөлөгч Николай Ван News.mn сайтын захирал Б.Батболд-тай уулзаж Монголын хэвлэл мэдээллийн бие даасан байдал болон интернет орчин Монгол залууст хэрхэн нөлөөлж буй талаар яриа өрнүүллээ. Хоёр улс хоёулаа ардчилсан улс бөгөөд хэвлэл мэдээллийн эрх чөлөөг ихэд эрхэмлэдэг бөгөөд цаашид ч гэсэн тус Төлөөлөгчийн газар нь News.mn сайттай илүү их хамтран ажиллана гэдэгт итгэлтэй байна!



\n", "date": "2024-02-22 16:59:25", "url": "http://www.roc-taiwan.org/mn/post/12775.html" }, { "title": "王代表凱右拜會蒙古媒體集團MONGOL CONTENT Төлөөлөгч Николай Ван Монгол Контент ХХК дээр зочилж хамтын ажиллагааны талаар ярилцлаа.", "content": "

王代表凱右於2024年2月19日拜會蒙古媒體集團Mongol Content CEO Chinzorig E. 先生及GoGo News Agency的新聞總編Adiyasuren R. 女士,並參觀集團辦公室與攝影棚,希望未來與Mongol Content有更多合作!


2-р сарын 19-ны өдөр Төлөөлөгч Николай Ван Монгол Контент ХХК-ын гүйцэтгэх захирал Э.Чинзориг, gogo.mn сайтын ерөнхий редактор Р.Адьяасүрэн нартай уулзаж тус компаний оффис болон студитай танилцлаа. Цаашид ч гэсэн тус Төлөөлөгчийн газар нь Монгол Контент ХХК-тай илүү их хамтран ажиллана гэдэгт итгэлтэй байна!



\n", "date": "2024-02-22 16:50:54", "url": "http://www.roc-taiwan.org/mn/post/12770.html" }, { "title": "王代表於蒙古國立生命科技大學演講:探索台灣教育部獎學金申請之路,激發蒙古同學留學熱情 Төлөөлөгч Николай Ван ХААИС-ийн оюутан залууст Тайваньд суралцах боломжуудын талаар лекц тавьлаа.", "content": "



2024 оны 2-р сарын 21-ний өдөр Төлөөлөгч Ван Монгол Улсын Хөдөө Аж Ахуйн Их Сургуулийн оюутан залууст Тайваньд суралцах боломжуудын талаар лекц яриа хийж, Тайваний Боловсролын яамны тэтгэлгийн талаарх мэдээлэл өгч, оюутан залуусын сонирхсон асуултуудад хариулав. Бидний зүгээс илүү олон Монгол оюутан залуус Тайваньд суралцаасай гэж хүсэж байна.





\n", "date": "2024-02-22 15:07:14", "url": "http://www.roc-taiwan.org/mn/post/12764.html" }, { "title": "台灣志工:帶來溫暖,促進雙邊友好交流 Тайваний сайн дурын ажилчид Монголд Тайваний халуун дулаан уур амьсгалыг авчирлаа.", "content": "

王代表凱右於本2024年2月13日歡迎台灣微客公益行動協會蔡副主任妙涵、葉欣引導員及14位來自台灣國際志工拜會代表處,王代表表示台灣人愛心不落人後,微客waker 本次係在台灣農曆春節來蒙古服務,為蒙古帶來台灣的溫暖,期待更多臺灣志工來到蒙古服務,提升雙邊友好交流。


2024 оны 2-р сарын 13-ны өдөр Тайваниас Монгол улсад суугаа Төлөөлөгч Николай Ван Тайваний \"Waker сайн дурын байгууллага\"-ийн төслийн менежер Цай Миао Хан, чиглүүлэгч Е Синь болон Тайваниас ирсэн олон улсын 14 сайн дурын ажилчдыг хүлээн авч уулзлаа. Төлөөлөгч Николай Ван хэлэхдээ, “Тайваний сайн дурын ажилчид сар шинийн баяраар ч сайн дурын ажил хйихээр Монголд ирээд байгаа бөгөөд Тайваний халуун дулаан уур амьсгалыг Монголд авчирлаа. Хоёр талын найрсаг харилцааг дэмжих зорилгоор илүү олон Тайвань сайн дурын ажилчид Монголд ирэхийг тэсэн ядан хүлээж байна.” гэв.


On February 13, 2024, Taiwan Representative to Mongolia Hon. Wang Kai-you welcomed Taiwan Waker Welfare Action Association to Mongolia. The delegation includes Deputy Director Tsai Miao-han facilitator Yeh Xin and the other 14 international volunteers from Taiwan. Representative Wang said that Taiwanese people are active to contribute even during the Taiwanese Lunar New Year, bringing the warmth of Taiwan to Mongolia. We look forward to more Taiwanese volunteers coming to Mongolia to serve and enhance bilateral friendly exchanges.







\n", "date": "2024-02-14 09:18:31", "url": "http://www.roc-taiwan.org/mn/post/12728.html" }, { "title": "白月節:蒙古人會一家一家拜年 Цагаан сараар Монголчууд айлд очин золголт хийдэг.", "content": "
Цагаан сараар Монголчууд айлд очин золголт хийдэг.
Ахмад настнаа хүндэлж, хүүхэд багачуудаа энэрэн хайрлах нь монгол ёсон билээ.
Айлд очиж золгохдоо гэрийн эзэнд бэлэг болон мөнгө барьж золгодог бөгөөд тус Төлөөлөгчийн газрын төлөөлөгч Николай Ван гэрийн хамгийн ахмад настантай хадаг барьж золгон чин сэтгэлийн ерөөл дэвшүүллээ.
\n", "date": "2024-02-13 16:45:44", "url": "http://www.roc-taiwan.org/mn/post/12720.html" }, { "title": "\"冬日時尚:成吉思汗雕像合照\" Чингис хааны хөшөөн дор зургаа татууллаа.", "content": "
-25 хэмд хэрхэн хувцаслах вэ?
Гоё хувцасламаар байвал зузаан юм өмсөөд хэрэггүй ээ~~
Монгол үндэсний хувцасыг үстэй малгайтай өмсөж Чингисийн хөшөөн дээр очиж хамт олонтойгоо зургаа даруулах даалгавар амжилттай биелэгдлээ!
\n", "date": "2024-02-13 16:11:31", "url": "http://www.roc-taiwan.org/mn/post/12716.html" }, { "title": "2024年龍年雙喜臨門:蒙古白月節與台灣農曆新年同慶! Тайвань, Монголын цагаан сарыг хамтдаа угтан золголоо.", "content": "
2024的蒙古農曆新年\"白月節(Tsagaansar)\" 恰好跟台灣農曆新年同一天
2024 онд Монголын Цагаан сар нь Тайваний билгийн тооллын шинэ жилтэй адил нэг өдөр тохиож байна. Монгол Тайваний билгийн тооллын хуанлигаар 2024 онд Модон луу жил гарч байна.
Тайваниас Монгол Улсад суугаа төлөөлөгч Николай Ван миний бие хамт олноо төлөөлөн та бүхэндээ сар шинийн мэнд хүргэхийн ялдамд луу жилдээ аз хийморьтой, эрүүл энх, сайн сайхан байхын ерөөлийг өргөн дэвшүүлье.
\n", "date": "2024-02-13 16:05:15", "url": "http://www.roc-taiwan.org/mn/post/12708.html" }, { "title": "王代表邀請台僑除夕圍爐 Төлөөлөгч Николай Ван Монгол дахь Тайваньчуудыг битүүний оройн зоогт урив.", "content": "
龍馬精神 龍騰虎躍
平安吉祥 健康如意
2024 оны 2-р сарын 9-ны өдөр Төлөөлөгч Николай Ван Монгол дахь Тайваньчуудаа битүүний оройн зоогт урилаа.
Ирж буй модон луу жилдээ хүн бүхэн морь, луугийн хийморьтой байж, санасан бүхэн нь биелэж, эрүүл энх байхыг хүсэн ерөөе.
\n", "date": "2024-02-13 15:11:58", "url": "http://www.roc-taiwan.org/mn/post/12702.html" }, { "title": "王代表凱右與奧特根騰格爾大學校長交流,探討台蒙高等教育合作 Төлөөлөгч Николай Ван Отгонтэнгэр их сургуулийн захиралтай уулзаж Тайвань, Монголын дээд боловсролын хамтын ажиллагааны талаар ярилцлаа.", "content": "



Энэ оны 1-р сарын 30-ны өдөр тус Төлөөлөгчийн газрын төлөөлөгч Николай Ван нь Отгонтэнгэр их сургуулийн захирал, хатагтай Н.Энхзаяатай Тайвань, Монголын дээд боловсролын талаар санал бодол, туршлага солилцлоо. Н.Энхзаяа захирал хэлэхдээ, \"Манай сургууль хууль эрх зүй, санхүү, нийгмийн ухаан, агаарын тээврийн үйлчилгээ, аялал жуулчлалын чиглэлд илүү анхаарч ажилладаг бөгөөд цаашид Тайванийн холбогдох их, дээд сургуулиудтай сургалт эрдэм шинжилгээний хамтын ажиллагааг хөгжүүлэх, оюутан болон багш солилцооны хөтөлбөр хэрэгжүүлэх, хамтарсан сургалтын хөтөлбөр боловсруулах чиглэлээр идэвхитэй, үр бүтээлтэй хамтран ажиллана гэж найдаж байна.\" гэв.



\n", "date": "2024-02-07 10:03:04", "url": "http://www.roc-taiwan.org/mn/post/12682.html" } ] }, { "lang": "en", "branch": "", "country": "mn", "name": "Taipei Trade and Economic Representative Office in Ulaanbaatar", "path": "/mn_en/", "items": [ { "title": "Төлөөлөгч Ван Кай-Ю 2024 оны 4-р сарын 22-ны өдөр \"АЧ\" Анагаах Ухааны Их Сургуулийн төгсөгчдийн \"Маргаашийн мэргэжилтэн\" семинарт үг хэлж, илтгэл тавилаа.", "content": "

Тус Төлөөлөгчийн газрын төлөөлөгч Ван Кай-Ю \"АЧ\" АУИС-ийн оюутнуудыг төгссөнийхөө дараа Тайваньд ирж мэргэжил дээшлүүлж, сургалтанд сууж, аялах зорилгоор ирж байхыг уриалсан бөгөөд Тайвань нь сүүлийн 22 жилийн хугацаанд 1000 гаруй Монголын эмч, сувилагч нарыг сургаж, эмнэлгийн салбарт хиймэл оюун ухаан нэвтрүүлж, дэлхийн эрүүл мэндийн тусламж үйлчилгээний индексийг зургаан жил дараалан тэргүүлж байгаа талаар дурьдсан юм. Тэрээр мөн Тайваньд тэтгэлэгтэй суралцах боломжуудын талаар хуваалцсан бөгөөд энэ нь хүрэлцэн ирсэн 274 оюутнаас эерэг хариу хүлээн авсан юм.





\n", "date": "2024-04-22 15:11:33", "url": "http://www.roc-taiwan.org/mn_en/post/10382.html" }, { "title": "Тайваний засгийн газраас Монгол Улсын зудын гамшигт 50 мянган ам.доллар хандивлав. Монгол улс Тайваний газар хөдлөлтөд гүн эмгэнэл илэрхийлэв.", "content": "

2024 оны 4-р сарын 19-ны өдөр Тайваниас Монгол улсад суугаа Төлөөлөгч Николай Ван Тайваний засгийн газрыг төлөөлөн 50 мянган ам.долларыг Монголын Улаан Загалмай Нийгэмлэгт гардуулан өгч, зудын гамшигт нэрвэгдсэн малчдад туслах хандивын арга хэмжээг зохион байгууллаа. Тус хандивын мөнгийг Монголын Улаан Загалмай Нийгэмлэгийн Ерөнхий Нарийн бичгийн дарга Н.Болормаа төлөөлөн хүлээн авав.




Монгол Улсад энэ оны хоёрдугаар сарын дундуур сүүлийн 50 жилд тохиогоогүй зудын гамшиг тохиолдож, дөрөвдүгээр сарын байдлаар гамшигт өртөн хорогдсон малын тоо зургаан сая даваад байна. Жилээс жилд Монгол Улсад зудын гамшиг тохиолддог ч энэ онд цаг агаар, уур амьсгалын огцом өөрчлөлтөөс үүдэн бэлчээрийн талбай цас мөсөөр хучигдаж, зудад нэрвэгдсэн газар нутгийн цар хүрээ тэлж, Монголын олон мянган малчдын амьжиргаанд хүнд, хэцүү нөхцөл тулгараад байна.




Монголын Улаан Загалмай Нийгэмлэгийн Ерөнхий Нарийн бичгийн дарга Н.Болормаа хэлсэн үгэндээ, “Энэ оны 4-р сарын 3-ны өдөр Тайваньд хүчтэй газар хөдлөлт тохиож их хэмжээний хохирол амссан явдалд гүн эмгэнэл илэрхийлэхийн зэрэгцээ Тайваниас Монгол улсад зудын гамшигт нэрвэгдсэн малчдад тусламж үзүүлж буй явдалд талархаж байна. Тус хандивын мөнгийг бүхэлд нь Өмнөговь, Увс, Дархан-Уул, Сэлэнгэ, Орхон зэрэг таван аймгуудын 500 малчин айл өрхөд зориулах бөгөөд зудын гамшигт нэрвэгдсэн малчдад зудыг даван туулахад нь тусална гэж найдаж байна.” гэв.




Төлөөлөгч Николай Ван хэлсэн үгэндээ, “Тайваний халуун сэтгэл хэнийг ч орхигдуулахгүй бөгөөд бид гуравдугаар сарын дундуур 2,400 ширхэг малын тэжээлийн багц, Каритас Монгол байгууллагад 50 мянган ам долларыг хандивласан бөгөөд эдүгээ дахин Монголын Улаан Загалмай Нийгэмлэгт 50 мянган ам долларыг хандивлаад байна. Монгол Улсад суугаа олон улсын олон байгууллага, дипломат төлөөлөгчийн газрууд бүгд зудын аюулд нэрвэгдээд байгаа малчдад туслах хандивын аянд нэгдээд байгаа билээ. Тайвань ч мөн урт хугацааны туршид Монгол Улсад хүмүүнлэгийн тусламж үзүүлсээр ирсэн бөгөөд энэ удаад ч мөн малчдад туслах аянд нэгдэж байна. Энэхүү хандивын тусламж зудын гамшигт нэрвэгдсэн малчдад зудыг даван туулахад нь туслана гэдэгт итгэж байна. Тайваньчууд цаашид ч “Тайвань тусалж чадна, Тайвань тусалж байна” (Taiwan Can Help, Taiwan is Helping) үзэл санааг хэрэгжүүлсээр байх бөгөөд цаашид ч Монголын Улаан Загалмай Нийгэмлэгтэй хамтран Монгол оронд тусламж хэрэгтэй айл өрхөд тусласаар байх болно.” гэв.



\n", "date": "2024-04-19 19:14:06", "url": "http://www.roc-taiwan.org/mn_en/post/10376.html" }, { "title": "Тайвань халуун сэтгэлийн илчээ түгээж байна! 雪中送炭!台灣送暖!", "content": "

Энэ (2024) оны 4-р сарын 3-ны өдөр Тайваниас Монгол улсад суугаа Төлөөлөгч Николай Ван Тайваний засгийн газрыг төлөөлөн 50 мянган ам.долларыг “Каритас Монгол” байгууллагын Тэргүүн Сандра Гарайд гардуулан өгч, зудын гамшигт нэрвэгдсэн малчдад туслах хандивын арга хэмжээг зохион байгууллаа.
\nТус байгууллагын Тэргүүн Сандра Гарай хэлсэн үгэндээ, “Тайваний Засгийн газар Монгол орны малчдын амьжиргаанд анхаарал хандуулж буй явдалд талархаж байна. Тус хандивын мөнгийг тэр дор нь Монгол орны зүүн бүсийн гурван аймаг буюу Дорноговь, Дундговь, Говь-Сүмбэр зэрэг аймгуудад болон Увс аймагт тус тус зарцуулна гэдгээ илэрхийлсэн бөгөөд юуны өмнө малын өвс тэжээл, эм тариа, бензин түлш, дулаан хөнжил, хувцас зэргийг зудад өртсөн малчдад олгоно.” гэв.
\nТайваниас энэ оны гуравдугаар сард 2,400 ширхэг малын тэжээлийн тусламжийн багцыг хандивласан бөгөөд эдүгээ дахин мөнгөн хандив өргөж байна. Тайваньчууд цаашид ч “Тайвань тусалж чадна, Тайвань тусалж байна” (Taiwan Can Help, Taiwan is Helping) үзэл санааг хэрэгжүүлсээр байх бөгөөд малчдыг зудын гамшгийг даван туулахад туслаж, хоёр орны найрамдлын харилцаа, хамтын ажиллагааг улам гүнзгийрүүлэх болно гэдгээ илэрхийлэв.


駐蒙古代表王凱右4月3日代表政府捐贈5萬美元給蒙古明愛會救濟雪災,蒙古明愛會新任會長Sandra Garay代表受贈,S會長表示感謝台灣政府重視蒙古牧民生計,將立即用於災情慘重的東戈壁省、中戈壁省、戈壁蘇木貝爾省及烏布蘇省,該會將優先採購動物糧草、醫藥品、交通用汽油暖被及衣物予受害災民。台灣3月捐贈2400個牲畜救濟包後,接續再捐5萬美元,展現Taiwan can help and Taiwan is helping精神,幫助蒙古國賑災,深化雙方友誼。









\n", "date": "2024-04-03 14:14:48", "url": "http://www.roc-taiwan.org/mn_en/post/10359.html" }, { "title": "Тайваниас Монгол Улсад суугаа төлөөлөгчийн газар нь зудын нөхцөл байдалтай холбогдуулан малын тэжээлийн багц хандивлав. 台灣援助蒙古災區:獸醫救濟包救助牧民與牲畜", "content": "
Тайваниас Монгол Улсад суугаа төлөөлөгч Ван Кай-Ю нь 2024 оны 3-р сарын 13-ны өдөр ХААИС-ийн харьяа Мал эмнэлгийн хүрээлэнд нийт 2,400 ширхэг малын тэжээлийн тусламжийн багцыг хүлээлгэн өгөв. Эдгээрийг өвөлжилтийн нөхцөл байдал хүндрэлтэй байгаа зудын гамшигт нэрвэгдсэн Сүхбаатар аймагруу илгээж, сүүлийн 50 жилд тохиогоогүй цастай зудыг малчид даван туулахад дэмжлэг үзүүлэх юм.
Төлөөлөгч Ван Кай-Ю хэлсэн үгэндээ “Энэ удаад үүссэн зудын нөхцөл байдал бол уур амьсгалын өөрчлөлтийн үр дагавраас үүдэлтэй. Тайвань Дэлхий хэмээх нэгэн их айлын гишүүн болохын хувьд гамшгийг арилгахад хувь нэмрээ оруулахад бэлэн байна. Зудын хүндрэлтэй нөхцөл байдлыг даван гарахад дэлхийн улс орнууд тусламжийн гараа сунгасаар байгаа бөгөөд тусламжийн дийлэнх нь малчдад чиглэж байна. Тайваньчуудын хувьд мал амьтдад чиглэсэн малын тэжээлийн тусламжийн багцыг олгоход анхаарлаа хандуулж байгаа төдийгүй Тайваньчуудын халуун сэтгэл мал амьтадын амийг авраад зогсохгүй малчдын амьжиргаанд эерэг нөлөө үзүүлнэ гэдэгт итгэлтэй байна.” гэв.
Малчдад тусламжийн багцыг таниулах зорилгоор Ван төлөөлөгч малын эмчийн хамтаар гамшигт нэрвэгдсэн малчин өрхүүдээр зочилсон ба мэргэжилтнүүд уг багцын тухай дэлгэрэнгүй тайлбарлаж, эм бэлдмэлийг хэрэглэх зааварчилгаа өгсөнд малчид маш их талархаж байлаа. Тайваниас энэ удаад хандивласан тусламжийн багцад төрөл бүрийн малын эм бэлдмэл, хүнсний нэмэлт тэжээл багтсан болно.
獸醫研究所所長巴特其其格(Battsetseg B.)女士率領11個實驗室主任出席捐贈典禮,感謝台灣的愛心。
\n", "date": "2024-03-18 09:44:28", "url": "http://www.roc-taiwan.org/mn_en/post/10274.html" }, { "title": "Тус Төлөөлөгчийн газраас Тайваньд сурах болон Тайваньд тэтгэлэгтэй суралцах талаар лекц тавив. 本處辦理留學台灣及台灣獎學金說明會", "content": "
Тус Төлөөлөгчийн газраас Тайваньд сурах болон Тайваньд тэтгэлэгтэй суралцах талаар мэдээлэл өгч, лекц тависан бөгөөд тус өдөрлөгт маш их хүн ирж оролцсон билээ. Мөн эцэг эхчүүд болон оюутнууд Тайваний тэтгэлэгийн талаар маш их зүйл асуусан бөгөөд тэр дундаа тэтгэлэгт юу юу багтсан талаар мөн Тайваньд суралцах орчин ямар байдаг талаар асуулаа.
ICDF тэтгэлэгийн бүртгэл удахгүй хаагдах гэж байгаа тул тэтгэлэг горилогч нь 3-р сарын 15-ны 12:00 цагаас өмнө тус Төлөөлөгчийн газар дээр ирж тэтгэлэгийн өргөдлийн маягтын эх хувийг авч ирнэ үү.
Тайваний Боловсролын Яам (MOE)-ны тэтгэлэгийн эцсийн хугацаа 5-р сарын 31 тул тэтгэлэгт бүртгүүлэх гэж буй оюутнууд эхлээд сургуульруугаа apply хийх ёстой (зэрэг олон сургуульд бүртгүүлэх боломжтой) ба сургуулиасаа урилгаа (Admission letter) авсныхаа дараа манай Төлөөлөгчийн газар дээр тэтгэлэгийн өргөдлийн маягтаа авч ирнэ үү.
Та ICDF болон MOE-ны тэтгэлэгийн аль нэгт нь л бүртгүүлэх боломжтой!
Хэлний онооны шаардлага:
Хэлний оноо нь 2 жилийн хүчинтэй байх ба хэрэв хугацаа нь дууссан бол дахин шалгалт өгнө.
Англи хэл дээр хичээлээ үзэх бол B2 ба түүнээс дээш хэлний оноотой байх.
Хятад хэл дээр хичээлээ үзэх бол TOCFL Level 3 буюу түүнээс дээш хэлний оноотой байх.
ICDF獎學金報名即將截止,申請人必須於3月15日 中午12:00以前將申請表正本遞交到本處辦公室。
MOE獎學金報名截止日為5月31日,請同學先向各校申請入學許可 (可同時申請多校),取得報名證明後,再向本處遞交獎學金申請表。
中文學程:語言成績TOCFL -L3以上
\n", "date": "2024-03-13 09:26:42", "url": "http://www.roc-taiwan.org/mn_en/post/10263.html" }, { "title": "Төлөөлөгч Николай Ван СЭЗИС-ын оюутнуудад Тайваньд сурах талаар лекц тавьлаа. 王代表凱右在蒙古財經大學演講台灣留學", "content": "

2-р сарын 28-ны өдөр Төлөөлөгч Николай Ван Санхүү, эдийн засгийн их сургуулийн оюутан залууст Тайваньд суралцах боломжуудын талаар лекц тавьж, Тайваний Боловсролын яамны тэтгэлгийн талаарх мэдээлэл өгч, оюутан залуусын сонирхсон асуултуудад хариулав. Эхлээд оюутнууд асуулт асуухгүй чимээгүй уур амьсгалтай байсан ч нэг нэгээр оюутнууд асуулт асууж эхлэх үед оюутнуудын нүүр хагарч идэвхтэй асуулт асууж эхэллээ. Бид асуулт асуусан оюутнуудад Тайваний бяцхаан бэлэг өглөө. Мөн оюутнууд олон арван асуулт асуухаас гадна Төлөөлөгч Николай Ван-тай хамт зургаа авахууллаа!  Бүх оюутнуудыг Тайвань явж сурахыг уриалахын ялдамд оюутнуудда хандан одооноос бэлдэж эхлэхийг уриалж байна.









\n", "date": "2024-03-01 13:10:51", "url": "http://www.roc-taiwan.org/mn_en/post/10200.html" }, { "title": "Төлөөлөгч Николай Ван СЭЗИС-ын захиралтай албан уулзалт хийлээ 王代表凱右拜訪財經大學校長。", "content": "

2-р сарын 27-ны өдөр Тайваниас Монгол улсад суугаа Төлөөлөгч Николай Ван Санхүү, эдийн засгийн их сургуулийн захирал Б.Мөнхбаяртай албан уулзалт хийж, хоёр талын боловсролын салбарын харилцаа, хамтын ажиллагааны асуудлаар санал солилцов. Санхүү, эдийн засгийн их сургууль нь одоогоор Тайваний Азийн их сургууль, Нанхуа их сургууль болон Үндэсний Тайпэй их сугуультай хамтын ажиллагаатай бөгөөд тус сургуулийн оюутнууд сурагч солилцооны хөтөлбөрөөр Тайвань явж сурахдаа түрүүлээд хэлний бэлтгэлийн хөтөлбөрт хамрагдаж хятад хэл үзэх боломжтой боллоо. Бидний зүгээс Санхүү, эдийн засгийн их сургуулийн олон оюутан залуус Тайваньд очиж суралцаасай гэж хүсэж байна!







\n", "date": "2024-03-01 13:00:19", "url": "http://www.roc-taiwan.org/mn_en/post/10194.html" }, { "title": "Төлөөлөгч Николай Ван News Agency ХХК-тай хамтын ажиллагааны талаар ярилцлаа. 王代表凱右拜會蒙古網路媒體News Agency", "content": "

2024 оны 2-р сарын 22-ны өдөр Төлөөлөгч Николай Ван News.mn сайтын захирал Б.Батболд-тай уулзаж Монголын хэвлэл мэдээллийн бие даасан байдал болон интернет орчин Монгол залууст хэрхэн нөлөөлж буй талаар яриа өрнүүллээ. Хоёр улс хоёулаа ардчилсан улс бөгөөд хэвлэл мэдээллийн эрх чөлөөг ихэд эрхэмлэдэг бөгөөд цаашид ч гэсэн тус Төлөөлөгчийн газар нь News.mn сайттай илүү их хамтран ажиллана гэдэгт итгэлтэй байна!


王代表凱右於2024年2月22日拜會蒙古網路媒體News Agency社長Batbold B.先生,雙方暢談蒙古媒體的獨立性、以及網路世界對蒙古年輕世代的影響,台灣跟蒙古都是民主國家,同樣重視媒體自由發展,期盼雙方未來有更多合作!



\n", "date": "2024-02-22 17:00:59", "url": "http://www.roc-taiwan.org/mn_en/post/10183.html" }, { "title": "Төлөөлөгч Николай Ван Монгол Контент ХХК дээр зочилж хамтын ажиллагааны талаар ярилцлаа. 王代表凱右拜會蒙古媒體集團MONGOL CONTENT", "content": "

2-р сарын 19-ны өдөр Төлөөлөгч Николай Ван Монгол Контент ХХК-ын гүйцэтгэх захирал Э.Чинзориг, gogo.mn сайтын ерөнхий редактор Р.Адьяасүрэн нартай уулзаж тус компаний оффис болон студитай танилцлаа. Цаашид ч гэсэн тус Төлөөлөгчийн газар нь Монгол Контент ХХК-тай илүү их хамтран ажиллана гэдэгт итгэлтэй байна!


王代表凱右於2024年2月19日拜會蒙古媒體集團Mongol Content CEO Chinzorig E. 先生及GoGo News Agency的新聞總編Adiyasuren R. 女士,並參觀集團辦公室與攝影棚,希望未來與Mongol Content有更多合作!



\n", "date": "2024-02-22 16:52:04", "url": "http://www.roc-taiwan.org/mn_en/post/10178.html" }, { "title": "Төлөөлөгч Николай Ван ХААИС-ийн оюутан залууст Тайваньд суралцах боломжуудын талаар лекц тавьлаа. 王代表於蒙古國立生命科技大學演講:探索台灣教育部獎學金申請之路,激發蒙古同學留學熱情", "content": "

2024 оны 2-р сарын 21-ний өдөр Төлөөлөгч Ван Монгол Улсын Хөдөө Аж Ахуйн Их Сургуулийн оюутан залууст Тайваньд суралцах боломжуудын талаар лекц яриа хийж, Тайваний Боловсролын яамны тэтгэлгийн талаарх мэдээлэл өгч, оюутан залуусын сонирхсон асуултуудад хариулав. Бидний зүгээс илүү олон Монгол оюутан залуус Тайваньд суралцаасай гэж хүсэж байна.







\n", "date": "2024-02-22 15:09:38", "url": "http://www.roc-taiwan.org/mn_en/post/10173.html" }, { "title": "Тайваний сайн дурын ажилчид Монголд Тайваний халуун дулаан уур амьсгалыг авчирлаа. 台灣志工:帶來溫暖,促進雙邊友好交流", "content": "

2024 оны 2-р сарын 13-ны өдөр Тайваниас Монгол улсад суугаа Төлөөлөгч Николай Ван Тайваний \"Waker сайн дурын байгууллага\"-ийн төслийн менежер Цай Миао Хан, чиглүүлэгч Е Синь болон Тайваниас ирсэн олон улсын 14 сайн дурын ажилчдыг хүлээн авч уулзлаа. Төлөөлөгч Николай Ван хэлэхдээ, “Тайваний сайн дурын ажилчид сар шинийн баяраар ч сайн дурын ажил хйихээр Монголд ирээд байгаа бөгөөд Тайваний халуун дулаан уур амьсгалыг Монголд авчирлаа. Хоёр талын найрсаг харилцааг дэмжих зорилгоор илүү олон Тайвань сайн дурын ажилчид Монголд ирэхийг тэсэн ядан хүлээж байна.” гэв.


王代表凱右於本2024年2月13日歡迎台灣微客公益行動協會蔡副主任妙涵、葉欣引導員及14位來自台灣國際志工拜會代表處,王代表表示台灣人愛心不落人後,微客waker 本次係在台灣農曆春節來蒙古服務,為蒙古帶來台灣的溫暖,期待更多臺灣志工來到蒙古服務,提升雙邊友好交流。


On February 13, 2024, Taiwan Representative to Mongolia Hon. Wang Kai-you welcomed Taiwan Waker Welfare Action Association to Mongolia. The delegation includes Deputy Director Tsai Miao-han facilitator Yeh Xin and the other 14 international volunteers from Taiwan. Representative Wang said that Taiwanese people are active to contribute even during the Taiwanese Lunar New Year, bringing the warmth of Taiwan to Mongolia. We look forward to more Taiwanese volunteers coming to Mongolia to serve and enhance bilateral friendly exchanges.









\n", "date": "2024-02-14 09:22:01", "url": "http://www.roc-taiwan.org/mn_en/post/10139.html" }, { "title": "Цагаан сараар Монголчууд айлд очин золголт хийдэг. 白月節:蒙古人會一家一家拜年。", "content": "
Цагаан сараар Монголчууд айлд очин золголт хийдэг.
Ахмад настнаа хүндэлж, хүүхэд багачуудаа энэрэн хайрлах нь монгол ёсон билээ.
Айлд очиж золгохдоо гэрийн эзэнд бэлэг болон мөнгө барьж золгодог бөгөөд тус Төлөөлөгчийн газрын төлөөлөгч Николай Ван гэрийн хамгийн ахмад настантай хадаг барьж золгон чин сэтгэлийн ерөөл дэвшүүллээ.


\n", "date": "2024-02-13 16:47:35", "url": "http://www.roc-taiwan.org/mn_en/post/10132.html" }, { "title": "Чингис хааны хөшөөн дор зургаа татууллаа. \"冬日時尚:成吉思汗雕像合照\"", "content": "
-25 хэмд хэрхэн хувцаслах вэ?
Гоё хувцасламаар байвал зузаан юм өмсөөд хэрэггүй ээ~~
Монгол үндэсний хувцасыг үстэй малгайтай өмсөж Чингисийн хөшөөн дээр очиж хамт олонтойгоо зургаа даруулах даалгавар амжилттай биелэгдлээ!
\n", "date": "2024-02-13 16:10:46", "url": "http://www.roc-taiwan.org/mn_en/post/10122.html" }, { "title": "Тайвань, Монголын цагаан сарыг хамтдаа угтан золголоо. 2024年龍年雙喜臨門:蒙古白月節與台灣農曆新年同慶!", "content": "
2024 онд Монголын Цагаан сар нь Тайваний билгийн тооллын шинэ жилтэй адил нэг өдөр тохиож байна. Монгол Тайваний билгийн тооллын хуанлигаар 2024 онд Модон луу жил гарч байна.
Тайваниас Монгол Улсад суугаа төлөөлөгч Николай Ван миний бие хамт олноо төлөөлөн та бүхэндээ сар шинийн мэнд хүргэхийн ялдамд луу жилдээ аз хийморьтой, эрүүл энх, сайн сайхан байхын ерөөлийг өргөн дэвшүүлье.
2024的蒙古農曆新年\"白月節(Tsagaansar)\" 恰好跟台灣農曆新年同一天
\n", "date": "2024-02-13 16:06:57", "url": "http://www.roc-taiwan.org/mn_en/post/10118.html" }, { "title": "Төлөөлөгч Николай Ван Монгол дахь Тайваньчуудыг битүүний оройн зоогт урив. 王代表邀請台僑除夕圍爐", "content": "

2024 оны 2-р сарын 9-ны өдөр Төлөөлөгч Николай Ван Монгол дахь Тайваньчуудаа битүүний оройн зоогт урилаа.


Ирж буй модон луу жилдээ хүн бүхэн морь, луугийн хийморьтой байж, санасан бүхэн нь сэтгэчлэн бүтэж, эрүүл энх саруул сайхан байх болтугай.




\n龍馬精神 龍騰虎躍
\n平安吉祥 健康如意



\n", "date": "2024-02-13 15:14:03", "url": "http://www.roc-taiwan.org/mn_en/post/10113.html" }, { "title": "Төлөөлөгч Николай Ван Отгонтэнгэр их сургуулийн захиралтай уулзаж Тайвань, Монголын дээд боловсролын хамтын ажиллагааны талаар ярилцлаа. 王代表凱右與奧特根騰格爾大學校長交流,探討台蒙高等教育合作", "content": "

Энэ оны 1-р сарын 30-ны өдөр тус Төлөөлөгчийн газрын төлөөлөгч Николай Ван нь Отгонтэнгэр их сургуулийн захирал, хатагтай Н.Энхзаяатай Тайвань, Монголын дээд боловсролын талаар санал бодол, туршлага солилцлоо. Н.Энхзаяа захирал хэлэхдээ, \"Манай сургууль хууль эрх зүй, санхүү, нийгмийн ухаан, агаарын тээврийн үйлчилгээ, аялал жуулчлалын чиглэлд илүү анхаарч ажилладаг бөгөөд цаашид Тайванийн холбогдох их, дээд сургуулиудтай сургалт эрдэм шинжилгээний хамтын ажиллагааг хөгжүүлэх, оюутан болон багш солилцооны хөтөлбөр хэрэгжүүлэх, хамтарсан сургалтын хөтөлбөр боловсруулах чиглэлээр идэвхитэй, үр бүтээлтэй хамтран ажиллана гэж найдаж байна.\" гэв.



\n", "date": "2024-02-07 10:05:02", "url": "http://www.roc-taiwan.org/mn_en/post/10101.html" } ] }, { "lang": "zh", "branch": "muc", "country": "de", "name": "駐德國台北代表處慕尼黑辦事處", "path": "/demuc/", "items": [ { "title": "趙處長應邀於德國聯合國協會巴伐利亞地區協會演講「歐亞地區的區域衝突與戰爭」", "content": "

\"432729723_729768389303092_586058871776699708_n\" \"432066481_729768155969782_5845632638789755160_n\" \"423239724_729768379303093_5648452745705641299_n\" \"432738948_729768139303117_400330053832441330_n\"

\n", "date": "2024-04-19 16:07:04", "url": "http://www.roc-taiwan.org/demuc/post/5079.html" }, { "title": "趙處長參加慕尼黑僑界春節聯歡活動致詞。", "content": "


\n", "date": "2024-02-05 18:38:34", "url": "http://www.roc-taiwan.org/demuc/post/5002.html" } ] }, { "lang": "de", "branch": "muc", "country": "de", "name": "Taipeh Vertretung in der Bundesrepublik Deutschland, Büro München", "path": "/demuc_de/", "items": [ { "title": "REGIONALE KONFLIKTE UND KRIEGE IN EURASIEN", "content": "
In Kooperation mit dem Landesverband Bayern der Deutschen Gesellschaft für die Vereinten Nationen e.V.
Die verzweifelte Lage in der Ukraine, Russlands Regionen, Alexej Nawalny und multiple Konflikte in Asien: Aus aktuellen Anlässen und der sich verschärfenden Sicherheitslage nehmen wir mit Russland und Ukraine zusätzliche Themen in unsere Tagung „Regionale Konflikte“ auf und diskutieren nicht nur über Asien. Regionalkonflikte bedrohen die Bevölkerung, zerstören Infrastruktur und wirtschaftliche Entwicklung und gefährden politische Stabilität. Ist Ukraine die Blaupause für eine Taiwaneskalation? Diskutieren Sie mit unter anderem mit dem ehem. Generalkonsul der Ukraine, und dem Generaldirektor der Taipeh Vertretung\"\"432729723_729768389303092_586058871776699708_n\" \"432066481_729768155969782_5845632638789755160_n\" \"423239724_729768379303093_5648452745705641299_n\" \"432738948_729768139303117_400330053832441330_n\"
\n", "date": "2024-04-19 16:01:39", "url": "http://www.roc-taiwan.org/demuc_de/post/3585.html" }, { "title": "Discussing scientific collaboration with Taiwan together with Ta ipeh representative Ian-tsing Joseph Dieu.", "content": "




\n", "date": "2024-04-19 15:59:18", "url": "http://www.roc-taiwan.org/demuc_de/post/3580.html" } ] }, { "lang": "zh", "branch": "", "country": "gr", "name": "駐希臘台北代表處", "path": "/gr/", "items": [ { "title": "體育署2024-03-04期國際運動週報", "content": "

教育部體育署- 國際運動資訊摘譯2024-03-04 (sa.gov.tw)



\n", "date": "2024-04-11 19:28:45", "url": "http://www.roc-taiwan.org/gr/post/4033.html" }, { "title": "體育署2024-3-2期國際運動週報", "content": "

教育部體育署-國際運動資訊摘譯2024-03-02 (sa.gov.tw)

\n", "date": "2024-03-20 20:15:48", "url": "http://www.roc-taiwan.org/gr/post/4002.html" }, { "title": "國立政治大學113學年外國學生招生資訊及全英語授課學程。", "content": "


\n", "date": "2024-02-23 22:59:01", "url": "http://www.roc-taiwan.org/gr/post/3988.html" }, { "title": "臺中市政府文化局辦理「臺中市第29屆大墩美展」", "content": "






\n", "date": "2024-02-08 22:57:53", "url": "http://www.roc-taiwan.org/gr/post/3979.html" }, { "title": "中華民國教育部2024年「華語文獎學金」開放申請至4月30日截止", "content": "





中華民國教育部為提供外國(不含大陸、香港及澳門地區)人士 來臺研習華語文,認識臺灣文化社會、增進我國與世界各國之交流及瞭解,提供「華語文獎學金」。國籍為希臘、保加利亞及賽普勒斯者可向駐希臘台北代表處提出申請,相關重要資訊及申請辦法如下:








(一) 暑期班二個月(六月、七月或八月)、三個月、六個月、九個月或一年期。


(二) 除當年暑期班外,受獎期間為2024年9月1日起至2025年8月31日止,未能於該期間來臺研習者,視同放棄受獎資格,不得保留至下年度。


(三) 獎學金實際核給期限,自受獎人就學當月起至受獎期間屆滿或獎學金受註銷月止。






(一) 具僑生身分或持有中華民國護照。


(二) 現已在臺研習華語文或曾在臺修讀學位課程。


(三) 曾受領本獎學金或臺灣獎學金。


(四) 在臺研習期間同時為我國各大學校院與外國學校簽訂學術合作協議所招收之交換學生。


(五) 同時受領我政府機關(構)或學校所設置之獎補助金。






(一) 獎學金申請表。


(二) 護照或足資證明所屬國籍之其他文件影本。


(三) 最高學歷證明及成績單影本。


(四) 已向臺灣各大學院校華語中心提出申請之證件影本(例如入學申請表影本等)。


(五) 校長、教授、導師或工作主管之推薦信1封及其他支持文件(個人簡歷、外語或中文能力檢測證明等)。


(六) 教育部華語文獎學金承諾書。






(一) 2024年5月底公告審核結果,並於本處官網公告。


(二) 獎學金候選人應依臺灣各大學附設華語中心所規定入學申請期限,自行向各該中心申請入學。取得華語中心入學許可後,應於2024年6月底前將入學許可文件影本送駐希臘代表處確定受獎資格,逾期視同自動放棄受獎資格。










Taipei Representative Office in Greece


57, Marathonodromon Ave., 15452 Psychico, Athens, Greece




電話:+30 210 677 5121






Application Form for ROC (Taiwan) Ministry of Education


The Terms of Agreement Ministry of Education




List of Chinese Language Center

\n", "date": "2024-01-22 20:50:29", "url": "http://www.roc-taiwan.org/gr/post/3945.html" }, { "title": "中華民國教育部2024年「臺灣獎學金」開放申請至4月30日截止", "content": "

































































(1)華語文能力測驗(Test of Chinese as a Foreign Language,簡稱 TOCFL) 進階級或同等級以上成績單或證書影本;其他測驗成績或證明文件不予受理。












(一)受獎生在校學業成績 GPA 總平均分數四點五分為滿分時,大學部應於平均分數達三分以上,碩士班成績應於平均分數達三點五分以上;其與駐在國家成績計算方式不同時,由我國駐外館處據此換算,或依據當地國現況,擇選該國一般大學校院學業成績具一定水準以上之優秀學生。
















(一) 2024年5月底公告審核結果,並於本處官網公告。


(二) 獎學金候選人應依臺灣各大學系所規定入學申請期限,自行向各大學申請入學。取得大學入學許可後,應於2024年6月底前將入學許可影本送至駐希臘代表處確定受獎資格,逾期視同自動放棄受獎資格。







  1. 獎學金申請表。
  2. \n
  3. 護照或足資證明所屬國籍之其他證件影本。
  4. \n
  5. 最高學歷證明及成績單影本。
  6. \n
  7. 已向臺灣各大學提出申請入學之申請文件證明影本。
  8. \n
  9. 校長、教授、導師或工作主管之推薦信一封及其他支持文件(個人簡歷、外語或中文能力檢測證明等)
  10. \n
  11. 教育部臺灣獎學金承諾書
  12. \n









Taipei Representative Office in Greece


57, Marathonodromon Ave., 15452 Psychico, Athens, Greece




電話:+30 210 677 5121














Terms of Agreement for The MOE Taiwan Scholarship Program

\n", "date": "2024-01-22 20:29:26", "url": "http://www.roc-taiwan.org/gr/post/3936.html" }, { "title": "2024 年僑務委員會海外青年語文研習班(遠距視訊教學)", "content": "




\n", "date": "2024-01-19 22:38:29", "url": "http://www.roc-taiwan.org/gr/post/3931.html" } ] }, { "lang": "en", "branch": "", "country": "gr", "name": "Taipei Representative Office in Greece", "path": "/gr_en/", "items": [ { "title": "Sports Administration Ministry of Education 2024 April Special Column", "content": "

Sports Administration, Ministry of Education-2024 April Special Column



\n", "date": "2024-04-11 19:33:16", "url": "http://www.roc-taiwan.org/gr_en/post/2247.html" }, { "title": "Information from Sports Administration Ministry of Education", "content": "

Sports Administration, Ministry of Education-Home Page

\n", "date": "2024-03-20 20:36:08", "url": "http://www.roc-taiwan.org/gr_en/post/2215.html" }, { "title": "National Chengchi University (NCCU)-FALL ADMISSION 2024 ", "content": "


\n", "date": "2024-02-23 23:13:50", "url": "http://www.roc-taiwan.org/gr_en/post/2201.html" }, { "title": "Rules and Regulations of the 29th Da Dun Fine Arts Exhibition of Taichung City", "content": "




\n", "date": "2024-02-08 23:01:08", "url": "http://www.roc-taiwan.org/gr_en/post/2192.html" }, { "title": "Republic of China (Taiwan) Huayu Enrichment Scholarship is now open for application until April 30, 2024", "content": "

The Ministry of Education (MOE) of the Republic of China (Taiwan) now opens for application for 2024 Huayu Enrichment Scholarship (HES) for learning Mandarin in Taiwan. Eligible applicants are international students above the age of 18 and in possession of high school diploma or above and have shown excellent academic performance. The deadline for application is April 30, 2024. Applicants from Greece, Bulgaria and Cyprus should submit their application documents to the Taipei Representative Office in Greece.




Please find the summary of the program guidelines as follows:






To encourage international students (Mainland China, Hong Kong, Macao SAR students are not eligible) to undertake Mandarin courses in the Republic of China(Taiwan) and to promote mutual understanding and interactions between Taiwan and the international community, the Taipei Representative Office in Greece will offer scholarship to qualified candidates from Greece, Bulgaria and Cyprus to learn Mandarin in Taiwan.




2.Award Value:


A Monthly stipend of 25,000 NTD. ( 1 EUR ≒ 34 NTD)






Each person: 3 to 12 months ; summer session is 2 months only.




In principle, the duration of the scholarship is from September 1st to August 31st of the following year. If recipients fail to come to Taiwan for enrollment before the registration starts, they will forfeit their right to retain their scholarships.




Scholarship funding will become effective on the date of the recipient's enrollment. Scholarship funding will end on the month of the expiration of the scholarship or if the scholarship is revoked.






Greek, Bulgarian and Cyprus citizens above the age of 18, who possess a high school diploma or above, excellent academic performance, and are of good moral character.




Applicants are not eligible if they meet the following criteria:


- overseas Chinese students or a national of the R.O.C. (Taiwan)


- is currently a registered student at a Mandarin Language Center or has been a degree seeking student at any universities or colleges in Taiwan


- has already received a HES or a Taiwan scholarship, in the past


- is an exchange student to Taiwan, during the scholarship period


- is currently receiving financial benefits from the Taiwan government or other educational institutions



  1. Application:
  2. \n

Applicants need to submit the following documents to the Taipei Representative Office in Greece. The application period is from now till April 30, 2024.


- A duly-filled application form


- Photocopies of his/her passport or any other documents that can verify the nationality of the applicant. Applicants must be Greek, Bulgarian or Cypriot citizens.


- Photocopies of the certificate of the highest credential and transcript


- Photocopies of the applications to the Mandarin Language Centers


- A motivation letter


- A duly-signed Terms of Agreement





  1. Terms and conditions for Recipients:
  2. \n

The recipient should study at a registered Mandarin Language Center approved by the MOE. Apply for admission according to the regulations of the center. Once admitted, the recipient should send a photocopy of the admission letter to the Taipei Representative Office in Greece before mid-June in order to receive the final confirmation of the award of the scholarship. Recipients who do not send their documents before the deadline will be disqualified from the scholarship selection process.




The recipient should undertake at least 15 hours of Mandarin language courses each week. This does not include cultural visits, speeches, and other self-learning curriculum or activities.




Selection Notice:


A document review will be processed. Selected candidates will be invited for interview as a part of the application procedure. Anticipated date of interview is tentatively set in mid-May.




The Taipei Representative Office in Greece will select successful candidates and alternate candidates. Alternate candidates will be placed on a waiting list. Candidates are to be notified by May 31, 2024 and announced on the official website.




For enquiries, please contact




Taipei Representative Office in Greece (Huayu Enrichment Scholarship) (*Mail or electronic documents are acceptable)


Address: 57, Marathonodromon Ave., 15452 Psychico, Athens, Greece


Email: grc@mofa.gov.tw


Phone: +30 210 677 5121




Application Form for ROC (Taiwan) Ministry of Education


The Terms of Agreement Ministry of Education




List of Chinese Language Center

\n", "date": "2024-01-22 20:58:27", "url": "http://www.roc-taiwan.org/gr_en/post/2174.html" }, { "title": "Taiwan Scholarship is now open for application until April 30, 2024", "content": "

2024 Taiwan Scholarship




Taiwan Scholarship is executed in accordance with the “Taiwan Scholarship Program Guidelines” of the Ministry of Education (MOE) of the Republic of China (Taiwan) to encourage international students (excluding students from Mainland China, Hong Kong and Macau) to undertake degree studies in Taiwan.




The MOE awards outstanding international students the Scholarship to undertake both undergraduate and postgraduate studies in Taiwan. Applicants from Greece, Bulgaria and Cyprus should submit their application documents to the Taipei representative office in Greece.




The MOE Taiwan Scholarship Program provides the following for each scholarship recipient:


(1) Tuition and miscellaneous expenses (i.e. the course-credit fees, and miscellaneous basic study-related fees): The MOE will pay up to NTD 40,000 each semester for each recipient’s approved tuition and miscellaneous expenses. If these exceed a total amount of NTD40,000, the remaining amount must be paid to the university/college by the student. The “miscellaneous expenses” do not include any of the following: administration fees, thesis supervision fees, insurance premiums, accommodation, or internet access. These are all the responsibility of the scholarship recipient.


(2) Living allowance: The MOE provides each recipient undertaking university undergraduate studies a monthly stipend of NTD15,000; it provides each recipient undertaking a master’s degree or doctorate studies a monthly stipend of NTD20,000.




Duration of Scholarships:


The maximum period of each scholarship is four years for undergraduate programs, two years for master’s programs, and four years for doctorate programs. The maximum length of the total awards for each recipient undertaking a combination of studies is five years.


Annual award periods begin on September 1st, 2024 and continue until August 31st, 2025. Recipients must arrive in Taiwan and enroll at their admitting universities / colleges within this period unless delays have been approved by the relevant institutions and the MOE. If recipients fail to arrive in Taiwan for registration during this period, their award will be revoked with no deferrals.


Subsistence allowances begin from the month of the recipients’ registration at the universities / colleges and end when the award period expires or upon the recipients’ graduation, withdrawal, suspension, expulsion, or revocation of the scholarship.






Applicants must be Greek, Bulgarian or Cypriot citizens with an excellent academic record, and be of good moral characters.


Applicants are ineligible if they meet the following criteria:


- Are R.O.C. nationals or overseas Chinese students.


- Are already registered or have obtained student status at any university / college in Taiwan. Graduating students pursuing further studies are exempt from this rule.


- Have already studied in Taiwan for the same level of degree as the one in which they currently intend to enroll.


- Are exchange students or dual / joint degree students admitted in accordance with academic cooperation agreements between local universities / colleges and international universities /colleges.


- Have been a recipient of the Taiwan Scholarship for over a total of five years.


- Have had, in the past, their Taiwan Scholarship or Huayu Enrichment Scholarship revoked by the MOE.


- Are recipients of any other scholarship or subsidy offered by the Taiwan government or education institutions in Taiwan. This excludes subsidies offered by universities / colleges to cover tuition and other fees exceeding the scholarship limit.




Applicants should send the following documents by April 30, 2024 (postmarked) to the Taipei Representative Office in Greece. Failure to include any of these documents renders the application incomplete, and the applicant will not be further considered for the scholarship, without further notice.




Documents required for the 2024 Taiwan Scholarship Application:


(1)Application form.


(2)A copy of the applicant’s passport or other nationality certificates.


(3)A copy of the highest degree and academic transcripts. If issued by international educational institutions, these documents must be authenticated by an overseas Representative Office or be sealed and delivered by the awarding institutions. Documents in a language other than Chinese or English must be translated into Chinese or English and the translated documents must be authenticated.


(4)A copy of admission application materials to universities / colleges in Taiwan (e.g., copies of application fee remittance, application form, receipt of application from universities / colleges, e-mails).


(5)Two letters of reference signed and sealed in envelopes (i.e. from the rectors, professors, or supervisors). Photocopy and email submissions of letters of recommendation will not be considered.


(6) A copy of a language proficiency certificate. The individual representative office shall comply with the following provisions:


(a) If the Test of Chinese as a Foreign Language (TOCFL) has taken effect in the country, a copy of the test results or certificate of Level 3 or above shall be submitted. Other test results or documents shall not be accepted.


(b) If the TOCFL has not taken effect in the country and if a copy of results or certificate of Level 3 or above is not submitted, the applicant shall apply for the TOCFL test at his/her own expense and submit the test results or certificate to the school by the end of the first semester after arriving Taiwan.




Selection Notice:


A document review will be processed. Selected candidates will be invited for interview as a part of the application procedure. Anticipated date of interview is tentatively set in mid-May.




The Taipei Representative Office in Greece will select successful candidates and alternate candidates. Alternate candidates will be placed on a waiting list. Candidates are to be notified by May 31, 2024 and announced on the official website.




Candidate should submit a copy of their letter of admission to the Taipei Representative Office in Greece for verification by June 30, 2024. Failure to be admitted into a university/college will result in suspension from the Scholarship Program. Failure to submit documents within the specified time period will result in disqualification, and the candidates on the waiting list will be offered the scholarship instead.




For enquiries, please contact




Taipei Representative Office in Greece (Taiwan Scholarship)


Address: 57, Marathonodromon Ave., 15452 Psychico, Athens, Greece


Email: grc@mofa.gov.tw


Phone: +30 210 677 5121




Application form and the other documents:




List of Universities Providing Degree Programs Taught in English


Universities Providing Tuition & Miscellaneous Expense Discounts


Taiwan Scholarship Program Directions


Terms of Agreement for The MOE Taiwan Scholarship Program

\n", "date": "2024-01-22 20:42:48", "url": "http://www.roc-taiwan.org/gr_en/post/2165.html" }, { "title": "2024 Language Study Program for Compatriot Youth", "content": "

OCAC.R.O.C.(Taiwan) – Language Study Program for Compatriot Youth

\n", "date": "2024-01-19 22:36:39", "url": "http://www.roc-taiwan.org/gr_en/post/2161.html" } ] }, { "lang": "zh", "branch": "", "country": "va", "name": "駐教廷大使館", "path": "/va/", "items": [ { "title": "2024年第一期新聞信", "content": "
























\n", "date": "2024-03-05 17:45:47", "url": "http://www.roc-taiwan.org/va/post/7554.html" } ] }, { "lang": "en", "branch": "", "country": "va", "name": "Embassy of the Republic of China (Taiwan) to the Holy See", "path": "/va_en/", "items": [ { "title": "Vatican-Taiwan Newsletter 1st issue, 2024", "content": "
























\n", "date": "2024-03-05 17:51:21", "url": "http://www.roc-taiwan.org/va_en/post/5044.html" } ] }, { "lang": "zh", "branch": "", "country": "hu", "name": "駐匈牙利台北代表處", "path": "/hu/", "items": [] }, { "lang": "hu", "branch": "", "country": "hu", "name": "Taipei Representative Office, Budapest, Hungary", "path": "/hu_hu/", "items": [] }, { "lang": "zh", "branch": "", "country": "ie", "name": "駐愛爾蘭台北代表處", "path": "/ie/", "items": [ { "title": "愛爾蘭首見台灣原民文學展 參議員盼深化交流", "content": "





(中央社記者陳韻聿倫敦10日專電)愛爾蘭首次有台灣原住民文學展舉行,除了靜態展出書籍及其他資料,也放映短片、舉辦專題工作坊。參議員、國會友台小組成員霍爾肯(Gerry Horkan)出席開幕儀式時說,期待愛爾蘭與台灣未來能深化交流。



愛爾蘭都柏林三一大學(Trinity College Dublin)、國立台灣文學館以及駐愛爾蘭代表處合辦「用筆來唱歌 — 聽台灣原住民族的天籟之音」特展,今天在三一大學的文學與文化翻譯中心(Trinity Centre for Literary and Cultural Translation)開幕,霍爾肯、翻譯中心主任哈德利(James Hadley)與經理波雯(Eithne Bowen),以及駐愛爾蘭代表楊子葆出席。















「用筆來唱歌 — 聽台灣原住民族的天籟之音」今天在三一大學文學與文化翻譯中心展出後,明天移師駐愛爾蘭代表處,將繼續展出至30日。











圖說:參議員、國會友台小組成員Gerry Horkan(左)、都柏林三一大學文學與文化翻譯中心主任James Hadley(右2)和經理Eithne Bowen(左2),以及駐愛爾蘭代表楊子葆(右)出席台灣原住民文學展開幕儀式。







\n", "date": "2024-04-11 21:14:58", "url": "http://www.roc-taiwan.org/ie/post/7483.html" }, { "title": "2024都柏林國際旅展 台灣館熱鬧登場", "content": "

都柏林國際旅展(Holiday World Show Dublin)於2024年1月26至28日在當地RDS展館舉行,約3萬人次參觀,台灣設立台灣館呈現多元旅遊資源,造訪台灣館政要包括愛爾蘭參議員霍爾肯(Gerry Horkan)、立陶宛駐愛爾蘭大使古丁納斯(Marijus Gudynas)等人。


愛爾蘭交通部政務次長錢伯斯(Jack Chambers)出席旅展開幕典禮,台灣駐愛爾蘭代表楊子葆除在錢伯斯致辭後邀其訪問台灣外,並在台灣館推介台灣豐富的人文與自然地理風貌,另接受愛爾蘭在地podcast節目Perspectives with Neilo專訪。


都柏林國際旅展台灣館由交通部觀光署及外交部支持設立,同時推廣觀光署的「故事台灣」及「加速擴大吸引國際觀光客」方案,並分享在台度假打工、台灣獎學金等。雲門舞集5月將赴愛爾蘭演出,14至15日參加「都柏林舞蹈節」(Dublin Dance Festival)帶來舞碼「十三聲」,旅展台灣館也提供相關資訊。















\n", "date": "2024-01-28 22:31:54", "url": "http://www.roc-taiwan.org/ie/post/7388.html" } ] }, { "lang": "en", "branch": "", "country": "ie", "name": "Taipei Representative Office in Ireland", "path": "/ie_en/", "items": [ { "title": "Taiwanese indigenous literature Exhibition", "content": "

The first-ever exhibition of Taiwanese indigenous literature was held in Ireland, featuring static displays of books and other materials, as well as screenings of short films and specialized workshops.



The exhibition, titled \"Sing with a Pen - Heavenly Voice of Taiwan's Indigenous Literature,\" was jointly organized by Trinity College Dublin, the National Museum of Taiwan Literature, and the Taipei Representative Office in Ireland. Senator Gerry Horkan, along with James Hadley, the director of the Trinity Centre for Literary and Cultural Translation, and manager Eithne Bowen, as well as Representative Yang Tzu-pao, were in attendance.



Director Hadley remarked that the exhibition was a crucial piece in Ireland's comprehension of Taiwanese literature, contributing to a comprehensive understanding of Taiwan's literary landscape in Ireland. Hadley also announced that Trinity College Dublin had commenced concrete cooperation discussions with the National Museum of Taiwan Literature, with a formal cooperation agreement set to be signed shortly.



Representative Yang highlighted Taiwan's complex history shaped by interactions among indigenous peoples, colonizers, and immigrants, underscoring the importance of understanding indigenous peoples to comprehend Taiwan fully. Additionally, researchers from the National Museum of Taiwan Literature held workshops on the history and mythology of Taiwan's indigenous peoples, hoping to engage more with the Irish literary community.




