109.11.16 華府雙橡園展出臺灣藝術銀行-「從島上來-高山、土地、大海」現代藝術展

伊誕‧巴瓦瓦隆 (Etan Pavavalung, 1963-)
〈看見遠方的百合花〉,2020,版畫顏料、壓克力彩、木板, 60 x 180 x 5 cm x 2pcs,藝術家自藏
Lilies That Look at Distant Place, 2020, printing inks and acrylic paints onto woodblock, 60 x 180 x 5 cm x 2pcs. Courtesy of artist.
伊誕‧巴瓦瓦隆 (Etan Pavavalung, 1963-) 〈看見遠方的百合花〉,2020,版畫顏料、壓克力彩、木板, 60 x 180 x 5 cm x 2pcs,藝術家自藏 Lilies That Look at Distant Place, 2020, printing inks and acrylic paints onto woodblock, 60 x 180 x 5 cm x 2pcs. Courtesy of artist.