109.11.16 華府雙橡園展出臺灣藝術銀行-「從島上來-高山、土地、大海」現代藝術展

林惺嶽 (Hsin-Yueh Lin, 1939-) 
〈山谷〉,1991,油彩、畫布,130.4 x 194 cm,國立台灣美術館典藏
Valley, 1991, oil on canvas, 130.4 x 194 cm. Collection of the National Taiwan Museum of Fine Art.
黃銘昌 (Ming-Chang Huang, 1952-)
〈椰風〉(水稻田系列之 24),1996,油彩、畫布,111.8 x 161.8 cm, 國立台灣美術館典藏 
Breeze over Coconut Trees (Rice Field Series, No.24) , 1996, oil on canvas, 111.8 x 161.8 cm. Collection of the National Taiwan Museum of Fine Art.
〈山谷〉&〈椰風〉(水稻田系列之 24)
林惺嶽 (Hsin-Yueh Lin, 1939-) 〈山谷〉,1991,油彩、畫布,130.4 x 194 cm,國立台灣美術館典藏 Valley, 1991, oil on canvas, 130.4 x 194 cm. Collection of the National Taiwan Museum of Fine Art. 黃銘昌 (Ming-Chang Huang, 1952-) 〈椰風〉(水稻田系列之 24),1996,油彩、畫布,111.8 x 161.8 cm, 國立台灣美術館典藏 Breeze over Coconut Trees (Rice Field Series, No.24) , 1996, oil on canvas, 111.8 x 161.8 cm. Collection of the National Taiwan Museum of Fine Art.