\n", "date": "2024-04-11 22:51:03", "url": "http://www.roc-taiwan.org/ie_en/post/5084.html" } ] }, { "lang": "zh", "branch": "", "country": "it", "name": "駐義大利台北代表處", "path": "/it/", "items": [ { "title": "TAIWAN INTERNATIONAL HEALTHCARE TRAINING 2024", "content": "

Since 2002 TAIWAN INTERNATIONAL HEALTHCARE TRAINING CENTER has trained over 2,100 international healthcare professionals from 80 countries!


Join Tihtc Taiwan for an incredible learning experience in 2024! Applications for our diverse range of courses are now open✨


Don't miss out on this opportunity to enhance your skills and knowledge. Apply now ✈


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2024 Training Schedule




2024 TIHTC Training Poster




Emergency Care & Burn Injuries Management Project Training


Oct 14th –Oct 25th, 2024 Taiwan




Healthcare Management & National Health Insurance Project Training


Nov 4th –Nov 15th, 2024 Taiwan




Online Application




More Info: https://www.tihtc.org.tw/


Contact: Director Chiang(Tel: +886-2-2276-5566#2088, Email: training@tihtv.org.tw


TIHTC Facebook: https://www.facebook.com/511867170976290/posts/971293368048757?substory_index=971293368048757 


2024 TIHTC Training Poster


2024 TIHTC Poster_EBM


2024 TIHTC Poster_HCM

\n", "date": "2024-04-22 22:09:14", "url": "http://www.roc-taiwan.org/it/post/15138.html" }, { "title": "本處赴席耶納大學宣講", "content": "

4月9日,本處接受席耶納大學(Università di Siena)的邀請,在該校進行宣講。本處蔡大使就我各項重要外交現況以及方針向與會學生說明。本處同仁並接著介紹我國教育部「華語文獎學金」、「臺灣獎學金」及外交部「臺灣獎助金」等學習機會,鼓勵學生來台就讀並增加對我國之認識。最後則由席耶納新成立之「臺灣華語文中心」主任吳家琪女士就該中心與席耶納共同合作之中文課程進行介紹。



\n", "date": "2024-04-19 23:17:13", "url": "http://www.roc-taiwan.org/it/post/15132.html" }, { "title": "蔡大使拜會席耶納地區樞機主教Augusto Paolo Lojudice", "content": "

4月9日,蔡大使拜會席耶納地區樞機主教Augusto Paolo Lojudice。談話中,蔡大使盛讚席耶納市是擁有獨特風格之歷史古城,觀光資源豐富,實為義大利之瑰寶。L主教則表示歡迎來訪,並表示倘蔡大使再度訪問席耶納,將特別安排深度參訪席耶納主教堂。L主教並且也對我國4月3日花蓮地震表達慰問之意。





\n", "date": "2024-04-19 23:13:58", "url": "http://www.roc-taiwan.org/it/post/15127.html" }, { "title": "113年3月22日「拿波里東方大學」(Università di Napoli L'Orientale)", "content": "

本處拜會歐洲歷史悠久之漢學與東方學學府「拿波里東方大學」(Università di Napoli L'Orientale)並會晤該校副校長Augusto Guarino教授\"msg983350391-65917\"

\n", "date": "2024-03-23 02:54:47", "url": "http://www.roc-taiwan.org/it/post/15100.html" }, { "title": "113年3月21日本處拜會拿波里市市長Gaetano Manfredi", "content": "

113年3月21日本處拜會拿波里市市長Gaetano Manfredi



\n", "date": "2024-03-23 02:53:20", "url": "http://www.roc-taiwan.org/it/post/15095.html" }, { "title": "113年3月21日「義大利拿波里台灣同鄉會」成立大會", "content": "






\n", "date": "2024-03-23 02:51:34", "url": "http://www.roc-taiwan.org/it/post/15087.html" }, { "title": "113年2月24日本處應邀參加羅馬中文學校舉辦紀念我「二二八」活動", "content": "




\n", "date": "2024-02-27 03:09:16", "url": "http://www.roc-taiwan.org/it/post/15032.html" }, { "title": "113年2月21日本處應邀參加羅馬「臺灣華語文學習中心」(TCML)開幕活動", "content": "




\n", "date": "2024-02-24 01:55:27", "url": "http://www.roc-taiwan.org/it/post/15020.html" }, { "title": "113年2月10日本處應邀參加義大利羅馬台灣同鄉會及羅馬中文學校合辦「龍年吉祥」春節活動", "content": "















中央社報導「羅馬僑界迎龍年 春節餐會寫春聯說吉祥話」(2024.02.12):https://www.cna.com.tw/news/aipl/202402120083.aspx



\n", "date": "2024-02-14 21:05:02", "url": "http://www.roc-taiwan.org/it/post/14995.html" }, { "title": "「2025桃源國際藝術獎」將於今年4月1日起向全球徵件", "content": "
\n", "date": "2024-01-10 00:31:06", "url": "http://www.roc-taiwan.org/it/post/14905.html" } ] }, { "lang": "it", "branch": "", "country": "it", "name": "Ufficio di Rappresentanza di Taipei in Italia", "path": "/it_it/", "items": [ { "title": "TAIWAN INTERNATIONAL HEALTHCARE TRAINING 2024", "content": "

Since 2002 TAIWAN INTERNATIONAL HEALTHCARE TRAINING CENTER has trained over 2,100 international healthcare professionals from 80 countries!




Join Tihtc Taiwan for an incredible learning experience in 2024! Applications for our diverse range of courses are now open✨


Don't miss out on this opportunity to enhance your skills and knowledge. Apply now ✈


#TIHTC #ClinicalTraining #ProjectTraining #HealthCare #Medical #Taiwan




2024 Training Schedule






2024 TIHTC Training Poster






Emergency Care & Burn Injuries Management Project Training


Oct 14th –Oct 25th, 2024 Taiwan






Healthcare Management & National Health Insurance Project Training


Nov 4th –Nov 15th, 2024 Taiwan






Online Application






More Info: https://www.tihtc.org.tw/


Contact: Director Chiang(Tel: +886-2-2276-5566#2088, Email: training@tihtv.org.tw




TIHTC Facebook: https://www.facebook.com/511867170976290/posts/971293368048757?substory_index=971293368048757 




2024 TIHTC Training Poster


2024 TIHTC Poster_EBM


2024 TIHTC Poster_HCM

\n", "date": "2024-04-22 22:08:28", "url": "http://www.roc-taiwan.org/it_it/post/6236.html" }, { "title": "Una conferenza presso l'Università di Siena", "content": "

Il 9 aprile, L'Ufficio di Rappresentanza di Taipei in Italia è stato invitato a tenere una conferenza presso l'Università di Siena. Durante l’incontro, l'Ambasciatore Vincent Y.C. Tsai ha parlato dello stato attuale e dei punti chiave del lavoro diplomatico agli ospiti presenti, in prevalenza studenti e docenti. Tra gli speaker, collegato in videoconferenza, anche il Rappresentante italiano uscente a Taiwan Davide Giglio, che nella sua introduzione ha presentato Taiwan basandosi sulle sue osservazioni durante i cinque anni di missione a Taipei.


L'Ufficio ha inoltre colto l’occasione per promuovere opportunità di studio in Taiwan, come la \"Huayu Enrichment Scholarship\" e la \"Taiwan Scholarship\", borse di studio del Ministero dell'Istruzione, nonché la \" Taiwan Fellowship\" del Ministero degli Affari esteri, invitando gli studenti a presentare domanda.


Infine, la signora Chiachi WU, direttrice del nuovo \"Taiwan Chinese Language Center\" (TCML) a Siena, ha presentato durante questo simposio i corsi di cinese sviluppati congiuntamente con l’Università.



\n", "date": "2024-04-11 21:09:24", "url": "http://www.roc-taiwan.org/it_it/post/6226.html" }, { "title": "l’Ambasciatore Tsai ha incontrato il Cardinale di Siena Augusto Paolo Lojudice", "content": "

Lo scorso 9 aprile, l’Ambasciatore Tsai ha incontrato il Cardinale di Siena Augusto Paolo Lojudice.  Durante il colloquio, l'Amb. Tsai ha affermato che Siena, antica città storica con uno stile unico e ricche risorse turistiche, è un vero tesoro per l'Italia. Mons. Lojudice ha accolto con favore la visita e ha affermato che se l'Ambasciatore Tsai visiterà nuovamente Siena in futuro, organizzerà una visita approfondita al Duomo di Siena.





\n", "date": "2024-04-11 21:08:17", "url": "http://www.roc-taiwan.org/it_it/post/6221.html" }, { "title": "L'Ambasciatore Vincent Y.C. Tsai incontra Students Diplomatic Association dell'Università LUISS di Roma", "content": "
L'Ambasciatore Vincent Y.C. Tsai ha avuto il piacere di ospitare nella nostra sede una delegazione della Students Diplomatic Association dell'Università LUISS di Roma.
È stata un'occasione piacevole e interessante, grazie all'entusiasmo, alla curiosità e alla preparazione degli studenti, molto informati ma anche molto desiderosi di conoscere più a fondo la realtà taiwanese.
L'Amb. Tsai e gli studenti hanno avuto uno scambio molto profittevole e si sono lasciati con l'intenzione di mantenere vivo il contatto.
L'attenzione verso gli studenti e i giovani professionisti è una prerogativa del governo taiwanese, come dimostrato dalle numerose opportunità che offre attraverso borse di studio, workshop, corsi d'aggiornamento e seminari internazionali.
\n", "date": "2024-03-19 18:33:57", "url": "http://www.roc-taiwan.org/it_it/post/6171.html" }, { "title": "Sono aperte le candidature per partecipare alla 55esima Esposizione Mondiale di Pittura per Bambini in età scolare della Repubblica di Cina (Taiwan)", "content": "
Da anni la Mostra Mondiale di Pittura per Bambini della Repubblica di Cina (Taiwan) offre a piccoli studenti la possibilità di esprimersi con l'arte e vedere le proprie opere esposte in un contesto internazionale.
Per la 55esima edizione della Mostra, gli organizzatori accettano richieste di partecipazione da scuole di tutto il mondo. Insegnanti e genitori possono iscrivere studenti e figli entro il 15 aprile 2024.
Per maggiori informazioni e per il modulo di iscrizione rimandiamo al sito ufficiale degli organizzatori del progetto:
\n", "date": "2024-01-29 18:59:42", "url": "http://www.roc-taiwan.org/it_it/post/6035.html" }, { "title": "il Taoyuan Museum of Fine Arts di Taiwan promuove da anni il Taoyuan International Art Award", "content": "
Per incoraggiare la sperimentazione e l'innovazione nel campo dell'arte contemporanea, il Taoyuan Museum of Fine Arts di Taiwan promuove da anni il Taoyuan International Art Award. Le iscrizioni per l'edizione 2025 si apriranno dal 1 aprile di quest'anno.
Artisti ed enti artistici di tutto il mondo possono presentare la propria candidatura, i loro lavori saranno giudicati da una giuria internazionale che individuerà i vincitori.
Per maggiori informazioni:
\n", "date": "2024-01-10 00:33:46", "url": "http://www.roc-taiwan.org/it_it/post/6000.html" } ] }, { "lang": "zh", "branch": "", "country": "lv", "name": "駐拉脫維亞臺北代表團", "path": "/lv/", "items": [ { "title": "歡迎師鐸獎獲獎校長、教師”學習之旅”訪問團到訪拉脫維亞及愛沙尼亞!", "content": "

駐拉脫維亞代表處新聞稿 2024年4月24日


\"437601684_741046604874742_900155308189200698_n\" \"437557948_741046494874753_6333788014960907362_n\" \"437504533_741046624874740_3313055472499123008_n\" \"438100857_741046458208090_7712477259555927900_n\"


由教育部林常務次長騰蛟率領的師鐸獎獲獎老師訪問團(第一團)乙行36人於本(4)月17日至23日期間訪問愛沙尼亞及拉脫維亞進行”學習之旅(Learning Journey),參訪兩國國家圖書館、大專校院、中小學以及市政、文化建設,並就教育實務及經驗進行對話交流,考察兩國教育體制與政策,汲取校務運作極教學方法,作為日後辦學教學的參考。







\n", "date": "2024-04-24 15:33:42", "url": "http://www.roc-taiwan.org/lv/post/6142.html" }, { "title": "愛沙尼亞國會友台小組主席裴克多(Kristo Enn Vaga)本(3)月13日上午拜會南投縣許淑華縣長。", "content": "
愛沙尼亞國會友台小組主席裴克多(Kristo Enn Vaga)本(3)月13日上午陪同愛國自由車隊在南投縣參加自由車環台公路大賽第四站賽事,並應主辦單位中華民國自由車協會之邀出席開賽儀式。駐拉脫維亞代表處也特別安排裴主席拜會南投縣許淑華縣長。\r\n\r\n許縣長率縣政府同仁熱情接待裴主席及陪同前往觀賽加油的國立臺中科技大學國貿系系友會劉美姬理事長及系友一行十餘人。許縣長代表南投縣民眾歡迎遠道訪台的裴主席,感謝他促成愛國自由車隊來台,並親自陪同車隊至南投參賽及加油;期待裴主席藉機感受南投溫馨純樸的人情味,並領略南投的好山好水好風情。裴主席則分享此次訪台拜會政府部門、文化參訪及近身觀察自由車環台賽的感想與心得,對此行獲得我政府及民間高度禮遇及熱情接待表示由衷謝意,也留下終身難忘的回憶。\r\n\r\n裴主席與許縣長就南投縣與愛沙尼亞地方政府及文化、觀光、旅遊等領域建立交流合作關係等議題深入交換意見。\r\n\r\n同日下午裴主席轉赴日月潭向山遊客中心自由車賽事終點站歡迎愛國自由車隊完成賽事,並在臺中科技大學國貿系系友會的安排下,於向山遊客中心品鑑台灣飲茶文化,享受悠閒的午後時光。本日晚間裴主席搭機離台返愛。(E)\r\n\"IMG_7417\" \"IMG_7418\" \"IMG_7419\" \"IMG_7420\" \"IMG_7421\" \"IMG_7422\" \"IMG_7423\" \"IMG_7424\"\r\n\r\n
\n", "date": "2024-03-13 20:52:19", "url": "http://www.roc-taiwan.org/lv/post/6113.html" }, { "title": "愛沙尼亞國會友台小組主席裴克多(Kristo Enn Vaga)自3月10日至13日陪同「愛沙尼亞塔圖沃塔斯2024 CCN自由車隊」(Voltas Tartu 2024 CCN Cycling Team)參加「2024國際自由車環台賽」,並為愛國車隊加油打氣。", "content": "
駐拉脫維亞代表處新聞稿  \r\n2024年3月9日
裴克多主席率領愛國國會友台小組議員訪問團於3月8日完成訪台行程,裴主席續留台灣進行學術、高教及體育參訪與交流活動,包括3月9日上午拜會國家圖書館王涵青館長,並參觀古籍特展;當日下次換裝陪同愛國自由車隊於台北市暖身、3月10日上午應中華民國自由車協會之邀參加環台賽首站—台北站賽事開賽儀式,隨後並將陪同愛國車隊參加桃園市站 、浪漫台三線站及南投縣站等三站賽事,訂13日晚間搭機離台。 \r\n\r\n裴主席訂3月12日下午台三線站賽事結束後轉赴國立台中科技大學參訪,並拜會陳孝同校長及校務團隊研商深化台愛高等教育交流合作事宜;當晚接受該校國貿系系友會劉美姬理事長及系友款宴,翌(13)日轉赴南投縣政府為愛國車隊第四站賽事加油。\r\n台中科技大學國貿系系友會除將陪同裴主席前往觀賽加油外,並安排空拍機全程拍攝愛國自由車隊參賽實況,為該車隊首次抵台參賽留下歷史紀錄。\r\n\r\n鑒於裴克多主席曾為愛國青少年組全國賽事冠軍,並多次代表愛國參加歐洲杯自由車競賽贏得佳績。駐拉脫維亞代表處於上(112)年11月間透過裴克多主席洽邀塔圖沃塔斯車隊赴台參賽,並向國內企業界及藝術界友人募款贊助該車隊參賽報名費及赴台往返機票,促成愛國自由車隊有史以來首度赴台參賽,兼具國會、體育、學術、高等教育及民間交流的多重意義。\r\n\r\n此次國際自由車環台賽計有來自全球38個國家24支隊伍的205位菁英選手來台參賽,路線由北到南全程涵蓋679公里,依序為台北、桃園、台三線、南投及高雄等5站。
\"IMG_7333\" \"IMG_7335\" \"IMG_7336\"\"IMG_7334\" \"IMG_7337\" \"IMG_7338\" \"IMG_7339\" \"IMG_7340\"
\n", "date": "2024-03-10 02:51:03", "url": "http://www.roc-taiwan.org/lv/post/6075.html" }, { "title": "本處李大使拜會拉脫維亞Movement For!黨黨主席、前國會議員Inese Voika女士", "content": "
本處李大使日前拜會拉脫維亞Movement For!黨黨主席、前國會議員Inese Voika女士及里加市議會發展委員會副主席Aivars Drulle,聽取V主席說明該黨黨務運作及籌備參選歐洲議會議員選舉概況;雙方也就台拉經貿關係、城市、文化藝術及民間互訪交流等議題交換意見。V主席特別分享她在2019年訪台經驗,對台灣民主發展及經貿成就留下美好印象,同時成為堅定支持台灣的忠實粉絲。\r\n\r\n李大使也將台灣藝術家巫雲鳳老師的”春”、”福”字及龍造型的春節應景剪紙送給Inese,預祝她參選歐洲議員順利成功!
\n", "date": "2024-02-01 16:28:59", "url": "http://www.roc-taiwan.org/lv/post/6043.html" }, { "title": "台灣🇹🇼標準舞代表隊選手拜會代表處", "content": "
\"403732639_654279920218078_2896367035037920660_n\" \"403717012_654279903551413_7777036105208005463_n\" \"403707355_654279910218079_3654295327173359989_n\"
李大使竭誠歡迎他(她)們到訪,特地準備里加市的珍珠奶茶慰勞兩位選手近一個月來在歐洲參賽及訓練的辛勞, 並祝賀儀珊選手日前在標準舞女子單人項目總積分取得世界第一的佳績,為國爭光。
\n", "date": "2024-01-24 23:40:18", "url": "http://www.roc-taiwan.org/lv/post/6017.html" } ] }, { "lang": "en", "branch": "", "country": "lv", "name": "Taipei Mission in the Republic of Latvia", "path": "/lv_en/", "items": [ { "title": "Ambassador Andrew Lee visited Chairwoman of Latvian political party Movement For! Ms. Inese Voika", "content": "
Ambassador Andrew Lee recently visited Chairwoman of Latvian political party Movement For!  and former member of parliament Ms. Inese Voika and Mr. Aivars Drulle, Vice Chairman of the Riga City Council Development Committee.\r\n\r\nInese gave a briefing on the party’s daily operation, and its campaign and preparatory work for the upcoming MEPs elections, slated in early June. Both sides also shared views on such issues as economy and trade relations, culture cooperation and people to people exchanges, based on the existing cordial relations between Taipei and Riga as  sister city inked in 2001. \r\n\r\nInese recalled her visit to #Taiwan in 2019 where she had a great first impression and a fond memory of Taiwan's democratic development and economic achievements, and she has become a truly supportive friend of Taiwan since then.\r\n\r\nAmb. Lee extended his best wishes to Inese for a successful MEPs campaign by presenting her spring festival couplets and Taiwanese fold paper cuttings “龍(long)” - Dragon、“春(chŭng)” - Spring 、 “福(fu)” - Blessing.  \r\n\"\"\r\n\"\"
\n", "date": "2024-02-01 16:31:57", "url": "http://www.roc-taiwan.org/lv_en/post/5054.html" } ] }, { "lang": "zh", "branch": "", "country": "pt", "name": "駐葡萄牙台北經濟文化中心", "path": "/pt/", "items": [ { "title": "張代表崇哲夫婦探視參加「2024年葡萄牙羽球國際賽」的我國選手", "content": "

2024年葡萄牙羽球國際賽於3月6日至10日在葡萄牙中部城市Caldas da Rainha的國家羽球館舉行,駐葡萄牙張代表崇哲夫婦專程前往探視前來比賽的我國選手,並與葡萄牙羽球總會會長Horácio B. Gouveia共同觀賽。本項比賽屬於世界羽球聯盟國際系列賽級別,也是2024年歐洲羽聯巡迴賽(Badminton Europe Circuit)的一站,我國選手表現優秀,獲得包括男子單打第二名、男子雙打第一名佳績。







\n", "date": "2024-03-28 18:46:33", "url": "http://www.roc-taiwan.org/pt/post/4123.html" }, { "title": "臺灣參加2024年第34屆里斯本國際旅遊展", "content": "












\n", "date": "2024-03-07 21:54:53", "url": "http://www.roc-taiwan.org/pt/post/4074.html" }, { "title": "張代表崇哲接待臺灣舞團蒂摩爾古薪舞集", "content": "


\n", "date": "2024-02-14 23:36:19", "url": "http://www.roc-taiwan.org/pt/post/3998.html" } ] }, { "lang": "pt", "branch": "", "country": "pt", "name": "Centro Económico e Cultural de Taipei em Portugal", "path": "/pt_pt/", "items": [ { "title": "O Representante Chang chegou a Caldas da Rainha para encorajar os nossos jogadores de badminton", "content": "

O Representante Chang e a senhora foram ao Centro de Alto Rendimento de Caldas da rainha para enconrajar os nossos jogadores de badminton que participaram no tornaio Campeonatos Internacionais de Portugal 2024.







\n", "date": "2024-03-28 18:43:33", "url": "http://www.roc-taiwan.org/pt_pt/post/2919.html" }, { "title": "A Presença de Taiwan na Bolça de Turismo de Lisboa 2024", "content": "

Taiwan esteve presente na BTL 2024 e escolheu o tema da religião em Taiwan para esta edição da feira, divulgando a cultura e o turismo de Taiwan aos profissionais desta área e ao público portugueses.









\n", "date": "2024-03-07 22:09:47", "url": "http://www.roc-taiwan.org/pt_pt/post/2885.html" }, { "title": "O Representante Chang recebeu a companhia taiwanesa de dança Tjimur Dance Theatre", "content": "

O Representante Chang reuniu-se com a fundadora e diretora artística do Tjimur Dance Theatre, Ljuzem Madiljin, e o coreógrafo Baru Madiljin que vieram para o Festival de Dança de Guimarães. Juntos trocaram impressões sobre as atuações do grupo no festival e o intercâmbio de danças entre Taiwan e Portugal. O Representante encorajou o grupo a apresentar mais danças de Paiwan, bem como as histórias taiwanesas ao público português.


A companhia taiwanesa de dança profissional do povo indígena Paiwan, Tjimur Dance Theatre, esteve em Guimarães para participar no 13º Festival Internacional de Dança Contemporânea, onde apresentou o espectáculo \"bulabulay mun?\" que fala sobre a reconciliação da guerra.



\n", "date": "2024-02-16 00:07:18", "url": "http://www.roc-taiwan.org/pt_pt/post/2783.html" } ] }, { "lang": "zh", "branch": "", "country": "sk", "name": "駐斯洛伐克台北代表處", "path": "/sk/", "items": [ { "title": "駐斯洛伐克代表李南陽召開選舉結果新聞說明會", "content": "


\n", "date": "2024-01-22 23:26:07", "url": "http://www.roc-taiwan.org/sk/post/5522.html" } ] }, { "lang": "en", "branch": "", "country": "sk", "name": "Taipei Representative Office, Bratislava", "path": "/sk_en/", "items": [ { "title": "Rep. Lee delivered a compelling presentation about Taiwan Presidential election", "content": "

Rep. Lee delivered a compelling presentation about #Taiwan Presidential election and its profound global implications for the world, EU and Slovakia. The attendees actively engaged in a lively discussion, expressing their strong support for Taiwan’s \"🇹🇼\" democratic process\"👐\"



\n", "date": "2024-01-22 23:27:06", "url": "http://www.roc-taiwan.org/sk_en/post/3682.html" } ] }, { "lang": "zh", "branch": "", "country": "es", "name": "駐西班牙台北經濟文化辦事處", "path": "/es/", "items": [ { "title": "駐西班牙代表張俊菲大使應邀參加婦女組織舉辦之國際會議,宣揚台灣在婦女賦權之卓越成就", "content": "

駐西班牙代表張俊菲大使於4月18日應邀赴西國北部大城畢爾包市參加「婦女之聲協會」(Asociación Mujeres con Voz)及「瓜地馬拉婦女協會」(Asociación de Mujeres de Guatemala)共同舉辦之「多元聲音:以跨領域觀點為基本要素及連結婦女外交政策」(Voces diversas: La perspectiva interseccional como elemento esencial y articulador de la política exterior feminista)國際會議。


張大使擔任第4場「婦女、和平及安全」(Mujeres, Paz y Seguridad)分組討論主要發言人,宣揚台灣在婦女賦權之卓越成就,並簡介台灣在性別平等、婦女參與、和平及安全之國家政策,及近年來民主發展並具包容性社會政策,使台灣在性別平等領域成為全球排名第6及亞洲第1的國家。張大使指出,蔡總統兩屆8年任期內,持續鞏固婦女政策並爭取性別平等,修正公布「性騷擾防治法」、「性別平等工作法」及「性別平等教育法」,藉由完善相關法令與機制,確保性別暴力防治得以落實,並使婦女在薪資與就業方面更為平等及更有保障。









\n", "date": "2024-04-19 22:43:00", "url": "http://www.roc-taiwan.org/es/post/35628.html" }, { "title": "駐西班牙代表處張大使俊菲轄訪穆西亞自治區首府穆西亞市,促進雙邊經貿、學術及觀光交流合作", "content": "

駐西班牙代表處張大使俊菲於4月16日赴穆西亞(Murcia)自治區首府穆西亞市轄訪,期間會晤副市長兼經貿局長Mercedes Bernabé、穆西亞商會主席Miguel López及穆西亞聖安東尼天主教大學(UCAM)集團董事長María Dolores García及向該大學國際學程師生宣講台灣及進行座談,以增進我與該市經貿、學術及觀光等層面的交流及合作。










張大使與UCAM大學董事長María Dolores García(右四)合影








張大使與穆西亞商會主席Miguel López合影(中)

\n", "date": "2024-04-17 23:51:59", "url": "http://www.roc-taiwan.org/es/post/35617.html" }, { "title": "駐西班牙代表張俊菲大使應邀赴阿豐索十世大學(UAX)座談,共同探索西班牙與台灣之經貿及外交關係", "content": "

為增加與西國學術界的交流,駐西班牙代表張俊菲大使應邀於4月10日以「探索西班牙與台灣之經貿及外交關係」(Explorando las Relaciones Económicas, Comerciales y Diplomáticas entre España y Taiwán)為主題,與阿豐索十世大學(UAX)國際關係系所學生座談,該場會議也開放其他院所學生報名參加,約60位師生到場聆聽,出席情形非常踴躍。






阿豐索十世大學代理校長Iris Núñez Trébol,代表校方感謝張大使透過精彩豐富之簡報內容,使師生了解台灣進步發展現況與民主成就,及台西兩國在各層面之交流情形。









\n", "date": "2024-04-11 19:19:29", "url": "http://www.roc-taiwan.org/es/post/35534.html" }, { "title": "張大使俊菲接受「西班牙國家廣播電臺」(RNE)及「鬥牛電視臺」(El ToroTV)專訪說明403強震災情、政府緊急應變救災進展及我政府與人民感謝國際及西國各界對臺灣強震關切與伸援之意!", "content": "

我國昨(3)日早發生規模7.2級強震引發國際關切,「西班牙國家廣播電臺」(RNE)及「鬥牛電視臺」(El ToroTV)專訪張俊菲大使說明強震災情、我國政府緊急應變處置作為,掌握黃金救援時間進行搜救工作,並轉達我政府與人民感謝國際社會及西國各界對臺灣花蓮強震之關切慰問與伸援。






\n", "date": "2024-04-05 00:10:13", "url": "http://www.roc-taiwan.org/es/post/35527.html" }, { "title": "西班牙「邁向自由雜誌」刊登張俊菲大使「自由與民主:臺灣之兩大支柱」專文", "content": "

西班牙「邁向自由雜誌」(Revista Avance de la Libertad)刊登張大使俊菲「自由與民主:臺灣之兩大支柱」專文,強調自由與民主乃臺灣之兩大支柱,及歐洲議會通過逾40項友臺決議展示對臺之強勁支持,呼籲會員國支持臺灣有意義參與世衛組織(OMS)等國際組織。










    當今國際社會日益意識到臺海衝突可能產生之重大影響,特別在經濟及全球安全領域。民主國家之團結與堅定支持乃當務之急,例如:美國堅定重申對臺支持「堅如磐石」;2023年G7 (5月)、歐盟(6月)及美日韓(8月)峰會均重申支持維持臺海現狀,強調臺海和平與穩定對確保區域及全球繁榮之不可或缺。歐洲議會過去5年亦通過逾40項友臺決議展示對臺之支持。最近者乃本年2月重申臺灣乃歐盟在印太區域之關鍵夥伴與民主盟友,敦促歐盟及會員國加強與臺灣合作,尤其在強化全球供應鏈韌性上,並譴責中國持續阻撓臺灣之國際參與,呼籲會員國支持臺灣有意義參與世衛組織(OMS)國際民航組織(ICAO)及聯合國氣候變遷綱要公約(UNFCCC)等國際組織




報導原文:Los dos pilares de Taiwan-- 01


Los dos pilares de Taiwan-- 02

\n", "date": "2024-04-03 01:18:01", "url": "http://www.roc-taiwan.org/es/post/35520.html" }, { "title": "駐西班牙代表張俊菲大使赴Gallur體育中心觀賽,為前來西國首都馬德里參加「2024年西班牙羽球公開賽」的優秀球員們加油打氣", "content": "










\n", "date": "2024-03-28 00:54:50", "url": "http://www.roc-taiwan.org/es/post/35495.html" }, { "title": "駐西班牙代表張俊菲大使應邀赴馬德里大學演講", "content": "

駐西班牙代表張俊菲大使於3月12日應邀赴馬德里大學演講並與師生進行座談,演講主題為「西班牙與台灣關係」(Las relaciones entre España y Taiwán)。








馬德里大學政治及社會學院Esther del Campo院長介紹張大使





\n", "date": "2024-03-13 01:40:32", "url": "http://www.roc-taiwan.org/es/post/35482.html" }, { "title": "張俊菲大使出席「2024馬德里臺灣藝術週」於Art Madrid國際藝術博覽會臺灣展區開幕式", "content": "

駐西班牙代表張大使俊菲今(6)日出席「2024馬德里臺灣藝術週」-Art Madrid國際藝術博覽會舉辦之臺灣展區開幕式,由博覽會總監Alberto Cornejo、藝術總監Yudinela Ortega及「伊日藝術計劃」總監黃禹銘現場接待,並介紹本次展出之作品。張大使特別感謝主辦單位的大力協助以及「伊日藝術計劃」持續用心經營,讓更多西班牙民眾接近及認識臺灣藝術文化。


駐西班牙代表處今年持續與「伊日藝術計劃」合作辦理「2024馬德里臺灣藝術週」,首度擴大參加Art Madrid、Hybrid Art Fair、UVNT Art Fair三大當代藝術博覽會,自3月6日至10日在Art Madrid藝術博覽會展示黃舜廷、林世雍及蕭聖健3位藝術家的作品,3月7日至10日在UVNT Art Fair當代藝術博覽會由耿傑生、孫培懋及王冠蓁參與 , Hybrid Art當代藝術博覽會則展出陳聖文的創作。3場藝術博覽會以「過去」、「現在」、「未來」串聯,呈現出臺灣藝術的多元性並且充滿活力的創作能量。


Art Madrid以「過去」為主題,以中生代藝術家為主。同樣都使用寫實技法的黃舜廷與林世雍,以他們過往的生命經驗,記錄並詮釋過去臺灣的生活樣貌與美學;蕭聖健則是透過臺灣傳統老物件與器具,用低限手法結合動力聲音裝置,響起的蛙鳴鳥叫聲,勾起舊時臺灣的美好回憶。


UVNT Art Fair展會著重「現在」,以年輕藝術家為主。王冠蓁將畫布作為日記,用顏料訴說生活中微不足道卻充滿趣味的日常碎片;孫培懋則是用魔幻寫實的敘事手法,透過畫筆描繪出現代人的內心世界;耿傑生透過機械動力裝置與需手工雕琢的木雕,呈現對於現實生活的矛盾不安與憂慮狀態。


Hybrid Art Fair則是強調「未來」,此次臺灣參展藝術家中最年輕的陳聖文,從臺灣各地撿拾的廢棄物,並透過重複且具勞動性的刺繡與編織技法,揭示被忽視的土地傷痕,同時嘗試修補、縫合人與環境間互依互存糾纏而的關係,也是藝術家對於臺灣環境未來的期許。




「2024馬德里臺灣藝術週」開幕式合影(左起:Art Madrid總監Alberto Cornejo、駐西班牙代表張大使俊菲、伊日藝術計劃總監黃禹銘、Art Madrid藝術總監Yudinela Ortega、駐西班牙代表處文化組長張祐瑄)








Art Madrid國際藝術博覽會臺灣展區

\n", "date": "2024-03-06 23:55:55", "url": "http://www.roc-taiwan.org/es/post/35470.html" }, { "title": "駐西班牙代表處張大使俊菲應邀赴「2024年世界行動通訊大會」(2024 Mobile World Congress, MWC24)出席相關活動", "content": "

駐西班牙代表處張大使俊菲偕經濟組謝組長秀萍於本(2024)年2月26日應中華電信林總經理昭陽邀請,赴巴塞隆納「2024年世界行動通訊大會」(MWC24)出席該公司於「臺灣館」舉辦之「CHT Happy Hour」活動。






為推廣我國公益創新成果並以臺灣科技量能為國際永續發展提供解決方案,數位發展部首度率隊參與「4YFN」(4 Years from Now)新創展覽。張大使在數位發展部韌性建設司鄭司長明宗、數位產業署陳副組長慧慧陪同下,參訪「臺灣公益創新館」,瞭解我業者運用科技協助發展公益創新之理念與實力,並推崇前來參展之新創透過「MWC24」全球年度重量級展會爭取世界目光,以臺灣科技能量解決國際永續發展問題,提供臺灣創新科技能見度及增進社會福祉。「臺灣公益創新館」係由數位產業署「公益創新•徵案100」計畫徵集12家新創業者,包括觸覺科技、高雄市舊城文化協會、格園社會企業、水力凈綠能科技、串門子社會設計、點點善、One-Forty、恆準定位、大漠水澤、日光文旅、雲想科技及守護者聯盟等共同參與展出,盼能尋求國際合作之機,促使臺灣數位新創能量發揚光大,擴展至全球應用。








1. 張大使應邀於臺灣館中華電信「CHT Happy Hour」活動致詞




2.  張大使應邀於臺灣館中華電信「CHT Happy Hour」活動致詞




3. 張大使(左3)偕謝組長(右2)參訪「臺灣公益創新館」




4. 張大使(後排右7)偕謝組長(右3)與「臺灣公益創新館」新創業者合影

\n", "date": "2024-02-29 01:42:56", "url": "http://www.roc-taiwan.org/es/post/35439.html" }, { "title": "駐西班牙代表張俊菲大使拜會阿爾卡拉大學", "content": "

駐西班牙代表張俊菲大使於2月21日應邀赴阿爾卡拉大學拜會José Vicente Saz Pérez校長,雙方就台西學術交流等議題交換意見。張大使推崇該校積極推動與我國各大學之交換學生計畫及促進雙邊學術合作,並簡介台灣獎學金、華語文獎學金及台灣獎助金等計畫。


張大使在Julio Cañeros Serrano副校長及Ignacio Bravo Muñoz國際長等人陪同下,與目前在學校就讀的4位台灣學生座談,鼓勵把握難能可貴的時間與機會,認真學習語言及體驗西國文化。











\n", "date": "2024-02-22 16:13:17", "url": "http://www.roc-taiwan.org/es/post/35405.html" }, { "title": "駐西班牙代表處張俊菲大使參加巴塞隆納僑界慶祝中華民國113年春節餐會", "content": "



















3. 張大使和西班牙巴塞隆納臺灣同鄉會幹部合影

\n", "date": "2024-02-19 19:20:01", "url": "http://www.roc-taiwan.org/es/post/35401.html" }, { "title": "「微光製造」、「丞舞製作團隊」前進西班牙舞出「臺灣全景」!", "content": "

臺灣舞團「微光製造」及「丞舞製作團隊」本(2)月17日至18日在西班牙巴塞隆納花市劇院(Mercat de les Flors)「臺灣全景」(Panorama TAIWAN)專題演出,分別呈現作品《捺撇》和《浮花》,向歐洲觀眾展現臺灣當代舞蹈的獨特魅力。演出票券全數售鑿,現場座無虛席,氣氛熱烈!


駐西班牙代表處由文化組長張祐瑄代表出席17日《捺撇》和《浮花》首演,由花市劇院行政總監Feliú Batló及節目經理Marc Olivié親自接待。張組長首先歡迎「微光製造」藝術總監王宇光及「丞舞製作團隊」藝術總監蔡博丞率領舞團來西演出,向歐洲觀眾展現臺灣當代舞蹈的獨特魅力,大幅提升我國表演藝術在西班牙能見度。張組長同時感謝花市劇院的協助,本次除舞團演出,也合辦充滿「臺味」的交流酒會,與現場觀眾及舞蹈界貴賓分享臺灣小吃,讓大家體驗豐富多元的視覺及味覺饗宴。駐西班牙代表處將持續推展與深化臺西之間的文化交流,將更多臺灣優秀藝術家及作品推向國際舞台。








2月17日首演後,臺灣舞者全體合影 (「微光製造」藝術總監王宇光(左二)、駐西班牙代表處文化組長張祐瑄(左三)、花市劇院行政總監Feliú Batló(中)、「丞舞製作團隊」藝術總監蔡博丞(右三)、花市劇院節目經理Marc Olivie(右二))













\n", "date": "2024-02-19 17:49:19", "url": "http://www.roc-taiwan.org/es/post/35394.html" }, { "title": "駐西班牙代表張俊菲大使應邀赴馬德里自治大學演講並與師生座談", "content": "

駐西班牙代表張俊菲大使於2月14日應邀赴馬德里自治大學演講並與師生進行座談,本次演講主題為「台灣及其與西班牙關係」(Taiwán y sus relaciones con España),出席情形踴躍。簡報後張大使接受提問,說明台灣經濟、社會、文化、科技及學術發展現況,及1月13日總統及立法委員選舉結果顯示台灣人民是最大贏家。張大使同時也鼓勵西國優秀青年學子與專家學者報名參加各項獎學金及獎助金計畫甄選。








馬德里自治大學東亞研究中心主任Mario Esteban介紹張大使

















\n", "date": "2024-02-15 00:07:42", "url": "http://www.roc-taiwan.org/es/post/35386.html" }, { "title": "駐西班牙代表處張俊菲大使參加馬德里僑學界慶祝中華民國113年春節餐會", "content": "

西班牙馬德里僑學界為慶祝中華民國113年農曆新年,由西班牙臺灣客家會主辦,於2月11中午在馬德里近郊San Lorenzo de El Escorial市La Herrería高爾夫球俱樂部舉辦春節聯歡餐會,除代表處張俊菲大使及員眷應邀出席外,另世界臺灣商會名譽總會長暨僑務諮詢委員李耀熊、西班牙臺灣客家會會長暨僑務諮詢委員黎萬棠、僑務委員李志俊、各僑務榮譽職及旅居西國僑社團負責人、僑胞與留學生等約170人共襄盛會。San Lorenzo de El Escorial市市長Carlota López Esteban及副市長Juan José Blasco Yunquera亦前往會場向張大使及出席僑胞致意及拜年。





































\n", "date": "2024-02-12 23:24:04", "url": "http://www.roc-taiwan.org/es/post/35370.html" }, { "title": "張俊菲大使接受西國「訊息廣播電臺」專訪強調我國大選結果彰顯臺灣乃成熟民主國家,呼籲國際社會譴責中國罔顧飛安片面擅改兩岸航線!", "content": "

    張俊菲大使本(7)日接受西國新興媒體「訊息廣播電臺」(Informa Radio) 」「時事論壇」(En la boca del lobo)節目現場直播專訪,強調我國大選結果彰顯臺灣乃成熟民主國家,人民堅定捍衛自由民主憲政,並呼籲國際社會譴責中國片面擅改兩岸航線。






    張大使於專訪末說明,馬德里國際觀光展係全球第3大專業旅展,乃西國及全球認識臺灣觀光之最佳國際盛會。臺灣致力恢復甚至超越疫前每年1,200萬人次(其中逾14,000人次來自西國)旅客訪臺紀錄,本年旅展臺灣館以「臺灣 - 亞洲之心」、豐富美食、生態自然景觀展示臺灣文化之美及科技領先地位,殷切期待並歡迎世界各地旅客赴臺觀光體驗臺灣人民之友善熱情與好客等。



\n", "date": "2024-02-08 01:37:08", "url": "http://www.roc-taiwan.org/es/post/35362.html" }, { "title": "張俊菲大使接受西班牙「獨立電子報」專訪闡明我國大選結果意義並譴責中國擅改兩岸航線", "content": "

    西班牙「獨立電子報」(El Independiente)本(7)日以「臺灣必須備戰方能避戰為題,刊登我國駐西班牙代表處張俊菲大使專訪。






    張大使闡析總統當選人現任副總統賴清德先生提出「4大支柱」:(1)強化國防威懾力、(2)提升經濟安全、(3)與全球民主國家建立夥伴關係及(4)穩定具原則之兩岸領導力,將不因北京霸權及擴張主義政策而受限。另政府反映臺灣人民共識之「4個堅持」 (1)堅持自由民主憲政體制、(2)堅持中華民國與中華人民共和國互不隸屬、(3)堅持主權不容侵犯併吞、(4)堅持中華民國臺灣的前途必須遵循全體臺灣人民意志,亦不會改變。











\n", "date": "2024-02-08 01:18:54", "url": "http://www.roc-taiwan.org/es/post/35356.html" }, { "title": "駐西班牙代表處張大使俊菲轄訪西班牙阿拉岡自治區首府薩拉戈薩市推動雙邊貿易交流", "content": "

駐西班牙代表處張大使俊菲於2月5日應「福爾摩沙俱樂部」西班牙共同主席暨國會參議員Eloy Suárez邀請赴阿拉岡(Aragón)自治區首府薩拉戈薩(Zaragoza)市轄訪,期間會會晤薩拉戈薩市副市長兼經濟暨數位轉型局長Carlos Gimeno及薩拉戈薩市商會主席Jorge Villarroya,就推動台灣與薩市貿易及產業合作進行交流¬。張大使另以「台灣,穩定及韌性」為題向商會成員介紹我國國情、台西關係及我國際參與等,並進行座談。






張大使與薩拉戈薩市副市長兼經濟暨數位轉型局長Carlos Gimeno(右)及福爾摩沙俱樂部主席暨國會參議員Eloy Suárez(左)合影




張大使與薩拉戈薩商會主席Jorge Villarroya及業者合影













\n", "date": "2024-02-07 00:40:08", "url": "http://www.roc-taiwan.org/es/post/35308.html" }, { "title": "駐西班牙代表處與西國皇家艾卡諾學院合辦台灣研討會", "content": "

駐西班牙代表處於1月23日與西國知名智庫皇家艾卡諾學院(Real Instituto Elcano)合辦研討會,我國國防安全研究院許智翔助理研究員及英國Portsmouth大學台灣學者Isabelle Cockel副教授應邀與會。







\n", "date": "2024-01-24 02:02:10", "url": "http://www.roc-taiwan.org/es/post/35256.html" }, { "title": "駐西班牙代表處張大使俊菲應邀訪問安達魯西亞自治區哈恩省維亞卡利歐市,以協助該地區優質橄欖油拓銷台灣市場,增進兩國經貿合作關係", "content": "

張大使應邀訪問西國橄欖油最大生產地安達魯西亞(Andalucía)自治區哈恩(Jaén)省維亞卡利歐(Villacarrillo)市,並由該市Francisco Miralles市長及市府團隊全程陪同。訪問期間,張大使參訪當地最大橄欖油合作社Ntra. Sra. Del Pilar並與50餘位業者舉行座談,協助西國優質橄欖油拓銷台灣市場。




維亞卡利歐雖為Jaén省第7大都市,卻是世界橄欖油之都,西國橄欖油產量約為全球50%,Villacarrillo市之產量則占西國產量27%。該市最大合作社Ntra. Sra. Del Pilar成立於 1966 年,會員逾1,700名,建地1萬5,000平方公尺,擁有 1萬4,260 公頃橄欖園,10年來每年平均生產超過13萬2,000公噸,為全球最大橄欖油生產合作社。該合作社與Jaén地區26個合作社共同成立Jaencoop合作社,並以該品牌將橄欖油行銷至世界各國,目前則以Jaencoop及Segura二品牌銷售台灣,年銷售量約30萬瓶,均為冷壓初榨之高級橄欖油。















\n", "date": "2024-01-22 20:07:50", "url": "http://www.roc-taiwan.org/es/post/35250.html" }, { "title": "駐西班牙代表張俊菲大使應扶輪社邀請發表「穩定與韌性的台灣」演說並進行座談", "content": "




















\n", "date": "2024-01-19 23:55:04", "url": "http://www.roc-taiwan.org/es/post/35181.html" }, { "title": "張大使出席「中華民國113年元旦升旗典禮」", "content": "














\n", "date": "2024-01-02 23:41:21", "url": "http://www.roc-taiwan.org/es/post/35145.html" } ] }, { "lang": "es", "branch": "", "country": "es", "name": "Oficina Económica y Cultural de Taipei, España", "path": "/es_es/", "items": [ { "title": "La Embajadora Vivia Chang fue invitada a participar en una conferencia internacional sobre feminismo", "content": "

E18 de abril, la Embajadora Vivia Chang, representante de Taiwán en España, fue invitada por la Asociación Mujeres con Voz y la Asociación de Mujeres de Guatemala, para participar en el I encuentro Internacional “Voces Diversas: La perspectiva interseccional como elemento esencial y articulador de la política exterior feminista” en la ciudad de Bilbao.


En el Panel 4 “Mujeres, paz y seguridad”, la Embajadora Chang aprovechó la oportunidad para dar a conocer la situación acual de Taiwán en materia de igualdad de género y a la participación de la mujer en asuntos trascendentales como la paz y la seguridad. La Embajadora también pidió el apoyo de la comunidad internacional a la participación significativa de Taiwán en organismos internacionales.


Al mismo tiempo, en nombre del pueblo y gobierno de Taiwán, la Embajadora Chang agradeció, tras el terremoto acontecido en la ciudad de Hualien el pasado 3 de abril, la atención y colaboración mostradas por los países amigos, especialmente de España, desde donde hemos recibido muestras de solidaridad de más de veinte diputados y senadores, entre ellos el vicepresidente del Congreso de los Diputados y del presidente del Club Formosa España, de numerosas personalidades de los sectores académicos, del cuerpo diplomático, de sectores públicos y privados y, especialmente, de ONG dedicadas a operaciones de búsqueda y rescate en catástrofes y terremotos.





\n", "date": "2024-04-19 22:48:39", "url": "http://www.roc-taiwan.org/es_es/post/34583.html" }, { "title": "La visita de la embajadora de Taiwán Vivia Chang a Murcia promueve las relaciones comerciales y académicas", "content": "

Vivia Chang visitó la ciudad de Murcia, la capital de la Comunidad Autónoma de la Región de Murcia, por invitación de la Cátedra Internacional de Mujer, Empresa y Deporte de UCAM, María Dolores Bolarín, y apostó por reforzar las relaciones comerciales y academicas bilaterales.


La Embajadora Chang mantuvo una reunión con la Teniente de Alcalde y Concejal de Economía, Empresa y Comercio del Ayuntamiento de Murcia, Sra. Mercedes Bernabé y con el Presidente de la Cámara de Comercio de Murcia, Sr. Miguel López, con quienes habló sobre los intercambios comerciales e industriales entre Taiwán y Murcia.


La Embajadora tuvo la ooprtunidad de reunirse con la Presidenta de la Universidad Católica San Antonio de Murcia, Sra. María Dolores García y su equipo y mantuvo una charla con los estudiantes, ofrecéndo la presentación “Las relaciones entre España y Taiwán”.







\n", "date": "2024-04-17 23:54:51", "url": "http://www.roc-taiwan.org/es_es/post/34577.html" }, { "title": "La Embajadora Vivia Chang fue invitada a dar una conferencia en la Universidad Alfonso X El Sabio", "content": "

La Embajadora Vivia Chang, representante de Taiwán en España, fue invitada por la Universidad Alfonso X El Sabio, el 10 de abril, para dar una conferencia a los estudiantes de relaciones internacionales. El tema de su conferencia fue \"Explorando las Relaciones Económicas, Comerciales y Diplomáticas entre España y Taiwán.


A través de su presentación, los profesores y estudiantes que participaron en el encuentro pudieron comprender el progreso y desarrollo actual de Taiwán, y las estrechas relaciones económicas y diplomáticas entre Taiwán y España. Al mismo tiempo, la Embajadora Chang también alentó a los jóvenes estudiantes, expertos y académicos de España a inscribirse en los diversos programas de becas y subvenciones del Gobierno de Taiwán.







\n", "date": "2024-04-11 19:20:50", "url": "http://www.roc-taiwan.org/es_es/post/34532.html" }, { "title": "La Embajadora Vivia Chang, representante de Taiwán en España, llega al Centro Deportivo Gallur para animar a los jugadores de Taiwán", "content": "

La Embajadora Vivia Chang, representante de Taiwán en España, llega al Centro Deportivo Gallur para animar a los jugadores de Taiwán, ¡¡¡esperamos que todos tengan buenos resultados!!!











\n", "date": "2024-03-28 00:57:23", "url": "http://www.roc-taiwan.org/es_es/post/34516.html" }, { "title": "La Embajadora Vivia Chang fue invitada a dar una conferencia en la Universidad Complutense de Madrid", "content": "

La Embajadora Vivia Chang, representante de Taiwán en España, fue invitada por la Universidad Complutense de Madrid el 12 de marzo para dar una conferencia en la Facultad de Ciencias Políticas y Sociología. El tema de su conferencia fue \"Las relaciones entre España y Taiwán\", que despertó gran expectación y un amplio número de asistentes.


A través de su presentación, los profesores y estudiantes que participaron en el encuentro pudieron comprender el progreso y desarrollo actual de Taiwán y los estrechos intercambios entre Taiwán y España. Al mismo tiempo, la Embajadora Chang también alentó a los jóvenes estudiantes, expertos y académicos de España a inscribirse en los diversos programas de becas y subvenciones del Gobierno de Taiwán.


Les recordamos que el próximo 31 de marzo finaliza el plazo para entregar las solicitudes de las becas de este año.


Pueden visitar nuestra página web para más información:


Beca Taiwán: https://www.taiwanembassy.org/es_es/post/34303.html


Beca Huayu: https://www.taiwanembassy.org/es_es/post/34312.html





\n", "date": "2024-03-13 01:42:56", "url": "http://www.roc-taiwan.org/es_es/post/34503.html" }, { "title": "¡La embajadora de Taiwán en España asiste a la apertura de la feria Art Madrid!", "content": "

La embajadora Vivia Chang, asistió esta mañana a la apertura oficial de la feria de arte contemporáneo @Art Madrid para acompañar a los artistas que a partir de hoy y hasta el próximo domingo 10 de marzo protagonizan La semana del arte de Taiwán en Madrid 2024 representados por la galería Yiri Arts de Taipéi.
\nDurante la visita, la embajadora compartió con el director de la galería Orton Huang, el director de Art Madrid Alberto Cornejo y la directora de la División Cultural Augusta Chang. La embajadora quiso agradecer el esfuerzo realizado tanto por los artistas como por la galería para traer a Madrid lo más novedoso del arte contemporáneo, destacando el valor y la creatividad del arte de Taiwán en la escena internacional.


Más información:
\n*Art Madrid
\nFecha: 6 al 10 de marzo
\nHora: 11:00 a 21:00
\nLugar: Galería de Cristal Palacio de Cibeles, C/ Montalbán 1, Madrid


*Hybrid Art Fair
\nFecha: 7 al 10 de marzo
\nHora: 11:00 a 21:00
\nLugar: Hotel Petit Palace Santa Bárbara, Plaza de Sta. Bárbara 10, Madrid.


*UVNT Art Fair
\nFecha:7 al 10 de marzo
\nHora: 12:00 a 21:00
\nLugar: Matadero Madrid, Pl. de Legazpi 8, Madrid











\n", "date": "2024-03-07 00:02:20", "url": "http://www.roc-taiwan.org/es_es/post/34498.html" }, { "title": "La Embajadora Chang visita los Pabellones de Taiwán en MWC24 y 4YFN", "content": "

La Embajadora Vivia Chang visitó la Pabellón de Taiwán en MWC24 (Mobile World Congress 2024) , hizo discurso durant la actividad de“CHT Happy Hour” con el motivo de animar los dieciséis empresarios taiwaneses mantienen los esfuerzos en los desarrollos e inovaciones de los sectores informático y telecomunicación.


En el mismo día la embajadora también se presentó en el pabellón de 4YFN (4 Years From Now) para estimular los 12 start-ups taiwaneses utilizan la innovación para mejorar el benestar social.



\n", "date": "2024-02-29 01:48:27", "url": "http://www.roc-taiwan.org/es_es/post/34485.html" }, { "title": "La embajadora Vivia Chang visita la Universidad de Alcalá de Henares", "content": "

Con vistas a incrementar los intercambios académicos entre España y Taiwán, la embajadora Vivia Chang visitó la Universidad de Alcalá de Henares y el bello casco histórico de la ciudad alcalaína. La embajadora Chang tuvo la oportunidad de reunirse con el rector, José Vicente Saz Pérez; el vicerrector, Julio Cañero Serrano, y el director de internacionalización, Ignacio Bravo Muñoz. Además, la embajadora también alentó a los 4 estudiantes taiwaneses que estudian actualmente en la universidad a aprovechar su estancia para sacarle el máximo provecho a sus estudios.


La Universidad de Alcalá de Henares es una de las universidades más antiguas de España. El campus universitario fue declarado Patrimonio de la Humanidad por la UNESCO en diciembre de 1998. Así que se trata de una universidad muy especial.


Además, Alcalá es la ciudad natal de Cervantes, el autor de la famosa novela española \"Don Quijote\", por lo que el Ministerio de Cultura de España ha creado el Premio Miguel de Cervantes, para galardonar a escritores españoles destacados. El premio se falla cada diciembre y se entrega en el mes de abril del año siguiente, el ganador es premiado personalmente por el Rey en la Universidad de Alcalá de Henares.





\n", "date": "2024-02-22 16:14:48", "url": "http://www.roc-taiwan.org/es_es/post/34464.html" }, { "title": "La Embajadora Vivia Chang ha viajado a Barcelona para festejar el Año Nuevo Lunar con la comunidad taiwanesa", "content": "

La Embajadora Vivia Chang se ha reunido con la comunidad taiwanesa residente en Barcelona para festejar el Año Nuevo Lunar. Durante el acto la Embajadora Chang ha celebrado un sorteo de sobres rojos que ha calentado el ambiente del evento. La Embajadora Chang también ha expresado sus buenos deseos de felicidad y prosperidad para el nuevo Año del Dragón.


\"La \"La \"La

\n", "date": "2024-02-19 19:22:04", "url": "http://www.roc-taiwan.org/es_es/post/34458.html" }, { "title": "¡Gran cierre del proyecto Panorama Taiwán de danza contemporánea!", "content": "

Con una ovación del público las compañías B Dance y Shimmering Production se presentaron en el Mercat de Les Flors de Barcelona el pasado sábado 17 de febrero con un aforo completo y entradas agostas para las dos funciones. Los aclamados coreógrafos y bailarines fueron acompañados por la directora de la División Cultural de la Oficina Económica y Cultural de Taipéi en España Sra. Augusta Chang y el director ejecutivo del Mercat de Les Flors Sr. Feliú Batló y el programador artístico Sr. Marc Olivié.









\n", "date": "2024-02-19 17:51:16", "url": "http://www.roc-taiwan.org/es_es/post/34451.html" }, { "title": "La embajadora Vivia Chang ha participado en la reunión con la comunidad taiwanesa en Madrid para festejar la llegada del Año de Dragón", "content": "

¡Celebrando el Año del Dragón con la comunidad taiwanesa! La embajadora #ViviaChang ha participado en una comida organizada por la comunidad taiwanesa en Madrid para festejar el año nuevo lunar, en la que no han podido faltar los sobres rojos de año nuevo para los mayores y niños. La Embajadora Chang ha deseado a todos presentes que el año que comienza venga cargado de riqueza y felicidad. ¡Feliz Año del Dragón !


En la cultura tradicional, el dragón es un símbolo de buenos augurios, honor y nobleza. Se cree que el año de Dragón es un año llena de prosperidad, oportunidad y esperanza.









\n", "date": "2024-02-12 23:26:47", "url": "http://www.roc-taiwan.org/es_es/post/34436.html" }, { "title": "La ciudad de Zaragoza recibe a la Embajadora de Taiwán Vivia Chang", "content": "

El día 5 de febrero, durante una visita a la ciudad de Zaragoza, la capital de la Comunidad Autónoma de Aragón, la Embajadora de Taiwán Vivia Chang, por invitación del Copresidente de Club Formosa de España, Senador Eloy Suárez, apostó por reforzar las relaciones empresariales y comerciales bilaterales.


La Embajadora Chang mantuvo una reunión con el Teniente de Alcalde y Consejero de Economía, Transformación Digital y Transparencia del Ayuntamiento de Zaragoza y con el Presidente de la Cámara de Comercio de Zaragoza, Jorge Villarroya, con quienes habló sobre los intercambios comerciales e industriales entre Taiwán y Zaragoza. A continuación, la Embajadora Chang expuso la presentación “Taiwán, Estabilidad y Resiliencia”.















\n", "date": "2024-02-07 00:43:37", "url": "http://www.roc-taiwan.org/es_es/post/34425.html" }, { "title": "La Oficina Económica y Cultural de Taipéi organiza un seminario conjuntamente con el Real Instituto Elcano", "content": "

La Oficina Económica y Cultural de Taipéi junto con el Real Instituto Elcano organizaron un seminario el 23 de enero. El investigador del Instituto de Defensa Nacional e Investigación de Seguridad, Dr. Sheu Jyh-Shyang, y la profesora Dra. Isabelle Cockel de la Universidad de Portsmouth en Reino Unido, fueron invitados a España para asistir a dicho seminario.
\nEstos dos expertos y académicos y la embajadora Vivia Chang acudieron en representación de Taiwán para participar en este seminario. Pudieron intercambiar opiniones en profundidad con la élite española sobre el proceso de democratización de Taiwán y la situación de seguridad en el Indo-Pacífico. Así mismo, compartieron sus experiencias y opiniones en el ámbito de la investigación académica.



\n", "date": "2024-01-24 02:04:34", "url": "http://www.roc-taiwan.org/es_es/post/34343.html" }, { "title": "La embajadora Vivia Chang visita Villacarrillo (Jaén) para acercar el aceite español a Taiwán", "content": "

La embajadora Vivia Chang ha visitado la localidad jiennense de Villacarrillo, el municipio de mayor producción de aceite de la provincia de Jaén, donde ha sido recibida por el alcalde, Francisco Miralles, y por el equipo de Gobierno del Ayuntamiento. Durante la visita, la embajadora ha tenido oportunidad de conocer las instalaciones de la Cooperativa de Ntra. Sra. Del Pilar, así como su museo, familiarizándose con el proceso de elaboración del aceite. La embajadora se ha reunido también con empresarios comarcales y provinciales, todo ello con el objetivo de afianzar y mejorar la exportación de aceite a Taiwán.

















