70th Anniversary of the End of WWII (2015)

Representative Lyushun Shen and Lieutenant-Colonel Richard Cole in front of the portrait wall of former Republic of China ambassadors at the Twin Oaks Estate on May 19, 2015. Lt.-Col. Cole recognized Ambassador Hollington Kong Tong from the wall of portraits; Ambassador Tong was present in 1942 when Lt.-Col. Cole and his fellow Doolittle Raiders were decorated by Madam Chiang following Colonel James Doolittle’s daring Tokyo Raid.
Representative Lyushun Shen and Lieutenant-Colonel Richard Cole in front of the portrait wall of former Republic of China ambassadors at the Twin Oaks Estate on May 19, 2015. Lt.-Col. Cole recognized Ambassador Hollington Kong Tong from the wall of portraits; Ambassador Tong was present in 1942 when Lt.-Col. Cole and his fellow Doolittle Raiders were decorated by Madam Chiang following Colonel James Doolittle’s daring Tokyo Raid.