
Representative Lyushun Shen delivers a lecture on the Chinese diplomatic archives preserved in Taiwan and their significance to contemporary cross-Strait relations at American University on October 22, 2014. The archives include original copies of 173 treaties and agreements and 615 boundary maps made during the late Ch’ing period, which are indispensable to the research of modern Chinese diplomatic history.
Representative Lyushun Shen delivers a lecture on the Chinese diplomatic archives preserved in Taiwan and their significance to contemporary cross-Strait relations at American University on October 22, 2014.
Representative Lyushun Shen delivers a lecture on the Chinese diplomatic archives preserved in Taiwan and their significance to contemporary cross-Strait relations at American University on October 22, 2014. The archives include original copies of 173 treaties and agreements and 615 boundary maps made during the late Ch’ing period, which are indispensable to the research of modern Chinese diplomatic history.