\n", "date": "2024-01-22 20:11:38", "url": "http://www.roc-taiwan.org/es_es/post/34337.html" }, { "title": "La Embajadora Vivia Chang fue invitada a participar en la conferencia del Club Rotario Majadahonda", "content": "

La Embajadora Vivia Chang, representante de Taiwán en España, fue invitada por el Club Rotario Majadahonda a participar en la conferencia celebrada el 18 de enero con el tema “Taiwán, estabilidad y resiliencia”. Los socios del Club mostraron mucho interés en Taiwán y participaron activamente en la reunión.


En su intervención, la embajadora Chang hizo una presentación sobre el panorama político y económico de Taiwán y el gran potencial de las relaciones bilaterales de cooperación con España. También explicó en detalle la situación del mercado de Taiwán y alentó a los miembros a visitar el stand de Taiwán en FITUR la próxima semana para incrementar relaciones e intercambios entre ambos países.











\n", "date": "2024-01-19 23:57:34", "url": "http://www.roc-taiwan.org/es_es/post/34278.html" }, { "title": "La Celebración del primer día del año 113 de la República de China (Taiwán)", "content": "

Para celebrar el primer día del año 113 de la República de China (Taiwán), la embajadora Vivia Chang ha presidido la ceremonia de izado de bandera nacional, junto con la comunidad taiwanesa residente en España y miembros de la Oficina Económica y Cultural de Taipéi en España.


El acto se ha iniciado con el canto del himno nacional, seguido por el izado de la bandera de la República de China (Taiwán). La ceremonia fue sencilla, pero grandiosa, llena de energía positiva y trajo una brillante esperanza para el nuevo año.







\n", "date": "2024-01-02 23:45:38", "url": "http://www.roc-taiwan.org/es_es/post/34271.html" } ] }, { "lang": "zh", "branch": "", "country": "se", "name": "駐瑞典台北代表團", "path": "/se/", "items": [ { "title": "駐瑞典代表處谷瑞生大使出席本(2024)年3月13日「臺灣─瑞典電競產業視訊會議」", "content": "
本處谷大使應邀致詞表示,全球電競產業蓬勃發展,2022年營收超過 13.8 億美元,預估 2025 年將達 18.7 億美元。瑞典在遊戲開發領域傲視全球,知名遊戲如Minecraft、Battlefield和Candy Crush都來自瑞典,全球每4人中就有1位玩過瑞典製作遊戲,而來自舍夫德市(Skövde)的電競平台Sweden Game Arena乃是瑞典遊戲產業獲致成功的幕後推手。近年臺灣電競產業有飛速成長,不僅臺灣的電競選手以傲人成績向世界展示了臺灣電競實力,華碩、微星等企業也推出電競裝備品牌,成績斐然。臺灣與瑞典在電競及遊戲開發領域優勢互補,值得攜手合作,對瑞典而言,臺灣除有著各式好茶(tea),更是值得信賴(garanti)及共享民主(demokrati)的合作夥伴。
會中我中華民國電子競技運動協會陳品蓉副秘書長分享我電競產業發展現況及推動重點,與Sweden Game Arena出席代表熱烈討論,雙方都肯定合作潛力無窮,並期待後續具體合作與交流,Sweden Game Arena亦誠摯邀請我方組團參加10月舉辦之Sweden Game Conference年度盛會。
\"417533559_837641081720666_385206926128225794_n\" \"417539036_837641085053999_6653069410440314382_n\"
\n", "date": "2024-04-08 21:39:55", "url": "http://www.roc-taiwan.org/se/post/18646.html" }, { "title": "新北市中學校長北歐參訪團在駐瑞典代表處與瑞典國會議員就自主學習、數位應用學習深度交換意見", "content": "
我國駐瑞典谷瑞生大使3月21日於駐處歡迎新北市國民中學促進學生自主學習課堂教學實踐北歐參訪團全體團員,與會貴賓有瑞典國會教育委員會議員暨基民黨教育政策發言人Lili André女士,及瑞典民主黨致力移民問題及新住民教育國會議員Nima Gholam Ali Pour。
國會議員Lili Andre 表示,臺瑞親善友好應加大擴及教科文等領域,並讓兩國年輕世代及早交流以奠定兩國友誼之堅實基礎。國會議員Nima Gholam Ali Pour則以其曾擔任國民教育教師之經驗,欣允推動其選區瑞典瑪爾默市中小學與台灣學校交流合作。
\"433772757_842880774530030_4361767612325516566_n\" \"434056085_842880807863360_2358062801848418449_n\" \"434125336_842880784530029_7679566376898160971_n\" \"434138317_842880761196698_4855036705915801587_n\"
\n", "date": "2024-04-08 21:35:00", "url": "http://www.roc-taiwan.org/se/post/18636.html" }, { "title": "駐瑞典代表處谷瑞生大使本年3月4日偕本處教育組盧雲賓組長等拜會甫於上年7月上任瑞典皇家科學院(The Royal Swedish Academy of Sciences)諾瑪克院長", "content": "
駐瑞典代表處谷瑞生大使本年3月4日偕本處教育組盧雲賓組長等拜會甫於上年7月上任瑞典皇家科學院(The Royal Swedish Academy of Sciences)諾瑪克院長(Prof. Birgitta Henriques Normark),雙方均期待持續加強合作。
諾瑪克院長親率該院秘書長Prof. Per Hedenqvist及科學秘書Dr. Helene Sundström 至大門迎接,嗣並親為谷大使簡介該院歷史沿革、組織現況及未來發展,詳述該院身為舉世關注諾貝爾獎物理及化學獎項審核單位及所肩負之使命。
\"430782977_833413422143432_3098983362568689940_n\" \"430824656_833413352143439_6061542719621828740_n\" \"431472592_833413378810103_9189914849444886051_n\"
\n", "date": "2024-04-08 21:22:51", "url": "http://www.roc-taiwan.org/se/post/18597.html" }, { "title": "駐瑞典代表處谷瑞生大使出席本(2024)年2月27日「臺灣─瑞典生醫產業視訊會議」", "content": "
本處谷大使應邀致詞表示,瑞典和臺灣在發展生醫產業上,都投注了大量努力,也獲斐然成果。瑞典Swecare和臺灣生技醫藥產業發展小組(BPIPO)有著相似的使命,值得共同探討雙方具潛力的合作項目,而臺灣與瑞典不僅都擁有先進的技術和蓬勃商業活動,更共享自由民主的理念,這使我們成為彼此值得信賴的合作夥伴。2024年公布的全球醫療照護指數(Health Care Index),臺灣已連續6年蟬聯世界第一。對於臺灣而言,瑞典更是個睿智、高效率、民主、永續的好夥伴(Sweden- Smart, Wise, Efficient, Democratic, Eco Nation)。
會中我經濟部生醫產業推動小組黃千岳主任詳細分享臺灣醫材、製藥、應用生技、數位醫療及健康福祉等相關產業概況、優勢及未來展望,與Swecare出席代表Anna Riby進行熱烈討論。黃主任並誠摯歡迎瑞典參與今年7月25至28日在臺舉辦之2024亞洲生技大展(BioAsia)。
\"417485961_828879309263510_5907069362022175871_n\" \"419242855_828879319263509_2208945735752366142_n\"
\n", "date": "2024-04-08 21:16:09", "url": "http://www.roc-taiwan.org/se/post/18591.html" }, { "title": "谷大使瑞生於2024年2月22日應邀赴「斯德哥爾摩大學全球亞洲中心」以「台灣大選後之對外關係」發表專題演講", "content": "








\n", "date": "2024-04-08 21:14:31", "url": "http://www.roc-taiwan.org/se/post/18585.html" }, { "title": "本處谷大使瑞生於2024年2月21日應邀赴「烏普薩拉外交協會」(Uppsala Association of Foreign Affairs)以「台灣大選後之對外關係」進行專題演講", "content": "

本處谷大使瑞生於2024年2月21日應邀赴「烏普薩拉外交協會」(Uppsala Association of Foreign Affairs)以「台灣大選後之對外關係」進行專題演講,說明自我總統大選後之兩岸關係以及中國各種「灰色地帶戰略」手段,並針對台美關係、俄烏戰爭、供應鏈安全等議題與聽眾交換意見。本次演講參與者逾60人,氣氛熱絡。


\"428610473_825570356261072_3499739565902611377_n\" \"428613267_825570342927740_71683497675191043_n\"

\n", "date": "2024-04-08 21:12:34", "url": "http://www.roc-taiwan.org/se/post/18571.html" }, { "title": "駐瑞典代表處谷瑞生大使於2024年應瑞典斯德哥爾摩國際扶輪社邀請赴該社演說", "content": "






\n", "date": "2024-01-29 20:35:23", "url": "http://www.roc-taiwan.org/se/post/17970.html" }, { "title": "駐瑞典代表處本(元)月19日下午於代表處辦公室舉辦本年新春餐會", "content": "
\n", "date": "2024-01-22 23:31:42", "url": "http://www.roc-taiwan.org/se/post/17914.html" } ] }, { "lang": "en", "branch": "", "country": "se", "name": "Taipei Mission in Sweden", "path": "/se_en/", "items": [] }, { "lang": "zh", "branch": "", "country": "ch", "name": "駐瑞士台北文化經濟代表團", "path": "/ch/", "items": [ { "title": "黃代表偉峰受邀參加台灣國家交響樂團4月3日在蘇黎世音樂會。", "content": "




\n", "date": "2024-04-16 15:06:01", "url": "http://www.roc-taiwan.org/ch/post/13849.html" }, { "title": "本處於3月13日與美國駐瑞士大使館共同舉辦GCTF有關供應鏈安全及經濟韌性研討會", "content": "




\n", "date": "2024-04-16 15:03:08", "url": "http://www.roc-taiwan.org/ch/post/13844.html" }, { "title": "黃代表偉峰受瑞士外交政策智庫Foraus邀請發表專題演講", "content": "










\n", "date": "2024-03-11 19:05:25", "url": "http://www.roc-taiwan.org/ch/post/13741.html" }, { "title": "本處與瑞士民主基金會於2024年1月19日舉辦台灣總統大選對兩岸關係及亞太安全之影響研討會。", "content": "








\n", "date": "2024-01-23 23:37:23", "url": "http://www.roc-taiwan.org/ch/post/13582.html" }, { "title": "黃代表偉峰應邀在2023年網路安全管理挑戰座談會擔任與談人", "content": "




\n", "date": "2024-01-11 22:09:39", "url": "http://www.roc-taiwan.org/ch/post/13435.html" }, { "title": "本處黃代表偉峰於112年12月1日在瑞士提契諾邦盧加諾市主持僑宴", "content": "




\n", "date": "2024-01-11 22:06:49", "url": "http://www.roc-taiwan.org/ch/post/13430.html" } ] }, { "lang": "en", "branch": "", "country": "ch", "name": "Délégation culturelle et économique de Taipei", "path": "/ch_en/", "items": [ { "title": "Dr. David Huang is invited to the Taiwan National Symphony Orchestra concert in Zurich", "content": "

Dr. David Huang is invited to the Taiwan National Symphony Orchestra concert in Zurich on 3rd, April.



\n", "date": "2024-04-16 15:38:34", "url": "http://www.roc-taiwan.org/ch_en/post/6752.html" }, { "title": "The Delegation and the US Embassy in Bern co-hosted the GCTF event regarding supply chain security and economic resilience", "content": "

The Delegation and the US Embassy in Bern co-hosted the GCTF event regarding supply chain security and economic resilience on 13th, March.



\n", "date": "2024-04-16 15:36:39", "url": "http://www.roc-taiwan.org/ch_en/post/6748.html" }, { "title": "Global Cooperation and Training Framework Workshop: Economic Resilience and Supply Chain Restructuring", "content": "

Délégation culturelle et économique de Taipei
\nBern, Switzerland


For Immediate Release
March 11, 2024
\nThe Taipei Cultural and Economic Delegation and the Embassy of the United States to Switzerland are organizing a workshop under the auspices of the Global Cooperation and Training Framework on March 13 in Bern. This event will bring together American, Taiwan, and Swiss experts from government, the private sector, and civil society to discuss and share experiences on economic resilience and supply chain restructuring.




The Representative of Taiwan in Switzerland Dr. David W. F. Huang and U.S. Ambassador Scott C. Miller will deliver opening remarks. Dr. Roy Chun Lee, the Representative of Taiwan to the European Union, will provide the keynote address. There will be two panel discussions on “Geopolitical risk, economic coercion and the robustness of supply chains” and “Off-shoring, friend-shoring and economic resilience.” Swiss officials and members of parliament will also join the event.




The Global Cooperation and Training Framework (GCTF) was founded through a memorandum signed by the United States and Taiwan on June 1, 2015, and currently includes Japan and Australia. It aims to utilize Taiwan’s strengths and expertise to address global issues of mutual concern. The GCTF has led to 70 workshops that addressed myriad topics ranging from public health to law enforcement cooperation, women’s empowerment, energy efficiency, e-commerce, cybersecurity, humanitarian assistance, disaster relief, and media literacy.




\nFor media inquiries, please contact the Délégation culturelle et économique de Taipei, taiwaninbern@mofa.gov.tw

\n", "date": "2024-03-12 00:09:53", "url": "http://www.roc-taiwan.org/ch_en/post/6693.html" }, { "title": "Dr. David Huang gave speech on Security Concerns in the Indo-Pacific: South China Sea and the Taiwan Strait", "content": "
Mar. 7th, Dr. David Huang is invited by Swiss foreign policy think tank Foraus to give speech on Security Concerns in the Indo-Pacific: South China Sea and the Taiwan Strait, nearly 200 participants attended the event, including foreign officials, scholars, journalists and students.
\n", "date": "2024-03-11 19:07:54", "url": "http://www.roc-taiwan.org/ch_en/post/6684.html" }, { "title": "Briefing on Taiwan Elections, Cross-Strait Relations and Security in Asia-Pacific Region on Jan. 19, 2024", "content": "

The Taipei Cultural and Economic Delegation to Switzerland, in cooperation with the Swiss Democracy Foundation, held the Briefing on Taiwan Elections, Cross-Strait Relations and Security in Asia-Pacific Region.




Dr. Huang gave the concluding remarks for the Briefing.



\n", "date": "2024-01-23 23:27:35", "url": "http://www.roc-taiwan.org/ch_en/post/6628.html" }, { "title": "Dr. Huang was invited to speak at the Cybersecurity Management Challenges Symposium 2023", "content": "

Dr. David W.F. Huang was invited to speak at the Cybersecurity Management Challenges Symposium 2023 on 1st of December, 2023.



\n", "date": "2024-01-11 22:13:40", "url": "http://www.roc-taiwan.org/ch_en/post/6556.html" }, { "title": "Dr. Huang hosted a dinner in Lugano for overseas Taiwanese", "content": "

Dr. David W.F. Huang hosted a dinner in Lugano, Ticino for overseas Taiwanese on 1st of December, 2023.



\n", "date": "2024-01-11 22:12:05", "url": "http://www.roc-taiwan.org/ch_en/post/6552.html" } ] }, { "lang": "zh", "branch": "", "country": "nl", "name": "駐荷蘭台北代表處 ", "path": "/nl/", "items": [] }, { "lang": "nl", "branch": "", "country": "nl", "name": "Taipei Representative Office in the Netherlands", "path": "/nl_nl/", "items": [ { "title": "Representative Chen Hsin-Hsin meets with the student delegation from the Asian Studies International Association of Leiden University. (2024. 03. 22, the Hague)", "content": "



Representative Chen Hsin-Hsin meets with the student delegation from the Asian Studies International Association of Leiden University. (2024. 03. 22, the Hague)

\n", "date": "2024-04-04 22:36:47", "url": "http://www.roc-taiwan.org/nl_nl/post/12128.html" }, { "title": "Representative Chen Hsin-Hsin meets with the student delegation from the East Asia Committee of Leiden University. (2024. 03. 15, the Hague)", "content": "



Representative Chen Hsin-Hsin meets with the student delegation from the East Asia Committee of Leiden University. (2024. 03. 15, the Hague)

\n", "date": "2024-04-04 22:36:17", "url": "http://www.roc-taiwan.org/nl_nl/post/12124.html" }, { "title": "Representative Chen Hsin-Hsin participates in the closing ceremony of the CinemAsia Film Festival 2024. (2024. 03. 10, Amsterdam)", "content": "



Representative Chen Hsin-Hsin participates in the closing ceremony of the CinemAsia Film Festival 2024. (2024. 03. 10, Amsterdam)

\n", "date": "2024-04-04 22:35:53", "url": "http://www.roc-taiwan.org/nl_nl/post/12120.html" }, { "title": "Representative Chen Hsin-Hsin meets with the student delegation from LPILS, Leiden University. (2024. 02. 26, the Hague)", "content": "



Representative Chen Hsin-Hsin meets with the student delegation from LPILS, Leiden University. (2024. 02. 26, the Hague)

\n", "date": "2024-04-04 22:35:25", "url": "http://www.roc-taiwan.org/nl_nl/post/12116.html" }, { "title": "Representative Chen Hsin-Hsin celebrates the Lunar New Year with Taiwanese community in the Netherlands. (2024. 02. 24, Utrecht)", "content": "



Representative Chen Hsin-Hsin celebrates the Lunar New Year with Taiwanese community in the Netherlands. (2024. 02. 24, Utrecht)

\n", "date": "2024-04-04 22:34:57", "url": "http://www.roc-taiwan.org/nl_nl/post/12112.html" }, { "title": "Representative Chen Hsin-Hsin delivers a speech titled \" The 2024 Taiwanese Election-Results, Implications and beyond\" alongside former Dutch Representative to Taiwan, Guy Wittich, in The Hague. (2024. 02.19)", "content": "



Representative Chen Hsin-Hsin delivers a speech titled \" The 2024 Taiwanese Election-Results, Implications and beyond\" alongside former Dutch Representative to Taiwan, Guy Wittich, in The Hague. (2024. 02.19)

\n", "date": "2024-04-04 22:34:33", "url": "http://www.roc-taiwan.org/nl_nl/post/12108.html" }, { "title": "Representative Chen Hsin-Hsin meets with the student delegation from Master of Science in International Relations and Diplomacy of Leiden University. (2024. 02.09, the Hague)", "content": "



Representative Chen Hsin-Hsin meets with the student delegation from Master of Science in International Relations and Diplomacy of Leiden University. (2024. 02.09, the Hague)

\n", "date": "2024-04-04 22:34:06", "url": "http://www.roc-taiwan.org/nl_nl/post/12104.html" }, { "title": "Representative Chen Hsin-Hsin meets with JOVD Utrecht. (2024. 01. 29, The Hague)", "content": "



Representative Chen Hsin-Hsin meets with JOVD Utrecht. (2024. 01. 29, The Hague)

\n", "date": "2024-01-31 22:31:05", "url": "http://www.roc-taiwan.org/nl_nl/post/11986.html" }, { "title": "Representative Chen Hsin-Hsin meets with the student delegation from American School in Taichung attending The Hague International Model United Nations conference. (2024. 01. 25, The Hague)", "content": "



Representative Chen Hsin-Hsin meets with the student delegation from American School in Taichung attending The Hague International Model United Nations conference. (2024. 01. 25, The Hague)

\n", "date": "2024-01-31 22:21:59", "url": "http://www.roc-taiwan.org/nl_nl/post/11981.html" }, { "title": "Representative Chen Hsin-Hsin meets with the student delegation from Hsinchu County American School attending The Hague International Model United Nations conference. (2024. 01. 22, The Hague)", "content": "



Representative Chen Hsin-Hsin meets with the student delegation from Hsinchu County American School attending The Hague International Model United Nations conference. (2024. 01. 22, The Hague)

\n", "date": "2024-01-31 22:18:12", "url": "http://www.roc-taiwan.org/nl_nl/post/11908.html" }, { "title": "Taipei Representative Office in the Netherlands and the oversea Taiwanese community in the Netherlands celebrates the New Year's Day by joining Scheveningen New Year’s Dive (2024. 01.01, Den Haag)", "content": "

\"\"Taipei Representative Office in the Netherlands and the oversea Taiwanese community in the Netherlands celebrates the New Year's Day by joining Scheveningen New Year’s Dive (2024. 01.01, Den Haag)

\n", "date": "2024-01-09 21:35:12", "url": "http://www.roc-taiwan.org/nl_nl/post/11875.html" } ] }, { "lang": "zh", "branch": "", "country": "no", "name": "駐挪威代表處", "path": "/no/", "items": [] }, { "lang": "en", "branch": "", "country": "no", "name": "Taipei Representative Office in Norway", "path": "/no_en/", "items": [] }, { "lang": "zh", "branch": "", "country": "pl", "name": "駐波蘭台北代表處", "path": "/pl/", "items": [ { "title": "吳大使參加烏克蘭新創企業輔導計畫成果發表活動", "content": "

為協助受戰爭影響的烏克蘭新創產業成長,我國與歐洲復興開發銀行(EBRD)合作,透過波海地區加速器公司「Startup Wise Guys」遴選12家已具初步規模的烏克蘭新創企業,幫助該等企業在國際市場發展茁壯。歐銀於本(4)月16日在華沙舉辦「烏克蘭新創公司輔導計畫成果發表」活動,本處吳大使出席活動致詞時表示,台灣自俄烏戰爭開始始終堅定支持烏克蘭,並持續與烏國夥伴及鄰近國家包括波蘭等合作援烏。




歐銀資產與金融市場發展處資深專員Dan Meshulam表示,烏克蘭新創業者在戰爭期間面對各種挑戰,展現令人欽佩的企業家精神,感謝來自台灣歐銀技術合作基金的贊助,讓此三方合作的夥伴計畫得以執行,協助烏克蘭新創業者,並為烏國的復甦與重建努力。

\n", "date": "2024-04-19 01:03:28", "url": "http://www.roc-taiwan.org/pl/post/4940.html" }, { "title": "台杉投資基金來波考察並拜會吳大使尚年", "content": "


\n", "date": "2024-03-27 22:48:30", "url": "http://www.roc-taiwan.org/pl/post/4865.html" }, { "title": "吳大使尚年拜會雅捷隆大學校長及副校長受熱誠接待", "content": "

\"吳大使尚年拜會雅捷隆大學校長及副校長受熱誠接待\"本處吳大使尚年於本(3)月5日上午前往拜會雅捷隆大學校長Jacek Popiel及副校長Dorota Malec,瞭解該校與我互動情形,獲該校隆重且熱誠接待,並參訪該校歷史悠久的博物館。







\n", "date": "2024-03-09 23:00:40", "url": "http://www.roc-taiwan.org/pl/post/4883.html" }, { "title": "「波台國會小組」成立 破百位跨黨派議員強力挺台", "content": "

駐波蘭代表處3月7日晚間舉辦新屆國會「波台國會小組」(Polish-Taiwanese Parliamentary Group)成立酒會,波蘭參議院副議長Michał Kamiński、小組主席Krzysztof Truskolaski、四位副主席Waldemar Andzel、Michał Gramatyka (數位部次長)、Beata Małecka-Libera (參院衛生委員會主席)、Krystyna Sibińska (眾院基礎建設委員會副主席)、眾院外交事務委員會成員Arkadiusz Mularczyk(前外交部次長)等60餘位跨黨派參眾議員踴躍出席,彰顯挺台決心。




新任小組主席Krzysztof Truskolaski致詞表示,波蘭與台灣近年國會交流緊密,合作蓬勃,中央與地方政府合作卓有成效。在「波台國會小組」新任期內,將延續一直以來的豐沛活力,採取靈活、彈性及多元方式推動各項合作,持續深化並廣化雙邊關係。\"111\"

\n", "date": "2024-03-08 22:50:53", "url": "http://www.roc-taiwan.org/pl/post/4871.html" }, { "title": "「波蘭台灣文化語言交流協會」舉辦「臺灣華語文學習中心」開幕式,吳大使尚年應邀出席並參與歡樂帶動唱", "content": "




\n", "date": "2024-03-05 22:57:27", "url": "http://www.roc-taiwan.org/pl/post/4877.html" }, { "title": "吳大使尚年主持113年春節聯歡聚會 與僑胞同慶新春", "content": "










\"DSC_0435 全體成員以愛心手勢賀年並合影
\"DSC_0528\" 吳大使逐桌敬酒,與僑胞親切寒暄


\n", "date": "2024-02-19 17:00:35", "url": "http://www.roc-taiwan.org/pl/post/4830.html" } ] }, { "lang": "pl", "branch": "", "country": "pl", "name": "Taipei Representative Office in Poland", "path": "/pl_pl/", "items": [ { "title": "Uprzejmie informujemy, że w związku z obchodami Świąt Wielkanocnych Biuro Przedstawicielskie Tajpej w Polsce będzie zamknięte w poniedziałek 1 kwietnia br.", "content": "", "date": "2024-03-29 18:06:19", "url": "http://www.roc-taiwan.org/pl_pl/post/8474.html" } ] }, { "lang": "lv", "branch": "", "country": "lv", "name": "Taipei Mission in the Republic of Latvia", "path": "/lv_lv/", "items": [] }, { "lang": "zh", "branch": "gva", "country": "ch", "name": "駐瑞士台北文化經濟代表團日內瓦辦事處", "path": "/chgva/", "items": [ { "title": "本處出席洛桑「台灣之夜」", "content": "

2024年3月22日,由駐法國臺灣文化中心(Centre Culturel de Taïwan à Paris)、洛桑十號月台基金會(PLATEFORME10)、洛桑Vidy劇院(Théâtre de Vidy )、以及瑞士電影資料館(Cinémathèque suisse)共同舉辦之「台灣之夜」。













\n", "date": "2024-03-27 19:07:22", "url": "http://www.roc-taiwan.org/chgva/post/5139.html" }, { "title": "本處與日內瓦記者協會合辦「台灣民主的未來」研討會", "content": "
2024年2月14日,本處與日內瓦記者協會(Club Suisse de la Presse)一起合辦「台灣民主的未來」(The Future of Taiwan Democracy ) 研討會,邀請美國賓州大學教授Dr. Jacques deLisle、韋伯斯特大學日內瓦校區教授Dr. Lionel Fatton及本處蘇處長瑩君共同主講,一起討論我國公正透明的民主選舉順利完成。
現場討論熱烈,台下聽眾也踴躍提問,十分關心我們的選後情勢,還有中國介選而且扭曲聯合國大會第2758號決議等等企圖。 <研討會連結>
\n", "date": "2024-03-27 19:04:27", "url": "http://www.roc-taiwan.org/chgva/post/5133.html" }, { "title": "外交部長吳釗燮接受「澳洲人報」專訪,說明中國藉諾魯財務危機利誘其外交轉向,台澳等民主國家須警覺中國野心續加強合作", "content": "

外交部長吳釗燮於本(1)月18日接受「澳洲人報」(The Australian)駐台記者Will Glasgow專訪,訪談內容已於20日在該報頭版刊出,廣受各界人士關注。




吳部長應詢表示,台澳多年來致力透過各種管道及機制深化兩國在太平洋區域的合作,並密注中國在此區域的行動。由於設於諾魯境內的「區域難民處理中心」(Regional Precessing Center)即將關閉可能造成諾國財政困難,台灣與澳洲及美國正持續交換意見,研議如何加強提供諾魯支援,以協助諾魯度過難關。而中國竟利用諾魯的財務危機,在我國選後世界眾多國家祝賀民主勝利之際,祭出無上限的經濟援助利誘諾魯外交轉向,意圖打擊民主陣營信心,民主國家必須嚴正以對中國在區域擴大影響力的企圖。




吳部長並應詢表示,我國與太平洋三友邦邦誼穩固,吐瓦魯總理拿塔諾(Kausea Natano)近期向我重申兩國堅定邦誼,台灣也將持續在因應氣候變遷及再生能源等議題上與吐國共同合作;帛琉總統惠恕仁(Surangel S. Whipps, Jr.)日前與我國副總統、總統當選人賴清德視訊對話,強調台帛邦誼是基於共享價值及對印太區域和平繁榮的承諾;我國外交部政務次長田中光目前正奉派以總統特使身分率團前往馬紹爾群島共和國祝賀新任總統海妮(Hilda Heine)就職,兩國並將持續推進雙邊合作計畫。




「澳洲人報」成立於1964年,隸屬「澳洲新聞集團」(News Corp. Australia),是澳洲最具影響力的全國性報紙。

\n", "date": "2024-01-20 02:03:04", "url": "http://www.roc-taiwan.org/chgva/post/5050.html" } ] }, { "lang": "fr", "branch": "gva", "country": "ch", "name": "Bureau de Genève, Délégation Culturelle et Economique de Taipei", "path": "/chgva_fr/", "items": [ { "title": "Foreign Minister Wu hosts welcome dinner for cross-party delegation of Australian parliamentarians", "content": "

Minister of Foreign Affairs Jaushieh Joseph Wu hosted a dinner on April 8 to welcome a cross-party delegation of five parliamentarians from Australia. The group was led by Shayne Neumann MP, Chair of the Joint Standing Committee on Foreign Affairs, Defence and Trade; and Andrew Wallace MP, Deputy Chair of the Parliamentary Joint Committee on Intelligence and Security.




Welcoming the guests with Taiwan Beer, Minister Wu noted in his remarks that Australia was an important partner that actively spoke up for Taiwan at major international events. He said economic, trade, and investment relations were increasingly close, and a growing number of Taiwanese youths were choosing to study and work in Australia. Minister Wu commended Australia for being an active member of the Indo-Pacific that strived to maintain the rules-based international order and defend the universal values of democracy, freedom, and openness.




Chair Neumann said Taiwan and Australia were democratic partners in the Indo-Pacific that shared close economic and trade ties and strong cultural and people-to-people connections. Deputy Chair Wallace underlined that although Australia and Taiwan had both been subjected to economic coercion, Australia would continue to stand together with other international partners in support of Taiwan.




In recent years, Taiwan and Australia have steadily deepened cooperation in spheres including economics, trade, investment, clean energy, education, culture, biotechnology, scientific research, and indigenous affairs. The strength of the friendship between the countries is further demonstrated by the visit of the Australian parliamentary delegation. Looking ahead, the two sides will continue to advance friendly cooperation based on reciprocity and mutual benefit. (E)

\n", "date": "2024-04-10 22:37:06", "url": "http://www.roc-taiwan.org/chgva_fr/post/2452.html" }, { "title": "Seminar Explores the Future of Taiwan Democracy and China's Interference", "content": "

Bureau de Genève, Délégation Culturelle et Economique de Taipei recently hosted a seminar titled \"The Future of Taiwan Democracy\" in collaboration with the Geneva Press Club.


Distinguished speakers, including Dr. Jacques deLisle from the University of Pennsylvania, Dr. Lionel Fatton from Webster University Geneva, and Ambassador Nicole Su, delved into various topics concerning the implications of Taiwan's presidential and parliamentary elections, China's interference, and its strategies to distort the UNGA Resolution 2758.


The seminar provided valuable insights into Taiwan's democratic future. To learn more, watch the seminar at:  https://pressclub.ch/the-future-of-taiwan-democracy/



\n", "date": "2024-02-14 16:05:53", "url": "http://www.roc-taiwan.org/chgva_fr/post/2427.html" }, { "title": "President Tsai meets US senior bipartisan delegation", "content": "

On the morning of January 15, President Tsai Ing-wen met with a senior bipartisan delegation from the United States. In remarks, President Tsai said that after Taiwan completed its presidential and legislative elections, the US not only immediately issued a congratulatory statement, but also dispatched to Taiwan this senior bipartisan delegation, which comprises former US National Security Advisor Stephen Hadley and former US Deputy Secretary of State James Steinberg, highlighting the close and staunch partnership between Taiwan and the US. The president said that in the future, we will work together in responding to all manner of global challenges, and expressed hope that Taiwan-US relations will continue to advance and serve as a key driving force in regional and global prosperity and development.


A translation of President Tsai's remarks follows:


I am delighted to meet with you all again today. On Saturday, Taiwan completed its presidential and legislative elections. The US not only immediately issued a congratulatory statement, but also dispatched this high-level bipartisan delegation to Taiwan. On behalf of the people of Taiwan, I extend a very warm welcome to you all.


Your visit is highly meaningful. It fully demonstrates US support for Taiwan's democracy and highlights the close and staunch partnership between Taiwan and the US. As I have emphasized on multiple occasions, Taiwan at this moment has become a Taiwan of the world. And over the past eight years, Taiwan has continued to deepen cooperation with other countries. In particular, we signed the first agreement under the Taiwan-US Initiative on 21st-Century Trade last year. This is the most comprehensive trade agreement signed between Taiwan and the US since 1979. It also marks an important milestone for our economic and trade relations.


We also look forward to Taiwan and the US promptly addressing the issue of double taxation. This will help Taiwanese businesses diversify their overseas operations and allow the US to further strengthen its economic resilience, creating even more economic and trade niches for both our peoples.


I believe that as we enhance our partnership, Taiwan and the US will be able to expand cooperation in such areas as environmental sustainability, technological development, education, and culture. Just as we worked together to fight the COVID-19 pandemic, we will work together in responding to all manner of global challenges in the future.


For Taiwan, as we begin a new chapter in this new year, what remains unchanged is our need to continue to develop and move forward. I would like to thank the US and our guests today for recognizing the importance of, and voicing support for, Taiwan. We hope that Taiwan-US relations will continue to advance and serve as a key driving force in regional and global prosperity and development. In closing, I wish you all a pleasant and productive visit.


Mr. Hadley then delivered remarks, first thanking President Tsai for the warm welcome. He said that they are here on behalf of the American people to convey to the president and the people of Taiwan their congratulations on the presidential and legislative elections held on January 13.


Mr. Hadley said that Taiwan's democracy has set a shining example for the world, referring to it as a democratic success story based on transparency, the rule of law, and respect for human rights and freedoms. He said that they are honored to have the opportunity to meet with the president today to reaffirm that the American commitment to Taiwan is rock solid, principled, and bipartisan, and that the US stands with its friends.


Mr. Hadley said that they also look forward to meeting with the president-elect and other presidential candidates later today to convey America's strong support for continued close cooperation across the Taiwan political spectrum. He said that they look forward to continuity in the relationship between Taiwan and the US, under the new administration, and for common efforts to preserve cross-strait peace and stability.


Mr. Steinberg then delivered remarks, saying it is a real honor for him and the delegation to be here to underscore the US bipartisan support for its longstanding friendship with Taiwan. He added that they also want to express their deep appreciation for the president's extraordinary leadership over the past eight years in achieving remarkable progress for the people of Taiwan and for the US-Taiwan relationship and partnership, as well as for the president's role in the maintenance of regional peace and stability.


Mr. Steinberg said that this has been in part the product of a consistent US policy for decades, under both Democratic and Republican administrations, based on our unofficial but warm relationship, our insistence on exclusively peaceful means to address cross-strait issues, the importance of dialogue, and the avoidance of unilateral efforts to change the status quo. He added that it is a policy that has served the interests of all of the peoples of the region.


In closing, Mr. Steinberg once again thanked the president and extended their congratulations to the people of Taiwan.


Also in attendance at the meeting were American Institute in Taiwan (AIT) Chairperson Laura Rosenberger and AIT Taipei Office Director Sandra Oudkirk.

\n", "date": "2024-01-15 02:15:43", "url": "http://www.roc-taiwan.org/chgva_fr/post/2378.html" } ] }, { "lang": "zh", "branch": "", "country": "uk", "name": "駐英國台北代表處", "path": "/uk/", "items": [ { "title": "本處姚大使出席海外引資暨Taiwan Day活動", "content": "

金管會證期局及台灣證券交易所於3月5日在倫敦舉辦2024年全球第一場海外引資暨Taiwan Day活動,吸引近50名英國重量級機構法人代表共同響應,分享最新台灣資本市場興革措施及台股展望。


本處姚大使應邀到場致詞並表示,疫情凸顯台灣企業在全球供應鏈的重要地位,Taiwan Day活動提供與會者深入瞭解台灣企業優勢的機會,也期望該活動為強化台英連結及共榮奠定基石。未來台灣會持續推動高科技產業的發展、建立更好的投資環境,並廣泛聽取投資者意見,以鞏固台灣資本市場的利基。

\n", "date": "2024-03-07 23:48:17", "url": "http://www.roc-taiwan.org/uk/post/13603.html" }, { "title": "本處姚大使接受英國廣播公司(BBC)電視新聞節目「新聞之夜」(Newsnight)專訪", "content": "









圖片來源:BBC Newsnight


Representative Yao’s first interview since taking office was broadcast last night on BBC Newsnight. Representative Yao thanked the UK for congratulating Taiwan on its successful, free and fair elections.


Representative Yao stated that Taiwan is working to make sure that China believes that the cost of invading Taiwan would be too high to even imagine taking military action against Taiwan, but said that Taiwan alone cannot achieve this.


Taiwan will continue working closely with international partners such as the UK and USA on this, and calls on likeminded countries to assist Taiwan in being able to meaningfully participate in the UN.


Photo credit: BBC Newsnight


BBC Newsnight專訪片段:https://x.com/bbcnewsnight/status/1748284281384845766?s=52&t=q_MAOMMH0YS6Kzer7iSwlw


Taiwan News: https://www.taiwannews.com.tw/en/news/5081262





\n", "date": "2024-01-23 02:44:10", "url": "http://www.roc-taiwan.org/uk/post/13342.html" }, { "title": "新任駐英代表姚大使金祥抵英履新,持續推動台英關係穩健成長", "content": "




\n", "date": "2024-01-11 19:20:12", "url": "http://www.roc-taiwan.org/uk/post/13223.html" } ] }, { "lang": "en", "branch": "", "country": "uk", "name": "Taipei Representative Office in the U.K.", "path": "/uk_en/", "items": [] }, { "lang": "zh", "branch": "edi", "country": "uk", "name": "駐英國台北代表處愛丁堡辦事處", "path": "/ukedi/", "items": [ { "title": "丁處長志華偕同仁參訪Johnnie Walker愛丁堡分公司", "content": "
非常感謝愛丁堡市議會議長Cammy Day 日前邀請駐愛丁堡辦事處丁處長志華偕同仁參訪Johnnie Walker愛丁堡分公司並進行「賞味之旅」,期待未來台灣與蘇格蘭有更多的經貿交流。
\nThe Leader of Edinburgh City Council, Mr. Cammy Day, kindly invited Director General Chi-hua Ding of Taipei Representative Office in the UK, Edinburgh Office, to visit the Johnnie Walker Edinburgh branch and participated in the Journey of Flavour Experience. We are deeply grateful for Councillor’s Cammy Day’s friendship, and looking forward to more trade exchanges between Taiwan and Scotland in the future.\"417528832_809183687920561_7569402379650628136_n\"
\n", "date": "2024-03-13 02:37:56", "url": "http://www.roc-taiwan.org/ukedi/post/5547.html" }, { "title": "丁處長出席蘇格蘭長老教會Duddingston教區農曆新年餐會活動", "content": "
On February 10, Director General Chi-Hua DING and colleagues participated in the Lunar New Year Dinner Party of Duddingston Kirk (Church of Scotland) and shared a warm dinner with our overseas compatriots and the local Scottish community on the first day of the Lunar New Year in the Year of the Dragon in 2024.
\n", "date": "2024-02-12 04:34:48", "url": "http://www.roc-taiwan.org/ukedi/post/5535.html" }, { "title": "本處新任丁處長志華抵任,並問候各界友人", "content": "


\n", "date": "2024-01-04 00:18:14", "url": "http://www.roc-taiwan.org/ukedi/post/5482.html" } ] }, { "lang": "en", "branch": "edi", "country": "uk", "name": "Taipei Representative Office in the U.K., Edinburgh Office", "path": "/ukedi_en/", "items": [ { "title": "Director General Chi-hua Ding visited the Johnnie Walker Edinburgh branch", "content": "

The Leader of Edinburgh City Council, Mr. Cammy Day, kindly invited Director General Chi-hua Ding of Taipei Representative Office in the UK, Edinburgh Office, to visit the Johnnie Walker Edinburgh branch and participated in the Journey of Flavour Experience. We are deeply grateful for Councillor’s Cammy Day’s friendship, and looking forward to more trade exchanges between Taiwan and Scotland in the future.



\n", "date": "2024-03-13 02:42:17", "url": "http://www.roc-taiwan.org/ukedi_en/post/2861.html" }, { "title": "Director General Chi-Hua DING participated in the Lunar New Year Dinner Party of Duddingston Kirk (Church of Scotland)", "content": "

On February 10, Director General Chi-Hua DING and colleagues participated in the Lunar New Year Dinner Party of Duddingston Kirk (Church of Scotland) and shared a warm dinner with our overseas compatriots and the local Scottish community on the first day of the Lunar New Year in the Year of the Dragon in 2024.


\"\" \"\"

\n", "date": "2024-02-12 04:36:51", "url": "http://www.roc-taiwan.org/ukedi_en/post/2853.html" } ] }, { "lang": "zh", "branch": "", "country": "wto", "name": "中華民國常駐世界貿易組織代表團", "path": "/wto/", "items": [ { "title": "WTO成立30周年紀念新聞", "content": "WTO成立30周年紀念新聞", "date": "2024-04-17 21:43:54", "url": "http://www.roc-taiwan.org/wto/post/2862.html" }, { "title": "WTO秘書長紀念馬拉喀什協定30周年", "content": "

\nWTO O-I秘書長在慶祝活動中說道,「30年前,120多個國家攜手同心,擁有共同的願景:透過貿易來改變世界」。「他們創建了一個新的全球公共財:即致力於利用貿易提高人民生活水準,創造就業機會,促進永續發展的公共財」。
\n「當我們紀念WTO 30周年時,此承諾仍如燈塔般豎立。WTO現在擁有164個會員,不久將達到166個。我們跨境交易的方式已經發生變化。永續發展和社會經濟包容性的挑戰也隨之而來。但貿易仍然是解決這些挑戰,並為全世界人民建立更加光明未來的重要工具。」

\n", "date": "2024-04-17 21:42:29", "url": "http://www.roc-taiwan.org/wto/post/2857.html" }, { "title": "2025年WTO青年學者實習計畫,請於4月2日前提出申請", "content": "



WTO | 2024 News items - WTO launches call for candidates for 2025 Young Professionals Programme



\n", "date": "2024-03-12 21:38:57", "url": "http://www.roc-taiwan.org/wto/post/2821.html" }, { "title": "WTO貿易與性別非正式工作小組慶祝國際婦女節活動", "content": "WTO貿易與性別非正式工作小組慶祝國際婦女節活動", "date": "2024-03-11 22:47:44", "url": "http://www.roc-taiwan.org/wto/post/2817.html" }, { "title": "WTO官方網站說明第13屆部長會議成果", "content": "WTO官方網站說明第13屆部長會議成果", "date": "2024-03-05 17:47:29", "url": "http://www.roc-taiwan.org/wto/post/2815.html" }, { "title": "台灣優秀青年李孟璉獲選2024年WTO青年學者實習計畫", "content": "台灣優秀青年李孟璉獲選2024年WTO青年學者實習計畫", "date": "2024-02-26 02:04:43", "url": "http://www.roc-taiwan.org/wto/post/2795.html" }, { "title": "WTO官網刊登我國貿易援助工作,肯定我國參與國際合作發展工作成就(相關連結)", "content": "WTO官網刊登我國貿易援助工作,肯定我國參與國際合作發展工作成就(相關連結)", "date": "2024-02-26 01:59:05", "url": "http://www.roc-taiwan.org/wto/post/2793.html" } ] }, { "lang": "en", "branch": "", "country": "wto", "name": "Permanent Mission of the Separate Customs Territory of Taiwan, Penghu, Kinmen and Matsu to the World Trade Organization", "path": "/wto_en/", "items": [ { "title": "DG Okonjo-Iweala marks 30th anniversary of the Marrakesh Agreement", "content": "DG Okonjo-Iweala marks 30th anniversary of the Marrakesh Agreement", "date": "2024-04-19 21:32:57", "url": "http://www.roc-taiwan.org/wto_en/post/2107.html" }, { "title": "WTO Trade and Gender Informal Working Group, launch prize for gender equality in trade", "content": "WTO Trade and Gender Informal Working Group, launch prize for gender equality in trade", "date": "2024-03-21 22:03:28", "url": "http://www.roc-taiwan.org/wto_en/post/2102.html" }, { "title": "WTO MC13 outcomes", "content": "WTO MC13 outcomes", "date": "2024-03-21 21:48:58", "url": "http://www.roc-taiwan.org/wto_en/post/2098.html" } ] }, { "lang": "zh", "branch": "", "country": "ar", "name": "駐阿根廷台北商務文化辦事處", "path": "/ar/", "items": [ { "title": "我外貿協會「2024年中南美洲拓銷團」參訪阿根廷資通訊產品製造及經銷商大廠", "content": "

中華民國對外貿易發展協會(TAITRA)中南美洲拓銷團於本(113)年4月16日上午在本處經濟組陪同下參訪阿根廷資通訊產品製造及經銷商大廠PC ARTS公司,該司亦為我商華碩電腦(Asus)在阿銷售筆電的合作夥伴,該公司營運部經理Diego Pacheco向訪團成員介紹該公司在阿國營運情形,同時詳細解説阿國目前面臨之進口外匯管制問題及進口產品因政府課稅導致在阿國市場訂價偏高等議題,並與團員就阿根廷金融科技、智慧城市及資安等產業發展潛力交換意見,團員於交流時間踴躍提問,並表示獲益良多。

\"新聞稿-1\" 貿訪團成員參訪PC ARTS公司
\"新聞稿-2\" PC ARTS公司營運部經理Diego Pacheco向貿訪團成員介紹該公司在阿國營運情形\n
\"新聞稿-3\" PC ARTS公司營運部經理Diego Pacheco向貿訪團成員介紹阿國經濟及進口外匯管制問題\n
\"新聞稿-4\" 貿訪團與PC ARTS公司營運部經理Diego Pacheco合影
\n", "date": "2024-04-18 22:44:48", "url": "http://www.roc-taiwan.org/ar/post/22160.html" }, { "title": "謝大使陪同台灣拓銷團參訪阿根廷布宜諾省經貿大城San Miguel市", "content": "

本處謝大使妙宏於本(113)年4月16日陪同中華民國對外貿易發展協會(TAITRA)「2024年中南美洲拓銷團」及駐地台商代表阿根廷台灣商會李會長稚崧及長榮海運阿根廷公司蔡總經理啟勝參訪阿根廷布宜諾省經貿大城San Miguel市科技新創中心(Usina Tecnológica),並與該市汽車零配件、工程服務、軟體開發、冶金及葡萄酒等多家廠商進行商機交流,氣氛熱絡,San Miguel市府團隊並向我團成員簡報該市貿易及投資商機。


謝大使致詞表示,San Miguel市擁有優越地理位置,為進入大布宜諾斯艾利斯地區(Gran Buenos Aires)重要交通樞紐,地方商業繁榮,產業多元發展,包括冶金業、塑膠業、食品業及紡織業等,同時也積極發展知識經濟,培育創新技術人才,很感謝市長及其團隊盛情款待,並召集當地業者與我團員廠商交流,希望藉此能發掘台阿雙方在貿易與投資領域合作潛在商機。San Miguel市長Jaime Méndez致詞表示,該市政府向來與民間企業攜手,積極推動地方經濟及科技發展,台灣資通訊產業發達,這次促成當地廠商與我貿訪團成員商機交流是雙方洽談合作很好的平台。本日活動台阿廠商分別介紹公司產業及營運情形,充分交流及互動,並表示有意續聯繫洽談合作事宜。


San Miguel市科技新創中心位於該市耶穌會宗教學院(Colegio Máximo de San José)內,現任教宗Papa Francisco於1960至1970年代於該校就讀神學之居所。

\"新聞稿-1\" 謝大使與外貿協會拓銷團及San Miguel市府團隊及企業合影
\"新聞稿-2\" 謝大使向拓銷團成員介紹本次參訪San Miguel市科技新創中心行程\n
\"新聞稿-3\" 謝大使致詞\n
\"新聞稿-4\" 我拓銷團廠商與San Miguel市企業洽談及交流\n
\"新聞稿-5\" 我拓銷團廠商與San Miguel市企業洽談及交流\n
\"新聞稿-6\" 參訪現任教宗Papa Francisco於該校就讀神學時之居所
\n", "date": "2024-04-18 22:07:17", "url": "http://www.roc-taiwan.org/ar/post/22151.html" }, { "title": "外貿協會「2024年中南美洲拓銷團」拓展拉美市場,攜手25家業者爭取阿根廷市場商機", "content": "













開幕式特別邀請到阿根廷五金公會(CAFARA)會長Sergio Angiulli及阿根廷進口商公會(CIRA)總經理Fernando Furci致詞,分別與我商分享阿國市場商機、進口情形及與阿商往來經驗;另為協助我業者掌握阿國市場概況,邀請阿國全國商業總會(CAC)資深經濟分析師Julio Rodriguez Rabellini分享阿國總體經貿情勢與未來展望,有助團員更加瞭解阿國經濟及貿易規範。













\n", "date": "2024-04-16 04:21:48", "url": "http://www.roc-taiwan.org/ar/post/22134.html" }, { "title": "阿根廷7名專業教師應邀前往台灣參加技職訓練種子教師計畫", "content": "






\"14\" 謝大使主持「拉美及加海地區青年技職訓練計畫」學員行前說明會\n
\"15\" 謝大使與阿根廷參加「水電裝修班」以及「3D列印班」學員合影
\n", "date": "2024-04-13 05:48:39", "url": "http://www.roc-taiwan.org/ar/post/22122.html" }, { "title": "謝大使應邀至薩瑪大學舉辦我國國情講座", "content": "






\"1\" 謝大使應邀至阿根廷薩瑪大學舉辦我國國情講座\n
\"12\" 謝大使以「2024年台灣總統大選及立法委員選舉之重要性」為題發表演說\n
\"13\" 謝大使與阿根廷薩瑪大學國際關係系師生合影
\n", "date": "2024-04-13 05:35:51", "url": "http://www.roc-taiwan.org/ar/post/22115.html" }, { "title": "外貿協會「2024年中南美洲拓銷團」貿洽會", "content": "

中華民國對外貿易發展協會「2024年中南美洲拓銷團」將於本(2024)415日在Buenos Aires Marriott飯店舉辦貿易洽談會,共計25家台灣業者參團,包括拓銷機械、汽車及機車零配件、五金扣件及手工具、電子產品及零組件、食品及飲料、家具及樂器等廠商。



\n", "date": "2024-04-12 05:29:53", "url": "http://www.roc-taiwan.org/ar/post/22095.html" }, { "title": "阿根廷臺灣僑界關懷救助協會辦理「僑界急難救助交流座談會」", "content": "
\"1\" 張理事金城分享返臺參加「112年海外僑界急難救助交流研討會」之心得\n
\"12\" 李會長昆堯以近年僑界關懷救助案例進行分享與交流\n
\"13\" 丁秘書健民表示此次講座非常有意義,讓僑界關懷救助協會及臺灣鄉親瞭解, 未來僑界或旅阿國人遭遇危難救助事件,如何與駐處充分配合及因應處理\n
\"14\" 楊僑務委員振壽建議僑界急難救助應定位在「救急不救窮」\n
\"15\" 林前僑務委員英忠說明我政府協輔海外僑界成立急難救助協會之宗旨\n
\"16\" 與會僑民分享急難救助協會成立的意義及功能
\n", "date": "2024-04-10 03:46:08", "url": "http://www.roc-taiwan.org/ar/post/22081.html" }, { "title": "阿根廷中醫公會辦理「第十四屆第二次會員大會及學術交流會」", "content": "


\"a\" 阿根廷中醫公會辦理「第十四屆第二次會員大會及學術交流會」合影
\"z\" 阿根廷中醫公會劉會長忠意致詞
\"w\" 阿根廷中醫公會劉會長頒發第十四屆理監事聘書
\"e\" 洪醫師茂原以「刮痧療法」為題進行醫療講座


\n", "date": "2024-04-06 01:13:46", "url": "http://www.roc-taiwan.org/ar/post/22049.html" }, { "title": "阿根廷慕義基督長老教會舉行33週年紀念感恩禮拜", "content": "


\"1\" 莊牧師秋微以「任務與責任」為題講道
\"2\" 莊牧師帶領回顧設教33週年紀錄片
\"3\" 慕義教會聖歌隊進行聖詩獻唱
\"4\" 禮拜後教舉行愛餐分享交流




\n", "date": "2024-03-19 21:28:32", "url": "http://www.roc-taiwan.org/ar/post/21933.html" }, { "title": "「 2024年春宴」本處與僑界熱絡交流", "content": "


\"1\" 謝大使致詞感謝僑領熱心僑界公益,支持政府僑務及外交工作
\"2\" 謝大使帶領全體同仁暨員眷合唱「台灣的心跳聲」\n
\"3\" 謝大使與台灣僑民聯合會李理事長昆堯合唱「愛拚才會贏」\n
\"4\" 謝大使逐桌敬酒致意,與僑領熱絡互動\n
\"5\" 謝大使逐桌敬酒致意,與僑領熱絡互動\n
\"6\" 春宴抽獎活動,謝大使與幸運得主合影
\n", "date": "2024-03-05 22:47:36", "url": "http://www.roc-taiwan.org/ar/post/21890.html" }, { "title": "外貿協會「2024年中南美洲拓銷團」將於本(2024)年4月15日在阿根廷辦理貿洽會,歡迎各界踴躍參加!", "content": "

中華民國對外貿易發展協會「2024年中南美洲拓銷團」將於本(2024)415日在Buenos Aires Marriott飯店舉辦貿易洽談會,共計24家台灣業者參團,包括拓銷機械、汽車及機車零配件、五金扣件及手工具、電子產品及零組件、食品及飲料、家具及樂器等廠商,歡迎有興趣朋友報名參加!




(Av. Carlos Pellegrini 551, Piso 2 - C.A.B.A)





\n", "date": "2024-03-01 21:28:57", "url": "http://www.roc-taiwan.org/ar/post/21880.html" }, { "title": "阿根廷僑界辦理「國定和平紀念日活動」", "content": "
由阿根廷臺灣僑民聯合會主辦、阿根廷臺灣人協會協辦,於本(113)年 2 月 26 日舉辦「國定和平紀念日活動-專題講座及民謠演唱」,本處惠副參事卓岳應邀代表謝大使妙宏與會並致詞。
\"1\" 阿根廷臺灣僑民聯合會李理事長昆堯致詞\n
\"2\" 阿根廷臺灣人協會李會長水泉致詞\n
\"3\" 惠副參事卓岳應邀代表謝大使妙宏與會致詞
\"4\" 莊牧師秋微以「人權與和平」為題進行專題演講\n
\"5\" 臺灣僑民踴躍出席和平紀念日活動\n
\"6\" 活動彈奏及演唱「奇異恩典」等曲目\n
\"7\" 主持人說明舉辦和平紀念日活動之意義\n
\"8\" 與會僑民表達對二二八事件之追思
\n", "date": "2024-03-01 21:25:51", "url": "http://www.roc-taiwan.org/ar/post/21869.html" }, { "title": "謝大使出席阿根廷僑界慶祝春節聯歡活動", "content": "






\"1\" 謝大使出席阿根廷僑界慶祝春節聯歡活動致詞\n
\"2\" 舞獅賀新春「祥獅獻瑞」\n
\"3\" 謝大使餵贈舞獅紅包\n
\"4\" 舞獅表演吸引臺灣僑民及阿根廷民眾圍觀\n
\"5\" 春節聯歡活動安排武術表演\n
\"6\" 三太子賜福發春聯「萬物興龍」\n
\"7\" 謝大使出席阿根廷僑界春節聯誼餐會致詞\n
\"8\" 阿根廷僑界春節聯誼餐會座無虛席\n
\"9\" 謝大使發贈新春紅包給70歲以上長輩\n
\"10\" 謝大使發贈新春紅包給生肖屬龍的鄉親\n
\"11\" 謝大使與阿根廷媒體記者朋友合影\n
\"12\" 駐阿根廷代表處提供精美的獎品進行抽獎
\n", "date": "2024-02-15 03:44:13", "url": "http://www.roc-taiwan.org/ar/post/21813.html" }, { "title": "謝大使出席台灣僑民聯合會理監事及社工團體聯誼餐會", "content": "


\"IMG_0086\" 謝大使致詞籲請僑胞與代表處共同努力致力台阿兩國在各領域交流與合作


\"IMG_0087\" 阿根廷台灣僑民聯合會李理事長昆堯致歡迎詞
\"IMG_0088\" 林醫師尚恩以「阿根廷慕義基督長老教會人道關懷」為題進行分享
\"IMG_0089\" 邱醫師建銘以「阿根廷中醫公會義診」為題進行分享
\"IMG_0090\" 阿根廷台灣僑民聯合會理監事及社工團體熱絡交流
\"IMG_0091\" 謝大使與僑聯會李理事長向理監事及僑務志工敬酒


\n", "date": "2024-01-18 10:01:41", "url": "http://www.roc-taiwan.org/ar/post/21700.html" }, { "title": "謝大使出席阿根廷台灣青商會農曆歲末聯誼活動", "content": "






\"22\" 與會僑領及阿根廷台灣青商會全體與謝大使合影


\"24\" 阿根廷台灣青商會許會長柏勛致感謝詞


\"25\" 謝大使提供精美禮品進行抽獎\n
\"26\" 葛僑務委員道爭提供精美禮品進行抽獎\n
\"27\" 阿根廷台商會李會長稚崧提供現金紅包抽獎\n
\"28\" 青商會員交換禮物\n
\"29\" 阿根廷台灣青商會農曆歲末聯誼活動氣氛熱絡歡欣
\n", "date": "2024-01-11 01:35:01", "url": "http://www.roc-taiwan.org/ar/post/21611.html" }, { "title": "謝大使出席「中華民國113年阿根廷僑界元旦升旗典禮」", "content": "






\"1\" 旅阿台灣僑民齊聲高唱中華民國及阿根廷國歌\n
\"2\" 謝大使與台灣僑民參加113年元旦升旗典禮後合照
\"3\" 謝大使出席「中華民國113年元旦升旗典禮」致詞\n
\"4\" 旅阿台灣僑民踴躍出席113年元旦團拜活動\n
\"5\" 旅阿台灣僑民聆聽蔡總統113年元旦談話\n
\"6\" 謝大使、李理事長及葛僑務委員引領切蛋糕,祝中華民國國運昌隆
\n", "date": "2024-01-03 21:47:56", "url": "http://www.roc-taiwan.org/ar/post/21583.html" } ] }, { "lang": "es", "branch": "", "country": "ar", "name": "Oficina Comercial y Cultural de Taipei en Argentina", "path": "/ar_es/", "items": [ { "title": "Exitoso encuentro empresarial entre Taiwán y Argentina", "content": "

El pasado 15 de abril se llevó a cabo exitosamente en el Hotel Marriott de Buenos Aires la ronda de negocios con la delegación comercial de Taiwán, organizada por el Consejo de Desarrollo del Comercio Exterior de Taiwán (TAITRA) y con la participación amplia de argentinos quienes entablaron conversación con sus contrapartes taiwaneses.




Este evento marcó un hito significativo al ser la primera delegación comercial de Taiwán en Argentina este año, y se destacó por su diversidad industrial, abarcando sectores como repuestos para automóviles y motocicletas, movilidad eléctrica, artículos y componentes eléctricos y electrónicos, herramientas, ferretería, instrumentos musicales, alimentos y bebidas, entre muchos otros.




La Directora General de la Oficina Comercial y Cultural de Taipei en Argentina, Embajadora Florencia Miao-hung HSIE, encabezó la ceremonia de inauguración de este encuentro, donde resaltó las amplias oportunidades comerciales y la complementaridad entre Taiwán y Argentina. \"A través de esta misión, esperamos fomentar la cooperación y fortalecer la relación económica bilateral entre Argentina y Taiwán\", señaló la Embajadora.




El jefe de la delegación y el representante de la empresa FORTUNTEK INDUSTRIAL CO., LTD., Sr. Marcus Chen, destacó la importancia del mercado latinoamericano y señaló que no deben subestimarse las oportunidades de comercio e inversión en la región. Se espera que este evento comercial fomente aún más el intercambio y la cooperación entre los empresarios de ambos países.




Además, estuvieron presentes el Sr. Sergio Angiulli, Presidente de la Cámara de Ferreterías y Afines de la República Argentina (CAFARA) y el Sr. Fernando Furci, Gerente General de la Cámara de Importadores de la República Argentina (CIRA), quienes compartieron las oportunidades del mercado argentino y la situación actual de las importaciones en Argentina respectivamente, y el Sr. Julio Rodriguez Rabellini, Economista Senior de la Cámara Argentina de Comercio y Servicios (CAC), quien realizó una breve presentación sobre el panorama económico y las perspectivas de Argentina, con el objetivo de brindar a los empresarios taiwaneses una mejor comprensión del mercado argentino.

























\n", "date": "2024-04-16 04:23:45", "url": "http://www.roc-taiwan.org/ar_es/post/12752.html" }, { "title": "Película taiwanesa en BAFICI", "content": "

Taiwán participará a través del film “Love is a Gun” en el 25° Festival de Cine Independiente de la Ciudad de Buenos Aires (BAFICI).


Esta película es el primer largometraje dirigido y protagonizado por el reconocido actor Lee Hong Chi y utiliza planos generales únicos para componer una elegía melancólica para jóvenes frustrados y sin esperanzas.


Cabe remarcar que la película obtuvo el Premio Luigi De Laurentiis a la mejor ópera prima en el Festival de cine de Venecia




“Love is a Gun” tendrá 3 funciones en el 25° BAFICI:





\n", "date": "2024-04-13 06:00:11", "url": "http://www.roc-taiwan.org/ar_es/post/12742.html" }, { "title": "Ronda de negocios con Taiwán", "content": "

El Consejo para el Desarrollo del Comercio Exterior de Taiwán (TAITRA) liderará una importante delegación empresarial de Taiwán a Latinoamérica, la cual incluirá una visita a Buenos Aires en el mes de abril para presentar sus productos. Esta delegación estará compuesta por 25 prestigiosas firmas taiwanesas de diversos sectores, siendo la misión más grande realizada después de la pandemia. Además, se llevará a cabo una ronda de negocios el 15 de abril del corriente año.





\n", "date": "2024-04-12 05:27:21", "url": "http://www.roc-taiwan.org/ar_es/post/12726.html" }, { "title": "La Iglesia Presbiteriana Muyi en Argentina realizó un servicio de acción de gracias para conmemorar su 33° aniversario", "content": "

El Secretario de Asuntos de la Comunidad Taiwanesa en Argentina, Andrés Ding, en representación de la Emb. Florencia Miao-Hung Hsie fue invitado a asistir al \"Servicio de Acción de Gracias en Conmemoración del Aniversario 33° de la Iglesia\", el 17 de marzo de 2013.
\nDurante el evento, el pastor Chuang Chiu-wei habló sobre el tema de \"Misiones y Responsabilidades\", manifestando que el trabajo principal de este año de la iglesia es \"enfrentar la nueva era y vivir una nueva imagen\".









\n", "date": "2024-03-19 05:21:38", "url": "http://www.roc-taiwan.org/ar_es/post/12649.html" }, { "title": "\"Banquete de Primavera 2024\" de la comunidad taiwanesa en Argentina", "content": "

La Oficina Comercial y Cultura de Taipéi en Argentina junto con la Asociación Civil de los Taiwaneses en Argentina organizó el evento \"Banquete de Primavera 2024\". El encuentro tuvo lugar en la sede de la Asociación el 3 de marzo de este año
\nLa Emb. Florencia Miao-Hung Hsie agradeció a los líderes de la comunidad por el entusiasmo y el esfuerzo puesto en promover el bienestar de la comunidad, y el apoyo en intensificar los intercambios económicos, comerciales y culturales entre Taiwán y Argentina. Además, se destacó su compromiso con los trabajos solidarios para brindar ayuda humanitaria y colaborar para que la imagen de “Taiwán, la fuerza para el bien” sea conocida en todos los rincones de la Argentina.
\nAsimismo, la embajadora compartió las calificaciones de diferentes aspectos de Taiwán, según informes publicados por reconocidas organizaciones internacionales. Taiwán ocupó el cuarto lugar en el Índice de Libertad Económica 2024 publicado por The Heritage Foundation y mantiene el primer lugar en el índice de democracia entre los países de Asia y el décimo a nivel mundial, de esta forma marcará el comienzo del 2024, con más oportunidades y desafíos.
\nDurante el evento, los invitados cantaron juntos \"El latido del corazón de Taiwán\", y realizaron un sorteo con interesantes premios.













\n", "date": "2024-03-05 02:41:00", "url": "http://www.roc-taiwan.org/ar_es/post/12641.html" }, { "title": "La comunidad taiwanesa en Argentina organiza una actividad por el Día Nacional en Memoria de la Paz", "content": "

La Asociación Civil de los Taiwaneses en Argentina organizó un evento por el Día








Nacional Conmemorativo de la Paz el 26 de febrero de este año.
\nEl Viceconsejero Pablo Hui fue invitado para asistir a la reunión en representación de la Emb. Florencia Miao-Hung Hsie, Directora General de la Oficina Comercial y Cultural de Taipéi .
\nEl evento incluyó conferencias con temáticas relacionadas y demostración de cantos populares como \"Amazing Grace\", \"Anping Memorial\" y \"Hold My Hand\".
\nEn la reunión, el pastor Chuang Chi Wei habló sobre temas relacionados con los derechos humanos y la paz.
\nLa actividad tuvo un importante significado: además de conmemorar acontecimientos históricos, se destacó el desempeño de Taiwán en salvaguardar los valores universales de la democracia, la libertad y los derechos humanos.





















\n", "date": "2024-03-01 00:05:27", "url": "http://www.roc-taiwan.org/ar_es/post/12630.html" }, { "title": "Ceremonia de Izamiento de Bandera por los 113 años de la República de China (Taiwán)", "content": "

La Directora General de la Oficina Comercial y Cultural de Taipéi en Argentina, Emb. Florencia Miao-hung Hsie,asistió junto con sus colegas a la ceremonia de Izamiento de Bandera, organizada por la comunidad taiwanesa en Argentina. Este acto se celebra el 1° de enero de cada año en la sede de la Asociación Civil de los Taiwaneses en Argentina para recibir el año nuevo.


La Emb. Hsie destacó que “Mirando hacia atrás, en 2023, el pueblo taiwanés siempre ha podido superar múltiples dificultades frente a la adversidad, y demostrar su tenacidad y sabiduría frente a los cambios en la situación política y económica internacional de pospandemia, así como las numerosas provocaciones y represiones autoritarias de China. Taiwán se destaca por su gran desempeño en la economía en general, y por su libertad y democracia desarrollada”. Asimismo, la Emb. Hsie llamó a los presentes a trabajar en conjunto por la prosperidad de Taiwán y Argentina, unidos por los valores de la democracia y la libertad, y buscar oportunidades de intercambio y cooperación en diversos ambitos.


Todos los participantes escucharon atentamente el discurso de la presidenta Tsai Ing-wen, en ocasión de la celebración del Año Nuevo. Para finalizar, la Emb. Florencia Miao-hung Hsie, el Sr. Li, Kun Yao, presidente de la Asociación Civil de los Taiwaneses en Argentina, y la Sra. Lucía Gott, representante de la Comunidad Taiwanesa en Argentina cortaron juntos la torta,y brindaron con los presentes deseando prosperidad a la República de China(Taiwán) y que la amistad entre Argentina y Taiwán sea cada vez más fuerte.

\"\" Ceremonia de Izamiento de bandera por los 113 años de la República de China (Taiwán)
\"\" Ceremonia de Izamiento de bandera por los 113 años de la República de China (Taiwán)\n
\"\" El discurso de La Directora General de la Oficina Comercial y Cultural de Taipéi en Argentina, Emb. Florencia Miao-hung Hsie

\"\" Mucha gente asistió a la ceremonia de Izamiento de Bandera, organizada por la comunidad taiwanesa en Argentina
\"\" Todos los participantes escucharon atentamente el discurso de la presidenta Tsai Ing-wen, en ocasión de la celebración del Año Nuevo

\"\" La Emb. Florencia Miao-hung Hsie, el Sr. Li, Kun Yao, presidente de la Asociación Civil de los Taiwaneses en Argentina, y la Sra. Lucía Gott, representante de la Comunidad Taiwanesa en Argentina cortaron juntos la torta,y brindaron con los presentes deseando prosperidad a la República de China(Taiwán) y que la amistad entre Argentina y Taiwán sea cada vez más fuerte
\n", "date": "2024-01-04 08:01:05", "url": "http://www.roc-taiwan.org/ar_es/post/12485.html" } ] }, { "lang": "zh", "branch": "", "country": "bz", "name": "駐貝里斯大使館", "path": "/bz/", "items": [] }, { "lang": "en", "branch": "", "country": "bz", "name": "Embassy of the Republic of China (Taiwan) in Belize", "path": "/bz_en/", "items": [] }, { "lang": "zh", "branch": "", "country": "br", "name": "駐巴西台北經濟文化辦事處", "path": "/br/", "items": [ { "title": "世華巴西利亞分會蔡會長拜會駐巴西代表處", "content": "





廖代表對婦女會協助代表處業務推動且發揚台灣人溺己溺的大愛精神表示感佩,也期望未來婦女會繼續支持代表處的業務並配合舉辦代表處的相關活動。蔡會長另就本年策劃中活動與廖代表交換意見。雙方會後並合影留念。\"WhatsApp \"WhatsApp

\n", "date": "2024-04-10 05:35:43", "url": "http://www.roc-taiwan.org/br/post/6396.html" }, { "title": "駐巴西代表處舉辦留台校友歲末聚餐活動", "content": "



期盼在座的各位發揮影響力,成為搭起兩國友好情誼的橋梁,活動進行近3小時才結束,氣氛熱絡、歡愉\"WhatsApp \"WhatsApp

\n", "date": "2024-03-19 04:39:17", "url": "http://www.roc-taiwan.org/br/post/6372.html" }, { "title": "歡慶春節 駐巴西代表處宴請僑界", "content": "












\n", "date": "2024-03-16 23:02:29", "url": "http://www.roc-taiwan.org/br/post/6369.html" } ] }, { "lang": "pt", "branch": "", "country": "br", "name": "Escritório Econômico e Cultural de Taipei no Brasil", "path": "/br_pt/", "items": [ { "title": "Escritório de Taipei no Brasil realizou o encontro anual de ῍Taiwan Alumni Association (TAA) no Brasil ῎", "content": "
\"\" \"\"\r\nCom mais de 60 participantes da “TAA in Brazil” e da “Taiwan ICDF Alumni Society”, o evento foi um sucesso e tranquilo.\r\nEsperamos que os membros do TAABR promovam as habilidades e conhecimentos adquiridos, tornando-se a pedra angular do desenvolvimento nacional do Brasil e pontes entre Taiwan e o Brasil.
\n", "date": "2024-03-19 04:40:41", "url": "http://www.roc-taiwan.org/br_pt/post/3212.html" } ] }, { "lang": "zh", "branch": "sao", "country": "br", "name": "駐聖保羅台北經濟文化辦事處", "path": "/brsao/", "items": [ { "title": "巴西全真道院道親熱烈慶祝媽祖聖誕", "content": "
今年全真道院的爐主競爭異常激烈,共有18名信眾報名角逐,在經過馮處長多回合請示媽祖 ,並以擲筊溝通回應,最後由張日雲以4筊勝出,成為全真道院2024年新任爐主。本年道院蔡堂主及現任爐主蔡宏卿等人特別準備豐盛的福袋及可口的素齋飯與大眾結緣,活動簡單隆重,圓滿順利。
\n", "date": "2024-04-10 02:31:58", "url": "http://www.roc-taiwan.org/brsao/post/4317.html" }, { "title": "2024年巴西台灣青年協會建會暨創會執行長就職典禮", "content": "
\n", "date": "2024-04-10 02:30:36", "url": "http://www.roc-taiwan.org/brsao/post/4309.html" }, { "title": "馮處長光中於崇正會愛心園活動頒贈客家事務諮詢委員聘書", "content": "
\n", "date": "2024-03-28 04:48:37", "url": "http://www.roc-taiwan.org/brsao/post/4283.html" }, { "title": "巴西淡江校友會3月10日中午在僑務促進委員楊舒華舒適溫馨的豪宅中舉辦新春聚餐", "content": "






\n", "date": "2024-03-21 03:30:54", "url": "http://www.roc-taiwan.org/brsao/post/4263.html" }, { "title": "馮處長光中參加2024年聖保羅僑界元旦升旗暨團拜", "content": "
\"414477152_713503984091873_3636565550151607979_n\" \"414477255_713504107425194_6854578756826179785_n\"
\n", "date": "2024-01-04 05:31:46", "url": "http://www.roc-taiwan.org/brsao/post/4130.html" } ] }, { "lang": "zh", "branch": "", "country": "cl", "name": "駐智利台北經濟文化辦事處", "path": "/cl/", "items": [ { "title": "台灣小提琴家丁章媛在智利完美演出", "content": "

駐智利代表處劉公使聿綺與在智利台僑熱情參與台灣小提琴家丁章媛與智利Andrés Bello大學樂團共同表演Festival Beethoven音樂會,丁章媛表現完美,她高超琴技演奏出優美琴聲令在場賓客陶醉不已。




Festival Beethoven音樂會於4月10日晚上8時在Andrés Bello大學Casona de Las Condes校區舉行,歡慶該校文化推廣處成立20週年,當晚計有外國駐智利代表、文化、音樂界人士及熱愛文化表演民眾等出席。



\n", "date": "2024-04-21 01:03:57", "url": "http://www.roc-taiwan.org/cl/post/10466.html" }, { "title": "台灣捐助智利Valparaíso大區森林大火災民及災區學校賑濟物資", "content": "

台灣旅居智利僑界發揮人道精神,自主捐款及男女運動鞋響應賑災活動,並在駐智利代表處協調下採購基本食品、衛生用品、教學用品及冷凍櫃等賑濟物資予智利中部地區Valparaiso, Viña del Mar, Quilpué及Villa Alemana等地遭受祝融肆虐之災戶與學校。





\n", "date": "2024-03-23 22:42:02", "url": "http://www.roc-taiwan.org/cl/post/10439.html" } ] }, { "lang": "es", "branch": "", "country": "cl", "name": "Oficina Económica y Cultural de Taipei en Chile", "path": "/cl_es/", "items": [ { "title": "Una perfecta noche de música", "content": "

Gracias al violinista taiwanés Belle Ting y a la Camerata de la Universidad Andrés Bello por su perfecta interpretación. La entusiasta participación de los taiwaneses en Chile fue conmovedora. Compartimos un rico festín musical.



\n", "date": "2024-04-21 01:16:21", "url": "http://www.roc-taiwan.org/cl_es/post/19074.html" }, { "title": "Delegación comercial de Taiwán visitará Chile para buscar alianzas comerciales con empresas chilenas!", "content": "

En abril el Consejo para el Desarrollo del Comercio Exterior de Taiwán (TAITRA) liderará una delegación de Taiwán con el objetivo de forjar alianzas estratégicas y abrir nuevas oportunidades de negocios, por dicho motivo Taiwán International Trade Administration (TITA), la Oficina Económica y Cultural de Taipéi en Chile y TAITRA están organizando la Rueda de Negocios Taiwán-Chile 2024, evento que se realizará el jueves 18 de abril en el Salón Grand Ballroom (Piso -2) del Hotel Ritz Carlton.


Únete a la Rueda de Negocios que es un evento exclusivo para conectarte con 25 destacadas empresas taiwanesas. Estas empresas son reconocidas a nivel mundial como excelentes proveedores en sectores como electrónica, repuestos automotrices, herramientas, maquinaria, textiles, alimentos y bebidas, dispositivos médicos, entre otros.


👉 Para mayor información de empresas taiwanesas y catálogo de productos que se presentan en la rueda de negocios, te invitamos a visitar: https://sites.google.com/view/tw-trade-mission-to-latam2024/suppliers


👉 Inscripciones gratuitas en: https://docs.google.com/forms/d/e/1FAIpQLSdCa8d3_3DbVd0YGzbBb93R0FHJzt6poUabLXIUEWYJd1yMCg/viewform


¡Prepárate para expandir tus horizontes comerciales y aprovechar estas valiosas oportunidades!



\n", "date": "2024-03-26 22:07:26", "url": "http://www.roc-taiwan.org/cl_es/post/19038.html" }, { "title": "Taiwán dona materiales a las personas y escuelas damnificadas de incendios forestales en la región de Valparaíso de Chile", "content": "

La Oficina Económica y Cultural de Taipei junto con la comunidad taiwanesa en chile apoyaron a las miles de personas damnificadas por los incendios ocurridos en Valparaiso, Viña del Mar, Quilpué y Villa Alemana, a través de donaciones de alimentos no perecibles, toallas, congeladores, útiles escolares y de aseo y los zapatos etc.


La Directora General de la oficina y el presidente del Club Amistad Taiwán- Chile llegaron a ofrecer la solidaridad y el apoyo en momentos más dificiles, mostrando una amistad sólida y sincera.


Esperamos que los damnificados encuentren feurzas para continuar adelante en medio de las dificultades.



\n", "date": "2024-03-23 22:45:00", "url": "http://www.roc-taiwan.org/cl_es/post/19021.html" } ] }, { "lang": "zh", "branch": "", "country": "co", "name": "駐哥倫比亞台北商務辦事處", "path": "/co/", "items": [ { "title": "桂代表志芸拜訪哥倫比亞臺商會游會長信元", "content": "








\n", "date": "2024-02-19 22:49:23", "url": "http://www.roc-taiwan.org/co/post/11893.html" }, { "title": "桂代表志芸拜訪哥倫比亞潘僑務顧問振中", "content": "



潘僑務顧問早在1980年來哥國創立電子公司銷售自國內進口之各類電子零組件,為台商開拓哥倫比亞市場重要先驅之一;另近年亦投入精品咖啡栽種及銷售,其品牌咖啡豆Don Elías Café已成功打入當地市場,於哥國大型連鎖超市Hipermar Fish皆有販售。





\n", "date": "2024-02-19 22:47:33", "url": "http://www.roc-taiwan.org/co/post/11888.html" }, { "title": "桂代表志芸拜訪臺商韓順雄董事長", "content": "








\n", "date": "2024-02-16 03:46:18", "url": "http://www.roc-taiwan.org/co/post/11875.html" }, { "title": "桂代表志芸拜訪游僑務諮詢委員信誠所經營之T&C公司總部", "content": "




\n", "date": "2024-02-16 03:41:21", "url": "http://www.roc-taiwan.org/co/post/11871.html" }, { "title": "桂代表志芸參訪哥倫比亞陳僑務諮詢委員獻斌所經營豪華帝寶公司營運總部", "content": "








\n", "date": "2024-02-14 22:12:18", "url": "http://www.roc-taiwan.org/co/post/11866.html" } ] }, { "lang": "es", "branch": "", "country": "co", "name": "Oficina Comercial de Taipei en Bogota, Colombia", "path": "/co_es/", "items": [] }, { "lang": "pt", "branch": "sao", "country": "br", "name": "Escritório Econômico e Cultural de Taipei em São Paulo", "path": "/brsao_pt/", "items": [ { "title": "Fundação da Associação Juventude Brasil-Taiwan", "content": "
Por meio da cerimônia abertura, Sr Samuel Fen I Chen foi eleito como o 1º presidente.
O Cônsul Luís Kuang Jong Fong foi convidado a participar e, em nome do governo taiwanês, presenteou Sr Samuel Fen I Chen com um certificado a assumir o cargo do 1º presidente e CEO.
\n", "date": "2024-04-10 02:36:14", "url": "http://www.roc-taiwan.org/brsao_pt/post/2349.html" }, { "title": "O Sr Cônsul, Luís Kuang Jong Fong participar da comemoração do Nascimento da Mazu em 2024.", "content": "
O Sr Cônsul, Luís Kuang Jong Fong do Escritório Econômico e Cultural de Taipei foi convidado a participar da comemoração do Nascimento da Mazu em 2024.
O Sr Cônsul afirmou que Taiwan atua como o líder na inovação tecnológica, também conseguiu alcançar um equilíbrio na cultura tradicional pela benção da Mazu.
Aproveitamos esta comemoração do Nascimento da Mazu para desejar saúde, felicidade e prosperidade a todos os participantes!
\n", "date": "2024-04-10 02:35:11", "url": "http://www.roc-taiwan.org/brsao_pt/post/2345.html" }, { "title": "Reunião da Associação de Ex-Alunos da Universidade Tamkang do Brasil", "content": "


\n", "date": "2024-03-21 03:56:00", "url": "http://www.roc-taiwan.org/brsao_pt/post/2287.html" }, { "title": "Hasteamento da bandeira e saudação coletiva ao Ano Novo", "content": "










\n", "date": "2024-02-07 20:46:25", "url": "http://www.roc-taiwan.org/brsao_pt/post/2274.html" } ] }, { "lang": "zh", "branch": "", "country": "do", "name": "多明尼加", "path": "/do/", "items": [] }, { "lang": "es", "branch": "", "country": "do", "name": "Embajada de la República de China (Taiwán) en República Dominicana", "path": "/do_es/", "items": [] }, { "lang": "zh", "branch": "", "country": "ec", "name": "臺北駐厄瓜多商務處", "path": "/ec/", "items": [ { "title": "3月22日是世界水資源日。", "content": "
本處廖代表鴻達3月21日應厄瓜多Tungurahua省省長Manuel Caizabanda邀請出席「第一屆高山草原:水與生命」國際研討會,聽取聯合國開發計畫署駐厄瓜多協調人、環境部代表、教育部代表、及厄瓜多省政治聯席會主席等人有關水資源保育的重要性及具體作法。水資源保育已經是當今及區域最重要的課題,讓我們攜手共同努力!
\n", "date": "2024-03-22 23:18:24", "url": "http://www.roc-taiwan.org/ec/post/17192.html" }, { "title": "狂賀!厄瓜多設計、創新及科技發展中心(CEDIT)重新開幕!", "content": "
\"🚀\"\"🌟\"台灣加油! 厄瓜多加油! 讓我們共創美好的未來!
\n", "date": "2024-03-20 23:22:57", "url": "http://www.roc-taiwan.org/ec/post/17198.html" }, { "title": "恭喜#華僑公會及#急難救助協會會長改選暨春節餐會順利成功!", "content": "
\"h1\"\"h2\"\"h3\"\"h4\"\"h5\"\"h6\" \"h7\"\"h8\"
\n", "date": "2024-02-20 23:32:57", "url": "http://www.roc-taiwan.org/ec/post/17209.html" }, { "title": "#厄瓜多台灣商會 慶祝春節並舉行會長及監事長選舉圓滿成功!", "content": "










\n", "date": "2024-02-14 17:27:44", "url": "http://www.roc-taiwan.org/ec/post/17155.html" }, { "title": "厄瓜多@台灣商會 慶祝春節並舉行會長及監事長選舉圓滿成功!", "content": "
\n", "date": "2024-02-10 23:36:02", "url": "http://www.roc-taiwan.org/ec/post/17220.html" }, { "title": "惠夜基僑界歡慶農曆春節!", "content": "
廖鴻達代表祝福僑胞們身體健康,生意興隆\"🏢\"\"❤️\"\"🩹\",龍年行大運! \"☕️\"
\n", "date": "2024-02-06 23:42:06", "url": "http://www.roc-taiwan.org/ec/post/17231.html" }, { "title": "駐厄瓜多廖代表及員眷出席厄京華僑公會113年元旦升旗典禮", "content": "


\n", "date": "2024-01-11 00:00:19", "url": "http://www.roc-taiwan.org/ec/post/17009.html" }, { "title": "亮麗的2024年!", "content": "
黃榮譽會長感謝駐厄瓜多代表處在長年對僑胞的支持與協助,深信厄瓜多各界與台灣的關係將日益深化,並祝大家 有個豐盛的2024 年、順利成功!
廖代表鼓勵大家一起選出心目中理想的中華民國新總統,一起帶領我們面對2024年的各種挑戰,\"💪🏼\"祝福旅厄僑民,身體健康、萬事如意、生意興隆!\"🎉\"\"☀️\"我國政府始終與大家在一起,24小時不止息,隨時提供協助。 \"🙌🏻\"
廖代表同時也祝福台灣\"🇹🇼\"與厄瓜多\"🇪🇨\"二國國運昌隆。 \"📊\"\"💼\"
大家一起努力喔!加油! \"💪🏼\"
\n", "date": "2024-01-02 23:51:28", "url": "http://www.roc-taiwan.org/ec/post/17252.html" } ] }, { "lang": "es", "branch": "", "country": "ec", "name": "Oficina Comercial de Taipei", "path": "/ec_es/", "items": [ { "title": "el Agua y la Vida en Tungurahua! 👏🏼💧", "content": "
¡Felicidades por el éxito del #PrimerCongresodeCumbresyPáramos: por el Agua y la Vida en Tungurahua! \"👏🏼\"\"💧\"
\"🗓️\"El día 22 de marzo es el Día Mundial del Agua. Hoy el Representante Augusto Liao, por invitación del Prefecto de Tungurahua, Dr. Manuel Caizabanda, participó con gran entusiasmo en el acto de inauguración del “Primer Congreso Cumbres y Páramos: por el Agua y la Vida”.
En el emotivo evento, la Dra. Matilde Mordt, Coordinadora del Programa de las Naciones Unidas para el Desarrollo (PNUD)\"🌐\" Ecuador, junto con altos funcionarios del Ministerio del Ambiente, Agua y Transición Ecológica, del Ministerio de Educación, y del Consorcio de Gobiernos Autónomos Provinciales del Ecuador (CONGOPE), manifestaron la importancia de la conservación del agua en los páramos del Ecuador\"🏔️\".
La conservación del agua es esencial para garantizar un futuro próspero y equitativo para las generaciones presentes y futuras.\"👨‍👩‍👧\" ¡Trabajemos juntos con amor y compromiso para la conservación del agua! \"💧\"\"🌱\"
Gobierno Provincial de Tungurahua
\n", "date": "2024-03-22 23:21:24", "url": "http://www.roc-taiwan.org/ec_es/post/4744.html" }, { "title": "¡Felicidades por la reinauguración del Centro de Diseño, Innovación y Desarrollo Tecnológico (CEDIT)!", "content": "
El Representante de Taiwán Augusto Liao fue invitado a asistir a la ceremonia de reinauguración de CEDIT de la Cámara De La Pequeña Y Mediana Empresa De Pichincha (CAPEIPI), y junto con miembros de CAPEIPI y sectores académicos fueron testigos de este importante evento que ayudará al desarrollo económico de Ecuador\"🇪🇨\"\"📈\".
CAPEIPI abarcan ocho importantes industrias de las pequeñas y medianas empresas de Ecuador \"💼\", y es el principal promotor del desarrollo ecoónico y del comercio exterior del país\"🌐\".
Taiwán es la economía número 21 del mundo\"🏅\"\"🌎\". El volumen comercial entre Taiwán y Ecuador ha crecido significativamente en los últimos años, alcanzando 363 millones de dólares \"💰\"\"🤩\"en 2023, el valor más alto de la historia.
La Oficina Comercial de Taipéi en Ecuador está dispuesta a fortalecer su asociación con CAPEIPI y crear conjuntamente más oportunidades comerciales. \"✨\"
\"🚀\"\"🌟\"¡Vamos Ecuador! ¡Vamos Taiwán!¡Creemos juntos un futuro mejor!
\n", "date": "2024-03-20 23:26:38", "url": "http://www.roc-taiwan.org/ec_es/post/4755.html" }, { "title": "¡Una entrevista fascinante sobre las becas de Taiwán!", "content": "
Recientemente, el Representante Augusto Liao fue entrevistado por Radio Sucesos\"📻\"(101.7 FM) para hablar sobre las becas de \"🇹🇼\" . Allí, el Representante Liao contó que Taiwán es muy famoso no solo por su industria de semiconductores para satélites, celulares y computadoras\"🖥️\" , sino también por su avanzada agricultura\"🌿\", logros basados en su educación de alta calidad.
La ex-becaria \"👩🏻‍🎓\"Verónica Guachamin compartió su experiencia fructífera y divertida de estudiar en Taiwán con la Beca Huayu y la Beca Taiwán. \"🇹🇼\" Verónica comenta que aprendió dentro y fuera del aula y enfatizó la importancia y la gran oportunidad del intercambio cultural entre diferentes países\"🤝\".
El Representante Liao animó a los estudiantes ecuatorianos\"👨🏻‍🎓\"\"🇪🇨\"a realizar sus estudios en Taiwán, para luego regresar a su hogar y aplicar los conocimientos obtenidos en su propio país, en beneficio de la sociedad ecuatoriana\"📚\".
¿Le interesa aplicar a las becas de Taiwán?
¡Ojo! Las fechas para la solicitud de las becas son:
- Para la Beca Taiwan y Beca Huayu, la entrega de documentos en nuestra oficina debe ser antes del 15 de abril.
- Para la Beca ICDF, la solicitud debe ser en línea antes del 15 de marzo.
\"🔗\"Obtén más información en el siguiente enlace:
¡No dejes pasar esta increíble oportunidad de crecimiento y aprendizaje! ¡Taiwán te espera con los brazos abiertos! \"🎓\"\"🇹🇼\"
\n", "date": "2024-02-27 23:29:21", "url": "http://www.roc-taiwan.org/ec_es/post/4759.html" }, { "title": "¡La comunidad taiwanesa en Guayaquil celebró el Festival del año nuevo lunar!", "content": "
La Asociación de Colonia Taiwanesa \"🇹🇼\" en Guayaquil y la Cámara de Comercio Taiwanés en Guayaquil Ecuador celebraron conjuntamente el Festival del año nuevo lunar, el 4 de febrero. Todos se felicitaron mutuamente y compartieron la alegría \"🎉\"\"🥳\"y las perspectivas para el futuro. En la actividad se realizaron divertidos sorteos de lotería y repartir los sobres rojos \"🧧\"trajeron emoción \"🤗\" al almuerzo e hicieron toda la fiesta con gran alegría. \"🤩\"
El Representante Augusto Liao deseó a todos de la comunidad taiwanesa buena salud y prosperidad en el año nuevo de Dragón con mucha suerte.\"☕️\"\"💕\"
\n", "date": "2024-02-06 23:43:29", "url": "http://www.roc-taiwan.org/ec_es/post/4785.html" }, { "title": "¡Participe en la convocatoria a la 55va. Exposición Mundial de Arte Infantil!", "content": "
\"👨🏼‍🎨\"En la 54va. Exposición Mundial de Arte Infantil de la República de China (Taiwán) el año pasado, los niños ecuatorianos participantes ganaron 1 medalla de oro\"🥇\" , 3 medallas de bronce \"🥉\" y 11 menciones de honor\"🏅\".
El Representante Augusto Liao hizo un viaje a Guayaquil para entregar la medalla y certificados a los niños galardonados\"🏆\", donde aprovechó para animar a más niños a participar en la Exposición Mundial de Arte Infantil de este año\"💪🏼\".
¡Así es\"👊🏼\" ! ¡Ha comenzado la convocatoria a la 55va. Exposición Mundial de Arte Infantil para este año!
Maestros y padres, animen rápidamente a los estudiantes de 3 a 15 años \"👦🏻\"\"👧🏻\" de edad a enviar sus obras para participar en esta exposición de arte.
Para obtener más información, consulte el siguiente enlace:
\n", "date": "2024-02-05 23:46:02", "url": "http://www.roc-taiwan.org/ec_es/post/4789.html" }, { "title": "¡Un brillante 2024!", "content": "
El Representante Augusto Liao junto con el Sr. Wen-Hong Huang, Presidente Honorario de la Asociación Colonial de la Republica de China (Taiwán) en Quito, presidieron con entusiasmo la conmovedora ceremonia de izamiento de bandera nacional con motivo del Año Nuevo del 113º año de la República de China (Taiwán).\"🇹🇼\" Más de 40 líderes de compatriotas de ultramar se unieron al evento con sus queridas familias .\"👏🏼\"\"👨\"\"👩\"\"👧\"
El Representante Liao, expresó un cálido agradecimiento a todos los paisanos \"🇹🇼\" por formar parte de esta ceremonia y reconoció las valiosas contribuciones y esfuerzos de la comunidad por fortalecer los lazos \"🫱🏻\"\"🫲🏼\"entre los pueblos de Ecuador\"🇪🇨\" y Taiwán.\"🇹🇼\"
Con un espíritu alentador, el Representante Liao animó a todos que salgan a votar por su canditado presidencial ideal para dirigirnos a enfrentar los desafíos en el futuro,y desea a todos los compatriotas en Ecuador buena salud, buena suerte y prósperos negocios! \"🎉\"\"☀️\" El gobierno de Taiwán siempre esta al lado de todos los paisanos para ofrecer su firme apoyo. \"💪🏼\"
Al mismo tiempo, ¡Que Viva Ecuador \"🇪🇨\", que viva Taiwán \"🇹🇼\"! \"📊\"\"💼\"
¡Feliz Año Nuevo 2024!\"🎆\"\"🌟\" ¡Ánimo, vamos junto!
\n", "date": "2024-01-02 23:49:29", "url": "http://www.roc-taiwan.org/ec_es/post/4798.html" } ] }, { "lang": "zh", "branch": "", "country": "sv", "name": "薩爾瓦多", "path": "/sv/", "items": [] }, { "lang": "es", "branch": "", "country": "sv", "name": "Embajada de la República de China (Taiwán) en El Salvador", "path": "/sv_es/", "items": [] }, { "lang": "zh", "branch": "", "country": "gt", "name": "駐瓜地馬拉共和國大使館", "path": "/gt/", "items": [ { "title": "本館與瓜國外交部禮賓總司交流", "content": "






\n", "date": "2024-04-20 08:46:20", "url": "http://www.roc-taiwan.org/gt/post/8226.html" }, { "title": "台灣交付聖胡安希奧斯醫院新生兒大樓予瓜地馬拉政府", "content": "

中華民國(台灣)駐瓜地馬拉大使館曹立傑大使本月(4)12日與瓜國總統阿雷瓦洛(Bernardo ARÉVALO)及衛生部長哥登(Óscar Cordón)共同主持聖胡安希奧斯(San Juan de Dios)醫院附設新生兒大樓贈交儀式,現場計有交通部長Jazmín de la Vega、 該醫院院長Erika Pérez等政府官員約80人共同出席典禮。







\"01\" 曹大使與瓜國阿瓦洛總統主持醫院揭牌儀式
\"03\" 曹大使(左三)、阿雷瓦洛總統(右二)、衛生部長Óscar Cordón(左二)、交通部長Jazmín de la Vega(左一)及聖胡安希奧斯醫院院長Erika Pérez(右一)合影
\"04\" 曹大使捐贈醫療藥品予聖胡安希奧斯醫院院長Erika Pérez
\"05\" 與會者聽取醫院簡報
\n", "date": "2024-04-13 19:57:32", "url": "http://www.roc-taiwan.org/gt/post/8202.html" }, { "title": "由我國外交部及「中華民國紡織業拓展會」籌組的台灣紡織考察團正式抵達瓜國", "content": "





\"P_20240311_083259\" \"P_20240311_090121\" \"P_20240311_092207\"

\n", "date": "2024-03-12 12:54:20", "url": "http://www.roc-taiwan.org/gt/post/8122.html" }, { "title": "本館出席瓜地馬拉台灣商會元宵慶祝晚會", "content": "



曹大使致詞感謝台灣商會團結一心共度元宵,晚會節目精彩豐富,復刻當年電音三太子風靡全球的技藝表演,現場也提供湯圓餡料diy ,讓二、三代僑青也瞭解湯圓製作方式,現場氣氛和樂融融,溫馨愉悅。











\n", "date": "2024-02-26 08:43:20", "url": "http://www.roc-taiwan.org/gt/post/8036.html" }, { "title": "本館辦理中華民國國防部獎學金受獎生證書頒發典禮", "content": "

曹大使與瓜國參謀總長Carlos Antonio Medina Juárez少將共同主持2024年中華民國國防部獎學金受獎生證書頒發典禮,總長致詞中向各位來賓分享自身旅台經驗,並感謝我國長年以來提供瓜國軍官受訓機會,有助於促進兩軍相互瞭解,曹大使則勉勵現場前、後期獎學金生,扮演兩國友誼橋樑,共同深化雙邊軍事合作交流,相信在既有邦誼基礎下,雙邊軍誼定能穩健持續發展。







\n", "date": "2024-02-24 20:28:38", "url": "http://www.roc-taiwan.org/gt/post/8027.html" }, { "title": "台、美、瓜三國共同在瓜國合作為瓜地馬拉強化整體發展及福祉", "content": "

本館於本日與美國非營利機構「糧食濟貧組織」(Food for the Poor)、瓜京明愛會(Cáritas Arquidiocesana)及馬爾他騎士團(Orden de Malta)共同舉行線上會議,達成台美瓜公私部門首度合作之共識,與會各方都認同唯有建立合作聯盟,才能加乘個別獨自努力的成果。曹大使重申我國將持續協助瓜國政府及人民強化整體發展及福祉。「糧食濟貧組織」董事長暨執行長Edward RAINE則表示,該組織與我國合作逾17年,很高興見證雙邊合作關係拓展至瓜國。









\n", "date": "2024-02-17 06:07:54", "url": "http://www.roc-taiwan.org/gt/post/7997.html" }, { "title": "台瓜「強化玉米生產韌性計畫」成效良好", "content": "

在2023年,玉米計畫和農科院合作生產的ICTA V-301玉米原種一共收穫了3公噸,可以供應近200公頃瓜國中高海拔地區的農民生產玉米種子用,第一批參與計畫生產此品種種子的農民組織來自Baja Verapaz省Purulhá市,他們未來的產出可以嘉惠更多農民 。


\"415071121_675312611424133_5497443032393024944_n\" \"416150993_675312528090808_3186862566749014769_n\"

\n", "date": "2024-01-09 05:22:55", "url": "http://www.roc-taiwan.org/gt/post/7852.html" } ] }, { "lang": "es", "branch": "", "country": "gt", "name": "Embajada de la República de China (Taiwán) en Guatemala", "path": "/gt_es/", "items": [ { "title": "Evento de intercambio con las colegas del Departamento de Protocolo del Ministerio de Relaciones Exteriores de Guatemala", "content": "

Los funcionarios de la Embajada sostuvieron un evento de intercambio con las colegas del Departamento de Protocolo del Ministerio de Relaciones Exteriores de Guatemala. Además de agradecer su asistencia, también compartimos aspectos destacados de la cooperación entre Taiwán y Guatemala.


El evento estuvo lleno de calidez e intelectualidad, en una atmósfera alegre, los diplomáticos de los dos países fueron cordiales, lo que los acercó entre sí y llenó la amistad entre Taiwán y Guatemala.



\n", "date": "2024-04-20 08:48:38", "url": "http://www.roc-taiwan.org/gt_es/post/21348.html" }, { "title": "Guatemaltecos realizarán sus entrenimientos en Taiwán", "content": "
El Embajador Miguel Li-jey Tsao sostuvo una reunión con 12 participantes guatemaltecos de sus respectivos cursos con tema de maternidad y neonatal, salud mental y conservación marina, que se van a realizar en Taiwán estos meses.
El Embajador les animó a aprovechar esta oportunidad para conocer
los hermosos paisajes y el calor humano del pueblo de Taiwán, mientras reciban la capacitación profesional de mejoramiento.
¡Les deseamos a todos los participantes un viaje seguro y lleno de experiencias enriquecedoras!
\n", "date": "2024-04-13 20:03:41", "url": "http://www.roc-taiwan.org/gt_es/post/21332.html" }, { "title": "El proyecto de prevención y control de la enfermedad del Fusarium R4T del banano implementado por la Misión Técnica de Taiwán avanza hacia el departamento de Petén", "content": "
El proyecto de prevención y control de la enfermedad del Fusarium R4T del banano implementado por la Misión Técnica de Taiwán avanza hacia el departamento de Petén, para monitorear dicha plaga.
Este mes, el equipo de la Misión Técnica de Taiwán, OIRSA y MAGA avanzaron por primera vez hacia el departamento de Petén, estableciendo puntos de monitoreo satelital en las plantaciones de plátano, para monitorear extensivamente las plantaciones. Asimismo, se lleva a cabo capacitación sobre la prevención y control de la enfermedad del Fusarium R4T del banano, para profundizar conjuntamente conocimientos en la prevención del Fusarium R4T, el hongo causante de la plaga de las hojas amarillas del banano.
\"S__42565655_0\" \"S__42565659_0\" \"S__42565658_0\" \"S__42565657_0\"
\n", "date": "2024-04-11 23:28:53", "url": "http://www.roc-taiwan.org/gt_es/post/21316.html" }, { "title": "Una delegación de empresarios de textil de Taiwán organizada por el Ministerio de Relaciones Exteriores de Taiwán y la \"Asociación de Desarrollo de la Industria Textil de la República de China (Taiwán)\" llegó a Guatemala", "content": "

Una delegación de empresarios de textil de Taiwán organizada por el Ministerio de Relaciones Exteriores de Taiwán y la \"Asociación de Desarrollo de la Industria Textil de la República de China (Taiwán)\" llegó a Guatemala. Los miembros de este grupo incluyen varios de los principales fabricantes textiles de Taiwán. La delegación visitó hoy nuestra Embajada y el Embajador Miguel Tsao presentó a la delegación las muchas ventajas de inversión que ofrece el país, como ser la economía más grande de Centroamérica, tener una fuerza laboral diligente y ser un socio importante en la política de ¨Nearshoring¨ de los Estados Unidos.


Además de afirmar las diversas ventajas de inversión de Guatemala, la delegación también prometió de hacer todo lo posible para promover un modelo de cooperación que sea beneficioso para ambas partes y utilizar conjuntamente la tecnología textil avanzada de Taiwán para desarrollar la industria de textil de Guatemala.


Esta delegación de textil que vino a Guatemala es el grupo más grande organizado por Taiwán en los últimos años. Además de firmar un memorando de cooperación con la Asociación de la Industria del Vestuario y Textiles de Guatemala (VESTEX), la delegación también inspeccionará el entorno general de inversión de Guatemala, con miras a aprovechar la proximidad de Guatemala a los Estados Unidos para promover el \"Nearshoring\" y también demostrar la determinación de Taiwán de invertir en Guatemala.


\"P_20240311_083259\" \"P_20240311_090121\" \"P_20240311_092207\"



\n", "date": "2024-03-12 12:56:06", "url": "http://www.roc-taiwan.org/gt_es/post/21270.html" }, { "title": "La Embajada participa el Festival de Farol de la Cámara de Comercio de Taiwán en Guatemala", "content": "

La Cámara de Comercio de Taiwán en Guatemala celebró el Festival del Farol y unos 200 paisanos taiwanéses se reunieron para celebrar. El Embajador Miguel Tsao, junto con su esposa y los funcionarios de la Embajada y de la Misión Técnica también fueron invitados a dicha celebración.


El Embajador Tsao agradeció a la Cámara por llamar a la comunidad taiwanesa siguiendo la tradición. La fiesta contó con una variedad de programas emocionantes, replicando las actuaciones técnicas de los Tres Príncipes de la música electrónica que fueron populares en todo el mundo. También se proporcionaron rellenos de bolas de masa de arroz glutinoso en el lugar, lo que permitió a la segunda y tercera generación en el ultramar entender la cultura tradicional. El ambiente fue armonioso, cálido y agradable.


Esperamos que este nuevo año sea como esta hermosa noche, trabajaremos junto por un futuro mejor para ambos pueblos de Taiwán y Guatemala.









\n", "date": "2024-02-26 08:50:30", "url": "http://www.roc-taiwan.org/gt_es/post/21228.html" }, { "title": "Taiwán, EEUU y Guatemala forman alianza para fortaleciendo el desarrollo integral de Guatemala", "content": "
Hoy la Embajada de la República de China (Taiwán) y la ONG internacional Food For The Poor realizaron una conferencia virtual, con la presencia de representantes de Cáritas Arquidiocesana y de Orden de Malta.
A través de esta plataforma, todas las partes involucradas llegaron un consenso de la primera cooperación entre el sector público y el privado con la participación de Taiwán, Estados Unidos y Guatemala. Y estuvieron convencidas de que, la muestra de solidaridad hacia Guatemala puede hacerse realizado mediante alianza. El Embajdor Miguel Li-Jey Tsao reiteró el compromiso del Gobierno de Taiwán como aliado para seguir fortaleciendo el desarrollo integral de Guatemala. El presidente y director ejecutivo de FFTP, Edward RAINE, dijo que lleva más de 17 años trabajando con Taiwán, y está contento de poder ampliar la esfera de cooperación en Guatemala.
\n", "date": "2024-02-17 06:12:59", "url": "http://www.roc-taiwan.org/gt_es/post/21196.html" }, { "title": "Especialistas guatemaltecos completan su entrenamiento y vuelven a Guatemala", "content": "
Enhorabuena a los especialistas que han completado la capacitación en Taiwán y han regresado a su patria.
La capacitación comprende la resiliencia ante desastres y gestión de riesgos\"💡\", centro de innovación y desarrollo del dron y inteligencia artificial, intercambio de experiencias entre sectores dedicados a recursos hídricos y meteorología, visitas a depósito Shimen , infraestructura hidráulica de control de inundaciones de Yuanshan y ejemplo de comunidad preparada para los desastres.
Esperamos que los miembros puedan aplicar lo que han aprendido para traer un futuro brillante al sistema de gestión de desastres de Guatemala.
\n", "date": "2024-01-09 09:38:10", "url": "http://www.roc-taiwan.org/gt_es/post/21159.html" } ] }, { "lang": "zh", "branch": "", "country": "ht", "name": "駐海地共和國大使館", "path": "/ht/", "items": [ { "title": "與FFTP簽訂8,240公噸援米協議", "content": "

古大使文劍代表中華民國(臺灣)與「糧食濟貧組織」(FFTP)簽訂2024年度8,240公噸援米協議,合作救濟海地最弱勢族群,並同時讚許雙方合作在海地南部協助農民組織從事稻米生產及行銷之計畫獲得令人鼓舞之結果。\"1.\" \"2.\" \"3\"

\n", "date": "2024-01-30 23:43:53", "url": "http://www.roc-taiwan.org/ht/post/5482.html" }, { "title": "「救助人民計畫」以及「互助菜籃」", "content": "

臺灣資助海地政府所屬「經濟社會救助基金」(FAES)執行之緊急社會救助措施「救助人民計畫」(KORE PEP),以協助安定社會並奠定儘早重返民主常軌之基礎。古大使文劍參觀「互助菜籃」(發放給弱勢族群家庭之免費食材包)之製作中心並贈交計畫下一期款項,以維持計畫營運。


\"1.0\" \"2.0\" \"3.0\" \"4.0\" \"5.0\" \"6.0\"

\n", "date": "2024-01-11 02:12:18", "url": "http://www.roc-taiwan.org/ht/post/5396.html" } ] }, { "lang": "fr", "branch": "", "country": "ht", "name": "Ambassade de la République de Chine(Taïwan) en Haïti", "path": "/ht_fr/", "items": [ { "title": "Signature avec FFTP d'un accord de don de 8,240 tonnes de riz", "content": "

L'Ambassadeur Wen-Jiann KU a renouvelé le partenariat entre la République de Chine (Taïwan) et Food For The Poor (FFTP) avec la signature d'un accord de don de 8,240 tonnes de riz. Il a aussi félicité le résultat prometteur du projet de production et de commercialisation du riz local dans le département du Sud exécuté par la Mission Technique Taïwanaise.(2024/1/26)\"\" \"\" \"\"

\n", "date": "2024-01-30 23:47:17", "url": "http://www.roc-taiwan.org/ht_fr/post/4120.html" }, { "title": "\"KORE PEP\" et \"PANYE SOLIDARITE\"", "content": "

Taïwan appuie le programme \"KORE PEP\" du gouvernement haïtien exécuté par le Fonds d'Assistance Economique et Sociale (FAES) afin de contribuer à la stabilité sociale du pays et de poser les bases pour le retour des institutions démocratiques dès que les conditions seront réunies. L'Ambassadeur Wen-Jiann KU a visité le centre de production de kits alimentaires \"PANYE SOLIDARITE\" et a remis une nouvelle tranche de financement pour la poursuite du programme.


\"\" \"\" \"\" \"\" \"\" \"\"

\n", "date": "2024-01-11 02:13:54", "url": "http://www.roc-taiwan.org/ht_fr/post/4082.html" } ] }, { "lang": "zh", "branch": "", "country": "hn", "name": "宏都拉斯", "path": "/hn/", "items": [] }, { "lang": "es", "branch": "", "country": "hn", "name": "Embajada de la República de China (Taiwán), Tegucigalpa, República de Honduras", "path": "/hn_es/", "items": [] }, { "lang": "zh", "branch": "", "country": "mx", "name": "駐墨西哥台北經濟文化辦事處", "path": "/mx/", "items": [ { "title": "大愛無疆結福緣 合作共賑墨西哥", "content": "

資料來源:大愛無疆結福緣 合作共賑墨西哥 (tzuchi.us)


墨西哥阿普爾科市(Acapulco, Mexico)在去年十月底,遭受五級颶風歐蒂斯(Hurricane Otis)侵襲,昔日的海濱小鎮被嚴重損毀,大部分以旅遊業生的居民不僅失去了家園,也失去了生計。墨西哥志工羅德里戈(Rodrigo Perez Lozada)感慨道:「歐蒂斯颶風改變了一切,對這裡造成很大的影響,颶風極大地改變了這裡每個人的生活,居民失去了主要生計。」


大使蒞臨 發放圓滿


慈濟聞訊而動,一連三日在墨西哥阿卡普爾科市(Acapulco, Mexico)的「法蒂瑪聖母堂」 (Parroquia Nuestra Señora de Fátima)舉辦賑災發放,共嘉慧災民3806戶。1月7日的最後一場發放中,慈濟共送出1276份物資卡(Cash Card),12名來自美國、厄瓜多、阿根廷和西班牙的志工,協同47名墨西哥市志工及63名阿普爾科市本土志工參與發放。










大愛無疆 協作共賑


慈濟墨西哥志工自十一月初展開災區勘災行動,並認識正在關懷教區信眾的神父班傑明·梅托迪奧(Father Benjamín Carrillo Metódio)。瞭解到慈濟想要幫助災民的意願,班傑明委請轄區中「神聖救世主禮拜堂」(Consecrated Sisters of the Most Holy Savior)的修女們,協助慈濟志工進行勘災、家訪以及送出發放邀請函等工作。


「神聖救世主禮拜堂」的會所建築物,也遭受颶風的嚴重破壞,整個屋頂都被被颳走了,但心中有愛的修女們依然感恩於神的眷顧,瑪麗亞·索科羅修女(Sister María Socorro)說:「那是一個非常恐怖的時刻,但我們知道神在那裡,以祂神聖的仁慈看顧世人,我們所有的修女都安然無恙,但屋頂被掀翻了,我們初步統計,損失達到數百萬披索(約數十萬美元)」









修女 瑪麗亞·索科羅

慈濟美國志工葛濟覺和墨西哥本土志工羅德哥(Rodrigo Perez Lozada)在發放期間,特地前往「神聖救世主禮拜堂」會所,瞭解教堂毀損的狀態,並當場與台灣慈濟本會確認,核發四張價值1000美元物資卡(Cash Card)給修女們,希望能幫助修女能採購生活物資與修繕屋頂的建材。羅德里戈說:「她們並未申請發放物資,然而她們卻出來幫忙,這讓我們深受感動,所以我們想用某種方式來幫助她們。」























\n", "date": "2024-04-16 01:36:19", "url": "http://www.roc-taiwan.org/mx/post/9091.html" }, { "title": "中華民國(臺灣)駐墨西哥代表鄭正勇出席我啟碁科技公司墨西哥分公司開幕儀式", "content": "

4月1日,中華民國(臺灣)駐墨西哥代表鄭正勇應邀前往奇瓦瓦(Chihuahua)州華雷茲市(Ciudad Juárez)出席我緯創集團旗下啟碁公司科技股份有限公司(WNC)開幕典禮並致詞。




其他與會嘉賓有奇瓦瓦州政府經濟發展廳副廳長阿爾巴(Fernando Alba)、華雷茲市政府主任秘書歐爾帝茲(Héctor Ortiz)JuárezEl Paso台灣商會會長陳文吉、墨國加工出口商協會(INDEX)會長暨全國企業協調總會華雷茲分會主席柯林(Sergio Collin)等,開幕典禮隆重。

\"D8D74F48-9AB9-45D1-971C-10C0AEE8A889\" 鄭代表與啟碁台灣總公司高健榮總經理和與會嘉賓共同剪綵。
\"7CAF099B-7C89-46CA-BCA4-3F73805F34C6\" 鄭代表致詞。
\"1E31D151-23E3-4569-8669-7462E2D44C1E\" 與會嘉賓合照。
\n", "date": "2024-04-04 10:12:32", "url": "http://www.roc-taiwan.org/mx/post/9058.html" }, { "title": "中華民國(臺灣)駐墨西哥代表鄭正勇訪問維拉克魯茲州出席「第15屆國際蘭花展」活動並拜訪「翰林語言中心」", "content": "

3月21日,中華民國(臺灣)駐墨西哥代表鄭正勇應墨西哥「蘭花博物館」創辦人艾斯比諾(Óscar Espino)邀請,前往維拉克魯茲(Veracruz)州柯阿德佩克(Coatepec)市出席「第15屆國際蘭花展」(XV Festival Internacional de la Orquídea)盛會,代表蘭花王國─臺灣擔任開幕式貴賓。


活動開始前,艾斯比諾創辦人陪同鄭代表前往市府拜會市長安德拉德(Raymundo Andrade),蘭花展執行長蓓蕾絲(Dalia Pérez)和維拉克魯茲州首府哈拉帕(Xalapa)市商會(CANACO)會長魯納(Carlos Luna)也在座。安德拉德市長歡迎鄭代表遠道而來,並表示該市是維拉克魯茲州首座被觀光部評定為「魔幻市鎮」(Pueblo Mágico)的城市,希望鄭代表此行盡情體驗當地獨特的自然和人文風情。鄭代表感謝安德拉德市長接見,表示當地氣候與民情都和臺灣南部相似,讓人倍感親切。接著,鄭代表簡述我國蘭花產業沿革,以及全球每3株蘭花就有1株產自臺灣等情形,安德拉德市長聽了之後大為讚歏,希望未來雙方能在相關領域進行合作。


離開市政府後,艾斯比諾創辦人、蓓蕾絲執行長和魯納會長,陪同鄭代表前往當地知名,也是全墨西哥首創的「墨擂醬博物館」(Museo del Mole)參觀。館長葉南德茲(Rodolfo Hernández)親自導覽,並邀請鄭大使品嚐各式墨擂醬。期間,這次前來參展的委內瑞拉蘭花協會會長卡斯帝柳內(Gerardo Castiglione)也在場,而且很高興地向鄭代表展示他去(2023)年11月去秘魯參加一場國際蘭展時,與我國蘭花協會黃理事長文榮的合照,還表示他非常欽佩臺灣獨步全球的蘭花生技發展!




在座貴賓包括維拉克魯茲州長代表─農牧、鄉村和漁業發展廳長歐望多(Evaristo Ovando)、維拉克魯茲州家庭整合發展(DIF)中心主任津塔娜(Rebeca Quintanar)、農業部駐維拉克魯茲州代表費爾南德茲(Óscar Fernández)、農業部恰賓哥(Chapingo)自治大學校長代表薇雅茀爾德(Alejandra Villafuerte)、農業部碩博士班學院(Colpos)院長維亞努維瓦(Juan Antonio Villanueva)、墨西哥市天然資源和鄉村發展廳協調人維拉(Juan Abel Vera),以及俄羅斯駐墨西哥大使館維拉克魯茲州聯絡人布拉瑟絲可(Luana Bracesco)等各界重要人士在座。




3月22日,鄭代表前往位在墨西哥灣(Golfo de México)岸的維拉克魯茲市,拜會我旅墨僑胞在2011年創辦的「翰林語言中心」,校長葉秀月女士、教學主任翁藝銘先生和兩名華語教師在場接待。葉校長引導鄭代表參觀該校軟硬體設施,雙方並就該校經營現況、疫情期間的衝擊、與當地學校合作開設華語班的情形、僑委會對海外僑校經營、活動辦理的各項補助計畫、駐處在墨西哥推廣華語獎學金的成果等情形,廣泛交換意見。接著,鄭代表邀請葉校長等人一起參加午餐會,並前往參觀當地經濟文化建設,為這一次維拉克魯茲州的訪問行程,畫下美麗的句點。

\"IMG_6342\" 鄭正勇代表與蘭花博物館創辦人艾斯比諾(Óscar Espino)和蘭花展形象代言人娣雅絲(Dana Díaz)於展場入口合影。
\"S__49274909_0\" 安德拉德(Raymundo Andrade)市長與鄭代表在市長辦公室會談。


\"IMG_6333\" 「墨擂醬博物館」館長葉南德茲親自導覽並邀請鄭代表品嚐各式墨擂醬。
\"IMG_6373\" 超過200名花農、業者、貴賓及媒體記者在開幕式現場觀禮。
\"S__49274905_0\" 主辦單位以「臺灣大使」尊稱歡迎鄭代表。
\"S__49274906_0\" 鄭代表於主席臺觀禮(左1:維拉克魯茲州高等法院大法官克露絲(Florencia Cruz)、右3:農業部恰賓哥自治大學校長代表薇雅茀爾德教授、右2:農業部碩博士班學院院長維亞努維瓦、右3:農業部駐維拉克魯茲州代表費爾南德茲)


\"IMG_6400\" 鄭代表應邀頒發榮譽狀予當地蘭花推廣貢獻獎得主。
\"IMG_6407\" 鄭代表與著當地傳統服飾舞者合影。
\"S__49274901_0\" 鄭代表接受當地電視臺專訪。
\"S__49274898_0\" 鄭代表應邀參觀展攤。
\"IMG_6428\" 鄭代表參觀農業部攤位。
\"S__49274900_0\" 鄭代表應邀參觀展攤。
\"S__49274896_0\" 鄭代表接受媒體採訪。
\"S__49274897_0\" 鄭代表接受媒體採訪。
\"S__49274902_0\" 鄭代表應邀與俄羅斯駐墨使館聯絡人布拉瑟絲可合影。
\"S__49274895_0\" 鄭代表接受當地電視臺專訪。
\"S__49274894_0\" 鄭代表應邀出席歡迎晚宴(左2為參議員貝雷茲─Ernesto Pérez Astorga千金,右1為艾斯比諾創辦人)。
\"S__49274891_0\" 鄭代表參訪翰林語言中心與校長葉秀月女士(左2)、教學主任翁藝銘先生(右2)及兩名華語教師合影。
\"S__49274893_0\" 鄭代表邀請翰林語言中心與校長葉秀月女士(前左1)、教學主任翁藝銘先生(前左2)及兩名華語教師午餐敘。

\n", "date": "2024-03-28 10:54:03", "url": "http://www.roc-taiwan.org/mx/post/9012.html" }, { "title": "鄭正勇大使受邀前往國會參加\"墨西哥土地改革及糧食安全論壇\"分享台灣經驗。", "content": "

鄭正勇大使於2024年3月13日受眾議員Antolín Guerrero Márquez邀請至國會參加\"墨西哥土地改革及糧食安全論壇\",會中鄭大使向與會聽眾分享台灣農村改革的成功經驗。


\"土地改革及糧食安全論壇1\" \"土地改革及糧食安全論壇2\" \"土地改革及糧食安全論壇3\" \"土地改革及糧食安全論壇4\"

\n", "date": "2024-03-15 01:00:05", "url": "http://www.roc-taiwan.org/mx/post/9003.html" }, { "title": "中華民國(臺灣)駐墨西哥代表鄭正勇主持我國捐贈阿瓜斯卡聯德斯州電腦設備計畫贈交儀式", "content": "

1月29日,中華民國(臺灣)駐墨西哥代表鄭正勇應墨西哥聯邦眾議院「多樣性委員會」主席盧薇瓦諾(Salma Luévano)邀請,前往阿瓜斯卡聯德斯(Aguascalientes)州阿瓜斯卡聯德斯市瑪格麗塔瑪莎(Margarita Maza de Juárez)小學,共同主持我國捐贈該校電腦設備計畫的公開贈交儀式。


瑪格麗塔瑪莎小學校長瑪莫蕾后(Rosalba Marmolejo)、州政府教育廳長代表─蘿莫(María Romo)處長、體育基礎建設司長剌拉(Jesús Lara)、婦女司法正義中心主任婀蘿(Mabel Haro)、校園諮詢陪伴系統(SISAAE)主任多雷斯(José Torres)、全國教育從業人員公會第一區代表羅德立奎茲(Isaías Rodríguez)、國家公務人員公會聯合會會長羅培茲(Normando López)和伊達爾哥醫院公會代表阿里亞薩(Francisco Ariaza)等貴賓,與超過400名師生和家長到場觀禮。




鄭代表致詞感謝盧薇瓦諾議員再次邀請他造訪美麗的阿瓜斯卡聯德斯州,表示臺灣始終相信透過教育能夠翻轉人生,就像是州長希梅內絲(María Jiménez)曾經在一場公開場合表示「擁有知識就可以征服世界」,期勉莘莘學子們善用品質掛保證的「華碩」和「宏碁」電腦上網認識臺灣,並且持續積極向學,未來申請我國政府獎學金到臺灣留學深造。此外,鄭代表也向大家說明,目前約有300家臺商在墨西哥投資,為當地創造了超過6萬個工作機會,並表示,其中臺灣科技龍頭─鴻海集團也在評估到阿瓜斯卡聯德斯州投資設廠的可行性,引起現場大小朋友們的熱烈迴響。



\"S__9617464_0\" 鄭代表與正在試用電腦的學生們合照。
\"S__9617440_0\" 贈交典禮莊嚴隆重。
\"S__9617442_0\" 瑪莫蕾后校長致詞。
\"S__9617443_0\" 超過400名師生在現場觀禮。
\"S__9617444_0\" 鄭代表致詞向大家問候。
\"S__9617445_0\" 講臺上放置我國旗。
\"S__9617446_0\" 學生們開心迎接全新的電腦教室。
\"S__9617447_0\" 鄭代表致詞。
\"S__9617448_0\" 盧薇瓦諾議員致詞。
\"S__9617449_0\" 鄭代表應邀參與摸彩和學生們互動。
\"S__9617451_0\" 學生與臺墨國旗合照。
\"S__9617454_0\" 學生儀隊和鼓隊一起歡迎鄭代表。
\"S__9617455_0\" 學生鼓隊迎賓。
\"S__9617456_0\" 瑪莫蕾后校長向鄭代表介紹學生。
\"S__9617457_0\" 瑪莫蕾后校長邀請鄭代表視察學生們上課情形。
\"S__9617458_0\" 老師向鄭代表說明課堂活動。
\"S__9617459_0\" 鄭代表與盧薇瓦諾議員(右2)、州政府教育廳長代表─蘿莫處長(左1)、體育基礎建設司長剌拉(左3)和婦女司法正義中心主任婀蘿(左2)共同剪綵。
\"S__9617460_0\" 電腦上貼有我國國旗。
\"S__9617461_0\" 華碩電腦搭配宏碁螢幕和羅技滑鼠鍵盤。
\"S__9617462_0\" 鄭代表和學生們在全新的電腦教室內合照。
\"S__9617465_0\" 學生們向鄭代表介紹他們正在推動的機器人實驗室計畫。


\n", "date": "2024-02-07 10:33:30", "url": "http://www.roc-taiwan.org/mx/post/8939.html" }, { "title": "中華民國(臺灣)駐墨西哥代表處舉行我捐贈薩卡德卡斯州100台平板電腦計畫贈交儀式", "content": "

11月24日,中華民國(臺灣)駐墨西哥代表處副組長楊少華,代表鄭正勇代表應邀前往薩卡德卡斯(Zacatecas)州,與聯邦眾議員葉南德絲(Bennelly Jocabeth Hernández Ruedas)共同主持我國捐贈當地優秀清寒學生100台平板電腦計畫的贈交儀式。


當天,葉南德絲議員和楊副組長抵達薩卡德卡斯州弗瑞斯尼由(Fresnillo)市近郊低收入住宅區,在當地市民代表和鼓號樂隊迎接下,前往活動中心進行這次的贈交活動。活 動間,葉南德絲議員致詞感謝臺灣送愛心到偏鄉,表示當地主要仰賴礦業發展,並且座落在鄰近美墨邊境的重要工商樞紐位置,居民們普遍刻苦耐勞、勤奮向上,也有許多樂觀進取的優秀青年;然而,他們大多缺乏電腦資訊工具,所以學習發展也受到影響。因此,這次計畫由我國捐贈臺灣優質品牌「宏碁」平板電腦,獎勵成績優異的清寒學生,為當地市民和社區發展帶來了希望,期待未來與我國增進交流與合作。




在贈交活動之前,葉南德絲議員特別邀請楊副組長一同出席記者會,向當地媒體說明這次計畫的旨趣;此外,也邀請楊副組長前往州政府拜會經濟廳廳長卡斯塔涅達(Rodrigo Castañeda Miranda),就當前北美供應鏈重組下,如何強化臺墨經貿投資關係等議題交換意見。會談間,副廳長安帕蘿(Judith Amparo)和投資促進與管理處長貝希托爾德(Yannick Berchtold)也到場向楊副組長介紹薩卡德卡斯州的經濟建設和投資環境。因為臺灣不只輸出科技、傳遞愛心,更在國際供應鏈上扮演不可或缺的關鍵角色!



\"PHOTO-2023-11-25-14-06-16 楊副組長少華代表鄭代表正勇致詞。




\"PHOTO-2023-11-25-14-06-18\" 這次捐贈的宏碁平板電腦上貼有我國旗圖示。
\"PHOTO-2023-11-25-14-06-17\" 楊副組長少華和葉南德絲議員與受贈學生合照。


\"PHOTO-2023-11-25-14-06-25\" 當地市民陪同楊副組長和葉南德絲議員前往捐贈會場。


\"PHOTO-2023-11-25-14-06-24\" 楊副組長少華與葉南德絲議員(右2)、薩卡德卡斯州經濟廳廳長卡斯塔涅達(中)、副廳長安帕蘿(右1)和投資促進與管理處長貝希托爾德(左1)在州政府會議廳合照。
\n", "date": "2024-02-03 09:36:43", "url": "http://www.roc-taiwan.org/mx/post/8919.html" }, { "title": "中華民國(臺灣)駐墨西哥代表鄭正勇主持我國捐贈維拉克魯茲州身障輪椅計畫贈交儀式", "content": "

1月26日,中華民國(臺灣)駐墨西哥鄭正勇代表,應墨西哥聯邦眾議員艾蕾拉(Mónica Herrera Villavicencio)邀請前往維拉克魯茲(Veracruz)州特拉帕科揚(Tlapacoyan)市主持我國捐贈輪椅嘉惠當地弱勢身障人士計畫物資贈交典禮。


當天上午,艾蕾拉議員與特拉帕科揚市市長慕列達(Salvador Murrieta Moreno)、維拉克魯茲州長代表─州政府家庭整合發展機構(DIF)法定代理人瑟哈(Jacinto Ceja Luna)、教育發展廳副廳長貝雷茲(Moisés Pérez Domínguez)、多名市議員和維拉克魯茲州第7區各地政要,齊聚市府門口迎接鄭代表,並邀請前往市長辦公室與慕列達市長偕同市府一級主管和市議員們進行早餐敘。接著,全體人員轉往市民廣場主持這次計畫的贈交儀式。




接著,鄭代表致詞先用中、西語問候現場民眾,表示臺灣國土只佔了維拉克魯茲州的一半,而且臺、墨相隔太平洋遙遙相望,但是臺灣始終秉持聯合國永續發展目標(SDGs)「不遺落任何人」的宗旨,持續將愛心帶來同樣崇尚民主、自由以及重視人權的墨西哥, 希望對改善當地的生活條件克盡棉薄之力。此外,鄭代表也向大家說明我國政府曾經攜手民間組織,共同賑濟維拉克魯茲州葛瑞絲(Grace)風災、葛雷羅(Guerrero)州歐蒂斯(Otis)風災等情形,也就臺墨經貿投資關係緊密,以及我政府獎學金計畫的內容,向在場民眾概略簡報。最後,鄭代表祝福大家龍年昌盛富足,並且帶動全場高喊「臺灣和墨西哥萬歲!」獲得現場超過200人的熱情鼓掌與喝采。緊接著,鄭代表和艾蕾拉議員一一贈交輪椅給受惠朋友,全場氣氛既熱鬧又溫馨。


慕列達市長為了這次鄭代表的到訪,特別邀請了墨西哥最具代表性的哈洛丘頌(Son Jarocho)歌舞團體上臺演出,還引導鄭代表前往主廣場觀賞維拉克魯茲州原住民族的世界非物質文化遺產─巴邦特拉飛人(Voladores de Papantla)祭典;另外,慕列達市長也邀請鄭代表一同參觀當地的特產和手工藝市集,與當地市民互動交流,讓更多人看見臺灣,知道「臺灣能幫忙」(Taiwan Can Help)!

\"S__9609223_0\" 哈洛丘頌歌舞團體在捐贈會場上精彩表演。
\"S__9609225_0\" 鄭代表與艾蕾拉議員(左2)、慕列達市長(左1)、瑟哈州長代表(右2)和貝雷茲副廳長(右1)共同主持贈交儀式。
\"S__9609226_0\" 輪椅上貼附我國國旗圖示。
\"492392460749373939_0\" 鄭代表與艾蕾拉議員(右1)、慕列達市長(右3)、瑟哈州長代表(右4)和貝雷茲副廳長(右5)同坐市民廣場貴賓席。
\"S__9609219_0\" 慕列達市長邀請鄭代表參觀市長辦公室。
\"S__9609221_0\" 鄭代表應邀與慕列達市長和市府一級主管以及市議員們早餐敘。
\"S__9609222_0\" 貴賓進場前接受原住民族淨身儀式。
\"S__9609224_0\" 哈洛丘頌歌舞團體在捐贈會場上翩翩起舞。
\"S__9609273_0\" 鄭代表致詞。


\"S__9609227_0\" 超過200人聚集市民廣場觀禮。
\"S__9609229_0\" 臺上貴賓共同贈交輪椅給當地身障朋友。
\"S__9609268_0\" 鄭代表和受惠朋友合照。
\"S__9609272_0\" 艾蕾拉議員將特別製作的臺墨人偶贈送給鄭代表留念。


\"S__9609271_0\" 慕列達市長頒發卓越訪賓榮譽狀給鄭代表。
\"S__9609231_0\" 巴邦特拉飛人表演者著傳統服飾與鄭代表合照。
\"S__9609233_0\" 學生樂隊在主廣場表演以饗賓客。
\"S__9609234_0\" 鄭代表應邀參觀農產品市集。
\"S__9609265_0\" 鄭代表應邀參觀手工藝市集。
\"S__9609267_0\" 咖啡農向鄭代表介紹產品。
\"S__9609266_0\" 原住民族朋友贈送當地特產檸檬給鄭代表。


\n", "date": "2024-02-02 09:30:14", "url": "http://www.roc-taiwan.org/mx/post/8879.html" }, { "title": "中華民國(臺灣)駐墨西哥代表鄭正勇主持我國捐贈伊達爾哥州和普維布拉州身障輔具計畫贈交儀式", "content": "

中華民國(臺灣)駐墨西哥代表鄭正勇應邀前往伊達爾哥(Hidalgo)州德頌德佩克(Tezontepec de Aldama)市和普維布拉(Puebla)州德佩阿卡(Tepeaca)市,與墨西哥聯邦眾議員葉南德茲(Saúl Hernández)共同主持我國捐贈輪椅和助聽器提供弱勢民眾運用計畫的公開物資贈交儀式。


12月1日,葉南德茲議員與同為「國家復興運動」(MORENA)黨籍聯邦眾議員希梅內絲(Yolis Jiménez)、阿蕾歐拉(Martha Arreola)、伊達爾哥州長代表─福利及社會包容廳長歐爾薇拉(Simey Olvera)、州政府廣電處長奧斯帝利亞(Alan Austria)、墨西哥全國廣播主協會主席布阿玟(Rosaía Buaún)、市議員波拉絲(María de Lourdes Porras)、聯邦眾議院顧問鮑帝斯塔(Alejandro Bautista)和社區長卡斯帝由(Víctor Castillo)等地方政要在市民廣場迎接,並且陪同鄭代表就座主席臺主持這次贈交儀式。




歐爾薇拉廳長致詞推崇臺灣是墨西哥真誠的合作夥伴,表示鄭代表在「國際身心障礙者日」前夕帶來身障輔具,不只是對弱勢朋友最暖心的祝福,也為羅培茲總統領導的第4代轉型(4T)政府新年開創新猷,最後,她還帶動全場高呼「臺灣萬歲」!接著,鄭代表致詞,先以中、西文向在場民眾問候,並表示,他實踐了一年前曾經到該市捐贈電腦時的承諾,以及「臺灣可以幫忙」(Taiwan Can Help)的信念,再度送來臺灣的愛心,希望更多民眾受惠,獲得現場超過150人的熱烈迴響。緊接著,鄭代表和葉南德茲議員陸續贈交身障輔具,並且和熱情民眾一起合照留念。


1月25日,葉南德茲議員與德佩阿卡市長威爾達(José Huerta)、市府「家庭整合發展中心」(DIF)主任桑切絲(Rebeca Sánchez)、手持我國旗的禮賓儀隊,以及大批民眾熱情迎接鄭代表抵達捐贈會場。




葉南德茲議員則致詞讚揚臺灣是一個擁有良善人民的偉大國家,並且推崇鄭代表推促臺墨兩國關係的努力,另外,他表示鄭代表兩年來多次應他的請求,走訪了聖路易斯波多西(San Luis Potosí)、伊達爾哥和普維布拉州等多個地方援助弱勢,希望臺灣和墨西哥關係能夠蒸蒸日上。





\"484226825808249095\" 鄭正勇代表和葉南德茲議員與受惠民眾合照
\"484226827838554241\" 鄭正勇代表與葉南德茲聯邦眾議員(右3)、伊達爾哥州長代表─福利及社會包容廳長歐爾薇拉(右2)、波拉絲市議員(左3)、鮑帝斯塔眾院顧問(左4)、卡斯帝由社區長(左2)和自媒體公民社會代表杜朗(Juan Carlos Durán)(右1)於主席臺合影
\"484226829415612833\" 鄭正勇代表與伊達爾哥州長代表─福利及社會包容廳長歐爾薇拉手持臺墨國旗合影
\"484226831143665873\" 超過150名市民到場觀禮
\"484226837619671281\" 超過150名市民到場觀禮
\"484226835036242066\" 鮑帝斯塔眾院顧聞致贈紀念品給鄭正勇代表
\"484226839431610497\" 主席臺貴賓和受惠民眾合照
\"484226840723456194\" 主席臺貴賓和受惠民眾合照
\"484226842334068865\" 伊達爾哥州長代表─福利及社會包容廳長歐爾薇拉致詞
\"484226845521739969\" 鄭正勇代表贈交助聽器
\"484226846913724530\" 現場民眾熱情歡呼
\"484226851259023587\" 鄭正勇代表致詞
\"484226853977456737\" 鄭正勇代表致詞
\"484226855185416513\" 自媒體公民社會代表杜朗致詞
\"484226860654788689\" 受惠民眾手持我國旗感謝臺灣
\"492235002516602984\" 鄭正勇代表在葉南德茲眾議員、威爾達市長和桑切絲主任陪同下進入捐贈會場
\"492235013153620081\" 禮賓儀隊手持我國旗迎接
\"492235030820290610\" 桑切絲主任致詞
\"492235042849554505\" 超過200名市民到場觀禮
\"492235054324908161\" 葉南德茲眾議員致詞
\"492235057462247443\" 威爾達市長致詞
\"492235070816911369\" 鄭正勇代表致詞
\"492235079238549763\" 禮賓人員開心展示我國旗
\"492235086218658021\" 鄭正勇代表向受惠民眾致意
\"492235088550166772\" 鄭正勇代表向受惠民眾致意
\"492235094757474498\" 與受惠民眾合影
\"492235100008743122\" 受惠民眾感謝臺灣
\"492235106418163843\" 致詞講臺標示臺墨國旗
\"492235109286543654\" 輪椅上貼附我國旗圖示
\"492235114269376726\" 鄭正勇代表與葉南德茲眾議員(左2)、威爾達市長(左1)和桑切絲主任(右2)在主席臺前合照
\"492235116014469234\" 活動背板標示臺墨國旗
\"S__9592875\" 威爾達市長邀請鄭正勇代表一行乘坐市府觀光巴士並致贈紀念品
\"492235136499450200\" 威爾達市長邀請鄭正勇代表一行參觀市長辦公室,並在該市1520年的建城文件前合影。
\"492235134469669059\" 威爾達市長向鄭正勇代表一行介紹該市珍藏的1520年建城文件
\"S__9592870\" 威爾達市長邀請鄭正勇代表於市府卓越訪賓紀事錄留言簽名
\"S__9592874\" 威爾達市長致贈當地信仰支柱─耶穌聖嬰(Santo Niño Jesús Doctor de los Enfermos)專用球鞋給鄭正勇代表留念
\"S__9592873\" 威爾達市長邀請鄭正勇代表一行參觀當地信仰中心─耶穌聖嬰聖殿(Santuario del Santo Niño Jesús Doctor de los Enfermos)












\n", "date": "2024-01-31 10:14:40", "url": "http://www.roc-taiwan.org/mx/post/8806.html" }, { "title": "中華民國(臺灣)駐墨西哥代表鄭正勇主持我國捐贈伊達爾哥州毛毯和玩具計畫贈交儀式", "content": "

今年初始,中華民國(臺灣)駐墨西哥鄭正勇代表應墨西哥聯邦眾議員希梅內絲(Yolis Jiménez Ramírez)邀請,前往伊達爾哥(Hidalgo)州諾帕拉德維亞格朗(Nopala de Villagrán)市和薩瓜爾帝邦(Zacualtipán)市,共同主持我援贈當地弱勢貧戶毛毯1,000張和玩具1,900份計畫的物資贈交儀式。


1月2日,鄭代表抵達諾帕拉德維亞格朗市,希梅內絲眾議員與市長里維拉(Abel de Jesús Rivera)率領市府家庭整合發展中心(DIF)主任薇佳(Karla Vega Correa)、市議員梅納(Armando Mena)、葛瑞蘿(Jessica Guerrero)、賈希雅(Araceli García)和賈荰紐(Andrea Garduño)在市府門口迎接鄭代表,並邀請鄭代表進入參觀市長辦公室和珍貴館藏物件,接著一行人轉往大禮堂主持本次贈交儀式。




鄭代表致詞表示,臺墨兩國雖相隔遙遠,但都是崇尚民主、自由和尊重人權的理念相近友邦,本就應該相互扶持,並說道,目前新年寒冬又恰逢「三王節」(Día de Reyes)前夕,里維拉市長、薇佳主任和希梅內絲眾議員,就像是今年的三王,為當地民眾帶來遠自臺灣的愛心;期間,鄭代表也藉機會宣介我政府獎學金計畫,並且用中、西文祝福大家新年快樂、臺墨友誼持續升溫,獲得現場超過200人熱烈迴響。接著,鄭代表和希梅內絲眾議員一一分送毛毯和玩具並合影留念,活動歷時1小時,過程溫馨圓滿。


1月3日,鄭代表抵達薩瓜爾帝邦市,希梅內絲眾議員與伊達爾哥州政府地區協調人卡爾比歐(Rodrigo Carpio)、市府老年長照中心主任希絲內蘿絲(Erika Cisneros)、各村里代表和大批民眾熱情迎接鄭代表抵達會場,卡爾比歐協調人代表州長孟恰卡(Julio Menchaca)致詞感謝鄭代表,並表示當地居民如臺灣人民般勤奮團結,希望未來我國紡識相關傳統產業能夠優先考慮前往投資。希梅內絲眾議員致詞表示,臺灣和墨西哥政府都是人民所託、忠於承諾,兩國交流值得持續深化,並感謝鄭代表在「三王節」前夕化身最勤奮的三王,不遠千里把臺灣的愛心深入墨西哥偏鄉。



\"IMG_4459\" 鄭正勇代表贈交貼有我國旗圖示的毛毯
\"IMG_4251\" 里維拉市長(左2)引導鄭正勇代表參觀市府館藏
\"IMG_4255\" 希梅內絲眾議員(右2)、里維拉市長(左1)及薇佳主任(右1)與鄭正勇代表在市長辦公室合影
\"IMG_4260\" 里維拉市長(右1)引導鄭正勇代表參觀市政府歷屆市長肖像廳
\"IMG_4274\" 里維拉市長致詞
\"IMG_4285\" 希梅內絲眾議員致詞
\"IMG_4309\" 當地青年表演牛仔套索雜技以饗賓客
\"IMG_4322\" 當地青年表演傳統民俗舞蹈以饗賓客
\"IMG_4333\" 當地青年表演傳統民俗舞蹈以饗賓客
\"IMG_4338\" 鄭正勇代表致詞


\"IMG_4341\" 超過200民眾出席觀禮
\"IMG_4348\" 主席臺成員合影(左3到右2:聯邦眾議院顧問鮑迪斯塔-Alejandro Bautista、市議員賈荰紐-Andrea Garduño、希梅內絲眾議員、鄭正勇代表、薇佳主任、里維拉市長、市議員葛瑞蘿-Jessica Guerrero、梅納-Armando Mena、前市長歐求亞-José Ochoa和市議員賈希雅-Araceli García)
\"IMG_4352\" 鄭正勇代表贈交貼有我國旗圖示的玩具
\"IMG_4391\" 民眾排隊領取物資
\"IMG_4402\" 鄭正勇代表在活動背板前留影
\"IMG_4424\" 捐贈玩具上貼附我國旗圖示
\"IMG_4428\" 希梅內絲眾議員致詞
\"IMG_4435\" 現場近300民眾手持我國手搖旗歡迎鄭正勇代表蒞臨
\"IMG_4441\" 卡爾比歐地區協調人致詞


\"IMG_4443\" 鄭正勇代表致詞
\"IMG_4461\" 鄭正勇代表贈交貼有我國旗圖示的玩具
\"IMG_4473\" 熱情民眾與鄭正勇代表在主席臺前擁抱
\"IMG_4476\" 熱情民眾與鄭正勇代表合影

\"a9795e98-9c31-428c-a8b9-ec22993e8e06\"鄭正勇代表與希梅內絲眾議員(左2)、卡爾比歐地區協調人(右2)、希絲內蘿絲主任(左1)和村里代表阿雷納斯(Gonzalo Arenas)(右1)合影

\"IMG_4479\" 熱情民眾與鄭正勇代表擁抱
\"IMG_4480\" 熱情民眾與鄭正勇代表自拍
\"IMG_4493\" 鄭正勇代表走入人群發放物資




\"IMG_4533\" 鄭正勇代表和希梅內絲眾議員與現場表演墨西哥傳統街頭樂隊─馬里亞奇(Mariachi)團體合影
\n", "date": "2024-01-12 07:59:59", "url": "http://www.roc-taiwan.org/mx/post/8739.html" } ] }, { "lang": "es", "branch": "", "country": "mx", "name": "Oficina Económica y Cultural de Taipei en México", "path": "/mx_es/", "items": [ { "title": "Conferencia Magistral y Ceremonia de Investidura como nueva Profesora Honoraria Visitante Internacional a la Dra. Lucía Chen", "content": "
El día de hoy se llevó a cabo la Conferencia Magistral y Ceremonia de Investidura como nueva Profesora Honoraria Visitante Internacional a la Dra. Lucía Chen, destacada académica y administradora taiwanesa, figura emblemática en el ámbito de los Estudios Latinoamericanos y las relaciones internacionales.
En presencia de las autoridades universitarias se llevó a cabo la Conferencia: \"La esencia de la literatura Taiwanesa\".
Fuente: El día de hoy... - FINI Festival Internacional de la Imagen | Facebook
\"438205284_987785702910543_8457962773836859576_n\" \"438224798_987785832910530_7329339553355960115_n\" \"438229869_987785866243860_8950598267955727832_n\" \"438240734_987785912910522_624872406256581033_n\" \"438252855_987785772910536_1189961615276139041_n\" \"438253490_987785936243853_8619396758417894274_n\" \"438255509_987785879577192_7596003609417193109_n\" \"438264492_987785802910533_3001317422593275612_n\" \"S__10100827\" \"S__10100844\" \"S__10100845\" \"S__10100846\" \"S__10100848\" \"S__10100849\" \"S__10100850\" \"S__10100852\"
\n", "date": "2024-04-24 10:15:50", "url": "http://www.roc-taiwan.org/mx_es/post/21977.html" }, { "title": "El FINI ofrecerá 143 actividades en su 13 edición; Taiwán, invitado de honor", "content": "

Del 18 al 26 de abril, la 13va edición del Festival Internacional de la Imagen (FINI) de la Universidad Autónoma del Estado de Hidalgo ofrecerá 143 actividades artísticas, culturales, académicas y deportivas gratuitas para todo público.


“La edición pasada tuvimos más de 25.000 asistentes presenciales y más de 2 millones 700.000 visitas virtuales. Para este 2024, la expectativa es superar estos números”, manifestó Marco Antonio Alfaro Morales, director del Festival, en conferencia para anunciar los detalles del festejo.


En esta ocasión, el FINI tendrá a Taiwán como invitado especial y “movilidad sustentable” como principal eje temático.


De este modo, la UAEH propone reflexionar sobre el valor de las imágenes y las maneras en que éstas pueden abordar temas como reducción de contaminantes en el aire o visibilizar factores problemáticos en el marco de los objetivos de este Festival: fomentar y reconocer la creación artística, además de contribuir a la formación integral estudiantes.


“Cuando se eligió este tema teníamos en mente incidir en dos rubros: en el cuidado del medio ambiente, de nuestro planeta, pero también en el cuidado de la salud porque la movilidad sustentable y la forma de llegar a nuestros destinos pasa por actividad física de las personas”, elaboró al respecto el dr. Octavio Castillo Acosta, rector de la Universidad Autónoma del Estado de Hidalgo (UAEH)


El Centro Cultural Universitario La Garza será la sede principal de las actividades. Asimismo, el rector de la UAEH invitó a La Ciudad del Conocimiento (ubicado en el Kilómetro 4.5 carretera Pachuca – Tulancingo) para ser parte del segundo evento cultural más importante en Hidalgo, “sólo después de la Feria Universitaria del Libro que también organiza la Universidad que representamos”, según indicó.




Por su parte, el embajador de Taiwán en México, Armando Cheng indicó que Taiwán se ha comprometido con la promoción de la sustentabilidad y la protección del medio ambiente. “Por ello participamos activamente en eventos que promueven la conciencia ambiental, la importancia de desarrollo sostenible”.


Una de las exposiciones destacadas en el marco de esta amistad Taiwán-México, es una Bienal Internacional del cartel de México que presenta 40 carteles: 20 de los cuales son creados por talentosos artistas mexicanos y otros 20 por artistas taiwaneses. “Esta fusión artística representa la riqueza y la distinción de ambas culturas, así como el fuerte lazo entre nuestros países”, consideró embajador de Taiwán en México.


“Además, contaremos con talleres recreativos, emocionantes y enriquecedores que explorarán temas relacionados con movilidad sustentable, conservación de medio ambiente e innovación tecnológica”, adelantó sobre la participación de personalidades como la catedrática taiwanesa, Lucía Chen (Hsiao-Chuan Chen) o la fotógrafa mexicana Camila Pardo Cerezo quien capturó la belleza y diversidad de Taiwán.


“Las imágenes no tiene frontera, unen diferentes culturas, pueblo, países y valores universales”, consideró el embajador.




El festival iniciará el jueves 18 de abril con un corte de listón y la inauguración de siete exposiciones en La Ciudad del Conocimiento. Al día siguiente se realizará una ceremonia inaugural en el Salón de Actos Ingeniero Baltasar Muñoz del Centro Cultural Universitario “La Garza”.


Asimismo, el programa de actividades contempla la promoción artística en infancias mediante la estrategia FINI Kids que comenzó en 2023; y la entrega de  reconocimientos a finalistas y ganadores del Concurso Internacional de la Imagen, así como la proyección de cortometrajes.


“También quiero destacar que tenemos una aplicación en esta edición sumamente atractiva tiene sonido que tiene animación y está disponible en tiendas digitales. Ahí pueden consultar toda la información, tanto de las actividades como de los participantes que tenemos”, agregó el director del FINI.


Para más información sobre el Festival visita la página oficial https://www.uaeh.edu.mx/fini/




El FINI ofrecerá 143 actividades en su 13 edición; Taiwán, invitado de honor (cronica.com.mx)


No te pierdas el Festival Internacional de la Imagen de la UAEH (periodicocentral.mx)







\n", "date": "2024-04-13 03:04:40", "url": "http://www.roc-taiwan.org/mx_es/post/21922.html" } ] }, { "lang": "zh", "branch": "", "country": "ni", "name": "尼加拉瓜", "path": "/ni/", "items": [] }, { "lang": "es", "branch": "", "country": "ni", "name": "Embajada de la República de China (Taiwán) en Nicaragua", "path": "/ni_es/", "items": [] }, { "lang": "zh", "branch": "", "country": "pa", "name": "巴拿馬", "path": "/pa/", "items": [] }, { "lang": "es", "branch": "", "country": "pa", "name": "Embajada de la República de China (Taiwán) en Panamá", "path": "/pa_es/", "items": [] }, { "lang": "zh", "branch": "", "country": "py", "name": "駐巴拉圭共和國大使館", "path": "/py/", "items": [ { "title": "駐巴拉圭大使館舉辦公衛領域台灣外交獎學金說明會", "content": "

駐巴拉圭大使館將舉辦公共衛生領域的台灣外交獎學金(Becas MOFA 2024) 說明會
\n我們邀請對公衛領域有興趣的巴拉圭國籍學生參加我們的獎學金面對面說明會#TaiwanMOFA ,以及須備文件要求和申請流程的所有資訊!
\n日期:4 月 2 日星期二
\n時間:上午 10:30


\n🔗 Registración



\n", "date": "2024-04-01 21:02:31", "url": "http://www.roc-taiwan.org/py/post/16561.html" }, { "title": "駐巴拉圭技術團蘭花計畫參加巴國農牧部在上巴拉納省舉辦的創新博覽會", "content": "

巴拉圭農牧部3月19日至22日在上巴拉納省伊瓜蘇市(Colonia Yguazu)舉辦創新博覽會(Expo INNOVAR),駐巴拉圭技術團蘭花計畫將展現所培植的各式美麗蘭花與觀賞類植物,並在3月21日14時至15時舉辦蘭花栽培與生產管理的講座。



\n", "date": "2024-03-20 21:44:42", "url": "http://www.roc-taiwan.org/py/post/16587.html" }, { "title": "駐巴拉圭技術團鴨嘴魚計畫舉辦水產養殖講座", "content": "

\n日期:2024年4月3日 星期三
\n時間:上午 08:00 至下午 4:00
\n地點:國家魚苗生產中心-Eusebio Ayala
\n連絡電話:(021) 338 5822、手機:0981-643-008

\n", "date": "2024-03-19 21:52:02", "url": "http://www.roc-taiwan.org/py/post/16591.html" }, { "title": "巴拉圭亞松森僑界元旦升旗 僑民齊聚歡迎2024", "content": "










\n", "date": "2024-01-02 02:07:30", "url": "http://www.roc-taiwan.org/py/post/16441.html" } ] }, { "lang": "es", "branch": "", "country": "py", "name": "Embajada de la República de China (Taiwán) en la República del Paraguay", "path": "/py_es/", "items": [ { "title": "Proyecto Orquideas participa la Expo INNOVAR de 19 a 22 de marzo 2024", "content": "
El Proyecto de las Orquideas de la Misión Técnica de Taiwán participa en la Expo INNOVAR, en Colonia Yguazu-Alto Paraná desde el día martes 19 de marzo hasta el viernes 22 de marzo!
Están exhibiendo las orquídeas más hermosas y una amplia variedad de plantas ornamentales para embellecer el hogar. Horario de 08:00 a 17:00hs, además se puede participar de la charla de cultivo y manejo de esta flor de elegancia el día jueves 21 de marzo! \"\"
\n", "date": "2024-03-19 22:04:40", "url": "http://www.roc-taiwan.org/py_es/post/17369.html" }, { "title": "Proyecto Surubí de la Misión Técnica de Taiwán invita al Curso de Piscicultura", "content": "
El Proyecto Surubí de la Misión Técnica de Taiwán invita al Curso de Piscicultura donde se aprende sobre la cría y producción de alevines de tilapia, pacú y surubí.
Fecha: Miércoles 03-04-2024
Horario: 08:00 a 16:00hs
Lugar: Centro Nacional de Producción de Alevines-Eusebio Ayala
Este evento tiene cupos limitados, así que ¡asegúrate de reservar tu lugar!
Tel: (021) 338 5822
Cel: 0981-643-008
\n", "date": "2024-03-19 22:00:42", "url": "http://www.roc-taiwan.org/py_es/post/17364.html" }, { "title": "Charla informativa presencial de Becas Huayu 2024", "content": "

La embajada de Taiwán en Paraguay te invita a participar de la charla informativa presencial de Becas Huayu 2024 y descubre todo lo necesario para estudiar en Taiwán.


¡Prepárate para una experiencia increíble aprendiendo chino-mandarín y explorando la cultura taiwanesa! 


Fecha: Miércoles 20 de marzo


Horario: 10:00hs


Lugar: Embajada de Taiwán 





\n", "date": "2024-03-15 06:28:59", "url": "http://www.roc-taiwan.org/py_es/post/17348.html" }, { "title": "Sr. Ángel Mereles se jubilará después de sus 25 años de servicio en la Embajada de Taiwán", "content": "

¡Agradecemos al Sr. Ángel Mereles por sus 25 años de servicio invaluable a esta representación diplomática, que tras su jubilación nos deja un legado de excelencia y dedicación al trabajo! Su compromiso, responsabilidad y entrega han sido ejemplares desde el inicio.\"GIvphhOWcAA8Emi\"

\n", "date": "2024-03-15 06:25:36", "url": "http://www.roc-taiwan.org/py_es/post/17340.html" }, { "title": "Se llevó a cabo el Curso de “Analista de Costos” en el SBDC San Lorenzo por el FOMIPYMES de la Misión Técnica de Taiwán", "content": "

En el marco del fortalecimiento de las capacidades de los consultores de los Centros de Desarrollo Empresarial SBDC (Small Business Development Centers, por sus siglas en inglés) Paraguay se está llevando a cabo el curso de “Analista de Costos”, para el SBDC San Lorenzo, a través del Proyecto FOMIPYMES (Fortalecimiento de la capacidad del sistema de Orientación para las Mipymes del Paraguay) de la Misión Técnica de Taiwán.\"GIvArtaWAAAgiEN\"\"GIvArwBXQAApzDc\"\"GIvArzkWUAAR9bB\"

\n", "date": "2024-03-15 06:13:16", "url": "http://www.roc-taiwan.org/py_es/post/17326.html" }, { "title": "Realizarán el \"Curso de Piscicultura\" por la Misión Técnica de Taiwán y el MAG", "content": "

El Ministerio de Agricultura y Ganadería del Paraguay a través de Viceministerio de Ganadería y la Misión Técnica de Taiwán en Paraguay, realizarán el \"Curso de Piscicultura\", en fecha 03 de Abril de 2024, en el Centro Nacional de Producción de Alevines, ubicado en el distrito de Eusebio Ayala, Cordillera.



\n", "date": "2024-03-15 06:08:01", "url": "http://www.roc-taiwan.org/py_es/post/17322.html" }, { "title": "El Proyecto FOMIPYMES presentó las capacitaciones en el uso del innovador software V-stitcher para diseños y moldería en 3D", "content": "

En el marco del fortalecimiento a los emprendedores y MiPymes de este sector, y en conjunto con la especialista de la Federación Textil de Taiwán, el Proyecto \"Fortalecimiento de la capacidad del sistema de Orientación paa las Mipymes del Paraguay\" (FOMIPYMES) llevó a cabo las capacitaciones en el uso del innovador software V-stitcher, para diseños y moldería en 3D.\"GIplqg_WkAAz7FL\"\"GIplqhlXwAA6Gn8\"\"GIplqmaXcAAx23f\"

\n", "date": "2024-03-14 06:21:03", "url": "http://www.roc-taiwan.org/py_es/post/17333.html" }, { "title": "Izada de pabellón en el primer día del año 2024", "content": "

Hoy en el primer día del año 2024, se llevó a cabo el acto de izada de pabellón de las dos naciones, República de China (Taiwán) y República del Paraguay,  en busca de la prosperidad a puertas del 2024 Después del acto solemne, el embajador José Chih-Cheng Han junto con la Presidenta de la comunidad taiwanesa, Mei-Kuei Ku obsequiaron el Sobre Rojo a niños y mayores.







\n", "date": "2024-01-01 03:12:55", "url": "http://www.roc-taiwan.org/py_es/post/17224.html" } ] }, { "lang": "zh", "branch": "agt", "country": "py", "name": "駐東方市總領事館", "path": "/pyagt/", "items": [ { "title": "巴拉圭客屬宗親會舉辦之「客家湯圓化身萌寵.DIY樂趣無窮」親子活動", "content": "



張總領事偕陳僑務秘書應邀出席巴拉圭客屬宗親會 舉辦之「客家湯圓化身萌寵.DIY樂趣無窮」親子活動。


張總領事肯定廖哲毅會長團隊舉辦推廣客家美食活動,傳承海外第二代、第三代客家文化。張總領事藉此機會與客家鄉親交流僑情外,也轉頒 客家委員會諮詢委員 聘書予劉秀珠女士及劉榮昌先生。

















\n", "date": "2024-04-14 21:38:35", "url": "http://www.roc-taiwan.org/pyagt/post/7852.html" }, { "title": "巴拉圭華商經貿聯合會舉辦「 Taiwan Touch Your Heart 」講座", "content": "



巴拉圭華商經貿聯合會及僑委會「 國際青年親善大使候選人 」吳琇靈女士 於國立東方大學理工學院舉辦的「 Taiwan Touch Your Heart 」講座,吸引滿場近200人共同參與,由僑青張呈祥僑務促進委員、許浩霆先生、徐念漁女士分別介紹台灣的政治、經濟、藝術文化、觀光及獎學金等資訊。















\n", "date": "2024-04-02 21:35:01", "url": "http://www.roc-taiwan.org/pyagt/post/7843.html" }, { "title": "巴拉圭華人板網球協會舉辦2024協會盃賽事", "content": "



巴拉圭華人板網球協會 3月28日至30日於東方市舉辦2024協會盃賽事 ,來自亞松森、恩卡納西翁及地主東方市的36組72人選手齊聚切磋球技。























\n", "date": "2024-03-30 22:55:37", "url": "http://www.roc-taiwan.org/pyagt/post/7821.html" }, { "title": "巴拉圭臺灣商會青商會舉辦青商美學創作之路:果凍花創作", "content": "



張總領事夫婦偕陳僑務秘書出席巴拉圭臺灣商會青商會舉辦的「 青商美學創作之路:果凍花創作」 活動,張總領事肯定青商會發揮巧思,辦理如此具美感、美味又健康的活動,也讓與會僑胞闔家歡度美好週末。















\n", "date": "2024-03-03 21:38:56", "url": "http://www.roc-taiwan.org/pyagt/post/7802.html" }, { "title": "巴拉圭歌唱聯誼會2024年新春元宵歡樂晚宴", "content": "


















\n", "date": "2024-02-24 22:38:51", "url": "http://www.roc-taiwan.org/pyagt/post/7786.html" }, { "title": "東方市中華會館舉辦之全僑新春團拜晚宴", "content": "





晚宴正式開始前,張總領事首先代表僑務委員會徐佳青委員長轉頒「嘉惠我僑 」給中華會館,感謝中華會館常年支持中華民國,服務奉獻僑界;隨後張總領事致詞福僑胞龍年大吉大利、身體健康、生意興隆。

















\n", "date": "2024-02-17 22:34:31", "url": "http://www.roc-taiwan.org/pyagt/post/7777.html" }, { "title": "北美洲臺灣人醫師協會巴拉圭義診團餐敘交流", "content": "



為感謝及歡迎北美洲臺灣人醫師協會巴拉圭義診團 ,張總領事設宴邀請東方市僑領與義診團餐敘交流。















\n", "date": "2024-02-13 22:26:14", "url": "http://www.roc-taiwan.org/pyagt/post/7756.html" }, { "title": "張總領事夫婦應邀出席「2024巴拉圭佛光山新春團拜」", "content": "



張總領事夫婦應邀出席「2024巴拉圭佛光山新春團拜」,張總領事致詞表示,佛光山竣工後受疫情影響延至2023年7月1日才開光落成,除成為此間僑民信仰中心外,也讓更多巴拉圭民眾及官員認識到台灣的文化,紛紛表示期盼與巴拉圭佛光山加強合作交流,張總領事並感謝 巴拉圭佛光山 、 國際佛光會巴拉圭協會 及華人慈善基金會長期以來在僑界及當地主流社會的服務與慈善捐助,也祝福與會的佛光人新年快樂,龍年大吉大利、萬物興龍。













\n", "date": "2024-02-11 22:20:51", "url": "http://www.roc-taiwan.org/pyagt/post/7738.html" }, { "title": "恩卡納西翁僑界關懷救助協會舉辦「歡迎北美洲臺灣人醫師協會2024年巴拉圭義診暨春節聯歡晚會」", "content": "



恩卡納西翁僑界關懷救助協會 於2月9日除夕晚上舉辦「歡迎北美洲臺灣人醫師協會2024年巴拉圭義診暨春節聯歡晚會」,本館張俊彬總領事夫婦偕洪培舜領事及陳奕綸僑務秘書出席共襄盛舉,與恩卡鄉親及義診團近90位共同餐敘交流。















\n", "date": "2024-02-09 22:14:14", "url": "http://www.roc-taiwan.org/pyagt/post/7729.html" }, { "title": "張總領事夫婦出席「律動的生命」專題講座", "content": "



巴拉圭正能量讀書會與東方市中華會館 聯合主辦「律動的生命」專題講座,張總領事夫婦偕洪領事及陳僑務秘書應邀出席盛會


張總領事致詞表示,感謝正能量讀書會及中華會館舉辦如此有意義的講座,還記得主講人 張惠姈Coco老師 在疫情前也有分享過相關議題,收到很多僑胞熱烈迴響,相信今天的講座一定更加精彩豐富。


Coco老師以自己為例,深入淺出的向與會者分享如何透過飲食及運動增強自己的健康及肌力,尤其介紹各種類型的菜單及運動方式,讓大家可以選擇最適合自己的選項去強化身體 活動圓滿成功。















\n", "date": "2024-02-02 22:04:03", "url": "http://www.roc-taiwan.org/pyagt/post/7715.html" }, { "title": "中南美洲台灣商會歡迎洪培舜領事履新到", "content": "








\n", "date": "2024-01-16 20:37:48", "url": "http://www.roc-taiwan.org/pyagt/post/7693.html" }, { "title": "東方市僑務榮譽職歡迎本館新任洪領事培舜履新", "content": "










\n", "date": "2024-01-11 20:24:13", "url": "http://www.roc-taiwan.org/pyagt/post/7683.html" } ] }, { "lang": "es", "branch": "agt", "country": "py", "name": "Consulado General de la República de China, Ciudad del Este, República del Paraguay", "path": "/pyagt_es/", "items": [ { "title": "Conferencia titulada \"Taiwan Touch Your Heart\" en la Facultad Politécnica de la UNE", "content": "



La Federación de empresarios chinos del Paraguay juntamente con la Sra. Andrea Wu, candidata a \"Embajadora de Buena Voluntad Juvenil\" por el Consejo de Asuntos de la Comunidad en el Extranjero, llevaron a cabo una conferencia titulada \"Taiwan Touch Your Heart\" en la Facultad Politécnica de la UNE, con la participación de cerca de 200 personas. Durante el evento, el Sr. Mario Chang, Gary Hsu y Vicky Hsu presentaron respectivamente informaciones sobre política, economía, arte y cultura, turismo y becas en Taiwán.


El Cónsul General Camilo Chang también estuvo presente para dar unas palabras de apertura, explicando las diferencias entre la República de China (Taiwán) y la República Popular China, con el objetivo de que más personas en Paraguay, incluidos los estudiantes, puedan diferenciar a ambos países y conocer mejor a Taiwán.


Cabe destacar que los organizadores enfatizaron los continuos esfuerzos por parte de Taiwán para ser partícipes en la Asamblea Mundial de la Salud (WHA), para lo cual las personas presentes demostraron aprobación y apoyo.

\n", "date": "2024-04-02 21:37:12", "url": "http://www.roc-taiwan.org/pyagt_es/post/4873.html" } ] }, { "lang": "zh", "branch": "", "country": "pe", "name": "駐秘魯代表處", "path": "/pe/", "items": [ { "title": "外貿協會率團參加「秘魯國際食品展」搶攻南美市場", "content": "






\n", "date": "2024-03-27 05:39:50", "url": "http://www.roc-taiwan.org/pe/post/6912.html" } ] }, { "lang": "es", "branch": "", "country": "pe", "name": "Oficina Económica y Cultural de Taipei en el Perú", "path": "/pe_es/", "items": [ { "title": "El “Pabellón de Taiwán” se convierte en foco de EXPOALIMENTARIA PERÚ", "content": "

La EXPOALIMENTARIA se llevó a cabo en Lima recientemente. La delegación taiwanesa, encabezada por el Consejo de Desarrollo del Comercio Exterior de Taiwán (TAITRA), compuesta por 10 empresas de productos de punta, destacó en la feria.


La EXPOALIMENTARIA es una de las más importantes ferias de productos y maquinas de alimentación en Latinoamérica, la representante de Taiwán en el Perú, Sra. Francisca Yu-Tsz Chang, expresó su agradecimiento al organizador del evento, Asociación de Exportadores (ADEX), por el apoyo brindado a la delegación de su país, al mismo tiempo, manifestó la buena voluntad del Gobierno de la República de China (Taiwán) de hacer mayor contribución a la reactivación económica del perú en esta época de postpandemia.



\n", "date": "2024-03-27 06:01:43", "url": "http://www.roc-taiwan.org/pe_es/post/19116.html" } ] }, { "lang": "zh", "branch": "", "country": "kn", "name": "駐聖克里斯多福及尼維斯大使館", "path": "/kn/", "items": [ { "title": "「世界肥胖日」尼島接力路跑賽", "content": "

駐克國技術團組隊參加3月1日「世界肥胖日」尼島接力路跑賽,晴空萬里下,駐克國技術團組成的TaiwanICDF隊與其他7支在地隊伍同場競速,參與熱血競賽的同時也協助宣導防治肥胖及慢性病的重要性。尼島衛生部長 Jahnel Nisbett 也是參賽隊員之一!



\n", "date": "2024-04-09 02:28:04", "url": "http://www.roc-taiwan.org/kn/post/7887.html" }, { "title": "尼島華語課近況更新!", "content": "

Gingerland Secondary School 的學生學會唱兒歌了!一年半以前連「你好」都還不太會說的華語學生,現在已經可以流利地唱兒歌了,一起來看看!


\n", "date": "2024-04-03 05:39:46", "url": "http://www.roc-taiwan.org/kn/post/7866.html" }, { "title": "雙北世界壯年運動會報名開始", "content": "








\n", "date": "2024-02-06 23:16:06", "url": "http://www.roc-taiwan.org/kn/post/7833.html" }, { "title": "國合會海外服務工作團2024年長期暨專案志工招募開跑!", "content": "



詳情請見 TaiwanICDF Overseas Volunteers

\n", "date": "2024-01-03 03:17:39", "url": "http://www.roc-taiwan.org/kn/post/7774.html" }, { "title": "2024 台北101煙火「彩色世界」", "content": "

\n", "date": "2024-01-03 03:12:53", "url": "http://www.roc-taiwan.org/kn/post/7770.html" } ] }, { "lang": "en", "branch": "", "country": "kn", "name": "Embassy of the Republic of China (Taiwan) in Saint Christopher and Nevis", "path": "/kn_en/", "items": [ { "title": "World Obesity Day Road Relay in Nevis!", "content": "

Taiwan Technical Mission participated in the World Obesity Day Road Relay Race! On March 1, joining the other 7 teams, Team TaiwanICDF ran under the sun for the thrill of competition and for raising awareness in preventing obesity and chronic diseases. We were all excited to see Minister Hon. Jahnel Nisbett joining the fun!



\n", "date": "2024-04-09 02:26:49", "url": "http://www.roc-taiwan.org/kn_en/post/7090.html" }, { "title": "Exciting updates from Mandarin class in Nevis!", "content": "


Gingerland Secondary School students can now sing in Mandarin! Can you imagine 1.5 years ago, they struggled with pronouncing \"nihao\"? Now, they're confidently singing nursery rhymes in Mandarin at normal speed!
\nWant to join the Mandarin learning journey?
\nThere's a spot for EVERYONE living in Nevis! Kindly fill out the form (https://forms.gle/dnVaLT7crnBHAxSp6) to join the waiting list. When a new class opens up, we'll reach out to you.
\nThis is just a beginning. Together, be stronger!

\n", "date": "2024-04-04 03:49:11", "url": "http://www.roc-taiwan.org/kn_en/post/7063.html" }, { "title": "Taiwan Gender Equality Week (TGEW) 2024", "content": "





In the spirit of #InternationalWomensDay, join us for Taiwan Gender Equality Week (TGEW) 2024!
\nFrom March 11 to 22, explore Taiwan's journey towards gender equity and learn about our initiatives to strengthen institutions, finance, and highlight women's contributions to society .
\nMore info: https://tgew.org

\n", "date": "2024-03-08 23:48:39", "url": "http://www.roc-taiwan.org/kn_en/post/7053.html" }, { "title": "Registration Open: World Masters Games 2025 in Taiwan", "content": "



More information: https://wmg2025.tw



\n", "date": "2024-02-06 22:12:36", "url": "http://www.roc-taiwan.org/kn_en/post/7048.html" }, { "title": "2024 Taipei 101 Fireworks Display - Colorful World", "content": "

Still reeling from the excitement and buzz of New Year's Eve? Not ready for work yet? A clip of the 2024 Taipei 101 Fireworks Display might help. 300 seconds of \"COLORFUL WORLD\" proudly presented by Taipei 101.


\n", "date": "2024-01-03 03:16:05", "url": "http://www.roc-taiwan.org/kn_en/post/7010.html" } ] }, { "lang": "zh", "branch": "", "country": "lc", "name": "駐聖露西亞大使館", "path": "/lc/", "items": [ { "title": "【「網路犯罪及虛擬貨幣」訓練班結業典禮】", "content": "



Ambassador Peter Chen joined Hon. Jeremiah Norbert, Minister for Crime Prevention and Persons with Disabilities as well as Mrs. Crusita Descartes-Pelius, Commissioner of ROYAL SAINT LUCIA POLICE FORCE to congratulate 30 police officers for the completion of \"Cyber Crime and Cryptocurrency\" training program in Police Force Academy. Taiwan will continue to work on the empowerment of police force to address the digital challenges ahead





\n", "date": "2024-03-29 23:09:04", "url": "http://www.roc-taiwan.org/lc/post/5555.html" }, { "title": "【Laborie盛大舉行農民市集】", "content": "



Ambassador and Mrs. Chen were glad to join with Hon. Alva Baptiste, Minister for External Affairs, International Trade, Civil Aviation and Diaspora Affairs and Parliamentary Representative of Laborie/Augier, to attend Laborie Farmer’s Market. Tens of booths and vendors joined the market, showing the vitality, passion and prosperity of communities from Laborie/Augier, and making the Farmers’ Market a huge success.





\n", "date": "2024-03-25 23:09:42", "url": "http://www.roc-taiwan.org/lc/post/5559.html" }, { "title": "【「2024年世界消費者日」活動】", "content": "



Ambassador and Mrs. Chen were honored to join Hon. Shawn Edward, Minister for Education, Sustainable Development, Innovation, Science, Technology and Vocational Training to attend \"2024 World Consumer Rights Day\" event organized by the Ministry of Commerce, Manufacturing, Business Development, Cooperatives and Consumer Affairs. Ambassador and Minister Edward have proudly announced the official launch of  \"Coding Competition for Climate Change\" - a riveting challenge calling upon Saint Lucian secondary school students to harness the power of technology for environmental resilience.





\n", "date": "2024-03-16 23:10:24", "url": "http://www.roc-taiwan.org/lc/post/5562.html" }, { "title": "【「警察華語班」初級課程結業證書頒贈儀式】", "content": "



Ambassador Peter Chen was immensely proud to join Mrs. Crusita Descartes-Pelius, Commissioner of ROYAL SAINT LUCIA POLICE FORCE, to award certificates to 6 outstanding police officers who have completed their basic Mandarin courses.The 6 police officers showcased their proficiency with a short dialogue, following the rendition of a mandarin folk song \"Sharing\" and reciting a poem \"A Land of Dream\", which earned a resounding applause in the ceremony.\"7\"



\n", "date": "2024-03-14 23:10:56", "url": "http://www.roc-taiwan.org/lc/post/5566.html" }, { "title": "【台露輪椅與輔具贈交儀式】", "content": "



Ambassador Peter Chen presented a batch of wheelchairs, steel folding commode chairs and single-arm walkers to Hon. Moses Jn. Baptiste, Minister for Health, Wellness and Elderly Affairs, highlighting the loves and cares from Taiwan's civil society to Saint Lucia. These charity goods are sponsored by Taiwan's NGO-Cao Zhong Zhi Foundation, and the shipping fee is covered by Taiwan government.





\n", "date": "2024-03-05 23:11:28", "url": "http://www.roc-taiwan.org/lc/post/5570.html" }, { "title": "【外交部臺灣獎學金暨財團法人國際合作發展基金會「國際高等人力培訓外籍生獎學金」說明會】", "content": "

\nThe 2024 Taiwan Scholarship briefing was held jointly by the Embassy of the Republic of China (Taiwan) and the Ministry of Education, Sustainable Development, Innovation, Science, Technology, and Vocational Training. We will keep working with the Ministry of Education to cultivate Saint Lucia young talents.





\n", "date": "2024-02-24 23:12:03", "url": "http://www.roc-taiwan.org/lc/post/5574.html" }, { "title": "【美國駐巴貝多大使Roger F. Nyhus造訪Leon Hess中學「多媒體智慧教室」】", "content": "

駐聖露西亞陳家彥大使很高興與美國駐巴貝多大使Roger F. Nyhus造訪台灣捐贈Leon Hess中學的「多媒體智慧教室」,聆聽師生展示透過我國「聖露西亞資訊科技融入教學發展計畫」及美國開發總署「ConnectED」計劃,有效提升運用多媒體設備進行教學和學習體驗的成果。感謝Leon Hess中學校長Florence Gustave-Denis的悉心安排,以及教職員和全體同學的熱情歡迎,我們期待未來台、美、露在更多領域的共同合作。


Ambassador Peter Chen  was pleased to join H.E. Roger F. Nyhus, the U.S. Ambassador to Barbados, the Eastern Caribbean and the OECS, in visiting the \"Multimedia Smart Classrooms\" at the Leon Hess Comprehensive Secondary School, a creation of Taiwan’s \"Project for ICT in Education in Saint Lucia\".





\n", "date": "2024-02-22 23:12:38", "url": "http://www.roc-taiwan.org/lc/post/5578.html" }, { "title": "【台露三項合作計畫贈交儀式】", "content": "



Ambassador Peter Chen delivered the funding for 3 essential projects that will make positive impact to the community and social development in Saint Lucia, including \"Constituency Development Project (CDP)\", \"Rehabilitation of Human Resource Centers\" and \"National Disability Policy\" as well as Taiwan's sponsorship of \"Fireworks Display and Flags for the 45th anniversary of Independence\". Taiwan will continue to work with the people and the government of Saint Lucia to enhance the quality of people's lives.





\n", "date": "2024-01-23 23:13:16", "url": "http://www.roc-taiwan.org/lc/post/5582.html" }, { "title": "【台露慈善物資贈交儀式】", "content": "



Ambassador Peter Chen was glad to present a batch of charity goods of shoes, toys, lunch bags and sanitation supplies to Hon. Joachim Andre Henry , Minister for Equity, Social Justice and Empowerment. This initiative sponsored by SimplyHelp Foundation and the Government of the Republic of China (Taiwan) aims to support the less fortunate families in Saint Lucia and to make positive impact on the lives in need.





\n", "date": "2024-01-19 23:13:49", "url": "http://www.roc-taiwan.org/lc/post/5586.html" }, { "title": "【台露二項合作計畫贈交儀式】", "content": "



Ambassador Peter Chen was glad to present Taiwan’s contribution in supporting Saint Lucia’s social development. The funding for “Provision of Housing Repairs to the Less Fortunate” demonstrates Taiwan’s commitment to the sustainable development of Saint Lucia in line with Hon. Prime Minister Philip J. Pierre and Saint Lucian Government’s policy focusing on living conditions of vulnerable families. “Sports Development Project”, meanwhile, will assist young athletes in Saint Lucia to realize their potential and proudly step on international stages. Taiwan will continue to cooperate with the government and people of Saint Lucia for a safe, resilient and prosperous country.





\n", "date": "2024-01-16 23:14:16", "url": "http://www.roc-taiwan.org/lc/post/5590.html" } ] }, { "lang": "en", "branch": "", "country": "lc", "name": "Embassy of the Republic of China (Taiwan) in St. Lucia", "path": "/lc_en/", "items": [] }, { "lang": "zh", "branch": "", "country": "vc", "name": "駐聖文森國大使館", "path": "/vc/", "items": [ { "title": "台聖婦女賦權合作", "content": "

本館范大使惠君與聖國總理龔薩福(Ralph Gonsalves)於113年3月26日上午10時30分假東加海最高法院廣場共同主持「後疫情時期協助拉丁美洲及加勒比海經濟復甦暨青年及婦女賦權計畫」成發活動,聖國總督Susan Dougan、龔總理夫人、農業部長Saboto Caesar、教育部長Curtis King、公共服務部長Frederick Stephenson、社會發展部長Orando Brewster、都市發展部長Benarva Browne、議員Shackell Bobb、外交部次長Sandy Peters-Phillips、主要媒體及民眾約百餘人在場觀禮,另計畫受益之逾50家婦女企業亦共襄盛舉設攤位參展。
\n\"1\" \"2\" \"3\" \"4\" \"5\" \"6\" \"7\" \"8\" \"9\" \"10\" \"11\" \"12\" \"13\" \"14\" \"15\" \"16\" \"17\" \"18\" \"19\" \"20\" \"21\" \"22\"

\n", "date": "2024-04-23 05:18:41", "url": "http://www.roc-taiwan.org/vc/post/5660.html" }, { "title": "范大使惠君與聖文森國社會部部長布魯斯特合力舉辦本(113)年第二次「幫幫忙基金會」愛心物資贈交及分發典禮", "content": "

駐聖文森國大使館與聖文森國社會部於本(113)年4月16日合力舉行「幫幫忙基金會」 (SimplyHelp Foundation)捐贈的愛心物資贈交典禮,由范惠君大使代表贈交,聖國由社會部部長布魯斯特(Orando Brewster)代表接受,並邀請受贈的16個運動社團出席觀禮,場面溫馨。




幫幫忙基金會是一個位於美國加州洛杉磯的非營利慈善組織,由臺灣慈善家鮑潘曉黛女士創立募捐。本次捐贈一個20呎貨櫃的用品,品項包括運動用品(護具)、足球、鞋子及玩具等用品。 (E)




\"DSC01874\" \"DSC01695\"



\n", "date": "2024-04-19 05:01:44", "url": "http://www.roc-taiwan.org/vc/post/5643.html" }, { "title": "台聖合作!我國馬偕醫院團隊受邀來聖義診", "content": "

駐聖文森國大使館與聖文森及格林那丁衛生部共同合作,邀請台灣馬偕醫院醫師團隊自3月4日至3月12日於Milton Cato醫院(首都金石城)、喬治城Modern Medical Diagnostic Clinic及背風區Buccament綜合診所提供心臟科、骨科、耳鼻喉科和急診科的諮詢和手術服務。


本館范惠君大使於3月4日出席了這場有意義的活動開幕式,並於次日前往喬治城現代醫學診斷診所和米爾頓卡托醫院探望即將開始義診的醫生。 來自台灣馬偕紀念醫院的四名醫生和一名志工將與聖國的醫療團隊一起工作、討論,為患者提供不同面向的專業問診及手術。


范大使感謝馬偕紀念醫院長期以來對台灣國際醫療的貢獻,並感謝聖國衛生環境部積極促成本次的合作。 她也向所有聖國醫療團隊致上崇高敬意,感謝他們為聖國人民的健康福祉所做的奉獻。


\"photo_6111611546380647491_y\" \"S__67395706_0\"

\n", "date": "2024-04-19 02:30:51", "url": "http://www.roc-taiwan.org/vc/post/5637.html" }, { "title": "范大使應邀出席國家英雄日獻花儀式及「2024年國家英雄日」節慶", "content": "



上午國家英雄日獻花儀式主要來賓有總督朵根女士(Susan Dougan)、總理龔薩福(Ralph Gonsalves)、觀光部長Carlos James、使節團駐使及各部會相關官員、原住民代表逾百人。龔總理、觀光部長、原住民代表應邀致詞時,皆感念聖國原住民先祖犧牲生命對抗殖民者之貢獻。 






\"1\" \"2\" \"3\" \"4\" \"5\" \"6\" \"7\" \"8\" \"9\" \"10\" \"11\"

\n", "date": "2024-03-22 02:40:54", "url": "http://www.roc-taiwan.org/vc/post/5583.html" }, { "title": "范大使惠君與聖文森國農業部長Saboto Caesar共同主持農業計畫活動暨捐贈典禮", "content": "

駐聖文森國大使館范大使惠君與聖文森國農業部長Saboto Caesar於2月27日在北部聯盟中學共同主持「家庭園藝及氣候智慧農業」活動暨捐贈典禮。北部聯盟中學校長St. Clair DaSantos、加勒比海農業研究及發展機構(CARDI)代表Donawa Jackson、農業部司長Renatos Gumbs、農業部代理常務次長Trevor Phills及該校全體師生亦到場共襄盛舉。


范大使表示農業部長Saboto Caesar在兩國技術合作方面一向不遺餘力給予協助,本次「家庭園藝及氣候智慧農業」計畫當能協助聖國推動農業創新,以提升當地農作物產量。范大使強調技術團捐助的種子及種苗,旨在提升糧食安全,強化農業經濟,並促進永續農業,並鼓勵當地農民及學生善用種子與種苗,儘可能向我技術團學習農業技術並汲取栽種經驗。


農業部長Saboto Caesar感謝台灣所作貢獻,說明教育與訓練不僅促使人民獲得知識及技術,也幫助人民順利就業。部長續表示本次台灣提供的農業計畫將協助訓練聖國人民,擴增可耕農地,確保糧食安全並發展經濟。


技術團長林君衡及技師沈亦洋在活動最後共同展示庭院栽種技術,范大使及農業部長Saboto Caesar亦下場參與活動,場面活潑熱鬧。


\"1\" \"2\" \"3\" \"4\" \"5\" \"6\" \"7\" \"8\" \"9\" \"10\" \"11\" \"12\" \"13\"


\"15\" \"16\" \"17\" \"18\" \"19\" \"20\" \"21\" \"IMG_6363\" \"IMG_6399\" \"IMG_6368\" \"IMG_6357\" \"IMG_6350\" \"IMG_6352\"





\n", "date": "2024-03-08 01:19:09", "url": "http://www.roc-taiwan.org/vc/post/5543.html" }, { "title": "范大使惠君與聖文森國社會部部長布魯斯特合作,舉行「幫幫忙基金會」愛心物資贈交及分發典禮", "content": "

駐聖文森國大使館與聖文森國社會部於本(113)年2月13日合力於聖國第二大城喬治城(Georgetown)舉行「幫幫忙基金會」及一來自台南的慈善組織捐贈的愛心物資贈交典禮,由范惠君大使代表兩個基金會贈交,聖國由社會部部長布魯斯特(Orando Brewster)代表接受,現場並邀請聖國十數位弱勢家庭代表即時贈交物資,場面溫馨。




幫幫忙基金會是一個位於美國加州洛杉磯的非營利慈善組織,由臺灣慈善家鮑潘曉黛女士創立募捐。本次分發典禮連同另一個基金會總共三個貨櫃的用品,品項包括布料、衣物、帽子及玩具等用品,總價值約207,313美元。 (E)




\"IMG_5715\" \"IMG_5724\"





\n", "date": "2024-02-17 05:18:42", "url": "http://www.roc-taiwan.org/vc/post/5533.html" }, { "title": "范大使惠君代表政府捐贈56,000東加幣給聖國總督蘇珊朵根基金會救助輟學少女", "content": "

駐聖文森國范大使惠君於本(113)年2月5日赴聖國總督府,代表我國政府捐贈56,000東加幣予教育家出身之朵根總督成立之蘇珊朵根基金會(Dame Susan Dougan Foundation),款項將用於該基金會救助輟學少女之計畫。



























\n", "date": "2024-02-17 02:47:06", "url": "http://www.roc-taiwan.org/vc/post/5529.html" }, { "title": "駐聖文森國大使館113年元旦升旗典禮", "content": "



駐聖文森國范大使惠君率館團同仁及員眷舉行113年元旦升旗典禮,期勉各位館團同仁在新的一年繼續努力,將台灣的觸角延伸至聖國各界,讓「台灣」這個關鍵字被國際社會更加看見;祝願中華民國(台灣)國運昌隆,台聖邦誼歷久彌新;2024 龍騰虎躍,新年快樂!
\n\"1\" \"2\" \"3\" \"4\" \"5\"

\n", "date": "2024-01-02 21:41:37", "url": "http://www.roc-taiwan.org/vc/post/5463.html" } ] }, { "lang": "en", "branch": "", "country": "vc", "name": "Embassy of the Republic of China (Taiwan) in St. Vincent and the Grenadines", "path": "/vc_en/", "items": [ { "title": "Cooperation between the Republic of China (Taiwan) and Saint Vincent and the Grenadines on Women Empowerment", "content": "

The Republic of China (Taiwan) and Saint Vincent and the Grenadines co-organized the Women’s Empowerment Project Showcase in the Court House Yard, on 26 Mar, 2024 at 9:30 a.m. to 4:00 p.m. The Republic of China (Taiwan) Ambassador Fiona Huei-chun Fan, Governor General Dame Susan Dougan, Prime Minister Hon. Ralph Gonsalves and Mrs. Gonsalves, Minister of Agriculture Hon. Saboto Caesar, Minister of Education and National Reconciliation Hon. Curtis King, Minister of the Public Service Frederick Stephenson, Minister of National Mobilisation Hon. Orando Brewster, Minister of Urban Development Hon. Benarva Browne, Parliamentary Secretary Hon. Shackell Bobb, Permanent Secretary Sandy Peters-Phillips, Diplomatic corps, officers from governmental sectors attended the Official Ceremony at 10:30 a.m. More than 50 women-owned enterprises operated their businesses at the event.


Ambassador Fan expressed that the Women Empowerment Project aimed to equip women with desired skills and necessary knowledge, providing 16 vocational training courses for 306 female trainees in the fields of hospitality management, beauty treatment, computer maintenance and other desired expertise. As Ambassador Fan further pointed out, the project offered consulting services to 99 small and medium-sized enterprises; these engaged enterprises in the project created 210 job vacancies, built economic momentum for communities, and earned approximated 1.34 million in revenue. She emphasized that the project offered a vibrant network to local communities and companies, and encouraged them to connect with each other.


As Ambassador Fan added, the ON-SITE Project in 2023 provided internships for 186 unemployed youths in 110 private enterprises, supporting nearly one-third of these interns to step into full-time positions after their internship. Ambassador Fan announced that Taiwan will continue the existing foundation of the ON-SITE project and offer 360 interns to the talented in the coming 2 years.


Minister Brewster expressed his gratitude to Taiwan’s longstanding support, and commended the two countries’ close collaboration in the women empowerment project. He said that the project not only contributed to individuals and enterprises, but also boosted economy at community and national level. Minister Brewster further hoped that Saint Vincent and Grenadines will continue to deepen cooperation with Taiwan.


Minister King stated that education plays a vital role to empower women to elevate their future and their community, the Project provided by Taiwan served as a great example. He emphasized that economic empowerment is a liberation and created opportunity. Minister King convoyed his gratitude to Taiwan government and Taiwanese people.


Prime Minister Gonsalves expressed that women in Saint Vincent and Grenadines were making up more workforce in public sectors and enterprises within two decades. He commended the enduring diplomatic relations between Taiwan and Saint Vincent and Grenadines and the close cooperation in scholarship programs. Prime Minister Gonsalves thanked for Taiwan long-term support to Saint Vincent’s national development and committed to strengthen the rock-solid diplomatic relation.
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\n", "date": "2024-04-23 05:25:08", "url": "http://www.roc-taiwan.org/vc_en/post/4517.html" }, { "title": "Amb. Fiona Fan with Minister Orando Brewster handed over the resources contributed by SimplyHelp Foundation on April 16th, 2024", "content": "

Ambassador Fiona Fan of the Republic of China (Taiwan) on behalf of the Simply Help Foundation handed over and distributed materials with Minister of National Mobilisation, Hon. Orando Brewster to people from SVG communities on April 16th, 2024.


The resources donated by Simply Help Foundation consisted of footballs, shin guards, shoes, and toys etc.. Amb. Fan gave her special thanks to our true friend, Simply Help Foundation, a non-profit charity organization located in Los Angeles, California, USA, founded by Taiwanese philanthropist Ms. Tina Bow.


Hon. Brewster appreciated Simply Help Foundation’s generosity and contributions over the years. He reaffirmed the everlasting partnership between Taiwan and St. Vincent and the Grenadines. (E)


\"\" \"\"



\n", "date": "2024-04-19 05:02:53", "url": "http://www.roc-taiwan.org/vc_en/post/4485.html" }, { "title": "Taiwan cooperates with St. Vincent and the Grenadines to provide medical services from March 4th to 12th", "content": "

Through the efforts of the Ministry of Health, Wellness and the Environment of the St. Vincent and the Grenadines and the Embassy of the Republic of China (Taiwan), and MacKay Memorial Hospital, the medical service cooperation between St. Vincent and the Grenadines and Taiwan is conducted from March 4th to March 12th, providing consultations and surgery services of Cardiology, Orthopedic, ENT and Emergency Medicine Unit in Milton Cato Hospital (Kingstown), Modern Medical Diagnostic Clinic (Georgetown), and Buccament Polyclinic.


Ambassador Fiona Huei-chun Fan attended the opening ceremony of this meaningful event on March 4th, and went to Modern Medical Diagnostic Clinic in Georgetown, and Milton Cato Hospital in the next day to visit the doctors who would be working in the next following week. The four doctors and one volunteer coming from Taiwan Mackay Memorial Hospital would work and discuss with Vincentian medical teams to give patients’ professional consultations.


Ambassador Fan expressed her gratitude to Mackay Memorial Hospital for their long-standing support to Taiwan’s international medical contribution, and thanked Ministry of Health, Wellness and the Environment to facilitate the wonderful cooperation.  She also sent her greetings to all Vincentian medical teams for their dedication to the health and wellness of St. Vincent and the Grenadines.





\n", "date": "2024-04-19 03:01:19", "url": "http://www.roc-taiwan.org/vc_en/post/4475.html" }, { "title": "Ambassador Fiona Fan attended the Wreath Laying Ceremony and the Heritage Day on National Heroes Day.", "content": "

On National Heroes Day, Ambassador Fiona Huei-chun Fan was invited to attend the Wreath Laying Ceremony for Paramount Chief Joseph Chatoyer in the morning, and the Greiggs Heritage Festival in the afternoon, on March 14 2024.


In the Wreath Laying Ceremony, Governor General, Dame Susan Dougan, Prime Minister, Hon. Ralph Gonsalves, Members of Parliament, Diplomatic corps, officers from governmental sectors and indigenous representatives attended the event. In remarks, the distinguished guests expressed their appreciation to the sacrifices made by indigenous ancestors.


In the Greiggs Heritage Festival, the Greiggs Garifuna Council successfully transformed the field into an indigenous village, and the event attracted over 1,000 attendees. On behalf of R.O.C. government, Ambassador Fan paid tribute to Chief Joseph Chatoyer, and expressed that the National Heroes Day is a profound acknowledgement of sacrifices and triumphs that have shaped Garifuna and SVG unique identity, adding that Taiwan also possesses rich heritage of indigenous culture, with the nationally recognized indigenous groups about 567,000 people or 2% of Taiwan’s population. 16 tribes are officially recognized by government. Ambassador Fan said that the Embassy also set up a booth to display Taiwan’s indigenous attires, hoping attendees to have a deeper understanding about our shared values. In closing, she encouraged to embrace this opportunity to strengthen the bonds of friendship and cooperation between Taiwan and St. Vincent and grenadines.\"\" \"\" \"\" \"\" \"\" \"\" \"\" \"\" \"\" \"\" \"\"





\n", "date": "2024-03-22 02:43:30", "url": "http://www.roc-taiwan.org/vc_en/post/4410.html" }, { "title": "Republic of China (Taiwan) announces agricultural project to assist St. Vincent and the Grenadines", "content": "
The Republic of China (Taiwan) Ambassador Fiona Huei-chun Fan and Honorable Saboto Caesar, Minister of Agriculture, co-hosted the presentation of \"Backyard Gardening and Climate Smart Agriculture Programme\" and donation ceremony at the North Union Secondary School on 27 February, 2024. Mr. Donawa Jackson, Representative of CARDI, Mr. St. Clair DaSantos, Principal of North Union Secondary School, government officers, and more than 400 students from the school attended the event.
Ambassador Fan recognized Minister Saboto Caesar as an important force in leading St. Vincent and the Grenadines to support the ongoing projects between the two countries; adding that the current \"Improving Vegetable Cultivation Management and Post-harvest Handling Project\" aims to promote agricultural innovation and maximum crops production for locals.
Ambassador Fan stressed that the seedlings and seeds from the Taiwan Technical Mission (TTM) aim to achieve food security, boost agricultural economy, and promote sustainable agriculture. She also encouraged farmers and students to make good use of the seeds and seedlings, and learn experience and skills from Taiwanese technicians as much as they can.
Minister Saboto Caesar expressed that education not only equips people with needed skills and knowledge, but also gives them a brighter prospect in their career opportunities. He said that the ongoing projects and agriculture programs provided by Taiwan will boost local economy, ensure food security, and grow a stronger economy.
The event ended in the planting session demonstrated by Mr. Chun-Heng Lin and Mr. Yi-Yang Shen, Leader and Technician of Taiwan Technical Mission, and, Technician of TTM. Minister Caesar and Ambassador Fan also participated in the session with joy.
\n", "date": "2024-03-08 01:23:52", "url": "http://www.roc-taiwan.org/vc_en/post/4389.html" }, { "title": "Amb. Fiona Fan with Minister Orando Brewster handed over the resources contributed by SimplyHelp Foundation and a Taiwanese Non-Profit Organization", "content": "

Ambassador Fiona Fan of the Republic of China (Taiwan) on behalf of the Simply Help Foundation and another Taiwanese Charity Organization from Tainan, handed over and distributed materials with Minister of National Mobilisation, Hon. Orando Brewster to people from SVG communities on February 13th, 2024.


The resources donated by Simply Help Foundation consisted of working uniforms, cloths, clothes, hats, toys, etc., with the estimated value of US$ 207,313. Amb. Fan expressed her sincere appreciation to the reliable and supportive partner, Simply Help Foundation and the Taiwanese non-profit organization for their continuous support.


Amb. Fan and Minister Brewster travelled to Georgetown, Biabou and Calliaqua, the windward side of the island, to distribute these goods with the love and friendship from Taiwanese people.


Hon. Brewster appreciated the two organizations’ generosity and contributions over the years. He emphasized that the partnership between Taiwan and St. Vincent and the Grenadines is with sincere care and support between the two people and government. (E)









\n", "date": "2024-02-17 05:23:54", "url": "http://www.roc-taiwan.org/vc_en/post/4352.html" }, { "title": "2024 New Year Flag Rising Ceremony", "content": "

Amb. Fiona Huei-Chun Fan led the Embassy of the Republic of China (Taiwan) and the Taiwan Technical Mission to jointly celebrate the New Year of 2024 with a flag-rising ceremony in SVG.\"\"\"\"\"\"\"\"\"\"

\n", "date": "2024-01-02 21:43:32", "url": "http://www.roc-taiwan.org/vc_en/post/4321.html" } ] }, { "lang": "zh", "branch": "", "country": "bf", "name": "布吉納法索", "path": "/bf/", "items": [] }, { "lang": "fr", "branch": "", "country": "bf", "name": "Ambassade de la République de Chine (Taiwan), Ouagadougou, Burkina Faso", "path": "/bf_fr/", "items": [] }, { "lang": "zh", "branch": "", "country": "ng", "name": "駐奈及利亞聯邦共和國臺北貿易辦事處", "path": "/ng/", "items": [ { "title": "駐奈及利亞代表處祝福所有穆斯林朋友們闔家開齋節平安愉快!", "content": "


\n", "date": "2024-04-11 14:41:15", "url": "http://www.roc-taiwan.org/ng/post/7449.html" }, { "title": "台灣震災的搜救行動迅速!", "content": "
\n", "date": "2024-04-05 14:57:43", "url": "http://www.roc-taiwan.org/ng/post/7465.html" }, { "title": "駐奈及利亞代表處敬祝所有的好朋友與家人們在「復活節」假期即將來臨之際,都能歡欣慶祝、順心如意!", "content": "

\"easter1\" \"easter2\" \"easter3\" \"easter4\" \"easter5\" \"easter6\" \"easter7\"

\n", "date": "2024-03-28 14:49:20", "url": "http://www.roc-taiwan.org/ng/post/7454.html" }, { "title": "「拉哥斯雙年展」這項兩年一度的藝術盛會於2月份在Tafawa Balewa體育場舉行,來自奈國與國際藝術家和團體的參展藝術創作豐富多元、令人驚艷!", "content": "

\"2\" \"3\" \"4\" \"5\" \"6\" \"7\" \"8\" \"9\" \"10\" \"11\" \"12\" \"13\" \"14\" \"15\" \"16\" \"17\" \"18\" \"19\" \"20\" \"21\" \"22\" \"23\" \"24\" \"25\" \"26\"

\n", "date": "2024-02-21 19:22:14", "url": "http://www.roc-taiwan.org/ng/post/7384.html" }, { "title": "駐奈及利亞代表劉翼平夫婦應邀參加臺灣鳳甲美術館與奈及利亞拉哥斯Yaba美術館、當代藝術中心合作舉辦「海洋與詮釋者」藝展開幕活動。", "content": "



駐奈及利亞代表劉翼平夫婦再度應邀與鳳甲美術館策展人高森信男與拉哥斯當代藝術中心主任Oyindamola Fakeye女士,以及臺灣藝術家張恩滿、彭致穎與助理林均穎等多位外國藝術家,參加了Yaba美術館藝展開幕,和Yaba理工學院多位師生一起欣賞創作者的展品及理念,充分展現跨文化交流的意義。



\n", "date": "2024-02-16 19:12:59", "url": "http://www.roc-taiwan.org/ng/post/7367.html" }, { "title": "新的一年開始囉,祝大家2024新年快樂!", "content": "


\n", "date": "2024-02-16 18:49:30", "url": "http://www.roc-taiwan.org/ng/post/7357.html" } ] }, { "lang": "en", "branch": "", "country": "ng", "name": "Taipei Trade Office in the Federal Republic of Nigeria", "path": "/ng_en/", "items": [ { "title": "On the joyous occasion of Eid El-Fitr, The Taipei Trade Office in Nigeria wishes all our dear Muslim friends and their families peace and happy. 🌙🌙🌙", "content": "


\n", "date": "2024-04-11 14:44:00", "url": "http://www.roc-taiwan.org/ng_en/post/6458.html" }, { "title": "Taiwan's earthquake rescuing has done swiftly and effectively!", "content": "
In the wake of the strong earthquake in Hualien, Taiwan, our first responders have saved countless lives, including over 80 foreign nationals.
We are still working to locate the remaining missing ones and offer assistance in need.
\n", "date": "2024-04-05 15:01:15", "url": "http://www.roc-taiwan.org/ng_en/post/6475.html" }, { "title": "On the upcoming Easter Holiday, The Taipei Trade Office in Nigeria sincerely wish all our dear friends and their families joy and peace!", "content": "


\n", "date": "2024-03-28 14:53:39", "url": "http://www.roc-taiwan.org/ng_en/post/6470.html" }, { "title": "The 2024 Lagos Biennial was held from 3-10 February at the Tafawa Balewa Square. The Biennial brought together a wide range of talented Nigerian and international artists who engaged with this year’s theme of ‘Refuge’ in creative and impressive ways.", "content": "

\"\" \"16\" \"17\" \"18\" \"19\" \"20\" \"21\" \"22\" \"23\" \"24\" \"25\" \"26\" \"1\" \"2\" \"3\" \"4\" \"5\" \"6\" \"7\" \"8\" \"9\" \"10\" \"11\" \"12\" \"13\" \"14\" \"15\"

\n", "date": "2024-02-21 19:39:30", "url": "http://www.roc-taiwan.org/ng_en/post/6419.html" }, { "title": "Representative and Chief of Taiwan Mission in Nigeria, Mr. Andy Yiping Liu and his wife were invited to attend the art exhibition organized by the Taiwan’s Hong Gah Art Museum, Nigerian Centre for Contemporary Art Lagos and Yaba Art Museum.", "content": "

Taiwan’s Hong Gah Art Museum collaborated with Nigerian CCA (Centre for Contemporary Art) Lagos and Yaba Art Museum organized an Art Exhibition “Oceans and the Interpreters. The second opening program was held in the afternoon of October 28, 2023 at Yaba Art Museum, Yaba College of Technology in Lagos.


The Taipei Trade Mission Representative Andy Yih-Ping Liu and his Wife, Ms. Yolanda Chen were once again invited to attend the second opening. Curator of this Exhibition, Mr. Nobuo Takamori of Taiwan’s Hong Gah Art Museum and CCA Lagos Director Ms. Oyindamola Fakeye joined by Taiwanese Artists Ms. Chang, En-Man, Mr. Musquiqui Chihyang, Art Assistant Chun-Ying Lin and other foreign artists mingled joyfully with all participants from Yaba College. They vividly discussed and appreciated the creative ideas of the art works. This had really showcased the lively cross-cultural exchanges.


The exhibition “Ocean and Interpreters” successfully exploring the historical and cultural connections between Africa and Asia, and has built an important bridge for future exploration of art and culture exchanges.



\n", "date": "2024-02-16 19:32:01", "url": "http://www.roc-taiwan.org/ng_en/post/6390.html" }, { "title": "Our best wishes to all our dear friends a very prosperous and happy New Year of 2024!", "content": "


\n", "date": "2024-02-16 19:28:29", "url": "http://www.roc-taiwan.org/ng_en/post/6385.html" } ] }, { "lang": "zh", "branch": "", "country": "za", "name": "駐南非共和國台北聯絡代表處", "path": "/za/", "items": [ { "title": "本處廖代表文哲出席南非僑界各地慶祝春節活動", "content": "



At the invitation of Taiwanese organizations in South Africa, Representative Oliver Liao and his team attended Lunar New Year Celebrations held at Newcastle, Ladybrand, Bloemfontein and Nanhua Temple. While we continue to celebrate the arrival of the year of Dragon, Taipei Liaison Office in RSA would like to wish everyone a most prosperous and successful year!


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\n", "date": "2024-02-16 23:03:22", "url": "http://www.roc-taiwan.org/za/post/8164.html" }, { "title": "南華寺新春文化嘉年華", "content": "





\"2024巨型龍騰雲吉祥物 \"僑務促進委員林政昇、武官蕭豐詮、僑務顧問黃志博、慧行法師、駐南非代表處代表廖文哲、僑務顧問潘國偉、僑務諮詢委員林青嶔、僑務秘書曾權榮 \"僑務顧問黃志博、僑務諮詢委員林青嶔、僑務顧問鄭愛寶、駐南非代表處代表廖文哲、僑務委員陳阡蕙及僑務顧問潘國偉合影 \"慧昉法師祝賀與會貴賓及大眾 \"駐南非代表處代表廖文哲致詞

\n", "date": "2024-02-13 17:14:04", "url": "http://www.roc-taiwan.org/za/post/8148.html" } ] }, { "lang": "en", "branch": "", "country": "za", "name": "Taipei Liaison Office in the Republic of South Africa", "path": "/za_en/", "items": [ { "title": "The cultural Festival held by FGS Nan Hua Temple", "content": "

Representative Oliver Liao gladly joined a crowd of over 25,000 at the cultural Festival held by FGS Nan Hua Temple. He commended Nan Hua Temple for its devotion to humanitarian relief, educational and cultural exchange. Taiwan and South Africa share universal values such as democracy, freedom and human rights. Our common love for these values create fertile soil that allowed NPOs, such as Nan Hua Temple, to establish their presence and contribute to local communities.






\"2024巨型龍騰雲吉祥物 \"僑務促進委員林政昇、武官蕭豐詮、僑務顧問黃志博、慧行法師、駐南非代表處代表廖文哲、僑務顧問潘國偉、僑務諮詢委員林青嶔、僑務秘書曾權榮 \"僑務顧問黃志博、僑務諮詢委員林青嶔、僑務顧問鄭愛寶、駐南非代表處代表廖文哲、僑務委員陳阡蕙及僑務顧問潘國偉合影 \"慧昉法師祝賀與會貴賓及大眾 \"駐南非代表處代表廖文哲致詞

\n", "date": "2024-02-13 17:16:30", "url": "http://www.roc-taiwan.org/za_en/post/8012.html" } ] }, { "lang": "zh", "branch": "", "country": "sz", "name": "駐史瓦帝尼王國大使館", "path": "/sz/", "items": [ { "title": "大使館及醫療團前往史國東北部Lomahasha提供義診", "content": "








\n", "date": "2024-03-23 01:02:12", "url": "http://www.roc-taiwan.org/sz/post/9585.html" }, { "title": "慶祝國際婦女節暨「全球合作暨訓練架構」婦女經濟賦權研討會", "content": "






\n", "date": "2024-03-06 00:56:25", "url": "http://www.roc-taiwan.org/sz/post/9578.html" }, { "title": "大使館及醫療團前往史國南部Shiselweni I提供義診", "content": "

駐史瓦帝尼大使館及醫療團再度送愛心到偏鄉,3月2日透早經過兩個多小時車程,來到南部Shiselweni I地區進行義診,提供免費診療、藥品、超音波檢驗、癌症篩檢及衛生教育等,民眾天剛亮就來排隊啦,義診活動持續到下午,計有583人受惠。駐館也分享「婦女創業小額信貸」資訊,鼓勵婦女創業,還有「台灣獎學金」,歡迎青年學子來台灣念大學。許多年邁不便就醫的長者,在當地國會議員Shawnette Henwood女士協助下,獲得細心醫療照護。她代表民眾感謝台灣團隊遠道而來提供多項服務,民眾也獲得白米一包,笑容滿面,伸出大拇指,道聲感謝台灣。





\n", "date": "2024-03-02 16:24:41", "url": "http://www.roc-taiwan.org/sz/post/9448.html" }, { "title": "捐贈17台正壓呼吸器予史國衛生部", "content": "

駐史瓦帝尼大使館與阿彌陀佛關懷中心(Amitofo Care Centre)於2月29日捐贈17台正壓呼吸器予史國衛生部,協助史國提升醫療量能。史國衛生部長Mduduzi Matsebula代表接收並感謝台灣長期以來對史國醫療衛生方面之貢獻。





\n", "date": "2024-03-01 20:49:08", "url": "http://www.roc-taiwan.org/sz/post/9466.html" }, { "title": "梁大使及館團同仁出席史國橡樹果節", "content": "

史國三大傳統節慶之一的橡樹果節(Marula Festival, 又稱Buganu Festival)首波慶祝活動於2月16日到18日於東北部Buhleni盛大舉辦,梁大使及館團同仁穿上史國傳統服飾,於17日應邀參加主要慶典活動,欣賞史國婦女們的嘹亮歌聲及動人舞蹈, 並與史國人民同慶橡樹果節。





\n", "date": "2024-02-19 21:01:54", "url": "http://www.roc-taiwan.org/sz/post/9435.html" }, { "title": "大使館及醫療團前往史國西部偏鄉Nkhaba提供義診", "content": "

\n當地國會議員Hope Shiba代表民眾感謝台灣團隊遠道而來提供免費醫療服務,慷慨捐贈白米,造福看病不便的鄉里民眾。





\n", "date": "2024-02-03 23:11:57", "url": "http://www.roc-taiwan.org/sz/post/9421.html" }, { "title": "大使館及醫療團前往史國南部偏鄉Nkilongo提供義診", "content": "






\n", "date": "2024-01-20 21:24:52", "url": "http://www.roc-taiwan.org/sz/post/9415.html" }, { "title": "元旦升旗典禮", "content": "




\n", "date": "2024-01-02 01:16:37", "url": "http://www.roc-taiwan.org/sz/post/9376.html" } ] }, { "lang": "en", "branch": "", "country": "sz", "name": "Embassy of the Republic of China (Taiwan) in the Kingdom of Eswatini", "path": "/sz_en/", "items": [ { "title": "Free Medical Outreach in Lomahasha", "content": "

Taiwan’s Free Medical Outreach was conducted on March 23 in Lomahasha, near the border to Mozambique, with 623 people served in just one morning.
\nWe were warmly received by a group of girls and boys dancing and waving our national flag. Local MP Zanele Mashaba visited each station of the free clinic to express gratitude to the medical staff and volunteers.





\n", "date": "2024-03-23 01:06:47", "url": "http://www.roc-taiwan.org/sz_en/post/4776.html" }, { "title": "2024 International Women Day & GCTF Workshop", "content": "

The Embassy is happy to host the 2024 International Women Day & Global Cooperation & Training Framework (GCTF) Workshop on 6th March. Thanks to all partners including the Deputy Prime Minister’s Office Eswatini, U.S. Embassy Eswatini, European Union in Eswatini and UN Eswatini. The event was a resounding success, as over 300 people convening to mark the resilience of Eswatini women.







\n", "date": "2024-03-06 00:59:18", "url": "http://www.roc-taiwan.org/sz_en/post/4770.html" }, { "title": "Free Medical Outreach in Shiselweni I", "content": "

Taiwan Embassy and Medical Mission, led by Minister Ching-Lin Tsuei, visited Shiselweni I Inkhundla to conduct outreach health services and share the information of “Women Business Start-up Microfinance Revolving Fund” and “Taiwan Scholarship”. The residents responded enthusiastically, with as many as 583 people coming for treatment!


The local Hon. MP Shawnette Henwood thanked the Taiwanese team for coming afar to provide free medical services and also generously donated rice, which greatly benefited the people in the countryside who have difficulty seeing a doctor.


Taiwan Embassy and Medical Mission will continue to visit remote areas to provide free medical services. Taiwan is helping and Taiwan will continue to help. See you soon!





\n", "date": "2024-03-02 16:28:05", "url": "http://www.roc-taiwan.org/sz_en/post/4744.html" }, { "title": "Taiwan Embassy and Amitofo Care Centre donates 17 positive airway pressure devices to Eswatini", "content": "

The Taiwan Embassy and Amitofo Care Centre on Feb. 29th donated 17 positive airway pressure devices to the Ministry of Health. Minister of Health Mduduzi Matsebula gratefully accepted the donation, expressing thanks to Taiwan for the ongoing support. Ambassador Jeremy Liang emphasized that these devices will elevate healthcare standards and benefit Emaswati. This contribution signifies Taiwan's commitment to improving healthcare in Eswatini, empowering healthcare personnel, and enhancing outpatient care quality.





\n", "date": "2024-03-01 20:50:29", "url": "http://www.roc-taiwan.org/sz_en/post/4756.html" }, { "title": "Ambassador Jeremy Liang participates in the celebration of Marula Festival", "content": "

As one of Eswatini's three major traditional festivals, the Marula Festival (also known as Buganu Festival) kicked off its first celebration from February 16th to 18th in Buhleni with great grandeur. Ambassador Jeremy Liang and colleagues from Taiwan Embassy donned “Mahiya”, Eswatini's traditional attire, and were invited to participate in the main celebration on the 17th, enjoying the melodious songs and captivating dances of women’s regiment (Lutsango), celebrating together with Emaswati for the Marula Festival.





\n", "date": "2024-02-19 21:08:38", "url": "http://www.roc-taiwan.org/sz_en/post/4732.html" }, { "title": "Free Medical Outreach in Nkhaba", "content": "

Taiwan Embassy and Medical Mission, led by Minister Ching-Lin Tsuei, visited Nkhaba in Hhohho Region to conduct outreach health services. The residents responded enthusiastically, with as many as 656 people coming for treatment!
\nThe medical team provided free consultation, treatment, medication, ultrasonic test and cancer screening services, and hold health education lectures to promote knowledge and awareness of daily healthcare in the community. Fresh vegetarian dishes provided by the Taiwan-Africa Vegetable Initiative (TAVI) serves as a plus, showing people how traditional vegetables can be of great value in both taste and nutrition.
\nThe local MP Hope Shiba thanked the Taiwanese team for coming afar to provide free medical services and also generously donated rice, which greatly benefited the people in the countryside who have difficulty seeing a doctor.
\nAs the Lunar New Year approaches, Taiwanese doctors and nurses are working tirelessly to improve the health of Emaswati, which they believed to be the best wishes to all.





\n", "date": "2024-02-03 20:19:27", "url": "http://www.roc-taiwan.org/sz_en/post/4724.html" }, { "title": "Free Medical Outreach in Nkilongo", "content": "

Taiwan Embassy and Medical Mission took to Nkilongo for 1st free medical services in 2024. Ambassador Jeremy Liang and Minister Ching-Lin Tsuei led the team to the rural area in south Eswatini, and 270 residents has received medical assistance from Taiwanese doctors and nurses.
\nMedical treatment received by residents included ultrasound and dental checkups, dispensation of medication and many others. Public health education was also provided, to enhance awareness for daily health care in the community.
\nThe local MP Babe Petros Sibandze said that residents were very grateful for Taiwan’s friendship and kind assistance.
\nTaiwan realized that it was challenging for certain far-reaching rural communities to get adequate access to medical care due to their remote location, so we are determined to provide medical outreach twice a month.
\nTaiwan mission has helped a number of constituencies all over Eswatini in 2023 and we are prepared to help more in 2024





\n", "date": "2024-01-20 21:27:17", "url": "http://www.roc-taiwan.org/sz_en/post/4715.html" }, { "title": "The New Year national flag-raising ceremony", "content": "

The New Year national flag-raising ceremony took place on January 1st at the Taiwan Embassy.
\nTaiwan anticipates enhancing its ties with Eswatini for a mutually prosperous future.





\n", "date": "2024-01-02 01:19:26", "url": "http://www.roc-taiwan.org/sz_en/post/4698.html" } ] }, { "lang": "zh", "branch": "sub", "country": "id", "name": "駐泗水臺北經濟貿易辦事處", "path": "/idsub/", "items": [ { "title": "駐泗水辦事處處長邱陳煜投書印尼主流媒體籲請印尼各界支持台灣參與「世界衛生大會」(WHA)", "content": "


發稿時間:2024/04/23 18:30:08



(中央社訊息服務20240423 18:30:08)邱陳煜處長以「籲請印尼各界支持台灣參與WHO/WHA及大流行病協定」(Taiwan meminta dukungan Indonesia untuk bergabung dalam WHO/WHA dan Perjanjian Pandemi)為題,投書印尼東爪哇印尼文主流大報Surya,全文於4月23日登載。






邱處長文中並提及,印尼在台灣之35萬名民眾亦受益於台灣高品質健康照護系統,以維護個人身心健康,這些印尼民眾不論是移工、學生、商務人士或外配,都是台灣人的好朋友和親屬。台灣「一國一中心」政策指定其醫學中心,與包括印尼在內的東南亞國家對接,以具體行動共同策進醫療照護、技術及研究。「Taiwan can help and is helping」絕非口號,而是正在進行且值得傳頌的好故事。





\n", "date": "2024-04-24 14:59:03", "url": "http://www.roc-taiwan.org/idsub/post/6274.html" }, { "title": "駐泗水辦事處誠摯邀請您於4月26日(星期五) 15:00 GMT+8 (14:00印尼地區) 請往TAA Facebook一起觀看「臺灣獎學金生在台求學歷程」線上直播,共同分享及交流。", "content": "


\n", "date": "2024-04-19 17:31:57", "url": "http://www.roc-taiwan.org/idsub/post/6263.html" }, { "title": "駐泗水辦事處與泗水伊斯蘭醫院共同建立東爪哇我國生活困頓或有緊急就醫需求僑民之醫療管道", "content": "

駐泗水辦事處處長邱陳煜與泗水伊斯蘭醫院院長Dodo Anondo醫師於4月1日在該院大禮堂,共同簽署兩機構推動醫衛合作瞭解備忘錄(MOU),以擴展我國新南向醫衛軟實力鏈結,彰顯台灣在東印尼的正面積極形象,並促進我僑就醫便利,達致互惠互利目標。










邱處長於典禮後,接受Jawa Pos TV、CNN Indonesia、TV9 Nusantara、Tribun Jatim及泗水之音電台等印尼媒體採訪,並在Anondo院長及該院基金會理事陪同下,參觀2023年10月由印尼佐科威總統親自揭幕的新建13層醫療大樓,以及整個院區設施、儀器及醫護配置。邱處長對該院創新、進步、周延的人性化醫療規劃,印象深刻且高度讚揚。


























媒體報導連結 :



\n", "date": "2024-04-02 11:53:16", "url": "http://www.roc-taiwan.org/idsub/post/6237.html" }, { "title": "駐泗水辦事處邱處長陳煜代表客家委員會頒贈第6屆海外客家事務諮詢委員聘書予呂窗雄先生", "content": "








\n", "date": "2024-03-13 18:19:38", "url": "http://www.roc-taiwan.org/idsub/post/6222.html" }, { "title": "龍年尹始,大地春回,駐泗水辦事處於2月20日接待前來向各界朋友們拜年並進行新年表演的幼兒園小朋友們。", "content": "






















\n", "date": "2024-02-20 18:22:22", "url": "http://www.roc-taiwan.org/idsub/post/6194.html" }, { "title": "邱陳煜處長應邀出席慈濟2023歲末祝福祈福會", "content": "




\n", "date": "2024-01-29 11:36:15", "url": "http://www.roc-taiwan.org/idsub/post/6142.html" }, { "title": "本處邱處長陳煜1月25日陪同轄區台商源泰水資源處理公司黃董事長輝煌一行拜會東爪哇投資廳廳長Dyah Wahyu Ermawati,就水資源及太陽能潛在投資項目交換意見。", "content": "


\n", "date": "2024-01-26 11:43:01", "url": "http://www.roc-taiwan.org/idsub/post/6138.html" }, { "title": "東爪哇省紡織協會會長Sherlina Kawilarang與邱處長陳煜就台,印尼紡織業合作事交換意見。", "content": "


\n", "date": "2024-01-24 18:23:57", "url": "http://www.roc-taiwan.org/idsub/post/6133.html" }, { "title": "本處邱處長陳煜應邀出席 Sumenep 縣音樂文化節活動", "content": "




\n", "date": "2024-01-09 10:28:33", "url": "http://www.roc-taiwan.org/idsub/post/6098.html" }, { "title": "2024年駐泗水辦事處與泗水台商會繼續共同攜手為台灣打拼", "content": "




















\n", "date": "2024-01-02 19:15:12", "url": "http://www.roc-taiwan.org/idsub/post/6081.html" } ] }, { "lang": "en", "branch": "sub", "country": "id", "name": "Taipei Economic and Trade Office in Surabaya", "path": "/idsub_en/", "items": [ { "title": "Taipei Economic and Trade Office in Surabaya would like to invite you to the “Academic Achievement Award for Outstanding performance in the Taiwan Scholarship Program” live stream on TAA Facebook on Friday, April 26 at 15:00 GMT+8 (14:00 Indonesia area).", "content": "


\n", "date": "2024-04-19 17:33:34", "url": "http://www.roc-taiwan.org/idsub_en/post/3084.html" }, { "title": "TETO Surabaya and the Surabaya Islamic Hospital jointly established a medical channel for Chinese expatriates in East Java who are living in poverty or have urgent medical needs.", "content": "

Director General TETO Surabaya Isaac Chiu, and Dr. Dodo Anondo, director of the Surabaya Islamic Hospital (RSI A .yani), jointly signed a memorandum of understanding (MOU) between the two institutions to promote medical and health cooperation in the Surabaya Islamic Hospital auditorium on April 1 to expand Taiwan's new southbound medical service. The soft power link demonstrates Taiwan's positive image in East Indonesia and promotes the convenience of medical treatment for overseas Chinese to achieve the goal of mutual benefit.


The signing ceremony was witnessed by guests from both parties, including the Taiwan Business Club Surabaya of Commerce Counseling President Xu Hanwen, the current president He Xinrong and the secretary-general Lu Shanglin, as well as the East Java Taiwan Alumni Association president Chen Hanxiang and vice president Lai Liumin. The whole process was simple. It is grand and full of warm atmosphere.


Director General Isaac Chiu said in his speech that since the establishment of Surabaya Islamic Hospital 49 years ago, all medical staff have practiced the love of God and tried their best to provide the best medical treatment and care to patients regardless of their faith, race and wealth, to alleviate people's pain and misfortune. It has become a benchmark for excellent and advanced medical care in Surabaya and East Java. TETO Surabaya and RSI A.yani will work together to achieve win-win results.


Director General Isaac also explained that the bilateral MOU also urged the Surabaya Islamic Hospital to provide necessary, friendly, and barrier-free assistance for the immediate admission of Taiwanese businessmen and overseas Chinese here for emergency medical treatment. As for the overall implementation details, TETO Surabaya will appoint Taiwan Business Club Surabaya to discuss the agreement and planning of the Surabaya Islamic Hospital so that it can be implemented as soon as possible and benefit Taiwanese overseas Chinese in the country.


Director General Isaac also pointed out that TETO Surabaya will play a window role in promoting cooperation between bilateral hospitals and medical schools, jointly promoting the development of medical technology, education, and research, and benefit the people of both countries; TETO Surabaya sincerely welcomes the RSI A.yani Medical staff go to Taiwan to participate in professional seminars or training, communicate with Taiwan medical staff on the spot, and share experiences and skills.


After the ceremony, Director General Isaac accepted interviews from Indonesian media such as Jawa Pos TV, CNN Indonesia, TV9 Nusantara, Tribun Jatim, and Surabaya Voice Radio. Accompanied by President Anondo and the directors of the hospital foundation. Indonesia President Joko Widodo visited the hospital in October 2023, and unveiled the new 13-story medical building, as well as the entire hospital facilities, instruments and medical care equipment. Director General Isaac was deeply impressed and highly praised the hospital's innovative, progressive and comprehensive humanized medical planning.


RSI A.yani is affiliated to the \"United Islamic Union\" (NU), the largest Islamic sect in Indonesia, and has long been actively implementing the mission of Islamic Sunnah to help the world and save people. TETO Surabaya facilitated the RSI A.yani and the Taiwan Business Club Surabaya to prioritize the adoption of barrier-free procedures to admit Taiwanese businessmen and overseas Chinese, and provide emergency medical services in a timely manner, which reflects the joint efforts of TETO Surabaya and Taiwan Business Club Surabaya to build an emergency relief network for local overseas Chinese, establish medical channels for Taiwan's overseas Chinese who are financially challenged or have urgent medical needs, and fulfill our responsibility of “protecting overseas Chinese”.




Director General TETO Surabaya Isaac Chiu & Director RSI A.yani Anondo jointly signed a memorandum of understanding (MOU) on medical and health cooperation




Director General TETO Surabaya Isaac Chiu together with President He Xinrong of the Taiwan Business Club Surabaya (6th from the right), President Chen Hanxiang of the East Java Alumni Association in Taiwan (7th from the right) and others, together with Director RSI A.yani Anondo (5th from the left) and Vice Director Rachmawati (4th from the left) group photo




Director General TETO Surabaya Isaac Chiu and Director RSI A.yani Anondo interviewed by Indonesian media






Director General Isaac Chiu delivered a speech at the ceremony




News link :



\n", "date": "2024-04-02 15:36:48", "url": "http://www.roc-taiwan.org/idsub_en/post/3056.html" }, { "title": "Director General Teto Surabaya Isaac Chiu, representing the Hakka Committee, handed over a letter of appointment for the 6th Advisor for Hakka Affairs Abroad to Mr. Lu Chuang Xiong.", "content": "




\n", "date": "2024-03-25 12:25:42", "url": "http://www.roc-taiwan.org/idsub_en/post/3042.html" }, { "title": "On February 20, TETO Surabaya received a visit from kindergarten children who came to wish a happy Lunar New Year.", "content": "










\n", "date": "2024-02-21 12:35:50", "url": "http://www.roc-taiwan.org/idsub_en/post/3018.html" }, { "title": "Director General Isaac Chiu attended Tzu Chi’s 2023 year-end blessing event.", "content": "




\n", "date": "2024-01-29 11:39:17", "url": "http://www.roc-taiwan.org/idsub_en/post/2983.html" }, { "title": "Board of Indonesian Textile Association, East Java Chairman Sherlina Kawilarang Meets Director General Isaac Chiu, Discussing Indonesian and Taiwan Textile Cooperation", "content": "


\n", "date": "2024-01-24 18:25:36", "url": "http://www.roc-taiwan.org/idsub_en/post/2970.html" }, { "title": "In 2024, Teto Surabaya and Taiwan Business Club Surabaya will continue to work hard together for Taiwan", "content": "

The newly appointed 17th General Chair of the Taiwan Business Club Surabaya, He Xinrong, together with the new team, including Supervisor Tang Zhixian, Director Feng Zhengan and Secretary Lu Shanglin, on Tuesday, January 2, 2024 visited the Teto Surabaya office. The group was received by Director General Isaac Chiu and colleagues. The two sides exchanged views on matters such as efforts to strengthen relations between Business Clubs and explore business opportunities, fostering young Taiwanese entrepreneurs, working together to develop Taiwanese business and trade abroad, making Taiwan's name famous in the world of trade.

\n", "date": "2024-01-02 19:19:58", "url": "http://www.roc-taiwan.org/idsub_en/post/2959.html" } ] }, { "lang": "zh", "branch": "", "country": "st", "name": "聖多美普林西比民主共和國", "path": "/st/", "items": [] }, null, { "lang": "th", "branch": "", "country": "th", "name": "สำนักงานเศรษฐกิจและวัฒนธรรมไทเป ประจำประเทศไทย", "path": "/th_th/", "items": [ { "title": "ประกาศวันหยุด (เดือนพฤษภาคม 2567)", "content": "

1.วันพุธที่ 1 พฤษภาคม 2567 เป็นวันแรงงาน สำนักงาน ฯ หยุด
\nทำการ 1 วัน


2.ประกาศวันหยุด เนื่องในวันเสาร์ที่ 4 พฤษภาคม 2567 เป็นวันฉัตรมงคลทางสำนักงานหยุดชดเชยในวันจันทร์ที่ 6 พฤษภาคม 2567


3.วันศุกร์ที่ 10 พฤษภาคม 2567 เป็นวันพืชมงคล สำนักงาน ฯหยุดทำการ 1 วัน


4.เนื่องในวันวิสาขบูชา สำนักงาน ฯ หยุดทำการ 1วันในวันพุธที่ 22พฤษภาคม 2567




สำนักงานเศรษฐกิจและวัฒนธรรมไทเป ประจำประเทศไทย

\n", "date": "2024-04-24 16:50:09", "url": "http://www.roc-taiwan.org/th_th/post/4725.html" }, { "title": "ประกาศ โรงแรมในไต้หวันยกเลิกแจกผลิตภัณฑ์อาบน้ำแบบใช้แล้วทิ้ง", "content": "

ประกาศ โรงแรมในไต้หวันยกเลิกแจกผลิตภัณฑ์อาบน้ำแบบใช้แล้วทิ้ง




ตั้งแต่วันที่ 1 มกราคม 2568 เป็นต้นไป รัฐบาลไต้หวันมีมาตรการ “ห้ามใช้บรรจุภัณฑ์แบบใช้แล้วทิ้ง” ซึ่งกำหนดให้โรงแรมต่าง ๆ ยกเลิกแจกผลิตภัณฑ์อาบน้ำที่บรรจุในขวดขนาดเล็กกว่า 180 มิลลิลิตร โดยเน้นให้ใช้ขวดขนาดใหญ่แทน ทั้งยังงดวางอุปกรณ์ต่าง ๆ เช่น แปรงสีฟันและยาสีฟันตามห้องพักอีกด้วย


ใครแพลนไปไต้หวันปีหน้า อย่าลืมพกของใช้ส่วนตัวไปเองด้วยครับ





\n", "date": "2024-04-03 16:58:29", "url": "http://www.roc-taiwan.org/th_th/post/4629.html" }, { "title": "กฎหมายคนเข้าเมือง – คำอธิบายระบบใหม่(เริ่มบังคับใช้ตั้งแต่วันที่ 1 มีนาคม ปี 2024)", "content": "

กฎหมายคนเข้าเมือง – คำอธิบายระบบใหม่(เริ่มบังคับใช้ตั้งแต่วันที่ 1 มีนาคม ปี 2024)





\n", "date": "2024-03-13 17:04:28", "url": "http://www.roc-taiwan.org/th_th/post/4617.html" }, { "title": "งานมหกรรมหนังสือนานาชาติไทเปครั้งที่ 32 ประจำปีพ.ศ. 2567 จะจัดขึ้นอย่างยิ่งใหญ่ในวันที่ 20-25 กุมภาพันธ์ พ.ศ. 2567", "content": "

งานมหกรรมหนังสือนานาชาติไทเปครั้งที่ 32 ประจำปีพ.ศ. 2567 จะจัดขึ้นอย่างยิ่งใหญ่ในวันที่ 20-25 กุมภาพันธ์ พ.ศ. 2567 ณ อาคาร Taipei World Trade Center ฮอลล์ 1 ภายในงานจัดแสดงสื่อสิ่งพิมพ์ที่มีคุณภาพและหลากหลายของไต้หวัน โดยในปีนี้ได้เชิญประเทศเนเธอร์แลนด์มาเป็น Guest of Honor ในบูธจัดแสดงของประเทศเนเธอร์แลนด์หวังที่จะแบ่งปันความชื่นชมในความอดทนและเสรีภาพในการพูดกับนักอ่านชาวไต้หวันผ่านนักเขียน นักวาด และผลงานวรรณกรรม




ส่วนบูธของประเทศอื่นเช่นประเทศไทย มาในธีม “ไร้พรมแดน” รวบรวมผลงานกว่า 350 เล่มจากสำนักพิมพ์ที่สำคัญของไทย 22 แห่ง รวมถึงตัวละคร IP ที่โด่งดังของไทยมาจัดแสดงด้วย และยังมีบูธจากประเทศฝรั่งเศส เยอรมัน เบลเยียม ฯลฯ ที่ไม่ควรพลาดด้วยประการทั้งปวง ขอเชิญชวนนักอ่านที่สนใจดูข้อมูลได้ที่เว็บไซต์ (https://www.tibe.org.tw/) และเฟสบุ๊คเพจ (https://www.facebook.com/taipeibookfair/).





\n", "date": "2024-01-18 17:18:27", "url": "http://www.roc-taiwan.org/th_th/post/4519.html" } ] }, { "lang": "id", "branch": "", "country": "id", "name": "Taipei Economic and Trade Office, Jakarta, Indonesia", "path": "/id_id/", "items": [ { "title": "Informasi rekening donasi khusus bencana gempa Hualien 0403 Taiwan", "content": "

Dalam rangka menggabungkan upaya pemerintah dan swasta untuk membantu masyarakat yang terkena dampak gempa bumi Hualien 0403, Eksekutif Yuan Taiwan telah menginstruksikan “Taiwan Foundation for Disaster Relief” di bawah Kementerian Kesehatan dan Kesejahteraan Taiwan untuk mengumumkan rekening sumbangan. Donasi dari dalam negeri dan luar negeri akan diterima dengan periode penggalangan dana mulai dari tanggal 4 April hingga 3 Mei 2024 yang berlangsung selama satu bulan. Sumbangan akan digunakan untuk membantu daerah-daerah yang dilanda bencana dan para korban bencana, perawatan medis darurat, tempat tinggal dan pemukiman kembali, proyek-proyek pemulihan dan rekonstruksi, serta untuk mengatasi kesulitan akibat bencana. Bagi masyarakat luar negeri yang tertarik untuk berdonasi, bisa melalui cara berikut ini.

\n\n", "date": "2024-04-17 16:31:27", "url": "http://www.roc-taiwan.org/id_id/post/3773.html" }, { "title": "Ajak Talenta Indonesia untuk Studi dan Bekerja di Taiwan Lewat Pameran Pendidikan & Vokasi Taiwan Pertama di Indonesia", "content": "
Untuk mengajak dan merekrut lebih banyak pelajar berprestasi Indonesia untuk studi di Taiwan, Kementerian Pendidikan Taiwan mendirikan International Talent Circulation Base (INTACT) Base di Indonesia. 2024 Taiwan Intense Program Education Exhibition telah sukses diselenggarakan di Hotel Pullman Central Park Jakarta pada 19 Maret 2024. Direktur Departemen Pendidikan Teknologi dan Vokasi di Kementerian Pendidikan Taiwan, Yang Yu-hui memimpin 18 universitas Taiwan untuk berpartisipasi dalam pameran tersebut dan bekerjasama dengan lebih dari 47 universitas & politeknik di Indonesia.
TETO Indonesia menyatakan bahwa tujuan utama pameran pendidikan ini adalah untuk mempromosikan INTACT Base dan bekerja sama dengan Indonesia untuk membina talenta-talenta unggulan.
Saat pameran berlangsung, INTACT Base telah menandatangani Memorandum of Cooperation (MoC) dengan setidaknya 37 perguruan tinggi di Indonesia yang turut hadir mengikuti acara akbar tersebut.
John C Chen, Duta Besar TETO Indonesia, menyebutkan dalam sambutannya bahwa program ini secara aktif membantu pelajar Indonesia untuk menguasai pengetahuan dan keterampilan profesional yang diperlukan untuk dunia kerja di bidang sains, teknologi, teknik, matematika, keuangan dan semikonduktor. Program ini dikembangkan bersama oleh Pemerintah Taiwan, industri dan universitas-universitas di Taiwan yang bersinergi memberikan kesempatan kepada pelajar Indonesia untuk belajar, magang dan bekerja di Taiwan.
John C Chen juga menambahkan bahwa dengan upaya aktif dari 25 universitas Taiwan dan 112 perusahaan Taiwan, Kementerian Pendidikan Taiwan telah menyetujui total 48 kelas khusus tahun ini, sehingga harapannya pameran pendidikan dan vokasi ini dapat mendekatkan kerja sama dan pertukaran pendidikan antara Taiwan dan Indonesia.
Selain itu, Kementerian Pendidikan, Kebudayaan, Riset, dan Teknologi Republik Indonesia juga mengirimkan perwakilannya untuk menghadiri acara hari ini. TETO Indonesia menyatakan bahwa dengan promosi bersama Taiwan dan Indonesia, kerja sama pendidikan antara Taiwan dan Indonesia akan mengambil langkah maju yang besar.
TETO Indonesia menyatakan, dalam rangka mengimplementasikan investasi lima tahun Pemerintah Taiwan sebesar 5,2 miliar, Pemerintah Taiwan mendirikan 10 basis pelatihan INTACT Base di berbagai negara serta melaksanakan \"Rencana Implementasi Pelajar Internasional untuk Datang dan Tinggal di Taiwan.\" Kementerian Pendidikan Taiwan tahun lalu menugaskan Cheng Shiu University, Chaoyang University and Technology, dan Hsing Wu University untuk mendirikan tiga basis pelatihan (INTACT Base) di Indonesia yang berlokasi di Universitas Bina Insani (Bekasi), Universitas Surabaya, dan Politeknik Manufaktur Negeri Bangka Belitung.
2024 Taiwan Intense Program Education Exhibition yang diadakan 19 Maret 2024 merupakan pameran pendidikan pertama yang diadakan oleh INTACT Base di Indonesia. Pameran pendidikan kedua sendiri diadakan di Surabaya pada tanggal 21 Maret 2024.
\n", "date": "2024-03-22 23:53:06", "url": "http://www.roc-taiwan.org/id_id/post/3714.html" }, { "title": "Teh Susu Boba Taiwan Populer di Astindo Travel Fair - Ditjen Pariwisata Mendirikan Pusat Informasi Pariwisata Taiwan di Jakarta, Menarik Wisatawan dengan Kuliner", "content": "
(Taiwan, ROC) --- Ditjen Pariwisata Kementerian Transportasi melihat potensi wisata outbound pasar Indonesia, maka hari ini (28/2) mengundang 30 orang dari 11 instansi seperti travel agen, hotel dan lainnya untuk membentuk delegasi Taiwan turut berpartisipasi dalam Pameran Pariwisata Musim Semi Indonesia (Astindo Travel Fair), Wakil Dirjen Pariwisata Chou Ting-chang sendiri yang akan hadir dalam pameran serta peresmian Pusat Informasi Pariwisata Taiwan di Jakarta (Taiwan Tourism Information Center in Jakarta) di GoWork Central Park, berupaya mencapai target12 juta wisatawan mancanegara yang berwisata ke Taiwan untuk tahun 2024.
Ditjen Pariwisata membangun paviliun Taiwan dengan tema utama teh susu boba, selain dapat membuat teh susu boba secara langsung, mencicipi nikmatnya citra rasa teh susu boba, juga dapat melukis lentera kecil merasakan nuansa Tahun Baru Imlek, menyaksikan pertunjukan yang luar biasa dari Eye Catching Circus yang mendapat penilaian tinggi dari “Ed Fringe Review”, di samping itu juga mengundang influencer Indonesia Cindy Gula yang IG nya tembus 600 ribu follower, untuk berbagi pengalaman terbaru dan terseru bermain di Taiwan.
Berkunjung ke Taiwan sekarang ini bisa mendapatkan banyak sekali penawaran menarik seperti, undian berhadiah senilai NT$5.000 “Taiwan Lucky Land”, bagi 2 orang yang bersama-sama naik kereta peluru (High Speed Rail) maka 1 orang diberikan gratis, kartu “Taiwan Pass” yang dipadukan dengan diskon HSR, MRT dan Taiwan Tourist Shuttle; Mari menikmati perjalanan bahagia ke Taiwan bersama keluarga dan kerabat Anda!
Indonesia dengan populasi penduduk sekitar 270 juta jiwa, menduduki urutan keempat populasi terbesar dunia, 80% lebih di antaranya adalah Umat Muslim, Taiwan sendiri telah menggalakkan lingkungan ramah Muslim lebih dari 15 tahun, berdasarkan Indeks Pariwisata Muslim Global (GMTI) 2023 oleh MasterCard-Crescent, Taiwan mendapat kepercayaan menduduki peringkat ketiga destinasi pariwisata non-OKI (non-OIC destinations), dan meraih penghargaan “Destinasi Pariwisata non-OKI Yang Paling Toleransi” pada tahun 2022.
Terhitung sejak Januari hingga November 2023, jumlah wisatawan Indonesia yang datang berkunjung ke Taiwan telah mencapai 181.504 orang, dibandingkan dengan jumlah wisatawan pada periode yang sama di masa sebelum pandemi (tahun 2019) sebesar 205.153 orang, angka ini memperlihatkan pemulihan hampir 90%, hal ini menunjukkan keantusiasan wisatawan Indonesia untuk berwisata ke Taiwan.
Dan tahun ini lebih aktif lagi agar bisa mengapai lebih banyak wisatawan Indonesia untuk datang ke Taiwan pada tahun ini, Ditjen Pariwisata Kementerian Transportasi secara resmi mendirikan Pusat Informasi Pariwisata Taiwan di Jakarta pada tanggal 28 Februari 2028 yang akan memberikan pelayanan langsung kepada masyarakat Indonesia.
Pameran Pariwisata Musim Semi di Indonesia yang berlangsung pada tanggal 29 Februari – 3 Maret 2024, “Paviliun Taiwan” dengan teh susu boba sebagai unsur desainnya, menggunakan daya tarik kuliner klasik Taiwan sebagai visual menarik.
Selama pameran berlangsung juga akan mengundang influencer IG wisata dan kuliner Cindy Gula dengan 600 ribu follower untuk berbagi pengalaman terbaru berwisata ke Taiwan, hadir langsung memberikan pernyataan pribadi tentang pengalaman berwisata di lingkungan pariwisata Taiwan yang aman akan menjadi juru bicara terbaik.
Dapat menggerakkan tangan meracik dan mengocok teh susu boba, minuman yang kepopularitasannya telah mendunia, Master Tseng Yen-hui dengan pengalaman 30 tahun lebih dan telah beberapa kali berpartisipasi dalam promosi, kali ini juga hadir dalam pameran untuk mengajarkan bagaimana melukis lentera kecil.
Paviliun Taiwan pada waktu-waktu tertentu juga menghadirkan grup seni akrobat kontemporer Taiwan yang ternama di festival seni internasional “Eye Catching Circus”, dengan tema utama “Keindahan Pulau” menghadirkan kekayaan ragam kuliner dan panorama jalur kereta yang menarik untuk disajikan ke depan mata masyarakat Indonesia, untuk itu jangan sampai ketinggalan kesempatan ini!
Informasi dan produk pariwisata Taiwan yang paling baru, paling menarik dan paling unggul di tahun 2024 ada di Pameran Pariwisata Musim Semi Taiwan 2024 di Indonesia (booth no. 51-52 Astindo Travel Fair)! Selama pameran berlangsung, bagi pembelian produk wisata Taiwan, mengisi angket akan bisa ditukarkan dengan hadiah eksklusif!
Setelah Pameran berakhir, delegasi pariwisata Taiwan akan mengelar work shop B2B promosi pariwisata Taiwan di Pullman Jakarta Central Park Hotel pada tanggal 4 Maret 2024 dan JW Marriott Hotel Medan pada tanggal 6 Maret 2024, mengundang seratusan lebih industri pariwisata lokal Indonesia untuk hadir.
Pada kesempatan ini juga mengundang pakar Muslim dari Chinese Muslim Association untuk memperkenalkan sumber daya pariwisata Muslim Taiwan yang terbaru, berharap melalui penjelasan produk dan trade fair pariwisata, dapat mendorong kerja sama yang lebih erat antara industri pariwisata Taiwan dan Indonesia, meningkatkan jumlah orang yang berkunjung ke Taiwan.
Taiwan kembali masuk dalam penghargaan internasional “100 Top Kisah Destinasi Hijau 2023” (2023 Green Destinations Top 100 Stories”, bahkan ada 6 objek wisata destinasi hijau yang mendapatkan keyakinan dan penghargaan, dan setelah Tainan – Taiwan masuk dalam daftar “Destinasi Paling Menarik Untuk Dikunjungi pada Tahun 2024” majalah National Geographic Traveller pada November di tahun yang sama.
Pada awal tahun 2024, Tainan juga terpilih sebagai destinasi terbaik untuk dikunjungi pada tahun 2024 oleh CNN yang adalah media ternama dan berpengaruh besar, hal ini membuktikan bahwa Taiwan merupakan destinasi wisata yang layak untuk dikunjungi. Segera mengikuti tren dengan berwisata ke Taiwan, datang dan rasakan pesona kebahagiaan Taiwan!
SUMBER: https://id.rti.org.tw/news/view/id/105160 RTISI
\n", "date": "2024-02-28 19:52:54", "url": "http://www.roc-taiwan.org/id_id/post/3694.html" }, { "title": "Pengusiran kapal-kapal penangkap ikan Tiongkok yang melakukan penangkapan ikan secara ilegal di perairan Taiwan adalah sepenuhnya legal dan sah.", "content": "

\nPengusiran kapal-kapal penangkap ikan Tiongkok yang melakukan penangkapan ikan secara ilegal di perairan Taiwan adalah sepenuhnya legal dan sah.


\nPada tanggal 14 Februari 2024 sekitar pukul 13.00, sebuah kapal penangkap ikan dari Tiongkok melanggar batas masuk ke perairan dekat Pulau Beiding di Kinmen, Taiwan, untuk menangkap ikan secara ilegal. Petugas Patroli Laut Taiwan mengambil langkah-langkah rutin dengan mengirimkan kapal patroli untuk melakukan pemeriksaan, tetapi kapal penangkap ikan Tiongkok menolak pemeriksaan, menghindar, dan melarikan diri, menyebabkan kapal penangkap ikan terbalik dan empat nelayan Tiongkok jatuh ke laut. Petugas patroli Taiwan segera melakukan penyelamatan dan mengirim mereka ke rumah sakit di Kinmen untuk pengobatan. Dua diantara para nelayan Tiongkok tersebut meninggal dunia setelah upaya penyelamatan. Kasus ini melibatkan petugas patroli laut Taiwan yang melakukan tugas mereka sesuai hukum tanpa melakukan tindakan yang tidak pantas. Akan tetapi China's Taiwan Affairs Office tidak membedakan mana yang benar dan mana yang salah dengan menuduh petugas patroli laut Taiwan melakukan cara yang kasar dan berbahaya sehingga menyebabkan kejadian tragis ini.


\nPernyataan dari China's Taiwan Affairs Office menunjukkan bahwa Tiongkok murni melakukan pembelaan terhadap kapal penangkap ikannya yang melakukan penangkapan ikan ilegal di luar wilayahnya dan dengan sengaja menyalahkan Taiwan, dalam upaya untuk menciptakan ketegangan antara kedua sisi selat. Kami mengecam keras tindakan tersebut.


\nTiongkok sering kali membiarkan kapal penangkap ikan mereka secara ilegal masuk ke perairan Taiwan untuk menangkap ikan, menggunakan bom ikan, menggunakan zat beracun pada ikan, mengambil pasir dari laut, dan membuang sampah laut, yang semuanya merusak ekosistem laut. Meskipun pemerintah Taiwan telah berkali-kali meminta pihak Tiongkok untuk mengendalikan diri, namun belum terlihat adanya perbaikan.


\nDalam beberapa tahun terakhir, banyak kapal penangkap ikan dari Tiongkok secara rutin memasuki perairan Taiwan untuk menangkap ikan berharga tinggi secara ilegal, yang merugikan hak-hak nelayan Taiwan dan kehidupan masyarakat pesisir. Masyarakat Taiwan telah berkali-kali melaporkan kejadian ini dan meminta otoritas Taiwan untuk bertindak sesuai hukum dengan mengusir mereka. Petugas patroli laut Taiwan bertugas untuk melindungi hak-hak nelayan, mempertahankan kedaulatan negara.


\nMenurut data statistik, dari tahun 2016 hingga 2023, total ada lebih dari 9.000 kapal penangkap ikan dari Tiongkok yang telah disita dan dicegah beroperasi oleh Taiwan karena melakukan berbagai tindakan ilegal seperti penangkapan ikan di luar batas, pencurian pasir laut, dan penyelundupan. Beberapa di antaranya bahkan menghilangkan atau menutupi nama kapal untuk menghindari pemeriksaan, bahkan sampai menabrak atau menyerang petugas patroli laut Taiwan.


\nNegara kami menyesal atas kejadian tidak menyenangkan ini yang melibatkan penolakan awak kapal Tiongkok untuk bekerja sama dengan otoritas Taiwan dalam penegakan hukum, yang berujung pada kejadian tragis ini dengan cara yang berbahaya. Kami berharap bahwa otoritas Tiongkok akan memperketat pengawasan terhadap tindakan ilegal semacam itu agar kejadian tidak terulang kembali, demi menjaga perdamaian dan stabilitas di kedua sisi selat.



\n", "date": "2024-02-18 21:12:09", "url": "http://www.roc-taiwan.org/id_id/post/3669.html" }, { "title": "Taiwan mengecam keras pengumuman sepihak Tiongkok mengenai pembukaan dan perubahan rute penerbangan tanpa perundingan bilateral", "content": "

Pada tanggal 30 Januari tahun ini, Administrasi Penerbangan Sipil Tiongkok secara sepihak membatalkan perjanjian lintas selat yang dicapai pada tahun 2015 pada tiga rute penerbangan M503, W122 dan W123 (terlampir detail gambar). Langkah ini tidak hanya melanggar peraturan dari Organisasi Penerbangan Sipil Internasional (ICAO), tetapi juga berdampak serius terhadap keselamatan penerbangan di kawasan Asia-Pasifik dan perdamaian serta stabilitas di Selat Taiwan, serta melemahkan status quo dan landasan rasa saling percaya di Selat Taiwan. Kami mengecam keras tindakan Tiongkok yang tidak bertanggung jawab dan menyerukan kepada Indonesia dan dunia internasional untuk bersama-sama mendesak Tiongkok agar segera melakukan perundingan dengan Taiwan mengenai kasus ini.


Bagian 4.2.6 dari “Manual Perencanaan Layanan Lalu Lintas Udara” ICAO menetapkan bahwa perubahan terhadap jaringan penerbangan apa pun harus dikoordinasikan dengan semua wilayah informasi penerbangan yang berdekatan. “Wilayah Informasi Penerbangan Taipei” berbatasan dengan rute penerbangan M503. Namun, Tiongkok mengumumkan perubahan pada jaringan penerbangan tersebut tanpa berkonsultasi terlebih dahulu dengan Administrasi Penerbangan Sipil Taiwan, yang merupakan satu-satunya otoritas yang bertanggung jawab atas “Wilayah Informasi Penerbangan Taipei”. Hal ini merupakan pelanggaran serius terhadap peraturan ICAO dan menggarisbawahi sifat otoriter Tiongkok yang tidak bertanggung jawab.


Taiwan dan Indonesia memiliki kerja sama dan pertukaran yang erat. Saat ini, terdapat sekitar 400.000 warga negara Indonesia yang tinggal, belajar, dan bekerja di Taiwan. Perdamaian dan stabilitas di Selat Taiwan sangat berkaitan dengan kepentingan ekonomi dan perdagangan utama Indonesia serta perlindungan warga negara Indonesia. Pengumuman sepihak Tiongkok mengenai perubahan dan pembukaan rute penerbangan melanggar peraturan ICAO dan akan merusak perdamaian dan stabilitas di Selat Taiwan dan kawasan serta keamanan masyarakat. Taipei Economic and Trade Office in Indonesia menyerukan kepada industri, pemerintah, akademisi, penelitian dan media Indonesia untuk menanggapi hal ini dengan serius dan bersama-sama mendesak Tiongkok untuk bernegosiasi dengan Taiwan guna mengelola potensi risiko penerbangan.



\n", "date": "2024-02-07 17:28:18", "url": "http://www.roc-taiwan.org/id_id/post/3661.html" }, { "title": "Kedutaan Besar Tiongkok di Indonesia mengajukan protes terkait stasiun televisi CNN Indonesia yang melakukan wawancara dengan Menteri Luar Negeri Taiwan, Joseph Wu. Tokoh pro-Tiongkok, Weng Chunmin di surat kabar \"International Daily\" Indonesia menyatakan bahwa hal ini tidak pantas dilakukan. Kantor Dagang dan Ekonomi Taipei di Indonesia atau The Taipei Economic and Trade Office(TETO) dengan tegas membantah masalah tersebut sebagai berikut", "content": "

\n有關中國駐印尼大使館抗議印尼CNN Indonesia電視台專訪台灣外交部吳部長釗燮及印尼「國際日報」刊登親中人士翁俊民發表不當言論事,駐印尼台北經濟貿易代表處嚴正駁斥如下:
\nKedutaan Besar Tiongkok di Indonesia mengajukan protes terkait stasiun televisi CNN Indonesia yang melakukan wawancara dengan Menteri Luar Negeri Taiwan, Joseph Wu. Tokoh pro-Tiongkok, Weng Chunmin di surat kabar \"International Daily\" Indonesia menyatakan bahwa hal ini tidak pantas dilakukan. Kantor Dagang dan The Taipei Economic and Trade Office(TETO) di Indonesia dengan tegas membantah masalah tersebut sebagai berikut:
\nRepublic of China (Taiwan) adalah negara yang berdaulat dan independen, tidak tunduk pada Tiongkok. Taiwan telah mengalami proses demokratisasi dan diakui secara internasional sebagai negara demokratis yang matang. Belakangan ini, Tiongkok melakukan tindakan provokasi dengan terus-menerus mengadakan latihan militer di sekitar laut dan udara Taiwan, sebagai upaya mengganggu pemilihan presiden di Taiwan. Perilaku agresif seperti ini tidak dapat diterima dan telah menimbulkan keprihatinan dari masyarakat internasional dan blok politik demokratik.
\nTindakan provokatif yang tidak bertanggung jawab dari Tiongkok tidak hanya meningkatkan ketegangan di Tiongkok dan Taiwan, tetapi juga mengganggu tatanan aturan internasional, dan secara serius mengancam keamanan Selat Taiwan dan perdamaian serta stabilitas regional. Kantor Dagang dan Ekonomi Taipei di Indonesia mengecam keras tindakan tersebut.
\nResolusi 2758 diadopsi oleh Majelis Umum Perserikatan Bangsa Bangsa (PBB) pada tahun 1971, hanya menangani masalah perwakilan untuk Tiongkok di PBB. Secara hukum, resolusi ini tidak memberi wewenang kepada Tiongkok untuk mewakili Taiwan dalam PBB, dan juga tidak menyatakan bahwa Taiwan merupakan bagian dari Tiongkok. Tiongkok dan individu yang pro-Tiongkok terus keliru menafsirkan Resolusi 2758, mengaitkannya dengan prinsip \"Satu Tiongkok,\" dan memberikan tekanan berkepanjangan kepada PBB sebagai argumen yang tidak pantas untuk mengecualikan Taiwan untuk berpartisipasi dalam organisasi internasional. Pada kenyataannya, pendekatan ini tidak konsisten dengan hukum, akal sehat, dan keadilan, dengan jelas menunjukkan ambisi aneksasi hukum Tiongkok terhadap Taiwan.
\nTaiwan menegaskan bahwa Taiwan adalah negara demokratis, dan hanya pemerintah terpilih Taiwan yang memiliki hak untuk mewakili 23,5 juta penduduk Taiwan dalam forum-forum internasional, termasuk PBB. Tiongkok, yang belum pernah memerintah Taiwan, seharusnya tidak mengancam keamanan dan perdamaian regional dengan mengerahkan pesawat dan kapal militer ke wilayah Taiwan. Mereka tidak memiliki kewenangan untuk mengganggu partisipasi Taiwan dalam komunitas internasional.
\n皆台灣與印尼推崇民主法治及尊重人權等普世價值。台灣從2016 年實施「新南向政策」以來,持續與印尼推展全方位的合作關係,藉由簽署各項瞭解備忘錄及合作計畫,持續深化雙邊在貿易與經濟發展、勞工、農業、教育與訓練、民航以及科技等領域的合作關係
\nBaik Taiwan maupun Indonesia menghormati nilai-nilai universal seperti demokrasi, supremasi hukum, dan penghargaan terhadap hak asasi manusia. Sejak diterapkannya \"Kebijakan Baru ke Arah Selatan\" pada tahun 2016, Taiwan terus mempromosikan kerjasama komprehensif dengan Indonesia. Melalui penandatanganan berbagai nota kesepahaman dan proyek kerjasama, hubungan bilateral terus ditingkatkan secara konsisten di bidang perdagangan dan pengembangan ekonomi, ketenagakerjaan, pertanian, pendidikan dan pelatihan, penerbangan sipil, dan teknologi.
\nSaat ini, lebih dari 400.000 orang Indonesia bekerja, belajar, dan tinggal di Taiwan. Mereka mendapatkan perhatian dan menikmati perlindungan sosial serta pelayanan kesehatan yang setara dengan warga negara Taiwan. Jika keamanan Taiwan terancam, hal ini juga akan berdampak pada keselamatan warga negara Indonesia (WNI) yang berada di Taiwan.
\nKantor Dagang dan Ekonomi Taipei di Indonesia menekankan bahwa Taiwan, sebagai negara demokratis yang berdaulat dan independen, memiliki hak mutlak untuk berinteraksi dengan negara-negara lain dan berkontribusi kepada masyarakat internasional melalui partisipasi di kancah internasional. Rakyat Taiwan juga memiliki hak untuk mengekspresikan kehendak nasional mereka melalui sistem demokrasi, dan Tiongkok tidak berhak untuk ikut campur atau mengubah hal ini.

\n", "date": "2024-01-18 12:45:08", "url": "http://www.roc-taiwan.org/id_id/post/3648.html" }, { "title": "TETO Dibutuhkan Staf Asisten-Divisi Konsuler(1 orang)", "content": "





l 駐印尼台北經濟貿易代表處招募雇員1名。


l 月薪 : 依學經歷面談。


l 工作地點 : 本處(雅加達南區SCBD) 。


l 工作內容:領務業務。


l 條件 :


1. 印尼國籍或具合法居留及工作身分之其他國籍人士。


2. 大專科以上學歷。


3. 通中文、印尼文、英文。


4. 熟悉Office軟體(包括Word, Power Point, Excel 等)。


l 試用期三個月。


l 歡迎有意應徵者請於2024年1月26日以前將中文、印尼文、英文簡歷,手寫中文簡要自傳,併聯絡方式、希望待遇、最高學歷畢業證書及相關身分證件(例:印尼身分證、戶口名簿、居留/工作證明等)影本,傳送至電子信箱 : visaidn@mofa.gov.tw


l 主旨請寫 “Job Application- Consular Division_Staff Assistant”。


l 合適者本處將另行通知面談。






l Recruitment for Staff Assistant (1 person).


l Monthly Salary: Upon interview and according to experiences.


l Location: SCBD, South Jakarta


l Qualifications:


1. Indonesian or foreign nationals with legal residence and working status


2. College degree or above


3. Fluent in Mandarin, Indonesian and English.


4. Excellent in using Microsoft Office (Word, Power Point, Excel, etc.)


l Probation Period: Three (3) months. l Interested applicants are welcome to send to visaidn@mofa.gov.tw with subject “Job Application- Consular Division_Staff Assistant” before 26 January 2024:


1. Resume in Mandarin, Indonesian and English


2. Handwritten autobiography in Mandarin, contact information and description of expected salary


3. Copy of graduation certificate or diploma


4. Copy of an identification document (Indonesian ID card, Indonesian Kartu Keluarga, or legal residence/working status permit)


l Qualified applicants will be notified for further interview.






l Dibutuhkan Staf Asisten (1 orang).


l Gaji Bulanan: Saat wawancara dan tergantung pengalaman kerja


l Lokasi: Gedung Artha Graha, SCBD, Jakarta Selatan


l Persyaratan:


1. Warga negara Indonesia atau orang asing dengan status tinggal dan bekerja yang resmi


2. Lulusan S1 atau di atasnya


3. Fasih berbahasa Mandarin, Indonesia, dan Inggris


4. Menguasai Microsoft Office (Word, Power Point, Excel)


l Masa Percobaan: Tiga (3) bulan.


l Pelamar yang berminat dipersilakan mengirimkan e-mail ke visaidn@mofa.gov.tw dengan subjek “Job Application-Consular Division_Staff Assistant” sebelum 26 Januari 2024:


1. Resume dalam bahasa Mandarin, Indonesia, dan Inggris


2. Autobiografi tulisan tangan dalam bahasa Mandarin, termasuk informasi kontak, dan deskripsi gaji yang diharapkan


3. Fotokopi surat tanda kelulusan atau ijazah


4. Fotokopi dokumen identitas (KTP, Kartu Keluarga, atau ITAS/ITAP)


l Bagi yang memenuhi persyaratan akan dihubungi lebih lanjut untuk proses wawancara.

\n", "date": "2024-01-15 10:53:41", "url": "http://www.roc-taiwan.org/id_id/post/3644.html" }, { "title": "l Recruitment for Staff Assistant (1 person)-Divisi Overseas Community Affairs Council (OCAC)", "content": "



l Dibutuhkan Staf Asisten (1 orang).


l Gaji Bulanan: Saat wawancara dan tergantung pengalaman kerja


l Lokasi: Gedung Artha Graha, SCBD, Jakarta Selatan


l Persyaratan:


1. Warga negara Indonesia atau orang asing dengan status tinggal dan bekerja yang resmi


2. Lulusan S1 atau di atasnya


3. Fasih berbahasa Mandarin, Indonesia, dan Inggris


4. Menguasai Microsoft Office (Word, Power Point, Excel, Google Document, Spreadsheet, Drive, dll)


l Masa Percobaan: Tiga (3) bulan.


l Pelamar yang berminat dipersilakan mengirimkan e-mail ke indoocac@gmail.com dengan subjek “Job Application - OCAC Division_Staff Assistant” sebelum 31 Jan 2024:


1. Resume dalam bahasa Mandarin, Indonesia, dan Inggris


2. Autobiografi tulisan tangan dalam bahasa Mandarin, termasuk informasi kontak, dan deskripsi gaji yang diharapkan


3. Fotokopi surat tanda kelulusan atau ijazah


4. Fotokopi dokumen identitas (KTP, Kartu Keluarga, atau ITAS/ITAP)


l Bagi yang memenuhi persyaratan akan dihubungi lebih lanjut untuk proses wawancara.

\n", "date": "2024-01-04 19:43:11", "url": "http://www.roc-taiwan.org/id_id/post/3614.html" }, { "title": "International Talent Circulation Base (INTACT Base) is recruiting 1 employee", "content": "
International Talent Circulation Base (INTACT Base) is recruiting 1 employee

Monthly salary: USD 770
Work location: Education Division of Taipei Economic and Trade Office (SCBD, South Jakarta)
Job content: Education-related business
1. Indonesian nationality.
2. University degree or above.
3. Good communication skills in Chinese, Indonesia and English.
4. Familiar with office software (including Word, Power Point, Excel, etc).
5. Relevant experience in promoting education and exchange program is especially preferred.
6. Start of work: 20 January 2024
7. Probation period of three months

Applicants are welcome to send their resume in Chinese, Indonesian and English, a brief autobiography in Chinese and English, a copy of the graduation certificate of their highest academic degree and contact information by email to edutwindonesia@gmail.com. Those who meet the qualifications will be notified of the written test and interview.

\n", "date": "2024-01-04 19:35:24", "url": "http://www.roc-taiwan.org/id_id/post/3610.html" }, { "title": "The 2024 TaiwanICDF Scholarship is now open for application", "content": "

The 2024 TaiwanICDF Scholarship is now open for application


\"Program Beasiswa Internasional 2024 untuk Mahasiswa Asing Tingkat Pendidikan Tinggi yang Menempuh Gelar Magister sambil Bekerja bagi Pegawai Publik dan Tenaga Pendidik”


• Tujuan: Memberikan kesempatan gelar magister bagi pegawai pemerintah dan tenaga pendidik yang sedang bekerja.


• Detil Program Beasiswa:


1. Bidang studi harus sesuai dengan kebutuhan personel administratif dan manajerial di sektor publik dan pendidikan.


2. Durasi belajar di Taiwan dapat fleksibel dan menyesuaikan peserta, termasuk opsi kursus online atau program intensif 1 tahun kursus langsung atau tatap muka.


3. Menyesuaikan dengan regulasi Kementerian Pendidikan, bagi mereka yang terlibat dalam praktik profesional, sehingga tesis magister dapat digantikan dengan laporan teknis atau profesional.


• Program Gelar yang Ditawarkan untuk Pegawai Publik dan Tenaga Pendidik yang Sedang Bekerja:


1. 'Program Internasional tentang Tata Kelola Kota (IPUG) di Universitas Nasional Taipei’:


• Para pelamar hanya perlu berada di Taiwan selama satu tahun untuk memenuhi kredit yang dibutuhkan untuk lulus. Setelah menyelesaikan studi, mereka dapat kembali ke negara asal mereka untuk menyelesaikan laporan. Kehadiran kembali ke Taiwan hanya diwajibkan untuk ujian sidang tesis, yang dijadwalkan sebulan sebelum kelulusan.


• Untuk informasi lebih lanjut, silakan kunjungi situs web resmi kami di: https://ipug.ntpu.edu.tw/


• Jika Anda memiliki pertanyaan lebih lanjut, silakan hubungi kami melalui surel di: ipugmuc@gm.ntpu.edu.tw


2. 'Program Magister Pembelajaran Elektronik dalam Pendidikan dan Kepemimpinan Sekolah' di Universitas Nasional Chung Cheng’:


• Program ini dilaksanakan sepenuhnya secara daring (online). Para pelamar diwajibkan mengikuti sesi pelatihan mahasiswa baru di Taiwan satu bulan setelah pendaftaran dan hadir kembali untuk ujian sidang tesis sebulan sebelum kelulusan. Selain melibatkan kursus online, program ini juga menyediakan studi kredit, dan diskusi dengan profesor mengenai konten kursus dan penyusunan tesis.


• Untuk informasi lebih lanjut, silakan kunjungi situs web resmi kami di: https://eesl.ccu.edu.tw/


• Jika Anda memiliki pertanyaan tambahan, jangan ragu untuk menghubungi kami melalui surel di: eesl@ccu.edu.tw




The 2024 TaiwanICDF Scholarship is now open for application




The TaiwanICDF Scholarship will be open for application from DECEMBER 1, 2023 – MARCH 15, 2024.


We welcome you to explore Taiwan’s degree programs, which deliver


▌Skills, knowledge, and a tremendous character-building environment


▌Opportunities to embrace a culture of creativity and diversity


Our full scholarships cover:










Monthly stipend


To find out more, please visit our website or download the following documents from the comment section below:


2024 TᴀɪᴡᴀɴICDF Sᴄʜᴏʟᴀʀsʜɪᴘ Aᴘᴘʟɪᴄᴀᴛɪᴏɴ Gᴜɪᴅᴇʙᴏᴏᴋ


Oɴʟɪɴᴇ Aᴘᴘʟɪᴄᴀᴛɪᴏɴ Sʏsᴛᴇᴍ (Contact Person: Ms. Liu)


Wᴇʙsɪᴛᴇ ᴏғ TᴀɪᴡᴀɴICDF Sᴄʜᴏʟᴀʀsʜɪᴘ Pʀᴏɢʀᴀᴍ


Please contact us with any questions at icdfscholarship@icdf.org.tw (Contact Person: Ms. Liu); we look forward to hearing from you!


國合會113年度「國際高等人力培訓外籍生獎學金計畫」定於 112年 12 月 1 日起至 113年3 月 15日開放申請,供我國友邦與友好國家學子選讀,歡迎大家轉發給更多人知道!相關資訊請參考:


2024 TᴀɪᴡᴀɴICDF Sᴄʜᴏʟᴀʀsʜɪᴘ Aᴘᴘʟɪᴄᴀᴛɪᴏɴ Gᴜɪᴅᴇʙᴏᴏᴋ







\n", "date": "2024-01-04 15:05:51", "url": "http://www.roc-taiwan.org/id_id/post/3606.html" }, { "title": "Dibutuhkan Staf Asisten Sementara (1 orang).", "content": "
l 駐印尼台北經濟貿易代表處招募臨時雇員1名。
l 月薪 : 依學經歷面談。
l 工作地點 : 本處(雅加達南區SCBD) 。
l 工作內容:領務業務。
l 條件 :
1. 印尼國籍或具合法居留及工作身分之其他國籍人士。
2. 大專科以上學歷。
3. 通中文、印尼文、英文。
4. 熟悉Office軟體(包括Word, Power Point, Excel 等)。
l 歡迎有意應徵者請於2024年1月12日以前將中文、印尼文、英文簡歷,手寫中文簡要自傳,併聯絡方式、希望待遇、最高學歷畢業證書及相關身分證件(例:印尼身分證、戶口名簿、居留/工作證明等)影本,傳送至電子信箱 : visaidn@mofa.gov.tw
l 主旨請寫 “Job Application- Consular Division_Short-Term Staff Assistant”。
l 合適者本處將另行通知面談。
l Recruitment for Short-Term Staff Assistant (1 person).
l Monthly Salary: Upon interview and according to experiences.
l Location: SCBD, South Jakarta
l Qualifications:
1. Indonesian or foreign nationals with legal residence and working status
2. College degree or above
3. Fluent in Mandarin, Indonesian and English.
4. Excellent in using Microsoft Office (Word, Power Point, Excel, etc.) l Interested applicants are welcome to send to visaidn@mofa.gov.tw with subject “Job Application- Consular Division_Short-Term Staff Assistant” before 12 January 2024:
1. Resume in Mandarin, Indonesian and English
2. Handwritten autobiography in Mandarin, contact information and description of expected salary
3. Copy of graduation certificate or diploma
4. Copy of an identification document (Indonesian ID card, Indonesian Kartu Keluarga, or legal residence/working status permit)
l Qualified applicants will be notified for further interview.
l Dibutuhkan Staf Asisten Sementara (1 orang).
l Gaji Bulanan: Saat wawancara dan tergantung pengalaman kerja
l Lokasi: Gedung Artha Graha, SCBD, Jakarta Selatan
l Persyaratan:
1. Warga negara Indonesia atau orang asing dengan status tinggal dan bekerja yang resmi
2. Lulusan S1 atau di atasnya
3. Fasih berbahasa Mandarin, Indonesia, dan Inggris
4. Menguasai Microsoft Office (Word, Power Point, Excel)
l Pelamar yang berminat dipersilakan mengirimkan e-mail ke visaidn@mofa.gov.tw dengan subjek “Job Application- Short-Term Consular Division_Staff Assistant” sebelum 12 Januari 2024:
1. Resume dalam bahasa Mandarin, Indonesia, dan Inggris
2. Autobiografi tulisan tangan dalam bahasa Mandarin, termasuk informasi kontak, dan deskripsi gaji yang diharapkan
3. Fotokopi surat tanda kelulusan atau ijazah
4. Fotokopi dokumen identitas (KTP, Kartu Keluarga, atau ITAS/ITAP)
l Bagi yang memenuhi persyaratan akan dihubungi lebih lanjut untuk proses wawancara.
\n", "date": "2024-01-03 19:29:40", "url": "http://www.roc-taiwan.org/id_id/post/3603.html" } ] }, { "lang": "vi", "branch": "sgn", "country": "vn", "name": "Văn Phòng Kinh Tế và Văn Hóa Đài Bắc tại TP. Hồ Chí Minh", "path": "/vnsgn_vi/", "items": [] }, { "lang": "ma", "branch": "", "country": "my", "name": "駐馬來西亞台北經濟文化辦事處", "path": "/my_ma/", "items": [ { "title": "Formosa Melody Music Center Persembahan pertama di Malaysia mendapat sambutan hangat!", "content": "
Overseas Compatriot Affairs Council \"113 Years Cultural Tour - Spring Festival Asia Group\" menjemput kumpulan seni dan budaya terkenal Taiwan \"Formosa Melody Music Center\" untuk membuat persembahan \"Joyful Asia and Taiwanese Love\" di Sekolah Jenis Kebangsaan (Cina) Pandamaran B pada petang hari 3 Mac. Formosa Melody Music Center dengan menggabungkan alat muzik tradisional dengan tarian moden dan padanan haiwan Nian, persembahan menunjukkan ciri-ciri teater alam sekitar. Selain meraikan Tahun Baru bersama rakan-rakan Malaysia, ia juga mempamerkan kekayaan budaya Taiwan. Setiap persembahan menarik lebih daripada 1,500 penonton secara langsung.
\"Formosa Melody Music Center\" juga akan mengadakan lawatan ke Melaka dan Kota Kinabalu, Sabah pada 6 Mac dan 10 Mac. Rakan-rakan Malaysia dialu-alukan untuk merasai sendiri pesta kebudayaan itu, serta kejutan kecil yang hanya boleh didapati di tapak!
\n", "date": "2024-03-11 11:44:31", "url": "http://www.roc-taiwan.org/my_ma/post/5756.html" }, { "title": "\"Formosa Melody Music Center\" persembahan \"Joyful Asia and Taiwanese Love\" di Melaka dapat sambutan yang menggalakkan!", "content": "
Overseas Compatriot Affairs Council \"113 Years Cultural Tour - Spring Festival Asia Group\"persembahan kedua menarik sokongan penuh semangat daripada hampir 800 penonton dan mendapat sambutan hangat di SJK(C) Pay Teck berada Melaka pada hari 6 Mac.
Wakil Phoebe Yeh berkata bahawa Melaka mempunyai warisan budaya yang kaya sejak dulu. Pada Tahun Naga, beliau berharap dapat mengeratkan persahabatan antara Taiwan dan Malaysia dan mempromosikan pertukaran budaya melalui delegasi kebudayaan persembahan klasik dan mengeratkan silaturahim antara Taiwan dan Malaysia serta menggalakkan pertukaran budaya. Penonton merasakan keikhlasan sambutan Tahun Baru Cina kepada orang Cina di luar negara.
Persembahan ketiga akan bermula pada 19:00 hari 10 Mac di Complex JKKN Sabah Kota Kinabalu. Rakan-rakan di Sabah dialu-alukan untuk merasai keindahan budaya Taiwan!
\n", "date": "2024-03-11 11:31:46", "url": "http://www.roc-taiwan.org/my_ma/post/5748.html" }, { "title": "Pameran Pendidikan Tinggi Taiwan Tahun 2024 akan bermula pada 23 April untuk mempromosikan belajar di Taiwan", "content": "

Wakil Phoebe Yeh menghadiri Majlis Pelancaran Pameran Pendidikan Tinggi Taiwan 2024, dianjurkan oleh Gabungan Persatuan Alumni Universiti Taiwan, Malaysia (FAATUM) pada 25 Februari 2024. Pameran tersebut akan diadakan di Muar, Kuala Lumpur, Klang, Ipoh, Kuching dan Kota Kinabalu dari 23 April hingga 6 Mei. Dalam ucapan beliau, Wakil Yeh mengatakan bahawa pameran ini merupakan salah satu acara pendidikan luar negara terbesar Taiwan, membolehkan wakil-wakil dari universiti Taiwan memperkenalkan maklumat pengajian terkini kepada para pelajar dan ibu bapa di Malaysia. Beliau menyampaikan penghargaan atas usaha dan sumbangan FAATUM dalam mempromosikan belajar di Taiwan.







\n", "date": "2024-02-26 17:00:03", "url": "http://www.roc-taiwan.org/my_ma/post/5686.html" }, { "title": "Wakil Phoebe Yeh menghadiri Upacara Menaikkan Bendera Sempena Tahun Baharu 2024 dan Pesta Sekolah Chinese Taipei Kuala Lumpur", "content": "

Wakil Phoebe Yeh dan rakan-rakan sekerja dari Taipei Economic and Cultural Office in Malaysia mengucapkan Selamat Tahun Baru kepada para hadirin dalam Upacara Menaikkan Bendera Sempena Tahun Baharu 2024 dan Pesta Sekolah Chinese Taipei Kuala Lumpur! Acara tersebut telah dijalankan pada 1 Januari 2024, dikendalikan oleh Pengerusi sekolah, En. Lin Young Chang, dan Pengetua, Pn. Cheng Ya Fen.


Dalam ucapan beliau, Wakil Yeh menegaskan bahawa Taiwan sentiasa bertindak balas terhadap pelbagai cabaran secara rasional dan menunjukkan tahap daya tahan yang tinggi apabila menghadapi ketidaktentuan pemulihan ekonomi global selepas pandemik dan perubahan dramatik dalam situasi antarabangsa. Hal ini telah menunjukkan peranan penting Taiwan dalam keselamatan serantau dan keamanan dan kestabilan global. Wakil Yeh juga menekankan bahawa Malaysia merupakan rakan rapat Taiwan dalam pelbagai bidang seperti perdagangan, pelaburan, pendidikan, pelancongan, kebudayaan, dan  kesihatan. Beliau juga menyampaikan penghargaan kepada Sekolah Chinese Taipei Kuala Lumpur atas sumbangan mempromosikan pendidikan Taiwan berkualiti tinggi di luar negara.


Para tetamu termasuk En. Lin Young Chang, Pn. Cheng Ya Fen, Lembaga Pengelola Sekolah Chinese Taipei, Cik Luo Xin Yi, pengerusi Persatuan Ibu Bapa Sekolah Chinese Taipei, En. Lin Kai Min, pengerusi Taiwan Chamber of Commerce and Industry in Malaysia, serta wakil-wakil daripada Gabungan Persatuan Alumni Universiti Taiwan, Malaysia, Global Federation of Chinese Business Women Kuala Lumpur Chapter, dan Formosa Women Organisation of Malaysia.




Wakil Phoebe Yeh Menghadiri Upacara Menaikkan Bendera Sempena Tahun Baharu 2024 dan Pesta Sekolah Chinese Taipei Kuala Lumpur




Upacara Menaikkan Bendera Sempena Tahun Baharu 2024 dan Pesta Sekolah Chinese Taipei Kuala Lumpur




Upacara Menaikkan Bendera Sempena Tahun Baharu 2024 dan Pesta Sekolah Chinese Taipei Kuala Lumpur




Upacara Menaikkan Bendera Sempena Tahun Baharu 2024 dan Pesta Sekolah Chinese Taipei Kuala Lumpur




Para tetamu, ibu bapa dan pelajar-pelajar turut menyertai pesta sekolah yang diadakan selepas Upacara Menaikkan Bendera











\n", "date": "2024-01-02 11:52:16", "url": "http://www.roc-taiwan.org/my_ma/post/5552.html" } ] }, { "lang": "id", "branch": "sub", "country": "id", "name": "駐泗水臺北經濟貿易辦事處", "path": "/idsub_id/", "items": [ { "title": "Director General TETO Surabaya, Isaac Chiu Menulis Artikel Kepada Media di Indonesia Menyerukan Semua Lapisan Masyarakat di Indonesia Mendukung Partisipasi Taiwan Dalam Majelis Kesehatan Dunia (WHA)", "content": "

Director General TETO Surabaya, Isaac Chiu Menulis Artikel Kepada Media di Indonesia Menyerukan Semua Lapisan Masyarakat di Indonesia Mendukung Partisipasi Taiwan Dalam Majelis Kesehatan Dunia (WHA)


Director General TETO Surabaya, Isaac Chiu menulis artikel berjudul “Taiwan meminta dukungan Indonesia untuk bergabung dalam WHO/WHA dan “Perjanjian Pandemi” ke surat kabar berbahasa Indonesia di Jawa Timur, Surya, teks lengkapnya diterbitkan pada 23 April.


Director General Isaac Chiu dalam artikelnya menyatakan bahwa WHA ke-77 akan diadakan mulai 27 Mei hingga 1 Juni. Negara-negara akan membahas dan menyelesaikan “Perjanjian Pandemi” pada konferensi tahun ini untuk memandu dan mengoordinasikan seluruh upaya internasional dalam mencegah, mempersiapkan dan melawan wabah pandemi di masa depan. Kami akan menetapkan tonggak sejarah terkait kesehatan seluruh umat manusia. Organisasi Kesehatan Dunia (WHO) mengakhiri keadaan darurat COVID-19 pada tahun 2023, namun apakah Desa Global siap menghadapi krisis kesehatan masyarakat berikutnya? Baik Taiwan maupun Indonesia, semua negara telah mendapatkan pengalaman dan pelajarandari pandemi COVID-19. Namun, dalam menghadapi gelombang pandemi berikutnya, negara-negara harus bersatu dan bekerja sama, jika tidak maka negara-negara tersebut tidak akan mampu meresponsnya. Namun Taiwan telah dikecualikan dari jaringan WHO karena faktor politik yang tidak masuk akal. Jika Taiwan berpartisipasi dan berkontribusi, hal itu akan membuat sistem pencegahan pandemic WHO menjadi lebih sempurna.


Director General Isaac Chiu dalam artikelnya menunjukkan bahwa hak asasi kesehatan universal adalah tujuan WHO. Namun, hak kesehatan 23 juta penduduk Taiwan telah diabaikan oleh WHO karena faktor politik, sehingga menimbulkan celah dalam pencegahan pandemi global. Dunia berkomitmen untuk membangun jaringan pencegahan pandemi yang lengkap, sehingga perlu untuk membangun membangun platform kerja sama berdasarkan “Perjanjian Pandemi” untuk mengoordinasikan setiap anggota komunitas internasional untuk melakukan bagian mereka, dan Taiwan tidak boleh dikecualikan. Dalam menghadapi pandemi COVID-19, Taiwan tidak hanya memenuhi tanggung jawab dan kewajibannya sebagai anggota komunitas internasional, namun juga berupaya keras membantu negara-negara sahabat lainnya. Setelah pandemi, perusahaan vaksin kelas atas Taiwan tanpa pamrih mengesahkan teknologi vaksin pneumonia Wuhan miliknya untuk digunakan oleh WHO dan badan PBB terkait, meskipun Taiwan masih belum bisa diterima oleh kedua organisasi internasional tersebut. Taiwan secara aktif menganut dan mempromosikan keyakinan akan hak asasi manusia terhadap kesehatan. Sejak tahun 2018, Taiwan telah berulang kali menerima nilai tinggi dalam indeks layanan kesehatan global yang diterbitkan oleh NUMBEO, menduduki peringkat pertama di dunia selama enam tahun berturut-turut kesehatan di dunia pada tahun 2023.


Director General Isaac Chiu juga menyebutkan dalam artikelnya bahwa 350.000 masyarakat Indonesia di Taiwan juga telah memperoleh manfaat dari sistem layanan kesehatan Taiwan yang berkualitas tinggi untuk menjaga kesehatan fisik dan mental pribadi mereka. Baik pekerja migran Indonesia, pelajar, pebisnis, maupun pengantin asing. mereka semua adalah teman baik dan kerabat orang Taiwan. Kebijakan “satu negara, satu pusat” Taiwan menunjuk pusat kesehatannya untuk terhubung dengan negara-negara Asia Tenggara, termasuk Indonesia, untuk bersama-sama memajukan layanan medis, teknologi, dan penelitian melalui tindakan nyata. “Taiwan can help and is helping” sama sekali bukan sebuah slogan, namun sedang dilakukan dan menjadi sebuah cerita bagus yang layak untuk diceritakan.


Director General Isaac Chiu akhirnya menekankan bahwa pengecualian Taiwan yang disengaja oleh WHO menyoroti ketidakadilan dan diskriminasi internasional. Taiwan meminta WHO untuk menunjukkan profesionalisme dan netralitas, tidak menyerah pada campur tangan politik, dan menerima keanggotaan Taiwan. Taiwan dengan tegas menyerukan kepada semua lapisan masyarakat di Indonesia untuk mendukung partisipasi Taiwan dalam WHA dan WHO, sehingga dapat bersama-sama menyumbangkan pengalaman dan teknologi yang berharga untuk tujuan medis dan kesehatan global, dan menciptakan desa global yang lebih baik untuk generasi berikutnya.



\n", "date": "2024-04-24 17:17:11", "url": "http://www.roc-taiwan.org/idsub_id/post/3397.html" }, { "title": "TETO Surabaya mengundang Anda untuk bersama-sama menyaksikan siaran langsung “Academic Achievement Award for Outstanding performance in the Taiwan Scholarship Program” di Facebook TAA pada 26 April (jumat ) pukul 15:00 - GMT+8 (14:00 WIB)", "content": "


\n", "date": "2024-04-19 17:32:24", "url": "http://www.roc-taiwan.org/idsub_id/post/3391.html" }, { "title": "TETO Surabaya dan RSI AYani Bersama-sama Menyediakan Layanan Kesehatan Untuk Masyarakat Taiwan di Jatim yang Kesulitan Berobat atau Dalam Kondisi Darurat", "content": "

Director General TETO Surabaya Isaac Chiu dan Dr. Dodo Anondo, Direktur RSI AYani, bersama-sama menandatangani nota kesepahaman (MOU) antara kedua institusi untuk meningkatkan kerja sama medis dan kesehatan di Auditorium RSI pada 1 April 2024. Kerjasama ini menunjukkan citra positif Taiwan di Indonesia Timur dan mendorong kemudahan perawatan medis bagi warga Taiwan, sehingga tercapai tujuan yang saling menguntungkan.


Upacara penandatanganan ini disaksikan oleh para tamu dari kedua belah pihak, termasuk Ketua Penasehat Taiwan Business Club Surabaya (TBC) Xu Hanwen, Ketua TBC He Hsin-Jung dan Sekretaris Jenderal Lu Shanglin, serta Ketua Ikatan Citra Alumni Taiwan Indonesia Jatim Bapak Henry Samuel Chen dan wakilnya Lai Liumin.


Director General TETO Surabaya Isaac Chiu dalam sambutannya menyampaikan bahwa sejak berdirinya RSI AYani 49 tahun lalu, seluruh anggota rumah sakit berdedikasi untuk merawat sesama dalam berkat Allah dan berusaha semaksimal mungkin memberikan pengobatan dan perawatan medis terbaik kepada pasien tanpa memandang agama, ras, dan kekayaannya. Hal ini telah menjadi tolok ukur pelayanan kesehatan yang unggul dan canggih di Surabaya dan Jawa Timur. Teto Surabaya dan RSI AYani akan bekerja sama untuk mencapai hasil yang saling menguntungkan.


Director General Isaac Chiu juga menjelaskan bahwa MOU ini mengundang RSI AYani untuk menyediakan perawatan darurat yang diperlukan dan layanan kesehatan dengan aksesibilitas yang mudah bagi masyarakat Taiwan yang tinggal di Surabaya. Untuk hal ini, Taiwan Business Club di Surabaya mewakili TETO Surabaya untuk bekerja sama dengan pihak Rumah Sakit dalam hal melaksanakan protokol dan prosedur pelaksanaan yang sesuai agar dapat memberikan manfaat secepatnya bagi warga Taiwan di Surabaya.


Director General Isaac Chiu menjelaskan bahwa TETO Surabaya akan berperan sebagai jendela untuk mempromosikan kerja sama bilateral antara rumah sakit dan sekolah kedokteran, bersama-sama mempromosikan pengembangan teknologi medis, pendidikan dan penelitian, dan memberi manfaat bagi masyarakat kedua negara; selain itu TETO Surabaya dengan tulus menyambut tenaga medis RSI AYani berangkat ke Taiwan untuk berpartisipasi dalam seminar atau pelatihan profesional, berinteraksi dengan staf medis di Taiwan, dan berbagi pengalaman serta keterampilan.


Usai upacara, Director General Isaac Chiu menerima wawancara dari media Indonesia seperti Jawa Pos TV, CNN Indonesia, TV9 Nusantara, Tribun Jatim, dan Radio Suara Surabaya. Ditemani Direktur Anondo dan pimpinan yayasan rumah sakit, beliau mengunjungi gedung medis baru setinggi 13 lantai yang diresmikan oleh Presiden Joko Widodo pada Oktober 2023. Beliau sangat terkesan dan memuji perencanaan medis RSI AYani yang inovatif, progresif, dan komprehensif.


RSI AYani berafiliasi dengan Nahdlatul Ulama (NU) , organisasi Islam terbesar di Indonesia, dan telah lama aktif menjalankan misi Sunnah Islam untuk membantu dunia dan menyelamatkan manusia. Kali ini, TETO Surabaya menjembatani RSI AYani dan Taiwan Business Club Surabaya untuk memprioritaskan penerapan prosedur bebas hambatan dalam menerima pengusaha Taiwan dan warga Taiwan di sini, dan menyediakan layanan medis darurat tepat waktu, yang mencerminkan kebersamaan upaya TETO Surabaya dan Taiwan Business Club Surabaya untuk membangun jaringan bantuan darurat bagi warga Taiwan di Surabaya, membangun saluran medis bagi warga Taiwan di sini yang hidup dalam kemiskinan atau memiliki kebutuhan medis yang mendesak, dan memenuhi tanggung jawab kami untuk “melindungi masyarakat Taiwan di perantauan”.






Director General Isaac Chiu dan Direktur RSI AYani Dr. Dodo Anondo menandatangani MOU kerjasama medis dan kesehatan




Director General Isaac Chiu bersama Ketua TBC Surabaya He Hsin-Jung (6 dari kanan), Ketua ICATI Jatim Henry Samuel Chen (7 dari kanan) dan lainnya, bersama Direktur RSI AYani Anondo (5 dari kiri ) dan Wakil Direktur Rachmawati (ke-4 dari kiri) foto bersama






Director General Isaac Chiu dan Direktur RSI AYani Dodo Anondo menjawab pertanyaan awak media




Director General Isaac Chiu memberikan kata sambutan




link berita :



\n", "date": "2024-04-02 16:47:22", "url": "http://www.roc-taiwan.org/idsub_id/post/3360.html" }, { "title": "Director General Teto Surabaya Isaac Chiu mewakili Komite Hakka, menyerahkan surat penunjukkan Penasehat Urusan Hakka di Luar Negeri ke-6 kepada Bapak Lu Chuang Xiong", "content": "



Director General Teto Surabaya Isaac Chiu menyerahkan surat penunjukkan Penasehat Urusan Hakka di Luar Negeri ke-6 kepada Bapak Lu Chuang Xiong (Kiri)




Director General Teto Surabaya Isaac Chiu bersama rekan-rekan serta Penasehat Urusan Hakka Bapak Lu Chuang Xiong dan kerabat foto bersama

\n", "date": "2024-03-13 18:31:12", "url": "http://www.roc-taiwan.org/idsub_id/post/3350.html" }, { "title": "Pada tanggal 20 Februari, TETO Surabaya menerima kunjungan anak-anak TK yang datang untuk memberikan ucapan selamat tahun baru kepada teman-teman dari berbagai kalangan dan memberikan pertunjukkan seni tahun baru.", "content": "










\n", "date": "2024-02-20 18:24:11", "url": "http://www.roc-taiwan.org/idsub_id/post/3327.html" }, { "title": "Director General Isaac Chiu menghadiri acara Pemberkahan Akhir Tahun 2023 Yayasan Buddha Tzu Chi.", "content": "




\n", "date": "2024-01-29 11:38:10", "url": "http://www.roc-taiwan.org/idsub_id/post/3290.html" }, { "title": "Director General TETO Surabaya Isaac Chiu mendampingi Direktur Utama PT. Yuan Teai Indonesia Huang Heui Huang pada 25 Januari bertemu dengan Kepala DPMPTSP Ibu Dyah Wahyu Ermawati untuk berdiskusi mengenai potensi kerjasama investasi energi tenaga surya dan pengolahan air.", "content": "


\n", "date": "2024-01-26 11:41:23", "url": "http://www.roc-taiwan.org/idsub_id/post/3280.html" }, { "title": "Ketua Badan Pengurus Propinsi Jatim Asosiasi Pertekstilan Indonesia bersama General Director Isaac Chiu Berdiskusi Mengenai Kerjasama Pertekstilan Indonesia dan Taiwan.", "content": "


\n", "date": "2024-01-24 18:24:29", "url": "http://www.roc-taiwan.org/idsub_id/post/3276.html" }, { "title": "Tahun 2024, Teto Surabaya dan Taiwan Business Club Surabaya akan terus bersinergi bekerja keras untuk Taiwan", "content": "

Setelah menyelesaikan serah terima jabatan pada tanggal 1 Januari 2024, Ketua Umum Taiwan Business Club Surabaya ke-17 yang baru dilantik, He Xinrong, bersama dengan para pengurus baru, termasuk Pengawas Tang Zhixian, Pengurus Harian Feng Zhengan dan Sekretaris Lu Shanglin, pada selasa, 2 Januari 2024 mengunjungi kantor Teto Surabaya. Rombongan diterima oleh Direktur Jenderal Isaac Chiu dan rekan-rekan. Kedua belah pihak bertukar pandangan mengenai hal-hal seperti upaya mempererat hubungan antar Business Club dan menjajaki peluang bisnis, membina pengusaha muda Taiwan, bekerja sama untuk mengembangkan bisnis dan perdagangan Taiwan di luar negeri, membuat nama Taiwan menjadi terkenal di dunia perdagangan. \"



\n", "date": "2024-01-02 19:16:10", "url": "http://www.roc-taiwan.org/idsub_id/post/3265.html" } ] }, null, { "lang": "zh", "branch": "", "country": "mm", "name": "駐緬甸臺北經濟文化辦事處", "path": "/mm/", "items": [ { "title": "2024年5月1日(星期三)緬甸「勞動節」,本處當日放假一日,特此公告周知。", "content": "", "date": "2024-04-08 10:28:07", "url": "http://www.roc-taiwan.org/mm/post/20170.html" }, { "title": "2024年5月22日(星期三)緬甸「浴佛節」,本處當日放假一日,特此公告周知。", "content": "", "date": "2024-04-08 10:25:48", "url": "http://www.roc-taiwan.org/mm/post/20167.html" }, { "title": "2024年3月27日(星期三)緬甸「軍人節」,本處當日放假一日,特此公告周知。", "content": "", "date": "2024-03-11 12:56:31", "url": "http://www.roc-taiwan.org/mm/post/19972.html" }, { "title": "2024年4月13日至21日為緬甸「潑水節暨新年」,本處放假,特此公告周知。", "content": "", "date": "2024-03-11 11:45:14", "url": "http://www.roc-taiwan.org/mm/post/19968.html" }, { "title": "「臺中市第 29 屆大墩美展」徵件訊息即將開跑,敬請有志藝術家踴躍報名參賽!", "content": "

「臺中市第 29 屆大墩美展」將於 2024 年 4 月 1 日至 15 日辦理初審資料收件作業,徵集墨彩、書法、篆刻、膠彩、油畫、水彩、版畫、攝影、雕塑、工藝、數位藝術等 11 類別作品,提供各領域藝術家創作發表的平臺。歡迎各方藝術創作愛好者共襄盛舉,詳細徵件內容請參閱以下「臺中市第 29 屆大墩美展簡章」及連結官方網站查詢。






臺中市第 29 屆大墩美展簡章


臺中市第 29 屆大墩美展 送件表


Rules and Regulations of the 29th Da Dun Fine Arts Exhibition of Taichung City


The 29th Da Dun Fine Arts Exhibition of Taichung City Entry Form

\n", "date": "2024-02-06 11:48:32", "url": "http://www.roc-taiwan.org/mm/post/19699.html" }, { "title": "2024年2月12日(星期一)緬甸「聯邦節」,本處當日放假一日,特此公告周知。", "content": "", "date": "2024-01-24 17:43:16", "url": "http://www.roc-taiwan.org/mm/post/19510.html" } ] }, { "lang": "mm", "branch": "", "country": "mm", "name": "Taipei Economic and Cultural Office in Myanmar", "path": "/mm_mm/", "items": [ { "title": "TECO Myanmar donates disaster prevention food packages to charity groups in Bago Region in observance of Thingyan", "content": "

Ambassador Chou Chung-hsing, Representative of the Taipei Economic and Cultural office in Myanmar(TECO Myanmar)visited Bago Township, the capital of Bago Region on April 19, during the 2024 Water Festival and Myanmar New Year holidays, to donate food packages to the Region’s humanitarian federation. The donation was accepted by U Maung Win, chairman of the federation. The donation ceremony was held publicly at the Swemawdaw Pagoda, the tallest pagoda in Myanmar. Representatives from approximately 10 charity groups were all present.


Bago is about 3 hours' drive north of Yangon. The region has a population of nearly 5 million and abundant human resources, which is conducive to labor-intensive and agricultural and industrial development. There are currently about 20 Taiwanese enterprises in the Region, concentrated in the Bago Industrial Zone, mainly engaged in manufacturing of garments, sports shoes, furniture, electronic products, etc. The internationally renowned Taiwanese company Known-You Seeds (Myanmar) Co. Ltd. has an extensive research farm in the Region.


Taiwanese businessmen in Myanmar and the Taiwanese expat community have long established a giving-back-to-society tradition and have continuously donated to temples and other religious institutions, orphanages, nursing homes and other charitable organizations, or to give out food stuff and free meals in disadvantaged communities.


On the other hand, TECO Myanmar has been actively taking part in integrating the use of available charity resources to more effectively provide humanitarian assistance to the Myanmar communities in need, keeping expanding Taiwan’s “force for good.”


TECO Myanmar’s donation of food packages in Bago, is in observance of Thingyan 1386, carrying on its spirit of giving and sharing. In addition, it has the significance of taking a concrete action to demonstrate “Taiwan Can Help!”\"\"







\n", "date": "2024-04-22 18:50:57", "url": "http://www.roc-taiwan.org/mm_mm/post/3574.html" }, { "title": "TECO (Myanmar) Representative Chou Chung-hsing visits Known-You Seed Co., Ltd. Bago Research Farm January 28. 2024", "content": "

Ambassador Chou Chung-hsing, Representative of the Taipei Economic and Cultural Office in Myanmar visited Known-You Seed Co., Ltd. Bago Research Farm on January 28, 2024, where the company was conducting its seasonal watermelon selection. The yield, appearance, skin thickness, sweetness, etc. need to be recorded and scored one by one. Under the big tent, there were batches after batches of watermelons, large and small, with dark green skin or striped skin, red flesh or yellow flesh, being labeled and lined up neatly, creating quite a spectacular scene.


As a market leader, Known-You Seed Company sells its seeds to more than 170 countries, accounting for about 80% of the world's countries. It is a pioneer in developing the markets of Taiwan’s New Southbound Policy target countriesand has successively established branch companies in various Southeast Asian countries. Taking Myanmar as an example, now up to 90% of Myanmar’s watermelons are Taiwanese (Known-You) varieties.


In order to maintain its competitive edge, Known-You Seed Company not only develops new varieties of fruits and vegetables on its own, but also collaborates with  Taiwan's agricultural research institutes and extension stations and European and American laboratories in the application of biotechnology and genetic engineering. So far, more than 2,500 varieties of fruits and vegetables have been developed, including more than 300 varieties of watermelons. According to General Manager Kuo Kun Shih of Known-You Seed Myanmar Company, this company collects seeds in Myanmar and produces first-generation F1 hybrid seeds, but does not sell them locally right away. Instead, they are shipped back to the Taiwan headquarters for complete quality control testing, then they can be sold if they meet the headquarters standards.


Kuo, in his presentation, also pointed out that in addition to providing high-quality core products (seeds), his company also provides technical guidance, consumer market development and some other peripheral services. In 1997, the company cooperated with Myanmar’s Ministry of Agriculture to establish a farmers’ training center in the suburbs of Yangon, offering two four-month programs per year. The courses aimed to combine theory with practice, from land preparation, sowing, fertilizing, germination, pest control to retention, teaching a complete set of melon and fruit cultivation techniques. After having completed that project, Known-You built a \"research farm\" on its own, for research and training purposes. The research farm was completed and began operation in 2019, continuing to conduct farmers training independently. So far, more than a thousand people have completed the training by Known-You.


Ambassador Chou praised Known-you Company. “Known-You Myanmar Company not only offers high-quality vegetable and fruit seeds, but also invests in farmers training to improve their technical level, and even helps farmers to export their products to earn foreign exchange. It’s fair to say that Known-You has made outstanding contributions to Myanmar's agricultural development. In addition, the company’s charity foundation has provided full funding to establish a farmers' hospital in Ayeyarwady Region, to provide medical services to the most vulnerable farmers of that area. It is truly an excellent example of public diplomacy by a Taiwanese company,\" said Ambassador Chou.











\n", "date": "2024-01-30 17:28:22", "url": "http://www.roc-taiwan.org/mm_mm/post/3514.html" }, { "title": "TECO Representative Dr. Chung-Hsing Chou attends ceremony for donation of agricultural dehydration system to INGO \"Eden Myanmar\" Foundation in Yangon", "content": "

Dr. Chung-Hsing Chou, Representative of the Taipei Economic and Cultural Office in Myanmar (TECO), visits \"Eden Myanmar\" Foundation, a Yangon-based INGO, to attend ceremony for the donation of agricultural dehydration system to the foundation by TECO on 25 January.


The foundation’s aim is to help victims of human trafficking since it was established in 2014. Over the past decade, there have been countless rescuees, including Taiwanese nationals trapped in Myanmar. In addition to providing shelter and psychological counselling to the victims, the foundation also focuses on approach to help them develop livelihood and launches related projects, including vocational training and economic empowerment.


Under the latest project, Microgreens Project, victims of human trafficking are combined with rural farmers and community residents into the cultivation of nutrient-rich crops such as alfalfa sprouts and sunflower seeds, and the harvest of those crops would be processed into health improving food and then commercialized. All those efforts are meant to enhance the economic capabilities of victims and community residents, to increase the income of rural farmers and communities and to improve the dietary health of Myanmar people.


On the ceremony, Ms. Lisa Samuelsen, the foundation CEO, thanks for the donation by TECO and points out that the main project revenues are to assist financially or socially disadvantaged populations such as the elderly, pregnant women, and young children. And due to the new equipment, the current production process has been substantially shortened and the production capacity has been tripled. This allows the foundation to recruit more staff for higher production capacity and to benefit more Myanmar people.


Dr. Chou expresses in his speech his gratitude to \"Eden Myanmar\" for its contribution in assisting victims of human trafficking, and deeply agrees and supports the foundation's related projects. Since Taiwan has reached outstanding achievements in agro-product processing technology and machinery, Dr. Chou hopes that the foundation’s projects could further enhance the benefits of Myanmar people and deepen exchanges and interactions between the people of Taiwan and Myanmar by using Taiwan’s advanced technology in the agricultural category.



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4月16日駐帛琉大使黎倩儀及帛琉國務部長Gustave Aitaro在Malakal港以隆重盛大的歡迎儀式迎接敦睦支隊到來,當天晚上本館及帛琉觀光局在帛琉民眾最重要的活動地點之一的中央公園(Ernguul Park)合辦「台帛建交25周年觀光夜市嘉年華」活動,現場有敦睦支隊的行進樂隊、原住民舞蹈及live band表演,還有台、帛美食及手工藝品等各式攤位,吸引大量民眾參與,盛況空前。


4月17日敦睦支隊在Asahi棒球場表演鼓號樂團、樂儀隊和莒拳,此外也在國家體育館(National Gymnasium)與帛琉選手舉行桌球友誼賽。
\n4月18日上午敦睦支隊在迪化艦上舉行升旗典禮後,起錨航向下一個目的地。黎大使與在帛琉的台灣鄉親以不捨的心情歡送敦睦支隊,Aitaro國務部長表示,「帛琉是敦睦支隊離家後的第一個家,希望也是你們回國前最後一個家」(Palau is your first home away from home, hopefully also your last home before returning home)。




\"signal-2024-04-20-104756_002\" \"signal-2024-04-20-104756_003\" \"signal-2024-04-20-104756_004\" \"signal-2024-04-20-104756_005\" \"signal-2024-04-20-104756_006\" \"signal-2024-04-20-105310_002\" \"signal-2024-04-20-105310_003\" \"signal-2024-04-20-105310_004\" \"signal-2024-04-20-105310_005\" \"signal-2024-04-20-105310_006\" \"signal-2024-04-20-105310_007\" \"signal-2024-04-20-105310_008\" \"signal-2024-04-20-105502_002\" \"signal-2024-04-20-105502_003\" \"signal-2024-04-20-105502_004\" \"signal-2024-04-20-105502_005\" \"signal-2024-04-20-105502_006\" \"signal-2024-04-20-105502_007\" \"signal-2024-04-20-105541_002\"

\n", "date": "2024-04-21 12:30:33", "url": "http://www.roc-taiwan.org/pal/post/4719.html" }, { "title": "中華長照暨偏鄉醫療基金會及長庚醫療團送愛到帛琉", "content": "

長庚醫療團乙行12人在中華長照暨偏鄉醫療基金會副董事長王舜睦率領下,在今(113)年3月27日至30日期間訪問帛琉,期間曾拜會駐帛琉大使館黎倩儀大使及參訪帛琉國家醫院(Belau National Hospital),並在帛琉醫療診所(Belau Medical Clinic)提供牙科、眼科及中醫義診服務。短短幾小時內,義診服務已累積逾300看診人次。


這是長庚醫療團首次來帛琉進行義診,醫師團隊包括長庚林口、嘉義及高雄分院之專科醫師,駐帛琉黎倩儀大使接待訪團時表示,我政府多年來致力提升帛琉醫療水準及推廣公共衛生,感謝中華長照暨偏鄉醫療基金會及長庚醫療團來帛琉提供愛心義診,對缺乏醫療資源的帛琉民眾而言,格外有意義。醫療團另參訪帛琉國家醫院(Belau National Hospital),以實地瞭解當地醫療情形。




長庚醫院包括基隆、台北、林口、桃園、雲林、嘉義、高雄等院區,每年服務約 860 萬個門診人次,每年約有逾三萬人次的境外病患來長庚醫院就診。


中華長照暨偏鄉醫療基金會於民國89年成立,以提高全民健康、促進偏鄉醫療及老年長期照顧體系及促進國際相關機構交流為宗旨,定期透過各類活動推廣相關醫療服務。\"signal-2024-03-28-185830_002\" \"signal-2024-03-28-185910_002\" \"signal-2024-03-28-190000_002\" \"signal-2024-03-28-192946_002\" \"signal-2024-03-28-192946_003\" \"signal-2024-03-28-192946_004\" \"signal-2024-03-28-192946_005\"

\n", "date": "2024-03-29 07:37:36", "url": "http://www.roc-taiwan.org/pal/post/4674.html" }, { "title": "黎大使EPFM新年專訪 祝願台帛關係 生龍活虎 更上一層樓", "content": "

為迎接農曆新年、展望台帛兩國關係新局,黎倩儀大使在公使陳豐裕和 秘書羅浩瑋陪同下,五日接受帛琉國務部EPFM電台新年的專訪,暢聊台灣民眾和全球華人地區過新年的習俗,訪談充滿知性與感性,更在美麗的帛琉海島,看見慶祝農曆新年的朝氣與喜氣。




黎大使表示,農曆新年是台灣和其他亞洲華人地區一年中最重要的節日,今年是2月10 日,一直要過15天,這15 天又稱春節,象徵人們歴經寒冬,迎接春天的來臨。




















黎大使指出,今年適逢台帛建交2 5週年、帛琉獨立紀念30 周年,這是兩國政府人民共同努力與珍視的成果,大使館非常重視,積極準備,將有許多系列慶祝活動,期許為台帛「永續友誼」(Enduring Friendship )繼續注入新元素,並開啓兩國關係新的里程碑。今年農曆生肖屬龍,代表「飛躍」與「動力」,黎大使祝願新的一年,台帛兩國人民吉祥如意,「生龍活虎」,兩國関係堅實緊密,更上一層樓\"signal-2024-02-06-083318_002\" \"signal-2024-02-06-083318_003\" \"signal-2024-02-06-083318_004\" \"signal-2024-02-06-083318_005\" \"signal-2024-02-06-083318_006\"

\n", "date": "2024-02-06 08:56:26", "url": "http://www.roc-taiwan.org/pal/post/4627.html" }, { "title": "惠恕仁總統親電致賀賴副總統 見證台帛堅定邦誼 共同捍衛民主價值", "content": "

今(2024)年1月13日中華民國舉行總統及副總統大選,由賴清德副總統及前駐美代表蕭美琴分別當選第16任總統與副總統,帛琉惠恕仁總統、席嫵杜副總統、國會安薩賓眾議長、國務部部長Gustav Aitaro及傳統領袖北大酋Reklai Raphael B. Ngirmang在第一時間即親筆致函祝賀賴總統當選人及蕭副總統當選人,象徵台帛兩國友誼深厚,兄弟之邦相互支持—零時差、零距離。






惠總統則感謝賴副總統在他2021年3月訪問台灣時,兩人共同見證「台帛旅遊泡泡啟動儀式」,並在2022年11月訪問帛琉時宣布華航恢復直飛帛琉,足見賴副總統對帛琉所需的旅遊觀光跟經濟靱任非常重視,惠總統也誠摯歡迎賴副總統以總統身分再次率團訪帛,並且允諾將出席賴副總統的就職典禮,向世界展現台帛兩國堅定支持民主及以規則為基礎之國際秩序,彰顯「團結力量大」(together we are stronger) 的精神。




\"signal-2024-01-26-061923_002\" \"signal-2024-01-26-061923_003\" \"signal-2024-01-26-061923_004\" \"signal-2024-01-26-061923_005\" \"signal-2024-01-26-061923_006\" \"signal-2024-01-26-061923_007\" \"signal-2024-01-26-061923_008\"

\n", "date": "2024-01-26 08:00:56", "url": "http://www.roc-taiwan.org/pal/post/4590.html" }, { "title": "中華民國國旗迎風飄揚 帛琉僑胞愛國熱情百分百", "content": "
黎大使於應邀致詞時首先祝福全體僑胞新年快樂,並感謝新成立的帛琉台灣商會潘副會長和理事、帛琉大飯店秦瓊華總經理提供場地主辦莊嚴隆重的升旗典禮,以及所有僑胞朋友熱情參與,讓我們在海外能夠齊聚一堂一起迎接及慶祝新的一年。 黎大使另指出,今年國內元旦升旗主題是「活 力台灣,世代永續」,象徵中華⺠國在台灣堅守⺠主,自由 及人權的價值是台灣永續發展的根基,也是世界看見台灣良善的力量,更值得們海內外同胞一起努力珍惜及守護這得來 不易的成果。
升旗典禮及餐會歷時約90分鐘,當日上午科羅州天氣晴朗,象徵普天同慶,全體僑胞亦共同祈願,在新的一年裡中華民國國運昌隆。(E)\"IMG_0069\" \"unnamed \"unnamed \"unnamed \"unnamed \"unnamed \"unnamed\"
\n", "date": "2024-01-03 10:37:04", "url": "http://www.roc-taiwan.org/pal/post/4574.html" } ] }, { "lang": "zh", "branch": "hr", "country": "ba", "name": "駐巴林臺北貿易辦事處", "path": "/bahr/", "items": [ { "title": "本處參加巴林2024 Flower & Vegetable Show圓滿順利", "content": "

2024巴林花卉蔬果展(Flower & Vegetable Show),於今年3月在巴林海灣飯店盛大舉辦,今年度的園藝展主題為「巴林遺產-珍珠古道(Bahrain Heritage - Pearling Path」。























\n", "date": "2024-03-31 20:27:25", "url": "http://www.roc-taiwan.org/bahr/post/1569.html" }, { "title": "本處陳大使龍錦親赴賽場為中華手球代表隊打氣,我隊打出佳績!", "content": "
01/18 19:00 中華隊vs中國香港
01/19 19:00 中華隊vs沙烏地阿拉伯
01/21 19:00 中華隊vs紐西蘭\"WhatsApp \"WhatsApp \"WhatsApp
\n", "date": "2024-01-18 14:34:38", "url": "http://www.roc-taiwan.org/bahr/post/1505.html" }, { "title": "中華手球代表隊亞洲男子錦標賽賽程", "content": "
中華手球代表隊將於1月12日、14日及16日三天,在巴林Isa Town Sheikh Khalifa Sports City Hall先後對戰卡達、科威特及阿曼。
1月12日13:00 中華隊vs卡達
1月14日13:00 中華隊vs科威特
1月16日15:00 中華隊vs阿曼\"418568849_17994000587439963_6583230160307980991_n\"
\n", "date": "2024-01-18 14:31:05", "url": "http://www.roc-taiwan.org/bahr/post/1500.html" }, { "title": "我中華手球代表團來巴林王國參加第21屆亞洲男子手球錦標賽", "content": "
Manama, Bahrain.
The handball team of Taiwan arrived at Manama, Bahrain for the 21st Asian Men’s Handball Championship on January 10, 2024. Amb. Bob Chen and representatives of the Bahrain Handball Federation heartily welcomed the team at the airport. We wish Team Taiwan the best of luck and great success.
\n", "date": "2024-01-18 14:27:09", "url": "http://www.roc-taiwan.org/bahr/post/1497.html" } ] }, { "lang": "zh", "branch": "petown", "country": "ca", "name": "駐開普敦台北聯絡辦事處", "path": "/capetown/", "items": [ { "title": "開普敦中華學校文化列車首站Generation School —臺灣文化寓教於樂", "content": "



開普敦中華學校為推展華語文教育及宣揚臺灣優質文化,以行動教學方式,開啟臺灣文化列車前進鄰近主流學校,4月18日首站Generation School舉辦臺灣民俗文化才藝營活動。當日一早在校長孫曉慧率領下,教師們及執行秘書章世傑前往Generation學生活動中心布置會場,每位教師擔綱指導,展示及教授包括書法、扯鈴、摺紙、踢毽子及沙包等民俗文化項目,駐開普敦辦事處僑務秘書李綺霞亦前往共襄盛舉。


當Generation school 學生們井然有序地集合後,講師方雯以銀幕上的中文字:「歡迎、你好、謝謝、再見」揭開序幕,從未接觸過中文的學生們,在方雯的教導下,能準確地以中文發音說出「歡迎、你好、謝謝、再見」。她告訴同學們,正體漢字充滿內涵,其美妙無與倫比。接著她介紹每位擔綱之文化教師,並由老師們展示文化項目,包括書法由章如軍、扯鈴由黃芳莉、踢毽子由劉玫蒨、沙包由姜依莉及施麗娟負責,摺紙則是由唐可彤及李詠屏指導。章如軍則展示書法,漢字藝術之美令學童們讚嘆不已;黃芳莉表演扯鈴,劉玫蒨展現踢毽子,精采表現獲得如雷掌聲;在場的學童們早已蓄勢待發,迫不及待好好自行體驗一番。


之後在文化老師指導下,Generation school 教師及學童們玩扯鈴、踢毽子、丟沙包、寫書法及摺紙等,體驗不同的動、靜態臺灣文化活動,學童們玩得不亦樂乎,紛紛表示,臺灣文化營有趣又好玩,也建立起對臺灣文化的初步認識。Brigitte校長表示,該校以蒙特梭利教學,樂見學生具多元文化啟發,增廣視野。孫曉慧則表示,中華學校老師們期許以傳承文化為使命,將繼續為文化種子扎根,盡一己之力,同時也將擴及主流社區,希望在地民眾亦能欣賞臺灣文化之美。李綺霞讚賞開普敦中華學校每位教師均是臺灣文化之推手,最佳文化大使,僑委會感謝所有教師之辛勞,成功讓主流社區認識臺灣。





\n", "date": "2024-04-23 23:50:31", "url": "http://www.roc-taiwan.org/capetown/post/3508.html" }, { "title": "東開普省舉辦治安宣導講座 強化僑胞安全意識", "content": "




















\n", "date": "2024-04-23 23:48:41", "url": "http://www.roc-taiwan.org/capetown/post/3501.html" }, { "title": "大開普敦僑界急難救助協會舉辦講座 提高僑界中醫保健及財產安全意識", "content": "
























\n", "date": "2024-04-02 16:38:25", "url": "http://www.roc-taiwan.org/capetown/post/3466.html" }, { "title": "佛教慈濟基金會開普敦聯絡處新春祈福感恩會 祈願世界和平、天下無災", "content": "
















\n", "date": "2024-03-04 17:20:07", "url": "http://www.roc-taiwan.org/capetown/post/3436.html" }, { "title": "國際佛光會開普敦協會會員大會 祈福共迎2024年新春", "content": "











本次大會另進行會務、財務報告及提案討論,包括禪淨中心督導曹淑賢、前督導蘇保全、前會長江棟樑、協會副會長劉陽、理事蔡劉蓮只、施耀凱、賴盈穎、何玉冰、王雪等逾60位會員出席,會後進行摸彩節目,協會並準備豐盛素宴招待,及贈送星雲大師「雲水自在 祥和歡喜」春聯,祝福大家「處處皆自在安樂,時時都歡喜吉祥」,讓會員們都有個溫馨愉快的龍年啟始。



慧昉法師(右)致贈陳瑩莉(中)「雲水自在 祥和歡喜」鏡屏,(左:劉治民)


\n", "date": "2024-03-04 17:11:40", "url": "http://www.roc-taiwan.org/capetown/post/3429.html" }, { "title": "開普敦中華學校祥龍瑞獅歡喜迎龍年", "content": "














\n", "date": "2024-02-14 21:35:30", "url": "http://www.roc-taiwan.org/capetown/post/3401.html" }, { "title": "開普敦臺灣客屬會客家擂茶迎祥龍 傳揚客家文化", "content": "














\n", "date": "2024-02-14 21:31:43", "url": "http://www.roc-taiwan.org/capetown/post/3394.html" }, { "title": "開普敦臺灣商會113年元旦登山健行喜迎新年", "content": "





為慶祝中華民國113年開國紀念日,開普敦臺灣商會於1月1日在開普敦郊區Tygerberg Nature Reserve舉辦親子登山健行活動,僑胞不分老小踴躍參與,包括駐開普敦辦事處陳瑩莉處長、開普敦臺灣商會會長王國揚、僑務榮譽職人員、僑團領袖、駐館員眷與120位僑民共襄盛舉,迎接嶄新的一年。









\n", "date": "2024-01-03 16:49:01", "url": "http://www.roc-taiwan.org/capetown/post/3305.html" } ] }, { "lang": "zh", "branch": "an", "country": "sh", "name": "駐汕埠總領事館(停用)", "path": "/shan/", "items": [] }, { "lang": "zh", "branch": "", "country": "hk", "name": "香港", "path": "/hk/", "items": [] }, null, { "lang": "zh", "branch": "cao", "country": "ma", "name": "澳門", "path": "/macao/", "items": [] }, null, { "lang": "zh", "branch": "land", "country": "is", "name": "冰島", "path": "/island/", "items": [] }, { "lang": "zh", "branch": "etooth", "country": "el", "name": "象牙海岸(停用)", "path": "/eletooth/", "items": [] }, { "lang": "zh", "branch": "ndb", "country": "aa", "name": "安地卡暨巴布達", "path": "/aandb/", "items": [] }, { "lang": "zh", "branch": "ma", "country": "ja", "name": "牙買加", "path": "/jama/", "items": [] }, { "lang": "zh", "branch": "rgin", "country": "vi", "name": "維京群島(英國海外領地)", "path": "/virgin/", "items": [] }, { "lang": "zh", "branch": "gu", "country": "an", "name": "安吉拉", "path": "/angu/", "items": [] }, { "lang": "zh", "branch": "ou", "country": "ot", "name": "蒙哲臘(英國海外領地)", "path": "/otou/", "items": [] }, { "lang": "zh", "branch": "yman", "country": "ca", "name": "開曼群島(英國海外領地)", "path": "/cayman/", "items": [] }, { "lang": "zh", "branch": "nt", "country": "si", "name": "聖佑達修斯(荷屬)", "path": "/sint/", "items": [] }, { "lang": "zh", "branch": "ba", "country": "sa", "name": "沙巴(荷屬)", "path": "/saba/", "items": [] }, { "lang": "zh", "branch": "arth", "country": "sb", "name": "聖巴瑟米(法屬)", "path": "/sbarth/", "items": [] }, { "lang": "zh", "branch": "artin", "country": "sm", "name": "聖馬丁(法荷共管)", "path": "/smartin/", "items": [] }, { "lang": "zh", "branch": "prus", "country": "cy", "name": "北賽普勒斯(停用)", "path": "/cyprus/", "items": [] }, { "lang": "zh", "branch": "erto", "country": "pu", "name": "波多黎各", "path": "/puerto/", "items": [] }, null, { "lang": "zh", "branch": "virgin", "country": "us", "name": "美屬維京群島", "path": "/usvirgin/", "items": [] }, { "lang": "zh", "branch": "ci", "country": "ta", "name": "英屬土克凱可群島", "path": "/taci/", "items": [] }, { "lang": "en", "branch": "petown", "country": "ca", "name": "Taipei Liaison office in Cape Town", "path": "/capetown_en/", "items": [ { "title": "In observance of the Freedom Day, the Taipei Liaison office in Cape Town will be closed on April 27 2024. In case of emergency, please call 071-893-1100.", "content": "", "date": "2024-04-04 21:16:29", "url": "http://www.roc-taiwan.org/capetown_en/post/1213.html" }, { "title": "In observance of the Easter Holiday, the Taipei Liaison office in Cape Town will be closed on Friday and Monday, March 29 and April 1 2024. In case of emergency, please call 071-893-1100.", "content": "", "date": "2024-04-04 21:15:52", "url": "http://www.roc-taiwan.org/capetown_en/post/1211.html" } ] }, { "lang": "en", "branch": "", "country": "pal", "name": "Embassy of the Republic of China (Taiwan) in the Republic of Palau", "path": "/pal_en/", "items": [ { "title": "ROC(Taiwan) Navy’s Fleet of Friendship marks its 17th visit to Palau", "content": "

ROC(Taiwan) Navy’s Fleet of Friendship paid a goodwill visit to Palau during April 16-18, 2024. This is its 17th visit to the Republic of Palau. As this year marks the 25th year of Taiwan-Palau friendship, this goodwill visit is witness to the enduring friendship between both countries.


The fleet was warmly received by a welcoming ceremony jointly held by H.E Jessica Lee, Ambassador of the Republic of China (Taiwan) and Hon. Gustav Aitaro, Minister of State, at the Malakal port on April 16. The latter bid welcome on behalf of President Surangel Whipps Jr. who was attending the Our Ocean Conference in Greece.


Later in the evening, the “朋友Peng You Jam Night”, took place at the Ernguul park, where Navy Marching Band, Aboriginal Dance and live band was performed. This event was co-organized by The Embassy of the Republic of China (Taiwan) and the Palau Visitors Authority in celebration of the Taiwan-Palau 25 years of Friendship.


During their visit, the fleet also presented the Navy Marching Band, honor Guards’ drills and Marine Corps martial arts performances at the Asahi Stadium on April 17, as well as a table tennis friendship match at the National Gymnasium.


The fleet set sail from Malakal Port for its next destination after a flag-hoisting ceremony on the morning of April 18. ‘Palau is your first home away from home, hopefully also the last home before you return home’, said Minister Aitaro when bidding farewell and the good wishes.


The Fleet of Friendship consists of Flagship Pan-Shi, Frigate Di-Hua, and Frigate Cheng-Kung. It conducts the “Midshipmen Cruising and Training Squadron” program for graduating cadets for shipboard training.


\"signal-2024-04-20-104756_002\" \"signal-2024-04-20-104756_003\" \"signal-2024-04-20-104756_004\" \"signal-2024-04-20-104756_005\" \"signal-2024-04-20-104756_006\" \"signal-2024-04-20-105310_002\" \"signal-2024-04-20-105310_003\" \"signal-2024-04-20-105310_004\" \"signal-2024-04-20-105310_005\" \"signal-2024-04-20-105310_006\" \"signal-2024-04-20-105310_007\" \"signal-2024-04-20-105310_008\" \"signal-2024-04-20-105502_002\" \"signal-2024-04-20-105502_003\" \"signal-2024-04-20-105502_004\" \"signal-2024-04-20-105502_005\" \"signal-2024-04-20-105502_006\" \"signal-2024-04-20-105502_007\" \"signal-2024-04-20-105541_002\"



\n", "date": "2024-04-21 12:32:47", "url": "http://www.roc-taiwan.org/pal_en/post/2925.html" }, { "title": "All Palauans in Taiwan are Safe after Earthquake", "content": "

A major earthquake hit Taiwan this morning April 3, 2024. It has caused 9 death and 821 casualties so far, and damage to the buildings and infrastructure in certain areas. It is the most serious earthquake for the past 25 years since the 921 Earthquake rumbled Taiwan in 1999. ROC ( Taiwan ) Ambassador Jessica Lee to Palau expressed her appreciation to President Whipps, who sent the
\ndeepest sympathies to the families of those who lost there lives in Hualin due to the earthquake. Although the epic center is at the East Coast of Taiwan, there could be aftershocks within these few days. Ambassador Lee said the Taiwanese Government has tried every efforts in rescuing the injured and recovering the damage, and at the same time get prepared for after shocks. Ambassador Lee also shared that according to the information of MOFA, all the Palauan students, referral patients and their families in Taiwan are safe at this moment.
\nThe Embassy also takes this opportunity to thank friends in Palau expressing their condolences and sympathies to the victims, and standing with Taiwan in the difficult time.

\n", "date": "2024-04-04 08:08:42", "url": "http://www.roc-taiwan.org/pal_en/post/2877.html" }, { "title": "Chang Gung Memorial Hospital’s medical team provides free clinic service in Palau", "content": "

A 12-member medical team from the Chang Gung Memorial Hospital(長庚醫院), led by Mr. Samuel Shun-Mu Wang(王舜睦), Vice Chair of the Chung-Hua Primary Care Foundation(中華長照暨偏鄉醫療基金會), visited Palau from March 27 to 30, 2024. During their visit they called on Ambassador Jessica Lee(黎倩儀), Embassy of the Republic of China (Taiwan) in the Republic of Palau, and visited the Belau National Hospital, as well as provided free clinic service at the Belau Medical Clinic with the expertise of dentistry, ophthalmology and traditional Chinese medicine. In just a few hours, over 300 consultations were provided.


This is the first time that the Chang Gung Memorial Hospital medical team visits Palau to conduct free clinic service. The team is composed of specialist doctors from its Linkou, Chiayi and Kaohsiung branches. Ambassador Jessica Lee expressed gratitude and appreciation and pointed out that the Government of Taiwan has committed to improving Palau’s medical standards and promoting public health over the years. ‘I would like to thank the Foundation and the Chang Gung Memorial Hospital medical team for providing free clinic service in Palau. This is meaningful to the people of Palau as medical resources are scarce here. The medical team also visited the Belau National Hospital to obtain a better understanding of the local medical service.’


Samuel Wang, Vice Chair of the Chung-Hua Primary Care Foundation, pointed out that the Chang Gung Memorial Hospital attaches great importance to international medical exchanges. ‘This is our first time in Palau, but it will not be the last time. Should there be a need, the Chang Gung Memorial Hospital is more than happy to visit Palau again’, said Wang.


The Chang Gung Memorial Hospital has branches in Keelung, Taipei, Linkou, Taoyuan, Yunlin, Chiayi and Kaohsiung cities. It provides medical service to approximately 8.6 million outpatients every year. There are over 30,000 overseas patients among them who visited the Chang Gung Memorial Hospital.


The Chung-Hua Primary Care Foundation was established in 1989 with the purpose of improving health service, promoting rural medical and long-term care systems for the elderly, and enhancing exchanges between relevant international institutions. It organizes all kinds of activities on a regular basis to promote medical services.


\"signal-2024-03-28-185830_002\" \"signal-2024-03-28-185910_002\" \"signal-2024-03-28-190000_002\" \"signal-2024-03-28-192946_002\" \"signal-2024-03-28-192946_003\" \"signal-2024-03-28-192946_004\" \"signal-2024-03-28-192946_005\"

\n", "date": "2024-03-29 07:40:42", "url": "http://www.roc-taiwan.org/pal_en/post/2857.html" }, { "title": "Love Passes On PNOC Receives Table Tennis Sets from Ambassador Lee of Taiwan", "content": "

Ambassador Jessica Lee, accompanied by Minister Counselor, Franklin Chen of ROC (Taiwan) Embassy were welcomed by Frank Kyota , President of PNOC and Baklai Temengil, Secretary General and Presidents of Federation to attend the handover ceremony of 4 sets of table tennis and auxiliaries on February 8, 2024.


The 4 sets of tables were gifts from Ms. Shirley Chang from Taiwan, who  attended the first Omal Marathon and felt in love with the hospitality and beauty of Palau. Shirley also expresses it’s her small gesture of good will to help table tennis players. Ambassador Lee expresses that not only does the ocean connecting us but also sports uniting us. These gifts from Shirley demonstrate the strong ties between our people from two sides, and also to promote the combat with NCDs.


In her remarks, Ambassador also shared that the Lunar New Year is coming, which is February 10, and we also look to more prosperous events and interactions between Palauan and Taiwanese people. There will be a good goodwill fleet visit in April and water sports activities and races in June, to celebrate the 25th anniversary of Taiwan and Palau diplomatic relations.


Among the dignitaries, both Mr. Frank Kyoda, President of PNOC and Governor Dwight Ngiraibai, President of Table Tennis of Palau welcomed the goodwill between country to country and people to people, and express their anticipation of the enhancement of Palau Table Tennis Sport, and their appreciation to the generosity to Ambassador Lee and her good friend, Shirley.


The ceremony was held at the PNOC, the Palau National Gym and attended by Attorney General Ernestine Rengill, and dozens of the Palauan table tennis players and athletes.\"signal-2024-02-08-153141_002\" \"signal-2024-02-08-153141_003\" \"signal-2024-02-08-153141_004\" \"signal-2024-02-08-153141_005\" \"signal-2024-02-08-153141_006\"

\n", "date": "2024-02-11 17:55:30", "url": "http://www.roc-taiwan.org/pal_en/post/2818.html" } ] }, { "lang": "es", "branch": "an", "country": "sh", "name": "Consulado General de la República de China (Taiwán) en San Pedro Sula, República de Honduras(停用)", "path": "/shan_es/", "items": [] }, { "lang": "zh", "branch": "sm", "country": "us", "name": "美屬薩摩亞", "path": "/ussm/", "items": [] }, { "lang": "zh", "branch": "pml", "country": "us", "name": "美屬帕邁拉環礁(停用)", "path": "/uspml/", "items": [] }, { "lang": "zh", "branch": "", "country": "rcg", "name": "剛果共和國", "path": "/rcg/", "items": [] }, { "lang": "zh", "branch": "cn", "country": "do", "name": "剛果共和國(布拉薩)", "path": "/docn/", "items": [] }, { "lang": "en", "branch": "hr", "country": "ba", "name": "Taipei Trade Office in the Kingdom of Bahrain", "path": "/bahr_en/", "items": [ { "title": "2025 Taoyuan International Art Award Prospectus and Call for Entries", "content": "

2025 Taoyuan International Art Award Prospectus and Call for Entries


To cultivate talents in contemporary art, Taoyuan Museum of Fine Arts is organizing “2025 Taoyuan International Art Award”.
\nEntry submission starts from 1 April to 26 April 2024.


Artists may participate as an individual or a group. There are no limits on nationality. Submitted entries are not limited in material, category, or size.


Please find below link for more details.

\n", "date": "2024-04-04 21:12:50", "url": "http://www.roc-taiwan.org/bahr_en/post/595.html" } ] }, { "lang": "zh", "branch": "", "country": "mf", "name": "聖馬丁", "path": "/mf/", "items": [] }, { "lang": "zh", "branch": "", "country": "ai", "name": "英屬安吉拉", "path": "/ai/", "items": [] }, { "lang": "zh", "branch": "", "country": "eu", "name": "歐洲聯盟", "path": "/eu/", "items": [] }, { "lang": "zh", "branch": "ood", "country": "sm", "name": "馬爾他騎士團(停用)", "path": "/smood/", "items": [] }, { "lang": "zh", "branch": "", "country": "smd", "name": "台灣駐索馬利蘭共和國代表處", "path": "/smd/", "items": [] }, { "lang": "en", "branch": "", "country": "smd", "name": "Taiwan Representative Office in the Republic of Somaliland", "path": "/smd_en/", "items": [] }, { "lang": "zh", "branch": "prv", "country": "fr", "name": "駐普羅旺斯辦事處", "path": "/frprv/", "items": [ { "title": "駐普羅旺斯辦事處沈真宏總領事出席巴黎連鎖展,參觀台灣館!", "content": "

法文版/Version française


駐普羅旺斯辦事處沈真宏總領事於3月16日赴巴黎凡爾賽門展覽中心 (Paris Expo Porte de Versailles) 出席「巴黎連鎖加盟展」(Franchise Expo Paris),參觀由12家台灣茶飲品牌加盟業者籌組之台灣館,並與各業者討論在法國推廣台灣多元連鎖品牌之可行方式。





\n", "date": "2024-03-20 20:35:25", "url": "http://www.roc-taiwan.org/frprv/post/5558.html" }, { "title": "本處逢農曆春節與「普羅旺斯法台文化協會」合辦舞獅、功夫及書法活動!", "content": "

法文版/Version française


駐普羅旺斯辦事處沈真宏總領事夫婦偕同仁2月10日出席與「普羅旺斯法台文化協會」(Taïwan'Aix) 合辦之農曆春節舞獅、功夫表演及春聯書法活動,現場民眾近百人參與,其中多數為法國青年、幼童,以及南法地區台灣僑胞。


法台協會秘書長 Romain MICALEF 開場致詞,強調此係艾克斯市首度辦理春節舞獅表演,特別感謝台灣駐艾克斯辦事處之支持,以及沈總領事夫婦撥冗出席本日活動之盛情。曾在台灣忠義堂拜師習藝之舞獅隊繽紛的衣著色彩,搭配節奏有序的動作,以及功夫表演的力與美,帶動現場歡樂氣氛,充分彰顯台灣保存及傳揚中華文化底蘊的成果。









\n", "date": "2024-02-20 18:28:58", "url": "http://www.roc-taiwan.org/frprv/post/5533.html" }, { "title": "駐普羅旺斯辦事處祝南法的大家全家龍平安,整年好運一條龍!", "content": "


\n", "date": "2024-02-09 20:20:15", "url": "http://www.roc-taiwan.org/frprv/post/5474.html" } ] }, { "lang": "fr", "branch": "prv", "country": "fr", "name": "Bureau de Représentation de Taipei en France, Bureau d’Aix-en-Provence", "path": "/frprv_fr/", "items": [ { "title": "Evénement culturel franco-taïwanais à l'ESAAix !", "content": "

Aux ami(e)s de Taïwan et de la culture, le Bureau est heureux d'annoncer la tenue le mercredi 10 avril à l'Ecole supérieure d’art d’Aix-en-Provence (ESAAix) de l'événement \"La conscience poétique de Taïwan\", séance de lecture des œuvres du grand poète taïwanais LEE Kuei-shien suivie de la projection du film Day off de la réalisatrice taïwanaise FU Tien-yu, récompensé au Festival du film asiatique d'Osaka (entre autres) !



\n", "date": "2024-04-04 20:00:17", "url": "http://www.roc-taiwan.org/frprv_fr/post/7543.html" }, { "title": "Le Consul Général visite le pavillon taïwanais à la Franchise Expo Paris !", "content": "

Lire l'article en mandarin/中文版


Le Consul Général Amb. SHEN Cheng-hong s'est rendu le samedi 16 mars au Parc des Expositions de la porte de Versailles, pour assister au fameux salon « Franchise Expo Paris ». Il y a visité le pavillon taïwanais, où douze de nos marques de thé étaient présentes cette année, afin de discuter avec les acteurs de l'industrie des moyens de promouvoir leurs divers produits dans le Midi.





\n", "date": "2024-03-20 20:50:26", "url": "http://www.roc-taiwan.org/frprv_fr/post/7531.html" }, { "title": "En partenariat avec l'association Taïwan'Aix, le Bureau fête le Nouvel An lunaire !", "content": "

Lire l'article en mandarin/中文版


En compagnie de son épouse et de plusieurs collègues, le Consul Général Amb. SHEN Cheng-hong était heureux d'assister le 10 février dernier aux festivités de Nouvel An co-organisées avec l'Association culturelle franco-taïwanaise de Provence (Taïwan'Aix), à l'occasion de l'année lunaire du dragon.


Une centaine de personnes en tout, dont de nombreux jeunes français et expatriés taïwanais du Midi, ont ainsi pu admirer des démonstrations de danse du lion, de kung-fu et de calligraphie.


Dans son discours d'ouverture, le Secrétaire général de l'Association M. Romain MICALEF a rappelé que c'était là le tout premier spectacle de danse du lion organisé à Aix-en-Provence dans le cadre du Nouvel An lunaire, avant de remercier vivement le Bureau pour son soutien, ainsi que le Consul Général et son épouse pour leur présence à cet événement. Comme les costumes chamarrés et mouvements rythmés de la troupe de danse du lion (formée au sein du temple Zhongyi, à Taïwan), la puissance et beauté des démonstrations de kung-fu ont contribué à créer sur place une atmosphère des plus agréables, tout en illustrant les réalisations de Taïwan en matière de préservation et diffusion de l'héritage culturel chinois.


Dans l'après-midi, le Président de l'Association a organisé chez lui une exposition des œuvres de l'artiste calligraphe taïwanaise TANG Su-mei, présente sur place pour démontrer son savoir-faire devant un public conquis.







\n", "date": "2024-02-20 19:05:39", "url": "http://www.roc-taiwan.org/frprv_fr/post/7500.html" }, { "title": "Le Bureau de Taïwan à Aix-en-Provence vous souhaite une excellente Année du Dragon !", "content": "


\n", "date": "2024-02-09 20:17:56", "url": "http://www.roc-taiwan.org/frprv_fr/post/7449.html" } ] }, null, { "lang": "en", "branch": "", "country": "ltu", "name": "The Taiwanese Representative Office in Lithuania", "path": "/ltu_en/", "items": [] }, null, null, { "lang": "zh", "branch": "", "country": "lt", "name": "駐立陶宛台灣代表處", "path": "/lt/", "items": [ { "title": "【公告】本處2月16日(五)公休公告", "content": "


\n", "date": "2024-02-16 03:58:52", "url": "http://www.roc-taiwan.org/lt/post/973.html" } ] }, { "lang": "en", "branch": "", "country": "lt", "name": "The Taiwanese Representative Office in Lithuania", "path": "/lt_en/", "items": [ { "title": "Partnership agreement signed between Jonava and Tainan, the oldest city of Taiwan!", "content": "

Partnership agreement signed between Jonava and Tainan, the oldest city of Taiwan!
\nOn April 1st, accompanied by Representative Constance Wang of the Taiwanese Representative Office in Lithuania Mayor of Tainan Mr. Huang visited Jonava City Government where he was received by Mayor Sinkevičius.
\nMayor Huang emphasized the significance of today's partnership agreement signing, coinciding with Tainan's 400th anniversary 🎉 and becoming the first friendship city outside of Europe for Jonava . He described Tainan as a cultural and culinary capital, as well as a hub for technological innovation. Mayor Huang presented orchid plates and fresh pineapples from Tainan to Mayor Sinkevičius, showcasing characteristics of Tainan's agriculture.
\nSignatories of the agreement expressed hope for cooperation in developing smart industries, smart transportation, innovative industries and cultural exchanges. May the friendship bloom!



\n", "date": "2024-04-04 15:13:39", "url": "http://www.roc-taiwan.org/lt_en/post/585.html" }, { "title": "Explore Asia’s Medical Business Opportunities-Medical Taiwan 2024", "content": "

Explore Asia’s Medical Business Opportunities-Medical Taiwan 2024
\nThe world is getting older and the healthcare business is leading the way. Europe is no exception on the verge of becoming an aging society, with population above 65 is surpassing age of 19 in 2024. Abovementioned highlights the importance of age healthcare as well as abundant business opportunities in related medical industries.


Medical Taiwan 2023 demonstrated a huge success attracting over 7,000 visitors. This year, Medical Taiwan 2024 scheduled to have 250 companies using 500 booths, is focusing on three key topics to change the healthcare industry: All Age Healthcare, Smart Medical and Supply Chain Gallery. The exhibition is going to shape the most comprehensive healthcare ecosystem in the world by seamlessly connecting the realms of medical, healthy and technology.


We sincerely invite you to be one of the pioneers in medical/healthcare industries and explore Asia’s business opportunities:
\nTime: June 20-22, 2024.
\nPlace: Taipei Nangang Exhibition Center, Hall 2.


For any further information, please visit the official website (https://www.medicaltaiwan.com.tw/en/index.html) or contact us at (lithuania@sa.moea.gov.tw).

\n", "date": "2024-04-02 21:41:38", "url": "http://www.roc-taiwan.org/lt_en/post/581.html" } ] }, null, null, { "lang": "zh", "branch": "", "country": "ci", "name": "駐象牙海岸台北代表處", "path": "/ci/", "items": [] }, { "lang": "fr", "branch": "", "country": "ci", "name": "Bureau de Représentation de Taipei en Côte d'Ivoire", "path": "/ci_fr/", "items": [] }, { "lang": "zh", "branch": "mil", "country": "it", "name": "駐米蘭台北辦事處", "path": "/itmil/", "items": [ { "title": "米蘭正體中文學校終於要開班了!", "content": "
米蘭一群關心孩子教育的熱心家長在駐米蘭辦事處聯手米蘭同鄉會的號召下,一起籌備開辦米蘭中文學校,經過幾個月的努力終於即將開班,3/24下午舉辦Open Day招生說明會,共有將近20位4-10歲的小朋友參加體驗課程及書法寫作活動,大人小孩都玩得很開心。
\n", "date": "2024-03-28 17:11:59", "url": "http://www.roc-taiwan.org/itmil/post/1149.html" }, { "title": "歡迎實踐大學師生到訪", "content": "






















\n", "date": "2024-03-28 16:59:32", "url": "http://www.roc-taiwan.org/itmil/post/1140.html" }, { "title": "台灣代表團米蘭傳捷報!榮獲「2024義大利科學博覽會FAST」金牌獎!", "content": "

\n(Look your eyes,know your life~A portable body detection device)脫穎而出,榮獲「2024義大利科學博覽會FAST」金牌獎!


本年博覽會自3月16日至18日在米蘭舉行三天,由義大利「科技協會聯盟」(Federazione delle associazioni scientifiche e tecniche, FAST)主辦,共有25個義大利團隊及包含台灣在內10個國際團隊,共計35項作品參展。











\n", "date": "2024-03-18 20:32:16", "url": "http://www.roc-taiwan.org/itmil/post/1092.html" }, { "title": "本處舉辦CSW「台灣性別平等週」主場論壇觀賞會,意義非凡!", "content": "

第68屆聯合國「婦女地位委員會」大會(The Commission on the Status of Women, CSW)於2024年3月11日至22日隆重登場,同時期外交部在紐約舉辦「台灣性別平等週」(Taiwan Gender Equality Week, TGEW)並以「促進婦女經濟權能」為主軸規劃系列活動,以呼應本屆CSW大會主題。
\n駐紐約辦事處於3月13日舉辦「台灣性別平等週」主場論壇,主題為「Fostering Women and Girls’Financial Resilience」,邀請金融研訓院黃崇哲院長分享我公私團體協力提升女性經濟力及金融決策參與權的成功案例,另國際女法律人聯盟(International Federation of Women in Legal Careers, FIFCJ)副主席史考特(Denise Scotto)及美國前國務院全球婦女議題無任所大使Kelley Currie也一同出席,共同見證台灣女力成長。


為響應主場論壇活動,本處本(14)日特別舉辦論壇影片觀賞會,邀請倫巴底大行政區議員Ivan Rota、義大利律師Ivano Longo、ISPI智庫亞洲觀察員Chiara Fattori、新聞公關負責人Enea Nepetini、米蘭台貿中心主任陳怡君、台商會會長李元策、副會長張聆音、華文記者邱秀蓉、台灣音樂家梁彥祺及米蘭台灣學生會學術編輯組總監謝欣妤等人,至本處觀賞座談。林處長開場時表示,台灣非常重視並積極落實性平及婦女賦權,盼結合政府及民間力量向國際發聲,與國際分享台灣經驗與成果。Rota議員稱讚台灣不只有美食、美麗的文化,透過今天的論壇,具體瞭解台灣在提升婦女經濟權能不遺餘力,更稱台義共享性平人權價值,期盼未來台義共同致力落實性平及婦女賦權。



\n", "date": "2024-03-15 17:34:43", "url": "http://www.roc-taiwan.org/itmil/post/1069.html" }, { "title": "威尼托僑界歡欣鼓舞慶元宵", "content": "

義大利威尼托台灣同鄉會本(113)年2月25日在威尼托Treviso市辦理「113年春節暨元宵聯歡餐會」活動,邀請來自Veneto和Trentino- Alto Adige大行政區的義北僑胞及義籍親友參加活動,出席情形非常踴躍。駐米蘭台北辦事處及陳書寧僑務委促進委員均應邀出席。

















\n", "date": "2024-02-28 00:32:04", "url": "http://www.roc-taiwan.org/itmil/post/1056.html" }, { "title": "米蘭僑界歡慶迎龍年!", "content": "





義大利米蘭台灣同鄉會本(113)年2月18日在米蘭近郊Agriturismo il Parco Arluno餐廳辦理成立以來首度僑界「2024龍年新春同歡僑宴」活動,共有超過80位義北僑胞及義籍親友出席。


\n同鄉會另安排包括PK卡拉OK、抽獎及數字對對碰(Tombola)遊戲等餘興活動,林處長並透過發送兒童新年祝賀紅包, 讓下一代瞭解農曆過年習俗的意義。















\n", "date": "2024-02-21 01:52:36", "url": "http://www.roc-taiwan.org/itmil/post/1037.html" }, { "title": "本處拜會米蘭理工大學深化台義高等學府之人才及學術交流", "content": "

林處長本(113)年2月13日拜會義北知名學府米蘭理工大學亞洲遠東國際事務長(Delegate for International Relationship Far East Asia,以下簡稱I國際長)Marco Imperadori教授。I國際長前曾接待駐義大利代表處陪同之我國訪團,欣見我國於米蘭設立辦事處,相信將有助深化台義高等學府之人才及技術交流。




米蘭理工大學創立於1863年,現有1,627名教師及48,000名學生(含8,258名國際學生),2022年在QS世界大學就業競爭力排名(QS Graduate Employability Rankings)排名第43,其中三個科系排名世界前20,分別為工程系第18、建築系排名第10,以及設計系排名第8名,整體評比在義大利所有大學中排名第一。自該校畢業之學生深獲重要企業青睞延攬,就業率在歐盟學校中名列前茅。











\n", "date": "2024-02-15 19:13:08", "url": "http://www.roc-taiwan.org/itmil/post/1027.html" }, { "title": "米蘭台灣學生會舉辦「新春寫春聯」活動", "content": "

米蘭台灣學生會 2月3日下午在台灣料理舉辦「新春寫春聯」活動,並邀請義大利及各國朋友一起用寫春聯迎接龍年。我們期盼學生會持續為同學舉辦更多豐富有趣的活動!


Oggi pomeriggio l'associazione degli Studenti Taiwanesi a Milano ha organizzato un evento per scrivere i couplets primaverili per il capodanno lunare, presso il ristorante Taiwan. Sono stati invitati anche gli amici italiani ed internazionali e hanno tutti accolto l'anno nuovo del drago insieme, scrivendo i couplets primaverili. Aspettiamoci in futuro di partecipare ad altri eventi vari ed interessanti dell'associazione degli Studenti Taiwanesi a Milano!













\n", "date": "2024-02-03 20:40:47", "url": "http://www.roc-taiwan.org/itmil/post/958.html" }, { "title": "「台灣合唱團」應邀在米蘭舉辦音樂會", "content": "

為配合駐米蘭辦事處開館,透過舉辦文化活動向義國各界宣傳台灣,由旅居義大利各地之僑胞組成之義大利台灣交流協會(Associazione Taiwan e Italia, ATI)本(12)月21日晚間邀請來自高雄之知名藝術團體「台灣合唱團」於米蘭著名之Centro Pastorale Ambrosiano音樂廳舉辦「映響福爾摩沙」音樂會,另適逢耶誕佳節前夕,期演唱多首台灣歌謠讓旅居義北之僑胞一解鄉愁,藉此凝聚僑界向心力,並展現台灣音樂之文化軟實力。


包括倫巴底大行政區議員Ivan ROTA、米蘭市行政副首長Sabrina PANE、捷克駐米蘭總領事Ivan POČUCH夫婦及智庫ISPI學者Guido Alberto CASANOVA等多位義國政要,以及僑商界及留學生代表等各界主流人士共約350人共襄盛舉,出席情形相當踴躍。


















林處長夫婦與合唱團、倫巴底大區議員Ivan Rota及捷克駐米蘭總領事Ivan Počuch夫婦合影




ATI執行長吳佳琪、捷克駐米蘭總領事Ivan Počuch夫婦、林處長夫婦、ATI執行董事張聆音





\n", "date": "2024-01-10 23:52:05", "url": "http://www.roc-taiwan.org/itmil/post/904.html" }, { "title": "駐米蘭辦事處與米蘭同鄉會共同舉辦「113年元旦向國旗致敬暨聯誼茶會」", "content": "


































\n", "date": "2024-01-04 00:07:20", "url": "http://www.roc-taiwan.org/itmil/post/883.html" } ] }, { "lang": "it", "branch": "mil", "country": "it", "name": "Ufficio di Rappresentanza di Taipei in Italia-Ufficio di Milano", "path": "/itmil_it/", "items": [ { "title": "Promuovere gli scambi tra le città di Taiwan e d'Italia", "content": "

l Direttore Riccardo Lin ha incontrato il Sindaco di Trieste Roberto Dipiazza per discutere delle possibilità di cooperazione tra Taiwan e l’Italia. Il Sindaco ha inoltre espresso le sue sincere condoglianze per il violento terremoto che ha colpito Taiwan e ha elogiato le capacità di prevenzione e di resilienza del nostro Paese. Successivamente, il Sindaco ha presentato con entusiasmo al Direttore la storia e i progetti futuri della città di Trieste. In più, la compagnia Italia Marittima, gestita dalla Evergreen Shipping di Taiwan, opera produttivamente nell'area e ha contribuito in modo significativo allo sviluppo dell'economia locale.
\nSe ne avete l’occasione, vi consigliamo di visitare quest’affascinante città di confine.







\n", "date": "2024-04-09 19:36:01", "url": "http://www.roc-taiwan.org/itmil_it/post/521.html" }, { "title": "Promuovere la resilienza finanziaria delle donne e delle ragazze: Taiwan si batte per la parità di genere", "content": "

Dall'11 al 22 marzo 2024 è in corso la 68a sessione della Commissione delle Nazioni Unite sulla Condizione delle Donne (CSW) e, contemporaneamente, il Ministero degli Affari Esteri di Taiwan ha organizzato la \"Settimana dell’Uguaglianza di Genere di Taiwan\" (Taiwan Gender Equality Week Week, TGEW) a New York pianificando una serie di attività incentrate sulla \"promozione dell'empowerment economico delle donne\", tema centrale trattato dal CSW68.


Il 13 marzo il Taipei Economic and Cultural Office di New York ha organizzato il forum principale della \"Settimana dell’Uguaglianza di Genere di Taiwan\", affrontando l’argomento: \"Promuovere la resilienza finanziaria delle donne e delle ragazze\". Per l’occasione ha invitato Hank C. C. Huang, Presidente dell’Accademia bancaria e finanziaria di Taiwan, a condividere le modalità attraverso le quali enti pubblici e privati collaborano per rafforzare il potere economico delle donne. All’iniziativa hanno partecipato anche Denise Scotto, Vicepresidente della Federazione Internazionale delle Donne nelle Carriere Legali (FIFCJ), e Kelley Currie, ex Ambasciatrice Straordinaria per gli Affari Globali delle Donne del Dipartimento di Stato degli Stati Uniti, che hanno dato la loro testimonianza sulla crescita del potere delle donne taiwanesi.


Per condividere questo importante evento, l'Ufficio di Milano ha organizzato - giovedì 14 marzo - una speciale proiezione del filmato girato in occasione del forum, invitando numerose personalità del panorama politico e culturale milanese tra cui il Consigliere della Regione Lombardia, Ivan Rota, l'Avvocato Ivano Longo, la collaboratrice dell'Osservatorio Asia dell’ISPI, Chiara Fattori, il Responsabile Ufficio Stampa e Pubbliche Relazioni, Enea Nepentini, la Direttrice del Taiwan Trade Center di Milano, Tiffany Chen, il Presidente della Camera di Commercio di Taiwan, Leo Lee, la Vicepresidente, Ling-yin Chang, la giornalista Judy Chiu, la musicista Angie Liang e la Direttrice Editoriale della Taiwanese Student Association in Milan, Hsieh Hsin-yu.


Il Direttore Lin ha dato avvio all'incontro affermando che Taiwan attribuisce grande importanza all'uguaglianza di genere e all'emancipazione delle donne e implementa interventi attivi a favore di questo problema ancora molto attuale e spera di unire le forze del governo e della società civile per parlare a livello internazionale e condividere l'esperienza e i risultati di Taiwan. Il Consigliere Ivan Rota ha poi preso la parola elogiando Taiwan non solo per il suo cibo delizioso e per la sua bella cultura, ma anche per gli sforzi impiegati nel sostenere l'emancipazione economica femminile. Ha poi proseguito affermando che Taiwan e l'Italia condividono il valore dell'uguaglianza di genere e dei diritti umani e auspicando che i due Paesi lavorino insieme per la piena realizzazione della parità di genere e della protezione dei diritti delle donne.



\n", "date": "2024-03-16 05:46:33", "url": "http://www.roc-taiwan.org/itmil_it/post/465.html" } ] }, { "lang": "zh", "branch": "meo", "country": "ca", "name": "駐卡米爾臺北經濟文化代表處", "path": "/cameo/", "items": [] }, { "lang": "en", "branch": "meo", "country": "ca", "name": "Taipei Economic and Cultural Representative Office in the Cameo", "path": "/cameo_en/", "items": [] }, { "lang": "zh", "branch": "yul", "country": "ca", "name": "駐蒙特婁台北經濟文化辦事處", "path": "/cayul/", "items": [ { "title": "駐蒙特婁台北經濟文化辦事處舉辦「彼岸他方」電影放映會", "content": "









劉導演的同主題短片「金六刀」入圍第42屆「加拿大蒙特婁藝術電影節」(Festival International du Film sur L'Art),主辦單位將分別於本(3)月16及24日於蒙特婁影廳放映該片,並於3月22日至31日線上播映,得獎名單則預計於24日公布。


\"IMG_9939\" \"IMG_9944\" \"IMG_9958\" \"IMG_9979\"

\n", "date": "2024-03-23 03:26:44", "url": "http://www.roc-taiwan.org/cayul/post/1817.html" }, { "title": "陳珮瑩處長率同仁向傳統僑團賀年", "content": "
\"IMG_9518\" \"IMG_9530\" \"IMG_9535\" \"IMG_9590\" \"IMG_9602\"\"IMG_9635\"
\n", "date": "2024-02-12 05:56:56", "url": "http://www.roc-taiwan.org/cayul/post/1848.html" }, { "title": "陳珮瑩處長與Prospero劇院藝術總監兼執行長Philippe Cyr會晤", "content": "

陳珮瑩處長及賴彥勳秘書與Prospero劇院藝術總監兼執行長Philippe Cyr會面,該劇院近期改編自台灣作家紀大偉的酷兒科幻作品《膜》舞台劇在蒙特婁廣受好評,雙方也討論台灣及魁北克的表演藝術現況及觀眾取向,期盼未來共同促成更多文化藝術團體交流。



\n", "date": "2024-02-09 05:53:57", "url": "http://www.roc-taiwan.org/cayul/post/1844.html" }, { "title": "陳處長珮瑩與駐加拿大代表處經濟組劉志宏組長參加世界華人工商婦女企管協會主辦「臺魁經貿合作論壇」", "content": "



\"IMG_9199\" \"IMG_9210\" \"IMG_9218\" \"IMG_9224\"



\n", "date": "2024-01-19 05:46:52", "url": "http://www.roc-taiwan.org/cayul/post/1835.html" } ] }, { "lang": "fr", "branch": "yul", "country": "ca", "name": "Bureau Économique et Culturel de Taipei à Montréal", "path": "/cayul_fr/", "items": [ { "title": "DG Rita Chen rencontre le directeur artistique et codirecteur général du Théâtre Prospero Philippe Cyr", "content": "

La DG Rita Chen et le directeur assistant Axel Lai ont rencontré aujourd'hui Philippe Cyr, directeur artistique et codirecteur général du Théâtre Prospero , et ont pris connaissance du grand succès de la pièce de théâtre \"Membrane\", qui a été adaptée du roman de l’écrivain taïwanais Chi Ta-Wei. Ils ont également discuté de la situation actuelle des arts de la scène et des préférences du public au Québec, en espérant promouvoir les échanges artistiques entre Taiwan et le Québec à l’avenir.



\n", "date": "2024-02-08 05:51:11", "url": "http://www.roc-taiwan.org/cayul_fr/post/370.html" }, { "title": "La DG Rita Chen participe au Sommet de coopération économique et commerciale Québec-Taiwan", "content": "

La DG Rita Chen et le chef de la section économique de Taïwan au Canada Henry Liu, ont participé au Sommet de coopération économique et commerciale Québec-Taiwan, organisé par la Fédération Globale des Femmes d'Affaires Chinoises à Montréal le 18 janvier. Les conférenciers ont discuté avec modératrice Jocelyn Kao sur les opportunités potentielles de coopération entre Taïwan et la province de Québec, ainsi que des sujets tels que l'énergie renouvelable et l'intelligence artificielle, afin de promouvoir et d'approfondir les relations bilatérales à l’avenir.


\"\" \"\" \"\" \"\"

\n", "date": "2024-01-19 05:49:13", "url": "http://www.roc-taiwan.org/cayul_fr/post/366.html" } ] } ]